HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 11.Pa. "ori
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Tuv>♦/OAT. 011eikteste 11 IY11
Local Option a Fair Thing
Liquor Interests Doomed to Defeat
Our Hotels to Be Freed from
the Blame of Liquor Selling
Temperance Sentiments Growing
in Momentum
hound or repaired.
Is Leesi Option a Fair Thing ?
There dwells in every man a spirit
of lateness. It may be reduced to a
ariaimum ; it may exprese itself in
very crude sued imperfect forms; it
may he .trangsly perverted, novae -
tredve it is there. The question of
fairness is prominent in the Local Op-
tion cempaign now beiog oarrted on to
tioderich. license advocates are
never- ends. If we had Provincial
prohibition we should be told that it
Was UDirtlit b011eAllie all along the boun-
dary linee men could step over into
an adjoining Pa ovince anti get liquor.
If we bad Dioninion prohintioe we
should he told that it was unfair be-
cause at Windom, Niagara Falls and
hundreds of other pates men could
go over to the United States •nd
asking it, aaswering it in the negati•e, spnia their ni-ney for drink. Local
and using it as en argutneot against
the movement. On the other hand,
the advocates of Local Option are
quite ready to answer it, and believe
Mat the answer they give ought to
convince any fair-minded man or wo-
man. Moreover, they profess to use
in the campaign only the methods
that are in keeping with fair play, tied
apparently are making good their pro-
fsassioe. Who are the people that are
advocating this measure e Are they
not the people who have always stood
ter fair pley in everything? Has
vanced meaeuree end will P.m hands
with all wbo labor for them.
It .6 spoken ef as unfair to distuth
exhaling conditions when local option
is sure to he failure. Thooe who say
local option is a failure Bed yet are so
deter wined that it -hall not he tiled
in (lode' ich are transtarently illogical
and do nut de, eve either themselves
or hsir neighbours. Helieble testi-
mony from Owen theind, Connie, Mid-
land, Gall, Bownianyille, NeW1111Nriet
and Worm of other 1,I4Ces Kites It)
there been any issue before the public wee thet. it is not a Coitus.. The
in which they have not stood for the
progress of the town and the better-
ment of its ratites's? 4Jan it he then
that they have gone astray in their
11ALOHAN a. Romurrs. CIVIL el Li tude toward this Movement ?
"d Hydranti. °.‘tri. Land mere is good reason to believe that
oek..._smoims,n flack esmeetete mew they were never wiser. more sincere,
Montreal West. Telopheas more uneelfish or lnore truly found in
- the observance of the Golden Rule
than now.
tion men me read lor the most ad -
twos and residence. North street, °odor's*,
IIVert Ophthalmic sod Aural Isstituta
sews and tnreat sob. Home *anion
Clinical .1side Ear. Nose and 1 hrest Hospital
Gulden Squats. soil Mooreasid ayes liwpiteL
prectord Is the Maritime Court, eta 'Private
ands to bad at lowest rates of Merest
WM side Square. Gicdedah. W.
rack Money to land at lowest rates
"all Mambas street Omierleit Ont.
in SURANCE CO. -Farm and Mimed
Olitirres-J9.1111.thisild.MeLean. Pres.. destarth P.O.;
Jam Connolly, Vice -Pres. Goderich P. O.;
Thomas Z. Mays, Ses-Tress. asatema P. 0.
Mesita : J. W. Teo. Bohneaville; R. Smith,
"Malley, Sesforth. Ponoy-lsoiders can ay
smemanents and get their cards at
J. Hanish's Clothing Store Clinton, or at R.
Visa LAD Loan anne: British, Canadian sod
muster, Staimme ase saremerme
net : nal Oman Aocklent aed Guarantee
joreoration_, Limited. ef London. Eng.
°dice at wrg.Isaos. serthaset mew, of Vic-
toria road St. David's streets *Pfau* 1711
5.1, rand weirdest ineerasee. Aralfrowleading
insmal and stook man
Mee Mimed on beilVskii0 at tower* nom
at, Mem. maim 019_Mrelle End 61Twl•
r seeress J. W. GRAMM fiederido tint.
Mises lb thaskziasevise in isiwins
Me.. sta les' enema
stew wrrtantiTt.'epgailtramisfiagsv
sloes se melee eats& messesais
New aped
We are told that it is not fair to
take away any man's liberty in res-
pect to the sale or ties of intoxi-ating
drink. If act, the license law has al-
ready gone A long way in bringing
about, unfair conditions. Nine men in
the town of Goderich are privileged
to +tell liquor, eight in hotels and one
under shop license. What about the
rest of the citizens who have no stieh
privilege, and cannot obtain it tinder
any condition or at any price? Lio
we hear these nine holders of licenses
complaining &bout the unfairness of
the system in respect to others?
Verily no. If it be fair to limit the
sale to nine plaxa, where is the un-
fairness in going • little furtber and
stopping it, eitogether ? If it be fair
to say that there shall be no bee in
close proximity to • church or school
bowie. is it not equally fair to my that
there obeli be no bar within the limits
of the municipality ? If it be fair to
say that there shall be no sale of
liquor on Sunday, is it not equally
fair to say that there shall be no sale
on any day of the week ? If it be fair
to say than tbere shall be no sale to
%dhow. la it not equally fair to say
thet there shall be no such aide to
white people? If it was fair to cut
off thousands of I:ceases% Ontario by
means c t the Crooks Act. would it net
be equally fair to give us Provincial
prohibition? The license advocates
say that any man who wants to drink
has the right to do so. and that no
man has the right to interfere with
his personal liberty in this respect. If,
as the opponents of Local Option ray,
any man who wants drink can get it
under LocalllOption conditions. there
will be no interference with his lib-
etty. Prohibition in any form is a
public matter, and in all public matters
personal liberties ere hounded by the
rights of others-uhder limitation for
the public good. Local Option re-
lates to a traffic, a traffic which ob-
serves no public virtue and Nerves no
public necessity, a traffic which im-
poses public bnrdens and with the re-
pull s'of which the public have to deal.
This cry of personal liberty comes
with poor graee front the agents of a
trail* which has gone on depriving
women and children of the neceassries
of life. putting men and women into
jails, prieons aod asylums : sending to
their graves the workers who ought
to have lived to support their families
and to help forward tbe common in-
terests of the country.
warm ryas qv ME. end
to, One, sta a dell
itself whoa arletly
is tomitles ed. Write for earaimpre.
W. A Masa, freloselpat,
Mils eau
such like are not failures, because
some do the pr. fated things. They
are successes where. er they tare hon-
estly entre ced aod no good citizen
alike for their rep
If our citizens do the fair thing in
*elf -protection, in plotection of the
rising gene. &Lion and in protection et
the unfortunate victims of the drink
traffic, they will vole for local option,
and Gthlerieh will he added to the het
of the places th.t show iticreseed rev-
enues. enlaiged bmitiese prosperity
and greater home happiness under the
operation of tbe law.
Why Should the Bar -room Remaie?
Because of its moral uplitt in tbe
community ?
Became of its purifying effect on
politics ?
Because it. is such a law-abidiag in-
stitution ?
Because its patrons get so much
value for their money ?
Because drinkitig helps one to get a
good job and aea-p it ?
Because it makes buginess-for the
courts and the count y &gent ?
Because drunkards -the bar -room'.
finished product -make such good
husbands and loving fathers?
Bereaure ber-rooms always make
cities and towns safer and better places
for boys and girls to grow up in?
Because all righteutindel fathers
and mothers pray that their boys may
become har-room tenders ?
Then why should it remain ? _
A Question.
Which side are you supporting ; the
bar -room and the brewery, or 'the
home and all that help it?
That there is some liquor illegally
spld in local option districts is not
disputed. Men lacking in principle
violate the law under either Beene° or
prohibition, if they think they can
escape the penalties. Over and over
again there have heen published
figures showing that there is more
violation of the Ontario Liquor Law
under license than there is under local
A new item of evidence on this line
is furnished by a recent editorial in
Tbe Owen Sound Sun, which replies as
follows t3 the statement that "boot-
legging" wes going on in Owen Sound
despite the local option law :
That statement., like snub nf The
Herald's pro bar -room staff, is a half-
truth. Hi re are the names and busi-
nese addresees-ep to the time of their
arrest -of the men art est ed : neet
O'Neil, Pacific Hotel her : ( r-
cott, Comely House bar ; Joh Cruee,
Albion Hotel,, back room; Daniel
Holmes, Duncan House bar; Percy
Woodman, Central Hotel bar. War-
rants were issued for John Alexander,
Pat Lemon House bar, and Henry
O'Neil, Albion Hotel bar.
O'Neil skipped out and is still at,
large. Alexandre dodged the police
fur • few days: then without sum-
mons. war -mart or anything else being
served, a solicitor came into coml.
pleeded guilty for him on two charges
and paid fines amounting to 11250 be-
sides coats.
go that it would appear that the
"vile and •ice -bearing 'blind pigs.'
epeak-easieb' and otber law -evading
methods and agencies- which the
editor of The Herald so strongly con-
demns and deplores are under tbe
roofs of the places which hope to pose
under license as "respeeteble" hotels.
Tbe Hereid's horrible example of
tbe evils of %col option is a rather un-
fortunate one. Foe it simply shows
that the men who are breaking the
law are thoor-or their successors in
oak's -who persistently broke the law
when Owen Sound was under lieenee.
Is it to be expected that giving them
licenses would melte them any more
bossiest and law &biding than they
have always been? "Oan the Ethiopia's
dumpy_ hie Ain, or the leopard his
The cry go- s forth thet it if. unfair
to take away the bosiness of the men
wha are in this traffic. If this refers
to the sale of liqien, the answer is
that they have had fair werning.
The business has always been carried
on under protegee The requirement
of am annual renewal of licenses is a
year's notice to the miler that the
privilege may not he continued. The
kcal option vote of three years ago
wste • plain iodication of the mind of
the majority ot the citizens of Oode-
rich on this question. If men go on
from year to year. heedless of such
warnings. they mum take the conse-
quence*. If the refer -temp is to the
businees of botetkeeping, apart front
the sale of liquor, tbe answer is that
level ofttioe does not interfere with
We. Its advocates recognise hotel -
king as as honorable, legitimate
neressary trade. If there are
plane under hotel license th&t are
simply saloons, they deserve to be put
out of business. The license law
under which they exert demands that
moth. If there are more hotel* in
any eantrounity than oan he carried
sissesedully without the saki of
Swim. there are too many aad some
suet naturally eases. It is a gayeties
laiie Itself. No bows* man. and local
option adenomas are honest men.
waste hie hotel seerenesedation at the
eloperese of the petrees of the her.
It Is beleg saki thed It is midair to
threat MOM option open Ooderieh
while dealt W obtaleable le lissome
metudeipselelee withia may reach.
The egirne.nes nf lomat epics do aot
kw* epee it es a perfese isemere.
It is wo fame of their, that we mewl
hews Provinesiel or Deeelsiso prohibi-
tion. Ttey would vete fey either if
the appertneitty were allordled.
Weenerfabe have to enemy trots I woe lost. Poe tbe Nutter own le egy
what is afforest and ask* ler ef the temprownee forego have taken es-
serialier and of the lead- the taMperewell weestion to the
Me swam *A their 4 for tam re- fair adreolnite tblvo hY
is. na iliOeselnit Mit eosin to not t eiwy the malt troth.
They are allowed to do business tinder
protest. The utajority of the people
in our town du nut w..nt the open bar-
room or liquor .torn. "Phi, the telco*
men themselves know. Sur. ly . hey
would out bate our cinema beliece
that they ate iguorent tat the ria. g
seatiuteet ; tort they did not know
that ins cause of • oarless Goitre kit
bad increased in mumeutuw. It they
have failed to tee rite signs of the
tames ; if they have failed to read tie
hand writing upon the wall ; if they
have closed their eyes and stuffed
their ears thereby severing themselves
trout ail oowwun.catioh, then they
have no one to blame but themselves.
The same facilities of knowledge are
open to them as are open to other
people. They muse put up with the
consequences of their self inflicted
ignorant'''. The last campaign was a
revelation and unmistakable was the
expression of the majority of our town
people that liquor -selling should be
banished floor (lodi-rich.
But why should we be Interfered
with ? they say. We pay license to
sell, we are regulated by law, our
.places of business are sui.ject to off1-
64l inspection, and if we obey the law
and conduct a proper haeme why
should you tale away our piivtlege
especially when we pay for it:? NVe
reply, yon pay a paltry 1}100.00 fur
your license and there is nut a bar-
room in the whole u' Ota tae io that
does not cost the put•lic 5100000 to
deal with its pa-.drr-ts When, at
what time, at whet season has the
liquor traffic ever obeyed the laws de-
signed for its regul..tou ? If the law
is obeyed how is it r hat we see so
many drunken people on Sundays
when the liar is supposed so be closed ?
it is idlsto s..y that these people pur-
chase it on Saturday. It is a must ab-
surd thing for the liquor men to say
that. Let not the 1 gnor men think
that the town people go about with
eyes closed and ears a uffed. Let
them not think that as ci teens they
do not snow when the law is violated.
The liquor men mum not blame the
tewper. nee people for this sour of
thing. They themselves are respon-
sible fur it and if they want to throw
off this suepieton they ►now what to
But whoa should the her he toler-
ated t No eatielactory rt. sorer has yet
been given. Ice moral idfiu -nee to de-
grading. It en -laves manhood and
wreck. bones. It emirs not ns own
burden but throws that but den upon
others. *It increases hot the value of
property nor the wealth ul the vm-
=unity. It diminishes the earning
power of its frequenters and wakes
the drinker no a...,d to himsrif nor t
his employer. Why should we toler-
ate its presence? It does no public
good, serves no pnl.lic purpose, nor in
any way adds to the Proeperity of the
town. Let our merchants, our busi-
ness men, think abort it. Let every
honest man. honest • woman, think
about it. Let every voter thins about
it. The chance is now given. "roday
is the day of salvation." Be prepared
on January 1stto mark the btthot in
favor of abolishing she bar.
Rev. J. Pollock Stroagly Endorses the
Work Which It Is Doing.
On Sunday evening, November 354.13.
Rev. John Pellock, pastor of the Bap-
tist church, Eureseuted the work of the
Childreu's Aid Society. In the course
of his sermon Mr. Pollock said :
With so many philauthrepie agencies
at work, each asteucy •essiong to do a
noble work, the work of the Childs en's
Aid Society has not. been given the
public suention and aid it so richly
deserves. Hitherto to much of our at., -
tendon has been ger. n to reclaiming
the drunkard aud retie ming the crimi-
nal, to relieving the pauper aud bight-
ing contagious dierrores; so much of
our attention bas been given to the
abotuinable white slave traffic, that
the cause of the chi Id, neglected and
forsaken by its parents, or beingal-
lowed to live under conditions wait
blot uut all moral sensibility. in hovels
of vice and crime, having no real
childhcod, knowing no real parent-
hood, has almost been lost sight of.
If it bad not been lor a few enthu-
siasis who kept the cause of neg-
lected and dependent chileren ever in
mind and who pessiAeritty called at-
tention to the conditiuos in which
thousands of our young are allowed
to live, thee treble were would have
gone down to defeat long ago. The
gratitude of a thankful Province is
due these noble souls who, in spite of
the cold shoulder given by an uosym-
muse they had 4 -spewed and, over-
coming almost. impreetule dtficulties,
have at last mime -wed in gaining a
hearing for their cause.
I have espoueed thus work because
I firmly believe it to be tbe most im-
portant social work that can engage
the attention of all people make, trees-
pectave party politics or churrh
creed. The work is not °entitled to
the children of the adherents of
the political party that first. es-
poused its cause and pieced tbe
ststute on the statute book- tor be it
known thim this work is being done
under statute of the Province of
Ontario -nor is it confined to tbe
children of either tbe Piotestant or
Catholic church. Ite work embi aces
•11 hetber Protest ant or Catholic,
childreo of atheists Awe influeie in
tact all who are allowed to theingliparght.
ents or not. linbracing rt.. in
of day whether of Knglieh-
setme of work. it likewise Com-
mand• the respect. the admiration and
the support of all peopie.
Most readily do I admit the great
importance of the work I have pre-
viously referred to. A person would
he foolisb to ig,nore it. It would he
manifestly unfair to sight it in the
least degree. But after adnoitting all
this, I taunt ate that, the work
of the Cliddrenes AM Satiety is
of far greater importaises thae thee
Rxcepting perbaps in tbe nem of the
whits stave traffic moat of the other
work is directed ainoew times people
who if oet already &route in their
ailments are next- door to It, whereas
effort. among those Ness wham rents
dee she -meet pro tee -oiled Attesept•
are made ie morn, , ea ermeeare; rho
Ohildreies Aid Slimes y seeks to merest
the children from ha. onslag &whores
we •teempt, re reform the erlusisal
e n4 to win him hark to seelety: the
rent the bnry wrier, from beemeingibe
erissinel. Appeal, ase sonata=
made te relieve pauperism tbe
est to Tell tbe Tale.
Tie Provincial eleteions ere over.
The wort of the political workers be-
ing done, for a time at lease vr.
SWIM given a better chance to enosider
the pros sod noes of the local npf
.111.1=eption mossier! is so sew
the mail somber of eight the bylaw
drine<'e Aid Hoebty ink I prevent.
•irwAwl bllehaen gru..in into the
w.tys of living that sang • dei ;.uy
thing else but end in uper-isua
much error via being directed to arrest(
and to cure I itbertul. sit. mod at bee tie-
.agiuus diser.ee; the t h.'dte,,'. .►id
Society is d g a tun't v..ltiable work
along this line by cleanti.gg ,,p oosadi
liens mad by removing el ild.en I. in
surtouodiogs which air rasa! eg-
places I these diseases.
Prom krbat I have said it will r
ily be seen that the work of this so-
ciety is largely preventive in its o• -
tuts.. 'Ibis preventive work I claim to
he wore impurtent then either re.
claimiug the drunkard, rrturuuog the
crtu.inel or relieving the pauper. T.
work among the ebronies and to leave
alone those from whose ranks :b-
chronic, are recruited is the wrong
way of dealing with the grtaat roils of
our land. The ranks of the chronics
wet always WI full so long as we allow
conditions to rewein, conditions be-
cause of which it is impassible fur the
young to have a noir chance of get' ing
properly started in life. W bat chance
wt. a boil tat f •urteen years, bound in a
house of itl-fame, being compe'led to
witners all the bestial scenes that are
enacted in such a place? Which way
is she likely to go when her physical
body is registering those great ruatural
changes a. the woman emerges from
the gi.I-which way, I ask, living in
such a place? We deplore prostate
tem, we weep and wring our hands at
the fearful ioioads it. is making into
womanhood, yet we have allowed :he
conditions to exit right under our
timer that err very larg. ly responsible
for the tweed•ng of he prostitute.
The Cbildien's Aid Society steps in
anti rt moves the girl from such sur-
roundings and pieces her it, surround-
ings tba. are ...ore conducive to the
directing of her along the right path
during ibis stoat critical time. tVhat
do you rxlirct says to becunue who ale
showed in live in the most abominable
dirt and filth, boys who are not
taught even the. primary nations of
pers• nal cleartliness ? The Children's
Aid Socitoy cause, these lessons to 1w
taught, the dirt and filth to be c'eaned
up and boys given a chance. What
chance have children to get started
properly who have been deserted by A
hiute of a father who is unwilling to
take full charge of his own children
and !races them to get along the beat
way they can ? In many cases the
poor wife and mother can do nothing
for her children. Let me say that
this has become a common thing sed
untold harm is the result. The Chil-
dren'. Aid Society steps in and takes
care of the children, feeds and ctothea
them and in many instances finds
homes for them. It is much easier to
deal with children in their tender
yarns than to deal with them In their
mature years.
Ent this is not all. Instead of wait-
ing until the traits of criminality are
developed, the Children's Aid Society
deals with the symptoms of crime as
soon as they appear. A boy gets into
trouble. He fails into the clutches of
the law. What is to be done with
him ? Instead of sending him to jail,
there to mix with those who are con-
firmed criminals and to be taught in
jail all the arta of criminality and at
the end of his period of detention be
turned upon society its sworn enemy,
the Children's Aid Society asks for
the boy to be handed over to it. It
becomes a kind of sponsor for
the boy, promises to look after him,
sees that a chance is given him, and in
ninety-nine cases out of every hun-
dred a criminal in Unmaking has been
turned into a law-abiding citizen.
Most of the criminal class have simply
drifted into that condition and it the
drift had been checked in the forme -
tire period the criminal ranks would
be much thinner than they are. To
check this drifting is one of the
/•C Gets O.. ,1
A Pleasing Christmas Gift? It certainly is. Few
articles for man's use are so handsome as a heavily
plated. superbly finished Gillette Safety RILZOf Set
A Thoughtful Christmas Gift ? Decidedly. k
shows that you care for his personal appearance,
his comfort and his Savings Bank account—for the
Gillette ministers to all three.
A - Suggestive Christmas Gift ? Perhaps—but
what's the harm?
If you want him to enjoy every day the keenest,
quickest, handiest, smoc hest -shaving razor in the
world, give him a Gillette for Christmas. Look over
the Gillette Styles shown by your druggist, jeweler
'or hardware dealer. Standard Sets $5.00—Pocket
Editions $5.00 to $6.00—Combination Sets $6.50 up.
The Gillette Safety Raw Co. el Canada, 'UMW
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Ogees she is New `reek. Oloisme. Lesilege
federal sad Slwaskie.
Soria and Peris awe ose eirs.• wens
avowsd purposes of the Children's Aid
Society. The evils of truancy have
heen checked considerably by the
effort+ of this society. The evil of
cigarette smoking among the hoys has
much decreased The reading of
couraged and in dozens of ways effec-
tive cnecks have been applied where
indicat ions of a possible criminal car-
eer have been shown. Woi is of
friendly advice have been spoken to
parents and to children a ..1 these
have brought about the desir.el result.
Continuitig, Mr. Pollock raid :
"We speak much of conserving the
grett national resources of this Do-
minion. 'Tie right we should do KO.
Ter an imporiant work, an important
dote contronting the Governments.
Federal and Provincial. But the
week I preeent is of far rreater im-
portance and of much greatei s gnifl.
canoe, for thie work is, after all, the
coneervation of human beings. If we
allow the decadence Logo on unheeded
and unchecked, the hopes we enter-
tain for this great Dominion are teemed.
, If we are to prove ourselves wise master-
' hirilders of the country we love so
dearly. we must, seek to build on a
1 e3liii foundation. And I believe one
of the cornerstones of that founda-
tion to be the children of our count ry,
1 for the children of tod ty are the men
and women of tomorrow, upon whom
will depen 1 the future destiny of our
Refined Women the World Over Use it.
Ilvet y woman knows that there is
nothing s. goo i for heir ked %calf,
i trouble as Parisian Sage. If Perisian
Sage is tried two or t ht es -tint* a week it
will keep the ecalp nice and clean and
remove dandruff. It makes the hair
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falling out.
We urge ever women who love radi-
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Wigle today sod get a large 50 -cent
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itching scalP, or money back.
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Tells you how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares
much cows, calves and f -"ening steers. sl o how to keep and feed poultry
se Mat they will lay as well in winter as in summer. farmer should be without it.
NOW is the time to use Royal Purple Stock Spectre
At a met of only two-thirds of'a cent per day per anim..1
it will increase It 23 per cent. In value. It permanently
cures Hots. Colie. orms Skin Diseases and Debility.
Restores run-down animals to plumpness and vigor. It
win inerease the milk yield three to five lbs. per cow per
day and make the milk richer. Royal Purple is not •
' stock food. There is no filler used In Its manufacture.
and we import from Europe all tile seeds. herbs. barks.
etc.. and grind them on our own premises. Therefore we -
can guarantee it to you as being absolutely pure. We do
not use cheap filler to make up • large package. We give
you the best condition powder ever put on the market in
• concentrated form. A tablespoon levelled off once a
day is sufficient for a full grown animal. It prevent.,
disease. keeps your animals In perfect health, and is ab-
solutely harmless. It makes six weeks old calves as large
as ordinary calves at le weeks. You can develop six
pigs ready for market in Just one month's loss time than
you can possibly do without it at • wet of only SLIM.
saving you a
month* work and
food. A Me poet-
ess will last a
SLIM pail or air-
tight tin containing
four times as much
as • FOc package
will last •n anim-
al 1511 days. If you
have never used it try tt on the poorest animal you have
on your place and watch results. If it does not produce
bettor results than anything you have ever used or give
you satisfaction. we will refund your money. Andrew
Weerrich. of Wainfleet, Ont.. says that h• tried it on ono
row. weighed her milk on the 17 lbs.. en the nth
she gave If lbs. Dan Morose, Canada's greatest horse
trainer. says "I have fed Royal Pussale to Tbe Eel and
all my racehorses for four years. They have never been
off their feed Tour cough powder works like
Mr Torn Smith. trainer for the How Adam Beek. says
"We had a mare in our stables last fall belonging to Mime
Clouston, of Montreal. We could not feed her any
on areount of scouring. W• oommenced using your
Royal Purple Stock Sweets. Ties results were wonder-
ful. W• found after ming it three weeks w• eouki feed
her bran or any other soft feed and she actually took se
111 lbe during that time."
Royal Purple Poultry Specific
Will mak* your hen* tar in winter ao well as hui sum-
mer, and yet • Pr parkag• etil bre bens 71 days m
• $1 15 pan or air -tight tin contains feet times as mueb
as • See sistekage. will last tie days It Pere.lit• IPOultr7
frem Mang Mesh at sitoulties tisw, euree and prevents all
the ordinary elseases. make. their plitasalt• bright and
Seeps them In prime awslition
Mrs. Wm Burnham. of Sandford. Oat., says: "I fed
your Poultry Specific to 12 hens during the winter and
wsnetimis got as many as two dosen eggs per day in
February and March."
Mr. Andrew Hicks. of Centralia. Ont.. says: "I used
your Stock Specific oil 20 milk cows. They have increased
le per cent. in thelemilk and I got even better results
from your Pewit c specific We had 515 hen. laying airc
When we commenced using roamer SPeeitIC we were get-
ting five or six eggs a day. In Iris than five days we got
lie eggs. These were the coldest days last winter." You
can see the results at once after you commence ust this
material. When farmers get acquainted with
Purple brands they will be without them.
Royal Purple Cough Specific
During the last four years there has been an epi-
demic cough going through every stable in Canada.
which bas nem • great source of annoyance to
horsemen Our
Royal Pure".
Cough Cure will
absolutely cur c
this cough in 4
days. will break up
and cure disteniper
In 10 days. abeo
Me per tin. by marl
Royal Purple Gall Cure
Will eur• all sorts of open sores on man or beast Will
abieolutely dry up and cure scratches In a very few days
Mr gam ()wen, Coachman for the Hon Adam Beck. says
By following directions I find your Royal Purple Ciali
Cure will cure scratches and maks the scab' peel off per
tartly dry in about tour or dire days " Pile@ 24c, by mall
Royal Purple Sweat Liniment
SIM reduce any lameness In • very short time. Mr. Jae.
Daly. Coalman la London. says: -We have nine horses
sconstantly teeming coal. and hays all tines of troubl•
with them Wing lame •t times I hove used your Sweat
Llaissent for • year beck and have never kaown It to
fall to more ail sorts of sprained townies be.- Pries Ma
11-eummi betties by mall ele
Royal Purple Lies Hiller
Thee is tintlrely differeat frees any See keno en Hie
market In order fee you to eisdeetetand tlw prams. ef
manufacture of this lice killer too MS nave to wad for
one ef our booklets as we give ran a teS Watery et it
tame It win entirely mrteriehmite Bee ea PPM, se
animals with get mere thaw asi* se (we appointiese tt
As amertal order auessetiag WM we will prepay.
What we wire to leprous es your uteri is Met we masof erten! setbieg but pure unsdeberebel
Orr booklet rives ever MS reesensondetlens fee our iNernet tees fries ail seer essimila. we
Owe you Mere tie mew • few who have seed It. ear beet reesems Is ter pee Is Nig ear perms
wbe boo ewer used any bee We imairdasliora
Sold Today Far Fro Beekist. W. A. .111341111141 00.. London. Oat
Royal Purple supplies and free booklets way be secured from A. J. Cooper, Plow
Feed, Goderich.