The Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 2rer Tjussonseettowina•dwiM4' 41•Meelf•MMItrt- • 11111•1111MT. Diesosams 7, *11 PUBLISHED EVERT TIKUR8DAT sor THE SIGNAL esorrismo LYNAM TOnobsee OIL We. IL Terme ef Ounewiellas : W e pee maim arirmaa. M Mo Ms ; se mastis. a. =Me* estarribsw. We • raw welter* is adveasse, Labeoribars else fan be neelve Tow Limar. morsharty * sad ell embers tower hp es queeeded el of du hoot at se melt a date as sowthis. Wise a effse amen isesseet. lath We the sad sew sea,eald be ghee Ieeteeelikhe h- ose Lord and ether denier astvernamseta Urs t er Mae* Sea boarties sad is per In• fee arab oMeniasat bwartiea. lieroarsit trl • seemed mks twelve Mei teas is. asthen seen et six thee see Mier. le Pot rear. Aevertlemsete of Ithes. neat. Mrs-rsal. ale WaTome Ilitestemes Waimea. Remo ise sse at. Fami isr Male sse to sums. row, Na mat lasartim ; It ter int warath.dit Afttalsa Maw ste.. est osowatas ler ere eressesset moue Laser advertise orate In eressation. Assessemstsbe entesery Nedra, type tea meta par Lea No mattes km Chas OIL Aar Want est*, tlio "jut St eta* is the sesealerf lewd% se thy lartividsal ar sasad. efts. •be esesidered as actvertiessuat sod olortid aseardeets. Rater fer either see omen advertise - n ese we be sins se medieues- Ammo au emienesensm be THE sleets L PRIN1ISU CO.. Unlaced °earth ow 0301rAUCIL Tillable/A. PLC. 7. till CENTRE HURON. Leaving out the ex- treme partisan- ship that would be satiated with noth- ing abort of the utter extermination of the opposing party. there ii.abso- lutely no reason why Mr. Proudfoot should not have the practically un- animous support ot the electors of Centre Huron. He has had one short term in Use Legislature. and during that term be has fairly but strongly represented tbe beat thought of his constituency. His. ornament. Rev. Joseph Elliott, has absolutely failed to show wherein be could improve upon Mr. Pt oudfoot's record, and in such case the electors should not find it difficult to come to tbe conclusion that the late member thethil itheeterned to tbe House to isentime his fight for progresvive measures. Mr. Proudfoot is a men who by sheer force of ability and hard work has made his way from the bottom of the ladder to the position he now oc- cupies. The people of Goderich town and Colborne township who have known his career can point with pride to one ot the Merman members of Lhe Legislature of Ontario as a -home product" who does credit to the people among whom his life has been spent. The electors of Goderieb and Colborne should turn out in full force next Monday to give Mt. Proudfost a tes- timonial of esteem and approval. NORTH HURON. The electors at Nor- th Huron have the opportunity of sending to the Legislature a man Who is in every way worthy to lepresent them. Mr. W. H. Kerr has had a long experience in municipal life to qualify him for tbe wider sphere of tbe Legislature. He is a man of high character and of fine abilities. who has used his gifts for the good of the people about ben. He is a man of progressive ilea& and if elected will not rest content with drawing his salary and saying "Me, too,- in regard to matters that come before the House. He has a mind of his own, and is quite capable of ex- pressing his opinions igorouely and decidedly. Miring to Mr. Ken's ill-heelth. end his inability to make a personal can- vass of the riding, a special duty rests upon the Liberal and independent electors of the riding to see that every vote in favor of Mr. Kerr and progres- sive legislation is polled on Monday next. Let every supporter of Mr. Kerr not only poll his own vote early but also see that his neighbors get out. We hope to hear good news from Ashfield and tbe Wavrenoebee on Monday night. SOUTH HURON. Mr. E. Zeller, who has taken upon himself tbe task, by *many regarded as impossible of accomplishment, of re- deeming South Huron to the Liberal cause, deserves at teen the hearty support of all Liberals, who should lire that every vote favorable to him is polled. Let no one stay away front the polls became the result is believed to he • foreeneecooelosion. The duty of the selector is to exercise his free- ebise fearlessly sad iodependently wheoever be has the opportunity, re matter whether be Is in the minority or mt. Mr. Miller has bad several term la the Legislature end so far as we the see he the done nails' to entitle hies be a life tenure ot the mat. It mold do me harm to give NZ. Unfit & abeam to show what be elm de. Be is an active ma, well eked is his owe onernounity. and with me axe to grind tempt for the helmet nt his matheresoey Los the Ubisrele el Meath Herein do their Mei best for Kr. Zee. fleed the elvertemenents rerthany them demi Tbe esersheets who ask Mr year mama Me them wee de. isms IL elle" _ fee KING AT curfroN. — — GREAT GATHERING OF MILITANT LIISERALISIA. Magnificent Audience in Town Hall Greets the Hon. Mackenzie King and the Candidate foe Centre Huron - Whitney Government's Record Severely Arraigned. Clinton was the scene last Friday night of a magniflosot gathering ay the occasion of the visit of Hon, W. L Mackenzie King and the public meeting held in the interest of Mr. W. Proudfoot. Liberal candidate in Centre Huron The meeting was bald in the town ball, which was crowded to tbe doors, scores of mee needing throughout the speschesaking. The chair wee occupied by Fred Jackson. ef Clinton, and with him on the platform were the speakers of tbe eveinng and some of the prominent Ieberels of the riding. D. A. Forrester. of Clinton. was the first speaker. HA considered the large stteie an eridenos of estimations in support of the candidacy of Mr. Proudfoot, and an inaketion of an overwhelming victory to be won by that giontlemaa at the polls. He con - treated the two men standing for elec- tion: Mr. Proudfoot, a man who had taken a prominent part in the legis- latures a men who bad been diligent in his profession, a hard worker all his lite. His opponent. Rev. Josepb Elliott. a man who had a record of do- ing nothing. He (Mr. Elliott) had abandoned his high calling and for years had lived in Idleness. Instead of being diligent in the Master's cause be was going up and down tbe side- lines praying for votes rather than for souls. On the other hand, Mr. Proudfoot was a man who attended to his duties, a man who had behind him a record of industry -be was the man tbe voters of Centre Huron should send to Toronto to represent them. Thos. McMillan. of Hullett, was next called upon and was received with warm applause. Speaking of the progress of the campaign be re- marked that the longer the teeord of the present Government was dis- cussed the more clearly it was shown that that reamed would Dot nand the examination of an intelligent elector- ate. He (the speakers maw many evi- dences that tbe Government was badly frightened. One of theme was the manner in which the hydroelec- tric power policy n -as being used in the attempt to save the Government candidates in this section. While be did not underestimate tbe importance of power development and extension. be pointed out that the hydro electric policy was not originated by the Whitney Government, but by boards of trade, manufacturers and munici- pal representatives who joined in the endeavor to secure cheaper power and at whose instance legislation was en- acted by the late Liberal Government empowering the municipalities to take up tbe power schema*. Then tbe Municipal Union was formed and the later developments followed. Now it was proposed by Sir James Whitney to Lake the power business out of tbe bends of the Hydro -electric Com- mission and place it directly in poli- ties by constituting it a department of Government and surrounding it with all the evils of politick' and party in- fluence. Mr. McMillan declared in favor of a fin rate, claiming that the power belonged to tbe people yi tbe whole Province and not to tbe people of the Niagara district alone. If the fiat rate were not adopted the time wee owning when tbe loth:sateen of this pest of the Province would he driven out of existence.. Mr. McMillan a paid tribute to the Hon. Mr. King. declaring that the Liberals of Ontario looked forward to his future censer with expectation and impiration M Proudfoot bad • very hearty reception as he rose to address the gath- ering and immediately plunged into • fighting speech. It used to be Sit James Whitney's. pies that tbe Gor- ern ment at Toronto should he of a different stripe from that at Ottawa. Well, let Sir James tithe some of Lis own medicine. Welcoming the ladies. who were present in considerable numbers, Mr. Proudfoot reminded them that at the last session (of tbe Legislature be bad seconded a resolu- tion in favor of Votes for women. Be thought women should have the fran- chise: but Sir James said the ladies would More to wait, Mr. Proudfoot spoke of Rev. Joseph Elliott's refereeing to him as ea busy man.- Mr. Elliott did not my that be (Mr. Proudfoot) bad neglected his Par- liamentary duties, but be would late to leave that itnprvesioei. There were men where a alf -truth was worse than • whole lie. Mr. Proudfoot said that he took it rather as a compliment when it was said of him that be WWII Miry man. It was an evidence that his services were in demand. At the same time be bad atteeded were care- fully to his duties In the Legislature and had been a regular attendant not only at the witting. of tbe Home, but at the meetings of Use committee., where a great deal of important work was done. Mr. Proudfoot spate if his efforts to mum a repeal of the •infamous three-fifths claim." At every minion of tbe Legislature since be was Meted be brought the matter up. but was voted down by the Whitney me= He explained the plank in the platform calling for • workmen's one - palmation art, to gymnasts* workmen compensation for injuries sustained in their ordinary employment Instead of seedinir such amp to be bogie over in tbe mune He had given consider- able weedy to this quietism and bed te- te-mimed in tbe Home in the session of 1910. moron akmg the lime of similar legieistios in thest Britain. Sir Jame Whimsey premised consid- eration of the Ma. but at the ember of 1911 DO pe.o, we. mods god lefoo on the Government referred the matter to Sir William Meredith and ft is still is Ms heeds. Aastber MN which he had introdneed. sod which Use peseul, Mee see evils muslin- Pidithe power to pereheetizr= toseldees lee the ass of nrr Be hale seassere wane he of PRE SIGNAL: GODEJRICH, ONTARIO peeper manner and at the proper time. With reference to tbe bilingual Ramon question, Mr. Proodioot de- clared it to be the duty of the stets to tee every child a good Ireglieb educe - The Government had tried to theft(' the matter by sending Dr. Merchant eat to make aa int setiga.Gos, but it was well known thin thine were e Cte0018 in Ontario where nothing bot Ft -each was being tamest. Three -c_ - hers of the Governance -Sir Jame -s Whitney, Hoe. J. J. Foy and Hon. Dr. Raettese--weire latterly at enema in their attitude towards the question. Mr. Proudfoot scored the Gems- tone for its edocaGocal adielinistra- Goo in general. The men at Ow bead of the Department of Education were not ta sympatbs with Um com- mon scbools, and their administrate:on had resulted in a general muddle. Inspector Tom's report was quoted with reference to the deplorable thee of educational affairs in the inspector- ate of West Heron. Kr. Proudfoot l.a conclusion put in a word for the Liberal candid. in South Huron, Mr. Zeller, who me us- able to be present at the meeting. Hon. Mackenzie King was received with srest enthiosiesai and quickly put himself in don touch with his audience by some humorous remarks He criticised tbe Government for bringing on the elections prematurely at an incoovenient season without any g ood cause. Take out of the record of tbe Whitney Government what cam tei it as • legacy from the Liberate and you do not find much, he declared, for which you can commend the Govern- ment. Seldom had a Government done so little in a progressive way as Lied the Whitney Government. It had refused to amend the assessment law, although petitioned by ZO muni- cipalities and a large proportion of the newspapers, including some of the most promiosnt Conservative news- papof tbe Province, and althoutt tbe I ear unions a.sked it and t iVe6 • n Provinces had shown the way. Whitney had simply refused to take the matter up. Sir James was too automatic. He thought be was so strongly enttembed in power thin be could be indiffetent not only to his opponents but to his own followers in tbe House. "In this country we are accustomed to regard tbe Gov- ern west at. Um servant of the people, not the people the servants of the G o veS n men L- (Applause.) The electors thould take the opportunity now pretested to strengthen the 01; position, so that progressive measures might be advanced and the expendi- tures more cerehilly watched. The Met that over one thou/end teachers in °sari° schools were with- out proper certificates was a very serious matter. It was not fair to other teachers, it was not her to the taxpayers, it was not far to the chil- dren. In tbis country, where the best fee -tures of modern thmetiocal meth- od. should be put in practice, the children were not even getting , tbe fundamentals. It was time for a cleaning out in tbe Department of Education. Tb. Dominion census showed that the rural districts were losing popula- tion in an alarming way. It was the besiegas of the Department of Agri- culture to set to work to remedy this condition by peogreasive measures, by Immigration schemes, by any means that would make life on the farm more pleasant, more proatable. more attractive. There should be at the heed of the Department of Agricul- ture a man of sufficient grasp to see the real conditions and to apply the remedies. The finances of tbe Pros ince were running behind. There were not enough Opposition members to exam- ine the public accounts and cheek ex- penditures. and the Government rushed business through without proper dimension and examination. Mr. King told how Col. Matheson the Provincial Treasuret, had depos- ited 'KNOW pf the money of the people of Ontario th • Bank that was said to be unsound -the Farmers Bank -and with this money Dr. Beattie Nesbitt, formerly the president of the Bank and a prominent member of the Coo - sere stave party in tbe Legislature. had made the first payment on the Keeley Moe, and it was this investment that wrecked the Bank. The, Attorney - &smears Department was at fault In allowing Neithitt to escape. The stay - log of tbe presecntions of tbe com- bines started by Mr. J. W. Curry was another Instance of the (snore of the A ttorney -Genera e Department. The Government had takes away one of the fundamental Hein of British citizenship when it denied the right of private action in the courts against the T. & N. 0. Railway and the Hydro -electric Comminion for the redeem of wrongs. Tee great of two million acres of land in Northern Ontario to the Canadian Northern Railway was strongly criticized, and the action, or inaction, of the Whitney tioverrirneot in the matter of (insuring an ocean port on Hudson, Bay for tbe Province of Ontario was severely scored. The Manitoba Govestossent had seeured a deasetation of tbe Preivinelal braced - (try that suited that Province while Ontario was, left for all time without a port on the Hudson. Bay. Unless Sir James Whitney would come oat and say he would not stead for anything but fair play to Ontario in this matter be 'Lad no right to ask for the mooed - ems of the people. Mr. King concluded with an Ho quest peroration that roomed the pothenasea of his bearers to a high pitch. Referring to Mr. Proudfoot, he declared there was no name able Nan in the legislature, end be was a men who had tbe Agin kind of been In impel him to bring in measures for of Ovate, Herne would wake people .1 the mand of the ;ample. The greaten of mistakes if they did not mere his return to the Legislature. The maim skims/ with them tor tbe Kinn. for Mr. Maiikensie King and for Mr Proildfoot — -- Spathe Ihreiness °Mega !Modest, ready' tbr best pontoons and the bessed kw them hy rimy times the supply. Thermals of thebitiebe Erpeople. who (seork dnring the .alererg, a rieg for sinful messes by stead I. the evening The win ter term this reader reboot betides Jemmy Sad. se will be sees Is ma ed. vertisemeet on pav:. Spotters eibeels are !Seated in tbe tomes of Wtheheie, ellinton. Walkerton end esusideeshie ef tether& de thrie is a lasteltdieth. yeses owselfe and the thee ot Imam. W sod FROM OUR OONTEMPORAMEK thimites="441- For the pan few yam the deserters of the farm la Outarlobasheseugoiag on at • rapid rate. The Pro,1cla1 Government has not Ured up to its duty, and the high oast of hying may be traced directly, in • lasee to the mem tat thalweg:zit industry. Palms He Kneen. Leeds(' Advertiser Mr. German of Weiland. thee the money interest dictated Mr. White's appointment its Finance Minns, es a agenda. As Mr. German roe - return foe their Audi -reciprocity iprocity he may be speaking from in - ie knot* kedge. Beneasse and Borden. Maatreal Herald. It may have been only • mince deem, but it was canoes that the moment chosen for Henri Boureasa's entrance into the press gallery of the Commons was tbe very moment when Premise Borden was announcing the eutectics to abendoc the "expensive and useless wavy." Co/ Matheson Meet Speak Up. Mumma Time, The Provincial Treasurer, Col. Math- eson, like Sir Jams Whitney, declines to discuss the Farmers Bank scandal! or to explain the increase of the Prov- incial deposit in the Farmers Beak just before the 1115,000 lean was obtained therefrom to go into the Keeley mine immolation, which led to the bank's wrecking. The general public will form its own opinion of the transac- tion, and the bugger -mugger policy adopted by the Government in regard to it. The Chateau Laurier. In connection with the "Chateau Leurisr." Use new 1112.005,000 Gelled Trunk hotel at Ottawa, it bee been de- cided to establish an Ice ft -settee plant, l and the Forbes smitem of steriltestioa. I This means that every drop of water that comes iisto the betel for any pur- pose is lint altered twice, then sten- • lized and cooled, rendering it not only absolutely pure trout all sanitary standpoints, but clear and free from any coloration. As roger& ice.tbe water from which It is made will be first filtered twice, then converted into steam, then coudensed and frozen, rendering the ice not only absolutely pure, but a beautiful clear transparent erre tal. CURRENT UTERATURE. -- THE CLNADLAN Meoeznit. - In every respect The Canadian Magazine for December is a highly attractive Christmas souvenir. There are 'even - teen illustrations in tint, many of them full-pege size, with, as well, a number of reproductions of famous painting -a, with the frontispiece from a painting by the famous Canadian painter, Homer Watson. The illustra- tors are C. W. Jeffery& J. Weheatty, Arthur Rookie, A. Helene Carter. C. Finley. There are eighteen abort I Moine. sketches an poems by well- known Canadian writers, among them Arthur Stringer. Frang Pack- ard, L. Newton MacTatrish. Isabel Eccle- stone Mackay-, Vire& Sheard. S. A. White. George Herbert Clark., L. M. Montgomery. Madge Macbeth, L. R. Carman, G. B. Burgin, Peter Mc- Arthur. Etbelwyn Wetberald and W. T. Allison. THE Megalith's 'Womeres Home COMPANION. -The December Woman Home Companion is a specially illus- trated and beautiful Christmas num- ber. It rentains, aside from the usual illustrations. serest many pictures in coeSr. Stories are included in greater number than usual and several of them are extraordinary presentations of the Christmas spirit -full of action and Lb. ben kind of sentiment. Some of the contributors of the fiction are: Jeffrey Fat not. Mary E. Wilkins Free- man, Norvell Harrison. Owen Oliver and Holbert Foetoer. One of the not- able special art ieles in t he number is en- titled --What Christine. Might Be." it isan eloqoentples by Charles E. Jeffer- son. pastor of the Reim.] way Ta heroacle in New York city. Other special articles wortbv of particular mention are "American Mord Decoration,- "Flash- light Pbotogrep111% _51 Christmas " Last -M i ti and "The Professional Parent.'" Tbe epees' de- partroente. for which the Wcunan Home Companion is famous, are filled with good readine--eneb. for example. as a remarkable article OD "The Healthy Baby." by Dr. Roger H. Mo- net. a great specialist in New Yotk, "A Girl's Charities at Cheat Mall:. "Sem Loyd's Own Puzzle Page, - and many other contributions. The fashion, houselsold, home decoration aed handicraft features of the Com- panion are remarkable for their inter- est and practicality. A PARTING WORO. -- - To the {-sitar el The glernal. Sift, -Before another week the = of Ontario will have made a of rulers for a teem of years. It might be web to think before we vote as to whet we have received from Lb. Whitney Government and what we are promised by the Libels"' leader. The people of Goderich have had the curse of the open bar for the last three years through the effectual work of the iniquitnoos three-fifths elem, which was tressed lost for that pur- pose. Mr. Rowell has pledged himself to do away with this hindrance to the progressooafootof temperance and Mr. has year atter year moved for its removal. Mr. Proudfoot bee done this of his own tree ethics, not at the demand of an body. said when the Has Si. Pro.dloot ie Provincial Bat -votary he wal mks abort work of the three-fifths clause. Mr. Whit nee speaks with meth eaa. t= of the Hoes Goreenthent. I ask what is there to be e namel of to connection with a Goy- sesethot that could en bettor wort with MI thee their suereemps do with 0. Wiles bans tbe pimple got for the $11.(100,000 that it io coating to ran the Proriaers instead of the M.000,000 that Ross ram it midi Where is the Si,,. MOM extra going to A Govern- ment. teem*. wittiest a imendal, wiles one of their Ilnit arts was in 1111 their owe pieties Wilkie Mlle, east Si, Jame ripen ea, for the MAW he Is mottles? Vete ter the Hon W. Preedfeet and redeem one man twin Oataski. 171 41401MIle 101iNCINO BABY'S ECZEIIIA CURED By Ilarrierrs No. L PrescrIplisa d Yam OIL rusts.. N. S., Jekyll. Ma soy belay was My tee weeks sold I essieed astgt. mob nein body, sad the DOW follow would cry the fret night sad day. I was gym* weaned abase ben, ea/ tried ocarythiog to re him,, bet wittiest my moose& The resit kept essitieg wens and wens until his Stile face se/ body was erase et meth Vibes be wee them sie meths OA I was advised to try Father Merviny's Ns. 4 essem thich I did. la sem two maks time the scabs bed disappeared, sod tbe ched is sew beaker bed string. Inset timidelly nosesinese it se ammo treassieg arm licareth- Mrs. F. Gimes. The them pesserithee is set a "Cure - At' or seethed poem wescies. Ds. Illereviscy preembee is for 64 years, as/ A owed theme& ober ether demos teeth Price, fec. per bee at yen dealers. or Father elerriecy Ileacthe Co.. Labe& illentrealt see Sold and guaranteed in Gaderkth by F. J. Baked SPOTTON Stands for all that is modern is Business Teething. • Chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns and cities. Two Thousand stu- dents; in our Oollens and Home Study Leg year. We teeth from ten to twenty studeote for every o n • teethed by most schools. There's a ressos. It is freely admitted that our graduates get ben positions, and the deemed for them is "seven" times the supply( Reclusive right for On- tario of the fathom Miss Book- keeping System. You may seedy at home, or partly at home and finish at tbe College. A anthem Mineetion pays a dividend every day of your life. WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2,1912 Call or write for particulars. Spotton Business College CLINTON, ONT. Miss B. F. Ward, Principal adds Line, TORONTO $3.90 Rthsra from GODERICH /recount second annual FAT STOCK SHOW IN( ktes good going yin p. m. trains Dec. 9. and all trains Dee 10, 11, 12. Return limit. Dec. 111. THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE AND PULLMAN SLEEPERS Bana"n Toronto and Porcupine Northbound. - Leave Toronto 8,10 p. m.. arriving South Porcu- pine 4.20 p. me following after- noon. Southbound. -Leave South Por- cupine 12.30 p.m. aniline Tor- onto 730a.m. following morning. Steamship ticket, on sale via all lines. Make your reserva- tions early. Full particalarr sad tickets frianriF. Leersees. Tears Asset, or arldwas A. L. Dia D. P 1., Tweet° T ILC. A. LOIStON, 019?. 110110011111melSHORTISAMID WRC Reentered lest mess meresis ee students end every immete. Saves speciallytheist Meier& One embed and Shy Leeds. Simec_ mend help. Grew in sessiseken= Sept. 5 111 Jim M. raw say taw ctir roe. Fired College J. Si. Wenzever, At. J. . Weatherer. .11•Mair Wt PAY CASH FOR Ulna CANADA 1111111 ANN WWI ler; r F WNW OA Me ty Tee lave t es lag • tauspo is _ sea urroo f-• eye tHt. *tag late goolog ri I, in., awn is • artirwer ear le sea te feet - - — paw STAMP UMIAK' moo P.O. Illsh 170, QUEBEC. Oeneda. analaliallnallIrmaseramiNommismosamstmmosiatma. W. AOHIllellON OON Christmas ox; Neckwear Handkerchiefs 174r and Gloves FOR MEN s 151.:Self5 BOXED T1E$ R. Men's straight four -la -hand tied open-end Ties, is a wish variety of handsome silks. Special Sillee and sou BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS Pure linen with initials and plain hemetitebed. Six for 75e, 111.00. 111-15.111-51 said KILO° SILK SCARFS one Moellere for men, barest style and very hand- le black, grey and ivory, at each lel AO FINE FURS Beautiful view flea. Neck Pieces mad Maga have arrived, in mink. Persian lamb, Alaska and western sable. Prices are sue pelalattly moderate Men's Fur Coats Oar stock is very large and osampists In every sine. Special dewier/ prim we emessence this week: Mesn's Sites Beaver Coate splendidly Used and made. esa.00 Ilen's Bleck Galloway Calf Costs with Wootton collar. 1111111.00 Men's Bleak China Dog Oaths with Astra- chan lamb collar .11110.00 Men's Canadian Coos Oaths, PK 11111110.00 Men's Brown Gent OMAN very warm, strong and serviesable- B1111.00 Women's Par -lined and Fur -trimmed Coats , The best value we have ever offered. Beaver ' Cloth Coats of splendid materiel. stylishly made, collar and reveres of western =bk, lined with superior farmers' satin. heavily quilted. Baguet value OEM- Special price W. ACHESON cl SON B() G OLT' Allot thew • A ‘' A ts Barrer Unice Moores DR .erth • - - - R. 1)..• tx Illika Golden Leader Knife to Its. 'pito J. Al proetor sada KW PILLOI G M. 1 SKILL in producing stylish, well -fitting garments is the factor which has given- us an enviable reputa- tion as the leading tailors. 401IA V II LI r, uriibiiil ese.. -4, '. is nowhere more essential than in a stove - an article one does not expect to purchase every year. Moffat Stoves •;.4 Ranges WILL LAST A GENERATION. Made of New Iron Only. Has the Finest Castings. the most sttractive Ornamentauon, sad is wade ea purpose to e Leery:Monet Range is • rare el, Oh& lar THE MOFFAT STOVE CO., [...rm. .e soder all camelhair' of use 'oh a «geed Gairosiet I it says. OUICKIST BAS.a...a. FULL LA Via. WESTON. ONT Sole Agent In Goderich , FRED HUNT ,31w Plumbing. Heating, 'L.'s General Hardware InAJ1IL150941 STREET, 9006021 kilocia Yale= 1. J. II H. est $20 Fru Al CND rri I IOL Oar toria W' ..s_eses BE oeeu S eas w hoa nouns it I.