HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 3THE SIGNAL :- GODERICH ONTARIO NE BABY'S FI T CHRISTMAS TREE. The ChristmJPudding Let misers boast flab hoarded sold And put their treasure by. Net half the coin that e'er was told la hair so rich as L For to the eatlosl5 all combine Their chains! gute to mend. Jar raisins, esarents, egg aad wise All in my sue ice blend. The homely suet not at ail The loafs of chopper dreads. '!•t lets them eat it laid small Efts, particles or shreds. The raisin and the currant both With Allow teelt view it A pound of each ts�othing loath To loin • pound of suet The loaf to my assistance costs. Though In proportion mean. Yielding four ounces of Its criminbe To all tLe rests sixteen. T H]• heat shim.• to s that baby sees is a milestone In his path of frt, thattgb almost setarb he or she -let's call It he for convenience l e ge-deorste all Meat at Nag before his second Christmas. Whim it is the lest May and his drat Christmas tree-wonder!ul ubmErnHMn of tlreta-4t is sea moan interesting, not particularly so to hlm- talr. bat Si lis peseta Thin it is that the fond mamma or perhaps the actual Send Ohm bolds Ma en to lost at the marvels upon the tree -the toys and the and swe tmeat& bet mast marvdeua of at) the tiny lighted candles in' MOOD fain!` Dat {herr wens• a time te every family of Rooeeveltian approval, let as 111. elm throe are ether sal eider children widely experienced In the teen sae sots daft Mee taking baby -the newest arrival In the lieuesdili-mall •hewing bur the tees. Theo it L en event of events to the Ober eldlies. ter Wig Eiw es meek and baby knows so little. Baby, of Eageing wilt delight Tba ll a rather trite phrase ordtnatily, bat notie ogasaMsd wldh mimes le Md. and decidedly Is this tree when it le >iea Chalanr fasts. E OEM 113 A UISMIS TREE. Deo Yuletide Custom That atm Flew - Woes is the Fatherland MlRIO&N and English oewrW- para at Christmas time often' lave picturesque accounts of the German ChrNtmas, which majora up a clear. frosty atmosphere OM re-echo the song of the skates on the froom lakes, OW the Anglo -Swine notice of the wean Christmas Is *awn frets thaedddidbood hours spent Over Haas Mama and Grimm, and the eight of a O 4i4 a tree brings to MOM wosd&Mpr tramping home thcrISOW kilos forests. trailing .ietzeillitam fig r tree for his family 011 121111012011. while is the MS Wit Madr•agfe of the ven- erable meta: lona is picked out to tights bean. • Oda trees In the win - Sows of the /nblsd bosses. Fifty paha ago. before the young Neaman gist bad awakened from the lissg d MatreiM, ways a writer in the Mow Tart Rr.,Jag Post, this idea of Se peaceful teeetae Christmas was %meei, bat it M et the burghers at eld DerfS, tetaenfng from milking his Oel goes pe ebalas it Christine eve. Mete is M trempligieg Into lbs rear tad bebetempty Abe Is HeataMde has bsesmi M Mt yew -of grass 11111 the grad man woold probably sxlofre as Po Mat - Fifty years ago, whim Dsdtn was • deb. a•pteta•tio•s, plw ledal town, with ell lighted. ill pave. strode and with the iron bard of rlltibelam its checked over It all, the 0111.0111m few tival was the tranquil eelebmtlen of which one has reed. In the k. ' ton, before the castle. • Chrttrtmnn toll was a•seaty establbbed WY& the king and royal daily used to veld to bay laming paha and gingerbread tot the palace at'etmee trees, like ally other Geet,•a dmay. The Leseaftss Aar Is passed away, the bang of Pre► ala has beeves Germs emperor, Der has developed lab a Me and Mae- die asrue city, sad all that reutabm d lbs bristm•e et este ups a time is the tA6fl-bdssd, a grains• fatterfta■ce- fat still Mils mere= sway and reeds emsmhN t• the besschee of the myri sols of Obel5_in slues which ride and {peer •tib mit • le ttf dr boom is the eve of the Vast Deterwiso the alt Dermas dssplldlfj bee vaarhst le Me boomed tbe rhea m odmat eleelele RPM Mlle Ode lass{ et tiro '401rrt tisane and tibw melee ar ee the it reit whirl be dues ha sea as a Obrisisiliii memo call .et se piece miler the Cbebtmr trent, dY the woolen wmdsatme. the beside of glegeebroed it t e sew drafts fit the der of No Vat ammo et Due Hire at tis gbh mephgss fiefs the pal■ et lbs Cl eleiasaa ,,... wbblh wet leW*Ogg all MtMItit oloseMeggewe -I. megb lick"- j k one tDn1., tie Wes eat! be Ho to a 001111111 �Iasst �Imar bee us beteg MGM tip► it r �e1r - oily �il s gingerbread and gilt angels stack in their diamond paned window fronts lave vanished, and their places are taken by store, built on the name style of palatial magnificence as across the Atlantic. From the beginning of December till the feast they devote a considerable portion of their space to Christmas S- mears. where one imagines oneself transported to toyland. There are tire- ' m•ndous set pieces with electric tram airships and railway trains careering about amid wonderful papier macho mountain scenery; ravishing visions of fair doll women and army corps on arae corps of the most gallant tin soldiers that ever manned a fortThe air is rent with an ear splitting cacoph- ony of noise emitted by mechanical toys, and the atmosphere reeks with the smell of shavings and glue, that peculiar pungent odor of the toyshop which brings back to the old fogies the mysterious delights of the birthday table On Christmas es every German mast have his Christmas area When one passes through the streets on a wet Christmas eve --the sparkling frost and snowy mantle of the feuilletonlst rarely put in an appearance before January -one has the carious feeling of being to the midst of 00,000.000 people all engaged in doing the same thing. One can imagine the traveler looking w the thousands of Moham- medans laboriously threading their way across the desert to Mecca to win the title of Radii regarding the stew with similar motions. For when I say ev- ery German if is literally true. The streets of Berlin are deserted save for the cars and the omnibuses and cabs and an occasional policeman, and from behind the blinds of the windows of the greet blocks of gats twinkle the candles on the Christmas trees, throw- ing out their little beams into the dark - Deal of the night as did the star to the shepherds nearly 2,000 years ago. The Seven Ages of the Chrietm•s Turkey. An the world's a platter Ara all the slim art Immo merely eat - gra a Thar lave with them Sways thele awe- thee. Asa or tart la bin tem plays essay Wig sets bis agree meat At first the iagorag grandly ea the maids, team. Flamed br rick deesdeg sled eteaberry seees, ♦ Wady aha to it beers the king; Tem the warmed ewer bird. terve. ego seat day, Last we merest lee Yeleilars seems meal; Tam tee esti gets. at Isabssa and at tot. M esessinst. w se as hamsiitsaeooats; e least sew the sew, ycspt a the web sareglrp abatis to mole of pears tash AewrkemsM �M. k eesa. es ems me mast tleeearlet et pvita w—eel ebb Mat eismareaste dm is... the AM eethey latal ss ar mart The Use ego me IMaMlle ..t!ls b.e. air wiRai Mb mom tee* hes me e alba mefter M as 118.8 • airamikdesel:Forilliboillt" • aLr. Is. lir an'avICl BLIND. aa The western Indies don't refuse Their most, appropriate boom, But with their sugar aid my view; Giving two tablespoons. The nutmeg, lemon peel and mace Each Its proportion brings. For every one I fled • place With fifty other things. 'try TM modest Ringer, all too shy _ Boldly to make advance, Sends a mere teaspoon lust to try My flavor to enhance. The generous fowls with eager hitt* Their tender eggs bestow To firmly bind the luscious paste. As Wry cook must know. With such ingredients rich and rash— Matters '{were vain to mince— With me no ether can compare. 01 puddings Tab the prince! —Pose& 1 11db, SantaClaus! egos .iles.411111141ri iii t ; WHO IS SANTA CLAUS? A Query Prempting One of the Pretty Legends et St Nicholas. History says lit Nicholas, the pa trou saint of Christmas. was bishop cel Myra. to Lyda. and that be died about 826. Tradition Oils lu the meager details with a number of legends. Among his dock -so runs one -was • noble- man oblerman with three daughters. From being rich he became so poor there remain- ed no way of obtaining food for ib* maidens, who, baring no bread to eat. wept continually. while their father grew more and morn desperate. St. Nicholas beard of the family's plight. and, taking a handle! of gold, be re paired to the nobleman's house one night while the maidens slept and the father sat alone weeping. A cloud showed 8t- Nicholas an open window In the aoblemao's home. So he threw In the gold. and it fell at the feet of the nobleman, who, when be found it, retuned thanks and pre- saged it to his eldest 4aughter as her wedding portiere. "Helot Hello! is this Santa Claus, Weil. this 1s Marjorie Brows. oe. I }oat knew you'd 'member me. ♦wfb •ice of you to bring all those things last Christmas. What do I want this Tsui Ever and ever so many thhlga Four della with real wake up eyes. an' a set o' dishes, as a Wed, aa' etee- not I wast two. three story beets. es' pass, a•', oo. over to mesh tsafb, an' as' -- Aare, you old Mve dropprt Mem ime slag, have you/ Well, perbepo yes ban a right to. tar it Jest hap pens that le this ease yen ate Santa Olasa Get all the oriel Thin tDBe OH trim% you b beteg tier Slee thee ere the bye sal WA atoll your biome" BMW gr *1 eel mow and ONE • wagsf is gallaa veer abed gad *Idle the wag 1s. the More. we ser. D....h. bur MOM or 11011/or it Mary ea Waft le fife ease {Ely be A. remember to Asp ilia relieve the *sol eh* �at ami id die MOR. t PAPA'S PART. Moths is in desperation, And se is roister Sue, For Christmas celebration Buying the peeeents due: Ann a a frazzled maiden Exhausted by shopping fr•yst Ter, with his arms o'erlsden. Hangs to the strap and sways. Lurching—his bundles (bother!) Around the car he spills. Everybody weeks but father. } He simply pays s! ,—LesterthebillLeetairs GET RICH MAKING TOYS. Demand For Novelties Affords Good Workmen Profitable Employment. New designs in toys are as eagerly looked for by toymakers as the new designs of • Paris dressmaker Some of the best artists make small fortunes by designing new toys. A notable case of this kind is that of (wren d'Ache, the eminent French black and white artist His physicians bed or- dered him to take a rest. Partly to amuse himself -and partly to entertain some children he began to whittle some little toys out of wood. Out of these grew his famous toys showing Sing Edward bagging pheasants. Em- peror William on a boar bunt, Carlos killing mountain sheep and President Roosevelt drawing a bead on a grizzly. Purls is the only city that regularly bolds toy expositions, and at these one may see every sort of toy made in the world. The United States keeps a per- manent exhibition of the toys of all nations and times in the ethnological space in the national museum. From India, China,,, Attica. Alaska. Austra- lia, from the remotest past down to the living present, these toys have been gathered. THE SEASON FOR TACT. Thoughtlessness In Yuletide Gifts Oft ten Shatters Friendships Many • pleasant friendship has been broken by ignorance of good form is gift making. Many a social career has been nipped In the bud by a present ill chosen or wrongly sent If you are rich and have some friend who bas loot her money be caret's', a...c your gift does not reflect your knowl- edge of her Bimodal straits. Remem- bet that somehow she will menage to buy the obviously necessary thing, while her heart still hungers for the dainty, the luxurious touches of life. Again, there is the wealthy friend of your family to whom you brought letters of introduction when you came to town. She has not taken you into the bosom of her family, but occasion ally at her large and general functions she has entertained you. Choose no gorgeous gift in such a case Rather send her a beautiful Sower on Christ- mas morning with • well worded greeting or the newest hook about which her world Is surely talking. MERRY CHRISTMAS, BAIT. Merry Christmas. baby, with life just begun! Tears of rosy teotsteps, blithely may they butt Childhood yet berate thee proffers fun end play_ Farther on the shadows ne—o4 so tar away! Sunlight shimmers o'er thee from the morning tarts. Heaven smiles before thee In thy mother's seat Laughing is her arms, baby. is that light divine Love, the sweetest life can give, Is title moment thine. —Belem Belt In [waile'a Weekly. THEY ALL WORK FOR SANTA. Fathere, Mother% Oreedparewte Eked ChAdreet Whe Mite Tey Though Rents Claus begfs• stting ready for the next Christmas the min- ute be aubergine's Ms reindeer, yet he never sad make womb toys h go aroeed It be did sot bare • let et people to help bits. i• OertaYy thetre are several 'S- lave wilily everybody works at try- a•idag, set eery the sestherw. fathers sad trhMe•, bet eves mosdmstbww and ge•eddtbe s. For gaserstl•a Moro grain a have made tops -.ells, no warm, dock forefeet5155 weed en weeps sad weed= Walrlels of ad kiwis in may Moen ties bogie bdeleg >r this womb wiles the/ are ow mall ills ma lordly dt r lbs or aasw MINN ORM OAsa s MHO taa� w111 MIM Wit M we NO THUSSDAY, Dau:aariK It ltllt t• 'Phone 56 ' P hdne 56 Christmas Suggestion FROM THE SCOTCH STORE Only seven more days for Christmas shopping. The busiest season of all the ytar is now in full swing and we are ready with a stock of useful and attractive gifts. Gloves The Ideal Oift for Ladies.. Gentlemen and Childrtn Our Gloves are all guaranteed, so no danger in making your selection from our Immense stock. Adonis Kid Gloves- for ladies, all colors, Perrin's make, in fancy box. Per pair, $1.00. Perrin's Eglantine Gloves, superior quality, all colors, neatly boxed. Per pair, $1.25. Ladies' wool and fur -lined Gloves,. Girls' Kid Gloves, per pair, i5c. Boys' Cape hloves, per pair, 75c, Kayser Silk Gloves in all lengths for evening wear. Handkerchiefs Always a pleasure to receive Hand- kerchiefs. Our stock will satisfy the most exacting person. Beautiful Maltese Handkerchiefs, silk cenu'es, very handsome, from soc to $2.50 each. Guipure Lace Handkerchiefs, pure linen centres, very attractive, neatly bored. 1t each, 25c, 5oc to $t.00. Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs, every initial in stock, for ladies or gentlemen. Each, 25c. Children's Fancy Handkerchiefs in endless variety. Fancy Handkerchiefs for making ,kimonos, aprons, ,cushion tops, etc.,' 15c ; two for 25c. New Stock of Silk Hose, Suitably Boxed Ladies' pure silk Hose with doub!e lisle top and sole. Extra value, per pair, $t.00. New Hand Bags and Satchels. - Tapestry and Velvet Bags are the very newest. We have a splendid assort- ment. At each, 5oc to $4.50. 4 Beautiful Showing of Snow White Linens We feature the celebrated sun -bleached "Old Bleach- Table Linens and Towels. Special "Old bleach" Table Cloths, full'size, napkins to match, very hand- some, neatly boxed—the set of Cloth and one dozen Napkins, $8.50. "Old Bleach" Linen Towels, hemstitched or scalloped ends, very handsome designs, suitable for initialing. Per pair, $t.00. "Old Bleach" Guest Towels make very dainty gifts, handsome designs, hemstitched or scalloped ends. Per pair, 5oc to $i.00. Handsome showing of Fancy Linens in Tea Cloths, Tray Cloths, Sideboard Cloths, Doilies, etc. Splendid showing of -New Carpets, Curtains, Blankets and Comforters for,the festive season. Ladies' Gift Umbrellas Gift Umbrellas—something new, the Irndia Umbrella, the small umbrella with the wide spread, at each, $2.50. Other styles of Umbrellas suitable for presentation from $t.00 to $4.50 each. SHOP EARLY LMillar's Scotch Store 'Phone 56 abm II 'Phone 56 J Ho! for Christmas When doing your Christmas shop- ping do not fail to see the fine selection of gift articles at F. J. Butland's Pharmacy TOILET CASES MANICURE SETS BRUSHES HANDMiRRORS, Etc. is Rbaey sod Wilke t acme MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES HAT BRUSHES SMOKERS' GOODS SHAVING OUTFITS Otristmas Perfumes is large variety. Chocolates 8�i Bon -bons tioe boles. iRS Koda*Ml� better he • Chrrooms gi t. A LARGE VARIETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS Come end see Y we mnent help yes 811 in your list of Christmas purchases. DrefItiat Fe J. Butland "ifs Mon That Nemo Ooderich SPOTTON ,Strands for all that is modern is Hu-inw,s Training. A Chain of Meter, l'olleRe• in loading towns and cities. Two Thousand- stu- dent, in our College and Home titudy last year. VVe train from ten to twenty students for every o n e trained by most schools. There's • reason. it N freely admitted that our Bates get hest positions, and the dsillWsd for them is 'levee" thing the supply. Exclusive riOt for On- tario of the famous Mee Book- keeping elystem. You may at home, or partly at hoseedll finish at the College. A fladatima Education pays adividend *Fes" day of your life. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2, 1912 C411 or write for perticslate. Spotton Business College CUNTON, ONT . hes• a F. iffier„ P.+n.ip.t i