HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-14, Page 2▪ TsuCta.DAT, DderICB t 11. IVII FHE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO ASTHMA CATARRH THE THREE AGES OF CHRISTIAS, •�cWeir 4 ROS --RTU. Wit& �r zuodxs Awas going to Bethlehem town Upon the earth 1 cast me down All tmderneat6 a little tree 'nut whispered in this wise to Ines — ",Oh. 1 shall stand on Calvary And bear what burthen saveth thee!" As up 1 fared to Bethlehem town 1 mat a shepherd coming down, And thus he quoth: "A wondrous sight -lath spread before mine eyes this night. An angel hat most fair to see, That ming full sweetly of a tree That shall uplift on Calvary What burthen saveth you and me." And u 1 gat to Bethlehem town, Lo, wise mien came that bore aaown. m p� "/_ there," cried 1, " hem A King shall wear this diadem?" "Good sooth," they quoth, "and it is he That shall be lifted on the tree And freely shed on Calvary - What blood- redeemeth us and thee." Unto a Child in Bethlehem town The wise men came and brought the crows, And, while the infant smiling slept, Upon their knees they fell and wept, But with her babe upon her knee, Naught reeked that Mother of the tree whit on Calvary W4tat butte en saveth all and me.' i Again 1 walk in Bethlehem town And think on him that wears the awns. 1 may not kiss his feet again Nor worship him as 1 did then. My King hath died uponthe tree And hath outpoured on Calvary What blood redeemeth you and me. Th. Lie &we slit OBSERVING CHRISTMAS. Hew One Family Made the Holiday Pleasant and Profitable. IN many childless, homes in this country no preparations are be- ing made to observe Christmas with its old fashioned customs end traditions. But in Germany, the historic home of the Christmas tree end the source of many current Christ - pas custohs and devices, in no home, from palace to hovel, however old or poor, are the members wi`hout their Christmas tree at Yuletide. When there are no children 1t hs a beautiful sight to see gray hatred old men anal promen, with perhaps their married pans and daughters and grandchildren, standing around, greeting with undis- guised ndiesguleed delight their well laden dr tree. It is an essential part of their Christ- mas and would not bio Christmas with o ut it. 1 In a refined American home to a S mall city a few years ago much en- 'oyment was derived from a Christ- mas celebrated in childish stele by a family of adults. During the preen". (ng year a son-in-law and a dellgbter` in-law had been added to the family group, and the other members were a father, a mother, a dear old maiden aunt, the two married children. two unmarried grownup sons and their Doe sister. A real Christmas tree was purchased, and the women folk trlsll~ Sed tt with popcorn. tinsel. candles Ill all the rest of the paraphernalia �pulred for a genuine old faabiosti cath turas tree. ' Oa Ohrletmas morning the WIMP assembled. and. catching the tar n of the occasion. all .at on the areas* the gree to receive theft silos a bona fide Banta Own the first packages distribtls{ soma Bade to remit Away bleb of the year Just wen& what E., s *sleets* la order to createIlerewes peel.of laughter peel. wenn of • package labelled e bride's risme. which was contain a large leather medal biecr*4 WM the tel owing: "sir Vanessa 1e waking apple Jelly-" ne a sesta * the causer, 6ewrts erwl Ithe had straggled time sled agate am tut •f Making this Selectable /hilt Ry her h aelwad west a entail sale irrntbsat bellow 1* his boyhood days be bell os/Iwilsa. tower' learning W the 1sslslM . pr•�g MI • 'play ISO at res oar tawtlag typo' To d 01011.4 seat. M estb01111111a alwirev et ihahaapars east a s. le et several dabs devote. M 'leallsR" • plater of puns best at while was awarded. cite et the lbws had When • pleasure trip Math • taw sears bedew► •ee ileOwiel bl • TOW" , e•eeesa. *s hell -lett It ea the sAwle- beat seek when be • aharked wed •as. ` er ~mewl X Ile Ida vele dives a potegr•yt ee • ee**Ut*i eas•ea eat `lees& is idoliit*Illthwe gaga et • p► •iev ea•sasta•• re the teat; a wee - tater of the gospel and man off) ee- cleslastical circles, a toy watch—just a gentle reminder of the length of this sermons. The mother's early dale had been spent on a farm. Occasionally she bad been known to grow homesick, for a familiar sight of something re- sembling farm lite, and she bad re- cently purchased a few chickens, which she housed in the extreme end of the back yard, much to the disgust of the daughter of the house. To her was glven a toy rooster with a real "crow." The son -In-law received a dime bank. to indicate that his responsibilities had Increased, and the other and younger brother rose colored glasses, to tested him of his visionary ideas. To the sin- gle sister who had been "out" several seasons a ring with a solitaire stone of real gess was given. Alter these had been distributed the handsome and real gtfts of the day were exchanged, an! it was a jolly. happy crowd which tiled Into the dining room to enjoy the feast which had been in course of prepare. tion. Daring the folloWyotts the lather departed this life, fo owed within a short space of time by the married ton. The surviving members have Um Memory of that delightful Ckrietm/ when they were all together. ' On Christmas Mere. They tared across the many Pinion They dared the desert way. Above them moved the starry trate.. That rest got night or day. One star from out the splendor show A rift of heaven's own tight . In review' faith they followed e , •• Their .ager rause bright Three kings were they et great repay And from the east star thala It stood o'er nethlebnt etesl They Journeyed W %M AL stood above • fief* b.•B gi.Rr.r Mese Me Its story Pill der h� a tam•• alt ♦ awe AM -P ✓ ut dates • rem eaaaese Cartese3• Mses Slaw edited rea laensndlased wow wheneverMew lar te aMitw ilF • ilvhst gels have we the tarns Wife Mg we bine tend es We tee. base woo Or star, 1 Om * ase` hairy utak 1es1v— WWI we est WNW > filet vs heats is its 1M teal, She lktle teeear M as tII Let ehafta et w aha at! aa/M. ahtg sew atm` Or1Mnt.. asubs th • olds, o�ailf.e iligesssra �•IlssCtbele hapsw*0,4maw hafts laretheel asad re osNiels ler bawl `' h ristmas Gifts That Please Men, Women and Children Chr istmas Fruits The holiday season is fast approaching and the Christmas baking is a pressing question. We are reedy to do our part with a splendid stock of NEW FRUITS Neer Raisins Nola Currants Nem Figs Neer Dates Neo, 'Peels New Nuts Neat Oranges New Lemons 'PHONE 01 The Arooers On the Square t • CHRISTMAS EVE. Now long abed is Dolly. Because 'tis Christmas eve. But little Paul and Polly Are wide awake, betievel They cannot sleep nor dine nor stip Before they hang their stockings ftp 1 Winter Term In the Central Badness College of Toronto begins Jan. mod. Com- mercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy or Civil Service Courses — 38 teachers -151 typewriting mach- ines—multigraphs, roller copiers and filing catenate—everything to thoroughly equip our grad- uates. Write today for catalogue. W. H. SHAW, President. Yonge & Gerrard Sta.. Toronto. CNRI$TMA$ APPEAL FOR The Hospital for Sick Children --- 14 ar %Ir. Editor,— Thanks for your kindness in allowing u:e :be privilege of appealing at this Christmas time on behalf of the Hospital for Sick Children. Toronto. I make this direct appeal to the : rople of Ontario, for the fathers and mothers of Ontario, owlide the City of Toronto, have precisely the same claim for their sick children as regards the privileges of the Hospital, as parents woe treed• to kola city. In br`ef the stet children from any ;,!ace in Ontario whose parents cannot Afford to pay. 1s. on certillcate from a mnulcipal officer of any city, town, tillage or township, treated free. This is a privilege not granted by any ospital le the Dominion, or on this (H'Ott inent. Let me, in a few words, state that in •he last 20 years, since 1891, there have been 4.731 patients from 450 places .tutride of this city treated free, as the psrcnts were unable to pay for treat- ment. Last year 3x4 patients from 234 Maces outside Toronto were ao treated The Hospital is not a city but a Prot Imetal Institution. The Corporation of Toronto grants itn,4.100, not only for city children, but towards the mainten- ance of every patient in the Hospital. and the Ntfeens of Toronto donate tin average of 110.000 to the tsaintenance fund of the Hospital. - 1t would take more space than you cat spare t0 toll of t11• good work done for the sick and deformed children of this Province. Why. in the Orthopedic department 'n 20 years, nearly tee children. boys and girls, have been treated for club :eel. and about 100 wen corrected. Two-thirrs of these rime from places outside Toronto. from pare•ts who mold not afford to pay. Surely we have a fair claim for help front the people of this Province ram shy is Christmas to the rhUd woes, litter pea Is weed. or whose crippled Mab 1s siraigbteaed with the mina of aseoey—Tar oe•ey—and the Sogiof the Heppe et rm. the reader of this letter. /Mak of what year dollar wyi M' it Mips to realms' health shit af.rr ertb. and gives nosed liens and straight feet to erivoled boys and stria Tee fere Melte to the Hospital, and ile Hospital gives health. to the ebi idres. reg, reel essney Ona pet gold," tires se the deet et the Hospital's Betsy. Will Mad raisers. help es tied Mad a wren& to ♦hasher i>rsal4 ass, the • •ttesserer of .the 1411.14161.4.1 M0...01 -11081111111' . 0a0S 1110tf. astrs.s at the Treat. e, Toroot& There is • personalty attaching to • Gift of "Something t„ use which recalls pleasant reoolleetions of the donor. making the )fit a cosst•nt renewal of Christman'. We have • splendid vele-- inn of such articles, all in the best of taste, and at prices which must appeal to the most discriminating buyer. VASSAR Shoes for Women HA RTT Shoes for Men Thrlines are without question leaders in style and quality, and make a most handsome Christmas (.ifs. • Slippers In all colors, shapes and aims.. Just what will piece. any mem- ber of your family through all the long winter evenings. Buckskin acid Oil Tan MOCCASINS for saowahuti•g. HOCKEY BOOTS for the boys. TRUNKS. ORiPB, CLUE BAGS, SUIT CA HES and LADIES' HAND BAGS. Never before has our stock boen nova -ell ailed in this line. Don't tail to see oar ('LLB BAGS, They make a beautiful present fat ladies or gentlemen. Our TOY TRITNKM are just Use thing to pieaer+ the children. In fact, we have something to please everyone. in for borne. ee (s1VSL'3ACALL HERN ' r 2e What Better Christmas. Gift for a friend at a distance than a year's sub- scription to The Signal, with all ,the home news % We supply a pretty presentation card to be sent to the friend to whom the gift is made. THE SIGNAL GODERICH CHRISTMAS WORRY is at hand. All want to give. it's what to give that worries. Let US do the worrying this year. Our stock affords presents for every member of the family. We know what pleases best and can aid you. a. L. Re WIGLE smut Ged ritfar. Os1t.