HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 7THS &GNA : OOD : '- A ONTA 1
does, cis for
bo, IOe, l&•,
and Mc.
tBic art 26c
kerchiefs, 2
ry Collars, 2
in all color*,
We to 26c
rile 40c. for
Patterns in
• the story.
Very Useful
Some Gifts
For Him
Ods OM Who believes in string
pith tmaa premium that can be used
r makiig far several of her girl
Othello this year the Mistiest possible
frg5el skate
P ttbuaef ars supposedly oat Si
Saver, het the sensible girl kaews boo
For the lawyer. a brief ease
For the motorist, a l ane case
For the tennis paler, a radial Oen
For the college boy, a leather ew-
esed seta pillow.
For the ampler, a boa of his !erudite
For the physicist'. the little ralros&
time table guide issued docs a tenth.
with information about fares, dis-
tances and all changes in schedules Sp
to data It is bandy if he hes sob
urban patent&
t'or grandfather. a reading glass.
For your flake, a picture of yourself
to et his watch ease or a eat folding
There is so nater ba in the
way of a Christmas for any
woman, young or old, than a scarf that
may be used ter atteraes and eve. -
las wear. Scarfs are the direct out
cease of the vogue for tastes, echos.
berthas and draped skirts that have
headed the fashion this winter. One
scarf era serve a number of papoose.
It can be used as eche os. • home
gown or worn as a shoulder cape oder
the evening cloak or stinted to serve
as a headdress.
An Ivory Toilet Set
'ye pat my silver set away aid
now use the ivory Met set Aunt
Mario. mat as last Wim." was
and Square
nese College
n. Yud. Com -
purses — BB
ritiog mach -
roller copiers
a+ •.,car R -
or ca, alogue.
4a., Toronto.
to AU eeetaasers
ass w sbtolutely
stl.esetory stook.
Write :
lesonts.O■ arta
It o•rrapeoesata
Ica tow satalaru.
bin g
we having
iter pat in
raving your
eeted with
your ceder
o that the
before the
The inside
re later, if
try respect..
specialty of
log and
awilton St
nos IMAL , MAME. IMAINS nes.
like, sad l• merely a width of the
neatly booed with tape sad
with rings for hanging. Over
surface are placed patron of the
The large packets are foe
handkerchiefs aid other arteries
the sort. The small pocket is foe
and a handy pincetslfea is
for stray pias.
Ribbon Corsi ill
new Mabee comet bap Mee
t acceptable gnaws for the wo
who Is food of the Miall little
resience• of this sort They are
made and men cheaply than
purchased at the snares. The
ribbons with the esti& satin
an the most popalar for the
It taker four stripe at the cis
featherstitched together or pot
with the socbetel tinge
ring a turnover at the tarp, where
ribbons are est In potato sid
with sedower bows. The
are of the narrow ribbons.
a big sunflower is the coater is
the sail upon which the bag
hung. They bold two pales of cot-
and tap them free from dost
sunflower rosettes are the s•
darter bags to maasb are also
to the sew fate and are made
a large envelops. with a wide dap
t fastens with a batten and loop.
are hung with ribber. Eahhat
the rosettes. as the bags are
A Helpful dWt.
wy smart to wear with the Irish
turuovor coders as the new
pins covered with Isiah crochet
Any or who (esthete ma wily
aaaaraaaas aa5D>aomss.
Mr *an to discard flannels. BM in-
sists. however, that they take tip as
tittle room as may be.
Thos skirts being made fill that need.
They are of ens whits flannel as wide
as can be bought and are cat from a
circular pattern, so as to et snugly
around the hips. Tbs tops and hob
toms are bound with inch wide wash
ribbon in a delicate color. and the
met and back seam are catstitebed
la a color to match.
To avoid extra bulk the skirt fasten
with a button and buttonhole rather
than with ribbon Gee
Oae skirt. for the best friend has a
Mae or two of small embroidered dots
Mos In pink mercerised cotton just
above the pink satin binding at the
Another useful gift is handkerchiefs,
of which one can never bars too great
a supply. The one illustrated is of sue
handkerchief linen finished with a nar-
arrow hem, above which at intervals are
two rows of bemstitebtng
which are rows of featherstitching.
Tie handkerchief bas an edge of prat-
ty princes tad.
Neal Cost Manger.
Now don't any tnat you are sick and
tired of the sight of coat and skirt
Mager& Probably you hays seen and
made a number of them, but have you
over turned out a coat banger like the
one pictured? It is covered. to be sure,
with the reSuistion flowered ribbon
gathered alms the edges of the frame.
mason is
r and the
og is a
ru. We
ovr part
stook of
Nis lets
Rs Avows
k Co.
s Mart with
eat/ ever.
70., iJadtet
,DesLO POI IN ami ersa
a ran lilts Me an Mamba
a gift will please the gist who
Tay futldbas sheet her neck dyes
other Wide the bow
are going to appear to COMM.
morning, the week of • moths of
oral bnstaass girls. She le salhg
stocks ter her dae{fese► w-
eo mash seed of theft artklea
has saved pomp of their shirt
and thatr sumer skirts sad
in some eases embroldered than
simple designs er b making them
simply tailored. Whoa ooadiy
they will edited a seem if
the girls visit tow elle
A M•o� �
n pS! UR CMsews or mehreiders Is awlemg,
of Milt cardboard holm 4
Whoa and covered with beesyallh
as art lines la dei setata
bolder aerial the Moir Sha
"SUL• Mal Mb la a Ss=
eat pas a ens wear mg Ow`
around it.
the back ewer week the=
• monogram or hoe tame
e corded outgo&
the avers an a dada dtarMg
Nepes. anuses& with the dap li
°owe *do et as heck. that aro
to held u Many aches of Mit
eba af tbe oak are
he started es 1ha Adtde of the
These Nab are eat three.
trovers ad ales la the esoledn.
Is run Ilismo 1 Mrrb hubs and
IS the peel
to anal bow%
book rlb m awaitwMl
le saki
briny therldidlet
Mit/ werldhog b made yeas Mia
ee• ealbaat end
is et Mass et
silkblab are
are the goal
h • bag- The alb arethe merles MO
eu. 4l.
Pssortm oortt :.sass.
and the loop from which the acetol
esatrlvance bangs is wound with Dar•
row ribbon. But Jost make a note of
the four dainty little sachet bags that
are attached to the loop with bunches
of baby ribbon, and if the effect b
set novel and pleasing then look up
another trifle for your Christmas of-
Shirt Waist Basket Fee Gift.
The new shirt waist baskets make •
dellgbtfal present for maid or matron.
They have taken the pied of fabric
covered bona The baskets Dave two
trays pieced cue above the other, but
so carefully tided that the weight of
the upper on dos not in the least in-
jure the freshness of whatever is
placed in the lower Cue
The first tray Is designed for the beat
blouses, those that are most expensive
to do up. This tray is first covered
with a heavy white Uses, then with a
sleet of lavender scented cotton Me-
iatter and finally with dotted swiss or
menaidered assn. Attached to the
beer side of the tray are bast a dozen
Methe sleets or loves of Coen, me of
WWI* le W ever each freshly linn-
dsed kisses as /t to placed In the bas
TM lower tray, which is several
bass *woe them the upper one. Is
the the inbred welds and the Sifrem
eM sort of outing el t• and while it
le sense !timed he declog to of lawn
and the sheets an et IM Nae sob.
. - -- -1 mmterteL
Fillet Leee &vacs
Nvery woes* b wood to own one
or mere soft twits. *oven made from
Sas haadherekiaf lines and squares of
Shat lie*.
Nithkag gt.s more dtstia*tlnn to a
lea reuse couch than the addidas of
sae stthese emblem Spreads for the
bed ma also be made of these lovely
oho ertais, n-hMi If bsugbt would he
quite hens/ the average Woas•s's
The Mist seisms tan be boagdt lee
Ode plea They show cloak dot
Meme woees ii sent and *item Dor-
erel different de.sgee are seed le the
aabhag el a bedspread. The work is
dims somewhat os the order ef eM
bsbiusd peirebwork ealy it Y seek
diens of )tees an sewed bee weer
the ghees The weft is dose as the
msedhn if you are s heel woman
but tft�''--- 1s timate to spode de k M
' a -+i idea►
Whooping - Cough
Loss of Flesh
and many dim tumbles
» nit OP pa'- Ame novel ooAU
slather photo frame toe your 'tabl-
For the bookkeeper, an envelope rad
p the literary worker, a desk est
Ike the one Illustrated. which Is made
d rough and polished coal. The treat -
meat of this product for ornamental
purposss is unique and very sumer
tut The set Is stunning.
Artlstie Leather Gifts.
Boma charming Christmas gifts can
he made from colored soft bather
skins, which are sold now in almost
all shops For an example of mach
homemade presents take magasine
cover. They can be inexpensively
constructed and are suitable, as far
as good form goes, to give to mea
friends. Incidentally nothing could be
simpler than the manufacture of these
covers. for a woman has only to take
the measurement of some book and
then make the lather slip large
enough to be slipped on easily.
A flat piece of leather is cut accord-
ing to dimensions, there being a cor-
responding piece of silk, preferably the
same color. There mum be • pi•ee of
thin canvas stiffening, about batt an
lath wide, in a strip tong anoagb to
go around the outer edge of the
This strip must be basted down care-
fully to keep the leather on • eat our
face and thus avoid a porker. The
canvas must then be placed about bait
an tach from the edge la this way
an eves, stiff line is made and over tt
the soft leather must be turned. The
silk is basted down• putting the raw
edge In, and the whole carefully sewed
on the machin.
This done two ends moat be folded
so they will tors pockets to bold the
mag•sne. These pocket Saps, as Cala
might call them, need not be mese
than tour blebs deep, for this width
will bold the book securely and yet
admit of its being removed without a
straggle The Saps sage be stat -hid
together es the maaWa. Tab ow
plots the ease.
A girl, who has say kmael at Padh
lag or poker wort may sake meet
effective rand or square covers of
leather by choosing her own assign
w by paving them eutlt.md.
Bags of andles kinds aloe may be
aaaufactafod The leather km Wee-
errated, designed for rollers and cam,
me a drawer to beiges stale and
smarm oma.aa Milts A011 mea
Maks and is as idail silt fair a Ma
site expert worker Is hasher sea teed
est such • hos. kat the avee'aee learn
of Outgu ass pianists will bui like
Grove. theiders
These are b shiseed se the eeevale
tpitl 1. est, helm Sided 1517 sane to
the center. aid these era he Y d•age
it crumpled Set
I Two little penile ass naiad la
the inside of the boil s whish bv*
fees MM is Mace with gave !item
ate Them are to bold the ones. cid•
or bottom. sr•srfpins cad ret wen
The ties am simply held Ii the
Mr snows, ly. It Is time folded one
se a Is kf is th. set caw, inial or MO
It t,k •e up little reed sod le Nit
se nee
wear sett et
the very porti.eat roma& =sae re -
natty by a riri who is enc eerfully
working her way to a good salary if
sot to tams. Yes, tiger are chest com-
fort and smartness shoat the new
ivory toilet sets that every girt is pleas-
leased with them. it is. however, much
better to give ono or two pieces at a
tipes of the very best grotty of ivory
than to try to cover a bugler ode.
Pena Writing Cas.
Why Dot give hoe • stationary writ-
ing case? You can bey web a conven-
ience for $225 of he durable leather
which holds a qatr• et paper, mud -
oyes. fountain pea and stamps. Or a
good print neatly faded to bang In
bur room Is an acceptable gift, and
even a calendar, If artiMhe. is not to be
despised- But do be careful if you
give her • book, and deal send an
editor of Ibsen to the girl who loves
the lightest kind of Sedan. or vice
versa. Handkerchiefs and gloves she'U
Fou Mans= des
tippanely dab as-essmoapaaea,• bet
shell be grateful Ser Me gift later ea
Silk stocking ars always winos. t5
the gift Nie, and pretty oohs for the
hair, or an umbrella 1t it hes a stun -
slag beadle.
Mandy Powder Mag.
The stress and strain of the dare
work never seem to make the beai-
ms girl oblivious to the tact that her
wase may be shiny and that a Judi-
cios• bag of powder will add as much
to bar well being as the drop of on sea-
m the red of her typewriting machias.
la other words, It you give the business
prf a smart little powder Mg. such as
the one to be seen In the Ill stration
she will bass yen as long es the realty
Mase lasts. She can edwreelestly tflr
You probably know ail too well
how it goes. Just as you doze ce, the
tickling starts in your throat. A gentle
cough, still asleep. A harder and
then another. First thing you know.
you're Wide awake, coughing your had
A few nights of that and you're so
worn out and weakened that the cough
takes a tight grip on
But why endure it f
Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licor-
ice and Chlorodyne will soothe that
exasperating tickling, loosen the phlegm
and cure the inflammation of the mum=
membrane. It not only stops the cough
quickly, allowing you to get sound, re-
freshing sleep, but it goes to the toot or
the trouble and drives out the cold com-
pletely. Children willinglytake Na-
DruSyrup of Linseed, icorice and
Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good.
Your Druggist has it or can qvicklyg
it for you in sec. and Sod. bottle.
National Drag & Ch = siheaisl co., et
Canada, Limited. 11,$
"I am all right row,
thanks to Dr. Miles'
Heart Remedy."
"'-1• same relief is ready for you.
• -•••e poo' du not need it?
If Ls. aa..es' ti rt Remedy helped
Charles HoIrric., why won't it help
was t;.• sit Least dr -case,
and alter re -.:.0 rho x t Dr.
Ileart Reme y, I to• s bottle. Be -
for I got the Hes Remedy I had
to sit nu mo t of CI; ; item and tell
very bad at ray stomach. W..stever
I would eat made me feel worse, and
my heart heat very fast. But th.nks
to Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy, 1 am
-ll right now. I eat g'.od, see
good, and feel like a new man, al -
Clough I am almont 68 years old. I
i._ce bees a soldier in the late war
of the rebellion, and was badly
wounded." CHARLES HOLM1•.S,
Private Co. B. S4th N. Y. Infantry
Volunteers, Walton, Delaware Co.,
N. Y.
Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy
is kept in tt,ousands of homes pe a
friend always to be relied upon in
tittle of need.
Sold by all D•uogists If the first
bottle tails to benefit, your money
te returned. Ask any Drvin:at-
MILfi3 MEDICAL CO., Toronto. Can.
This cross (in red) has been adopted in
Canada and all over America as the emblem
under which the Crusade against Consumption
is carried on.
Every reader knows of the ravages of this
disease ; how, too often, the bread -winner of
the family falls a victim, or the young man
or young woman, with a promise of a happy and useful
life, is stricken down.
This modern Crusade, like the one of old, is a
winning fight The death rate from Consumption in
this province shows a decrease of over 25 % in the
past few years.
Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have been cared
for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near
Weston. To -day we have 300 patients under treat-
ment—patients who, if they had the money, could not
through fear of contagion gain admittance into other
In the Muskoka Free Hospital alone we are now
caring for 156 patients. 128 of these cannot pay a
single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay
70c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less
per day.
Our Trustees, having faith in the generous -hearted
people of Canada, have continued to carry on this work
during the past year.
Money to pay doctors, food, nursing and caring of
these sick ones, is urgently needed. Will your readers
help and have the joy of sharing in a work that has
the promise of the Master's reward?
Chairman Executive Committee, National
Sanitarium' Association
The Signal to Jan. 1, 1913 for $1.00
ea 10a s a l
v CT 16
r M
It is possible—maybe—to build a piano
that in exterior appearance might re-
semble a
though this is doubtful, so largely does
real art enter into the making of these
Dominion -wide pianos. Bat there is Do
duplicating the tone of the genuine
Heintrman & Co. piano. It is the out-
come of half a century of patient study
and labor. This comsat be equalled—and
tone is the real test of a high-class piano.
• I.
-"TM tow Is sable W mer, sot Moeda/
It. ma.ical quality. teas Is the comer
tonisslmo "—Da. Iowa, rosea.
Writ. Io- rla.s,rue
e. • - - -
L Ittte dab of powder.
Lime speck of Paint.
Marra the Intie trees* 1,
Loot as though a abet
pace of the little bag In her pocket and
sarr.ilitioesly glee her some a deb
that will add to bur satisfaction daring
the day.
The earful trifle le to be purchased at
mast depertebeat stores awl comes to
a Christmas bet decorated wiih spiapo
if bolly There Is s glass to one sea
Bos, and to the ether a pet means
e hey chamois beg Skid with powder.
tease bristom have ee be mods le the
1 tar rnMe to aur, ter ter wow se the