HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 5LOCAL TOPI S Hecker. A meeting to organize a hockeyclub and team for the seams of 191 -LI will be held la the town hall on Wednesday evening, December 13tbh. at 8 o'clock. All persons interested are requested to attend. Beekeepers Will Meet The Huron Beekeepers' Aswotatfon grill hold • meeting to the council chamber to Clinton oo Thurscay, Dec- ember 14tk. at 10•40 a. m. Every bee- keeper isua ro eqqsted to attend. and help to make rbeskeepiag an important in- dustry In Huron county. The Provin- cial apiarist. Mr. Pettit, of Guelph, and others will address the meeting. The Y. M. C. A. Entertainment. The entertainment is Victoria Hosts on Monday evening, ven by lobo B. Ratio, imperson- ator, .woneits kisd t ova eve[ enjoyed byy a ( h audience The house was well filled. Mr. Ratio, in his many pathetic and humorous E=yaof characters, soon won the hls of his attentive listeners. It a sufficient to say that what was said regarding him in the press notices which preceded his coming did not overstate his ability as a high-class en- tertainer. The Y. M. C. A., under whose auspices Mr. Ratio appeared in (ioderich, deserves mut* credit for its efforts to provide such excellent enter- tainment. Harbor Notes. The steamer McKinstry arrived on Tuesday with • cargo of 110,000 bush- els of wheat and flax for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Nesting, which brought in a cargo of wheat for the Big Mill, will winter beer, as also will the steamers K•ministiquia and Mo- KInstry. The steamer Stormount, which brought 105,000 barbels of wheat to the Ooderich elevator this week, will go into winter quarters at Detroit. The steamer Kaminlstiquia arrived on Monde with 121,000 bushels of wheat for the Goderich elevator. Jubilee Singers Next Thursday, The Canadian Jubilee Singers, who will give a concert in North street Methodist church next Thursday night., are the leading colored concert company of America. They give a program that is unique, entertaining and pleasing, and wherever they ap- pear they captivate their bearers with their wonderful melody. The people, the press and the pulpit join in a united chorus of approval of this com- pany of refined singers- To bear them u a treat. To miss beating them would be a great misfortune. The tickets are placed at the low price of Mc, so that the audience should he a very large one. A Bride's Reception. The following from The Regina Leader of November 24th will be in- teresting to the friends of Mrs. Van Valkenburg (formerly Miss Hattie E. Harrison, of Goderich): "Mr.. W. Reginald Van Valkenburg received for the first time since her marriage in her pretty home on Hali- fax street yesterday afternoon. Cluny lace doilies and a cluster of yellow chrysanthemums made a very dainty tea table, which was presided over by Mn. Ramsey, assisted by Mrs. W. M. Van Valkenbttrg. The bride looked exceedingly well in her nuptial robe of ivory satin with garniture of duchess The Late Mrs. P. .1. R,an. The annouocemeft of the death of Mrs. P. J. Ryan on tlaturday. Novem- ber 25th. came as a shock to Goderich citizens. About wo months ago Mrs. Ryan contracted typhoid fever and was removed to Alexandra hospital. When she was thought to be getting stronger she was removed to her home, after which erysipelas and other troubles set in, resulting fatally. Mrs. Ryan's maiden name was Minnie Rowland. she being a daughter of the late M. Rowland. of McKillop. Rbe was thirty-four years of age. Nine years ago she was united in marriage to Mr. Ryan, who is left with a family iif young children. The funeral took place horn the family resi- dence, Cameron street, on Monday morning, via C. P. H., to St. Michael's church at Blytb, where requiem high mass waa sung by Rev. Father McRae. of Goderich. The remains were inter- red in the Catholic cemetery in Mor- ris township. The pallbearers were John, Patrick, Edward and Gordon Rowland (four brothers of deceased), William Blake and Dr. Ryan, of tag lnaw, Mich. The sorrowing family have the sincere sympathy of the community in t.bein bereavement. M. C. C. Supper. The Meneset Canoe Club had a club sapper on Tuesday eveningwhich proved a must enjoyable *vest for the members and their guests. The club was honored with the presence of His Worship Mayor Cameros. Rev. Geo. K. Russ, Rev. J. B. Foeberinghass and C. R. Mabee, of Detroit, who has been spending a few days in town with his brother. Dr. Mabee. President Sale presided at the festive board, with View -president Holmes sunpoaifng him. The Club is commencing the winter season with an enthusiastic membership, and good prospects toe another sueceesful term. 9y ag a ( yy p 1f( (. sow '.' ri'ti t n".?rty+S WL a pa,tT THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Two Fires. The are en called l the out two different .eo.eiogee d pest week. On Mooday about 11.' o'ekock aro broke out in the frai dwelliqg us Palmerston street ooa cooled by Lewis Elliott. Most of the contests was rescued before rosy dam- age wee dose by smoke sod water, but the building itself was badly gut- ted Oe Tuesday evening about 11 o'clock firs was discovered in the hold of the new dredge at the harbor. The lumber of which the house part of the dredge was built was badly burned and It will require an expenditure of about $200 to repair tbedrunage. The cause of the fire can onlybe, conjec- tured but It is thought that after all the doors bad teen closed the beat frost the boiler ignited a pair of paint - tar's overalls. Rev. D. K. Grant's Lecture- 1 LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The attractions for the citizens of town on Tuesday evening were numer- oue-eo numerous that the attendance was very small at the lecture given in Knox church by Rev. D. K. Grant on "The Wit of the Bible." The address was well worth bearing and was very highly appreciated by all who heard it. At the conclusion Rev. Jae. Ham- ilton moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Grant, which was seconded by J. L Grant. A piano solo by J. B. Hunter, a duet by Mimes Scrim- geour and Richardson and a solo byBeet Cutt added to the pleasure of the evening. Doty Engine Works to Be Wound up. At Toronto last Friday Justice Suth- erland made an order for the winding up of the Doty Engine Works Com- pany, Limited, of Goderich, on the petition of the Bank of Montreal, which claims to be a creditor in the sum of $08,183.83. The Company owes the town of Godetich about p8,000 on ) a loan, for which the town bolds a first mortgage on the plant. Arrange- i moots have been made to continue the works under the management of Fred. W. Doty, and w some x3,000 of orders are on hand there I, no likelihood of I the factory's closing down for some months at least, and it is to be hoped that some arrangement may be arrived at which will ensure the continued permanent ooeratioe of the works. Medals to Be Presented. An interesting feature of the pro- gram at the meeting of the G. C. I. ( Literary Society tomorrgpw evenin will be the presentation of the and silver medals woo by Muriel sit and Ruby Stoddart, of Victoria and Central schools respectively, by ob- taining the highest marks at the high school 'interlace examination last June. The medal won by Miss Galt is the Robert Park memorial gold medal and is presented to the Goderich pupil re- ceiving the highest marks at the entrance examination. The silver medal which Miss Stoddart receives is awarded to the student taking second highest marks. Both medals are donated by Victor Lauriston, of Chat- ham. lie, however, will not be here to make the formal presentation. • Accidents. Miss Skimings was tbb victim of an unfortunate mishap on Monday after- noon fternoon, when she fell on St. Patrick's street sod fractured her thigh bone She is being cared for at Alexandra hospital, where she is reported today to be doing as well as could be ex- pected. The sympathy of the whole community will be extended to "the poetess of Huron" in her affliction, which is deeply regretted by a veri- table boat of friends. An unfortunate accident happened one day last week to John Thompson. of Toronto, formerly of Goderich. In getting off a street car at Sunnyside he fell, breaking bis right arm and fracturing his collarbone. His face also was badly cut and marked as the revolt of the fall. His brother-in-law, Chief of Police Poetletbwaite, of (iodericb, saw him while in the Queen City this week and states that Mr. Thompion will be laid up for a coneid- erable time. # Wm. McCreath met with a 'tasty ac- cident at the court bowie on Monday of this week. He was arranging the furniture in the court room prior to the opening of the county council when n heavy furnace door standing against the wall toppled over on his right foot, inflicting a very painful injury. Two of the toes were badly crushed and the injured member has caused Mr. McCreath considerable inconveni- ence in attending to his regular du ties. Children's Aid Society. The first regular meeting of the Goderich branch of the Children's Aid Society since the appointment of G. M. Elliott as countyagent was held in Mr. Elliott's office in the court boom on Monday afternoon of this week. The attendance was fair and the report made by the agent was of a very encouraging character. During the past month be reported baring taken three children as watch; ; placed four in foster homes; alternated to eleven complaints of neglect in the care of children, and made twenty- five visits and forty pereooal inter tripes. The last paragraph of Mr. Elliott's report was as follows : 'We believe the Society's influence will be greet oo delinquent parents as well as on children. We are sure w ow of the visits made have been helpful and that a great deal of pre - verities work can be acoow)piished. We find some places where beip should he given in the way of clothing for children. We would suggest that • eosm{ttee of the ladies he appointed to receive clothing for distribution so that it can be bad when needed. i find many people ready to give assls- tass when the need is aeade known. I have sot naked asaseial eaeietence renettally solicited members for e ach the wort lI. logpro llrl best g waft fore the public. t believe when the appeal it amide the people will reepoed most hmetfy " The Asti. of the regular meeting of he Society was set for the drat Mos - 'lei is the tsmith et 4 o'clock In the aftemone. The next seaming was set ofthe fret•agib, on decoded y Tear's Day. 7 lag oa Rate.. A Detroit Wedding. The Detroit Times of November 23 has the following paragraph which will be read with interest in Goderich, the groom bring the only scn of Mr. and MAI. Joe. Y. Havil), of Detroit, and nets** of Miss Aggie Nairn, of that city, and of Messrs. C. A. and J. B. Nairn. of Goderich : One of the pret- tiest home weddings of the season took place Wednesday evening, in the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bartlet, No. 325 Forest ave. west, when their daughter. Miss Grace C. Bartlet, was married to Charles H. Havill. The Rev. J. M. Rarkely, of the Forest ave. Presbyterian church, officiated. The house was beautifully decorated with pink and white etiryantbemuma, palms and tants. The bide wore • gown of white satin, veiled in white crepe, with long count train. Oil points, lace and pearls formed the trimming end a long tulle veil fastened to the coiffure with a Juliette cap of pointe lace completed the costume. A shower bouquet of bride's rues was carried. Mrs. Walter Brown, slater of the bride. was matron of honor. and wore her wedding dress of white satin sod pointe lace and carried pink chrye- anthemums. Mies Bessie White as bridesmaid wore a pretty frock of pink crepe and carried white cbryeanthe- mnsss. Little Master Edwin Nelson was ring -bearer. Elmer S. Morn wee best man. The wedding music wee played by Alex. J. Pepie and Miss t Agnes Havill, sister of the "room, sang before the entrance of the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Bavill left at midnight fox • short sweetens trip. oysters.Get the Psroy bread Virginal {• seed Meek - Moeda 'Phone $10 They are the heat. Rimming supplies there's nothing is this line but what we have-easntrs. mugs, snaps, strops, creams, broth's. lotions. R R Wigle. arrggIL. Rehr - etch. Oat de to Dauber's Per trash trVIte gala leave • gums ea the distre r sed. esswhe Nexb. let t Radar is ester the to hs a oold da ee net Iger mea taswsstvs. V aebby,arseet. fatten 's ballerbog stag rty6 (frits and Tories get mtbducties Pridham At ..'hrlstas yen* wish to ve betttal Odom sadeseo►whers rite Inbeantiftd ,lttcleae at ieieru A▪ ft Stare. Rant street Call sad see Ise Yew - self the dismal tress et goods stable tar Christmas wessetatbs. Mrs. W. Les has sold her residence on Montreal street to D. F. Hamllok, who thus becomes the owner of a handsome and valuable prop- erty. The Signal is to furnish Christmas cards wi the name of t be giver printed on them. These cards are very much in vogue at the present time, and there la a good assortment to choose from at this office. Please leave orders early. Andrew Cruickshank, of Wingham, who was sentenced some days ago h Judge Holt to seven years in the pen- tentlat at Kingston, on the charge of assaulting with intent, was taken to his new place of abode in the Lime- stone City on Monday. He was in p of DeputySheriff Cameron and Provincial Cble Phippen. MAITLAND POWER. % mftb . moa Hon. Adam Beck Addressee the County Council. Thecounty council is holding its December amnion this week. On Tues- day afternoon lion. Adam Beck ad- dressed the council in reference to hydro -electric power, explaining the proposition for the development of power on the Maitland, Saogeen and heaver Rivers and bitching it up with the Niagara system to ensure a con- stant supply of power for this district. He intimated that if the county would not shoulder the project for the devel- opment of Maitland River the Govern- ment would undertake it. The council has decided not to go into the scheme, but to let the Govern- ment undertake the prn;ect hi accord- ance with Mr. Beck's statement. PERSONAL MENTION. . J. R. Worrell has returned tram the West to spend the winter baro. Mica Jennie Manson has returned from a meetb•s visit in Toronto. Mrs, Geave Young. of Toronto. was visiting rotative, hero cast week. Mir Tena Cowan. of Weyburn. Seek.. is viattlag at ber home here. D. McPherson, of London. Is bees reneviser on the railway mall rube for several weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) Oerdoo. of Lucknow. and MIs L. t'ampbelL of Westfield. are seendtng a few days with friends in town. Mn. Chas. T. Nlehoisnn. of S10 Suffern street. Port Hurn, Mich.. Is slatting her oareate. Mr. and Mrs. R Detour. dt. David', street. Mrs. and Miss Coos. North street. will re- ceive on Toesdsy. 12th Inst., and afterwards on the ling and thhd Thursdays of each month. Mrs. John A. Walter. of Colborne, and her daughter.. Mery Annie and Laura. are home from the Wes. Leonard Walter also is borne from the West for the winter. London AdvertiserMrs. Wm. U. Latnrnell. SL Thomas ; Mrs, (Dr.) Whitely. Ooderich. and Mrs. Hamilton Lensing. Mich.. are the sorest. of Mrs. A M. McLean. ass Colborne street. - Mies ('lairs Reynolds, who la visiting friends at Ottawa- was atuest at the Mecham-R.te wedding at Ottawa last week. The bride. Mia Katherine Trene Rate, was one of Ottawas social favorites. Leslie Webb. Victor Murray and John Felker returned home nn Tuesday anter the season's sailing. They were on the steamer ratrmoust, which plied daring the season between tdney. N. S.. and Port Arthur. On. The Fairmount is laid up at ('ollinkwood for the winter. Arthur (' who has been on the meehan coal staffof a Mena) tor torero months, left en Wednesday for the Old Country. Intending to Mane Christmas at the old bogie In London. He has the beat wishes of the staff and hie other friends In town for a very enjoyable visit and a safe return. AUCTION SALES. FRID••. incarnate t -A notion sale of horses, harness, blankets, eta et Oaadrl s stables. Is. mediately after the sale of Mr. Bredy's cattle. Twos Ourpur. auctioneer. Twoasoay. Deeernbee 1.. -Auction sale of farm stook and Implements, eta. the orouerty of Criss. A. Watltweiow. north half lot TX oonr rston 1, Asbdeld lone and-4.6al( miles . oath of Dungannon). cossrndeg at t o'olnck. Teo. Gents le aeeUoneer. See further par t In ad. Ude week. Tursoar. December le. -(,'oaring mutation sale of beuabold furniture. Ike property of Maw J. [toe. Asst .4uM, (ioderte6 • rem• russeiag at 2 o'eleek sharp Teeaso ass b. 'Taos. Guxnay. asetlesser. CUT THIS OUT Send this to us with ten Fente, and receive by return mail ten beautiful Christmas and New Year's postcards. This is merely an advertising offer to interest you in our goods. Post Card 5spply Co. Darr. S 7344 Queen St. East Toaolrr•o Your sass. Is Address k . CEITIAL *TRATIOO,` ONT. `J Insole M the =Awe the e. besehs i of kty he .e.1 the anla Oerg ee MIMS' us Ma- e. This Mood As od s a tat most*. trhes fat high;reds wart. a have three eeee tont& toot mretel. Arstband sad Zyrgraehy nae thea demand h» trsiaed be* Remaly sus tae M Maesets at. s.tr '4a sack week sad slow yy'e ee sew me estakass muse fist sur era D. A. Mei.soa.aa, Priedi,at Exhibition of D ted China. Miss Liv of T to, invites inspection of an exhibit u of decorated china at Muir A Rohm a store on December 7, 8 and 9 !Thu y, Fri- day and Saturday of this w Be euro to hear the Can Jubi- lee Singers In North street Methodist church neat Thursday evening. A Christmas concert will he 'it en in Victoria street Methodist ohu oh by the children of the Sunday school on Christmas night. For svpr7 1:ic you spend in Dunbar's grocery You have a guess on the din- ner set in the window, for cash or produce. Give bin a call. Rev. Dr. Medd will preach next Sun- day in Victoria street church. His subject in the evening will be : "Is local option a square deal r' Every- body is invited. Seats are all free. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach morning and even- ing, and will conduct the adult Bible class, Cordial welcome to all. Communion service was observed to Koos church last Sunday morning, 443 members participating in the ser- vice. The usual sermon was dispensed with and in the evening the congrega- Lion listened to an excellent discourse by the pastor, Rev, Geo. E- Row, on "Our Citizenship!' mni)ce LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day and night. 'Buses meet all trains. Particular attention given to evils from private resideoces. Telephone No. 50. THE RED BARN South Street Goderich, Ont. ALM.= ►. •r —r. - U E St Thoinds.Ont TRU OD • -9 •a 1: e i • \ A airistlias Plume Thai's Mttyl Rte GILLETTE Safety Razor lea gift that pleases much at first, and more every day. It is as handsome as a piece d jewelry—and even better than it kooks Daily, for a lifetime, tt will transform shaving from an irksome task into a pleasant Incident in the morning toilet. When you give him a GILLETTE for Christmas you do much more than add to a man's dale comfort. Your pleasure lies in encouraging In him those sterling habits of seN-reliance, self -refect and economy of time, of which the morning GILLETTE shave is a symbol. Keenest, quickest, most convenient, and the only adjustable rear, the GILLETTE Is a Christmas box worth giving --sad worth getting. See the GalZTTE asserts•set at your Hastfware Dealer's. Dsurgit's or Jeweler's Steward Sets $600 - Peeked Sides* SAO Is Sae hese $6.50 up. t. The Mlle Safety Ram Co. M Cassias Lielled Mies and Facie y, tli3 SL Aies.geiw St. Yegetseei, Wises sir si Now fawned sad YSia . Chse. mes.ChlaL A ses Fs.Awfr r lltanrsaL lresam tieewr. tMdgeus wee► a :s f / Iv,/o,...ice f 4 1 f .sr is ONTARIO ELECTIONS A PUBLIC MEETING in the interest of Mr. W. Proudfoot Liberal Candidate in Centre Huron will be held in VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE GODKRiCH Friday Evening December 8 CHAIR TAKEN AT ti O'CLOCK Everybody' Welcome OALLNRY RESERVED FOR LADIES AND THEIR ESCORTS Ood Save the King I Teivaso*v, dw at.Sui. 7, Me • Union Bank of Canada Pdd-.0 CoOlest n 4,7156,000 Meet she UaNsi ed Pestles \• • 1.300,000 Tear Ateteste, (Ores) 05,/00.000 L•a4. England tlflfee, adet, 11,T1Ireadhieedlle Street.E. C. • Rae.+ of this last he. bees established is lresies, )brglesd, at Ne. so, Theeed wile Owlet. /LC., whew loilliese of Coedit and Doffs palpable at i isspet.aa psi& is Closed. aged the Aid three, ass be /aoudad. aged Maw iresMwe ssramgei • Tlidlssr seem is }trilled bee re eemvesissee of chea p of the lamb when i Leged e, le which their mal may be addrenea. Cettegageiesee suikiie• Canoes Sswh :{F.M. ASN[, Memssee. G. M. C. MART -SMITH. Asrsesse-Meseser Ready for Christmas Business Everything now in shipshape (for;Christman *bopping and a display that pleases everyone. hit grass Goods Writing theta. $5.50 to $8.50. I and Paper Knives from 50c Smokers' Lamps from $2.50 to $5.00. Jardinieres to $25.00, including pedestal. Cut Glass and Rock Crystal From i -B's ' 811 China English Coal{ort, Royal Crown Derby, Mt French Elite Limoges, Redon and Haviland are . tnte. French china specials, in open Kock, decorated and plain white and d,tlesat $5.00. 25c a piece to a three-piece Pudding Net Books Over 2,000 volumes to select front, comprising Toy Hooka. Gift Books, Library Books and the beet of the new fiction up to the present at extremely close prices. Christmas Cards and Calendars, a great variety. Christ mss Tags, 5c per package up. Christmas Enclosure Cards, something entirely new, lc each. The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER, Pilot.. 'Phone 100. Goderich ....._____ FURS OPPORTUNITIES FURS FUR BUYERS W. Feldman & Co. Furriers 15 DAYS' SALE No amount of money or care can produce better made, more usefulor more stylish Furs than those which we offer to you at this sale, which commences SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2nd We have made a special study of the Fut business and the goods we offer you represent the accummulated experience of years in the Fur business. Five Mink Straight Muffs, trimmed tails, regular $46.00, for $24.50 Fifteen Mink Ties, trimmed with heads, tails and teasels, reg- ular 1130.00, for $19.50 Fifteen Persian Lamb Empire and Straight Muffs, trimmed with head, and tamale, regular $23i.00, for.... $16.50 Twenty-five Persian Lamb Throws and Neck Piece+, nicely trimmed, regular $15.00 to $41).00, for, each..... $7.00 and $9.00 Five Sable Muffs and Scarfs, regular $14.00, for ... ... . Persian Paw Neck Pieces., regular $10.00, for Persian Paw Muffs going for Black Wolf Meta, rognlar $40.00, for Blue Wolf Sets, register $50.00, for One only Black Fox Set, regular $06.011, Fifteen Mink Marmot Tien going at Twenty-five Mink Marmot Empire Muffs, andtails, regular $000, going dos Two Electric Seal Meta, regular $40.00, for Four only Belgium Link Hair Sete going Saturday for Fancy Striped Muskrat Sets Five White ThIbet Sett, regular $15.00. for .$0.50 .$4.76 $7.00 s3 00 $29.'30 goiog'for .x331,50 trimmed with beads $4.51) $25.50 $12.50 $14.50 $0.50 Six children's White Ermine Sets, regular $1000, going U. $5.50 Don't miss this great opportunity, as these are the biggest bargains of such high-grade stock ever offered in Goderich. WE MUST SELL. Not a single garment will be carried over till next season. W. FELDMAN a CO. FURRIERS ,,.. .. =.W 141111 STREET