The Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 3i i Itsis THE SIGNAL : G(1UERI6H ONTAEI 0) T.UaaDAY, Dmitnasr&et z, DM a TIE (T11118 MATTER BY THE BTIPPLI D LOCAL OPTION OOK ITT1E.) �INAL�diosed B k'- oa� rooms for (bode - IND rich ONLYJas l d.w ar t1 IENIINE 7 he Bar -room a Auisance BEW•11 OP IMITA• TI. SOLD ON THE MERITS OF IINARD'S LINIIENT BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order.. prousgthy. attaMsA to ea leaving them at THE MORAL. Oodmisb. A. E. TAYLOR. ttrKATsOan CIVIL ENGINEERING IALGHAN M. IIOBKItTB, CIVIL and Hydraulic E.Rlaesr, Ontario Lead Surveyor. Office -Mclean Mock. oedema. imam Montreal street. T_Mphsas la. MEDICAL DR. W. F. HALLOW. M. B. once sod r.add.ees. North Rem., Oederieit. north of County Regierry coag Tstepaeee ii. PR. F. J. R. YOiLNTE R -ETF EAR nam and throat od . Haase sori.senw York Ophthalmic hand hesitate. Clinical tad -4.. Ear. Nose sad 1 kroat Hopped r;olden Square. and Mooreasid lyes HeZett. Leedom, Naslsed. Moe. 70 n. Waterloo SusUoed, opposite Boor Church. Hours s to 11 a. si. r tail pm. 7 to e a m. Takehoee LEGAL PrROUDFOUT. HAYS A KILyLv atic proctors is the MOR- N'g't ° m Private ��un�.mdo, toja amt, Mad at bside owed news d Snared W. Kira C.. R. C. HAYS` J. L. NILLORAN. L0.EtCAM ERON, K. C., RARRIS- 11to° lir, «C t'or' notary Q lzd Ornate- from tioderici, tetra door from naw.. (113ARLS8GARROW, LLB., BAR ✓ 818Th . slimmers. solicitor, etc., ted. fish. Meow to Modit Somali raw. u O. JOHNSTON. BARRISTER 111. s.Uattar. osmmbeiaeer, °.tory public Mom amid= street Oeasrinh Oat. INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. lUc[ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- tlsIIr� SUE NCE C 0.-M sad lrolated Om,ws J. lt�al a. Peas.. 8eatordi P.O.; ��as.amem L hhay.. a T O•�wfleateeth P. O. Ebsotra-Wto Charier. Seaterth ; Jobe 21. alien, WLthrq WllliasRiauCooramr, Joie Iieaseweis, Beodlocee ; Jeanie Eva°e. Hss.►w.M ; Jibs Watt, Mario.k ; Lssioam lloEwsai SnioseeM. Aasste : J. W. Tea B.lynR Smith. Haef..k Jas. Cummings. nemsaeadvN. ; E Machin. S.dmtk. Peder -holders ma pay am--ra rd their made recelpted at 1. J. Mdrrtal s (1 hIa[ Elite Cliatem or at R. H. Cuero Oremey. [agates sleet Gederieb. Qct PRIVATE FUNDS TO ILDA/ aa. spas gullet m lltu . B.sftc.a atY.at W. R. ROBERTSON. L�i8URA2iCE AGENT. Fins gra l.ieS nine : Brttisb. Ceasdiaa sad more B)maam sire krm"ovarr Luau. morp:e heeoY Ocoee Admeat sad Oaaraatee Frnu-rs w ken onsagrot Hones : Thome U.S, Fidelity and Osaranw Company. Moe at reel- ems. ssrthsast corner of Vic- toria fo-toria and at. David's stresta. Pismo TM JOHN W. ORAIGI& LIFE, yFaIeRtaE and smddeat taasasriews.. Mast all stook e is effemad cted oa tsar Nsaa sad res lswe a ra ea. .,ai at shoe, esrssc east aisstt sad Square r address J. W. caucus Oodoeiab Out Tele doses MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER I KELLY, J. P.. tiODI alCB. ONT. 186UTa OF MABIIAOE LICENSES. w = • . fl.a..lueeGeissis . ('' Ont. SHAVING PARLOR BEDFORD BLOCK BARBERSHOP -TW w.mean mad aspa�r etas ogee to paabes IM ►.a ser.fm to +solar halre.tt�"ae, .ta_esttSS..dL�dWV' ebampsaeeas o trift�. i-resei.tse ted. fl t R ADCTWIWEUUIQ I i ultAN SUNDAY, LIVE STOOK div r▪ sae w w re tarp to atm se lIs. Vote Local Option A Better Goderich in Sight Bar -room Closing. There is one absolute demonstration of the effectiveness of the bar -room closing plan in this Province, against which no sophistries can prevail. t It is the sobriety that results from the closing up of our bar -rooms from seven o'clock on Saturday night to six o'- clock on Monday morning. Some skeptics say that this prohibi- tion is effective because it is only for one day and two nights, and that it Is easier to enforce Sunday "losing when people are permitted to buy what they want on the other six days. This, 'however, does not agree with the fact that In cities and large towns Monday is frequently the lightest police court day of the week, although it has the drunkenness of both Saturday and Sunday to take care of. In places where liquor is sold for seven days in the week, under'"res- traint, it is well known that the en- forcement of restrictive provisions on Sunday is the hardest part of the police duty in reference to the traffic. Sunday closing in this Province is an emphatic success. Bar -room closing is always a success when the bar -room is really closed. It can not cause drunkenness. Where drunkenness exists in spite of Local Option, it comes from violation of the law, not from the law. This is so simple and manifest a fact that it seems almost absurd to state it and yet it seems necessary to do so. Liquor -sellers who break the law charge the law with the wrongdoing that results from their own miscon- duct. It is as if a man who chopped a hole in a rood roof so as to let in the rain declared that a roof was no pro- tecticn. Nobody expects the would-be law- breakers to be honest or sincere in their arguments ; theirstatearents are not surprising ; the surprising feature WINTER Tia. caw. owe of the situation is that some people of Intelligente seem to he credulous enough to accept the absurdities of these lawless distorters of logic and common sense. The Bar -room a Nuisance The evil can no more he confined to the building in which it exists than the odor of a slaughter house to the block in which it is located. I know and you know that they are in league with every other form of evil in society. As a rule, if von let the liquor dealer barb bis way, he will have a disorderly house upstairs, be will have a gambling den in his back room and his place will be the centre of every sort of evil. The saloon is the btu -eau of informa- tion for every sort of crime. It is the first place that a policeman looks for crime and the last place he would go to look for virtue. -William Jennings Bryan. Do You Know a Bar -room That doe'. your town any good That makes its .patrons better par- ents? That gives anything of real value for the money snent over its bar:' That brings happiness to the homes of those who patronize it? That helps young men to lead better lives ? That makes better citizen• ? That if wiped out would ^ause loss to the welfare and happiness of the inhabitants of the neighborhood ? If so, where is it? Vote Local Option. Because -You do not Avant the has - room near your home or near the home of anybody else. Because -You do not want to pay the tib which the bar -rt .om is causing Beeaose-You most sof, anal in- viting young people to make their homes in your town or diststttt, beep open dee-traps for them. Because --You `Live no right to let the children se• the evil of the her. room after teaching them that liquor L poisonous. Because -You should not help swell the vote of your municipality in favor of the bar -roost. Because -You ought not to try to make the bar -room business respect- ableywr vote. VOTE LOCAL OPTION. Merriam. The drink traffic is a parasite that thrives on the destruction of legiti rate trade, Bar -rooms are sponges which absorb wages that should to spent with you. The bar is responsible for most of Local Option and hotel Accommodation The Actual Facts of the Case in the Province of Ontario -- Conditions Improved in Practically every Muni- cipality --Actual Statements of Facts by Those Who Know. � ejj - u sea r -este, Out.. stands in a edam by ` limit wires strictly •retclsee roe* is eissideo N. Writ • for earald*Ue. W. .A. mesa ermetr da. i The statement has been frequently made in the past by opponents of Local Option, and is even sometimes beard now, that Local Option has af- fected more or less seriously the hotel ;accommodation in the various munici- pali1i.. where the by-law has been I The statement is an easy one to make and at flet sight might seem to have some foundation, but let us look at the real facto of the case. As a matter of fact -and this state- meat is hereinafter proven :- The- The hotel accommodation has improved materially in almost every municipality where Local Option has come into force. Now let us proceed to proof. travellers' comfort since the towns be- most cases the hotels are occupied and Undoubtedly those who are morel came dry." run by the same party who had charge bre of pronouncing meet decisive- 'Then again," said Mr. Charles, "I ander license. Mention mu ht be made of the splen- did accommodation given in the hotels run by specially organised companies of local parties in Orillia, Midland, ly on the above question are thoss want to speak particularly of Owen who travel most. These are the men Stand and to say a good word for the who know. Seldon House. This is one of the With a view to getting at the facts bright spots on the road for us. It is of the case a representative of the . a delight id go there. I knew the Newmarket,Bowmanville,Wellington, PIONEER has interviewed, during the town well under the old license condi- etc., but such are omitted as being a past few months, several represent- I tions, and it is certainly much improv- little aside from the general subject. alive commercial travellers, and theed since Local Option came into force." These statements certainly leave no opinions of two of these, as given 1 __ room for doubt as to the correctness herewith, prove conclusively the shove I of the above statement, but further statements. Mr. Charles' statementsare pretty proof can still be resented in a I more conclusive sod do not need much nor i general and yet, if possible, in a more PROMINENT TRAVELLER SPEARS. 1 robot -Minn, but to prove that be is not convincing way. J. W. Charles, traveller for one of ; prej°diced, ad he certainly has no I COMMERCIAL TRA VELLUMS' ASsOCIA- tbe large Toronto wholesale grocers, reason to be we give the words of an - b one of the best known men on the ocher well-known traveller -another I pox Com - road in Western Ontario. Mr. fj men who knows. 1 At the Annual Meeting of the Com - Charles says : mercial Travellers' Association of Can "Every three weeks I cover fifty-one I ANa7HER TRAVELLER C°RR°B )RATER oda in 1910, considerable discussion town in Western Ontario amid of theme C. J. Pascoe, who is in about the took place over the matter of hotel ac- thirty-eight sre dry. in each case,' same class as Mr. Charles so fares otomdactdation in the I.ucalOptIon towns with La one o r two exceptions, tke bo beingfamiliarlyknown by the travel- of Ontario. As a result of this a row - tel accommodation is these dry" lets nd businessgmen of Ontario Is mittee was appointed, o ond.ting of tows, is haus, than before the look concerned, speaks even stronger 1'e- ten or twelve well known members. who were to receive complaints re- optionbylaw came into force. garding the matter. M in no puree, without exerptioo. are Yon may use my name if you yarding accommodation, not only to conditions any worse." wish." said Mr. Pampa, "and make tLeek for questionable conditions them - Toil substantiate this. Mr. aria, sts.U'meot over it that : selves, hut also to receive Information Maria, wt out to give some specific its "Tits the hotel accommodation in tregarding these from other members. wait Option towns of Ontario is trots stances ' I�would like to take yon to South. twent live to tbirtf per cent. better aoptoo se you could see hew pleased now t� ft ever was under the old the boy. are to get into this town Uoense system. The Oommercial Hotel provides par- „I have travelled over the section tkohleiy good aocommodsttos. An- Mr. Marlon speaks of, and farther other case M Cremators. Here in the North and West, every five weeks for Maneloe Hoose, i believe we travellers eight years, sad I am eoosegtaeotty IR find the best accommodation that out a position to koow what I am spas - he got in any town of one tboosaed ink &brut. You may take for inflame, anywhere in Cassia. the towns of Orangeville, Shelburne, "Shelburne is soother tows. The p.m, Round. Odliugw►ood sod Oriuia, Royal Hotel her.. for sey years Mews gad it is safe to sty that in all d these Mair seso onseasoase, hest now clads a000mtmldation was ower heteee sig Local Optima mese into form it M a g� .. rt M today. revelation to travellers a. to what se -aa sob as La al Optima rata lab esmmodatios eta he furiiehed. eneratice.' Mr. Pascoe 'At the Queen's Hotel in Orange- owe artless disaelly til ebewes vilie eoudltioas are very mmieh better the rsyb dhmsst ceased by drabs, - thee Easy ware before the bylaw same Nae M eke hotel. Thaw L shad - hate bras, At lfmbst'ten. the Mmi- tea question about tbls.- siaw Hesse hes always given good seoommsdotlw ead OM rostinor fe ft Y worth nessWsimig that rvw� de en. though K • her has been cut of hotel meed mrd above r wooed emd that the smatter mould he submitted to eat. In Damao and Bolton. wadi- rem by private p.mm, net by s.y th• Ooverame,t." Mose have greatly Improved foe the eempa.y of tampmate mortes% le Let au agate impress this loot t Muir do Holuneier BRIOALYtfy AND ruNtRA1. DdRiOTOOMN seni iphotgese. 'ia.'v:m'e7c with a view to placing such matters before the Government in order to provide for remedying existing con- ditions it such seemed necessary. it was understood that any complaints were to be banded in on paper and by a member of the omissive- tido.Mr. J. W. Charles, the traveller mentioned above, was questioned re- gardine the result of this action. T -pp to the preseet time," be said, (the laterview took plane Is August, IOW. "sot a single onmplaint, so far as I know, W bees received by the members of this specie' committee. i am a member of it myself. and beve meetly talked the matter over with several of the ether members. They may that is a ewmber of asses verbal esmplaita lave bees made, but that those who made these were not willing to pet their tenses trebled them es your had debts it gets the cash You give the credit. CLOSE THE BAR -ROOM. Why ? If more hoi see is sold in "dry" terri- tories than in "wet," why in the world do the "wets" petition for special elections a, the three-year period of the county `option late is expiring ? This argument bas been exploded s"1 often th'it the "siels" insult the intel- ligence of the people every time they resort to Alma Laois** College, St. Thomas. Ont. The annual meeting of the Alma Col- lege Board on November 21st found the College enjoying unwonted prusperit y. The teaching and governing staff is doing most satisfactory work and the classes are exceptionally large. The growing patronage Wakes necessary early eulxrgement IL wan decided to proceed attbe earliest date practicable with the creel ion of a new gymnasium and hall of class rooms and studios. Electric lighting installation of present buildings is under way. Manual training in wood and metal crafts for girls has been started a.auxiliary to the departments of fine art and domestic science. The weekly holiday has been changed from Saturday to Monday with touch advantage. Ps iocipal Warner was appointed delegate to the Imperial Conference of Teachers' Associations to meet in Lon- don, Eng., in 1912. A banquet to the hoard, staff and students; a.studenta' recital and in- formal reception, and an address by the president of the board, Dr. Car- man, were pleasing incidents of the session. WHY SHE GIVES ADVICE. Mrs. Lois McKay Proves That Dodd's Kidney Pills Cure Backache. Tiverton, Dighy Co.. N. S., Decem- ber 4th.-(Speciell-"I advise every sufferer from kidney disease to use Dodd's Kidney Pills." SSo says Mrs. Lois McKay of this place. And Mrs. McKay gives splendid reasons for giving this advice. "I suffered with a bed pain in my hack and side," she says. "When I sat down I could hardly get up out of the chair. But thanks to Dodd's Kid- ney PS1L, my pain is all gone, and toy hack is well. i have proved for my- self that Dodd's KidneyPills are good." Dodd's Kidney Pilare woman's best friend. They have never banned anyone. They have cured thousands. The) have never failed to cure where the kidneys are the °suss of the trouble. Hotel accommodation has improved. It has not de- teriorated riorated where Local Option has come into force The Tragedy of it. - She laid the still white form beside those which bad gone before ; no sob, no sigh, farad Its way from bee heart, throbbing as though It would burst Suddenly a my broke the still.ess of the place -one sines heart -breaking shriek, then sloes ; another cry ; store -hence, thea all silence but for a gtuttural mtarmur whish assured to well up from her very soul. fibs left the poises She wouM lay soother egg tomorrow. Aad cess just thirty este a Proof Enough. 1Re-"I never loved before." Em. --"Ent how can yea ire it r Ile -"Dy my saving. hash hook.. There's a depook every week for the test leer years." L.sa% Wale. tlhe- "Best. lamb, yea deal sere sough to suppose true." Me -"set won't we is mss thee r- amble Tres .i t. D.MILL4PuSON ,II Ilj�d,. i Everything in Readiness for Christmas Our store is brimful of Christmas suggestions, either for personal wear or for the home. Handkerchiefs Are here literally in thousands, from Children's Picture Handkerchiefs at 2 for 5c up to the beau- tiful real Lace Handkerchiefs. y Gloves Ltd( Gloves of almost every style are in stack. It will be a pleasure to buy your Gloves here, as every pair that leaves our store is guaranteed. Every pair put up in a fancy box for presentation. - Hosiery u Beautiful Silk Hose,^$l.00 per pair. Neckwear (Lilt The/daintiest creations in Neckwear are to be found here. The assortment is very large and all are:put up iilifancy boxes. Children's Wear . We have made extra allowance for the little folks. Never before have we shown so many at- tractivegarments for the adornment of the children. Children's Coats in endless variety. Children's Buggy Rugs. Children's Headwear. See our showing of Tedalliients. SHOP EARLY 56 Millar's Scotch Store '5e THE BEST GOOD SHOE INVICTUS The Name on The Sole The"INVICTUS" name and trade- mark on the sole means a great deal to any shoe -buyer. It means footwear that will stand up under every test for fit, style and wear. It therefore means more for your money, as well as for your feet and for your sense of pride as to appearance. Behind that trade -mark is the assur- ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe you should always buy., THE BEST GOOD SHOE - "INVICTUS" Wm. Sharman aoderich The Square Keep Your Christmas Buying in Your Mind at M. ROBINS' Men's Overcoats REDUCED PRICE AT $7.50 Xeq's Sults.--A fine selection of men's Winter Suits. Reduced price at $5.49 Babies Sweaters.—Baby's Sweaters, all shades and sizes; regular $1.00 to $1.25, for 69c Caps.—Men's Winter Caps with a fur lining at 29c Wanted 500 Iba. Sweet Butter. We will pay the highest price. SwA M. ROBINS �t^.It�r'f'xw:A Salle d She ..' ttttwe'attr'..= ' 2IJt""'-,e,4` "^,F^P.3=vt:t .-s»+r'€r`t„",