HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 804144.ainItiitig,ialigarininglin.w....' now SaTairamadte, Data aeesi 1L 1II i I �Ne1pe'N1e�e�f>tea�daa�� His Chrioblas Giles• • • • 6y Ansa S. Ricbard.00 • • • B•s••i.•Is••••••••••.••ga• relate. stare Weir radiated the spi it Crtmeos bilk am Sums every cbankike. sow of evergreen draped all iie shelving. The counters wea Skwws with (adataas cards. bookiets sad favors CM seas who lad dropped In to be/ Mead points ter his peckat pencil re, =tired to pore over a stack of gtft kooks board In tate leather. Then he hard to. voice. Atter that only his eye Was on tea boob. HL intend was cosceetrated es the possessor of the Mee. "But you mid such things were le treat demand arooad the holidays. and tles~7.11.r-- allarso Liss TO Taxa A Loom LV SUOMI CAMS" • I have taken indalte pains with these. ['hoar pleas• tell me what L wrong iatb then." Chem pram a Dote of tragedy to the Bich contralto toms which, together sigh a beseeching glance from woo Sall violet eyed, put to rout the ekes sad regulations of the astute hater •t Christmas novelties. His baa a apart shop, and be bad never gaocieated atylanation to struggling pew artists who. work he declined 'e mail os commission. but now he pekad up the little Packets of plate sat .Wore cad., Bal with holly, Bents Daee heads. etc. PLO roe 'spiels," be said. "Them are sot novelties. They aro the same style of cards used is the past twenty years. with the same decorations. We sees who can afford to Pe7 the Priem Ihmaad•d fie band palated novelties mast ',seething sew. See this pole untie bloseom-not painted cm a card, bat ..t in the shape of the blossom Iwti-and this tansy. bulging stock lag. overflowing with feces of pretty Wk. for a bachelor. They are catchy. the earl of things my customers want. Row work to neat, but sot novel." "Tbaak yen." the girt said bravely '1 Isd rstaad now, and it is too late (se me to try EAT lithid at novelties that perhaps you will keep my cards. end I -well, your novelties might not go aruaad, and thea perhaps some late caatoaar slight bay +alae after all." "Osetelaiy. I win be glad to keep them In reserve. Year name and ad dress—oh, ye., I r+m•sbet-Mea. By) via Leigh. the (least studios. I will M ray Met ter atterattbelss as the girl rlIpped through the door M opened a deep drawer eider the crustae and dropped the cards est of sight It would never Re to displat those old fashioned bits of paateb•aat aaeag tea novelties which topes/al to hie fashionable trade. And Mea very suddenly the mai who bad berg esg'r'eme•d in lith or house girt heed stepped up to the muster. "One minute, phrase I should like to tale a leek at there cards you just boogkt from the young lady." Elle Woodshed masagcr of the store (Wood trim the well groomed man with Mee breva des art iron gray Mir to the trite egpprlve novelties b the shows.. 'Tho ow you jet bought from the yelmse'taty,• repeated the customer se- "Orrtai ly" rapsalr the manager heftily, sad he spread forth the de eptssd bits of pasteboard The work was data*, bet utterly commonplace "Jest what my sitar would like- eminendve sort et masa" my Meter Y --don't go is ter aswlasgW Idoa. TU take these- .s deers. Not mewls! De year seeps• tie girl meld de two deem mem by the day Mew Ariamesi It who can, send 'em Mad James Meq, at Marq.•tte. I'll take those with aa" And ahnse betsr. he Braid reales what had Mppaard the manager yes a enalh madam epm meths, atter ehb eseestrie a eemew whose inter was le give a dinetw tarty of dsr7 morose es Anstome day sea Wrested rs buying a seem Important ankles es dim. aver. M es sanlssety Is- hnikdw brake ave who be sty some dames Mo, seg hese tram Ito mmau; seaowhet pima, at the made. =av'seeleses ensue wore to 10111/. gyms usimor with rue-. tmin THE SIONA4'R<3()DERICHI ONTARIO yith�at atrcionWtmarket Meate blooms, and on er table as stack of parcels widish, seat byPmall wawa/de to the but wawa/deba• chelor. ter Musiv� was dubbed by matchmaking mothers ♦ young lady to see you, dr,' re masted hes man Impassive*. Jamas Map took the card. "WM Sylvia Leigh.," ran its *Ned - She cams to him, Uoklag taller than the day to the shop, toe bar bead was held list. "You win pardon my coming here on Christmas eve and anchapsresed. I could est leave tows without seam you." The violet eyes had tarred al- most black; (be coatreito voice was a hit too eves In its teats. "1 am beloved." replied Jaime Maq gravely, and be tottered bet a chair. which she declined with a wave of her gloved bead. "It was hard eaoagk to know that the man who bought my foolish tittle pahttnga did It through a dose et pity, but to learn that he was also the Mu who wrecked my mother's life - Mat -that wee too owl. I hats .•see to return your mosey sad ash the return of my Ards it you have Mt already destroyed them." 'My dear girl,' expostulated the ✓ im. who bad turned strangely wilt.. 'Zeus do not interrupt me," eros - Dined the girl passionately. "Hy meter's brother -perhaps you races. bar him -Henry Johnson, is here. He west to the shop and found out where mq cards had gone and- Oh. It is sr a miserable Uttl farce to you, a aoressful many I thought I could be as artist They told me so at Mama Agana uncle's wishes I came have te mar my little light and failed. Whoa yes bought those things I thought peer. baps -but uncle, who wanted as to A homer sifted the story to the bottom and found -you. I as going bouts with his tonight" "Ms Leigh, I want to beg a favor of pen. This is Christmas eve, and 1 am a lonely, desolate man. it ever the Christmas message of peace and bt- nano/ d will wntans anytht your ing wIt . toTT ose little Christmas cards you painted are the only touch of real Christmas that baa tome into my life --and I want to kelt them -and tell you why I want to keep them. Will you be sated? 'Tou my I wrecked your mothers Iib. Well, then, know that hers was net long. My season of regret and penitence has lasted longer than you ate lived. I loved your mother, but I fild not understand her. I went oat tato the world to make a fortune, not for myself, but for her, and I thought that the fortune must come int sad love's dream afterward. With women It is different The dream must come brat -the fortune is a secondary con- sideration. Your mother tOod bless her memory) thought I had forgettes -that I did not care -and so she passed out of my life and Into your father's. "But she had yots. I bad nothing, nothing but money and the memory of one happy rummer of her life. I sever expected to know what peace Ind hap- piness meant again until that day in the store, when your eyes, your voice -- I thought It was the other Sylvia, my Sylvia, come to life. And I bought those cards because you painted them. "And now you come to me in anger and tate trom me my one Christmas "I as aoeoiaD," wnzuD JAMIE arim. happiness -the work of your hands. S ylvia, Sylvia, haeme+ I paid my debt of repentance? Can you not eateed torpveneas-(hAatmas fotglveser-la year mother'. sante?" Sylvia turned toward the door. '1 meet go now. Ws are leaving es the P o'clock train Uncle is waiting for me downstairs in a tad We are going borne" "ar.ener The teas echoed the wed mechanically, dully. Teta girt Wtsted. thea Med eel her hasd. "Te beet to dear Md Rerbevthe Why deal you time tee? Wily desk yes run •ate tamssvew-tor Warr "Sylvia, ehfld, de you mate tt? De you ua lerstend that if I came a vrsr be -to as yes?" gravely the violet eyes were Mend to mare the waarebtam leek be the brews seas. "i. R pesos eat good wig M ma Olivia I" "Ten-ead maw Ghsi Besse It les • 111.1111.110 semei ti es,Y - t, S - 7,,110/41 jimamliar Woman's World ' The Cesess •f W arwlek, Originator •1 Nee Paw SehseL SART 'Aiwa= Aso des pATOarrs soar& Long before Mrs. Belmont of New Tort thought •t espousing the cause of women or establishing a Lara school an Ragilsbwoman, the gifted and bautiful Countess d Warwick, organized and opened a college for women horticulturists. is her school dairy work, market gardening. Poultry farming, beekeeping and horticulture are all taught It was established to besedt well bred women thrown on thebr own -resources in earning a liv- ing. Capable women teachers are in charge of each branch of the work. Lady Warwick publishes a paper, the Woman's Agricultural Times, which exploits the work of the reboot_ The countess also established an associa- tion of women agricultural workers, known as the Daughters of Corea TM products of tbe school, one fea- ture of which is a jam factory, ate disposed of for the beseet of the In- stitution, whose preliminary espeosea were borne by Lady Warwick. The Agricultural college originated fa 1898, when the Lady Warwick Hostel was established at Reading, England. Lat- er aber the school was removed to Studley castle, about fifteen miles from Blrk taingham- Gardening has always been a fad with the beautiful Countess of War- wick. At Easton Lodge, the magnlD- cent heritage which she brought bet husband, site has one of the ducat rose gardens In the world. Eery known species of ruse L said to grow there. Her garden of friendship is remarka- ble. Everything In It baa been coa- tribated by her friends, and each pleat or tree bears a heart shaped label showing who planted It. Besides plants, Lady Warwick is de- voted to dumb animals. Her dogs are always beauties, and her stables con- tain the choicest of horseflesh. She rides M bounds regularly when at Warwick castle, her husband's famous seat, and L said to be one of the best horsewomen in Englasd. Of Icte years the countess has been an ardent Socialist Through her ef- forts much bas been done to improve the condition of English working wom- en. It L her ambition to convert to S ocialism bee ball sister, the Duchess of Sutherland She Is the halt sister alio of the Earl of Rosalyn and the Countess of Wertmorelan4 In her own tight Lady Warwick owns about 18,- 000 acres of land. A GERMAN WOMAN'S PRAISE. She Says American Women Dress Bet• ter Than Parisians. "American women dress better than the women In any country In Europe. even in Paris." says Mlss Helen Hasse, a German author now traveling In America. "In Europe only the wealthy classes dress well, but In America all women do. Clerks who make only $3 or $4 a week dress In perfect good taste. With a ore dollar shirt waist and a one dol. Int skirt they have the style of queens, a style that European women do Dot .get by spending many times that much. They dress their hair beauti• fully and take good care of their Com. plellom. The latter -although some- times more art than nature -are very good. Al an average the American women are pretty. "Here in America It is trauma/ to see a badly dressed woman, while fa Germany It is unusual to see one who be well dressed. "1 am a greet admirer of the middle class American woman. Ube L ts- t lllgeut, always looks the lady, makes her own clothes. does her baaswork and le • splendid housekeeper. Tbe German woman of tbe same case sev- er ever toots well dressed. Is always b dressing sacks, dirty sad serebblag. Ore aldose sees the deportees wows scrub. yet her hoses le always eosin i. "rb. Paris wanes pessiby ha. the better of her Amer,..rstater os bets sad goer., bet the Amerirss wema• leeks turner. Daly tea Sigh society ef /Peace ran afford these 'epeesave gowns. The avers. American wows ease malen,wsPlt a beautiful sad sty{. M !taws for little messy; oses•onsak• t► the leer elk Meng te Reetetreares • Meow. Wbee, after twee servire a br..s Mewls, i,.rtor en wee side the. the War and the ..da ef the strew• ea Aare as me•tlet Ile it is bet water end trim ft Iowa quite .e•siy with ' the rheum The meek will le a sewsO M semvltsable as when MR • - Cookery pinta Bettered Begs and Towed. Wash two emcee •t Ilse the sapW and seek it sail It to quits Moder b seem seedy damsel white sleek which is entirely tree teem tat. hiss pain tt through a Sas wire Wee and reheat it L a mamma esetitalag as moos et warm batter and a ealtspeee- Ail et carry powder and two taw spoonfuls of thick stewed tomato: alit it weq add a little malt lead black pslper and as sear as it is hot pear is the beat=er yolk et as *Cr R•- M•ve the tine teem the stove directly the spit be thea oshly breaded with It. leafier acme madam clod Molds *ret eeaby the M Map* pet a nada" OW thick layer •t wived teas. at the tipef ea•i. time W thane with the dee, padded it is tightly, and pat lase a arise.. eves ter about tea Maass. er Whir Isis If the Mat L Metes Oa thing the melds from the eves eros the rice est en to a hot Mak ant cover the tep entirely with Malay batt=ed epn. sprinkle a lit Ise Sae* .lend patatay ever the to and serve rep Mf. Pratt Meriogw, Tab two pleads of say kind of are very good - lump sugar to taste and about half a g ill et water to sad past according te the taidmmsa et the Det. Put the water and eager tato a saaospt•- La tam Mid fee Ste ala- atss. thou add the holt and cook vary patty till levier. Beat the whites et throe eggs to a atilt troth and add three tahissp•eettds et sugar. Pet the reit Into a Grepeeet elk: spread the msrtague ever 1t Bake In a dew MN WI to. meetagoe Dads wisp lad Y et a delicate Saws eider. Serve very estt mLSelect t astsapn of miters abs shin, thea set of a mall section that may serve as a Id. illi lock eaatolsnp• with whipped cream which has been .west sed and adze. wit, gnt7 chopped eager and aariaal- lwa. Pot the caataHope in a tremor sr bucket, pack I. equal gaaatities of ben sad rock salt and lit stand fes au lour Serve spat a phttsr Sari with *Dsbd ice and wadi with nastur- tiums asturtions and their leave Or the canta- loup. could be .nod with whipped cream at1[.sed with Teles or say sweet jleily. Raspberry sad Corea. salad. Ran a pound each at raspberries, rho or white currants and Mored der - ries, two Manse, two oranges, half a can of pears er pineapple& Ro- we the stalks Dom the raspberries. currants and s kafles. Peel sad eat the Mums and oranges late very small penes, taking sat the corsage PIPs• Out also the pears er ptaeapple fate shall dice ,int the fraft is a salad bawl tad peer ever Nese et the piM apple tae pear Mos. Let it stand is the Icebox fee ens boar Ware arra lop • la Russe• Das I la Some to as artiatie dish lad moot ap,etltat. It is composed it whole hard belled spa tram which lbs shells are earsfallly teaeesd, then Ike cep lid .Mat a re=nd dish Ike a uta Mato 6t aartacee decorated Mtk 1lWa Mem at &Mles. a better It lush shad vegetables lacked with little mesa et caviar. as/ the *UM triaged with white kittens leave aid diamond elapse pieces et sated minim The osier amass et tide dish Is most semi ala attrsedro A Dellsitie Fret+ tided. Mx larger firm MOW. as ba'daa, see wawa a .mag beach et white grapes, halt a septa of Imam wales, imam halt a 'aped et snood snared trusts and as tea p•lattd of vsa6lia extract Asp the swim creep ant beams very Ise, aid the nae. mei- died +tett sal venire ase min wit (Walsh the tea with the grapes, balvd and seeded. If the apples are very seer add a .tete mon hone at small daftly Aston. 7e Ogry MetreM. Mab Me t=ee h le tM eel way, ewr mpg that 1t is set asewmary M cook !e to INC Kw. a ssIleapaaatee each of Mrd aid MOW sena, bet Is a nitri. 1st LM the bet mash to the MON to +.calsis sad tapas it eat le rein meekly and is mvraam ala ml.,.. Mas whoa allowed to gat who and tinea tiro_ Ie to WNW VIM Wed w th DIM shines. Monad Dosesieg. ler bast dtemty bang ap two — add hit • OM et Timmer. as. tea. el wewtat •t emelt. a dish et MTI preys aur lahaeapee stvis el sear cess two sea=m et ,atlas. NM wall sae seek is • dead" hash aaereag esaiastly calf the drtiry Imo Mimed Ten sed seed sorra ibis eramLag ane he d ims. wadi MOM amass or dies lei Groom Salad Dreakep eh pupa,, cream WWI errmlag arab r lets of three MO belied airs M a selesth partes, p*aeoaW add as lea. +••seas et mak as teageastd se seipt. two ms'_-iseetek •t vbealpr arid as tremae! et muster. Wide t eem pat •t ammo ureas r emei/h ata set etre a rpalmal at d ere mIp Mos egg gagigenwryt,-4.e,m.; Christmas Gifts Christmas is here els and we have prepared for It better this' year than ever. We after suitable sue sudors is the following : EBONY TOILET SETS " EBONY MANICURE $ETS EBONY MIRRORS t` EBONY HAIR BRUSHES EBONY NAIL BRUSHES EBONY NAIL PILES EBONY TOOTH BRUSHES EBONY NAIL SUPPERS, E. Also a nine line of Kodak+. etc.. Safety Eames. Perfume., Chocolate. OhrI.tstea Garda. Oaiendase and Booklets. A pleasure to show goods. Druggist F. J. Butland Uoderich •'Phe Store That Pleaeee." 1• rwe.0w elk New Topcoat Models Your clothes should look as if they - belong to you. In being absolutely right Semi -ready Clothes show their superiority. Chesterfield Overcoats at 11S and upward.. Raincoats (for Fall and Spring days, sue or rain), 115, 120 and 125. =tort* illatlartug McLEAN BROS. GODERICH • a Ctiyb ! fp r OWL ,.• -',rt• ' 1t7 C.A.M.Lot ht.; ett&o 'eejr&i'pi d JA 4.MAa Q y.644.4,14Eusis but a tregaseet d a very Intarseing letW received by the 7.s. -Bak Co. (rem Mrs R. Coteett, et loggia Ihidge, agb a., N.B. The later matures. •' Whes the ewes fret brake out i sailed la a detest bat kis tr+atemet did we geed. I tried eaves sot le/iess end w•skes el al kiwis, bet Use same slip hewer disease Malty hee so bad that the child's fees said resider weee semp)atdy veered with saw Imagine the pate the per sited haat a year rid) had to safer "Om day • friend advised wee to try 7ee B.k. I d,•'. •M have mew •k faith se. that time that 7.. Ask weals( he rhea to work a rare, bet as there meld he M kern is trying N. i obtained a supply At that time the disease had dead all remedies I lied tried for over a year by the tine i Md tried wee but of 7em-ltek there was a marked imrrsasa et. 1 es"tiswi the 7.em ink tes.tme.t ed day by day lb. ewes showed sign et imprev.ment, seed the sewn was ensued to the rihM', sioeliw, ewe sere ew whirl bed Isms psrtieokiry deep, By aver this, .lea, wee healed: and Nally 7e. Bek ks_lied every teen et the deems " I have waited se eeel weesbe Mien mesteaaiieg thy. elm te yes, is order se sea if tiers wee eery rears it the ewama. Tose be. sat irises say neer+ : the nee Mese }er�sseait and there is se seer caw tiers e1 the tissue. frsm wriak eke ek1H raised en teew Yes rosy pakltei Ws ldereuNss ,f foe wish. • that eatery member may knew the retn of l -1•k.' Sam last is lust • geed ler mid .cew stepped heeds, ?i•. Meed pis skews. W leg. ~tees. skiers. seek awes, fro{ We, baby'e sed pierce. see. Akre • as .wAnaanw les Ammar time seWkis. ear. All Dragging ad acmes, Ma bre et Um 1.k 0e.., T mono. Mur press 1 REE NY 4.d .w is r.• •.d •r. ••e.t rasp r Mar •e. Cr rosea„ w .. .Q mW sae +..ewer..e 1�J ervemProvimmextmeitimmoripautadm ;. Tr7;73r: II* rPMFr taXp¢..i s'! "'w111.11.11wi PreP/In for S eithiot Helm" purchasing to the casing win. tar, call (nsuee the of Port. land and Piano Boa Cutters whish have just ar- rived and are now ter view in my allow. rooms. For Strength, Elegance and Comfort NW Butters manu- factured by Meseta Wm. Grey, Sons Campbell, Ltd., of Ghat cannot he surpassed. HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRICE tome and select yours whirr you have the full range L - cholas from. Robert Wilson HAMILTON STREET K. LYBEL DNNArilt llf JUNK CORNER HURON ROAD ted WELLS STREET Having- moved to Goderieb and eetabilehed a huskiest here. I will lover all kinds of junk and pay Rood pries., Any pens my any stuff to sell is re- questei to deep • postcard tool address and / will all for it. I will also buy all kinds ul Live Poultry K. LYBEL To Winnipe and Wes TRAVEL •T THE Direct Only Canadian Through Route Car Line Daily Service A11NAer Pacrir. Solid Mroe l' frau et CetesMa, Tourist • • d •eaadard 5lesee,e and Dining Can, Treats Is Vaneeuvr 10.30 P ". d.sr. ,lea. Kidd, Agent. M at. ti ' MurM►. Ore.'s Powwow Aware, Tarr,* Brophey Bros. "IODERICH Tire Leadlsit Ftlaeral Directors aid Embalmers Orders carefully attended !' at all hours. night ,.r (Ise. IT'S Tills TO ORT THAT ltgn. WINTER SUIT and OVERCOAT and you'll make no mistake when yon leave your order with t1UalI DUNLOP wed m. Tea th-MJaea Take New Cutters i have received ewe fine new Gutters and would like any ppesrr•uosem who le iwte eeted in Oaitkse to sell and see them at my wareroo ts• Hamllbm street. Hs rine to w the new FORE • DOOR CtJTTER This is sooasbieg eetirdy new, and I have the agessy foe tea only company that Wilda thew. All Sleds of Parsee.' tap lmucase. Repairs. ate., nit Itasd. (live an • odL Alfred Tebbott Hass )ttne et (+ndwieh H. tier ■ tonne stand .r W. P. flew d lb ;lo able Jam W. J. Lease the guest orb leaves, of IM to see him �l us agsln. The imitate ,has been Ane ting wood at engin. The locality. • y. _ Tag E AltbouRi the Ontario is drat still ery g be do ing • much into Mr. Musgrove last week then eon in atte night of this w the interest t proudtoot is b Ha. peewits!. Eva Kelly, w eph's convent, by another his to visit her fat on the sick wbo has been for the past home. His m icing trisects country. .iso home end will R. R. Rloan, w en Godarich home, e:pcti winter bare.. here over a y town sod taker. He Is patroe• will Those et excursion to returned turned last Rogersoe, W They all seem They report out there. It of the farmers couldn't get It it is still in t poets of a when the been Ten grain's Mean chances ars t crsble .oflerin amongst only a veer or formerly C. has accepted t agent bele a week Mi Twee, of place. andwere both weekTM la Wed the busily en handle factor :ow all the which be will Mrs. fit' Wingbasa. v7 this week... left, but the that It is no Theme: -tocka in eb trade. They selection of g most faatidlt' friends in ♦1 U. Craeffortt montou for home.. ...N brother, Ge. Duncan forth this there... ..T. the What fo home and ha forth as a tail week « * vir.it to re Dublin Clinton, is tb G. E. KeTs Small and ', St. Andrew'. Thursday es in the profits titnf Ungar a wherever ab was on a bu.i Friday Mt of ra dam. Hellen( L Small eo services al M and Rev. Mr preached tw Rev. r of Puce at the ( lug Tusid_sy fur lecture, true HeotWb in old Scotia this subject pleasis& to • The n church le boi a Maser wh Deeusssr Ile Friday. Tit OdW IN gook o a ubt it pricers changed caul: non. of Leek Kiery woe who dales missives ell :Parisi. Pa it is ant 'essAlag h a het It le. banteb • Pitchine orkie taeere. I, 'mre Mee, make the