HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO g 444544 telle*******4949499, 49494 49+914 4949.49496t9V499test 4t9.X • The News of the District 4 4054 '/"‘ #44544641646464454464S+ 45 *44545 454A 45 40 46 *44 46 4545+444 44:5 ValATMLD. TUMIDAT, Nov. Ilet. r J. a Jetrinanoien.—The fuo.1,,t of the late J. B. Jefferson took piece ;allay. he having reed away ‘,0 aunday massing. V. Ieffereon been a resident of Donnybrook for forty -ae% en yews. bowleg meowed there from DunkpotiOth Re will be rearl. mimed. Wmb ths church andiu he neighborbesd gessarally, ae he ear; a man highly respected by reel ..tie who kneW S,r1o. -Weide Farrow and W. J. Paris w eta tO Wlartasi on Friday IML uo a nelson trip Jobe lied - mood and family are moving Ito thee house on Tames Rethoond's fano. k beiog • more comfortable boos* thou tee one on tbe old home farm Frank Campbell bad the miellortune to hare one of his kande badly cul in the turnip cutter one unfit last week. ...... J. D. Risley, from Bullet., io spending a week with relatives bore. ..... We are plowed to Is. that the county engloser hes at last seen hie way clear Mohave • tents erecated on each side of the north approach to the Westfield bridete. It ban been very much needed. NILE. MONDst. Nov. 27th. A number from Nils attended tbe COncert a: Dungannon thks evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1)odd and Metter Willie are tbe guests of Mr. sad Mrs. Lewis Taylor. List Sunday was the regular mis- sionary Sudsy in Nile Methodist church and the speciai missionary pro - green was given 'as usual. In the everting Rev. A. Drown, Benmiller, save to elICellelet IIIIMMINI on temper- snee and moral reforms Rev. W. Con- way taking tbe work on Bentoiller circuit in Mr. Brown's place. fitivita WZDDINO. —The home of Er. and Mee. Lewis Taylor, brilliantly illuminated within and without, was the scene on Thursday evening last a emoit succeeded celebration of tbe twenty-fitth anniversary of their wed- ding. ' About ose hundred guests were present to offer their congratula- times to "the happy eouple."- among deem being toady who attended the wedding twenty -Bye years ago. An interesting fact was noted, that the bridesmaid. Mrs. D. McPhee (formerly Nis. Ellen Kerr), and the groominuao. Win. Dodd. were also at this cele- bration of the event. Splendid music was dispensed by Wm. McPhee and Tina hiliatt„ violinists, Jos. Carter, comet ist. and the Misses Carter, ac- eompitnists, and to these inspiring strain. the guests “ttipped it" right sorrily till "the we, sine' hours." Appetizing lunches were served in the mune i if the evening, a cumber of .active waiters meting that everyone en plentifully supplied. The presents were beautiful and useful, including a cheque from the "bride's" mother. lire Codd, and a handsome silver tessera ice from the immediate friends and neighbors, which was presented with the following address, to which Mr. and Mrs. Taylor replied in • few well cho.en words expressing their surpria. end pleasure in this gift ot thew 1: 'rods • 'Net •nd N Ira Lewis Ts) lo-. INIAir 1-. RI ICYDN. - We are glithefied tOnlitlit to alotote with you the tweetrotte analytt. en of your wedding. Dating there years MY bon e has be the mono a weeny ttessant mist e, ents of yen have Mew ever buloet 5. eltal,le hoot Meters. Oa all such ow area. your mime boa treaty given us to tia oynnat awl renr meg energetic Woes tv, boa wads that .1.1 might remem- ber the -e maims as Ms bed and blighted of their kA. Yoe: presence haa always been en inspire. Use t. lialitt'er II ring,. You have ...sated to Menthe silver lining To avers (need Rad 10 lire is as attom.pher• on and content- ment which Is IncAt all Ursa. you have been e=rlitY enter - weer, w eaboolas Il5ew. addlad to tilt Pholare of R11 ey yaw modal artnner and sisdy wit_ And is mom limo at trouble or men which come 11 .1 la elenolealeee et elle *Timis, tasks O'er MORI en nervation ruut admen.. ot are like Mita& se tom in the dell tthrie of l tires+ yeg haws aiway* been reedy 'eked , helping MD&jI where neighborly So we lire glad o tbill seem oast welcome em.011 It lia ampici013. and and awn 41dor t" teener to 'on a token01 ear warm aNee ortilae ie UDR and reward for mi- aow se- wishes ter your_ ll000lforhi.„1 Pisa -e Accept tins ellver tea aad with la : lad may the on OA. 11110h anniversary SS IleanyWeir MO le,. r -et, butV.a.tiefer 111511..4 11 Your t"-sTillaseldifforo- CHILDItEiN INJURED. - -- Ordisary Cathartics aed arils and Harsb Pkysc Cause Distressing Complaints. You cannot be over -careful in the ielection of medicine for children. Only the very gentlest bowel medicine should ever he given, except in emer- getter eases. Ordinary pille. cathar- tics and purgatives are apt to do more herrn I han good. They may causes grieine. rause, and other distresring after-etteeta that are f requ en tly bealtlaciestroying. w" persottelly repommend and guarantee- Heidi Orderlies as the West and moat depeedable remedy, which i, e know, for °Constipation and mewl de bowel disorders. We bare Inch area -etas faith in the virtues of this remedy that we sell It on our posran,ce of money hack In *very lu- *Ise, where it falls to Rive entire ratios,' sm. and ere urge all in need cif rm. li medicine to tzy it at our risk. Rezoil Ordielies am mites juat like are partisolatly pronstt and saryet:s1.1e in artioustay be ta" " time. de, Cu ;_ae en nese w.creiton, reoasee, otripinoi, moseeneet .,41)cottiv%A. or ether nedeskiablo ell'oets. e My mild bpi padilve ----",a_ "Pon las wren with *Mob "ne In eneteet, appsersetly est - ...71 " " risnialilire toe&SS Me Ire - mule miswrite'. mat of the Dens overcoming weakens, end salon to ifttorv the bowels tee Mara "Warm* dad hrolthy activity. _,INzell oreinilloc ennoncinty ens- vo4013' roller, 1U oomph Of of • u eleseesNr. • -w Men tend to •11 I ef ',instantly MUM" ' NNW gp,_"/"P th° bowels la sosioll to ...se ,70, of 111 suibk si illeto, nnd In IOW& ail fitif ido Soul to ow kiENMILLER. Wxosausose. Nov. Mt. MAITLAND CoNtitektION NOTtri. - Mre. Miller ii. visiting at the bonne of Chas. Fisher Win. Mew has arrived him England and is pending the winter with his p&rruta here W. B. Forster bada telephone in- stalled in his nee bouse taut n. ek Levi Snyder hen bad Isis threshing engine repaired and is finishine up the season's thesehlog this week A number from tins vicinity attended the dancing party at Kinburn last week and report an enjoyable time. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUZSDAV, NOT. 2tith. NOTIPI. —Mr. Newman. of Toronto, visited at Wm. Milner's last week Mr. and Mrs. Jansen Armstrong, of Brussels, visited at Win. Thontmon's Ian. week Miss Bella %Vilson. of Auburn, visited friends in this vicinity butt week Miss Joeephine Mc- Allister is visiting Auburn friends thin Wwek Mias Andrews and Mrs. Jones, of Prosperity, visited friends in this viciatity this week The funeral of the late Mr. Jeffersonof Donoy- brook. which took place to the Donny- bt ook oeinetery las tTuesday af ternoon. Was. largely attended by _ sorrowing friends and relatives. Ker. R. A. Miller coodtrzted the funeral eery ices. CAN YOU ASK MORE? -- Your Money Back for the Asking—You Promise Nothing. We are go confident that sse can fur- nish relief for indigestion and draperr. ala that we promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to everyone who nese it according to directions who is not perfectly satisfied with the results. We exact no promises anti put no one under any obligation what- ever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right herr where you live, and our reputatho should be sufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We leant everyone who is tronbled with indigestion or dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and buy a box of lama DTI/remota Tablets. Take m thehouse, and ve theirs a reason- able tria& according to directious. If they dou't please you, tell us and we will quickly return your money. They have a very naild but positive action upon the organs with which they come in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed coat of the bewel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Three sizes. 25c., 50c. and 111L01). Remember. you ren obtain Rexall 'ffensediee only at our store -- The Rexall filmy. H. C. Duolop, south side of Square. WEST WAWANOSH. WILDNISEIDAY. Nov. =Md. TOWNSHIP Covidu..—Council met November nod according to adjourn- ment. Members all present; Heave Midis in chair. Minute.' of last meet- ing read and passed. on motion of Messrs. Aitcheson and Murray. Treat-neer.* statement showel balance on band of $416.1S. Moved by Messrs. Wilson and Watson that Henderoon be paid $40 on account and balance to be held over till work' is completed. On motion uf 3lesers. Murray and Wilson orders were drawn on the treatibrer to over amount of taxes charged to partial in Dungannon foratatute labor and that Win. Mole be asked to give a state- ment to council at the next meeting. The taxes of Mrs. Hadley. $5 15. and of Mrs. Stitt, moo, we to be refunded on motion of blesses. NVataon and Wil- son. Moved tv Meseta. Wilson and Murray that the matter of Young's drain be left over until after January 1s1. 19)2, seeing that it is impossible to make a survey and proper examina- tion of the work in dispute. The Guelph Junction railway question was loft met till next tneeting on motion of Meeses. Watson and Aitcheson. Tbe following cheques were insued on motion of Messrs. Murray and Wil - .00: A. Johneon, plank. 50c: D. Mc- Allister. gravel, 31.50: W. Henry, gravelling between concessions 1 and 2, *1190; Chas. °Irvin, inspecting. $4 John Barber. gravel. $4.10; Case Mc- Allister. repairing bridge, concession 8, Ill : Young &tate. lumber and posts, $48.40: %Yon. Hill & Son. lum- ber, *24 D. McDonald. making tim- ber and covering bridge on • north laoundary'$S; R. Thompson, gravel, 111.50; 7 W. Ford, railing for bridge on north boundary. $18.40; W. A. Wilson. inspecting brains on moth boundary. $5; Jas. Feegan. gravel and one-half day's shovelling. $4.34; Thoe. Sandy. tile, 1141113.15; Geo. Ca/ - well, gravel, 511; lease Brown, tile, $23.90: IL Miller, building bridge, coneession 12. $00: J. Wightsuan, two days rutting weeds. $2: P. Wat- mom filling bridge on concession 12, and remaining four culverts. $9.50; Geo. Hamilton, gravelling oo conces- sion 1. Mr H. J. Andrews. gravel, $19 8. Scott. gravel. 52: Alex. Btu - maroon. brushing on concession 12, 56.75; John Wihron, ditching on con- cessions 4 and & 512; John Mowa gravek $4.80; Thos. McPhee, putting In culvert on emecessioo 1. $10.25 : J. Cranston, ramekin* culvert, tile and heading sams $7.40; J. Renderwm. part pepsine cm tile,brt: R. Moore. refund ore statute $1.00 : A. Stewart, eulvtort. wept loou.ndary,j1i 40 refund on statute labor J. *4. Thos. Iffiliott. 111. Thos. Notion& SM. W,n. Rattliews. 11, D. Gies. Ill, 51, Rev. Rieke 112. WM. ford Paw Seabee Al, Arm- Molerlbed Robinson 31. Geo Bred- sterinenrail. ethane, 11. FL on taws -are- 1.14.11114ru.ALgkelmelsofetn.= by D. illarray mot los the inesebere odlloormoi dor omen board of Watt extend to lir Batik ar•d lam NIONs °sr elesemet erapath y is *dr resent e a d bereavement. by all ths treembere of the bow& Oseesil otliooroort to to orstoo.o ern Denser MI AWOL W. O. Nee LEEBORN. Ten:MAY, Nov. Leith. LZICHURN LOCA La. - ims ni lad ye Stew - art was home from Goderich over Sue- d a y Rise Laura Lautenalayer spent the week -end at home John lAnkinter was confined to the house for the last couple of weeks but his many friends ace glad to sae bim around again Fred Linfield, an old Leeburn boy, now of Utah, is el/siting hie father and other relatives at Loyal and attended church Isere oo Suuday T. Kelly and sister. Mies Mary, moved hurt week to Sanford. Mr. had Mies Kelly were good neigh- bors and will be much mimed Mr. and Mrs. Archie Horton enter- tained about sixty of the young people at • dancing party last Friday night. EAST WAWANOSH. SATURDAY. Nov. 18th. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL—The council met in Belgrave on Saturday, No- vember 18th; ell the members pres- ent. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. On motion of Coun- cillors Campbell and Scott, the Reeve was instructed to interview the town- shipsolicitor regardiog construction of river bridge. concession 9, and have him instruct the owstractors, the Hunter Bridge Co., Kincardine* that unless the bridge is completed forth- with further steps will be taken with a view to a speedy completion of this contract. Bylaw No. 10, 1911, ap- pointing place of nomination. plaass of election, etc., was duly react and peened. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: James„McGill, re- pairing Porter's Midge, concession I. $5: Robt. Johnston. the sod digging ditch, sideline 33 and 34. concession •.).. l.10: John T. Coultes,cutting hill and widening road. oppoeite lot 34, concessions 8 and 9, $40; John T. Coultas, gr welling on sideline 13 an* 34. concession 5. $31.50; Robt. Sheik, making deviation road at River, con- cession 10, 4r2.50; Robe Sheik, gravel and gravelling. $3.20; Mc.KInnon Bros,. filling approach at river bridge, concession 10, $3S; McKinnon Bros., gravelling on northern boundary. $213.55; McKinnon Brod., gray= on western boundary, $48 75; Thompson, inspecting on western boundary, $3; Chas. 'Thorns, invent - ink( on northern boundary. 13; Robt. Baird, underbrushing on northern boandary, $8: Jas. Wilson, material and work on western boundary, 82.25; Peter Mason, tile and drain, Oaken° aed 31. concemion 9, *7; Duoley Holmes. taking s.ffidavits re bridge debentures, $1; A. Porterfield, clerk's fern on the Blyth ereex dram, 510; Dustan Beecroft, 3 yds. gravel, Wets.: Jas. Martin, V yds. gravel. *2.20; E. 113 yds. gravel, *3.30: Wm. Nixon, 013 yds. gravel. 3960; Sam. Scott, :43 yds. gravel, *2.80; Jahn Red- mond,9-2 yds. gravel, 142.211; Jos. Stonebouse, part payment respecting river bridges, 360. The council then adjourned to meet again on Friday, December 15th next, at 10 o'iilock. ALEX. Pt tRTERVIRLD Clerk. Better. Willie : -All the stores closed on the day itry uncle died." Tommy: "That's nothing. All the banks closed for three weeks the day after my pa left Marn."—Puck. Hard to Suit. Wigg—"Bjones is pretty leuel to P1' isn't be r Wagg—"Almost aa hard to please as ti college graduate looking for his tire job.' —Philadelphia Record. "James. ' said Mr. Rekele, •'I believe you saw me—me—saluting the nurse- maid ?'"'Why, yes, sir," replied the butler. " Well, it's beet to keep quiet about it. Do you understand ?" Yes, rait-," replied James. with upturned palm. "silence is golden, sir." Teseasoav, Nominative. 11, 1911 7 44111 fled sikeisclegyeins being an increasing tendency The Oki Folks le cenegnslos. TM corrective they and is "NA -DRU -CO" Laxatives ENNA, dIfisreat beet tosithis kselloas. fiseeed te bike, mid and phis A laid (or lees) Mbed-dthe kOlnisireditf• 11‘21.111151 fe duo wer needed. Cot the NA -00 po• _is. by aspen eke:nista West Wok Nod tiseitiatry. 4,41q 26e. a boa. If yew engin kee addJlat ems NATIONAL SNUG • 000/1115111 amd Ms. aid wairsintiamsam.linith OV CANADA. LINInglik 22 Semi -ready Suits for VS Some men who have never bought Semi -ready Clothes pay us the highest compliment. "Your clothes are too high-class for inc !" said one gentleman. He judged by general report, which, though com- plimentary-, misled him. High-class does not ne- cessarily mean expensive. The best is the cheapest. Semi -ready Clothes represent the most for the money. $15 is the lowest price for Suit or Over-, coat of Semi -ready Tailoring because no good suit can be tailored for less. -High-class" with us means good quality, good value, good—all over, inside and out. Convinc= ingly good, in every one of the five essentials. Just Twent3i0Three Dayi More Till Christmas and only twenty of than are Shopping Days. Most etambatiesily do ave declare that. the beet time to buy your Chriettnes Gifts i.; NOW. You e,an at whu you want at the "Eleventh Hour" at McLean Bros., but if you buy DOW you will have an almost un- broken stock to choose from; beeldee, you cannot exerciee ouch good judgement in your choice of presents during the ••rusb hours" as you can befere the rush commencers. We mention below a few articles which should make appreciated gifts. Silk Mufflers Nobby Neckwear (Silk and Knitted) Arm Bands Silk Hose and Tie (Combination Set) Suspenders (Pearl trimmed) Fancy Shirts Gloves Fur -hued, itemises, and all the leading lines. In fact, we base everything in up-to-date Glovewaire. These lines referred to are all put up in neat boles end ar.. all attractive in appearance es well as in quality. We mentiou only a few of the lines we carry, which comprise a most up-to-date stock. Remember when you buy your gift.. tt "Me LEAN'S" your prese.nts are of the most useful charaeter. Tay Now McLean Bros. Semi -Ready Tailors Agents for Stanfield's Urathrtnliabk Underwear and CarhArtt Christmas Gifts Christmas is here again and we have prepared for it better this year than ever. We offer suitable suggestions in the following: EBONY TOILET SETS EBONY MIRRORS EBONY NAIL BRUSHES EBONY TOOTH BRUSHES EBONY MANICURE SETS EBONY HAIR BRUSHES EBONY NAIL FILES EBONY NAIL BUFFERS, Etc. Also a. nice line of Kodaka, ete., Safety Razors, Perfumes, Chose:dates, Christina. Cards, Calendars and Booklets. A pleasure to show goods. F. J. Butland Druggist -The St. re That Pleiuwe." Goderich weseareMearewa.WWW. McLEAN BRos.pa= GODERICH The Signal to Jan. r,'913 for $1.00 Exceptionally Good Values in Men's Overcoats Take One Pain Pill, then Take it Easy. To Head -Off a Headache Medias is Softer time Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pals They Give Read wiebeet Med After-Ellects. For four years 1 was subject to almost constant headache. At times so severe I was unfitted for work. Throegk the advice of a friend I was persuaded to try Dr. Anti -Pain Pills and tbe result has been that I have sparely eradicated my system of 127.,:r awes headaches that a herd and continuota soailla strata "-0 L. Rework Agt G N. W. lty. Ilerly; Ia. Sew thee or AO Deeersie. IN Ones, IN Gioia silage IIISOICat. CO., Tersatona. Take a good look at our aoth Century Brand of Bench -tailored Over- coats—they are not the Jrdinary kind, but the product of the best whole- sale tailoring establish- ment in all Canada. Note the snug -fitting collar, the nicely -shaped should- ers, the hang of the sleeve and the smooth fronts, and mind you the fronts and shoulders are guaranteed never to break. H you are after the best style, 'fit and make of an OWerC011, buy a soth Century Brand. Prices $15 to $25 11==I ==li =I === =I191 STOVES 0 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 it WALTER C. PRIDHAM *Mt wiry 0101.04ae fikalitliddro Underage.; Peabody Overeat The Happy Thought Range still leads the market. As we repeatedly state the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE of Iwo years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE of today. Every year sees improve- ments. The Wm. BUCK STOVE Co. do not change the name of their Range every time they make any change. To the housewife and the cook, the word "Happy Thought" means katisfaction and the best that money can buy. Call at our store and examine the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied that what we state is correct; and to back it up we are willing that you take a *Range on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at the end of the two weeks, you are not perfectly satisfied you are under no obli- gation to keep the -Range. The old saying: The woof of the podding is the eating of rt. The Radiant Home Hotter is like the Happy Thought Range. It Is in a class by itself. It has no equal. It k a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver. Plumbing. Heating, Eavestroughing, etc., we wive special and prompt attention, and all work fully guaranteed. National Portland Cement always Aarried in stock. 11 11 CHAS. C. LE9 'Phones : House 22—Stare 112