HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-12-7, Page 1Renew Your Subscription Start Now 1IITT•THIRD YLIt-rel am 1 GODERICH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1911 THE SIGNAL PRINT N0 Ont. IAd... PV.sJltata•s S?ERLcnNaoII'llr BAMK ur a : a DEPOSIT $1.00 The foundation of a tttmpeteece is laid in the Bret dollar you save -this bet k I'ffers you coca_ leous and c.m coin Set Tice and encourages the open- kg pen•kg of savings accounts --(los flatlet's Depot it makes r btmrit. Head Office -Corner Ku g and Bay boos". '1;terufW. GODERICH BRANCH ANDREA' POR7}K Mgr. NATURAL MINERAL W ATERS Why buil your drinking water when pee nae haver pure Mineral Water delivered at year dor la one. two awl tk replke jug.[ Weal uterry a fell Bs. of Mineei/ Water In split. and pier*. ye Old-fa.bluued (linger Beer in pinta aid peas tr. imported dry Ginger Ale to.plits and fists. 3dtaer Water. ( lob Seda, Cela C da. ere. All Roods -ede hem pan minerwf water. tODLKICH MINERAL WATER CO. ?burse lel TO THE ELECTORS OF fi U RON • FOR W. I J OUDFOOT IN . .NTRE1 HURON W. Ii. KERR IN NORTH HURON ,. E. ZELLER iN SOUTH HURON A vote for one of there eaa- didate. ti erns a vote to - ('beck the Governmental ex- travagance that has increased the Provincial expenditures from $6,237,000 in the last year )) of the Liberal Uovetnment to over 140,O110,0110 in 1910. Stop ouch grants as that trade by for %Vhitmey Government of as immense tract -two million acres - rot agricultasal land in rtrthern Ontario to Mackenzie t Mann. Allow municipalities to intro- duce tax Morin in the direction of exempting improvements. t. Develop agriculture and stop the decadence o1 the rut al ovo- itltmtirn whir h threatens dt.aster to the whole Pauvsnee Secure justice f. r Ontario in the matter ..f an ocean port on Hudson. Say. Ensure to every child in the reboots c f Out ario a thorough education in English. the pre dominating laming@ of the PmTitled. Provide adequate training schools for the supt-ly of comprt- eat teachers for the seboole of the Province, i Ad..pt means to restore to Delano • educational system the Mt; atagdialg which it formerly It;peal the three - fifths clause of 'be local option law. Develop the water -powers of the Provitre, had deal with every part of the Provisos is the tel iter of byti ooMotrte pow, r. Demand an ezp1.aation from the Provincial Tre*.a.se of the deposit of Provincial funds in tae Farmers Bank. whirl' funde ire employed by Dr. Beattie i. Nesbitt, a 'rimed of the Goverw- m►nt. is such a way as Le ellessb the Rank. 10Ado,* mere ' rffeetJw rthoda development* ei Neeth rs ureteric, sad keep Ontario's seas d.ts P 1cdaughters I• their ems Remove the liquor pooh.s ma- ilmen* Intim Lmin*Intim from political ls- stiende•- 4s Beset a woektsas'e ensepf labs ga.rpeeper °+u towimaedle woetrial1resent.Take 0ver telephotos Omsk `aoperate them user .r - t 'apid s. thPraises. POLL YOUR, VOTE EARLY ON MONDAY, DEC. 11Th LOST OR FOUND. 000ERICH MARKETS. PUBLIC ion= TtnnrnAv. Dec. ;tb. MAX1tib. 11111. Yap Meat. par bosh ps .n to a 0 I S 1 ringt. pa ing whear les ... M All (axes unpaid atu Lith Donember wilt it par tee w have 2 per tat. added. and after Jammu, tat 0 1.5 N 1 wl W211,+ per mot Atoned to tits and save eon,w. CAMPBELL u b CeWmtsr. rIL DeesmbNImll. re,Heti ,brat, yapitbr lOats. pw h. -b hedey per bomb per tess Flour. fam y. per cwt Mar, patent. pr cwt Hose per ten Shone pet las • • • • Hay. pr ten, rem L". -ON THR SQUARE ON SAT- URDAYsveal bet. a meet esetaisise tee tomve 7 B SIGNAL,OV'FICE will Meese POnLIC DOTICE. NOTICE. A11aeaseete due the noden4gned moat be paid es or tam Imagery 1st. 1212or they will be banal la for odlectlon. !bet .1. P. ORE . NOTICE. All account,. dee Ibe limits of tie late Wm. lea must be paid on or beer* Saturday. De- cember 311*r they will be heeded in tordM eetbo. ioleas pay sow and save coat. MATILDA ('. LEK. d bt.Ostaiz. AUCTION SALithi. AUCTION SALE or. FARM 'TOCP, IMP1.gMlalTS. 0 A M. E rc • Chan A.ellia win Pall by peddle ane • type µµ the e. h_ lot C. ce.DM.ioo 2. A,tS.ld al sirs meth at InsaaaoonI. on 1TiWerebtT. DECEMBER 14. .seame rise ail corset, the libels.: Oma general permee man, wives years aid, is IMI : 1 mare. tea year. rid : 1 hare, sloe years d4;1 -ht -'-1 pair henry draft mite; r Mt - ohm e.Iry mow., «apposed to be is milt : 1 yaaus[ better; e spring calve+; 1 vow. with tt flip, .eyes weep 1101• ., 2 mowbred; N easate. weighing .bout 130'ibm. each ; about M wmeo bahere hens tysangt; 1 Paris ewer% wore spreader, w : I MamsyHarrie bed6er. eft en neat I3 sew ; 1 Demise mower, snarly sew ; 1 Ural., berm mks 10 let. new; 1 Noma seed and : 1 tooth *attestor ; 1 I L..nag Keel taller; I ea dim, 11 dt*as nwty sew ;1 plow ; 1 Fleury seater, new ; 1 w barrow. New : 1 Limithem tanning mill and I Maw; 1 irlee•taom ; 1 apple packer's prim ; 1 leve wood awl stook w • 1 mean holt ; I by rack ;1 net acerb ; night market wages 1 Men ; 1 Dater. Deady new ; .bout 179 berkek sat. ; 7110 or more bualide barley and: Mata titled, male geed mei grain ; e quantity A p.m., wheat mrd barley : about 10 tonne of hay ; about *Moots of Niro. *ell eared ; a queeth p of Mud nerd own ; 1 set beevy double • berme ; 1 test of senate hareem , term, spades. Ram beau sod other anises tee Numerous to ovation. 7 KkMH. - Hay. .rain Aad fowl, r.. h. AL ear of 510 end nudes. es* :over the .mount. • nioathe crtdit will bo giro ce furnishing •p - worm joint Dotes A *roue' at the rate of 3 per oast. *[rabbi allowed for cash m credit am.arta Everything mast be mold. as 31r. W atilt HRoa has rola theta:* 1.'. A. W ALLiNOTUN, THOS. OUNDRT. 6-11 Prmprbter. Anmtioneer. 1 t►-ha1tINO AUCTION SALE lJ Or HOUSEHOLD FT H2CM:RF- (I 1 I Hoe. J. King_ will son bis public auction at ler reMeewe. Wet *met. Oaerien, 00 TUESDAY, DBCEMBili t*re. cemmenci.g at 2 o'clock .harp : Parka mats manly am ; oilier run, 3 z 1 yar e. Heady new ; organ : dhtrgreom tarsi - tare ; theme trsltan ;Happy Thought mew ... Dearly new; hemlines d foer bedrooms; .prises aid m0t4war5 ; feather bad : ebady erte ; toilet seta ; carpets ; mall [abbe ; tee te%i.gs : among machine ; look (Mese ; picture* . tempt certain.: birds ; dishee : tall cUdoat : we.`rg m-eilne ; tab. ; teethes reel are Nie: lawn mower; Mber artier to nennorme to menM0a. Everything mad be wild. as the pr.prletrms is loving tows TItRYe etrietly smh. Mb& J. KING. TBOS. 01.7WI)RY• Ilea Preprhetame, WM Meet Atsetiswser. 0eft to s ar to Onto O 33 to a91to 0 70 to 2000 to 1elto 2 90 to 00 2277attoo uroto 134 raw • 00 0 Wood. Der land - •••. •••••.- •- y co to flatter. Cheese, per lb e l 4 benh, per den d IS to A ppM.. pee bbl 3 .Sn to Potatoes per bae>al• ..... t O. w Cattle. Grainy to grad, per es$ l A to hall]., export, per cwt t0 a a lP a Hoo. .. •° 'Niles. p fbanfr.lb 1 ttwa io R_- .percwt. 7 * e nee.*ldgw 3J tm le IN 2 71 t le raw 2700 13.41 5 Se bur 0 * M P 3 S1 u 7. 600 5 74 a 00 (01 LLt 7 lin b ELECTION CARD& MO THE 1 R1 ELECTORS OF OODK- LADI •aDGvnsa=.-ILave decided to Wand at the modest elaetleres fee the Mice of Beers ter the year 1913. and I take this means et sdiclUna rear i■ese.ee and support to my behalf. I have hal five years' experle.oe i. the ooaecll. two of these as Deputy Reeve. *ad 1 treat that my record hen Mee mob ae to warrant your omit.noed oonfdenoe r nee. - Youse Willfully, a C. mermINOe. SITUATIONS VACAJlT. WANTED. -A MAIL) FOR GEN- &LRAL boarwrk. Most fornidi refr- eses.. Apply to MRS. GEC. E. ROSS, The Masan. Colborne street. It 1 1 NOTICE TO COEDITORS BOY WANTED. -MUST Bl: lat and 'sandblast. Aptib K THt Ilil4A L OFYIC1t TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S. M. No. 0, Oolbarse. School hone dz mitre Prem Oodericb and a mile and three quarter. from McGaw C. Pprofeedooal .rKR .tattoo. Teacher with cm0 0005 Janary Idi. 19112. Apply JOHN FMADAN. 0iec'y, tsebw. tJ WANTED . GIRL TO LEARN OPTIC tresettleg. Apply at THE SIGNAL "TEACHEK WANTED.-EXPER1- 1 LNCLD teacher for S. ti. No. 1, Colborne township ; dude. to commence .t the bed Of January. 19e•, .ala ry. Apply to F. W. U McDNISM StGM, Callow P. t.. 393[ GENERAL SERVANT WANTED at Inc. Apply BOX lip, SiGNAL WANTED AT ONCE. -A MAN et* some raprrielos in horticulture . o handle our trade ilk Ooderket. Splendid open - Ing and permanent podtion for the right party. Write for tall particulars sad state aperl- enar. STUNK a WELLINGTON, Nur.ry- mos, Toronto. snit TEACHER WANTED POE S. 8. Ns i Ceiba,ne. Duties to commence Jaraary 2, 1911. Profewdowal teacher pre - tined. Mate mazy std q1111 n. Apply to P. MA=esc'y, usameir. 35.11 TEACHER WANTED. -POR U.S.S. Its -I. Aied.44, Colborne sad West Ma- mma*. wits emend -class pr•tKwwiona1 metal - cow baths to commence Jaaore 3rd. 1913. Applications iv.d upto l.ua m h. 7931 WE HAVE PERMANENT P001- TIUN8 ler one or more lady npri._t.. thee In .hob thy and t.wesb'p la Canada. We ma Misr vary attractive tome to thorn wbo quality and are willing to deme tour to dz hours daily to our work. C mahold toaoband thaw taringaalllp ameee Popo- r., mmel aspialmance olio cm devote al be aampl mead fee ask ,.robe. nml- tedrM(m.dlately, 1201 til. Wiutpeg. Ad- dress m NOTiCE TO CREDITORS. 11 THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LitX, D1[. EAa1LD, bSettee b .Ives that allweer1bseva maim' Ile dM - latest the laws ef Oeleneb. R'1eer in or* pe.. whet died es r about tic fetk delay ef Octo- ber MIL m remind to sane by pat Repaid r ,neve a tM weJa1SmL ezeet44: lr mid pieta, en or, before w Rk dog of Dormbor le writhe ef their ..imm andel el pert sewrMILieslartt13.. 11 ..I, held by them ; and that stew mm tam Meotlmhal date W seeentris et chid WISIZ wet p ee••l M tpl artteme Ilia assets of Nreperd00 s ivrear ami x( ihs etsmmse to wed.imithe etoMe cyto 100 have led el"sssattinss eat ibsi. 100 004 sseentrwed ptsi..M Ata be eet le paaa/T.pwshle ler s wblmfm collaion rs ragame M 100 D.tY Hak reraired M...mber. A. D MIL MATILDA C. 144. fpm gamtaeta. 1dnt► Out 'PEACHES WANTED. --II. 9. NO. 5, 1. Colborw, duties to oommMsee January lad. ma A ppl, .,hung gaiety and yy aa l/4ea- tlene, to .. J. MOBER. Secretary. lietlrimh P.O. 77a T6' 1ER WANTED. -FOR a S. No. R A.hdsld. Dative r m .0ee Jan - mar Sid, ME State Mary and qualifications trocb r preferred. Apply to RICHARD JOHNSTON. Mafekibg P. O. 7641. a. walL.ta heek4s.id t in verj Iasi*Ims trarisd. but all red'. dreg stare, j r in DDu.hhe s ,lsIhow roomy es,.s la ~elsiratm gees Mies lfee dle5mr see which is to be gives away the fist day a the new yea[ tRaavge embins4 these Panre . Kana f New In b lett sp,.R. ei & ADJOUHNRD SALE OF LAND .1 MRTAZEli Tae adjoin nod este et load ter tam will eke Pare at Gee Cert House le the towel .f Dederick en T..elay. December MA, 1911. at the bear of t o'Heat pm. WM. HOLMLS. Temoirer G Barna. nderich. December S. IM (; 1i1BACHBR WANTED. -FOR 8. 8, .1 Na L Colborne. at Beomillr. [Ostia, to commence Jammy 1st 1N2 elate Mob and amllfired oue. Address C. A YANSTONE. eoretry. BeemLWr P. 0. 7su WANTED. HANDY MAN RINE iRES WORK b OEN Ilea Apply a THE BWNAL. TTANTBD.-LIVE RED FOXES, ismala Apply DUI US. Duties Ost. 7911 BYLAW NO. 16 OF 1911 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OODERICH. A BTLIW TO Psowtsrr em BALs "r Rsrizt or SPIRITUOUS, FaanasTaD Ow Orfila MAS• VEATTCHEDIAQUOIMIN TAa ovoIGMA IJT? Off THE TOWN or UODOIICH. FOR SALE OR TO 11111 TeaM1'WICIPALCocteau. to, THi Co Hpnsa- T10z or THE 3 owe or GOoSRICn 002[5? mums AM rosiow..:- t -The sate by retail .1fad ntuom., fermented Or other maaufaetcred liquor- In every Lure. ea or otter house or place of public entertain mot within the muoielpalur of the town of Godericb L and .hall be ptobiblted• and the vale thereof. a:orpt by wholesale, In every •hop or place 'entitle the orid municipality other [baa a hour of paha- enterlalnm1e5t is and *ball be litewtne prohibited. 2. -3 hi. bylaw *hall Dome into force and take efinet a- from the fit.[ day of May twit aver the fir..J pawing thereof. 3 -Th.: vote of the elector- of tie said town of God., .1h eb.0 be taken on 1 his bylaw by the deputy ref toning officers brreiasfter named on Monday. the tint osy of January. 11411. cam - motions at the hour ca mise o'clock in ihe fore- noon and continuing anal five .clock in the .harpoon or the *amu day at the bode ee• t lomat prat* : PotIu.g vlydfvielo. Ns 1, at Thompron'. wood .bop, by John IL Edward. deputy re- turning oMner Polling subdivides Ns iL at Wm. Sharman's repair mop, Bast .r r, d t. by Crozier Dates. deputy returning Mixt. Poll.ne subdivides No. 3. at Ib* Town Hall. by Edward l'. Bele-bet, deputy returs1ng ht6oer. Polling subdlvtdoo Ile. 1, at &ethers' wood shop, by Harm A. Tailed, deputy ret.reim, officer. Polling Anb-divi.Wn Its S. et Mei. Waltoe's store. W e.I aced. by O... C. Beck. d.pnty ret0r*lrg @Meer. PoDle. ob.4Ivi5.c Ne. 1. at McPhee • Were. West ear set, by H. L Warms deputy return- mfelliet pacer. sabdieision Vs 7, et limier Nevill's hove, y Dowd Meant. deputy ret rning o lie Saturday. the bib day of December. MIL at W council Members la the .aid town of Godes** et the hour of tam tieback in the foremost, the Mayr of the void corporation shell appoint r writlag, fined by iMsalt. two peewees to attend et the seal nmmming up et the woe+ ac the C and one person thW attend tteach palling ea behalf of personinterested in of e preenot- lag HAL bylaw Mad a lip .elms en behalf et the persons lntsresed kis mad denims el sines Ing the paring of tbb. bylaw. S.- rbc Clerk of the wild maddpel emu* of the town of Dederick Malt .Mod at Y. omen laths Town Hall et tee o'clock in the forenoon on the mooed day of Januar. MIX to on up the number of votes for ed ,gated the bylaw Il.t.d at the council &cambers at the town of Oodaieb the 17th day.1 November. A. U. INH. TDRENT. - HOUSE SITUATED an the M the hms samppart d dlt 1006. Tad deet. AApplyy t JUDOS HOt.T. by F. F. Lawrence. HOUSO TO RENT. -PORTION OF .11 double bene a. Wet stmet Medrs rid. At pe s JAL HA WKIies N%L Crest. TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR mal sr to mot. k t, en Nelms .td Nowise aresee win be PaIDH ldsri w easy a F.1 S( FARM. BIGHTY-EIGHT r W0 j berrm Lake Mem.. AYf ft IfIJd)liALe" PSOU ▪ P LAND FOR SALE. -SIXTY-ONE atim of teed. part of let Ma 1,,sonde, tl Oelb sem ; .s ..add Mos ,hear. 4, 4o.d, wed h • butch., ,tate of enwa v.so. Merit hs e 04 ; mom rebel g end as2r *se avmm wort. ZZITApply *0 ASTAGNy AIJ t. Dna P 0,-- lel id OM .RMSM.aPtIR• sod BALLS. -0/41 HUN- DRED Wm-ls seenMse t esegssttber. Os the Modred or 1. a wryer creep .loth o .5 ibee semi beak baro. ... w eige dew ender ehowereit ewes inedied dews 0 bins. Oagdand aro WS won .t [ C- 171dlit mom ' t4. 0seE n: two den. Om esse:107 ars It FOR,solsi 8AI-THAT E 71111- 1' gwpwi. MI of ONNO IN gpg, eis ie..ba aV li w WiWs m ttu. _ _ _- - •11 sre two habil bwumea. mei of 540100. wee bent b(WA Wet ymr, and the stiele r brat dam repair. e have se end_ e; ttttma WILL BEAT HYDRO -ELECTRIC J. L. BRODiE PROMISES CHEAPER POWER IN SHORTER TIME. Another Latter from the Salt Man Read at the Town Council -Estimates for GoderIch Harbor improve- ments Brought Down at Last Ses- sion of Ottawa House. W ith the exception of Councillors Yeast -ter and Wallace all the mem- bore of the town council were in their planes at the regular meeting out Fri- day evening. The first Communication wee from J. Leopold Brodie. of the Salt King Company. of London. England. it WO. directed to the Mayor and woe as follows : Itis O. Cameros Ksq•, K. C., The Mayor of tiuderecb. tioderioh. IWA0 SHE. -I have received a letter from Mr. Roberta dated 7Uu of November informing me that the council reoetr04 wutb favor my proposed agreement with them and that they are ako expeettnx a report from the Hydro- electric ydroelectric 4urumention. 1 hope the m.la of the amietioner• report on the Mutleod Hg Iver scheme will no delay yon from .waling tie prsientrerie. reignited in donute1W1 with my agreement with tie ooemru. In coder to farilitete =after*, 1 am writing to .atom your tb-t if the conal will give me ah sec gement to supply them with sight and power foe a definite tern[ of thirty leers, with M. G. CAMERON. L L. KNOX. Mayr. Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a p.,p•vd bylaw which bas Memtat.. 1010 oon .:ereltion. and which will be finally passed by the council of the maniclati ity On the event of the tkwiest of tie demon being obtained three ea provided by The. Liquor Limon. Act sed asa.dmeet1 Marmot after ot•e month from the first pn blldation Germ( to The Signal newspaper. the date of which trrd pabtidatbn was the ,,wench day et December. 1911. and that the votes of the electors of the .aid municipality wilt be taken thereon on the day and the hours .ad et the Mom therein fixed. L 1.. KNOX, t :lark. filOWN OF GODERICH, BYLAW 1 NO. 49 OF SRL To razz rim Tars or 105 Lrse•T=m or ewe town Or 000enuce =771100 TO void on 110017 "MUMS, ON A gCTIuw TO M .C"M'TfsD wisTw"t =z tuns a*Tsr•1m •zz 141 1AVOa or • .07111.7 or tu,.1'a1C row= ram rim OraaO- Etsc.-rsic Pow= Com rmom IW (lorrasro. Whereto the munklpal march of the me- poeatbo of the towel of Oalerleb deems it e dvieable to embdt to the mtepayan el w raid town d (loderlrb entitled to vote en 1.05.1 bylaw* a geestie eswtwither the mid ratepayers w In taver • . pity of M . etric power from the Hydra 11w Co mmiseion et (Maria Therefore *be commit of the earpsmaues et th0 town of Ooderleb emote se f.liew,; 1.- That the foaming question be eabmltted to the ratepayers of the me51dp*1 esrp1nuss K the town et 0.derirb .00tid to vete ea Am You r0 rams or ,,Pham, .Sow Tea B ram aircrew Pow= ClDawmmdw Or O"T•slo • SUTTt► tx atZoreec pewee? 1- That time vein of the said eaepyern shall be taken ea tits mesas. sI 10rmum beers on sMwer:plows w s me ti . e Seewi ltie Meade Ifs die temldpal mom bar IAL IL - A tree envy ef tis bylaw Mail be pw► beret a the Minstrel en tbl aafa ►Geed 0 1.* nal. enatdh the& le Nth w •3Sole d December. INH, and a ,ser et thea eau w ap lemeal il at 100r of lid see tem: seem t o the Mk deer et Dec• ober. INH. at the esOeAl ,limber en AM tdrwet le tote sews et p Id i M *desk la the la,eea_ the Mhyer wfn in write. Coped by Mm ageit toe Immo= to attend at the m..l awmrmmg n/ of the vettoo,,.oer by the (at et tae. oend ow* polllitos•perstees /bele Ow M▪ bar el the preens Intosoded n nodus re ohms the serum Ive. W a Llan rn wr MO Wt of tM per05. i.we*ed r end el iw0m gi Oka .a.wertnq of the mid qumties In the ampativs t1aa d.gmttivelemeny. .res de y ..IdAa- be=r4mea .. .B52. 0a rio w al Nem given a Heb 0Nrm01ivm le the ems p .d e00mbme noir ,4 ane et iA a Call10 tf, Li le •ENOS. >fmssa CLIrY .rmi tb 'hirsir essepumas sena Chet PIPUTICIL IgA. ,honfertkr ear st br.r. or Rssl 11r t}9e • •na1. Ientlr of any municipality. Mr. Beck had told him that the expense would be too h .ivy fora municipality to at tempt such a project. The power available in the summer months, be said, would not be sufficient to supply all purpose, unless aaeistenee were ..-cu,td from another Mures. There was ensue diettorsion is to the town's attitude tooard. the Doty Company in its fins n jai diftrul•iee and on the suggestion of the Reeve a motion wise made by C.,u,c.II...o Kelly and Elliott that the .-..u..al µfive Mr. Dotty its moral seep rt In hie present diffls-ulties. Adopter Councillor Cl.rk brongl't up the matter of settling the Ihe. to or of the Bremen who were di....iseed last spring. Two rnoot.hs ..I.ry h.d not been nettled. He made e. motion. which was seconded by Councilor El licit, that the amount be paid. Car- ried. The council then adjourned. as option of newlog for aartber Iffy yeana I will carve tr.; .upply the council wttb cheaper power mad erecta elm; ni me sooner than they e ill °Dein from the Maitland Rorer rebores In other word% no muter whet the prix of Ilgbt sad power will be in the report front the hydroaieoinc Commi-*ion. i will agree to charge Ido moony. and umertake to erect a ppthoset in quicker Mme than It will take the Melilla nd Niter scheme. 1f. on them Mr band. the council will give me a 0 stuiet earrmeet, the ease as you would have to doe the Maitland Rorer power scheme. ypel at the ie me time 1 offer your town a very hep salt Indnetrr. Tia delay amd tlho what or ebeetz11 power Is keeping me away from Oodertcb. The Gulcker the council take action to settle my agnemsat the quicker my wicks will be erected to OodrlaL 1 hare written a Mr. Roberta and have asked him to explain nay proposal to you, and Moine to bear from you and the ooundre views. Yours faithfully J. L*oeoLD 1laonra. Tbe letter was referred to the spec- ial committee. Another letter was from H. J. Lamb. lbs Wien ict engineer of the Dominic,. Public Works Department, and w.. in isomer t o an Inquiry made 1.y 1ayur Cameron in reference to bat hue improvementa at Goderieh. The letter was as follows : Windeor. Nov. 24. toll. MT Duh ML MaoL-to remit W your Waterer tea Sia lint the ecia.te. a. t mor t *owe for tae Geoersch Meteor lmpeu,. maul - at the lest...emu .simemed al1o.e• h. r i 0 31M,WS.0 1, .f w0lo► ave-tv With , r MIAs. Biu.. w.. psr•e1. The oboes .mt05nl wa. tu e).'1 r the ma of Ort fent r hreaa water to the noel+, how metier ouuatrucuen ; crediting to he rbor. walmated at anent M.I,w,.. sea t be t oan.ausnet to pertiaity cover the exlW.blo. of 1.'0. feet tc the north areate.aer, se also the waebteuu.et of the town coca. If It Was decldr to with the MUDS. You ism be ple••ed to bear that full plan - and .pee1Dsatlmbe forthe 1,1.1111fe G et eel. moon . north 5reakwatee were (Yrvoimea to tide .'bhct 'agitator at Ottawa yeeterd e. Tome respectfully. lieserifa }hrri..etr. M. G. camera.rm..It. C.. Mayr. tloaer'cb. Ontario. Ccmmentoing on the last letter, Mayor Cameron stated that the effort - of the councils of the Let two yvmts had induced the Government to *pend a sum in the neigbburhoud of bait it million dollars for berbor ;mpmirce- ntente at Oodericb. The letter clew y *bows, he said, that the plans of the old Goer ran ant are to be carried out. Reten ing W a letter in a local paper, crtuelang the action of the water ■red light courmaoion to not having' the street lights burning in the morning. Mayor Cameron sari he had brought toe matter to the atteLUon of J. H. Rielly, wbo was to see tots the Itgots were turned on every otxaog beoce- forth. Toe finance commute. recow- mended the payment of a number of accounts. rhe report was &dopier. The special coup wt[tee lmum mended that the .tamer hotel be advertAerd for sale by two insertions of an adv.. - Garment In Toronto, lolrdo, Cheelaud and Detroit paper.. The report car - Tbe public warts committee re- ported [bat in the nlast.r of complet- ing the sewer corneae( it was moom- we.ded that a properly certified cheque for [16,000 in favor of the town be accepted w lieu of the proposed $6,- 0110 boner from a .,slam a company. lo the matter of the Huron rand drainage at or near die 0. '1. R. crate - it was reported that the engined'. report on the matter had been re- moved and tett a copy of the pee sad report was forwards* to the desk tot the township of Goderieh and to the ! The reportRai005 ampm.y. Deputy Reeve Naming. Moes has Informed The tinged that the ea bias cheque of the sower so.ereeter bed hese deposited at the Bask of Owes mere.+. Llylaw Na IS. to grant S111,000 to the Alexandra Maris, and Geseraf lieepital trod for the p.mmb..* sea equipment of .new ttikrisf. repave/ it. rsario - peter tow pas tlts t loo. Bylaw Ne. 19, giving the eooadi power to wet* a a idesrnldam from the people on the bydrrt..setu is power swedes, wee tied three times. Ramo Redd. who was ewe of the dsingatea teem the sty oversell who leegrvineea Ides. Adam Berk. Min baler d Power, at T..aMe..uted that Mr. Arrk bed Informed hies that the prime at tieaevk h woad he OW per b. te` p rte at r 0•_ aalog d LOBODesiLOBOLR.. Mir V L Its Last Shot in Goderich mut closing puhl.c inee .t of the campaign in Gcrierteh will •ma held in Victoria Opera House on Fri.ioy even- ing in the uo terrst of Mr. Pr udfoot. Chair token at 8 o'clock. C. H. Sanders, editor of The Exeter Advocate, met with an unfortunate accident on Tuesday, when to.. a•1 hi•e left hand crushed in a printing press. He wail printing ballots ants .. hen a sheet became diepla.•ed he gre.h•.- 1 at it. A ring he wars we•ri• g I•ecame entangled in a piece of .trine in ..ic, a way that he was unable t. extricate his hand in time to save it *nem in jury. He will lose one finger and pos- sibly two. ' Atsort.ez 'r. -leder the aeCOm- modatioo of t.hoseerho toad-• •otrecoa with bili agent for ph t g.ah-, end u who are na ole to visit lt.- udi . ez- copt on holidays. R. R. Seniors wt -h•-- to announce that be will he in his studio all day Uhri.t...ea sod on N. w Years to serve any eit s'-ould mirk* an appointment with b . on either of these days. 3t You will be elbowe,i _ones but by as pleant people, at i/As-gY'. jewellery store, hsIL the lLtltO.sma scheme Roe • odd M bad reason to be lltsty seer cruor tmmem, Malt a Mf It was the 0.. ..wmsmt'. Mw b..l ia` i+ tie to deeds, tib power ledepeed- 1 THE CHRISTMAS SIGNAL. The Christmas Signal will be pub- isbed nest week. Extra space will be available for advertisers, and as the Christmas Signal is known as THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS' 0UIDE it will be advisable for those who count on the Christmas trade to secure their apses early. Advert,-s.rs will facilitate matters greatly by wending in "copy" for their advert ionic eta as early in the week ae possible. THE SIGNAL FOR 1912 With two roe• two* within three months, neersleap r readers of late have had a '.u. *e- •f politics. This it the last weer .•1 i be Provincial elec- tion lsetion campa.g.i, how..ver, and the pres- sure of pulite.•.1 nisi ter will now cease and The Sign.] .ill be able to give more attention • if news features. It is ;he iotentiou the publishers to make Tbe Signal 4. Ger than ever dur- in.t the com-ng yea , and subscribers will be sure of • :cellent value for their money._ SUPPORT THE HOSPITAL. Ministerial Associati-,a - Urges Citizens to Pass the Bylaw. Ata meeting • f ••h ,Ministerial Assoc- iation h. 1c1 M• Dd , December 4, the following •etn•lotion was unanimously adopted and the .r. rotary was author- ized to c••mmuoic-.t- the same to the Weld pies.: Resolse', that we most heartily - approve of and z .ams our appr•eeie- (lon of the effor - put forth by the trustees of Ateieetei. a Hospital to se cure a larger help f .. shat noble w.rrk, and strongly urge our fellow-citisens to peas the nyl.bw vouch wih be sub- mitted to them on Jai .wry 1st, 1912, in aid of the hospital wort. !PLATFORM OF PROGRESS Ifiazifu*v 1 o the Electors of South Buron: Gentlemen, As the Liberal Candidate of this , Appeal to You Riding, I appeal irrespective to yol iru' e of party, for oi'arty your support. It will be in the best interests of the Province to elect a numerically stronger opposition than the Whit- ney Government has had in die! past. I will briefly set before yo.; some of ibe measures of Progressiva Legislatioo, which the Liberal Party will bring forward at the first session of the new Legislature. 1. Restoration of the Counts Model Schools. Throlt:;h the ado - Restore libon of these school,, Mold the Whitney Gosern- meet boa [got only de - Schools moralized the Public School System, but ham also workers a greet injury to the poor 'scholar, elm 'letter prvwent conditions 1e often unable, for financial reasons, to take op teaching. There are at repent over a then[ end retools in the Province, that are bring taught ley teachers without certificates. E. The Fripp Bill, allowing Moll- Wpm/dies to adopt, os a =writs' Tel vola the gym of Luz e leg leads at a higher rate than hosldna'l should have beam allowed to beater Ire. Over 1100 s.eieipalitise moa sheet 100 aewtlpap.rs have p bttoo- ad the Wbil.ey aove*smmH te pro ibis Adore ratters. bet Pinwale Mathew eleuilleedy peltesse Ms pia tide leildeatee. s. ?est isaal Gesell Telepiws Owed y busk OW V lieu I::::se i11 air elms. iels all connecting lines s►oold be owned gond controlled'' by the Pro- vince. 4. The abolition of the Three- FSfths clanse in the Focal Option Majoriry Rale Act. Mil jority u Bale is British BritishJudiceJustine and Fair Play. The pres- ent system of administrating the License Law is oat -mf -date, and steps should be taken to place the same ander the control of an Inde- pendent Commission. 5. A. all the principal water pow env no- owned by the Province, a Hydro fiat rate ,h00ld apply Electric to all power users. Under prevent condit Power ion,, all the large nlanufatunng eoncerne wi11 even tually have to locale dose to the N14irre of power in order to place the:owls-eft on an equal looting with thole' more favorably located. Electric power will Dost elms to $60.00 per b. p. in Harem. while near the Fall, the end is Ire, tike. $90.00. ' Buses will sot permit die to plane other progrvsive meaesrea oetlined Tan TOn in the Liberal pietism. before amid yea, bet if • I. Ir 1 TLUEue es CE ie the bort iaAaeeala et the Premises ea a whale and iratlb Hama i• partiesler. 1 NW /ar your vete mad hawses ea O-•bt1. 11tb Tease 10+eelli . d