HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 6Tnenis ►at• Noyatrsaa u 1011 THE SIGNAL (:1)DLRICH: ONTARIO (THIS MATTER SUPPLIED BY THE I.00AI. OPTION OOMMITI'EE.►,leading lawyer of the town, and told e him I was aeaious to have his views 0o the subject. He said candidly that he was nota teetotaler or temperance crank, and oocart aioally had • drink. •Wbeu the question of prohibition was before the township three years previously he had opposed it because Orillia is on the border of a greats lum- ber district and men would frequently come into the town with Sill or 4411 dollars, hand them to the bartender, purchaw such articles aa they needed. and not leave the town till the whole was .pent. Thele were seyou hotels and one shop license. end he feared if prohibition because operative that this trade wood be lost. He further thought such legislation could not be enforced, and much evil would b• caused, t beerfore be voted against the euactmcot. •1 am familiar, said be, 'with Local conditions, and have often defended hotelkeepers who have been clra1Ktd with breaches of the law, mud know what 1 am talking about. 1 have watched the working of prohibi- tion, and have found no trouble in its enforcement. Its •ecce(.• depends upon a proper piesentntinn of the case to the wwgistratr. the police. and the pnaecutiog attorney. If there condi- tions are right. pi tin tiition i• a success. 1'd het you tr,; you can't l a.y a bottle of withkey in Grillis. To sell liquor herr is not a lucrative employment. One men is now in goal for four , utoi,tlis without the option of a fine for a second often, r, and another bas recently been fined hii for a first of - fen( e, '1 not iced when local option wa• first enacted that the Ioife•re nisappeared, then we lost the rowdy element Arid the 'drunken midnight jeers.' pros- per -it v carne to the home of the work- ingman. and one of the most notable thine;: was the way in which he took his wag,. home instead of spending them in the saloon. The number of rtit•n who cooed their own h..uses in- ore•rteed, and today you'll not find one squalid hut. Even- man either owes his house or takes a proprietory inter. est in it. NVomen who under the- licensing system took in washing be- cause their husbands drank, now get their share of the payroll and have a chance t.• bring up their children propel ly. debta are more easily col- lected, and any trade that has been lost thn,ugh the absence of ter sa- loons has been wore than made up for by the increasing prosperity of the town. There ate no arguments worthy- the name against loot! option. To say that homers are driven ;way by it is ritliculoua, and from my own experience. though I Bret voted agein.t it. 1 should now vote, for it every time,' This testimony was supported on every band. One waoufactur•er wrote: 'I believe that local option in Orelit has not been in may way detrimental to its baseness, and it has vastly improved its moral tone and sobriety. I cannot call to mind a single customer from tee adjacent country whom we have last through the effect of local option, and I know of many who prefer this town to others, as affording lees temptation to their sone.'' A (Joderich Irby Ennishing the Bar The 7 empertnce Tide Is Increasing in Momentum The Liquor Interests Scent Defeat (ioderlch In Line on Jan. 1st, 1912 t The Casa Restated. result will be abolition. iducetioo t us call attention mote again to and information will eventually solve the fact that the present tempernnoe campaign is not dire( tell agninst hotel. keeping 1.01 against the open bar- r(ooni and liquor sellitrg. No doubt we have some voter• in town towboat the words - You can educate and per- euade men to he tentperate. you tau- uot force them -present a difficulty when dealing with the question at issue. But the diftlrulty is moat ini agined than real. It e•aiate more as an abstraction than as u concrete fact. No effort is made to PORI I0 a men to be tetnperate, but etero efforts are made to Ponos greed) men to stop selling to the weak and foolish beastly stuff that VORCeS men to be intemperate. No liquor dealer is in the business sale t<. make profit. He would not stay in the business one week if it didn't pay. The more liquor sold. the mon pro& made. The more a roan can drink: the more profit made out of him. The more drunken a person becomes the more intemperate he ie. Don't be misled. No temperance worker be- lieves for a single moment that people can be coerced into temperance. But remember this, that your temperance workers believe that "local option" We moet effective way to educate the people along temperance lines. Read in this issue the letter that was sent to t o English paper cortoerning the condition of things in Orillia. Those who opposed the bringing on of local option in that town have now been educated to gee the practical benefits arising from this method of temper- ance work. Iiot the men of Orillie ,pre not alone in this. Owen hound, Bowtnanyille, Newmarket - and meets- other anyother places tear the saws testimony. Let Mayor Pearson of Newmark, t speak for himself. When he was in Ootterich on Sunday, Nov, i2.th, Mayor PeArson was publicly asked the fol lowing questions: I. -"Had you any the liquor prohlensin our land in ex- actly the same way as the constant -lashing of a ray of light in a rat hole wakes such a place iwpraclicahlt• for rat purposes. A oHOt.K. The Charge Admitted- Brewers Have Encouraged Dives and Degradation A Liquor Makers' Cooventioe Protests. Chicago, Oct. V. -Yesterday et it. closing session, the brewers' congress received a shock for which it web not pr'epar'ed. The usual resolutions were being reseed. including the hollow pretenses of reform enthusiasm, and the secretary had jiii'st read : "Resolved. that public drinking places which ate the haunts of vice are dangerous, and should he elimin- ated," when Henry Hamilton. a Texas brewer, &ougght the time. Had the presiding officer known what Mr. tiauulton was going to say. he might have been sidetracked„ but the Texas gentleman is a brewer in good and regular standing, and nobody was looking for anything shocking from him. "Mr. Chairman," sail the roan from Texas, "1 ant not a public speaker and 1 hesitate to address this congress. I have heard the reading of the pro- posed resolution and have waited in vain for mine brewer to arise and epeak what he koowe to be the truth on this subject. There can be no doubt that the sale of beer (r any other liquor in resorts and dives .bould bo stopped. 'What is the use. however, of adopt- ing resolutions condewoing its sale when it i.. ;sell known that moat of business men i0 Newmarket who were the resorts of the Targe cities are in opposed to the twinging. on of the! Sonne wabrewers' I fowned nr controlled by the !t beewere? If the brewer does not own II. - 'local option' campaign r" "Yes, we the license he owns the building, or had eluate a few," 6e answered. is in some other way responsible for What is the attitude of those samthe lace. business erten now you have 'torah "lgublic option 2 •With perhaps one e:cel. sentiment has reach .1 tut all who were opposed are now su, potters of it." was the reply. This A' eke f w itself. The present coedi- t of lite Among the class who ally spent their money in the bar- n. m is the very hest answer that ran be given to the statement made. Lewitt option lessens the opportunities fc dr•unkennees. It removes the open • iptation and by so doing it braces ny a teen up teed aids hire to re- gain the mastery of himself. By re- moving the bar you make it .safer for the boys. Renal again the recom- mendation of the roan at the liquor dealers convent i,•0 at ('ulun,ous, Ohio, published in Lest week's issue and pew* over its meaning. 11 is highly improbable that "treats • to the boys will or given by the wholesale desders. 1f not by them, by whoa, then i The answer it obvious-b'the keepers of the liquor stores and the bar -rooms. Remove the hat :,nd this danger is largely eliminated. Allow it to remain and the danger increases. ] et' cannot legisiwte a man sober, but by legislatoon y-oo can remove such evil agencies as lbs open hal- room. them," removing temptatioo, We call upon you to register your vote against it. Ton rosily evil can ditione in our town are being laid bate for tbe slate of which drink is either ,,directly nr indirectly reopens_ ibis.. n Jane:, LI 1st do yorirduty and hili: h the haus Making Mnr Good by Law the sou cannot by law make an indiiidnsl c good ,:,an. in our sena.- of the word is (Atli.: but that you ran by `% law rem•.ve such evil actinic,' as har- m ens. .,ted thereto minimize the teem, atone that he et yortng men, is .absolutely- true. Experience teaches us that wen• it not fOt the law it . weuld (e iwp•,-e.b1r to maintain our Govt.*homed .,nd to protect the lives and propetty of out people. Tbie be• t.e( a so in all ages and nation,'. and the time will never come when any governmert can exist without the e0actmeel of suitable laws tor the en- forcement of ata de^-rees end main- tenance of law mad onset. -faired States Judge fertilised ot North Clare ditus A freedie t point where this thing will not be tolerated. Some of you think that the fight against therobibition wave Tide bait been won. Tel is no wave, i tell you, and the tight has just hegun. The owning of these places and the protectiou of thew by the brewing interests is the thing which gives us the black eye. The anti -liquor forces take the fact and make capital of it, as they justly should. "The bope of the brewing interests is to be found in the elevating of the saloon.. This can not be done by resolutions, but must be done by the brewer severing his connection with places of ill -repute." Not another brewer said a word. The members of the congress sat like statues. No voice was luted to deny tbe charge. After a minute of painful silence, President Androaes put the question and the resolution was paned. Mr. Hamilton's speech was not only a shock for the brewers but will fur- nish a lot of thought for the good people of the country. -The Vindicator. GOOD FOR ORILLIA. HOW ABOUT THE SAME RESULTS FOR GODERICH ? OTERS, DO YOUR DUTY. BANISH THE BAR. The following letter was sent to the "Standard of Empire" by Mr. ( . Pewee Derringgton of Acocks Green. Birmingham. Bog.. concerning the present condition of Orillia, Ont., un- der Loral Option. The letter- reads: "I have recent! returned from Canada, and hive been much inter - TURRET CAPE WRECKED. Vessel Well Kamen is Godericb GOes , Astaire in Big Sura Owen Sound. Nov. 21.-Tbe *Lessner Turret Cape. owned by the Mutual Steamship Line, went sabers on Middle Bank, 'the graveyard of the lakes," near (hire inland, during a terrific storm tact Friday night. The vesvel cleared light from Point Edward early on Friday bound for Port Arthur to load grain for (kodericb and from the outset enoouot.ered a •tiff southwesterly gale. A Geary nown- fall of rain and sleet that evening added to Che difficulty of navigating tbe ship and the inky darkness and the blinding storm rendered it impos- sible to determine the position of the vessel. A strong current off the Bruce peninsula sl(.o added to the difficulty. About 11 o'clock the ('ore Island light was located apparentty about serro miles away and flee minutes later the veseei struck with a rending crash. All efforts to clear the ship were unavailing and tbroughout the night the ship pounded on the shoal. The distress signals were sounded but the sounds were lost at a short distance in the tempera. Db. - tress signals were hoisted in the morning and the steamer Isabella Sands stood by all day. The tug Queen . ot Toherrrroray arri; ed from Owen Sound o0 Saturday end eater brought the tug Harrison, wbieh took oft the eighteen members of the crew with considerable dant- ult q. The vessel was in charge of Captain John Wherry and when it struck (thief e- gineer Duggitt of the Company, a wheelsm•n and a mete were ern the bridge with the captain. The Turret Cape was web known et (ioderich harbor. Bks wintered here lint season. Sir James Whitney and Taxation. Teresa* Weill. estevt by men) things 1 have seen and option in rousef ames Whitney Wows After ref,- ming to sane fads tel heard there. but by ��a1f event to the• temperance rani two by aerie more than it will have • e one in one sodeip.J,1y, another �N.4•ettwtry bell in Texas' the ••8.•verag, tan iirint town narue(1 Orillis,con contain-ead menu- +system the seen Tat i• no rim Trade News en.vys : •`1n makieg our res- ing some Normo inhabitant., and situ On thecontrary it is one ramose why timatev Inn the titer*, it wield be aced 7(1 or en miles north -meet of Tor- we should mike the champs. Probe well for um to cnnaider these fable and onto, 1 was. fort min tely, the guest of ably the most dietingui•hed writer on to meet the issue in the atoms when@ the ea -rosy, , n it ,sill n.•.eesarily i.e fought to n highly n•»trerterl 1 roan de.rrredly Engine' polities. thirty piers oxo or an c( urlusion-.tFw fon.m ref an. thoroughly con - lm ie opin-I ver"alit with the district. inn ' This is a sense significant ad- ••About 40 years ago he left England tui. -sort on the part of the "toede was Walter liagvhnt And one of um wisest thing. he ..sed was Gera isobel. • 1 a•mutrnced business, has been suer -ens- cal progtem. depended on polities! so. Hitherto it has Moe the rodenti to fol as a tanner, and is enthusiastic its smear and theta wiser awl pNokia_ hide behind legisla'ire prruurion and to the t•ossihilitity. of puerto. for government en ala ire 'Nokia, def. .,,glary lots the ways and men in Coined* who are nota aid of Whleas rx.wiste o. gee James mewna of eonductiog the b useame; to work. 1 learnt on the highest author- greasily if he, u* p to gtr Inof for pals maintain that it was a rested Weisel it y that in (his town of Chilli& over an greesive line cwt permit inpMi- !poetised bylaw. therefor news. not be ` menu in Imre tatatbn and in govern- !poetised wit\ • to dee that the per rent. of the they ar the live in tweet by rnmmisiw of .rswnrrgl,eopl . i, t e, f her wee y home, of which the, are the ownerss where it i. *0 by tier to .*pre..s itself and every farmer in the district ownsrsMpsthe semi s out the en 1 mg a• it r.rn for !Ate► he cultivates, that vert Is Roth's'Nur er.roto (.tsar;e, , a„ .i rm.-t to law. a are glad t. note poverty we our mnsleitsa) Igo. Far , �anes� dab nt the hoer a *meet are at last sh.,,, good. en ly unknown, empkiymrnt h have A writes of rued*. i, e,. a little case sun r0.. Into the good, and that no one who te able and country that roots usilliens el nH;n , Iona of public ,,inleti the temper• job. ing to work nerd he without a Ansi prorin(.s.wpr svaulrs; sill Kr e v. ptOple \wvr long invited them time Chet remay �g �, Ante ra that arena for fen, ran(.• "As in this counts) there nos 'trine dueed to •i,yttjs. tenlitndad ars'. . is► diftw,enCes of opinion on blame itre y to Agit v• a "eon matters, tariffs, etc., so it he in ,Oars ' people *eosin reside tor ! en., manse. t Whet doe, in, Ws mean r It Ada: bot in thk. town I could only•• Www d � to � �sow. aakig tier et the tmaaimity as to t'•r henrflts of prohi� /M Kitmr 1'lltdnwaa, itv ssgbedle dtmtap r..11e r fila dlwrMen, wrtse, the rwrotu of the for f)tiillia under lural option , rotate sad worth of st �•k ib. ft.e vetted dry.' 1 a•keal my host to Obrlstww ea starts �s end fealty �s and e� cow • flake me in someone opposed to peer- wos mead bo eta stag Cis ds.nd a foo it ►eMtinn. He maid he knew of no dud �g MMre et �Mledge of in the town who was n lleyersMe 1;0 s�u. !*r.mi nth rr e tb.. � hhoeide s tmsjke her is Tb it. thud he t.k. me to anyone who fie. f W w► NOM tti ~ 'h•*it,t tK truth thrived twvned nn et ' had been opposed to its tntradoetlnn t , �1 1 _ aidhet tssA• know. and Vs rm' he could' 'That's the man i •taw ~' k M a editeenee en i moat.' 1 um Ire III B. Telhdpe, th, Rd t 18 seerviwo them am I'm the Cream of the West Miller, and I'll tell you what I'U do—I'll guarantee your next batch of bread IWILL guarantee it to rise away up out of the pans, and make as delicious bread as you ever tasted. The loaves will be the biggest and most wholesome you ever baked with the same amount of flour. I'll guarantee it or you get back the money you paid for the flour! Now see : Just go to your grocer and buy a bag of Cream of the West Flour. Take it home and bake it up. Give it a trial. Give it a couple of trials. Your oven or yeast might not be just right the first time. Now when you give it a fair trial, if you honestly feel that you have not had splendid satisfaction with Cream of the West Flour, return the unused portion of the bag and get your money back. Just tell the store man your bread didn't come out right and you want your money back as guaranteed. It's not the grocery man who loses. It doesn't come out of his pocket. It is the Campbell Milling Company, Limited, of Toronto, who pay, and they are satisfied to pay if you'll be satisfied to try Cream of the West Flour. Ask your store - keeper about this guz r3Rtee. He knows. He will tell yon Try a bag next baking day. Cream te West Flour The hard Wheat flour that is guaranteed for bread rOCIGI=10000000=000=0=0=0=3C=30001=30C;3 O=o of=O=Cc3o =oi�Oq uaraittu reby affirm sad declare that Cream of the West floor fs a superior bread flour, as such is subject to oro absolute (narantee of money back if not satisfactory r a fair trial. Any dealer is hereby authorized to earns. price ustomer on return of unused portion of bag it the flour is sot as ed. Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto.ARCHIBAtD Cjtmrszu., PRESIDENT0o0001=OI=Oc oc oc Oi=OoOI=o 1 For sale by John Denholm, Bey.h; ile.cow & `lo.yti,.. Clinton 100 Concrete Sidewalks are Safe, Sightly and Everlasting LUMBER used in damp places and on wet ground -as, for instance, in walks -has a very short life. It requires almost constant repairing and, in a few years, needs replacing Concrete, nn the other hand, improves with age, and the very dampness which de- stroys lumber calls out the best qualities of the cement by making it harder and harder -until neither time nor traffic can affect it. rA�A{"a • The best of wooden tri s s0w►rLr,rR walks keep getting • i out of repair, and are a continual menace to life and limb. They ' w are also a frequent source of expensive doctor bill, and lost time. Then again, they ore likely 10 eat up the original cost in repairs before t}:ey are replaced. Concrete walks are sightly, everlasting and safe. They cost less to build and need no repairing nor pasting. Write for our free hook "What the Former Cos Do With Concrete." It tells in plain, simple language, how 7can save money on farm construction using cement for Barns, Dairies, on huts, Fen, e Posts. Troughs, Feeng Floors, fittching Posts, SWI*, Silos, Stairs, and so forth. The Book is well illustrated with photographs, titans and diagrams. Fill out the coupon or send a postal to y megt Simply address it t,,Castle CONN me a cop CO. " tt'inr / tr Fm The Signal to January 1st, 1913 for $z.00 -ode . sasses eleiltratithowassoassms- nronownwn !or sleighing ,br w' P""°`uing =oftemotes lard sod PLO, Box Cutters whi,b have Jost er rived and are n,,e on view in my show rooms. For Strength, Elegance and Comfort the Cutters manu- faa•tured by Messrs. W. Gray, Roos Ltd.. of .cannot be surowswol HIGH IN QUALITY LOW IN PRICE Come and select yours while you have the full range to • cholas from. Robert Wilson HA II1LTON� 8TR I:1 -`i K. LYBEL D=AL*n tlt JUNK 1trair>Iit[b - ROAD— and WELL$ STREET,, Ravings moved io Ooderieh and eel ablished a business here, i iriU buyaft kinds of junk and y goourines. Any papscson sing soy wild sef is re- quested to (rot atZlIrd to my +e addeeand ii w(QD) Cell, ftx i will also buy all kinds of Live Poultry 1K. LYBEL To Winnipeg and West TISAVIL eV Tata Direct Only Canadian I Through Route Car Line Daily Service .sear ammo twain se CessMa Tor.rtat a n d Spandril lelsisers and Drew Oars. Treats to Vawe eser 1030 P. n., *say. dna. Kidd. Ate..( or 0 MwruM. District erssan.er Apirt•Tseewss Brroophey Bros. t The Leading - -- Feateral Directors gd and Embalmers Orden carefully attended t• at all hours, night or da, WA TIN' TO neer TM A T NEW WINTER SUIT and OVERCOAT and you'll make no mistake n 1 • you leave your order with tIUOii DUNLOP *et ,. TM tJpr►dism T• New Cutters I have received einem fins new Cutters and would lite any perrano win is toiling., ,1 in t utters to can and me-• therm at my wWRrtnofli Hamilton street Gs surer to see the now PORE • DOOR CUTTER Th5s M sonsM.hisg entirely now, sad I bmvs the •gency taw 'be heft&a them. o. paay that All lends et Parsers' Imp lenteetm. Repairs, etc.. nn band. Ohm r a call. Alfred Tebboti Hanrfltnn 81 et/aeriel (J. R. UvV• taros, WNW ON Ille ed we eft tea Yw Wk ed Ike Tel rsbi aus rxe 4.n 4* ewe 1w i .Beit Yc tee dad ai Nen time pies nod used ever Wa taeri Wk M0 it si boo hone nes arri, ugh s1' Orli PI Y, met Oell shot gen( tin ban ,trip, alto heal, It' gun, wain whir arri this Alar •ath, of •i risk. Re rang *ere say Cerin they Ing 1a1Aq nt Petal And 1 He eke soots iltee 1.0 Thee test• he elske