HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 10OPMVPILIEtv
leLe•tiar. le -testate 7, l!iiI
Extra Special Prices
Signet Rings
only I ttlies' .tn(1 UI isSGN`
Signet Ring., I0 -k. solid
gold, fancy patterns. Reg -
(('ng -raving trete
Six only Latif,' Signet
Rin;;s, i u -k. solid gold.
Regular, price $2. ; ;. Very
p c c i a l (cngrav 1D 2,30
ing •fre).... :.
Jewel Cases
‘Ve have a large assortment
of Jewel Cases, -all the best
equality, which we have
marked one-quarter oft ---
.very special.
Fountain Pens
One dozen Fountain Pens,
25 per cent. off regular
marked value.
Tie Pins
One dozed 1 o - k. solid gold
Tic Pins, all set with real
pearls, different designs.
Regular $2.5,6.
Special I. 0
Um!) Alas
Six only ladies' Umbrellas at
greatly reduced prices. See
them in Our window.
It will pay you to call and see what we have before buy-
ing your Christmas gifts, as we have some of the best values
evershown in Je‘tiellery in Goderich.
Walter H. Harrison
l' We are all thinking about presents these days, as the Christmas ,F1
.eason is here again with allits joy and gladness for young and
old. Vi'e are particularly fortunate in having such a choice lot
of useful things for you to choose your presents and necessities
from. Our goods wear and give satisfaction. For your con -
Lenience we here enumerate a fe°w of our many lines.
For Mother
As mother should come first in
thought and deed in every home, we
here suggest a few things that are nec-
essary. useful and likely to be appreci-
ated by every mother.
A Pandora Range, $34.00 and up
Bissell Carpet Sweepers, $a.so and up
Kitchen Cabinets
Washing Machines, $6.00 and up
False Table Lamps, $t.00 and up
Coffee, Tea, Dc ssert and Table Spoons,
in Nevada, Wallace Bros.', Rogers
Bros. and Community silver.
Sugar and Fruit Spoons
Meat Forks and Cake Knives
Soup Ladles, Butter Knives
Fruit Knives, Orange Knives
Cut Glass -We have several pieces of
extra fine. genuine Cut Glass
Rogers r847 Knives and Forks
Bread Knives. etc.
For Father
Gillette Safety Razor or an ordinary
real good Razor
(rood Shaving brush
Good Razor Strop
Handsome Shaving Mirror
One of our many useful Tools or a
Carborundum Sharpening Stone
`' to keep it in good shape
or -r,
ir,� r&
Good Pocket Knife,
Pair of good Carvers to carve the
Christmas fowl
Pair of good Mitts or Gloves
A whole host of other things
We will call special attention to
things suitable for the boys and girls
next week.
t Pocket Knives
Now on. Your choice for !Se
The Howell Hardware Co., Limited
The Best Place to Bu) Hardware
In view cd the iscusion cf duce I r
(tonal alleles es administered by'the
Ontario (Iererument, and the quer-
plaints as to the difficulty of securing
properly trained teachers, an rdiciel
statement recently made by Inspector
Tom is eignificant. As everybody
knows. Mr. Tom is not a supporter of
the Liberal pant-, and his statement
was given without any intent but the
welfare of the sebopbai of his inspector-
ate. In hi.. report to the county coun-
cil last Jaeuery On the schools of West
Huron, Inspector Tom says:
"The 1910 entrance had the lowest
percentage of successful candidates for;
twenty-five years. Some teachers
passed all their candidates, and some
did not peas any of theirs. It. is 'up
t,; many of the teachers to make ,r
better showing in 1911."
Notice that Some of the teacher.
made a good showing, while others
did not. It was not ageneral "plutck-
ing," which might he attributed to a
specially severe exa,oinetion or sone
other cause affecting all the schools.
Clearly. some of the teachers were not
tip !,. the mark. Is it not fair and
right to draw a connection between
Inspector Tom's statement end the
fact that some of the sc•hocts in his in-
spectorate are in the hauds of teachers
who have no adrquete training but
are teaching on "permit a' ' Such a con-
dition prevails hergely throughout the
Province;' over one thousand schools
being in charge of teachers who hate
noregularcertificates. This condition
is largely the direct result of the aboli-
tion of the county model schools, a
step taken by the Whitney Govern-
ment in spite of the -warnings of lead-
tugedtura-ionists and of the Liberal
members of the Legislatute.
When the entrance examination re-
veeis the worst condition of affairs in
twenty-five years, is it not high time
that the le -part it" •nt of Education
should be placed in better hands ?
The retail merchant/rid the Province
of Ontario have jun cause to coin -
plain of the 'twiner in whit the
Vs hitney Gevennnent has handled the
matter of seheol text -books. As
%% eel known, the 1'. Eaton Co. and the
1t. .Sime -on Co. of Torootu hate
hcen given contracts ion terms which
ppe• .r to have been framed with the
cap. ess purpose of diverting the retail
trade of the whole Province to these
(tepee utiental at, ,t ea,
'('hen apologist, for the Whitney
Government state that the readers
are n.w sold at lower prices than
formerly, they conceal the fact that
the lower prices do not ,cover the
whole cost of the hooks, •the Govern-
teent paving the balance out of the
money of the Province. They could
have made the books cheaper still to
the people by paring the whole cost
out of the Provincial funds. .t coin-
parisecn tetween the prices paid now
for reefers and the prices paid form-
erly under different conditions is
nta• .testi) unfair. In any case; the
coo. races . could have been awarded
even -o the departmental stores with -
oat geeing these concerns the whip-
hand in the matter of the retail trade.
As it is the conditions as t) prices and
discounts almost compel a large acces-
sion of retail trade to Eaton and
Simpson. And when people send to
Eaton and Simpson for books they get
into the way of sending for other
things. Toronto is bleeding the rest
of the Province fast enough without
the Government's assisting the pro-
cess in this way.
There is a good deal of fraud about
the way the school book question is
presented to the people by Conserve -
ti we speakers. The books are not
better, either from a literary or a
mechanical standpoint. than the old
ones, in some cases they are decided-
ly inferior.
The old Public School Grammar
sold at 25c. The new one sells at 10c.
but now the pupil has to buy in addi-
tion a Compositioe-price 15c-tnak-
in¢ the tot el cost the same. The old
(.rammer was a Cotter book, too, than
the two new ones combined.
The old history of Britain and Cau-
a.ta cost 31)e. Now the two histories,
Haiti -b and Canadian, are published
•ep ea et, at 25e each -total cost 50e.
Question --bow muck el .es the par-
ches r -ave in this transaction?
The wh le school book question has
Ise n t a•,•loed by the Whitney Govern-
n.eut with a vi -w of making a show
of saving money to the people. The
sp'pstream saving is largely a sham and
a delusion, and in some important
respects the in'erest.. of the schools
have been sacrificed in the effort to
mate party capita for the Govern-
- Rev. Joseph Elliott s Meeting.
A public meetin* in the interest of
Rev. Joseph F.IIielt, the Conservative
candidate in (`enter Huron, was held
in Vtetorie Opera House on Tuesday
evening The meeting was addressed
by Mr. Elliott, How. Adam Beck and
W. Mlle K. C.. n Ridgetown. Win.
Campbell occupied the chair. There
was a large attend wee.
Rev. Joseph Elliott addressed the
tweeting at considerable length end
displ,yrd some skill in handling the
tetnperance question. He tried to
Nips.* himself with the temperance
pn.ple by declaring himself to be a
loog temperance man, while be
kept himself solid with the "antis" by
defending the three.-flfti. clause. •
Centre Nucor( Nomination..
The official nomiwation. for Centre
Herne took place is Oardwo's hall,
ftrrf.wtb, on Monday. William Proud -
font was Dominated by Thos. Oottle,
of Clinton, seenaded by Michael Mar -
du., of M'Ktllnp. Rev. Joseph Elliott
was nominated by B. Churchill, of
Hu1Mtt, •ecooded by Oliver Johnston,
of Clinton. The flnatecial is are
W. H Rtberteon. of (lodMcb, for Mr.
Prendfoot. and Oliver Jnbostow, of
(Linton. for Mr. Mott. After the
official proceedings the dsetose were
sd r.-ded be the eawdidatme
Ohs.. C. Lee has taken over the seal
twrate.• furtwsrl handled by his
f lhsv. the late Wss. Lee, and an-
sewt.cto that h. porposod Lawnsg
s•Ihl.g be! ficaertow Coat. An seal
win Ins weighed we the market scabs
and . 4-ing t.• the •.en poets we this
sub, errar Sr sed Its has is .sa fw
MOM, wash with order.
An Extraordinary Silk Bargain
handsome Tartan and Plaid Silks 43c Per Yard
Regular 75c Value hl,:'
EXTRAORDINARY is the right word to use about the value of
these Silks. We have never before offered Silks of equal -quality at any-
thing near this price. Perfect goods, new this week. Bought away
below their value and passed along to you the same way.
Red, green and blue grounds, twenty-one inches wide, • firm
strong weave that will give excellent wear, suitable for waists or
full dresses. Five designs to choose from. Guaranteed
War values 75c Really au extraordinary bargain.
Saturday, per yard, only
����"7` 43c
There Is a Whole Store Full of
Useful and Sensible. Gift Things here
They are all arranged for easy seeing 'and you can pick and,
choose in comfort, for there is plenty of room to shop without crowd-
ing in this big, r-vomy store. Come and take a walk through it any
day. You will be as welcome to look as to buy. It is really worth
seeing it in its holiday dress, and in its big stocks' you may find
something to solve some perplexing gift problem.
Never a Mistake Made
-. (living Handkerchiefs !�
They are the ort thing you can
give with absolute certainty. No lady
or gentleman is over supplied. The
stock we are showing for Christmas,
1911, is far away the best that has ever
been in the store -plain or fancy, silk
or linen. Dozens and dozens of designs
to do your choosing from.
Children's Fancy Printed Handkerchiefs, fast
colors, very special line at, each, 5c.
Boys' Handkerchiefs with colored boaders.
ladies' plain linen Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched, good quality, extra value. Each. 10c.
Ladies. pure linen Hemstitched Hand-
kerebiets, hews of various widths, really extra
v.lue at this price, each. 15c, dlc and 25c.
Gentlemen's tine linen Handkerchiefs, hem-
stitched or tape edges, each. :etc. 25c and 3Uc.
Gentlemen's cambric Handkerchiefs, each,
5c, lOc and l2}c,.
Ladies' fancy embroidered Swiss Hand-
kerchiefs. These are extra special value, hem-
stitched or scalloped edges, 2 for 25c.
Ladies' fine embrotdez-ed Handkerchiefs, pure
linen oi• extra fine Swiss muslin. hemstitched. lace
or scalloped edges, each, 20c. 25c,- 50c. is and
Special value in lace edged Handkerchiefs,
decidedly new, at, each. -Lic and 50e.
Children's colored silk Handkerchiefs, two
qualities, very much under regular value, each.
1.ic and Sc.
At 50c or over put up in a fancy box if desired.
A Muffler is Never Amiss
Very tendaown Silk Mufflers, fit nicely
around neck and make a very hand- ��
some holiday gift. Each. $1.00.
Knitted Mufflers', high-grade, white, black
and colors, nicely taxed for holiday e+(i.J
giving. Each VC
Kid Gloves
The Always Acceptable Gift
for a Lady
Not the slightest risk giving Kid
Gloves if they are bought here. Every
pair is guaranteed and they are put up
in a handsome box if desired. if wrong
size is selected we will exchange them
after Christmas.
Our standard Kid Glove, made from selected
skins. black and colors. Per pair. $1
Our special Kid Glove, hest value we could
find -no better anywhere Int the price, made
from choice skins, black and colorsSi
Per pair
A very handsome gift Glove is a line of
Suede, P. K. sewn and with one large pearl
dome. We show these in grey and tan shades.
This is one of the neediest and dressiest Gloves
we have shown for a long time, and will
make an excellent holiday gift that eaonot but
heapes pair
a hated. Each pair in a box. Si
Ladies' silk or fur -lined Gloves. tan. brown
and grey shades. Per pair. $1 -so to $3
Any Housewife Appreciates
Snowy Linen -u a
Our stock of Table and Fancy
Linens is in splendid shape for holiday
shoppers. A piece of Snowy Linen is
always in good taste, and you can make
no mistake doing your buying here.
Pavey Tray (loth.. Ile to $1. so.
Bases ('btbe poste or roswd. 8h' to SIM
Plains at Pavey Guest Towels. Me to 110r.
Pied. or F Waley Da -set sod Hoek Tassels.
Sr to MAIL
!eery Mdsbosrd Searle, Mt to ILO. s
The .neve
OW seas
..saes ewes
W. swims
Linens -Continued
Damask Lunch Sets, Cloth and half-dozen
Napkins tee mstcb, scalloped edges, ��
something really new. Per set. $5 to •
Table Cloths and Napkins to match, seta or
Napkins per dozen, $1.00 to $7.60.
Cloths each, $1.50 to $7.00.
Really Elegant,Uift Umbrellas
Gift Umbrellas that will appeal to all. Very
newest designs in handle,' and tops that are
guaranteed. Many new designs to
choose from. At each.... $1.00 to JJtJe
W -c are showing, some that a- • particularly
I and•ome. no two are alike. Mein and carved
wood handles with sterling silver and 11 -karat
gold plate mountings. The handles will last
for yearn and the quality of the tops is quanta -
teed. Special value at $3.75 to $4.50
Dressing Gowns Make JJllll
Decidedly Useful Gifts
Dressing Gowns of good quality eiderdown.
red, blue and grey shades, welt made and
nicely trimmed. At each, $5.00,
;7.50 and
Dressing Gowns made of fancy Kimono
cloths. Complete with heavy girdle. ��nn
At each $3.00 to .IJV
Fancy Ribbon Novelties
Dozens and dozens of Nancy Novelties suit-
able for gifts made from plain and fancy
ribbon.. We will be glad to sell you the
materials to make them yourself or the article
complete, whichever you wish. We have an
immense assortment of them at(�(�
from o to $5
Dainty White Aprons
it Some very dainty White Muslin Aprons .re
amongthis week's arrivals. Some are fancy
with ills, others have scalloped edges, They
will make a dainty and pleasing boll-. es $7 AO day gift. Price*: 26o, $0o. 7do to eVll
A Man Always Appreciates
A Good Pair of Gloves
Men's Kid Gloves. wool or fur -lined. down
fasteners. Qualities that ate guar-
anteed. Per pair.. 21.25 to•5/
Belts Are rluch in Favor
This Season
Our stock of them is exceptionally good. We
can give you manydesigns toasted from. and
of the good ones ten' are no two alike. Some
ase novelties imported directtrorn London and
are different from those you find in most place•.
Special values at, each. 25's. sow Su .75
to -...
A Waist Length of These Delaines
Would Make a Most Acceptable
Holiday Gift
There are some very hand.ome (shines just
come in the other day from London. 'Lely
are designs that are decidedly out of the
ordinary and suitable either for waists or
kimono*. A length of them would make a
very pleasing holiday gift- Price, per C0c
yard.. . ... ..........IN, tow asd E7kT.
Your Boy Would Like req,,t.
a Sweater Coat
We can give you splendid ones for him that
will stand any amount of rough and
tumble wear. At each. 720. 21.410. .P
-Just the thing for the bays.
White Waistings is
Christmas Boxes
For tails -wed Waists ootldag is mare soma
than • nest petters Whits Vesting. We
show some very pswtty dwigae that will
lwrrwder perfectly sad metals thole •ppssrr+anee
s sash.
is ae out, Waist Nw sed s •oo
ries of three/aide
etsttth. is a hoary his. low,
Ytis Mom
Mae mew
raw• oar.sb
,• e