HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 134 LOCAL TOPICS Sentence Suspended. • Tb. ess4e in the County 'Wiper Criminal Dews against Harry Lowe, whose alleged elopement with Mrs. John Collins engaged the attention of the authorities two weeks ago, w tried before Judge Doyle last Thu t t- day. The charge laid against Lu was one of theft in connection with this escapade. He war found guilty of the offence, but sentence was sus- pended after His Honor gave the pris- oner a severe reprimand for hi. con- duct. Public Library Board. Thu members iu attend Ince at the meeting of the public library hood last Saturday evening were Mrs -re. Kidd. Tigert, Tom. Strang and G .It. Au account of $7 from Geo. Mete for kooks supplied was ppaas'ts ed and ..1-0 :in Account of H. It. Long for $1 dl and of ileo. Sa'wart for $1.3I fur plants and hanging baskets.The Iihratian reported an issue t,f 1,6611 hooks and magazines during Novem- ber and receipts of $9 46 from cards and fines. The offer of Mr. Matheson to rent the room, in the hasewcnt for $5 per mouth to I.e used as a school of telegraphy was accepted. It having been proposed to move the b.a.i,a the present reading room aui use the stock moons as a reading room, Mr. Galt exhrited a plan showing the effect of the propitiated alterations. No action fur the present has taken. It's Hockey Now. • 1kw of the hest attended nieetirg e ,.f its kind in yaws was belts in the council chamber at the town hall en Wednesday evening for the purpose ..f organising the Goderich hockey club for the season of 191112. H. H. Pulley presided while the following officers were elected : President, C. A. Nairn; vire pr sident. C. H. H bet ; secretary, G. L Parson.: treas- urer, H. O. Sturdy; manager, R. W. 4 'relate ; ext eritive committee. CNA Ind. Rohiow•n, A. D. McLean, and the other .'moers • petrpn.i, E. N. Lewis, M. P., and W. Proud(o o', M. P.' P. The club already has registered an in- termediate team in the. 0. Il. A. and with the new rink and the enthusiasm manifested at the meeting lost even- ing, the su-cess of the boys during the coming 'sawn is almost a toregone conclusion. Ample material is avail- able for a first-class team, en that with good practice the Grdetich hockey club of 1912 should task. a splendid showing. A Brantford Function. The following is (rain The Brantford Courier of December 2nd A very large "at hewer' was Riven by Mrs. Moe gen E. Harris on Tuesday at her beautiful 6 rate on Dufferin avenue. Nm: Harris, assisted by her aunt, Mrs. Campion, of Gele'rich, received in the reception room, which was decorated with Killarney roses. lea was &creed in the dining -room. the table looking lovely with its silver I owl of yellow baby 'mums. MM. Robert Kee r and Mrs. Chester Hart is served the tea and ices and the auist- ants were three of the season's brides, Mrs. Edmond V. Campion, -f Gods- tich, Mrs. Nellee Ashton and Mrs. W. tiollinrake. The guests were also saved in the living -room, where the decorations were Richmond roses, the table having for iia centre a large gold basket tiled with these lovely flower,. Mrs. Lloyd Harris and Mrs. C. f Cook served the tea and ices, nasi -ted by Miss Blackmore. Miss Mildred Cook t and Miss Frances Harris. The many guestsrs. Shuttl wor'thMandl Miss after bllollin- a rage. t *Stases Disappears. As a result of the complete disap- pearance of J. Lewis, one of the prin- ciple witnessed subpoenaed in connec- tion with the char . laid against Mr. Schaefer. of the Yang Edward hotel, Wingbam, the mutter will be dropped. Lewis disappeared over a week ago and Kis stated that he has crossed the border. The case originated as the re- sult of the evidence given by Andrew Crinckshanie, of Wiugham, at his re- cent trial here, when be swear • that for two mouths he was suppeed wit`s liquor while on the "Wiwi list. Public School Board. The regular meeting of the public school board was held on Monday evening., Among the reports read was thee. of the public echo el inspector, J. Tow. who re irted the standing of the pupils he Victoria and Cennal echo 'Is as quite satisfactory. He wade a few reroturnendations for iut- provement,. of the two properties. A cotnmunieatluli was received from Architect Barclay in reference to Chas. Herpes's ace rant for extra. The sec- r•tery was instructed to write Mr. Ilvrper acknowledging the receipt of his f1ccount for 'twitched and extra work and to interne hitt that. in view of the fart that the heard holds his te- ceipt in full of account and has a con- tra account fur a considerable sunt for delay end for damages to the building under his contract• the hoard refuses to acknowledge any liability whatever. Dr. Turntatll, chairman of the dental im-pection committee. presented a re- port as to the advisability of having a regular dental inspection ton le of all the pupils in the two s.-hoole. The re- port was approved and the committee mats ucttd to make at rasgement s fur inspection at the opening of the next term. The local dentists have volun- esrily offered to wake the ipspection free of charge. taking certain houza e sett Wetneaday a Inception and alter owing their vice.. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRiEF. :FrKne new an•1 islegant liner of suitinri at. 'ridham th a re should be sec n by an+tn..' who wants a nic e. dre .y outat. Latest styles. perfect at sad pest -d 's. workmanship corn - blue with the best materials to mate Prid- ham's suits the standard •r quality. Hier of the prnblemr of Car..trna, r:f' gisince car be readily solved by a visit to limitb's Acct. Store. Eisst street. wbe's many different lines of excltwive woods especially suitable for gin+ are on dab. Call and see the large selection and make sour choice. Fine range of Christmas perfumes, all -prices. at Hick's ding store. Remember the Christmas concert on Christmas night at. Victoria street church. For the largest assortment of Christmas chocolates in Isn't or fancy boxes see Blat•kst'ne's window display. Rev. Dr. Medd will oreach in Clin- ton nest Sunday and on Monday even- ing he will lecture in Tiverton, Bruce county. If you intend to travel at Christina. or New Year, buy y air ticket from F. F. Lawrence. down -town agent for the G.T.R. On the Square. The regular meeting of Ahweek Chapter of Daughters of the Empire will be held in the court house on Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Jtev. J. E. Ford, of Clinton, will preach in Victoria street church next Sunday on behalf of the educational work of the church. Seats are all rte. John C. Miller, former president of he Canadian Lacrosse Association, will address a meeting in Victoria Opera House next Thursday evening, eid dis-uss the workings of local op - ion in °nide. iteserve the date. A. E. Matheson, South street, in - ends tit:utirg a school of telegraphy, nil pet sons who would like tc learn this business are asked to communi ate with him. Rev. John Pollock will occupy the ulpit at both services in the Baptist hutch next Sunday. The Sunday school and Bible class meet at 3 it. in. Everybody welcome. The students of the Goderich Celle - jars. Institute are petting some ent work on a concert which they re preparing. It will be given in Vitt, iris Opera House on Friday ev en - ng, January dtlth. The local police have in their me-essiou a bundle of eluting which as evidently -been dropped by some- one who does not know where to find it. The clothing is of value and the owner can have it on applying to the a/ic•e. Tax Collector Campbell states that he stement of stoney received by bine o date is con -iderahly in excess of that paid within the satue period last year. After Friday, December 15th, two per cent. will be added to all taxes not paid by that date. A small blaze in ('has. Bates' cooper shop at the east end of St. David's street gave the the l-rigade a run just a few minutes; before 1 o'clock on Thu:sdsy. The hose wagon made record time in turning out for duty and the fire was extinguished before much damage was done. J. C. Miller• who went around the world with a team of increase players in 1907, is a man of many -side 1 exper- iences and i• fully qualified to discuss. from every stendp. int the working of local option in Oreille,. Hear him in Victoria Open House next Thursday evening. John C. Miller • an of consider- able experience iro n 'mnniripal life and presideret of the Bowed of Trade and of the r sadian Club of 0, jIBe, will speak . Victoria Opera House rest i Thunda relining, He will discuss the workings of land option in bis home town. Keep the date clear. A Canadian Pioneer. After wore than a year's illness, the t greater part of which time was spent a in bed, Mrs. William Robinson passed aw..y at the home of int r daughter, c Mrs. S. E. Hick. Elgin avenue, on Fri- day evening, December 1st. M. d. Rob. p eson.whoee maiden name was Who c to c Hewitt, was a native of Edgefieht, Norfolk, England. where she was born November nth. 11131/. Cowirg to Can- ada when not more than font of five rears of Age, with. her parents, g mothers and sisters, tIe y settled in e oxford county, near Platt seine. where • he dec.-hie! simnel in the work and i hardships of the pioneer life end where she was ma.t'ed to William Rohintsoo sixty•two gats ego. Mr. I " and Mrs. Rubins( n came to (icderich h nine years later and were well-known and highly respected citizens of this town for twenty-three years. They . .removed item here neer'y thistyyears 1 Ago to the Tuttle Mountain district of Manitoba, where the subject of this t sketch again too: her par wi:h her t hu,Iraml in the pioneer lite of anew •a.untry. Mr. Robinson died in Routsevain, Manitoba, in February, 1906, and since that time Mrs. Robinson had divided her time twee pen Goderich, licits(evain and Vancouver. Her sum viving children ,ere Capt. Wein, Robinson. Hoitetich : .fames, 0f Bois.evain, Man.: Gorge T., .•f Regime Sask.; Mrs. Robert Jamie- -4m. St. Paul, Minn.: Mrs. John Me- ttlister. Vancover, a C., and Mrs. 5. E. Hick, O.alerieh. One sister, Mrs. 'Broderick. in Michigan, and toter heathens -Jobe Hewitt, its Dakota ; Wm. Hewitt, of Listowel. and Henry and Richard. of Bright --are still liv- ing. She also is survived by twenty- two grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Robinson was a lefclong member of the Metho- dist chum ch and her home, both in On. tarso and Manitoba, was always neon to the minim ere of her church. The funeral took place on Monday after- noon Deanne? 4th, to Maitland cygnet Rev. Alfred Brown, tailor of North street Met.hr- llitst dente*. ofbchting. The pall- bearers were K. Downing, James Stewset, J. W. Vanatter, James Yates, W. R. Robertson and C. A. Nairn. Three brother* of Mrs. Rob - Mena, William, Harry sad Richard Hewitt, were present for the fu Why Oe ren Farms f e nr oto eat io the time or to - IN in that ease yet you will say for pee - vow Amulet take a wts'kly p"p..r that looks after the 'rnsh.ewt end of thestares. That paper e The Week)) Sus. Its market re- p.ets are wltbnert an equal. They Owemade many dollars for Ann read- ers. They my so. Wbp rendathire fella subteen (Woo do rust Mimes 'lea, ties farmer's business paper. fHE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO AUBURN. Wenetisoax. Alae. Sib, IFF YOU WANT TO BUY ft I cadet/ma sin, ea sod lava* ear +tock• It mew was re well aeurted with woeful cremate. W. T. RIUDLLL, auburn. Noren,--4 harlie' Roberterod, of WI - ton, was home eater Sunday. - Miss Ella l'bompsoo, of Donnybrook, was visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Lock• hart. for a week.... . E. Phillips is blacksmithing at Londesboro' for a few weeks Milton Naylor, late of Elgin. Kin., visite his brother here over Sunday is. May Deu„tedt intends visiting he • sister awl other to lends near Sebringville for to mouth. Jo.. Lawson i. fixing up the old blacksmith sh•.p back of the Sterling Bank. Test examinations are being held at the school this week for Abe prospective Entrance candidates of next summer Rev. J. H. Oster - bons, of Loudeehorn,' preached min• sin iary sermons in the Methodist shushes on this circuit last Sunday, ..Tile following splendid talent has been secured fur the Methodist church concert on Friday evening, D.e-inner •2•2t1.1: Miss Heinicke. vi•,linist, of (iuderich : the Heilman Male Quartette ; Miss Ida Cole. reader and iwpereuu tor, of Ethel. The Huron Old B ays are very strong in nine' een in Toronto, and it has been decided to organize a club in the city. It is expeete.l that the mem►:erehi will equal 1.1100. Theit aim is to build a clubhouse in the near future. Vou are invited to take part in the Chi beetles (i -Mt ivil lea at Victoria street church on Christened night. Take advantag • of The Signal's clubbing rates for 1912, and save money pa your newspapers and magazines. John C. Miller knows the boys and their needs as well as anyone. Hear him speak in Victoria Opera. House next Thursday evening, December :l,r. Theme will be a special musical rrogratii. ANxocres>txa-r.-l'or the accoul• - modation of those who made contracts with bis agent for photographs, and ; who are nm.hle to visit the studio ex - c. pt on holidays, R. H. Sallow. wishes to aunt unce that he will be in his , studio all dey Christmas and on New Teat's to serve any who should make an appointment with hint on either of these d.y.. DUNGANNON. (IR. NEaVTON, DENTIST. OF 1J Luoknow. has cea..ed visiting outside points and wtu henceforth give his entire %Mention to the home ot'soe. Lucknow. wane , be will be found every day. AL modern moth- oda. 1 TOTICR.-THE LOCAL AGENCY .1.1 in D Doe for The Signal le at the Post Wags Boot and Stationery Stare, where orders will Le renewed for subecrip ad- vertising sod job work. sad receipts will be given for amounts paid for the same. ciHICKENS AND HENS WANTED. lJ alive, for crsh, every Wednesday. J. R. !icSAB. Dawtat.noa. L WEDNESDAY, Dec. 13th. THE ODUen -tams. - Dungannon Lodge, No. 416, 1.O.O.F., was honored on Tuesday evening of this week with a visit from Grand Master Popleatone, of Blyth. who conducted an initiation of members. The Grand 'Master was accompanied by Bro. Nichol, also of Blyth, and N. G. Bro. John Clark' of Pickering, also was present. The church people are busily pre paring for their Chi isttters entertain- ments. Miss Mary Ryan is on duty again at the .ostoffice after a few days' illness. Kindergarten Christmas Tree. TUE.•.DAY, DECEMBER 19TH. Parents will recetve the gifts that the children have made for them. All interested will be welcome at Victoria school kindergarte 1 at 9.30 o'clock. DUNLOP. 'u% EDN EBD.tY, Dec. 13th. .1. Moser, of- town, lost a valu- able horse lately. It is thought that the animal ate too much cold glass, coming from a warm stable. A. A. Williams, with others who held a similar office, took a trip to Sea - forth on Tuesday to deliver up their ballot boxer. Three cheers for Sir James Whitney I and three more for Mr. Proudf•'ot 1 Horace Horton has put, a cement curb in his well. It was quite an under- taking. as the well is unusually deep, and ttirty-five feet in circumference. E. V. f.ttwson is at present engaged in plowing up some new land. How is that fur the middle of December Present indications point to an open winter -a greet. Che hamar. anyway. The "hailer- still takes a daily trip north, and comes track laden with hay nr grain. Inst week one of the, cans owing to a spread rail got off the track near Mr. Hayden's, causing some delay However. everything is in running order again. PKovIntto B LOOKS AFTER Tin".. - Last Saturday what might have been a fatal accident orcured on McDonald's bill. When the- well-known atertioneer, Tom Gundry. his young son and W. McCreath, of town, were driving along, one side of the tongue became unfastened, tipping the buglgy river and spilling the occupants Into see mud. No one was hurt, however. and Mr. Gundry remarked, on being told that they might have been killed • "Well, if we had, there would have been two good Grit votes lust." in* stat church nest Sunday morn- ing Rev. (leen. K. Rous will di course on "The Fullness of the Time." in the evening the annual service for the s%il• are and fishermen will be conducted. Special music will he provided and • timely message to the mea joat re- turned from their Iah.n's on tbe deep will I.e delivered. Everyeae is eor- dielly invited. A (Breit -teem tree eatertalemeat will be given in the Baptist ehursh by the ehlldren of the Sunday school on Wednesday eveain`. December K) h It is reOteeted t?aa! all the elder children attend and by their presence ..d eympatbetio attention eaeaaryfs the smeller children A silver mile. - Boo will be made at the done. HOW TO LIVE LONG. NVith healthy kidneys. one has a goilti chance to live long, last weak kidneys afflict old age with great dis- comforts. The hack becomes hent and lame, rheumatism is chronic, eyesight fail. and moo frequent or In-' . +Le..•m-I voluntary pas- I asgges of the IT In. cause r et hay sadment by // IVJi/ a .lay leap of ' ills leapooth'sghr. , Booth'. Rid- ney Pills bring new .1 rl•ngt b to old beets quick relief to weakeeed kidneys. , banters bsrksehe and rims- , magic pain, regulate the 'derider seal Booth'. Kidney Pills are for sick kid- neys he old or ynen cad german are gean teed My tire p. Booth On . Ltd. art Brie, Owl. field 4 swrywLera Me. box. Pres Mimi leant rat r'we by gaaatti0esd le LOCAL OPTION AT BOWMANVILLL Tu thea Uttar ill" chs riigrut DEAa Ste., -1 am greatly interested in the good old town of Ooderieh and the present agitation for doing away with the barrooms. My knowledge of cite town goes back to boyhood days more than forty years ago, when I was a small lad iu ri grocery store on Kingston street, which was then a busy thoroughfare. Tiede were the days when every grocer who wished could sell whiskey on condition of paying a small license fee. 1 have been keeping in touch with the town's progress, morally and otherwise, since these day., and am hoping to see an- other forward step taken nest Janu- ary. Since leaving Goderich I have lived in half -a -dozen different Ontario towns and am now located in the local option town of BowuranvfUe. It is here that. 1 Enid my chief reasons for wishing to see a further change in the old home town. Always opposed to the liquor traffic and in favor of re- ettictive legislation. I, nevertheless shared the anxiety which some felt about the working out of the local op- tion bylaw, but I consider the results here very satisfactory. Our chiet of police, an efficient - minded officer who knows every nook and corner of the town and practi- cally every man in it, assured we re- cently that ibis, the third year of local option. is the best yet. Those who assumed that the old Scott Act experiences would he repealed found on testing the enforcement 'that the legal machinery was most effective. Men cart be named who drank freely under license wbo now say that they are glad of the change And would op- pose repeal. It would tact be fair La credit all the changes in the town's condition to the closing of the bars. 'cwt everybody here knows that aro legititaate trade has suffered during these three years and that the town in a business way has notbeen so alert for twenty -Ave years as it. is now. The business men of the pia -e tamest a•thout exception al prove of the pre-cut Condition of "1 was Crippled, coild hardly walk and had to Crawl down stairs at titti on my h.:,;is ::red knees. My iostor told '..t: 1 Lad act acute attatklbot ;nfta•nt.. •tory rheumatism. I was in the '...,pita) for weeks, but was scarcely ahk to walk when I left it. I tc...f attuu. Dr. Miles' Nervine hoatj},t 'a bottle anal begin to p e tet.. r from the start, and fur t•te past fix months 1 have had b...ucti)• any pain and am able to walk as well ,s ever." J.H. SANDrRR, N. 0. box s, Rockaway, N. J. Ft'ry medicines are of any hi ite-i.t for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tcis plainly what Dr. Miles' kte- ft•.tative Nervine did for it. One dunce of salicylate of soda added to oil,: bottle of Nervine makcs an ea - lent remedy for rheumatism, is Iris: b is now known to be a nerv- ous disease and therefore subject to c influence of a :nedicine that acts a .- gh t`le nerves, as does Dr. Miles' Nervine 1 'ren from rheumatism seldom tail to find relief in the use of I':. Miles' Nervine, with sal.cylate of soda. S.... d under a guarantee that assures t` e!Morn of the -since of the first bottle .f n fa.la.to benefit. At all Druggist*, Lin -Es, MEDICAL CO.. Toronto. Can. affairs. The hotel accommodation is excel- lent. The Bowman House, owned and directed 'by a temperance syndi- cate. attracts travellers along this line of railway and at $2 per day is nearly always filled. Another house, the Balmoral, also owned and controlled over Stnt.lsy. se -3y I,Tuctta .hat Seaga l4, 1W) • Union Bank of Canada Paid -reg C.afr a. i 4,766,000 Pleat and Uwdiv(dad Pro*. - 3,300,000 Taeal Assets, (Our) - - 63,000,000 Leaden. England 011liee, 1111,12sreadlaeedle Street, E. C. A Branch of this Bank has been established is London, England, at Na sr, Threadneedle Street, E.C., where Letters of (edit and Drafts payable at ell important points in Canada end the United States, can be purchased, and Mossy Ttaiden arranged. .r A Vidtas' Room is provided for the convenience of clients e e Bank when is London, to which their mail may be addressed. r< Correspondence solicited. Lander ■vanars:{F' W. ASHC, Manages. d. M. C. HART -SMITH, Assistant -Manager. by temperan:e wen. is doing :( •1004 i business. Both are entirely free from liquor s •fling sited they are not rot at • a nas, either. This letter is written after caratul inquiry in :ulditi in to my own ohseer- Iv.ations. These th:•e.' yelled in a t•.wn without barrooms have given pracN- cal evidence that x6.'41.1 n►ske any matt an advocate of th., local option \bylaw. l,oiN 4LLI')Tr. Howwanville. Dee. 9. PDF 4'S HILL. NOTES.--- I. tree and auspices Bethel eh December is being r both vier recitatio. -Let the Christmas mama under the :un 1 w' s.;hn ,t in Thursday everting. firs' -•etas. u.rng"%iU - on ,ist IOL eat sit tile. tient al. t•aa•tings. re. an 1 a m., trial, A _me is assured Mrs. Tech .ro returned hnmr' on Tueoday last. having spent a in itch at Joliette. Mich .. Wm. Elliott and daughter ereseie visited in Uonataunoa rimmenismpsesemassmingiN411.11. im $12.50 Special 15- jewel Harrison Special Watch, 16 or IS size, gold-filled case, guaranteed, $12.50 Store open evenings till Christmas l'nportant to Handicraft Workers. The Cale Wien Handicrafts guild, Mont re It is ag in offering pt i.e. to the• extent of seteral Mind re I dollars, for the hes: spe'iruels of workmanship. To those skilled in weevung. dyeing, R• carving, b ink -banding, metal work, sewing, leather work. basket•' , knit- ting rug ♦pakimt . p dtery there is en excellent o,partunity :afforded, not only tie .,et' iia a p .e e b it to It id a sal,' for their work. There is no'Int -an^'+re.• of any kin 1 payeele. Fill detail :•d list may h•' ob- tained by settling stumped self-ad- dressed er.vel ap•,! to the eerretat y of the (:niht, as; St. Catherine at'c.'t. W. M entreat'_ Let est redarts receiv:' 1 fr au Priv is Rupert. Cie P.v•'t1: last. t a-ret"n .t of the (Iraid T,❑nc Pacific Railway, in- dicate that shipping fr.eo that point is ever on the incestee. Daring the tuunth of O:tu)er there were seventy- nine arrivals :en I seventy-eight de- parture.. '.Funis is a splendid i•.vor3 tor !hi* .s,,.e.,, t of the year. .. Pleasure Satisfaction - Guaranteed Elgin Waltham Hamilton Regina When you buy a watch here you are sureyou are getting full value for your money. $1.00 The boys' special. Nickel stent wind and set. $1.50Very durable and reliable, • for boy or man, gun metal case, guaranteed. $2.75 Thin model -gun metal case, fancy dials. $13.50 Thin model fancy nickel case, guaranteed. $6.00 Eight-day Watch in nickel case. We carry a large stock of Watches, $1.00 to $50, in ladies' and gents' sizes. C. kWatt.d 1817 Rogers 1r(ts ' Sita l Wild We carry a complete stock of Knives, Forks, Spoons, Bal...: , Cake Plates, Bread Trays, Tea Sets and Coffee Sets. • 'ear YOU asked asked me what .7 wanted for Christmas. get me some Jewellery or Silver- ware at `3 'arrison's (the reliable jeweller). Better get it at once, while he has it iq stock. Lovingly, JKary. show ggpds $12.00 ,Special Ladies' Gold Watch, plain or engraved case, best 7 jewell Waltham or Elgin, size 6, guar- anteed, . ' $12.00 'LADIES' AND GENTS' UMBRELLAS Ladies.' and gents' Umbrellas, gold and silver mounted, $3.00 to $8.00 We carry a large stock of solid gold and best- quality " gold - filled Lock- ets. We do engrav- ing free. Our work is' the best. DIAMOND VALUES Special value for Christmas $5. 50 Fine t.4 -k setting pure white diamond, $16.50 Single stone pure white • diamond. $20e00 Two diamonds and ruby, or sapphire, or opal, I4 - k setting. $46.50 Three pure white dia- monds in 1.4-k setting. $140.00 quality diamonds. These -ire only a few of our good values in diamonds. Three large, fine, pure We have the largest and finest • assortment of solid sold Brooches Necklaces and Pendants ever shown is Goderich. Prices : $1.25 to $30.00 Special $1.90- Ladies' and Misses' Signet Ring to -k solid Gold. c 1 SpFa'ial $2.3(9 Ladie .and Misses' Signet Rings Io -k solid gold. Special $5.50 Gents' heav gold Signet Ring to -k' solid gold engraved and plain sides. • _- WALTER H. HARRISON ON THE SQUARE Jeweller and Optician GODERICH