HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 9eighint Ming win• Diee t rort• Box !les t DOD bow. 1, MOD - MOM leas ., of irt he LITY RICE 1U re whik r ange to (Hsu REST $ EL ROAD RET Goderielt inters best, r junk sse Lny perms o sell is re- tcard to my sell for it 11 kinds of try EL nipe 'es Only Ihrough ;en. Une rice NI. Agent sr torahs. Diana Agent Torso* 3ros. 1 ats.464,91.4.t.t.i.ti,st+++++44,+++.4.89,44..st..stits+++. • it. The News of the District I • .4.4444444.444.4.4.4.+4,4.46.4:4.44+444. LANEb. SATURDAY, Dec. Nod. W. P. biandemon, our genial mer- chant, teed the roliefortiute te toes his yaloabk Jersey sow this week. W. J. Lame is Spending a few days toe guest of his sister, Mrs. A. M. Tre- leave.. of Ripley. We are all pleased to see him able to be out end among us &Rabe - TM weather for • couple ol weeks ,has been fine for those who ere cut- ting wood aod straw and Mopeds( grain. The past week osneidowalsk engine work has been does in this locality. MYTH. TUSIDAY. Dec. 5th. Tea EL Restos Clestratee. - although the eleetio• campaign for Ontario is drawly( neer a close, it is still veer qutet here. No person ,eemo to be daft very math Or tak- ing much interest in tbe fight. When Mr. Misegrove held hie meeting here last week tbere was hardly any per- son in attendance. Ors Tussday night of this week a Piot meeting in the interest of Mr. Kerr and Mr. Proudfoot is being held in Industry Hal!. PERSONAL aro GILeiteat.. - Eel' Kelly. who is a nun 10 81. Jos- eph's otorrent, London, accompanied by another Sister, was home for • day to visit bee father. who is at protect on the hick list W. Shottreed, who has been at Heand View. Sask., for tbe past mouser. has returned home. His mother, who bag been vis- iting tries& 10 the surrounding country. also has returned to her bane and will remain all winter R. R. Sloan, who has been °a his farm an Goderick township. hes returned home. expecting to spend most of the winter beta P Everett, who left here over a year mo. has returned to town and resedC his old position as baker. He is • good baker and the patrons will be sure of good baking. Thom who took in the harvest excursiou to the West have Dearly all returned borne. Tbe following re- turned last week: J. Deaboini, T. Rogervoo, W. Bell and J. Pratt. They all semi to be glad to be hack. They report tbe helmet in bad ebape out there. It Se410311, altbougb moat of tbe farmers got their coop cut. they couldn't get it threshed. and most of it is still in the Kook with the pros- pects Ma great deal of it being there wben the snow goes away. It has been very ooid there, which is to the grain's advantage, but for all that the chemise are that there will be consid- erable suffering this winter, especially amongst those who have beeti there only a year or two Roy Thonsa.s, formeriv C. P. R. agent at Walton. has accepted the position of t'. P. R. agent here and is EDOTing here this week Mimes Barbara and Sadie 'Taman, of Detroit, formerly of this place. sad misters of Mrs. 8. II. Gidley, were both married in Detroit last week. The latter is going to live in Florida' .Luxt on Hill bas pur- °based the sae mill property and is busily eugaged pulling down the old haodie factory. He intends parches - 114 ail the lofts be can get bold of. for which be will pay the highest price. 141-.. W Robertson and sm. of Wit:wham. visited with her mother this week The sleighing bas all left, but the wheeling is splendid. mo tbat it le no trouble getting around. The merclutate are getting their Aocks in shape for the Christmas trade. They certainly have • good selection of goods and ean satiety the most fastidieue ... F. Wood visited friends in Winghato last week D. Crawford. who had hYlm in Ed- montou for tbe bummer. has returned hotne., _Mrs. J. Brown visited bet I will Rexall .ur Hair Tonic. To proi e lors lees tended o, or dA NEU 3UIT OAT ;take when with LOP o -date YsIO,. TS ine fine tall like tweeted ird pr. *rooms. Be sure 1 LOCHAUSH. TeunnoY. Nov. Ilet. 'Ittsinsee. Nov. Nita Narks. -Mr. and Kn. Lehihreabe. of Donnybrook, are visitiog to. Jas. Robb. Joe Moe -Aeon, who has been engaged for • coosidembie time with Tom 'Moody, is leaving Whit, for Portland. Me where be intends to embark foe Glaintow. Ecotialid, 10 oilier to visit 1. 1.04. in the old land. Tom Beady is leasing today for a abort burliness trip to Woodstock. Miss Ten* McLennan aod Mies May Boyd. of Goderich. and Miss Florence McLean, of Kintalk were vis- iting at D. A. McDoeald's last week. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McDonaid satertaised a few Woods one evening last week Geo. Murmy, el Para- mount, is at pretest engaged in press- ing hay in tide vicinIty Postal Jim has to hustle thee. days in order to attend to ttse two 'phones vrItich are installed at the postoMee. But as his motto is "Love Lighteue labor," Ite says he does sot mind it at alt.... Roy McKsezie purchased an Setae gun. a double-barrelled breech- loader, sad is doing some execution among the wild ducks at the lake shore.. ...A stranger walking *kw the Aeletted shore of Lake Huron at present could imagine that a number of amusing were in operation, to judge by tbe piles of first-ciass Vara bore and there at the beach. lumber drifted asbore in the recent gales Our marine correspondent reports the pessing through the Me- ILenzie Straits of the whoopee "Fairy A." last Sundey with Capt. Bill in command. Sbe was niuety days from Shane:tad, China with a =Ir°of the favocite food a cre0= B recommends the same as being highly invigorating. THE RIFLE CM:M.-The timbre:a. tion koown as the Lochaish Rib, Club is still in a vigorous condition and will soon bold its annual meeting in order to transact business. This will take place at Lochalsh on December 18tit. Last week • shooting oosapeti- don took plate which created coneid- erable local interest. Sides had been Mogen composed of members of the club, the captains of which were Jae. Cameron and Dune. C. McKenzie. When the emu'ss were counted after a strenuous contest, Jim was declared to be the winner. Arraparetnents are now beiog made by the club to have • social gathering in the form a an oyster supper which will probably take place shortly. As owing to lack a epees we cannot give the scores a all who took part in the competition, we shall give the names of those who secured 16 points and upwards. The score given is out of a possible 26: Tom Scott Le, Tom Sandy 21, Elliott Sandy 20, John Mason 20, Edgar Robb 3), Jas. Barnby 20, F. D. Mc- Lennan 91), Alex. Long 19, Dune. Cam- eron 19. Dan Rose 19, Sain McNeal 19, Isaac Ensign 19, Jas. MeDonald 18 John R. McKenzie I 8, Hugh McIntosh 18. Dune. C. McKen- zie 17, John McKenzie 17. Robt. Mc- Donald 17. Wm Drinksvrtter 16. Jot Cameron 16, Sem Brown 17. Geo. Mur- ray 16, Bain McDonald 16. Donald Mc - Charles 16, Donald B McKenzie 16, John Scott, 16, Archie McDoneld 16. John MeCharies 16. W. Jackson 16. Geld, Sat/atom. was soisrunised on November Elnd. Rev. N. F. Monroe, of blastulae'', offioirsted. Warders Mitehell, the only ems of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Palmer, of the 51b 011110111skon a Grey townebip, passed away cat Friday, November 24th. attar an i.,ess soarosly a day. TM little fellow was three years of age. .1. li. Gramm, a former resident. of East Wawanosh, died in Lauda° on Thursday. November 23rd. The re- mains were brought to W1 where service was held in 1113= Heart churcb oo 8atordey morning and the interment made in Teeswater Catholic mewl my. The Catholic church at Mount Car- mel was the scene at • very pretty wedding on Tuesday. November MAL when Mies Susie Querrin, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Quern's, wao mar- ried to Henry Miller, a pros= farmer et Hay townehip. Rev Forster was the nMi'4..Ung eleigyman. The marriage of George E. Key', a well-known Brussels young man, to Miss Mary F. Coulter was solemnized at the bride's home on Wednesday of lest week. Rev. W. A. Amos, B. A.. performed tbe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. K.sys are awasiTtastratcan extended wedding tour to bewail and Alberta. of Grey toe nehip, in the person o An old and bitterly esteemed resident James McNair, passed peacefully away on Friday, 34th ult. He was in bis eighty-secood year and was bo i n in Ayrehire, Scotland. For fifty. seven years be had been a restdent of Grey township. Ile is survived by his widow, four eons and four daugb- tees. Same Potatoes. John Bayley. cf the 2nd concession of Hullett, had remarkable SUOMI, in potato growing this year. On a tract of land where the wheat was killed last year be pLanted the tubers and frown ons-thfrd of an acre be gathered 150 bushels. One of them weighed three and a -quarter pounds end meas- ured 18x22 inebes. All of them were of an musually Lege size. Wingbani Leas Bylaw CarrieL The ratepeyers of Wingham pursed a bylaw on November :Mb granting a loan of $10,000 without interest for a term ot ten years, • free building site of five acres and allowing a fixed as- sessment a $15,000, exoept for school sad county rates, to the Western Foundry Oo. This firm will erect new buildings and pot in a plant to the value of $35,001 The bylaw was car- ried by • vote of 865 to 16. Telephone Connectioes. Crediton Star: We may be incoo- venisnoed considerably by not haring a railroad. etc., but when it comes to the telephone sereicen we are in the lead. Last week the Dr. Orme tele- pbone line end the Hay township tele- phone company's line were connected at Crediton, making a trunk lioe. You can now talk to Dashwood and Zurich and a number of other places on these lines at a very small rate An Unsociable Canine. While out hunting a few days ago John Snell, of Colborne, came acroes ea unusual and rare inhabitant of the woods Noticiag • beaten track lead- ing up to a large hollow stump he in - FOR YOUR HAIR. vestigated and was greatly surprised to find a canine with three or four Here Are Facts We Want You to Proveat pups only a few days old. The diothee Our Risk. was so cross that she would not per - When the roots of the hair are en- mit of further investigation. Me. Snell tirely dead and the pores of the scalp does not remember ever see'ng the as glazed over. We do not believe that animal beim' eoything can restore hair growth. Death of Mrs. (Dr.) Tamlyn. But when the hair roots retain any The late Mrs. (Dr.) J. E. Trunlyn, nf life. we believe there is nothing that Wombat/3. woo was called sway 00 will so surely promote hair growth OA NOvember 23rd, was a native a Exe- ter. England, where she was born in brother. Geo. Crawford, tbis wets. that statement. we promise to prompt - Duncan McArthur was in elm - forth this week on a visit to friends there. . ..T. Moon. who had been in tbe Wart for the summer, returned home and has taken a position in Sea- orth as a toilor, leaving for there this week W. &mho is at present on a L..it DO relatives 111 Stratford and Dublin Miss Jemie Thompson, of (linton, 1. 10. guest of bee sister, Mire. G. E. McTaggart. .Rev. J. L. tenall and Mrs. Small attended the St. Andrew's banquet at Sestorth last Thursday evening. both taking part in the program. Mrs. Smill is a lberm- Wel singer and pismes the audiences wherever die . . A. Rainton was on a business trip to Wingbluxi on Friday lame Brown shipped a ear of evaporated apples to Rotter- dam. Holland, last week . Rer. J. L Small condocted the anniversary services at Mooktoo on Sunday last, preached two splendid seri:none here. and Rev. Mr. Ferguson. of Monition. Rev, N. Leckie, former minister 01 Loodesboro', detigbted a fab audi- ence at the Chriettao Endeavor meet- ing Tuesday evening with his delight- ful lecture. "ScotJand." Haying the true Scottish accent and barring been in old Scotia this year. be CILD LAM 011 this subject io • manner peculiarly *seem to all of licottiosb nationality. The sew rectory a Trinity eburch 1. Woe ottened this week with a hamar which open, on Wednesday, Deeembee eth, and will continue entil Friday. There is • bine stock a fogey goods and teerehandiets. and no douht it will be unloaded at gond Pekes. Rev E. A. Fear ex - rhanired Pulpits with Rev lit. McKin- non. of Luskamr. last Sunday. ;UTTER entirely agency ly that ne Imp ta. 011 1. relerieh lotend1 I y worn all the money you pay us for Retell "93" Hair Tonic, should it not please vol. Rezall -Or Hair Tonic destroys the geniis which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrates to the roots of the heir, stimulating and, by promoting circulation, nourishing them. Rexall '1/6" Hair Tonic helps to re- lieve scalp irritation, to remove dand- ruff, prerent the heir from falling out and to promote an incremed growth a hair. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 mate and 1111.c0. Remember. you can Menlo it only at our store -The Remail Store. 14. C. thinlop, south .14. 01 Square. While we have crowded every avail- able *pace of our store with beautiful gift things. the very choicest most nemerarily go to them who route first. Dam. tbe jeweller. y • delighlthel and re 'reshies heir dreming and breatIller. eel it is arud cadre • tied_ teteewit** bank/ dandred?. stop raineg bair mil Whin& walp, or mosery Parisian filagele the beet Mir Louie tames It io the nely ma that twill sane deadtuff. dames Om swap sad make the hale grew long sad began- teL ‘`.7"*„.11r°- DISTRICT NEWS. 1832. With her parents she came to this country in the year 1837. The family settled in the township of Clarke and in 1861 the subject of this notice was married to Dr., Tanalyn. TheYlived at Auburn for a time and about forty-seven years ago tbey took up residence in Wingliam. Her hus- band and one riot, are left to mourn her departure. An Old Morris Resides Liveryreel leap Wheat Futures Choi • Steels - Leto* Queenliest*, azwcettoo. Nev. 27. -Hid reedigth sad nee emitter lp the Ar - Mired force dews UollaY the Ek- et vsliset The dose woe limey, to 1.44 louse thas denude" MOM imarred a daelise of 1-6e as• 04 te 11-4e wee eats • ises a 14c to 84e. The ea/ et the day lett beg pee- illbeig ~Mad tress lic of to all M- eow 013 1-4.. market elesed te-day IA enew Satergae se wheat aad SD - =war ea cent embaseel MAI= Peet tot Mora "WPM 0100.001L QOM Ola 311101. IAW. Mesa eiwAr- era nit nn 3 es ... •••. .... .... May I Termite Oran Illrlsg. While% no. bushel_ _ ._ .... .0 1111 es • • Wheat. mesa memo. •-• • . Rya bashel • 0 Oat& be=si ..... - • 10 Darter. ... . • 0 DOS./........ . tor tesa ...........011 mashed 10 be-rkwheat. Umbel fel iii 'nowise Derry Iderleet tilt... Isis • Id separafor. dab% lib 00 Dottie,: efainliff. lh. retie- *V got= creassere. made ON am. lb 0 i now...... emesi Ilmer, estradied. 0 :11 Arm ease lets 0 a Nees. seweind *fib fa • 50 Mentes.' Grain and Praline. mattause to be more ei an MOZTIMUL. Nov. 0.-A wed wear% halatrIts whilpt ewer Creseable. Niers beteg ewe at MIN busbals leads. Mie in the marbet far 4000 mem Cables were erepdar, mow mites 04 tri!IMIIIC glutei& demure tea ear lets ag ta id New sad eaten Pee lew- liaig is gOlid and there elora geed ds - 'miry Iler mem widelt le mares ehil egant37 lenmsd far deur 10 Isa the espert UMW is Wet. asr Wen and Marts le geed. cb71017R twig apd bra Puttee strong at deed Ileneend Idigh prime rellndi Other Ildweloe M Ier *wing M the deutrgiswetrowiesti modem &WWII and firm limerricr .1.144m1 I No. 1. STrttearke; rsilege %Re; Re. ;3 1c14=1.= teed. ma/04 Itittwheat-Se. te eia. 3.Pee tem ear lets. aka ill 41:14elristest immerna. 16130 te glatesseterse. lie le r-Cbeleest creamery. Re to meted; 2110 to Ne. Nergs-Prwer. 40e te de; seisms& OM No. 'mak. 36iiie. Potlitem-Per had. car Ws. II IS to ILA At the ripe age of ssghtj years, Tbomas Henderson, of Wngbau, his long home on . turday. Crmto ber 26th. Mr. Hende n was born in Lanarkshire. Scotland. in 1831 and emigrated to Canada in the year 1850. He first settled in Vaughan, where he remained until 1867, when he moved to the lst line of Morris. He followed tbe duties of farm life un- til a few years ago, when he went to Wingbarn to live. In the year 1861 be was inerried to Mime Charlotte Gray and to them were bora a family a seven sons and five daughters. Seven of the number are still living. Mrs. Henderson Also survives. Mrs. G. K. Kiensko. 01 Crediton, passed away in St. Jalopies hospital. London, on Tuesday, 214th ult. Ithe is survived by ber busband, ooe .on end four daughters. Mrs. Malinke Lamont, an ^Nod ',ei- der:It of Ethel. passed away on Setae - day, November 2610. Her death fol- lowed shortly attar a stroke a paraly- els. Following an exteuded Maces Miss Maris Pringle. daugbter of the late An- drew Pringle. of Turoberry, disd in Winghant on Wednesday. November Sikh. Junes Wylie, an early settler of Turnberry. is dead at tbe age of Marty years. He bad been an esteemed resident of Turobsery for Rfty-frour years. The marriage was solemnised at Rotten. Manitoba. no Wedneeday, No- vember Wt. a John B. Sample, of Brandon. and Mhos Idargaret V Nay. The groom is a foresee esident of Sari Bate', formerly of Brueseks. lest now of Cavalier. North Dakota. has joined the ranks of the beeedieta. The bride was Miss etrato MeOnesell. the same plane 1115 marriage of Wee Rtiatabeth Maud Blendertion, eldest daughter of to MeGe gra.rvey ?cote vrenrofiliga Hendenost. Morris THINK THIS OVEN Thu Offer Sliould Gs/ the Cosildence 01 the Meet Skeptical We pay for all the medicine mad during the Weak if our remedy fails to completely relieve you of oonstipatioo. We take ell tbe risk. You are not. oh - ligated to sae in any way whatever, if =accept our offer. That's a mighty sisteinest, but we mean every word of it. Could anything be more fair for you? A most ecientifle, commie -sense treatment is Rexell Orderlies, which are eaten like os.ody. Their active principle is a recent .scientific discov- ery that is ardor -lees, colorless. ..ed testelem ; very proonmused. gentle and pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable in every way. This in- gredient does not 0111010 diarrhoea, nooses, fletadenes. griping. or other 100o0OOntembOO &mall OlderNes are partlealarly good for ebildrea aged sod delicate persons. If yoe suffer from chronic or 'tekti- tes, eonatipption or the aseeelate or dependvat ebronle &emelt*. .ve nme you to try Revell thelerlies 0.1. oer Ore. boneseber. joie esti get theta le Gods - rick only at oar store. 13 tablets. 10 sesta; 201014.1.20 mats Ith tablet., • cent* %id may at our .or. -ib• ettesj esigeteis. B. 0. Dower, mots etA 47; CATTLE MARKETS. Union Steck Yards. TORONTO, Nov. 27. -Receipts 04 live stock at the Union Stock Yards were 107 cars -10M cattle, 2985 hoes. 334 sheep and lambs and 48 calves. Exporters. Export eters veld at tress Nos to P.M. but oaly we load at the latter prim Re- port bulls, a to 00. export heifers, ekte to aa -10. SidCharti. Prime packed cattle were worth W $11; loads of sood butchers sold at IL* tO 111-11: medium. M to Not. comment, Ele to NW; cows. IS to kW; bulls. $3.60 KS; calmer+. 13 to 113 per cwt. Stockers and Feeders. Trade in stockers and feeders was Debt. but prices remain about steady. ewers. coo to tun lbs.. are worth $4 50 to 0: 340013 - sr, and nett feeders. 06 to MO worth from UM to 14.16. Milkers and Springers. wort Anuotrong hotillitt IS sinker. aaa swirlier, at 304 10 Pi each. Veal Calves. Prices ranged from Sl_SO to 140 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. Steep. *wee, sold at 31.13 to nis: ream tr, Iambs. $11 to $6.30, and a selected ide brought WS. Sofa Th• above figures were the quotations of W, J. 3ertiastam, !Myers for ounsis a-trultee). o Montreal Live Steck. MONTRMILL, Nov. W. -At the Montreal Mock Tares. Wert End 3Larket. the re- ciiiptip of tv. stock far the week men/ Nov. 0, were UM cattle, RIO sheep mid lambs. NS hogs and WI carves The sup. ply ow the market this morales 0s0551- 54 WS cattle 1405 sheep and Wall" 010 hogs and 1111 calves. rh• mothly of the stock was the best seen Os this market for many weeks past. Sens very choice loads havlmr arrived time Western Ontario, and in M0tios to these Mere were a gem number of oat- * treen the Caaridias Nertherest area the 3f wet. of mamma *tom was meals inailir than it hoe bees of tale. rh• trade was awthlag but satistae- Wiry te drover& as many of Mem reamed dot to. stock east more messy la Uwe country thee the pewee Mee realised. Owned to the sweeter came advice, tram Liverpool aml Leedom wale& mated as etyma* la prime et brat ami per =etthere was ease 'demand for PIP and the lower Oriole rated le tido quality steers from esporten and miss ol several leads were made. airmailed 013 pomade eaeb. at ILN to Iwo Par ewt, whisk le the 31 besksess that hes bees dens la this ter & tame rem - Taws wee ante • fah' easitues ter Meek tor selessest te Quebee. but Wart 1rmis *010 10. trade was rather Mew se as - Must el the feet that makers were Moth- Od for the least of spas& owlsg Is heavy rules of the plat two er three weeks. sad is someemeatie they 011 set operate to say extra. wane the beddiers Itiboagbt Salsa et few s of geed numbers were made at 00 to IRM per cwt.. sed Meeks Oriterts sneers la mean late made se high se N. Owing to the heavy empty air kegs that hays been onsing forward emotag toe Peet two weeks am the feet thatelS me am woe) ituligglell ter the time = 7Mo:wee little 00014.0000 is sad trade um meet. The time the isarbee was weaker aa• prism asses- si Ns te no Dap owl., est mem .4 1010 redeetion the damsel was i.5 med • We eniee ware INN tto .5 'b. trade la Minis ores emir- * *NMI 554 .5 sewage were set lam. •prmeJied 0. 10. searliete=Tirlaia Jv.sl lir Per owl. Chase Witil et iambs tweatem eis 11=4 no sad gam 11 4.wt Th• tee esteem weep geed sall seem taste* wits one at OM eseli eatus. some. 31 .11 se It • came, cbaiee 3113 to M. ow- * to 3031 newirea. IL* te 00 tos to31 motearre metre t.$.$ u11. tan se bt %Murk Nalco. erae «mews ts soettere IN SS to WS MN& t• pi: to dita/fir-31 WHOOPING COUGH USItm= amm Ina 111111011••••••• WM .1 II tv=r5 aW So E. spe z ar.lrezidittuft= ii= ..T en ALL atki001711 Creselese Ara- ks am lesatmod desalt- MT =...,_ 7.2-• / wil....0.. merino vat . ti,t, • • - WI CEMBI al. i. Lerseerd-Rhre ll. soi. 1101111RZAL - - -2- , COWAN'S PERFECTION COCOA Cowan's seems to hit the right spot It is a great food for husky young ath- letes: satisfies the appetite: easy to digest: and delicious 7'N - NTN Sit c--,--, 2, court 04...-ari /-r cauc? .. I>. " ...... ___. _ . Ak -==ceiL - --,womik"------' __ ..................„..., 7he o al Lim. DIEX-PNEMCCAMII AM The bracing air that bleeti across tie decks fresh front die brood Atlantic is first made pleasandy warm aad then whisked Iowa late each cabin by the Thermo. tank system of ventilation os board the Royal Mail Steam, I Ai" ROYAL GEORGE mid ROYAL 12:0WARD Any part of dee ship 15 .1 Stealth- ' ful and invigorating as the de, k MINN itself without being chill. The nom direct rositv to Europe from Canada be feartrieu hours. For fa informatina 4011.11. mole to r. F. tsw . renew General Weeny- I ,...12 *hip Adeptora.ii . C. 1,_ iri Randier. Gen•ral , -II; Attest. Termite Oet. - , I 1 1.!‘tarkt Rosb- to .....- ''' Li 121 ited 0. ; 0 LONDON and , EDMONTON • Ci.o Lf, s-,. !_•.•. first Quality In ..• r: Every - Detail --,- , Ia All Oar •,Fur 1(1 Garmaits We guarantee all garmeate te be because they satirdactary by are characterized yummier style. quality. correctness of and perfection of It Each order is executed ow the premises by skilled. practical furriers and designers unckr our personal oupervislion. We have • style to At every fancy and suit every purse. This is the headquarters fiat peopie who want the beet whin they buy. Everything in Furs obtaibed of as win be found of the highest quality and right ve- to -data Ross' Limited $ Furs and Cloaks IN kiln It.. OMR. MIT. Just Twenty -Three Days • More Till Christmas and ooly twenty of them are Shopping Days. Most eumbetiesily do we declare that. the beet time to buy your Christmas Gift. NOW. You can get what, you want et the "Eleventh Hour" at McLean Bros., but if you boy now you have an almost uo- broken stock to choose from ; besides, you esnoce, metiers such good judgment in your choice of presents doting the •*rueli hours' as yea can before the rush commencee. We mention below a few tactless whir/ should make epprecieted gifts. Silk Mufflers Nobby Neckwear (Silk and Knitted) Arm Bands Silk Hose and ne (Combination Set) Suspenders (Pearl trimmed) Fancy Shirts Gloves pos-Oined, amebae, and all the leading lines. lo fact, we have everything in up-to-dete Gloveware. These Nees referred to are pot up in nest kioxen and ere all attractive in appearanos as well as in quality. We mention only a few of thelines we carry, which comprise is most 0p40 -date .tock. Rennentber when you buy your gifts nt "McLEAN'S" your present. are of tbe most useful character. Tay Novo Agents for Stanfield's Unshrodeat ft Underetts.s. And Gerken? OVCA1g3 DRINK HABIT • REMEMBER TH G AT LI N TREATMENT IN THREE DAYS With No Hypodermic Injections, Absolutely Destroys and Removes All Crav- ing and Desire for Liquor. ALL PATIENTS admitted for TREATMENT under cootraet that it has to be satisfactory or fee paid is refuoded. The Gatlin Treetment for the Liquor Habit is being strotngly moomesended by the medical profession. THE HOME TREATMENT is just as effective if simple directions are followed. 10all, write or 'phooe Mr booklet and copies of contract. Strictly confidential. The Gatlin Institute 428 Jarvis St.. Toronto 'PelONE Nonvet 4538 A. HARGRAVE, Manager. el= ==== 1===3% C • C. LEEfl WE HAVE 0 Many 11 Exceiien • iftes ristmas INSPECTION INVITED 0 *C. INOSI1U1 MAD THIS. Pannell liege Pete Leine as. 001. Paned lialr. Every weessa reader et Ties Signal who denims realest hair tbat everyom admires Amid go to 11. 31. Wigts to- day and rpm • bar Want bottle of Perinea %got 11 1. mit wil11 C LEE HARDWARE nes: Store 22- Plosses,112 at, aiteia.'-: mes.