HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 6di TevaaaAY, peraasa 7, 1911
*-1Li 12s431/1,1t:
Hunting Santa,
Is Sport I J
For Young
and Old
KLKP from the supply of Christ -
nem novelties one tittle Beam
of Basta Claus (it may be a
candy box or simply a figure
but the former is better), 1a order to
have the =mans game of Idles= form
a pert ot the revels,
iiowe one L decided upon who will
hide the Santa,and the rest are asked
to go out for a moment to the hall.
The player Instead of hiding the figure
places it le some oat of the way po-
ration, wbere 11 will be visible, but will
n ot immediately catch the eye of the
pi s yens
For Inetaue*, It may be placed upon
something of almost the same color
or 0u one end of a tall shelf or book-
cac.e. Players coming in .can the
room for the figure, and the first one to
ie. It, without mentioning the fact to
the others, quietly aka a seat This
it a general signal for the players to
be seated, but in the excitement of
the search many will fall to observe
that one person is no longer sanding.
The last person to sit down Is obliged
to pry a forfeit Several rounds can
be played, end all those who were not
caught may draw for the prise, which
le, of cour e. the little figure.
It would not have seemed Christmas
to the old fashioned cold wltboet a
game of forfeits. Tits cleverest boy
or girl 10 the room was generally made
the forfeit prescriber.
He or she w -Id tell each player to
do some lm1 ie stunt; then, if it
could not b '►rued, punishment
two Indicted way of forfeits.
Some of therude and rough,
as compelling elm to eat a cake
of soap or bo Anger 1a the light-
ed candle wick. Others were just as
funny, making a bashful boy kiss the
girl be Uta best and a girl with no
ear for music sing a carol as a solo.
Shorn of the rough features of the
old fashioned game. forfetts L as
amusement that will keep a roomful
of convexly laughing when everything
else falls.
- . e - - .e -..o
Slelgbt of hand tricks or any trick
ttlat tends to mnyUfy always pleases
the Christmas company. The follow-
ing, which is known as the Christmas
hat. la recommended:
It is played by placing two baa on
a able, with the crowas upward The
performer them requests that a sugar
Men may be produced, from which a
lump of sugar is taken.
Holding 11 In his Anger., be prom
Imes, by a wonderful process, that he
wUl swallow the sugar and time witb-
Is a very short Ums place it under
sae of the hats on the able.
The company are asked to decide
which hat It .1011 be. Of coarse it la
suspected that a second lump of sugar
will be taken from the bag■ if It cora
be dote without detection. Coage-
quenUy all eyes aro fixed upon 1t
Instead of that after swallowing the
sager the performer places the select-
ed hat on his own bead dyad thus ful-
fills bis undertaking.
A jolly way to dletribute Christmas
g ifts at • chfldre•'e party is to make
• huge Christmas pts out of • wash-
tub. Cover the outside with tarter
red cloth or crape paper, pot In the
preseea and fill It with be= or saw-
dust run the ribbons fro. web pack-
age out Moe for eacb good/ tad
freight It with • small red apple, se
it will rest on the Moor. Thee cover
the top of t1• apple wltb evergreen
S ad belly sprays. 'huh apple) Mood
bear a card weer the gesers name
tatted o. with • tootbprk. 'flea
Me top of the pts ptast as easy they
trees (either real or artificial) as then
Mee guest&
When the hostess tette them to "ge
de the toe lead brag Mem • Christ -
/aa eros- the tem bsglas. Mich ebad
Owls bis or her nesse le the bemsebee
ar • tree, pulls kelp. •sol teen 1 •
dsimty wide Hasse paper, bsribba.ed
After them gifts are exam
tiers Is din Ms "pie'
At a gives Memel tubs apples are
/ailed. emeletg • mighty upheaval et
Mve4ns,s •mrd key. eel set cease
the lards ds* mantas crasher Mover.
MIs ked that eeateis all saris et •bv-
" budder the clap. Attached les
tamer am Vapor descrtbtmg
lime eee M tis pmt'. wbe Is to be
twat sad tams flap d dYna Sew pals
dear were• soma. weak are served
!em • petty table r wdldmga.s
OyerWesd bang Meat mer adds. deer
M b& erica sight peen bila. waDr
dies* Wing iseeseared esterase lam
/ems wea•fta spy be peal a tL
labia !hs war kens eill
MIN dell re mime 4111.6tk t1
R -
ti. Heats Ulama Soares. 1+s 'tae"
boIdlatg tea nets -
Canapes may be sorted first d star
shape Seed the coed Patsy prnlihsd
with stars cut from bode and carrots.
Tb..alad may b served from belly
wreathed plat•s and the ice cream In
the term of a bell wltb a spray of
holly on top. meas the dialog room
door • hogs bunch off mlatietoe may
be impended be a red ribbon
Fen For Ther Masters and fey Fee
the Deg&
The most tun provoking cdebratlom
took place in a private stable last
Cbriscmas. Several bon determined
that their dogs should not go unre-
membered on the gift day. Their
scheme grew out of a story one of the
boys beard about a gushy wbeee blg
dog Frits was regularly a member of
the Cbrlstmu party. Tela was an
Interesting dog.
Christmas day Frits was always
dignified. When tie family gtther'ed
around the tree be used to sit up
straight near the fireplace and watek
the proceedtp gravely. Then was
always something for bim o0 the tree,
and Fritz didn't mind It every Christ-
mas brought the game things for 1t was
a titbit exceedingly tasteful to him,
chicken or turkey bones. These
were put in a paper covered parcel
loosely tied with ribbon. When Priebe
name was called be would rise prompt-
ly, cross the room slowly wltb a re-
spectful wagging of his tai, receive
the parcel in his mouth aid return
with It to his place. Then, without
undue haste or exhibition of greed, be
would tear away ribbon and paper
and crunch the bones contentedly dur-
ing the rest of the evening.
The youngsters who elaborated on
this plan did not meet with the live -
last encouragement from their par-
arents. There was probably a doubt
whether all the pets of tbe neighbor-
hood would have tbe sagacious dignity
of Frits. After pleading the boys ob-
tained permission to have a special
celebration for their dogs in the sable.
Accordingly there was a tree, and. be-
sides presents of bones, there were
new collar, blankets, harness and
such other affairs as dogs are sup-
posed to admire or need
Not only their own pets, but those
of their friends, were Invited to the
dogs' Christmas tree. Prises were
given to the animals who excelled In
running queer races, for jumping and
other canine tricle. It was a jolly
party, and it le doubtful whether boys
or dogs enjoyed It most
Rina)., the aleighHtls Fee Geed San-
ta Claus.
Santa's sleight all party 1s a fanny
holiday game. 1 t may be played as
fol lows:
The leader say to the neighbor on
her right, "Sana's sleigh has been
at my house."
The one to wbcm she says this asks,
'What has It brought?
"A slelgbbell," the leader replies ail
pretends to ring a bell with his or her
right hand, every ono In the company
imitating her.
The person wbom the leader has ad-
dressed tarns to the neighbor on ber
right and gay, "Sena's sleigh has
been at my home," and this third par-
ty asks, "What has ft brought?
"Two •lelgkbells," 10 or she repiles,
making the gesture of ringing with
both hands, wbUe every one follows
this example.
The statement "Santa's sleigh has
been at my house" and the question
'What bas 11 brought- are continued
from one player to another, the third
player annouocing that Sana bas
brouget three bells moving her right
foot as well as her hands. At four
all move both hands and both feet. At
eve bells tbey move both bands, bots
bet and right eyelid. At six Mlle they
move both bands. both feet and both
eyelids. At seers bells they move
both hands. both tett. both eyelids and
the mouth. At eight bells tbey move
both bands, both feet, both eyelids, the
mouth and head.
After this the one who first falls to
keep time is forced to pay a forfeit
A Yuletide Gema Tush WiII Please the
The Christmas star may be used in
the playing oT several holiday games.
Mar ball is oma or these.
Mar ball requires that • carpet of
dart cambric be stretched on the new.
Os this • eve pointed star le marked
out and • circle that touches is peat.
A player takes Ms place In the center
et tem ear. Others staled es• ■t each
star point sod oma es the circle at the
middle dietetic* between escb poet
The player la the teeter throws the
ball to a player •t see mist of els
sur. It Is I..adiststy returned sad
Dews to the player at 11e peat at
the right of the first Mo 11e gaaoe
rosdsuw mull the ewtral player bas
teemed the ball to every mist of the
star ••d had It eeteresd
AY tide Y isms as quickly as peasi-
ete ter la the meantime tho payees
se the eerie are collies the ba11 es
the leer abet t1* circle trim see te
archer. The Mime et the play 1s ter
them to Mies s -ell the beg Is ihis
amasser Mies Meer tree dads bas ea
the rested player M10• beer seat W
hall to sada point and gat it beet
apse ft he Yetis the Pabst mad PPM
stayers cause peaets•s, est he Per
IO Mamwed
111• ••••ar ot payers way be le•
Pressed by esttai •gals- pastel er elrtS
petaled ser lamed eft tee M pfli.aed
Ma Tins slew asp r mai y
iasim dmf tea gal obi hors$_
M MMU) _ ..•
It le always mach Sealer to dace
ea acceptable present for a woman
than fora man, the needs of the clews
er sex being more limited ..M prelati-
cal utility being favored retber than
mere deeorativene.s In aD those trap
of which they are prepared t. 'maks
em with any pretmae of plaasuze.
The man wbo smokes will be genuine-
ly pleased if moms one presence him
this Christmas with one of the crew
tobacco eases in whose silver .halter
!corbels llftle cartridges of the furor
grant and favorite weed are =apse!
ly .towed away and accompanied by a
Of Happiness
Shoes and
Are the most attractive and sensible presents to
give—they are always needed.
The various kinds we have rank high as useful
gifts. We invite you to inspect and judge whether
you can buy anywhere to better advantagearor have a
greater variety to choose from.
ooftaIllM 103.000 05as
filler which, without any of the usual
trouble or antigun.., adjusts the con-
tests of the beloved pipe.
For the automobilist or for the tnaa
who travels—indeed, for the smoker
everywhere—this little gift is just the
thing he'll want.
When Gift Hunting -
For the esgnlslte, the book lover *ad
the traveler i3 one, whether man or
woman, a gift par excellence would be
a beautiful book rack of rare wood
with much fine inlaid work. which
comes from Florence. Birds and
scrolls in intricate designs are deftly
shown in woods of varying buss. For
the man or woman bridge fiend thew
are bridge store pada supplied with
covers of Chinese embroidery. Belt
piss and buckles are welcome offerings.
Give Her a Plaoque.
If you )!lett year best girl a pendant
she wilt a charmed, bet should you
seieet tbe latart oreament from gay
This old lady has done leer pert
toward MAKING Tilt ClIl.DRL'N
UAPPY. Have you done your putt
If not, attend to it today. PROCRAS.
TINATION is not only the thief of
Ume, but the thief„ of Christmas hap-
piness. Buy early and got the bent
Then the children will be happy and
you will be happy thinking of than
eirospective joy.
Several Quaint Conceits That Will De-
light the Recipient
Ter making of ptncushioes appeals
to many women of artistic act a-
tiona, especially home workers. as the
work gives opportunity tor turning to
account odds and ends of lace. dress
materials and trimmings.
Pincushions for banging, /boeid be
divided for those untended to be laid
ea a table. a bureau, to rest tither
Is a pocket, basket. a housewife or
for Men, Ladies and Children
Hundreds suitable for bedroom and house wear,
at most reasonable prices.
Skating Boots
and Moccasins
Do not fail to see our assortment 'before pur-
chasing ; they are the height of perfection in style,
fit and workmanship.
Pretty Shoes
for the til ee Folks
Any attempt to describe the complete variety of
infants' and children's Shoes would prove hopeless
We always have such an immense assortment of all
kinds that it is an easy matter to choose just what
you want at any price you want..
Downing & MacVicar
u rr.A000I, m MA 03.AYm/6
Pares, "la decoke," she will love you
better than ever, for it's the smartest
thing we've bad in jewelry for mazy
This novelty is • round medallion
about the else of • silver dollar and 1s
of platinum or silver, but never ted
gold. Pearls, gold or colored stomas
are incrusted on the surface, and de-
lighttni color o.ssbinattoes are secured
by enamels.
The little ornament Is worn around
the neck suspended o• a fine god
chats or a narrow velvet ribbon with
jeweled dam.
The Smart Varsity Set.
AU girls like dangling trinkets, and
here's an tnventiom that is both swag-
ger and co•venlemt It consists of a
number of toilet accessories made of
solid gold or elver dangling from s
bracelet in the set pictured the es -
ticks reading from left to right ars
Hp salve holder, coin parse, powder
box and eyebrow pencil To these is
sometimes added for the very up to
vaa.rr mit
elms ells a eteareRs eland, Mtn rt
e•aem a they remptrmis tier asattelsm
!lose mem weal fie nor ohs serves.
imams, Mer toes ~kg Sad tl.big
ase very pnaseasee es the wearer
The Wanda, PIA le A,r`
Mae are pawn whet fir wallas"
seek Is ort =reel by mea beg fir
• est as se snow se we, est VW
the gar a rastj aYet et met
stns word sift elks ter MOW
asnAM eapol ear swear I/
1416 r menepass ed ` possia/t
KATT,t♦ !>Dlmml®mR -
bachelors rolls to stand upslgft 1.
a cardboard or eaQdoid tubs, or agalo
to offer a eombsad s of domed=
and nesdlecese fir key rack. )boos
deleatsty painted norm a elms of their
own Aimed ad boeabold densf$
gams regaittee, Croft and dowers,,
vegetables, animals. birds, butterflies,
Ash, leaves, hays hese represented by
the pt ee.hioe caterer wttboat omit.
Nog tits gallery et national costumes
composed of native dolls chewed from
original sketches aad keeping com-
pany to a legion d Conifer commits
moth admired for the beauty of their
beads, bought detached from most
dealers la dolla and toys. to this wise
there is the always attractive baby
with long clothes, to eootrast with the
lady in Laois ZY. balloon skirt en-
circled with numerous bill Soused.
An up he data fantasy is a small delay
fn a Webb mukaaid drew. bearing
the yokes and pais. the latter diked
reepeetively with a send and a soft
madam wade uses diode teat aRaade
e lse as a euseiem, sag pans with glass
limas dorm Pie yoke sad ns pendasts.
Seek plmen cisme eta )Secy In termed
practie•ba•s bet rig are tetektag sad
The ploeusbiom r the set is mads
Moe a mattress eat tier swesefal BPI
la belly ribbon ti'e& se orae cera- with
a wile bet er rM sada rlbbss. Is
the mWie er aha ebimbise a deals, •
homed et bieak mil walls piss sate
P ees Ywdla
Ts bangle Me Illalp
pin isnotseas• pee"
Am the dad ea ma et Mr Mei@
►lesest sag that sky Om • ••••
; Ohs Inateta e•fta abm pal team
elliies to yams
Os handl ase Meir elsepleili Met IllhO
• en est keep bar asap iIs a OW er
Smut pe M mob. belt tea let It w/
da Up onn old thele Saar • dilate
Ma swim tsren1��b.. -
Sb amid the aid Lima
pan Magna Asand Ors 1dak
la part wises apapee Man !a
sawn sbe W MVP eels a gear Ilse
.trip et Prim we wail reg amd
lee ester rat Is 11 OM agar st lest
pissed Agile sash se Y .Med Ow
n.m.ry rsr•bb ag was Watt Is waw
rams Thle meat a emit
l at blether &mesa ewam.war
)Deere Spires. wadrk wise sat
caretsey. bests. Ie /hs WOO
sesteereel leesreella Orlb
bablatillills en nears • ea
Look at the Wheat!
There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select
the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the
West Flour comes from Cream of this West Wheat. And
it certainly does make good bread!
Cream � West Flour
the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
You jut try it. If it doesn't give you right dews setialacScuI ysss
grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with a bag.
The Campbell Milling Company, limited, Toros**
For sale by John Denholm, Blyth ; Beacom & Smythe, Clinton
Any Edison dealer will demonstrate to you bow
Thomas A.Edison doubled the entertainingcapacityof
The Edison Phonograph
when be invented
Edison Amberol Records
--rhe record which plays twice as long
Toga yea er10 sdanhed wiry se easy
geed soap, se mach ped ramie w
wary charsrtw ower appeared le
mead fens 1M AMaass.a.sa,
Zayea w10 mmiamat d hew.
mkt you owe as Miss rhssepapik
yes see see hew AI ether very blurt
inea siammt Of orrery leart.
not you well ederrssd bow 10
Pb.ssp•ph 11• gveatest .wad-
mmslsriarl 0...seemee - e s
R m•e Ob..iw■ym. 104
Oat t ds.mot min ewe fib.
nmesMsad Who
esedlesi eaaetiy the right seisms of
seed fores
T hems, home reeraimg
—ohs .ktik to make and repredeme
your eve mere leyssr wee bona
MewAMewJ..Is.wye demo►
stems thee greet its Messer.*
Os pea.
Mi=we '�ra��.ataairdyy�ia." .iM.el
Hemel Heel aa,,,...
ead agar 1*o rer potesz
i molaaa.a •r.aYld n. ter.
•—gamic~so Itiaw.tosl$. gadM eerea. enleawse.
When Weals' your Christ-
trras g{flet. Ball aol ms .LL .tock
of DOLLS, TOYS. 0AxR4 and
This week's Specials ars ;
Hair -nem, is all esioes. els for
Hairretalnsrs. at iso. 10e, 1&•,
20o and, relic
Jabots, at 10e, 15c sod dZe.
New side Jabots, at Sic Sad rbc
Silk lait4at Handksrcbie s, 2
for /c.
Lodi'. B.•beoidery Collars, 2
for 24e.
Silk Auto Veils. is all oolor&,
500 .Seth.
Good Veiling from 10o to ISc
Par yard
Ladies' Belts, worth 40e, for
The New Idea Fatuous in
stock—loo each.
Orders taken for Dressmaking
by Mint Phalen over the store.
Dr ygoods
Corner East street and Square
Winter Term
the Central Business College
'Toronto'Torontobegins Jas. Sod. Com-
mercial, i36orthatd, Telegraphy
Civil Courseservice Courses — 28
t n
eacbe-161 typewriting macb-
es—mnitiRrapbs, roller copiers
a ba
rad filing cstets—everythingg
thoroughly equip grad-
uates..e Write today for fiealoe's*.W. H. SHAW, Preridemt
liege & Gerrard Sts.. Toronto.
Wasted Immediately
mart . capable Sean. on good salary or
coraaal0don, to a•p ear wall -known special
Use la troll and aroam.etal tram to your
wooly. W. pay according to ability, and
dorms, aha best man pros cable.
000 Acres
of troll rises tram which to ail coetomers'
re..L.mwts. oar -isso ea .ie .bael.faly
eon to •epply rulIable. s.tishetery Rork.
Ltabt$•hed over 315 yearn
�y OBair
N. B --To custom..: 11 oar repe.e.ota
Uses has* not celled. write tar catalorn.
and prior.
I F YOU purpose having
1the town water put in
this year or having your
waste pipe connected with
the sewer, leave your order
with ns NOW so that the
work may bedomebefore the
ground freesias. The inside
work eat be dons later, if
you .o desire. Satisfaction
guaranteed in every respect.
We also make a specialty of
Heating. Rooneg and
Electric Wiring
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155 Hamilton St
Chr isimas
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*Web me
a bag.
telt Use Sae
Neo, Rushes e" Neo, ')peels
Neo. Currants ' Atka, Nits
New Figs jaar.r p►arrss
Near Daus Neer L res as
Sturdy lc Co.
WADI St)week to_
easatese W ova'
Amy d ea
1.1. S. PURIM at OQk. Unita
Loolm - - ant.
,fee,'; V -O; p•~ ..