HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 9Clubbing Rates
Aa ut•uat, The Signal
has clibbiug arrange-
ments With all the lead
Mg periudicala and can
give Ile allberlila•tg re.
ducted tales ru thin
!vetting matter for the
coming year.
Please Renew Early
Renew Your
to Tot: SIGNAL and
get one of the pretty
11112 Calendars.
Do Ii i\ow
cr Gmittor.
Compiled trom Government repl.rt showing increases in Deposits
and Aeeets-a tribute to Careful ami conservative management. ,
Beginning of Bank's Year. Beginning of Bank's Year.
May . .... .. .$ 4,491,838.63
,lune 4,506,481 .12
July 4,634,305 28
August 4.722,568.22
Se itemb r . 4,792,310.28
October.. . 5, 096, 29 7.63
May .... . $6,782,232.29
June . 8,851,100.40
.luly . 7,022,990.33
August ...... 7,1 72,988.50
September 7.270,543. 14
October 7,707,370.12
t asps.. Dec. Iith. I = -
all'w heat, pot bush
Spring wheat, per hush..
Rye, per burp
Butt wheat, per bosh
Oats. per bo -h.. ...
Pecs. let t."-1.
Barley, p r bush
Screenings, per ion ..
Flour. family, tars cwt
Flour. patent. per cat
Bran per ton
Shorts, per ton
ma�y. per tor: new
tit few
Won't, per load
Butter. per lb
l'hetee, per lb
Egg,., fresh. taer doe ....
Apples. per 0b1
Potatoes, per bushel.
Cable, twainy to good, per
i attle, export, per cwt
1. RICH.
Oriel AND OENTuwax.-1 have decided to
stand at the amino elsNloaa for the omee of
Risers for the year lily. and.f (eke this weans
of soliciting your influence and •opport in my
behalf. I have hal flee years' experience in
the council, two of these as Deputy Reeve, and
I trust that my record has been such as to
warrant your continued confidence in me.
Yours faithfully,
II. C. Yl;NN11iGS.
.1 RICH.
LAME asp GiNTie sn,-I have served
dui lag the year 1911 In your town council and
prip� to that for revue! years have been at Lire BYLAW NO. l6 OF 1911, OF THE.
bond, tact of the tune aa Deputy Reeve, and CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF
a. such had horst at the countyc Queen. GODKRICH.
I hate derided to offer myself for the position ' --
Tie adjourned wile of land for taxes will
take place at the l'ourt House in the town of
Godetiob on Tuesday. lleoeluber llkb, 1911. at
the hour of 2 o'. -lock p.m.
Tres -surer Co. Huron.
I:uderlch. December 5, ttljl.
of Reuel/ for 1912. and now solicit your i ote and
I think I can claim fairly that I have been
faithful end diligent in my elfurts on your
behalf rad I aplwal With confidence fur a re -
newel of your support
interests and experience are such as to
qualify me for this important -position and 1
proliut a you toy best vtrorts for Our oniumot.
welfare Ili the town's inlereeta.
el-st Rt151'. ELLIOTT.
s';" cos ""• Fit NI).• -UN 11'tMl[.TO" STKEt;T, LIANI►Y MAN HE4111(ES NV011K
o to Ivo i i.sler11•h. a gentleman wah'h with chain 1i in ,pare time.
Ilio , n1 i fie Apply at IHESIGN \L.
to attach...1. owner to prove property end re.
lar 'j; ite'..e .lues. MItir 1 'T. AUSTIN, , Kintail. (5! .21.NTED.-1.1VE RI•:Ii l'(IVIS,
PROUDFOOT I No. I 75c° 4B°RNE. 7ff 44
RECi Cin Nu. Y lti :4 •L4 ;:i
fj.G�, j GiJ No. 3 . i 5H 5Ft 1311
No. 4 43 25 17 'a'
211 15$ A) 1113
• ---- Lib. Con. Lib. ('on.
Conservative Majority in Goderich• Me- (l oh too512
$ &Vs
duces and Mr. Proudfoots Major- (4odelich ' 513 3
icy in the Riding Increased -Ds- Brusurb , 7
tails of the Vote. I McKillop : l
Grey 155.
I Hallett 50
Colborne- tl f 11
A BYLAW TO PROHIBIT THE SAW( BY RETAIL Or Though the Libel al party iwpruved
8111111111°U8' Fsesagmt, 01'
OTHER MAN- its position in the Province only
L raCTV agD lda/17ON:N M Tint M I: N H•I PA I.ITT
or THE T rw'N or GOD/MICH. *uglily at the elections on Monday. the
• Liberals of Centre Huron won a
notable victory in te-elcetrog W. %V•
TION tie TUE '!OWE or 4opawt•H HEREBT Prt'udfoott by an increased-wajl.rtty.
xNACM as ye bytot :- One vote fewer w'ea pulled iu Gt•de-
L-The sale by retail of girituour•, fermented
or other manufactured lingers in every tavern; rice► at .m.,.."'`"""""-,ien than in 11111Fi. Tier
Inn or other h. wee ur gylade of public entert (ton- Conservata majority was tut down.
meat within the mu nicipality of the town tont-
however. from 5$ to :r7. Mr. Proud-
Goderich is and shall be pn'hibited, and the
sale thereof, except by wholesaic, in foot's position implored 'nearly all
shop or place witniu tt,YYs�,
said wnnlolrallty along Lite line, except in Culburue
uthertbanahouseof parka'• entertainment is where askitupcowfully expected for
and shall be likewise pruhmired. reaatuna in line, dice with the cle't•lrte
:-This b) law shall day int'. force and after
effect as front the first dap of \lay next attar railway trouble of 1910.
THE MUNICIPAL Coven t. or THE COIN Olt"••••
Ili' final pts-ing thereof•
•u 1 female. AVyly Ito N ._ Dutton, Irl the eirntnll when the i.•turnr Hay • • •JU7
o iu '� t1. 7 lil:7ltih1:N AUBURN H\ 1YU -.^- 3•-Thevutn ofthea en4t of b coals town •,
ofUodrneh sh .lylee tatruln this bylaw by the were cumiog : in the Lilrrrela cosi lar StA.lrha u . 2
Id r t M biz fIV O tl wh rr aper.•ba r
Sat 142 3811 03
Lib. amaj. 196 216
South Huron.
1 As far as eats be ascertained at Owe
or wlttiag, the majority in South
Huron fol H. Either, Conservative, is
2:45. E. Zeller mak the Liberal candi
date. The Conservative majority in
'Mei war :I. Majorities by munici-
Pu tties
('.on. Lin
(iu(lc•t-a -h township ' .. 1:5
out, 79-31
2 v.; to ' 7' J ..•de.w arc Wednesday evening, -ave in. FOR SALE OH TO' RENT
4!401 to 4404. mall I.ruw it heater mutt. K.ially leave iu-
:.; to to 2.i NI formation at AUBURN 1fOUSE. Auburn. It -. -
27 Ito to u,rhu RENT. -.HOUSE SITUATED
Il 'e. to I 1. - .L on the east tart of lot I.S. East sliest.
'• u. to • ,n usxt to the house u'-cupieo by F. F. 1.t; wieste.
to .' to II a' _ SITUATIONS VACANT. Apply_to JUDGE ylul-1'. ell 2t
no •.' Io . --
deputy le-urnutgu uses rciva err named onVictoria i t -ie. uutle, r cobs), nr !lIG
Monday. the first day or J:uwsry, 1912. runs- were wale by Lbe wrmlwa elect, lir. Tucke•rrwlth 107
r::eucing at the hour of nine oclock ie the fore-
noon . H. I. Straw: H. J. Glut r.,. John Chat-
., and coot inohm until alto o'clock' in that, 8' Hen...11 . - '14.
Exeter lob
Has tirlJ (Si
I s In 0 F
At to 'i
Lei IIT e1'HW4
:v. .l .i
.;.1 to a ;n I will teach teleeraoh� dry and night in the
cwt. f u to :. o. ha..'.cent of the" ibn.ry. Persons wish'
i J. to 7.1 Ing to learn- w please coil on me or the
n m W r ,n librarian. A. E. MATHESON. South -"sect.
.el to 4 Jr
t., to : CO 1IVANTEI).-A 6001) GENERAL
25 to No • servant, Apply at onr•e to MISS
GRIPFITBS. Superintendent Alex andra
Ho-pital. '•81-2L
T� O 1 ‘V A N T E U. -MUST Bis
D bright, intelligent acs industrious. Apply
j at THE -ZONAL OFF1•'E.
j.1 No. 9. Colborne. School house six mil••a
from Uoderleh and a mile and three quarters
from Mdlaw C. P. ft. -tattoo. Teacher with
profeedonal ` training preferred. Dube, to
commence January 9nrd; 1912. Apply 1,o JOHN
FEAOAN. t're'y, Carlow. tf
Sheep, per cwt
Tallow, per Jb
Hide., per cwt
Sheepskins ... ...:
LIVERY. 1.19
Open tray and night.
'Ruses meet all trains. Particular
attention given to calls from
private residences. Telephone
South Street la.detid ,. Un'.
ICE_ yo.sotr�r�'� , .Ippy at 1'ilL SIGNAL
EN( 'ED trarber for S. S. No. 1. • t'olboroe
township : duties to commence at the first of
Januarryy. NIL !Owe salary. Apply to F. W.
McDONAGII.t'ariow P: it. IIo3t
aith sonic rep' rismN(e inE hortirlltt lureAto
handl. ,' 11 trade in t,udench. Splendid Open-
ing and permanent positron for the right party.
N rite for full particular and state experi-
ence. -1'oNt. it WELLINGTON. Nut -cry -
nip,,. Toroeto. so -5t
►i\r:.11'HFit WAN'1'F.D FOH S. S.
�"��-�'`�""`•'^-.��.•.--- 1 \o. I I eihotu,•. lurk, to comnienee
Jai -to -try 1. 19.2. Profs-sion:.l teacher pre-
` r (erred -' n',• salary :old uilitleaticu. Apply
• T 1 �.e •, 1. ' to P. MAE1)EL. Sed y'.brnudllt•r, gret•t(
11 1 NEIt_1 I. 1% .11' I:'1;s rilEA,IIER WANTED. FOR t',ti s.
1 No. +. \ -heel 1 collator Anti \V. -t \W..
1l by Is,il Scars dei. king wnt. r of r•, ,, - w,u u-1, w it fl 014:01010•14-• pro, 1•n,.l ren ti I
Sun ran 11te :. ,;nk \mineral 5 1.'t. r,: ,• to .'nrnrn. 1,C J''';"":i 191!
dr111 CRat at .\p II - n- r I. itrd up to U.r. n1 s loth., !
I �1 ('1'10 SAt.1,
)'outdo.,, in m,- tun .u't .ll•y ,!:. \I, L\\',\1\ N,'.• '99., .
:4,', ;,,lir••, tug-' \Wr ,il-o r;u• c,A lar .. '
Due of MmetA1 \W.nt r u, - .I, - .cal 1 O\\ -. l v' \1:'I A 1 1'1.E. -111:111'.
, .0 Ye ,ell -f .hinued ,,in. 11..ei1•_
1It %VI•: PEE NI.5NENT PINI- y on
• ',1' and ,darts, 1111p01•1101 'try I:tngrt J , •1 lU\- fur nl e rIs olt,- 1 on '4.10,,art.. T111'l;)rr. kV. 1/1-..
1,511-1.-',11- 1 .
_1-1.•cel,'. and 1.110. -4,';',.: N% .o, • •.,. - 1 , ti rt•A,d :4,111.414 111 I /101,11.4. ltr1 I. •,d,. I nla I o, -to. Al: cu". \\' - 'ler s,.a:': a •„e -,vn• tt.•-.-:Ou,e i,,
afternoon artbkh name day at the ulidrtweu- len and N. 11. Itobert son. Outbids
carcass pliers : , the tow:( brass hand and the huglr
woodsh , hyJlsto t 1e. Y, at Thompson., 'latnd wade tuoelul erlehratitlu, anti
wow( whop� by John B lfdward. depot) re-
LUrningoltncer•, Mr. Proltdtaot't/ victim appeared to
..[OUSE 10 1{EN 4. ---PORTION Os Pollingsub-0trislon No. kat wiu,Sharmaa's! be a very populate one.
Jll double house on *test sued. Modern repair i•1.0D. East street by Charles .Bate+, ,
cuuveniencyi+ue 1'osarr.lon gtveu December
22nd. A i't.b•• J. It. 11A \WHIN-, St. 1'a'rtek's
street. -
sale or to tent, 00 Ne1-in and Newgate
streets; will be .•:Id at a bargain and on easy
terms. Apply to F. J. PHIDBAM.
acres of land; part.of lot No. I. conerssion
ak Colborne ; all .eedad down, clean, drained,
and to a frit -class state of cultivation. ' Must
be sold ; owner retiring flora active Work.
Terms, part cash. rod a goud mortgage 'for
bilanoe. Aptly to .\XTIIONY ALLi:N. Dun-
lop P.O. 3m
DltRil acres on the 7th couoes,doe and
fifty acres opposite on the 8th coat:essit/n of Col-
borne. Win be , sold separately or :teSeether.
On the hundred acres is a storyand-a-Balf
brick house. with brick kitchen attached a
good bank barn. nearly new. and large shed
Both farms aro well fenced and are in first
class ender. Hundred acres all seeded down
except ten acres. wail watered byspring
creek ; good spring well .at barn. Eigt miles
front G,alerlen: Dove nudes from Auburn : two
and one-half milts /rout McGaw C. P. It. sla-
non. one of the due -t farm homes in the
township. For terru4 apply In, ANDREW,
JOHNa1'ON, Callow I'. U. Nitf
denti,al property- a' t lie corner of f'amerou
and Raglan streets. bntn• r:y k.uowu ae the .5.
Mcli. Allan piepel t) t- iw• -,lc. It contains
eight town lots. l.laatel with the choicest
Trutt.. of all kitdr. 'there are two brick
hue -.s. each of two -tut ter. one built only last
year, and the other in nr.t-cls.- repair. Both
houses have. modern tout,-nienece. and alto-
gether the property i -one t f the floor desir-
stdc .1. Gudeurb. 5% iii be -.id or reason!
tern;-. Apply :d 1', .I, 1:5AN. tun;cnch.
'I'h.•ne 2 I `---
deputy returning officer.
I'011111 s eub•dirsioo Na. 3, at the Town Hall.
by Edward C. Belcher, deputy returning
Pollingeub-division No. 4. at Stother. wood
shopby Huron A. 1;uf mrd, deputy returning
officer. •
Polling subdivi.lon No. 5, at Mrs. Waltane
store. west street, by 'Geo. C. Itfack, deputy
returning officer.
1'oBing subdivision Ne. e. at Rrophey'u store.
West suret, by 41, L Watson, deputy return.
lag officer,
Polling sub•dl •lsitut No. List Dennis Ne e's
homy, by Donald McKay, deputy returning
The official. returns forCentre
Huron give Mr. Proudfoot a majority
of 216. The figures a, a as follow..
with the figures of the election of 1906
for couyparison :
4. -Un Saturday, the 30th day of December. ' No. 1
1911. at the oonneil,cbambers in the said town No. 2
of Goderich. at the hour of ten o'clock in the
forenoon, the Mayor of the said corporation No• 3.
shall appoint ID writing,siened by himself; two No. 4
persons to attend at the final summing up of
the votes by the Clerk, and one person to
attend at each pollint place on behalf pf the
persons Interested in and desirous of ofomot-
mg this bylaw and a lite number On behalf of
the persons interested in and desirous of oppos-
ing the passing of ltd. bylaw.
5. The Clerk of the said municipal council
of the town of Godesfah shale attend at his
office In the Town Hall at ten o'clock in the
forenthe bylooaw-
n oo the tecu,ld day of January, 1912. to
stun up the number of Soles for and against
Dated at the council chambers. at the town of
Goderich the 17th day of November, A. D. 1911.
1908 1911
Lib. Con.. . Lih. Con.
88 ' t19 96 fel
37 49 53 25
t.L 34 17 37
23 31 17 91)
No. 5 42 55 42 51
212 -MS IV 215
Majority 26 12
No. 1- 59 3N
No.'l' 7I 16
No. 3 43 76-'
No. 4 48-
221 272
Mayor. Clerk. Majority :tk
TAKE NOTICE that the above is a tote!
copy- or 't proposed bylaw which has been. No: 1 57 rel
taken into •oon.ideration, and which will be ,Nei Y -58 g
tln.tlly- Inas-ed by the council of thesanut)lcinal.
ity tin theetent of the assent of the ..lrllee:orb No. 3 141 II
Ming chained thereto as. provided Ly The. No, 4 - 30 - :rel
Liquor License Act andameidment, thereto, Nu• 5 96 4s
after ere month from the first publkistion
tLrreof in The Signal newspaper, the date of No. 9 74 Iii
alueh lust publication was the seventh day of No. 7 41 :14
lkceurber, 1911, wed that The vat :•s of the
elector. of the said muni, ipality- will be taken --
t 1,rn•on on' I,e daY and t ho hours and sit the : 410; CON
place- therein fixed, ,
I:. L. KNOXltlijrtttit-y - 38
I, ler:.• BitUSSEL ,.
Nil. 1
' No. 2
No :t
:l2 :s.
"sir 1.
4o .^
ty:,,,t:110'N1!,.•' , t,41 t, T,',V1 y'wo rol0.1n: w.. G.of 'heA/1-t;r,• 1101VN OE 1:01/1,{IC BV1.A to ,ills, 1401.•
• thol) ,„ one .r lel. '.•.-r„ grads-, l,lu H, 1st,•.r, g.•, a r,s'. cn .nub re. �• .1IOfity
, .,r wh,.7,.:, ;ar. c11111e.Irl-I'.t tau lr..r ,• tn, ha•if. :r -fug lht, �
.,n•I'> „1 ..d for '1,• , `,•n k1- Adl-i's?-. right -ilii. Iv ,ow' n:.• tri eahc m
-..-•._-...y. J`.•J '1•, .•.1n..11, ,. t . 11,1X- t,s0 d wits, in, Fehtu,rty-.
i 1 I ttcod citizenship demands til:it the
litluor puriness shall be abolished. It is one of
the most l•re` :.r• ive steps that any community
could take.
At the prt-:r,t ei.l\ rot t':,:' the state, but
p11% :ale organ : ;it,e'ls e'I 3111 k:;'t.., are :-Ind\ll1L
the physical, tducational and nt(-.t;tl \Uellare of
the mass of the people ;:t',i s't:dt;lvs:;in` to
improve the li%:ng condition, 1'•I the working
c1;l.sto. The questions of h''ti•;tlg and of fair
wages are recti:\ mg earnest C,`:l•ideratietn.
Efforts are thus being Glide to I11e:l't';t•e the
happiness and comforts of lite for the pccplc
The whole tend.tney and eruct of the liquor
hu.ine'Ss is ill the Opposite direction.
The evil it is known to create makes it a
t-ur'se and a dr,t upon the welfare of the people.
it breeds poverty and mischief of every kind.
i 2) It is not the working classes alone that
suffer. The damage and the loss of manhood
sustained 1w brainy husinessml:ilandprofessional
men is not only injury to themselves and their
families, but seriously hinders the raising of the
gent rat moral standard of the country, and is a
serious impediment to the progress and truest
welfare of the nation.
Consideration of the hare facts about the
I tip(-btsitleas 'and its work must convince
eve thoughtful person that local option would
v (ch could adopt.
liouoi I -t 31,:, ha„ti-\p1I: clow.g.r-
a114''(1 I:v,1111:5 41.1. t\ 1'a1U11 OW A ,.l rr.: NO. .t i :.:.,
To text file %COTE tn' TIt1: t(argt•411,gs Irl
tilt 1 .l% S are' luttlltl, I1 E\TITL►.0 I loi
t'' -1n v 11151 11%'l.tw.. (IN A QItBTInN.
41'12t11iTri' w'H RTn1:H '7111 -A►D
lie tiILLQP.
No: '1 ' , tf.
N.'. s tit II
1:.sa a. •r - \r.l 1 : pin. ir.g fit. 1, • in Iii L1,1 , i-telt• l.,w►:R 1 golf o' Il)-ONu- N.1:' I I!)Zgr
i.'f!t! .ta.rsl l'.1.4 V..0 i It t1 IRA /1101,1 1.:1.1. •51111 l'uwl0;( o,wtt.ytnrnr IIfr'sktn.' -
.,.1, ...1st 1 - 1.•1411011,:.
I'll:R\I l.i;;l w-'tl ,d: :A. '1 ..,e t•r \\be Hie:inhlirfpil ,until pf the n oz. t...,
,,.,?. lot, 11•144110 try los , i•h. Vncrtinn_of the town of I:�artch d1«arcstvit 1Z.sjoiits - :ii
! •;Ell:tt t. Ill rl.l. t\ l l H Is. Lt XIII;!•
alt'i•uble to stihml to the r".te•,Ayvt- of the
-aa1 toss o of llde'irb.rh'itleel t.1 vMn
1'.op'.- --- \ (,.Iuntil I fey b)'law'- a r 11inn to .-' h,.l the. N,,. i 4
1 tatepiy •r. ore 1 , facer of a • era 1t of •
II ILI':AHI\t Art •I'ION S.‘1.1.:t 't 11 • f .nu son wertrnmth• Hi iioFJw,ii• 1'uwrr N‘,. -,l_
l ,f '- urn. \ i. .t _
1,••r,surf•.Ie• /rue.l,f i ..•asps(: loll
R.'t-E11nLI11 t rSlil-k1: •L••town•,fl:,sl.•rirhe,n�f.•.urfulnw:- N /. 4 •4!►
M....1. le t i, 10" pni,.,ca
a. ,,- ,
he. rel '\. ,c. L. f:,ale.i, n. uu
I l 1.-11.\5, iii•, 1: \1ler:Ii let-,
C0001. .. 'It S' it _ i„ -i•. k -harp:
I . , n,'••, 1-; .11) new: parlor n.d. 3t t
ye, -. 1,41.1‘'; ,. , organ • grooms gruototnt
flair kt , t •',frrttiturt . Happy Th,,:.ght
rant' r, ..1ly , , A : fun,trnn• of tour
. ,ri.:- 014 u• •r1. --r-. f.uthet lav1. ctnld-
t nib: flier'- ,.. r/et- -malt Cables: 1Mi
losing c s,ng u,ach.na ..K ,I.. iqg Om...-.
girth: .li.ny,-.11111MI, 1,1i, -:dt-hr.;hsil.
olid•. r Ar hang machin .11 I, ,•lathe. re,'l
' wool lo.c na)wcr: u'1 r: ,.1 14•{44 too
tnmct nil -to lift HI Vol'. 1 .',, n, h+tgn•I 01111., 7 r..14.1; ked 21.1 days •
1.' ^rt' hong .,,u -t he -, i.'. ,,• :. 1,tv riir::1'• of Ii't, 5•
1 -. r rl. r, 1•'11, wind ., .;.y rt t4i• to/'low NO, 5,
I :.. cow,1 , tea.,.. •bail M• t•Ir-te.I ,ii boo of the ...est public fir,. R
111:\Is: - „• ,i) .30i. place-,
L 110 11r10;ll day In.,.nth. I••: I •+:- tl• Nth 7
1 SIRS. J. mCi\':. 1'nt/•'• l•CNI'll \' cow.; 1;,of t-.•,- • . o-1, to'i. •own t
'.11 Viotti h.'•,.-. '•• • - Aundo(••• t t :. ri, 1 '1t t 1 i 014100. in he fol.. rem•. the
I --'• a r r it in WIitit,g .1,0.41 by him sh:atint
Per be
ns to alna• 11 the Ilnat .nMral,ii •I;, Al ',I •a ity a •
NOTICE TO CREDITORS * •hr • 1-.1. '
r the. o. t ,
t ' t' o w et;
tel 1•t
IN '('ills'. II II 11)1 II IIF h1,',,',1! of rs' r • ed In •
I r .w ti t �1 �.aat qn.
JL'STl 1:. Ih r•t:, 1 . ,1 s' ,..• 'so' nr
it lilt I AI. N... I' 1•. "IU THE I It' -.,.II I': r ' r f' i„o
tl.�!..awlq+e-,lunch .het ,•`i
I. 11„t the (nllnwiog't -'tlnn h floiti,,-.• No
•o rhe1U43o•%•04 of: h,' morn,^i{,d innte,,+.Lu,,
rf the 'ow n .d U,deri'•h l••1 hied 10 vote u .
II.n„e)• 1.1.tly. N,,. • '•113
Art roc Ti'1', 1.1\..r:'•1' Ir-.. 1151,1. IH'.'1 1.11
(Il'prn s1t,T,11 l'owt , ('t.,1'11.0 •. o.1
♦t U•1 1 IJ'1'1 t CO, t' 1. tut' t",wtu _
Ir o tmutt fu rlt ass.' et. .1.3.11-`14.1ii:t i,''
loc- n o1 •O r..+ u i , !Ne •cone hour-. W4,
tl•'tn .•.c :'the -.one • laces and by Or.
111 ` dee ••er 141,11000Z ',!'. 1:4.44004 tt- /,h' the
tl r, ion (n• the Nn r ,i ilw.. ••'tutverI for 11.15.
3. - t toy.• copyg t f ih - bylaw -Nall be pub
1, •1 Ito the followintrn••, ....per I;w the a
h iejeofternit'.tWirr•A,rnet.srn.wv: In
SBU 404
Total majority for Silber• -2E6.
North Huron.
A. H. Musgrove, Conservative, is tee-
elected iu Not Huron with a ma-
jority of 2511 over W. H. Kerr, the
Liberal candidate. The ma jorittea by
municipalities are :
Con.' Lib.
Asbtheld 16
NVest IN at. anoeb... • . ..... • - 1
East Wawanosb. : 52
Morris 211
Turnberry.... C 47
Blyth 12
Wioghatn .. ...1.36
Wroxeter ...- 23
3148 130
Total majority for Musgrove -41s.
�To inc Editor of The SignaL
47 fill SIH, -A number of ratepayet-s have
for easked mr it 1 intend to he a candidate
ll' tr
li3 I shbitiduannounce myoralty forlposition atonce.
66 $4
t17 71
73 5.1
t6; . ' I
42 4!+
til ' tel
I,) 44
11- :11
be; v,
I would be willing to act for another
year, a thele ate sutue matters of ilit-
p'H-tance that I would like to see
settled. but I have no desire to stand
in the! way of Nome gentlemen who, .I
am informed. aspite to the position
and the-ia•fol'e i do not intend' to be a
calidictate. `
M. (I; ('.'Mr:Itt.N,
icb. Dec: 11. 1911.
'l u the Editor tel l'bt r i,tnal. -
!►EAHtill(,-M t�' l 1'equrst:sufficient.
space to the columns of I'he Signs' to
, call antra '' to a matter affecting
our local op ' r,unpaign c I; has
ewcrntl)4 color' to my knowledge that
a 'it niur is being citrulated tothe
effect that .1 am now opposing loos!
option.. Permit me to givethis a
emit! unqualified -denial. No sort!•(
. 1111. pili Ix• Utltteet•t;n:ary to ( hose wit,
kllup art) sentiments on Goa lign,m
.luestirat; yet there at,. p.•t r t„- •
others w h,, may he intluence,l It* to .' h '4
4 _NI ;lealner'I ,. nietfitrds• AN fat • - I stn
la•r.uuuliy runcetntal I •,, ;It this 1
tight to thefinish to. ►1 -u,•:. 's'„r: n• 10, .
a1.(r result for the lean l, 1 •.•1 .I lit, 1
\ 1,.
1. t; land no it -alter whit till' I.•..tt *, r,L, t
50 r•: i of the people rorty I t' I
.w 21 i eo111it1Ue t'1 be' I non.rd to t Lr Iiglt 0 1 . t: ..I
:t2 , hnntnre:4111 1,11II pl.. 'I r loAllk,,t d,• t 1 .! 1! ' ,-• front a
.m the
Gift Goods 5%', Acheson & run . ...... s
House for Sale -Thos. Bstes . . V . 9
Watch Found --Mrs. Pat. Austin. KintaU.. . s
Six Months' comparative Stateweut-Ster-
ling Bank .... p
Servant \Wanted -Apply to \lis, GrRllths9
Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specific
W. A. Jenkins Mfg, Co.. London. 7.
Election Card--ltobt. Elliott
Header--Family Herald tic 1% eekly Star 11
C'hristnras Grucerles-John Spahr„ r 8
Reader The Weekly Sun. .. hi
Winter Term -Central Iluslnesa Course,
Stratford. - 12
!traders -S. E. Hick 1J
I :your Weakens Nervous System -The Gallia
Institute. _ g
Itcaders-Blisckalons', 1
Header.- E. H. Wigle .. ........0
Lot for Sale -D. F. Hamlink. .... . ............
Ihauu Playing .1, .E. Cook Il
Christina., duel New Year ltant..-C. I'. H...., -t
Big Mass :Meeting -Victoria ()Per:. House..' A
Cflristmra- Gifts I'. T. Dean. , a
treader -U,'1'. R 8
Local Option Removes a Mac m, P▪ rogre,a
1 hr'tetruan Gift. - W. '1. Riddell. Auburn 9
Headers --Victoria Street Sunday Solite' q
Chri,twa.+amid New Year 1:" ur.ions--F: F.
Lawrence .. • ' .. 9
Furniture for Christmas Gifts -Muir &
Hohuteier .. y
.tucuon Sale -George Holland... .. . 9
Mut( Lo -t -Auburn Hotel .. • q
All Ready for I hristma.-'I In: l'olottlal Hook
Store • °
'G11MI$TMAn Shat,l♦
Christmas Gifts -W, Bern
CMtstmas %Worry -E. it. 11 ign
Christmas Greetings -W. l:. Pinder.
Men's Furnishing--McLe..n Bro•...
E'toe Carriage Painting -John A: Knox 4
Sensible Gifts Crud Hunt.... & t-
Bon•bori A. Pappas...- 4
Beautiful lifts -Smith's Art Store.. .... J
Christmas Suggestions-)4Ular's Scotch Store 3
Helpful Suggestions for Holiday Shoppers-•. '
1111titai llkoc... .. ... 1d
0th Snmstlolts-a, t'. Dunlop. 14
All the World Loves a Klidak-f( R. Sallowa,ll
'Ho: for :hrirtorae-F.:. Hulloed. 3-
('hristmas Gifts -Char. C. Lee . . ,,,la
Leaving Town- W. Feldman Cc Co
_to Ideal Christmas (lift -Jas. F. Thomsolrt
Cotas BBahu
Present6rists of l2oxes-uaUty-Howelloral tIl'afeardd•a'e Co. _. 4
Holiday Gifts --J. H. Colborne.
.: 3
• GtcHe.tLLu
s-mGgade,rich quick' �
l'rop:rty for SaleApplyat Signal. s
Telegraphy School - A. E. Matheson ... .:9
Judicial Notice -B, I.. Doyle. . .. .. , 9
I Isrlstmas IafteX, ('. I •anleron .. 1J
Jewellery and Silverware- -\\-, H, H4111.On(1
Your I bristma. Present-Trisbaut.'...
Hicks drug store for tou t- wAtor..
colognes, sachet l)erfun:e:3, et,'.
You are itivite,J to take pear•( jet the
Christmas festivities at Vict iris, street
church on C'hris.UI ;I. uiy l:t.
Gu,•.. ho\\' many p;e'e- i't the Klan,
jar rt 'lunbfar's a it..l ,w'. Tb.. du+est
guess takes the til n:cr .••t whi,tit into
be given away the iII st day ..f the new
Hector Illy, is.pehdini; a wee': a' Buffalo,
taking a .well-earned test.
Mrs t'. M. Ross, Eldon street.'.:r IA•nmliter
this week in the .:r rb uhf of her duties as
Leu C hi•rholin ha: 1. . arson!, from his trip. to
Kalllrnazoo, 51 elf., feeling .i. 1 b itllpr.)%'94 In
'.h 'Alma tioli11.1, .1;00 t •tt ort if nrrtay far
l.orrdu wt ,: I.rht• t , i f'•i inn with
the Sin.;, •Ilg,\trv,::) •' ,..
\%e1 tet• .\Ir, •••.
At. 1,•: 'I.nl .,`, f... I.'
4111; \t'. I' '.
art• 1 ,....•,.. 4.11•
II w
lel ,:.1 I ill 1411100114.1t ,•'1 I �•nll '. 41I • if;
, 1 F 1
411 ; puielikhing 1i 1, 11. ,, I :e,1 A. 1 �i"the 1' ) 'i'•' sutre
X11, ,) N•III. •f 7e,Y•t.,
1 I„
ire 27 ' ..'11•- fan ii;111!v, I' '• _
'or, I 11 n 4'y night
1(..I..'die:, •n• lc• ,I ..r loot y 4•1fra 0‘1 Ow
1 "l
:r" 'I
131i l o.dt•1.•'1 I • . I7(. 1!11 I. - t,/r tt.
HI'I,1.P1't'.• 7 HE LHR STMAS SIG i/1 L. W.r I ,\ley
rr e• torr*
N", 1 II ill 31
No. Irl 'sa K( '_ 1'h.. I 11.• l'!trt •I lar 1- II'1... I ;n• her ,•nt
No :f Yl► sis ,,;g .S1441.-1. ru:.lust 1111,, 1fte tt'• •u i. I \ , . 1 .
(Si '.8, ti's III
17 :o �. •Int
45 P' 15 21
:it 4%1 ;N
.1.;.'11 :tI i•
III' THE inn. t PNGINF \tvt•1L•
'r t
r.nnu•ru.i its df t•.ther, .t
paper•ale 1laversinl'tar issues it
alibil draw• ittrti,111^•.
1.4 111ii' It 011.1;CAl attit•1•• Ira
L.•Ts'uzelend Ile nivel I t
R. H. sallower, wht•h err, %%1
Gaily lot' iignal ts• t 1 • .
FOB SALL Th.• (h't. ora MCI -'I; '-c u.v11 • IV '
Lclii!a I 1.x)4 (IN'rill. lr•n!i 11• "
I ,•
e'•fally'prra••tl 1'!,t•% . I .• al r„th I • tie /elle.
t tti.t-• .. 'A. to fie able'•.
• .,.ghter NM 4, L.
111. 1 •• •t -. • t .. I:venting her wantder
t. they mote t be -trip .
\I '. 1 , I t_ 'nor tl•nd4ri, h Levy. hnt
` . t' a nnf4tlnrfl)g VOW-
Ik 11� \l snivels in town:
7r tl•It i•• -' '4 :hfe
,reatth tri•
1 I.)Lorrr.h.
• .tdp.t\5 I ly;trl:t' -' .• 1'''y rd lafosare, 19'1, at the )1 tr'' l2l.u,s, I. 4/11 • 0 1 ,+, '►h: m.., s w5I'13(v .,l r:,"i,'c at., .:,I.,+., .. l.i y,,
'•%' , uract. at 3e.• *bravh 4,61.. M kin's .o g -1 u. . sir... Inp.ur u! 1'•. w A •e
s'.; ' Int I,.Ir .,P t,1R,t, 1., , 1..
hir.',y t 1 n rorthe sun'rwieg.up hi' tiw LI'•'
1♦TII1•IItlinm Tt11.Ibit1 ..'••wc 1'r'Irk.1 • •': eaten' of the nn101wrM ^' - :aijdw,•Ii,, tIIi tt t11t'31.,1(1'In^I••!Ia•.r/4
wrttt. l.talUu. tlru 1� tr a1I-Ir ,r g' "0ealfla/alir-modIn ter Mega . - \'.f.. .5 Il\1. \\II '
.0. yes *esea NI: I'r \ 1 /n n,: I nu•n1: risers l 1,.., - \-il \1..
\i•.. , • • rrcl fuss nr colli 1 r .gl•ttot. i1' lalr,untr+l. It
Ll nl'tin kat tarn B7 t o rx,.•e t 1. 1.' 1,•.,,.ru t• 1•',t .cacrrrl tbia cwt lay of i _ v 1 •' ,ref\- , I lb. n•. Fri•' •1' ry -•rn
Ill• srl ' 1 vpl r• 1 i.• latlh a, Ip,N •e_ Isrni.
M ' ANkROv rr1 n Till 1'. ►t t ' t r+yp toe I TII ile. , t 1 w',low of • .
lea' gape,.. right Mt '1
„g cent an•
' , d -r ich, ertfof
the a: n•.t• of
. A. , . t .. , mil 1'In1'• ''t11 1•i 1.1 1
• i' area It is e.1• Ls , .•u1t tto'• , o , it:,• 1 sl ye •r
I'er.nent to the'1 indica so order .mans h, .
theQ High I'.urr N Justi. "in the rustler of 17.3• I
ilofy Engine WMks t'entany. limited. sort
dated the 7.4 No, of Iteeen.M.t„\. 11, 151,.. the
errditore of the .Irrve-named t nmpeny nd all
other -4 bavtag elelms tasa1"..! th.• •sad I .,m
piny. hetliR 1.. heed Mtle. 1, the tulip of
Underfelt. he the rent, of Huron, ire oo end
by post. 1m'p.Mt. to t'yoedfa,rt. H1frs is i►ii-
loran. solicitor. for the liquidator of iris •aid
( onpsny, at their addns... (uderieh, "satin.
their t hearten ,r1 corns -,w. *Mire-•ra and
dor-option.. fell paM Mambas. M I het,
and the "...tore and the at11011nt of 1M• •,Mhil
Ile., If any, Mid by their. and the at'mie1M
vales. of -oeb seroritl. -:..r In default tbemef 1
They will he pen'w'the:b edeljde11fystt, the'
bend' nt' t he .w id winding up ,Met,
The nal red will. eta the =Tel da of
�leer, *Mvrw n ek,rk Iw rhe krrh.
hIB Si (M town wf tlellwrs'M.
effort the ft,tuida(' - area the mid
�aM a tter'ltra a lAh.
Daijr�� ( , Ora 1W dal of ht•rer•
her, 6 l i 1.
.4-.11 polo -. Mayor. , 11.: �.1LE. 'I fl► 11.11 +E. ANI•
1. In^tple• tti
1 leek. u - ...*: , N r. •" 1 a r:.a.,I f x 1'• - Sirol.i 11.
• /•1 :h,• 'e.1 a.,'t,. Mash ler
Ye)1ts'I, TIl► •N•sl \.. .41 It E I. Amish
lake eerie. ill. al 'vr i. tree espy et a '
by tor 'a.sell by the Muni; .(st' wB t4 at the
tnv'n of tI►edeM,•h an tire ltr-r day ettreesnabeir. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE.
* rd f,: rt M r t eke OM. rib., • t rho hum dao
st or.ln Seed far :.ukdatf the veR,ea i
thews, !Of* the lInrn:• w1ld,-
rivet t"%tthwtien the :ta dap CI iMwlletle
A:t .rerwle' due '10 Mets•- growl ba,' tsw
•t'/ On et JerMary ►.t, ea:. 'N. •s,
i. le HON
(ler\ • sit' L. ttcoAt4 M fee Mier s b..
tinsel at tics• re'twr' eluant e.thyl,a am or st(. J r, t1R11.
1 r. HMI•
fs'Ir. peril Mork is
immense on,' it -deludes the fine ,l That.111accurral- lbw Orr F:.tates
the worldi by diti► �t S
pttoduclw. When )-r . buy a alleg
Of r
See Lawrence Abou: It.
'I'),».1;vitt I !, 11,4 R ibu ,t •
U•g le,ii t •1. . t• . 1 t1. .t -I;.-.
Sc.,,''trev,•11er•. 1 irl„ .;t: , •-
f -'r the rntrild t. ill w i,t I•.• • 1
I 1:..... 1 11 -. ('II.' I;,yl •'v.
\ nisi' id, -,g I no TI •^•teal' tht-
t'r`r' . r 1 I �tsr, n • 1 Sts., .John
Mr �RiG lJ.
lever 21 to 25, g.ha t I. � t. I 1' •\ '1- •11
'tool• •r 1 , r •t
A 'Sni5 rh ll •'.,
!leer•nwhee28:an.? I' 1. r., r1,,.{. t q, 8'. r II. I'.•siI I , rt3,by
o ..ofIi "desist• •n wort Kn."..
4' !Irl alit \( _ I' fins hniiie of tin. hr•1de'.
I rnotlwst. Ifs. J. Weng. ((al^rtrh, on \t'
t,' -day 'Mrs Iis r 11:1, by ik'v. H, -o, Q
how's, ik L/ Ji'-eph . Mt7tas serer.(. er Toronto,
lar t \da irree. .1 smiiht"r of the Mte
\i'tlll,m J Klug.
January t. go,.l • t • ,,tt u., 1.)
Jxnuat'v 1reo- ,• runs lines
third will he $1 . 1 1, •+t. I tri .'irises 21
to Jan,tnry .1 : r, ur-n l,nlit. J nitavy t
tall a• t down -own n effl'ufor y:utt'
t whet. anti *iv e delay at (he stir -Don .
. R. F. LA Witilat:E.
Town ABeat, H.T.R.
Re to;utter the Ohs
:ictxu• a r. Ueermbrr IB - --'tearsnot
of buauaklet hen