HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 4ePr ik. ., A 7 * fNva$D*Y, Deu'trIBIa 7. 1911 District News. bT. AUGUSTINE MDR DA Dec. 4th. Gus Kinahan arrived home from the West last week looking hale and hearty. A. H. Musgrove, the ('onsetvative candidate for North Huron, held a meeting in the hall here last Pride everting. There was a fair atter awe. speakers were Mr. Ifo grove and Mr. Sputton, of Wingbam. t'atriek Kearney acted as chairman. &tee a ♦ND Ool4osove-The mem- bers of the tit. Augustine Rise Asso- ciation with their lady friends, num- bering in all about LU. gathered in the hall bees last Tlwday evening to celebrate t he closing of the second years shooting by having • supper end concert. The hall was beauti- fully decorated for the occasion with flags and military rifles. The losing side in the shooting competition (of which Joe Brophy was captain) ree- tainly did credit to themselves and t heir lady triode by the excellent supper which they prepared. An abundant supply of turkey together with a supply of othet dainties went a ung way in supplying the wants of the inner man. After supper was over Rev. Father Dean took the chair end the program prepared by the win- ning Mid Joe Kinahan captain) was • given. Disappointment was felt un account of the absence of some a ho were to tate part in the program. Solos were given by Miss May Red- mond, Mian Annie Donovan and Mr. Ritchie, club swinging by Miss Kearoey and Miss Redmond, violin selectiocs by Joseph Flynn, Ww. Kinahren, George Stuart and Raymond Redmond and erama- phone selections by Mr. Armstrong, of Lurknow. Daring an intermission in the program Capt. Tbompaon pie- sen'ed the prizes to the winners in the nhootiog competition. Robert Mc- Allister won the silver cup presented by Rev. Father Laurendeau. Oswald Pollard won the min- of ruin for wak- ing seven consecutive inners. After the prizes were pi -remelted the winners made short speeches suited to the ) oc- casion. About 11 o'clock the concert i was brought to a close by all singing God Save the King. '-°ass LOCHAL.SH. TevanDAT. Nov. 30th. SCHOOL RzrosT. - Following la the report of C. 8. 8. No. 4, Ashfield, for the month of November. Names ap- pear in order of merit : Sr. IV. - Frank .McLennan. Bain Stewart, Liella Fielaysoo, Clifford Connell. D. A. McL.nnan. Sadie McDonald, _ Rhoda e[endiiok, Kenneth Mc - Lead. Jet IV. -R. D. McDonald. Br. Ill. --John McLeod, Margaret McLen- nan. Walter McKeudriek and Wm. J. 11:ralign. Jr. III. -tan McKee, Mary Finlayson, Margaret McLeod. Jessie McDonald. Pt. Il.-('hrirtina Mo - Kendrick, Helen McRae. Jr. I. - Catherine McDonald. Jean Finlayson, Duncan McRae. Number on toll 28 Average attendance 21.143. Perfect in attends -nee -D. A. McLennan, Liella Finlayson, Sadie McDonald, R. D. Mc- Donald, Margaret McLennan, Walter McKendrick, Ian McRae. Jessie Mc- Donald, Catherine McDonald. Bain Stewart. Margaret McLeod, Helen McRae. EDOAR Rosa, Teacher. BLYTH. ' WsnNE$DAv, Dec. 8th. TriowaY NIGHT* MggTiNti.-The �o t political meeting held in In- doetry Hall Tuesday =sassing for the Liberate of North and (,entre Huron was well attended. A. W. Sloan acted as chairmen, but his duties were very light. as the order was good. The first speaker was D. A. Forrester. of Clinton. followed by Dr. Macklin, of Goderich, who spoke in the inter- ests of the Conservatives, giving credit to the Whitney Government for a great many things for which credit should be given to their prede- ecesors. Mr. Proudfoot followed and gave a splendid account of his stew- ardship since he bad been member for Centre Huron. He also scored Dr. Macklin on a number of the state- ments made by him. He then dealt with Mr. Rowell's policy. of which he was strongly in favor, and then asked for the support of the eie:tors for Mr. Kerr and himself. Haying to be in Goderich that night he could not go into the questions as thoroughly as he I would have liked to do. but it w• u one of the best speeches he ever made here. On account of Mr. Kerr's being confined to the house he was unable to attend the meeting, but A. Hyslop spoke for him, covering the ground of this ele:tiou thoroughly. He Bret showed that Dr. Macklin bad made some lash statements. which he thought he must have made unknow. ingly. He then took up the ,question of Ontario's flnaooea, showing clearly that, the very measures front which the Whitney Government are now getting th •ir revenue are tbe meas- ures they optioned while in opposition to the Liberal Government at Toron- to. The meeting cloned with cheers for the candidates and the King, EAST WAWANOBH. Moteoar, Nov. 27th. [MATH OP A WAwANORH Pinagas. --William Sutherland, of Lower Wingham. and for over half a century a resident of Bast Wawanoab. pawed to his long home on Sunday, Novem- ber 19th, after a long illness. Mr. Sutherland was born in the township of Biddulph and came to Bast Wawa - nosh over fifty years ago. He took up a lot on the 12th concession, where he reared a borne for himself and his family. Over a year ago he purchased a property in Lower Wingham. where he and his daughter resided. Besides Miss Margaret, at home. he is sur- vived by one eon, James, of East Wa- wanosh, and Mrs. George Wilson. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon to Wingbam cemetery and was largely attended. Rey. D. i'errie conducted the services. Deere OP JOHN B. .D¢t t s.rt*tt!t.-A pioneer of the Huron tract has been removed by tbedeatb of John B. Jeffer- son at Do nnybrooa on Sunday morn- ing. November 19th. He was in his eighty-fourth year and for over half a century he had been a resident of this county. Mr. Jefferson was born in Yorkshire. England. and in early life. about the year Dell, be emigrated to Canaria and settled at Scar hero, Pro=p there he moved to Gosletich and from feedericb to Dungannon. Forty- seven years ago be moved to Past Wawaecnh and settled on what is known as the Donnybrook corner. He was held in high sateen in that c..mrntinit y in which be had so leg resided and be will he greatly mewed. He was a member of the Methodist church end in politics be was a Dugs porter of the Liberal party He le survived by a family of four sons and two delertters, els : Mn. W. W. Hough of Wingbam ; Mrs. Simon lbw. Henson . Richard !=Hasson. of I aleetwu N. D. ; Gordon. of Hope, N. D.. John, of Mt. Augustine. and Robert, at home Mn. Jefferson. ti, whom the Late Mr. /efferent) was mar sled prior to their coming to Canada predeeeased leer husband seventeen years The funeral took place on Tuies day atterisnon to Denny brook come wr'view eosdeeted by Rev R A Millar beteg bele in ,he Methodist demob A!1 t.be member, of the fees =use lama a Mr tJiy ftraessl with the GODERICH TOWNSHIP. MON DA Y. Dee. t'h. &soot RasoRT.-The followieg is the repots of the pupils of S. N. No. 8, (:odea icb township : 8r. I V. -Ethel Mellwaio. McKee Falconer, George Ross, Tom Sm,werbv. Harvey Mc- ('luskey. Jr. I V. -Eddie Sowerby. Hugh Davidson. Warren McCluskey. Willie Elliott. Si. Ill -Lewis !vers. Peel( Amy, Ella Suwet by. Jr. I IL- lisaie Sower w. Ernest Bell, Allau Roes, Mary Elliott. Sr. II. -Reggie Sowerbv, Gordon Orr, Willie Pearson. Jr. II -Bessie Davidson, Dorothy /lichen, Alice Falconer, Mary Steep, Victor Rees, Roy Wilson. Allan Brin- ley. Pt. U. A --Allan Bichan. Pt. 11. B - Charlie Bell, Victor Falconer. Pt. I. A- -Alice Sowerby, Edgar Amy, Harvey Fuller, Russel Fuller. Pt. I. B -Minnie ,Johnson, Harold Bell. Vtcaa ELLttrrr. Teacher. tVewee$DAY, Dec. dib. OneNOI:UY-Y E AM' OPPICzaa.-The annual meeting of L. O. L. No. 146 was held Monday evening. December 4. in the lodge room. Ith concession, Goderich township. It was one of the beet and most interesting meetings ever held in the township lodge room. Bro R. G. ('aiwell, the retiring master, is to be complimented on the strong and healthy condition of the fo' a at the present time. During tneeensetiag was passed .a reeolutinn efeyempatby with Bro. Robert McEl- wain in his illness, all uniting in the hope that he may soon be restored „to health. District Master Bro. G. Vao- derbttrg, being present, conducted the election and installation of officer,, as follows': W. M.. John.. McClure : D. M,. Richard Porter : chap., Willis Bell ; rec. sec., J. J. Calwell : fin, see., G. Newton o tieemtrsr. Gen. Falconer lecturer, I. Oar: D. D. R. Y. Cox : 1st coin.. James Cox. NENMILLER. TvennAY, Dec.:,th. Bruers.-5(r. and Mrs. J.Wbite, jr„ of Godericb, spent Sunday at the home of A. Heddle .. .. J. Heddle, also of Goderich, spent Sunday in our village .. Clifford Gledhill, son of a. S. Gledhill. of Goderich. spent Sun- day with relatives in the village .. Ali the boys attending the 0. C'. I. spent the week -end at their respective bornes here. ('Hoare Norge. - lost Sunday evening Rev. A. W. Brown held a ser- vice for the 7oung people of Benmiller circuit, taking for his subject "The Ship That Never Went Down" -text in Gospel of St. Mark 3: 9. Mr. Brown preached a very impressive sermon which was much appreciated by the young people, who sat together in one side pf the church. The circuit choir ;tad charge of the singing, which consisted of hymns appropriate to the occasion. Rev. A. W. Brown intends holding a service for the Young people once a month during tee coming months. The next service will be held in Benmiller church on January 7th, 1912 .. The prayer meeting and Bitile study hour will he held in Ben - miller church on Wednesday evening of this week. This set vice is well at- tended and great interest u being taken by both old and young in the study of the life of Christ as contained in Rt. Mark's Gospel. Rev. A. W. Brown ie an earnest, preyeriul worker who knows just bow to make the most of the material at hand and leads each of his hearers to do his or her beet, and we feel certain great good will result from the mid -week service. DUNGANNON. IkR. NEWTON. DENTIST. OF V Lacksow. hew ree..ed vetting ottaide points and will henceforth give hi, entire no==tion to the home dace. Luoteow. where he will be found every day. All modern meth ods. NOTICE. -THE LOCAL AGENCY Is 1pfti, anon for The Signal bat the Poet �Hook tee s and retaatissi ry DsStt4or�e ea nwhore 'sensing acid Joh work. sad meta sem be siren toe amounts Dahl bt the earn THICKENS AND HFN* WANTED, are, fr cash. et cry Wednesday. J. H. ••fsAR. DDunrat.noo. TL l tHR1,,TMAH IS COMING. --CALL t ' attalth. Rlrt lee Stowe sal sseMrd yemr for reuse and oat u. RyA , aefee. 'ICHI,Ot. RRPmeT.-Report of U. S. S. No. 17. Ashfield and West WVawa- noeb, for the month of November. Names in order of merit : V. -F. Wallington. Sr. IV. -0. Kirke, H. Rivers. N. Kirke. Sr. 111.-M. Sproul. G. Riven. Jr. 1i1.-8. Riv- er -a, H. Wallington. 8r. 11.-J. Sproul. Jr. 11.-H. ttprool. R. Rivers. Jr. Pt 1.-R. Brothers, A. Sproul. Number on roll. 14. Average •tte.d- anoe. 10 M. Pntr.ay. Tea, her. Ali Sorts of Weakness and Debility People who ate run down ..r weak cannot get strong until the vital or. gens and the nervous system are re- stored to proper activity. Our Mat- Lnd's System Reoos-ator is a serve food and stimulant. It builds up the nervosa system and also promotes digestion and the formation if healthy blood. It help almost he en Gee nest and all gain a permanent. he mese the system is artnall twilit tip We guarantee it. tlne dollar bottle Manufactured by MaeL end Medicine Co. Goderirb.Oat. Pm tale by 15. IL W eerie. druggist Sem fHE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO PORTER'S HILL. WILDS SODA Y, Dee. 0th. Nutter. - Peter McDougall and ,Mrs. James McDonald are visiting is Detroit .. Mrs. O. W. Potter re- turned ba=se Tuesday. after spending three weeks at C'urrie's Crowing Mies Minnie Johnston is visiting at Kipped . - .. Miss Addle Cbz visited in Colborne last week...... Mrs. Marshall returned house last week, having spent two weeks at Munroe. HOLYR000. MONDAY, Deo. 4th. News or rem Watt. -Mrs. Win, Switzer is on the sick list, bet we hope to beer of her speedy recovery Mrs. Wm. Welling spent Sunday with friends in Lucknow.. Mn. H. Pierce spent a few days with bee daughter. Mrs, George Harrison, near Kincardine . The Holyrood public school intend bolding their concert on Friday. December 21, in the hell herr. ...Mies Lizzie Purvis spent. Sunday with friends in Lucknow.... Mr. Button, of Luckoow, went through here on Monday last with hiiauto. It seems pretty late for autos now. ASHFIELD. MONDAY, Dee. 4th. St Ht,OL Ricpoa'r.-The monthly school report of 8. 8. No9, Ashfield, is as follows ; names are in order of merit : V. -Jessie Ntothers. 8r. 1 V.- Eldin Twamleyyy, George fwamley, Chat•lie Twamle. Jr. IV. -Lilian Alton. Sr. III. -Beryl Johnston, Reta Twamley. Jr. III. -Deter Glaz- ier, Irene Moran, John Glens. it'. IT -Cecil Johnston, George Glenn, Ber- nardine O'Loughlin, Harvey A er- son, Lturetia Hackett. Pt. IL -Tillie Hackett, George Twamley. Sr. I. - Lrnuon O'Loughlin, Frank Morita. Jr. I. -Madeleine Johnston, Thomas Giesler. Class A--Thowaa Kennedy, Brite Shackleton, Caswell Hackett, Fit i ty Shackleton, Myrtle Shackle- ton. ^.ether Glazier. ALBERTA Dug - Ni.. reacher. AUBURN. W00(1 DUCKS, GEESE, TUR- �) V Mus, chickens and fowl wanted. alive sr rowed, fee cask at oda Mabee woe mid. W. T. RIDDELL. Ankeny. WKDNttsDAY, Dec. (kb. Mr, Joe Carter returned yesterday after spending a week in Toronto. W. T. Riddell attended the Macken- zie King meeting at Clinton en Friday night. The monthly meeting of the W. M. 8. will be held in the Methodist church this afternoon. Rev.f. H. Osterbout, of Loudesborn', will be with Rev. R. A. Millar on this circuit nexeSunday, it being mission- ary anniversary day. S. Series and family moved hnzk to their house in the village last week, Mr. and Mn. Howatt and son having returned from the West. Howson dc Lawson, lumber mer- chants, are advertising for 600,000 feet of maple logs to be delivered at the C. P. R. station here. They. are offering the highest prices for tint -class tim- ber. The choir of the Presbyterian church, Blyth, has been engaged to sing at the Baptist churl] entertain- ment here on Christmas night. A pleasant time is in expectation for that evening. MtsstoNARY ADDRIias.-A. A. Scott, B. A., who has been laboring on the Baptist foreign mission field of East- ern lnd;a for seven or eight years gave a splendid address before a good-sized congregation in the Baptist church last night. Mr. Scott pointed out eoi.se of the hinderances to the more rapid spread of the Gospel in India, such as the caste system, the clinging to old customs, the doctrine of transmigra- tion of souls, the doctrineof pantheism and showed how each of these re- tarded the progress of Christianity. The work, however, in spite of these obstacles, has much of encouragement in it and Mr. Scott concluded with as eloquent appeal for more Men and money to carry it on. SCHOOL hgeoRT.-The following is the standing of the pupils in . the Auburn public school for the month of November : V. -Jennie Stalker. IV.-EfeStoltz 81. Elms Yungblut 74, Lena Plunkett 71. Fern Symington W. Earl Raithby 69, a Marin ',It, Ellen Phillips 64, WI ie Carter 52, Arthur Lemp 47. Sr. 1i1. -Elwin Raithby 77, Ethel Stalker 05, Reedits Ferguson 56, Olive Tamin :fit. Jr. 111. -Iona McCliuchey Ml, Georgina Beadle til, Lureatba McKnight 73, Leonard Yungblut 09. Lewis Ruddy (10. Harry Beadle 50, Victor Yunghlnt 57, Graeme Symington 54. 8r. IL -Ethel Murdoch 97, Maggie Taman AK. Jr. i1-L.eslie Schultz 77. Elden Stoltz 011, Victor Lemp 62, Glean Raithby 50, Ezra Schultz :rQ Gertrude Ladd 49. Audrey Demme 42, Harvey Dawson 41. Frank Reithby 30, Pt, II.--Bydn Mc -Clint -hey, Harvey Armstrong, Edna Raithby. Pt. i. - Emil temp. Laura Murdoch, Clayton Tadd, Arthur Yungblut. Average attendance for month 84 A. A. Nay- lor. Teacher. MR. PRouoroor a Mgwrn eo.-The political meeting held here last Wed- nesday night in the interests of W. Pr•nudfoot, the Liberal candidate for (;entre Huron. was only fairly well attended, owing to the fact that the bills announcing the meeting were through a mistake somewhat late In arriving for distribution. The Mot speaker, D. A. Forrester of Clioton, in asking the audience to compare the two candidates pointed out the fact that Rev. Joe. Elliott, the Conserva- tive candidate, has no record, merlin rnentary or otherwise. Mr. Proudfoot gave a most satisfactory acctwmt of bis stewardship am representative of the riding, having attended regularly the sittings of the House, served on ionise, the most Important committees of the Legislature, and on several oc- caeioe, introduced a bill for the re- moval of the three-fifths handicap in local option contests. His ability as parlisnsentarian was shown by the able manner In which be discussed MOW .ti the leading issuee of the owe- paigs, such eatas ',form. the develop- ment of New Ontario. and the adminis- tration of the ldocation Dopar'.snese Mn. Pr,-udf of snored the WhitneynGovernment eUoegly for its inaction and bungling in these matters, his criterion' was constructive rater than merely destrnetive Mr Proud - foot emoted a very favorable issaiee- aloe beret Tbrosed with cheers gar the Kirby dosed meal- date BACK- ACHE lOdssyhate saeY�her=amass. ft yew mg= lasha.a. it will aamewars►- Mo- b r V essaw lsb.snfotatse ...b. Curs boa It awn Stkamebe every limo. Dodd's Sidney Pills COLBORNE WEDNESDAY, Dec. 0th, Merl-LA/BM CONCESSION Nortss,--Mise Jessie Blake spent a few days with relatives in this vicicity last week.... Messrs. Harry Variant and Fred ()haddock arrived from the West on Wednesday last and are visiting with friends on the Maitland ...We are pleased to hear that Mr. Butt is im- proving and will soon he able to be about again John Durst is con- fined to the house with congestion of the lungs . M. Schwann returned home ou Monday after a trip to Credi- too to attend the funeral of a relative. NATURE STOPS Whew tide Kidneys Give Out. Do you feel that you simply cent go any farther -that you must have rest for that lame and aching back -relief from that constant dead -tired feeling -freedom from thoee stabbing, dart- ing pains? It is nature's warning that the kidneys are giving out and you need the help of Booth's Kidney Pills. the guaranteed kidney remedy. In every ma- chine there is one part that works the hariest and gives out first. The kidneys work night and da) and naturally a life of unusual activity doubles the duties of the kidneys and in time the strain tells. The kidneys give out and nature cries "stop." Booth's Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers, B)c., postpaid front The R. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. There is no pill just as good. Send for a free box. l'he test will prove the truth of our statement. Guaranteed and sold in Goderich by R. R. Wigle. Booth's hi ei ills r Now for Christmas Business Our big sale has left us in fine shape to handle the Christmas trade, and never were we in so good a position to serve our patrons with a large and up-to-date stock suitable for Chrtstmas gifts. We name this week only a sprinkling of the many things we have to offer. More next week. You can find something interesting in this selection, no doubt. HANDKERCHIEFS At every price from 2 for Sc to $1.16. Child's picture, $ for be. Indies' initial, Sc. 10r, l20, 80e, ffie. Colored borders, Sc, 10e and We. Lines crowbar, 10c, 20c, 25e. Embroidered, Mc, 16c, 25c.50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.1 6. Beau., all white and colored borders, Ele. Men's Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10e, 121c, 15e, 80c, 26c, goo -sod silk initial. NECKWEAR Collars, Jabots, Bows, Long The, Scarfs, Frills -all new and up-to-date. EMBROIDERY AND BATTnBURG Mats, °metres, Shams„ T,ay Cloths, 6 o'clock Teas and Quilts from 1Uc to a Bed Set. $15.00. Every as Lisle hand work ou linen. GLOVES Petria's Kid Gloves in black and colors. Tan and greyjust in. Every Glove wearer also Pectin's are the best. Take au other. Briery pair grieranteed- $1.90 and $1.26. KNITTED GOODS In Caps, Gloves and Mittel for children, girls, boye, ladies and men, from 35c to 601c. TWEED SUiTINGS at cost and under. Two ends, $1.00, for abs Two code, $1.86, for ....75e One end, $1.26, for...floe One end, $1.00, for.... ..... .Ole One end. 00e, foe , ....40e BEAR COATS For children, white, red, grey and brown, at special prices - WOO, for $1.76 $228, for $1.95 $2.75, for. WOO, for... 9E.05 $a.86, for $8 75 $$55.50. for *LW $4.00, foe 101,60 LADIES' COATS All this season's make, some presto collars, black, brown and tweed, $13,00 to $16.00. Your choice for only $10.00. L J. H. COLBORNE CARLOW. TUESDAY. Dec. 5th. Noess.- Miss 'Lana Johnston has re- signed her position as teacher in 8. 8. No. 1, to 'take effect at Christmas.. Earl Cunningham is launching a project which may eventually rival the famed hydro -electric scheme of lion. Adam Keck. He has purchased a gasoline engine and ie procuring a dynamo. with which he proposes to furnish light for the houses and barns of the farmers for a stretch ppf two miles or so along the 8th concession. We pro- pose that later on be dam the creek that runs through his place and sup- ply power for the farmers, too We regret to have to report that our old friend Joseph Bell is not improv- ing. We imagine, however, that it will be bard to keep him in the house on election day The township council will hold itr'etatutory meeting on the 15th last Geo. Ferguson, township tax collector, is on his If It's for "HIM" We Have Just the Thing He Would Like - Something to Wear Appeals to a Man More Than Anything Else Our preparations for Christmas have been made on a large scale, and everything a man could desire in the wearing line can be found here. Small goods, such AS Neckwear, Gloves, Handkerchiefs and Suspenders, will be put in a handsome box without any extra charge. Here is a partial list by way of suggestion : Neckwear Handkerchiefs Gloves Shirts Suspenders Neckscarfs Fancy Hose Bathrobes - Smoking Jackets Coat Sweaters Pyjamas Umbrellas Fancy Vests I-ur Caps Fur Collars Fur -lined Gloves Fur -lined Coats Coon Coats Dog Coats ¢ - Wombat Coats OR A 20th Ceatary Brian Slit or Overeat We are after your Christmas trade, and extra good values will be given to make it worth your while dealing at this store. Just try us. WALTER C. PRI DUAM Agent foe glib ('hatary °bathing ataalleii'e Underwear Peabody Overalls I DiVEY THE -JEWELLER South Ride of Square, Goderich OR Christmas Gifts i rounds The telephone commies sinners are negotiating- for A nonose (ion with the Ooderfeb township sys- tem. ys- tem. fi SCHOOL Rsteone.-Tin following is the report of 8. S. Nn, 3. epitome, for November : V. -Lilies) Watson. 8r. iV.-Ella Robertson, Elwin Rutledge. David McMillan. Jr. IV. - Mary Medd. Ada Shields. Sr. III. -Watt Hamilton, Reatta Levy, Evelyn Yunghlut, Violet Hamilton, Harry Watson. Lily McPhee. Ross McPhee. Jr. ILL. -Marie Watson. Elsie Levy, Aly Winmilt, Edna Jones, Laura Rutledge, Verna Hamilton. 8r. I i. - Gordon Taylor. Hilda Hardy, Garvin Young, Celia Hamilton, Tom Hamil- ton, Prank Scrimgeour, Ralph Mc- Phee, Frank Shields. Jr. IL -Kath- leen Hamilton, Annie Jones, Joe Young, Jessie Levy, Isabel Young. Most pertect lessons during month, Watt Hamilton. F. C. LIMN, Teacher. LOTHIAN. Mo1DAT. Dec. Ito. out. Ruroire.-The following is ' he report of f4.8. Mo. 7,for the month of November. Names occur in order of merit : V. -- John McKeitb. 11'. - Clarence Henderson, Kelso McNay, Olive UcKeith. Be. 114 -Graham Mc- Nay. Evelyn Wellington, Jennie Johnston, Elsie Barge, Eva Haggaanm Berl Swann, May Stein. Jr. IDL - Bob Helm. Sr. /L -Laura Stain, Wellington Henderson, Alex. McNay. Jr. 11. -Thomas Halm, Henry (h7 - more, Beatrice Stein, John Gilmore. Pt.. 11. -Dorothy Barge, Basil Hogan. Jnsx B. Jouxerros, Teacher. We are Christman specialists. We undertake to relieve the season's bur• deo, and emnarrwmeote by provid- ing suitable articles for old andyouagi rich and poor. Gifts that will give lasting satisfaction to the recipient DAvsv, the jeweller, Our Matto : "A sensate deal to everyone " I F rare We bare just received • shipment of SOO Pictures framed complete with glass, back, picture. etc. These are partie•tlarly suitable for the Cbristanaa trade, and are marked at very popular peiaa Don't overlook the fact that our stock of Furniture for the holiday trade ie most complete. We have some Writing Desks, Rockers. Oabisseta. Chain, Hall Mirror*. He., that would make Wet seie,ptahie ttbristmew gifts. NANCY NtiRfhElMFR PiANOS Out sAtrn : fie best tablet tassel* for ear *sew, '