HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 12Fya���i d`:li itL fsp� LY7'^,J.$?• .3a ,f M•;�..'ar i r.•u.. 1 ... District News. LAURIER. \\'KDNBNDAY. tiec. 13th. THURBI'KN--MAM•OILL.--OD !Satur- day Duncan Ttlotburn drove to Kin- . outline lu meet Mrs. dfat{iill, of `‘attlt rte. Marie. who the scene da)' lrecatt.r his w rte. The happy -duple will reside on Mr. Thorburn s o .1 term of /Amber leg♦ The tuauy gttt+d w ialr- b friends attend them. Ki5.vd.-Rod. McLenmau lett >-e+- Let 4- v tot Chicago Mts. KeL. J. M. -Ket:zir i, *,ending a few dal a iu Gottetich with her parent.. Mr. and Mi'. Giant .MisitTema Krtut•tnu ii. .ted friends in Goderich chi, week Plough -mg ie again the unlet of the day An effort is being Heade :o commence a night school at IAlit i,i A meeting will he held totnottor evetuog in the school to elect Alb:rte. .etc. D. N. Mariitegor oallrd au ft'.•r.d. Ise-'- • _Satatdny. BAYFIELD. T.'K.u.tr. Ute.l_^h. Al.! N. . .: t Nett ices wets eon.I duct',1 :e the \Irthtali-t chinch on $4ah'• .:h !.t by Hey. !Stanley Lick- tai d_ f Walt- :.. +Ant uwit.,t to the st••ln.y v,•alb:/ the ever log -el vier sea- r .1 v a- ,,i sly art: -tided. H'•s-. Mt. Las - to..c thr services in \\•alt crit i A ei erlht-t - I'.tKT%.-fin F'ridav ev,•u II.,41 ui es.t week Ret'. A. Ma.:!.it-I lane tt.rs s-414eased nt• the 1o.n,I.•.s of het", at Re' lisr••. who arr;t.-il ori -It 4 •I,rn:.t i•,u of a Hue- big load I'lo. eavaunt a it 1.1. as mels -pent -intang all sone;- and Ienewit ¢o• 'I.( II' tilers. mail.' at the Ih.-/'imine a I if til supper. tete. o' •/;,11.11 l c the l"lits. Nho hod : ,11 ,mq their well -tilled; Bet, e separat it, g. the p tot h t i:., ked t he donors tot their. kind:tt.-. iu :a few well-ch*ecn Notde. attei whi. h.-.11 singing Aida' - 1 -an. `sale. Yt:r,a.NTAT1nN. John \\'hidden, and hi- d,a.iglitt-. Mis- Ruby left on' Thi t-,itt :est frit a visit of k feet month- with Ii tends in lialtfaln, P.•t.m-! -vlvao a and the 1111 Country. They will be very mulch tuiuid by A wide: i• cele -of f,ler, ds, who will tool forward wide Ca -smile to their retain in the -F+linn. On the err of their deprt•tire the/ were waited upon by 'he trach- ers ar.d a nmtuher of the whole's of bet. Andtrw',1 Sa"arb se► -cert, who pre.' settled Mr. Wheldon v Its a club -beg and an ambi-01a in token of their' appreciation of his set time as super-, ititendent of tt.•• Sabbath school foe •o n•tiny years The pretretittatMe ward Made I" \lis. Maggie McLeod and the f•dlowing address was read by Miss Cecil McLeod : Mr. I heddou,- on the ere of your departure fo- a well earned holiday. we oa behalf of the .ehnl„as and teat -1.m of St. Andrews Sabbath school desire to take' this opportunity of wishimg ylou Godspeed and of expressing our high admira- tion of your gtalities as a man and as superin- tendent of our Sabbath school. For many Y cans you have faithfully 'discharged that office and even under circumstance. of great personal trial and sorrow you hare cheerfully seven your time andour labor on behalf of .kir cause. We feel that es a Sabbath school Ave owe you a debt that cannot easily be re- paid. and a- a slight tangible token of out esteam and respect we ask lou to a.-'ept this club -bag and umbrellt. in doing to we would •-xpre.s the hope that the Wader you are Mk' log may be the means, under O'd, of bringing .o you and Mint. Ruby renewed health of bort ,• md tae•k peace /take mind. withdfr. that thew theu worke . •o h you h.tee to long well done. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 11 eiT. AUOUSTINE. TUESDAY. Dee. 12. NtergeeMiss Mary Earley, of Auburn. is vipiting friends in this vicinity this week.. .. Miss Rrtsy McAllister via- :tett Oeaterich friends last week. ..... Nelson Noses. of Toronto, is visiting Il.nnybrook friends at present Messrs. Henry and Fat iugton were in this vicinity Inst week threshing ,Inver. The Beed is yielding well (Ria year and is of a good quality isrutee Cranston wee cutting wood with hi. .eta big tiirachine for some of the farm - ere around here last week Rob - ell. Mt-,tllister it -ft Lucknuw on Mon- day with -mute cattle which he in- tends showiug at the fat etre k show at Guelph Ihi, week. THE Lint JOHN ('LANK. The fun- eral of the late John Clark, sr., which took place to HaII'e cemetery last Tuesday ft not the beim- of his daugh- ter, Mrs. W111. Tbomup.ou. was largely attrn'(ed by sorrowing friends and relatives. 'Dot funeral services at the house enil giave were euudilcted by Rev. I.. Built -4f, of ilungannon, and Iter. It. A. Miller, of Auburn. ST. HELENS. L'UWL of: ALL KiNDS W.tNTED. f'.tite el dressed. and properly -t.,red. on N -s -d ie•d..y and to 1 hur.d:V• noon. Highest figure p.. d. EsiT ATF: P. K. MIl,l.Klt. tit. Helen 1'I'ErtDAY, Dec. 12th. , Lia .ii. Nurs:a.-Mr. and Mrs. J. It. leitherfo:.1. Mrs. H. Kuthe,ford cod Will Rutherford attended the fuurr.1 of 111.• lete C. Horuuth at \1'ii,gha.n .•• l'ursalay... Jae. Barbour I. f \1'oudait• for the fat cattle show a Guelph. He is exhibiting :' fine • all which turned the stales at Mu to. ... Mi. and Mts. nub 'rayl'", D. McKen- zie. NI. Humphrey. C. Taylor. E. Wet- Arr. (t. M"liuite. W. Rutherford, W. I. Miller. W. McDonald. A. McDonald and H. Rutherford attended the tat stocks 110w. It Guelphthis weel..l.. Jim Baker will inform lb- Public that he isI t•raely to arruutmIlartte the fatniersof the vicinity by stat ting the chopping mill in Frank Todd's old sound. .\ tile -cal patronage will oblige No.:i school will- holed its entertainment on December '2.nd. A greet time is exp a -ted - A box soc- ial will he held at St. Helens public hall on December !Ai, under the aus- pices of the Women's institutes in aid of the piano fund. More particulars next work. LOCH LiLSIi. TUESDAY. Dee. 12th. MILD WEATHER. -What the Mete- orological Office last week would de. seeibe as "pneeasonabte mild weather" was strongly confirmed lest Friday by the information received fr Ed. Johnston. 11th eon ession. that sev- eral mosquitoes were observed by hits on that day while working near the residence. in fact, Mr. Johostoe re- ports that a few were detected in ex- tracting some of the rich red blood which flows the vein, of that in gentleman. This is certainly an occur- : rence which rarely happens so late in the year ss Ikr•euther 8th. Rime Chun SUPPER. -Last Wed- nesday evening the second annual so- cial gathering of the Lochalsh Rifle Club took place, in the form of an oyster supper, in the splendid ml,w- sion of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McUnuald, of Paratnum,t. who bad kindly placed their home at the disp ,cal of the doh, It was a very enj n•abl- nc,•asion and the members including their it•iende were in attendance to the number of about 115. A sumpi repast was server] in the dining -room, and for Nice eufety tazor shaving outfits, in 'lark leather, how $2.11) to Vella. at ilick's drug store. Hlack.tenr a continue to be head- ,ivarters for ice cream in hulk or limey' I•t irks and trash oysters, those who bad not y t been inured to pal uikis*,lof the huscous bivalves 1 an ample pr.oviaio of other things was wade. a evening was pleasantly spent in the uaentens customary on such an oco on. TALE or A t1Tk"aat.-A v' and ambitious' young steer below*ing to John Finlayson met with a sad fate last week. Ti appears that it watt in the habit dad; when let out of the stable of tilt/thing up to the auwwlt of a high straw -stack in the yard, in order to see wore of the world, as, Jouhhlese, the uidinat•y bovine meth- od.' cif rr,joytug the ftesh air bad tw- r• stale to his steership. Whether I its head. like that of some men. could -I riot stand elevated poeitious, or whether it had inaugurated a tohcg• gan slide will never he known, but it ti la found one day in a paralysed eon- aitiou at the foot of the stack and bad to hi despatched. Thee a young life full of ton -nose came to a prentatute end. Its tasefulners, however, did not to riii itate at its death and it will polishly Ibis winter save some of the bencher r bill. THE MILKY W AY.-- Last week while a tesfx•ctable family in Para- n:tient were spending the evening quietly in their home, and when all was still, suddenly a tremendous clash was heard in the heck killheti accom- panied by the sound, as it we re, of the rush of "many waters." The first thought of lbe amazed inmates was . that probably an elephant escaped from a circus had made a raid on the kitchen, and when they ventured rain ly out to in- vestigate this feat was t untirulyd at thy( by the sight of a huge toren of 014%1111C prolot•tions -it ending in the dim light near the door The cause of lb • whole trouble was quite Mille. A visiting wain from Lochalshad quickly opened an unused door *gait ,t which a can of milk was stir ing, with the inevitable result. A.: ,quel to this tale it may lie raid that --sue of the wale members next mot. c, wondering at the unusual ease . ; h which they purled on their shoes and at the sone time expetienc- beg that pleasant treling when the foot comes into contact with moisture. examined the rails.- iced were oVer- joyed to find out that their shoes were half -full of the lacteal con'euts of the overturned cart. ASTHMA CATARRH Christmas Gifts N -a.. 'ere' ,e •- A eirod.. gas and .aeetoe ere Cee.. 1.4 toea- aife u.astsa echos. d..4aa tat M.IL.t! Mak arse t'.et ail smear he 11a1, tee. The r rea`t.a sero. r 3e,rrt4u. a..pued out, ..ter tree►. ,.,.Ye, Imcattae, errs- •octan rte ere 00.4. .u1 Sons the e..1Y. eserine .situ/awl.t• C,..S-.e. I..y.W w a -to otaa• a and c ore. Mild . row n. s.aww Ina Ado,-., went a. pout toe drew.. 4wtlet ate ALL DRUGGISTS fry .'ree.ra,r .sate- septic MR.* T.t;et• lac the ■ ewes thto.t. They we wills.. "deal - I.• and .waters.-. Ut y'./ a,at.re w Io.,a e. ilk. in .:ate(•.. Ldectae-Miles Bldg. MONTRIAL t:. *�...,..... a,e, Christmas Groceries Coote to the store where you can select your phriet- rwas Gifts in a short time. Hoe our tables' of 5c, 1(k•. IS.. Sle,23ciu toyer. game,. dullsof all kind'•, chiun, pest card albums, ritual., violins. mouth nagaom, cltihi'e tea sets iii china and white granite, beads and neck- laces of all Made. In Dry Goods lfandkerchiefe. belts. collars jebots, knitted kimonos. Motor veils :arid scarfs and other atIiclre to uutmerous to mention. Apprentices wanted for dressmaking. New Idea Patterns 1 -tock. lee each. Leave your Christmas Grocery orders at Spahr's. - We have alarge stock -of Ne*' Fruits. Raisins, Curronts, Figs, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Oranges, Bananas and Lemons ; and everything kept in an up-to-date grocery. Choice Butter and Eggs alwN's on hand. See our Chinaware. \'our orders will be executed promptly. We have our own delivery. NEWS NOTES. - Alex. llamiltort, who went out on the C. P. it. harvest- 'Nt_ era' excursion to the Northwest last summer, arrived home l44 week. He wits employed at Carberry," Man.. and visited friends in S sketcbewan and give! if very favorable report of the prairie country John McRae. of L,ehalah, who spent the summer near Gra Alta.. returned home last week.- Jack looks hale and hr -arty Fred Ross, of Atgbsrley, wars visiting some of his friends in this locality last week. He has been engaged by the 'trustees of the Dun- gannon public school to act as prin- cipal of the acme and will commence hie duties there at New Year'. Reid./McLennan. who lately bought the Fletcher farm, hes again invested in real e.tete by put chasing t:fty acres of the property owned by Archie McDonald on the Huron aide of the boundary. The other half (fifty a^t•u-s) of the same property has been eecured ny Rod. Rewe, the rising ('roesua of that. locality. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sandy returned home last Saturday after a few days spent with friends in Goderich and at Nile ... R. A. (brant, the renowned well driller, is now recuperating At his home here. after a very successful season of riper- ations. Duthie last Gall he, with hie aesisiant, Tum Hu„l:ur, .irillyd about a dozen wells between (ioderich and Hayfield. He will doubtless during the winter enj .y iia season of relexa- tin .... Mrs. Angus McDiarmid, of Nile, win visiting at the hove of her sister. Mrt±, IL. A. Grant. this week. A day st?rted on Cowan's Cocoa is a day with a cicz r head and a steady nerve -- a day full of snap and life. Cocoa nourishes the body. It is rich in food value and easy to digest. DO YOU USE .. COWAN'S COCOA? P. T. DEAN [itygood- t'orner East stlret and assume JOHN SPAHR 'Phone 146 Hamilton Street feewwwsee: iLtssr_- r . silali 7 Canada's DomUcTraa Lr7 ,_ • all 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 OMB e � COME TO ! BIG MASS T�-IE �TING VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, DEC. 2IsT AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE EVENING and hear one of the most successful men of the day give an impartial re- view of the working of local option in the town of Orillia. MR. JOHN C. MILLER of the Couchiching Tannery, manufacturers of the celebrated Empire Union Oak Harness Leather, has been engaged to address the meeting. Mr. Miller is the employer of a large number of workingmen, has had considerable experience in municipal life, is president of Orillia Board of Trade and president of the Canadian Club. He is a former president of the Canadian Lacrosse Association and took a team of lacrosse players on a trip around the world in 1007. He, therefore, knows the boys and their needs as well as anyone. e DR. MACKLIN WILL OCCUPY THE CHAiR SPECIAL MUSIC EVERYBODY WELCOME 18416P.ir'l► x 4, ff4 OPPOSITION SPEAKERS INVITED 111111110• .0111411111111, 1111111111111111111110 C i i i i tv raLI.ine THE MOST MIXT ROUTE TO LONDON straight across the Allan - t._ from Halifax to Bristol. ft:=:r:Rn hour. are saved by t r..• So -st Mail Steamships. ROYAL EDWARD sad ROYAL GEORGE A •aa.enaers landing at Bristol rrachLeodon tw•u home later. The ..peedeest and /moat eorn- fwtobte route to London. For full information apply to •teamahip sweats, or H. e' K, PURIJ�ER. General Agent. I'M Nor. 8.5., Toronto. Ont. WINTER 1'.}: t\t FROM JAN. 2nd. CENTRAL STFATPORr• ONT. i- the leading Itnslnea.. College in Weeders Uutarto. It has three department., ('oet- mercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy. It ix, larger and better Usaa ever. Our courses are much better tYaa those of der ordinary Buatssaa Colles-. and our Rrsonata. aseuts high-grade 1st i'ion a. A pearlioal training i• worth mune titre• the coat. if Tru want a K urines. College coat a sale t t hls school and get th' ben% Our catalogue is free. N rite fur it as once. • I' A )lrLAuHI.AN. I'rineipat. CANADIAN • - p �a► C I t;' G'. Christmas New Year's Rates SIN(ILE F.ARF. /fes•. 2.3. 2t, Return )duties Dee. 215. Abs. Deet. an. 31, Jan. 1. itetutn Limit. Jan. 2. FARE AND ONE-THIRD. Dec. 21 to J:art. I. ltetton Limit. Janus.ty 3. Mini Fate 25c. Between all '.talions in l'ariadn east of fort Art hut, and to Seidl Ste. NI arias. ihtr,O, Mirk, i'uRAlc• nod Niageta Falls, N Y. JOH. KIDD, Agent. K. LYBBL I.KALER Ir JUNK CORNER HURON ROAD and WELLS STREET Haven moved to (itderirh and estahuiehed a husinsew Isere. 1 will bny all !indeed jwwk and pay good prima. Any pee -wet having say Med to well I. re *newel to drtrp a postcard to sty giddy... and I will can foe' it i will aloe buy all kinds of Uve Poultry K. LYBEL Christmas and Neu) Year Excursions feet ween All stations in Canada. also to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. N. Y., Detroit :and Port Huron. Mich. SINGLE FARE /Minimum Charge 25c) Good going Dec. Zi. 21. 25. ltetutn limit Dec. 28, 1911. Also good going Dec. au. 31. 1911, and Jan. 1. 1912. Ret'iro limit Jan. 2. 1912. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Minimuw Charge 25cl Good going Dec. 21. 1911, to Jan. I. 1912, inclusive. Return imit Jau. 3, 1912. Full particulat, and ticket.. fern F. F. Iawience. Town Agent. or autres+ A. it, Duff. U. P A.. Toronto. Liquor Weakens Nervous System Nerves Demanding the So-called . Sedative Effects of Alcohol Are • "Alcoholic Nerves." The Get - Ira Treatment in Three Days, Cures Appetite for Liquor and Restores Nerves. When a man's nerves are in a condition which dettuanda alco- hol as a sedative -in other words, when he must take a drink to overcome nervousness, the snore quickly he comes to the Gatlin institute. or sends for the Gatlin home treatment. the better. Mental decay soon sets in where the nerve forces are impaired. No poison is as destructive to the nervous syn tem as the slowly -acting pBisoo of alcohol. An appettte-the physical ne- cessity for liquor- is the great - - est health l'at.ility one Can poi - Nese. In three days. without hypo- dermic iojeetiorla or any other diens-lee/able features, the Gatlin treatment drives a') sceunaa- Isted alcoholic po:son front the system. does posy with liquor craving, strengthens the nerv- ous system to -not nal, restores 'appetite f..r foud, and brings back healthy digestion. In short, the Gatlin treatment cures the liquor habit in three days. liatlin Institutes are now ei- tnblisbed all over the United States, Canada and Europe. The treatment is no.eitiperlment. there is twelve years of success back of ir. Positively no date get ons, c lalive or poisonous drugs used. Call or write for books of par- ticulars. The Gatlin Institute 'SNORE NORTH 4538, 426 Jarvis St.. Toronto A. HARGRAVE, Manager. ( URNITUR XMAS GIFTS O you know of any other article as suitable for a Christmas Gift 1 J as a nice piece of Furniture chosen from our carefully selected stock ? Consider the following list and you will find exactly what you are looking for. -, Rockers Book Cases China Cabinets Arm Chairs Writing Desks Parlor Cabinets Fancy Chairs Sectional Bookcases Music Cabinets Parlor Tables Buffets Library Tables Sideboards Extension Tables Combinations Dressers .. Chiffoniers Dressing Tables WE ARE ALSO SELLING THE NORDHEIMER PIANO Which for tune, quality, durability and appearance stands supreme in the Piano world today. If you are considering the purchase of a musical instrument it will be to your own interest to call on us. sCsaCNCNDOrsCalagaCeasiDOCIICarlet 'testi+",t''+ •a, •'i^li Muir & Hohmeler a