HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS
41Tru oenerep for 1912.
n. beotben, Reeve of Aehtt
less In town on Tuesday. l
Bo w _ t wr,
e 4hsz b
e IIy looked os as the right Nm
.the Wanles'achair for 1911 And
the boom will be right worthily be
(Guelph Winter Fair.
The Provincial Winter Firir.will be
mid at Guelph December 11-15.
polesamounting to $11.000 are
dined and sours of them should come
to Huron county. During the fair
pesctiesl lectures will be given by ex.
pair on bubjectr t.Iating to live stock,
point t v- and seeds. Rhegma -faro paa-
mpger rates 011 the railways. .Moot.
Butyn farmers should attet.d.
. p. R. Note.
A snowplow Aarrived indicationy that
wiA nter is
tag trainload of flax was shipped
tom hereWednesday
dnes y afternoonewas
Kootreal and a
brought here on the steamer Rosedale
sad longed iuto the car's at the Gods -
rich (levator. There were thirty -t wo
uses in all -nineteen going to Montreal
and thirteen to Toronto.
Women's Institute.
The members of the teiderich
branch of the Women's Institutewill
meet at the borne of Mrs.
Ilybtbouse street, on Thursday after -
soon. December 7th. the meeting to
start at 3 o'clock sharp. Each mem-
ber is invited to be present with her
fancy work'sod quilt patchwork. 'Alt be
pr. em will be a talk on new idem
for Christmas gifts. A report of the
convention held at Toronto last week
will be given by the president.
Business tor a Goderich Firm.
A deputation of eight men from
HeldiIiIand county, Including the
county engineer, were in town on
Wednesday making arrangements for
the purchase of a quantity of road
mubinery, including crushers. dump
wagons and plows, from the American
Road Machine. Co. The visitors in-
rpected the pliant and expressed them-
selves as well pleased with the macbin-
ett- manufactured by this prosperous!
cocoon. Haldimand county has voted
$S5,U10 for road improvement put --
poses within that county.
Dsstn of Mrs. John Murray.
After en illness extending over two
years. eatberioe Murray, wife of John
kurrsy. Park street, passed away on
Wedneday, November '22nd. She
was in ber flfty-aecond year. The
funeral took place on Saturday after-
n oon to Maitland cemetery. Rev.
Geo. E. Hose conducted the services
sod the pallbearers were Thos. Fitz-
simmons. Robert Jobosta n. Daniel
McLeod and John Murray. The sor-
rowing relatives bare the sympathy
of the community in the loss which
tbey het a suetsined.
Nuptial Reception.
Herbert B. Koss. of Saginaw. Mich.,
son of 1). H. Ross, of Goderich, has
taken to himself s Wife. the bride he-
insMie• Hazel Warren. of Saginaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Rats arrived on Tuesday
evening on s visit in Goderich. A
reception was held the same night at
Ir. loss old borne on Nekton street,
where about thirty gueata spent the
Meiling together-. enjoying a pleas-
ant social time. Mrs. Thos. Miller. of
Saginaw, accompanied the voliNg
couple 011 a visit to her father, b. H..
Rosh. Mr. and Mn. Ross may decide
to reside here pet nranently.
Councillor Kelly Entertains.
Councillor W. E. Kelly extended
the hospitality of leis handsome resi-
dence to the members of the town
.num-il. the civic officials and the rep -
re -eta .t n of the local press on Tues-
day ereo . ,t. A tountiful taidk was
ores] for the delectation of the
sues-. ..lid after the oysters had Leen
attended to His Worship Mayor Cam-
eron rat ved tbe turkey at one end of
tbe boa( .1 while at the other end Host
Kelly dispensed toothsome venison.
Afterwards the gathering had a pleas-
ant ,nisi time and the guests de-
parted with war in words of apprecia-
tion of their host as '•a jolly goad
fellow." •
Harbor aid Marine Notes.
The steamer Wexford arrived last
Benda)• with 1)5.000 bushels of wheat
for the Rig Mill.
The steamer Turret Chief reached
bete last Sunday with 123000 bushels
of wheat and oats for the Goderieh
The steamer Rosedale was another
Sunday arrival at the Goderich eleva-
tor, wtbb wt,t11l bushels of wheat, flax
and barley.
The steamer Turret Crown rearhed
port on Sunday with 110,000 heshels
of wheat for tbe Bi` Mill. It laid up
herr to make repairs to a damaged
The steamer Empress of Fort Will-
iam arrived on Sunday wilts 115.000
/ashen of wheat for the Ooderich
The eteamer G. R. Crowe arrived on
reecho with 165,000 bushels of wheat
for the Goderirb elevator.
The steamers Iroquois and Algon-
quin with cargoes of 166,000 bushels.
of nate sod W 1% boobies of wheat and
hmrley are due to arrive at the Gode-
rich elevator
MondaThe y o emter Mtoemouot is due on
and Iaar 0'' bseb!le idlest
for the Osdeeleb eleva-
Me steamer Mekimetry is expected
early in the week with 110`000 borehole
elevator.hest and flax for the Goderieb
The steamer Klnntount Is doe '0
arrive at the Big Min today with w
sego of whewt
be strainerOrt ert imino'"alibOuwad.
aeaday. Kea_Nfx the
(a► i. am
k "Posed at Me same plow Idiom
tb. rocks hi tht
Z 4141 re Ue oreadsi enema „LOP IR
° :. ` 4
pr. t nR Queen et-neoof
ng ehe eiew In
Moe.. orf
Mnaisg lied!ION
i Hr fir
,►b tor
A Business Change.
A change takes place t bis week in
the proprietorship of the East street
twat warket,wbich has been purchased
4c Son, of Stratford, and will
r be conducted by them.
Tl os. Legg will have charge of the
Waimea. This is au old -established
tusiness. conducted for many years by
Robert McLean and his sons, and has
always done a good trade. The new
proprietors wake an anuounoeweut in
The Signal's advertising columns this
Freight Traffic on the 0. W. S.
The freight business on the Ontario
West Shore Railway is not to be
sneezed at. ar the line improving to. be
an excellent feeder for the Guelph t
Goderich branch of the C. P. R. Dur-
ing the past three weeks an averwge
of a car a day bas been loaded at dmf.
ferent points along t.be lint. Grain
and hay chiefly constitute the con-
tent* of tbe csln and Station Agent
Robinson informs The Signal that IOU
cars more are wanted W load bay as
soon as they ear be procured. 1f -win-
ter weather should est in et once it
would interfere considerably with the
traffic, as the work of keeping the line
open might prove vet v difficult.
An Elopement Case.
The alleged elopement of Mrs. John
Collins witb a young man named
Harry Lowe is one of the latest sensa-
tions in Goderich." The young couple
were arrested iu London lust Friday
evening on information sent out by
Chief Postlethwaite, of Goderich, and
on Saturday they were brought back
to town. In tbe Police Court on Mon-
day the young man was charged with
theft and atter electing to be tried
summarily by the magistrate the evi•
demos and other c•ircumetaoces oi the
case ware sufficient in the opinion of
the authorities to send him up for
trial. His case likely will come up at
the December Sessions of the Peace,
which open at Goderich on Tuesday.
Deceuber 12tb.
Collins and his wife are an English
couple and have been in Canada only
a short time. Lowe, who is but a mere
boy. came from the sante section of
London, England, as they did and
they became acquainted in Goderich,
where the wife is said to have become
infatuated with him. Collins is a
good workman and their home life in
Godericb is said to have beeu happy
until Lowe appeared.
Lowe is in the county jail awaiting
his trial and the rase against Mrs. Col-
lins will come up in the Police Court
neat Tuesday. Although at large ehe
is under the surveillance of the police
and it has just been learned that she
has retutued to het home.
Rabies Again.
TheGoderich canines are in bard luck.
After a comparatively short period of
freedom the edict. agaiu bus gone forth
that "all does w,thtn the municipality
of the town of tioderich must he con-
fined or isolated by being chained or
kept under loch and key for a period
of one mootb ft ion this date." Under
one cooditioo, however, they are to be
allowed a degree of freedom : when
they are properly muzzled with a me-
tallic macre they may be taken out
by any competent person when under
the immediate control of such person
by being securely attached to a proper
leash. The reason for such precau-
tion., y measures is given in a tele -
Kraal received from Dr. Amyot, of
Toronto. indicating that tbe bead of a
dog sent down from Goderich for ex-
amination was affected with rabies.
A stray yellow collie, showing unmis-
takable signs of rabies, /trunk town
about noon last Friday. it was at
large until about 4:30 in the afternoon.
during which time It bit over twenty
dogs in curious parts of the town. its
career was brought to a sudden end
when R. W. Craigie. of Lee's hard-
ware shire. need a double-barrelled
rifle with "telling effect," after it had
raised a commotion bn that part of the
Square. The head of the animal was
sent to Toronto the following morning
and on Monday the report was re-
ceived which gave the Bo trd of Health
authority to adopt stringent measures
to prevent the spread of the trouble.
Wedded at Denver.
The Denver Daily News refers in the
following terms to the marriage of
Mia Emyline McQuarrie, of Brume's,
a sister of Mrs. John Lawson, of Gode-
rich. The marriage took place in the
Color ado city nn Wednesdwy, Novem-
ber `lend. The bride bas visited in
town on several occasions :
"In the presence of relatives and • a
few intimate friend.. Miss Emyline
McQuarrie. of Brussels. Ontario, Can-
ada. wee united in marriage to Charles
Pringle. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Geddia, where the bride
baa been a guest eioee last spring.
The wedding was the outcome of a
sudden romance. for tbe bride met
young Pringle when abe first came to
Colorado, and upon her return from
Ye Ilowstotse. where she spent the sum-
mer. the young people concluded to be
married. The ceremony took place at
8:90. and was performed b Rev.
Thomas Costello Johnston, of Mulder,
asserted by his brother. HenryJ. John -
et on, of the Epiphany Rpacopal
eburch of Mitt city. The bride was be-
comingly gowned in heavy doche lie
satin. veiled in embroidered chiffon,
and she carried a met of bride
roma end lilies of the va(sy}. Her only
attendant wee F:tbel Oeddie. who was
drafted in pink satin veiled In pink
marquisette. and carried bridesmaid
roses. The beet man was Donald
Armour. of dile efty. The dining-
rooxn wart dseorated in yellow and
white cbrysaatbsuumua, and tit. temp.
Lien ball and Hbesry were ehsrming
pink and white carnatince. Tbs
bridal party went into the
where the eerettwiny was
to the strain, frown the w og mane
from Lnbenarin, played by Mrs IU
Bet (forpmsety of Onderirhl. After the
ewtsna w betdwl dinner was waved.
Atter a eymoon trip to Colorado
Springs the couple will return re Deo
vie and will be M home after Denim -
her 104 VON Rest Twenty -fleet
awonOe. •('h. t- a grand-
son of the btle rt and Adjat-
met Gordo, of H. M. Meaty -first Megi-
msnR aidfaew of 1Jwt-Ont. Qes'
alio •evhtw of the hate
third fdosttlmst. $ Y. 8mvemt7-
Hew about that new suit or overcast f Pr$d
i 'w Tailor
Wlwleg mei priest t I amp. M
sire pee ee, } 1lNssw eeathat Mergs in
sorra rid /pe sarmest., eosrult Prig.
If you are thiaktat of skies Mc -tam ter
Christmas. do not put Mt roar p.rcaesss N the
last few days. (allot Smith's Art Sons, lira
smut. and make your -'-t 1- teem the largo
aew.rtemat times. An expert picture-ban/sr
will execute year order. In tab lima
The date of Knox church choir con -
met has been set for Tuesday, January
Hurry- McCreath ham taken a mention
as local agent for the Prudential Life
Insurance 0o.
The ladies' auxiliary of the Y. M. C.
A. will meet at the residence of Dr.
Haden on Saturday, December 2nd,
at 4 o'clock.
Christmas parcels for the Old Coun-
try must be mailed at Ooderich post-
offloe o0 or before December 7th to
ensure delivery before Christmas Day.
'ibe regular monthly meeting of the
Goderich branch ut the (lhilaren's Aid
Society will be held in the court hoose
next Monde), afternoon at 4 o'clock.
All interested are requested to attend.
"The Wit of the Bible" is tbe sub-
ject of a lecture to be delivered in
Knox church next Tuesday evening,
December 5th, by Rev. D. K. Grant, of
Clinton. Keep the date clear, forst is
an address well worth hearing.
The "Boston Baked Beans" social
held in the basement of the Baptist
church last Thursday evening. under
the auspices of the Young People's
Union, was largely patronized. All
agreed Diet the menu provided was
very palatable. .
Another amnia in the interests of
local option will be beld on Thursday
evening next. J. R. Cavern, of Galt,.
has promised to be present and give an
address on the workings of laud op-
tion in that town. Opposition speak-
ers are invited to attend.
The officers of the Ooderich branch
of the Children's Aid Society have
in their charge a little girl six years
old, for adoption. Both of the little
one's parents are dead. All interested
should communicate with G. 31. Elli-
ott, the county agent, at Goderich.
The Sunday school of Knox church is
tusking arrangements for the annual
Christmas entertainment to be held
on Thursday evening' December 213th.
Choruses by the children and a Christ-
mas drama are special features which
should niake the event a very enjoy-
able one.
Leo Whitty, brakeswan on the G. T.
R., running between Goderich and
Buffalo, met with an accident at Sea -
forth a few days ago while cdbpling
airs. The cars came together with
such force that the brakebar broke
and a piece struck Mr. Whitty on the
side of the head, lacerating one of his
ears. We are glad tar say the injury
is not as bad as at first reported.
The court of revision of the voter's'
list fur the town of Goderich was held
before Judge Doyle at the conrt
house on Monday of this week. As
little attention was paid to the revi-
sion of the Bate in 1910 the work this
year was exceptionally heavy. Ap-
plications were made to have oyer 400
names dealt with, a very large num-
ber of these being requests for addi-
tiane to the list.
Through an inadverteuee, the re-
sult of Miss Evelyn Wilcon'e music
examinations was not included in the
Toronto Conservatory of Music report
published last eummer. Miss Wilson
took first -cleats honors in the first
piano examination and second-class
honors in senior piano. The young
lady. whet pursued her niusical studies
in Goderich during the past year, is
now with her parents at \Vausau,
John B. Ratio was once a Chicago
newsboy, with little opportunity for
scbooling. Being second in a family
of eleven children, he bad to begin to
work early. His nest attempt in pub -
lir w•l at a debate in a church literary
society. He lost the first but won the
next time. From this start be devel-
oped into a most successful entertainer.
Several times he was engaged toenter-
tain in homes where he delivered news-
papers. In one winter be filled 121 en-
gagement, in Chicago alone. it will
he worth your while to hear him next
Monday evening in Victoria Opera
G. M. Elliott, county agent of the
Children's Aid Society, a few days ago
received a letter from a lady residing
in Fort William (a former Oederich
lady) asking for farther information
reeepecting-the lithe girl referred to in
a recent Matte of Tha Signal as one for
whom Mr. Elliott wished to secure s
home. The girl, however, had been
placed before the communication was
received. it is gratifying to Mr. Elliott
to learn that the work of raring for
neglected children is receiving such
widespread attention, and all persons
who patronise The Sinal should be
pleased to learn that it is the paper
that goes home and is read.
How's This?
We offer o..e hundred dollars reward for any
osis of catarrh that moist he cured by Rall•
Catarrh Com.
F. J. c'BENET a CO.. Toledo, 0.
M'e the sadsnigned have known F. J.
vr lsat 13 Flare and believe elm
hie In all brisew taro= end s W Derry out hey shll/s
Dona redo est rein.
Wltarrea Kisses & Mlwwr,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall canine Cure is (ekes Inteesally.
actisaretesdd..t the blood ised teal. met tree.
flakaN efass Pills men upd. `
All Sorts of Weakness and Debility.
People who are rnn down or weak
cannot ptstrong until the vital or -
Rows and roes= are te-
Iasf Uys or wiry. Gus' Mar-
Remnvaeor is observe
geed aid stimulant. It ludMs op the
11J( .. Bram and dna p'oseotcs
dIgIstios sod the Ognmestion of
maw bktoa it Wpm edlesest from
rot and a# Salm Is immanent. be-
/R11'sfru eystals Is ariber lig built op.
We mmfee it. Qin" Nl
&ar bents.
Manidoefird by 1astmnd Medieia.
On, Asiieh. Ont.
Por Isle b, R. R. 1111110e. druggist.
Preemie Cltristenas Cards.
lbs fi1paw► is prepared to furnish
Clinique. Garde with the saute of the
giver p sated on themhese earth
ase very tomb le wogs. at die pressst
time. sod tbsw lea goad aorert.mm4
tis chow harm as Nib Alm Plower
leave onion early.
YOUR O.--In/iidsrtr, era Tuesday. Novae'
her rtes►, lo Mr. sad Ma James Yeses
dtaalsy sliest, twla demi/tor.
PORTER. - At Pereira Hal, es _!Iaadrr. Yw
somber 05* to Mr. sad r+ lIi sed
Porter, s sea
LYNN.- 4laderitta, a November
Mrd. to Mr. and Mn. w/a Lys', a des
Woad Themes I.
C.ARRICX.-la Gederielx es Wedaedy, No-
rick. Mea be Iv. W Mrs. 'flet. ALWN -la Osbert may, ea Friday •
Nev shalt, to l smell 11r'.. W m. lotto
-Noir., a sae.
PFRIMYIiB-•t es Thursday
eveeder Mi11
Ord, te r. and Mrs. K T.
PMra ee r, a sea
COOPER. -At Aletaadea he eltsL Oodtuioa.
on Wedaseday. Nevessber a. to Mr. and
Sr.. A. J. Cooper, • dsmghtw.
KY Saturday fedeeiea esu tinay morning,
years es Mad, wife
JEFFERSON.-In East Wewenoeh. on Sun-
day, November lith, Jobs B. Jefferson, in
hie Mth year.
Next Monaay Night.
Ratio has a noble personality, is zeal-
ous, gentlemanly, unselfish -he wants
W please. He works bard, which ex-
Oains bis success. He will appear in
Victoria Hall Monday, December 4th.
Another Onslaught
On some things that must be gut rid
of before the season .4 vane e i mush
more in which the Christmas trade
will have our full attention.
On Saturday we will put on sale
some forty-five ladies' and mi e• -es'
trimmed and tailored hats. in is
lot there are velvets, velours
plush hate that seryl eel' rem
from $4 to $7. Prelim rot con
now and starting Saturday t
while they last, choice -ooh!
Fifteen only trimmed hats
table. regular values rip to $l.'
they last, choice for only of3c
t1OMirreIISO FOR mem.
Ten overooati in the latest style col-
lars, good beavy iml%rted cloths in
colon, regular values to $10, for
Fifteen extra tine quality Mack
beaver coats, with best heavy twilled
liaings, usually sold at $12 to $14, our
price each only $9.86.
Christmas goods arriying.
reraeaasree e• Teo
..ttrent-., wee
sea bereft. .awbeeiasy.a
V ry W .+taw
seas Hakim.r. • to .uller:r.
Irani a et
ewe r easel ler .eecrl.tr-r CaaMtea. ale
Try trmde.r Ari
lee the IMAMer iY s.
Tarr ere Mete. ehed-
Iveeel weireptic. 01 v
yea a. tram ..
rail,, nESOLEIE dR.
rearms -'tae Maio
Between Toronto a nd
Northbound - First train
leaves Toronto 8.30 s.
p. m., Dec.
god, arriving `south Porcupine
4.20 p. m. following afternoon.
Southbound - First t r a i
leaves South Porcupine 12.30
p.m., Dec. 3rd, arriving Toronto
7.30 a. m. following morning.
The attractive rout-, to Winni•
Peg and Western Canada is via
Grand Trunk and Chicago.
Ocean steafnehip tickets on
sale via ell linea Make your
reservations early.
Full particulars and tickets from F. F.
Lawrence, Town Agent or addre.,e A.
K Dui D. P. A.. Toronto.
New Fall Shoes
The manufacturers this season have
excelled themselves in the number of
popular styles they have brought out.
Every anticipation qf the person who
appreciates natty footwear seems to have
been realized, and we are quite certain we
can please you in style :and price.
RUBBERS are now in stock. Let us
supply you with a pair of Life -Buoy or
Rubber -leaf Brand, at the lowest possible
price. They will give satisfaction.
Downing & MacVicar
North Side of Square, Goderich
jl-e' I1
Na Special "Firing Up"
No Wasteful Piling o0 of Fuel
Ir rye 1».e a tits tart Iisatl the 1af er r W CA •
h .'g 'U Me Nre we eNeee este
Maraf t Mes
"MomM rbc elar s et
we oaaset MOMS a meas seeder. areteaa.,
7N MmN' mat hy. watt seem. to be tars am •.
W sus twtw irr a es of abyss re qv times subs mow
CAKADA lll MGM so _
reslalf rqs e.a M tae ..b w^^
ow1e.e wte+n es tsar...: =w ,.. .rya .m
Ie the meaame es sr Me le y • at
rhe e- m liege Seri a orate. IR▪ MO Lr lash,
et mar
ova me1aes Y Om see 15.
lis lisliat Siwe u,
--l.. "asmw• et_lw.w.
Sok Anent in Ooderlch
Plumbing. Cleating.
(lenera Hardware
THURSDAY, NovsauucR A. 1911, 111
Union Bank of Canada
paid..♦ Colonial - $ 4.766,000
fleet and tl.ii dMd Pwf11s - 3,300.000
Teri Asssds. (Owe) - 63.000.000
Landon, England Office,
III,Threadneedle Street, E. C.
A Baaeh d alb Sack Ilam seen established is Loudon, Ragland,
at lis. st, 1lsssds.adie Stsest), E.C. oboe Iwttars of Credit and Drafty
prgeib at i i malaria paints is Cassia old the 17dled State*, can be
preyed. sod Bossy Transfers arrssgsd.
A Mebane 1msm 1. provided far L . oseveaissee of clients ei the
best whim le Idea, to which their email try be addressed.
Cemspsmdssee solicited.
Lamle.Lele. ammM.JF W. ASH.. Mammpee.
1$, M. C. HART -SMITH. Ateietaet-Mawsgee
We are ready for this
season with a good variety
of men's, women's and
rhildreo's Footwear - the
kind that gives to •,your
feet style and comfort.
Alec a large stuck of
made to fit all shapes of
%1Phone 226
We have in stock at all times a
large variety of up-to-date Trunks,
Gripe, SuitCases and other travelling
The Square
W. F eldman & Go.
No amount of money or 'care can produce better
made, more useful or more stylish Furs than those
which we offer to you at this sale, which commences
We have made a special study of the Fur
business and the goods we offer you represent the
accummulated experience of years in the Fur business.
Five Mink Straight, Muff., trimmed tails, tegnlar 44300, for $221.30
Fifteen Mink Ties. trimmed with heals, tails and tarsal,, reg-
ular 1130.00, for $19.30
Fifteen Persian Lamb Empire and Straight Muffs, tritnmed
with head- and temple. regular dote), f'r $16.50
Twenty-five Persian Iwmh Throws and Ne^k Pieces, nicely
trimmed, regular $15.(10 to W20.00, for, each $7.01) and $9.0
Fiver Sable Muffs and Scarf., regular 114.(1), for $9.50
Persian Paw Neck I'ie,ee, regular $10.011, for......... $4.75
Persian Paw Muffs going for .$7.00
Bleck Wolf Sets, regular $411.tal, fur .. $26.00
Blue Wolf Sets, regular $60.00, for .,0
One only Black Fox Net, regular $8500, going'for., $31,50
Fifteen Mink Marmot Ties going at $2.30
Twenty-five Mink Maraint Respire Muffs, trimmed with beads
and tams, regular 118 ehe►, going fon $4.50
Two Electric Seal Sets, regular $40.00, for . , .. .1116.50
Four only Belgium Lick Hair Bets going Saturday for ..$1$50
Fancy Striped Muskrat Sets $14.50
Five WhiteThibet Siete, regular $l500, for ..., .,,,,...$9;60
Six children's White Ennio. Rete, regular $10.00. going at $11.50
Don't miss this great opportunity, as these arc
the biggest bargains of such high-grade stock ever
offered in Goderich. WE MUST SELL. Not a
single garment will be carried over till next season.