HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 44 fnuas»AY NosErsust S !nal District News. ST.HELENB. L'jOWL OF ALL KINDS WANTED, w ally* er ao es& a p(rrselr Steve,. aspr'i. ESTATE .y gs:stea Kolotia WEDNESDAY, NOW. > k. No*icce.-All admirers of were In Wingbam on Motsday Donald McDonald returssd hosts from the West oo Mooday....Hobert McGuire, Mid Humphrey. John Mc- Donald and Angus McDoseld at- tended tended the funeral of the late lira John Murray, of Godettich, widish took place on Seturde Mr. sad Miss McIntyre and Mae Grace Reed. Lin- 1os11, visited our villlaa�gee on Sunday .Mrs. J. B. Rutherford is at Wing• harp visiUsg friends Rev. Mr. Beveridge, of Toronto. occupied the pulpit in Calvin church on Sabbath and expects to preach here next Rah - bath also. PORTER'S HILL t%'t'DNgiunty, Nov. 11Dtb. Noris. -Fred Potter and sister Frances, of Rolmeeville, and Mi. Clem Anderson. of Klpppen, visited at 0. W. Potter. and C. McPhail's oo Mooday. Mi. Maggie Cox tetui red home on Tuesday, having spent two it ,eke at Seri ngbank. Her sister, Mrs. Daw• son, and children accompanied ber home A Christmas tree and enter. taintrent will be held in Bethel thumb on Thursday evening, December 21. TAYLOR'S CORNERS. Wenva/Da y, Nov. bath. Belem -Mi. Lino.* Sturdy spent the past week vieit lag friends in Gode- rich Our teecber, Miss Lours Pentland, spent Saturday and Sunday at her bonne at Nile Andrew Holmes left recently for the Coast .. ..Chas. Whitely visited at Duoven- non on Sunday. ..Mi. Nellie Hicks. of the 1lth concession, is visiting her relatives here .. Archie Noakes v,sited friends in Colborne on Sunday. David Warner, of Goderich, with his engine and cuttiug outfit has been employed by a number of farms- en, cutting strew, torn and wood for the winter supply. Dave, does good COLBORNE. TUESDAY. Nov. YBth. I work. DOOERICH TOWNSHIP. II000AY, Nor. Cftb. Vona oot.D.-Atter residing oo the I leth eososssiva of this township for nearly twesty-Ave years, Charles 1 noisy W disposed of his eighty -acre harm and has decided to retitle from aSeiettttrnl pursuits and will mous I iaso Clinton next March. Tbs pur- 1 chaser of the property was Robert Pearson, who sold his ltarot on the 21d of Stealer a few weeks ago. The price paid u said to have been in the neighborhood of SUMO. LOTHIAN. TUESDAY, Nov. 214111. PEaeovaur. -T. A. Mc[sit l arrived boss from the Weet last week to spend the winter months at his home ban.. Mw Bessie Barnby visited frissds at Paramount for a few days last week .. Mn. C. Gllwore is vis- iting her daughter, Mot. O'Hara, near Ckealey... Donald MiCLean at- teoisd the North Huron Liberal con - victims held et Wingham on the lith last..... Mia. Webster, of Godericb township. event a new days visiting biocide in this vicinity. ..Joe Mor- rison, who had been in the employ of Tom Sandy for the past twoears, left today for his home at Ports- moutb, fngtaasd Alex. McLean visited friends in Kinloss taut week. SAVED HIS L1Ph. Wb.t Nicholas Barton,' of Claremont, Says Doed's Kidney Pills Did for Him. Clermont, Ont.. Noy. Zit ILISpecial). -Nicholas Burton, the well-known har- ness -maker of this Place, is firmly con- vinced that he owes his life to i odd's Kidney Pills. "About Ihirteeu years ago." Mr. Burton states, "1 grew gradually weak and my skin and eyeballs were as yel- low sa saffron. The doctor here took me to Br,oklin and Later to Toronto for consultation, and the final decision was that 1 mu -t uodergo au operation to remove a supposed canter on my lii-er. My chances of recovery were considered lea nil, and i proceeded to (settle up my business affairs. "Then from something I read 1 be- gan taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. My condition soon began to improve, and, n short. I owe it to them that) aw here today. MAITLAND CoNCESS10N NOTES. - Harold Albin returned from a trip to the West on Tuesday lost. He is ap- parently well satisfied with the country and expects to return at some future date Miss Rosy Durst spent Sunday under the parental roof. Guy Bros. Minstrels proved quite an attraction for the young people last Thursday evening Albert Bond has gone to the county town for the winter... . The young people of the Bentniller circuit spent an enjoy. abbe time at the Zion Methodist church on Monday evening of this week. The time was spent in games and social intercourse. a light Sun -6 being served during the course of the evening. HAiR GROWS THIN. Use Parisian Sage in Time and Prevent Baldness. • If your Bair is growing thinner and thinner and causing you anxiety go to S. R. Wigle today and get a large bottle of Parisian Rage for only o0 Dents. It is such a delightful and re- freshing dressing that you will like to use it regularly. Parisian Sage is guaranteed to stop falling hair and itching scalp, to eradi- cate dandruff and make the hair lus- trous and radiant, ar money back. There is nothing, just as good as Parisian Sage. See you get the pack- age which contains the girl with the auburn Bair. BEWAIL LER. TUESDAY.. Noy.:dttb. CHURCH NOrga.-Rey. W. Conway, B. A., of Nile, and Rev. A. VV. Brown, of Henmiller, exchanged pul- pits last Sunday. Mr. Conway pteeeh- ing missionary sermons at each of the appointments on Benrniller circuit and Mr. Brown preaching temperance eermoni at Nile. Next Sunday Mr. Brown preaches a special sermon to all the young people on the circuit in Bethel church in the evening. Special music by the circuit choir. BRIEFS. -Mies Mabel Snyder- fated her cousin, Miss,Jeae Oke, on Sun - J, f' Stothere, of Masking,called on friends in this yicii,ity on Sunday ... Mre. .1. White, ie., of Godeticb, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heddle, on Monday of this week. . .Mrs. Jonathan Miller, of Cstlow, is spending it few days with Mrs. C. Fisher, also in visiting old friends and scenes. 8be intends to 'spend the next few months with friends in Detroit. ....Mrs. Charles Fisher is tint recovering from her re- cent illness as fast as her friends could wirb. We hope aeon to hear of her rehire to the best of health Inst week the stork visited the home of John Albin, jr., and lett a bouncing baby boy there ... E. T. Pfrimmer is at present wearing a smile that will wear off, Why i' Because of the arrival of a fnew miller in his home last week. Congratulations! What a pity the census -taker was around so party in the year. SURE SiGNS That Yen Have Kideey Trouble. If your back is constantly schism and if you experience dull shootiog pains, if your urine is thick and e{ots� or your es frequent, scanty aw, painful. your kidneys and Madder are r out a order. Neglect quickly brings on rheu- matism, flabo tee, lumbago. sciatica, etc. Booth's Kid- ney P111. are relieve to Ins mosey bath. woi4d' apsciThey for kidsare y Gd e. bI per s. All druggists, postpaid from taw mitew tuesy')hw R. T. au h Co utlt Fort Hype, Ont Pear Mel trQ eh esrntwsd to ri ratios. -4j th's 111v C1 ill, E. Zhi_Lere. south Hares. respectfully solicits your vote and in- fluence at the approaching Provincial election. His platfotin is Liberal and Progrewive. Polling day December 11. AUBURN. (tAtit TURDUCKS. GEESE. TR riyggYd. ebicken. And fowl wanted. Alive er dreawd . K' . . T. for rash or trade- Hiaheat price pallR1DDIiLL, Aoboro. • WEn'ENDA\'. Nor. 'with. Mrs. R. ;A. 1to1ot-ton is re. overing slowly from her recent illness. J. H. Shortt has ieen at t:orri since Sunday attending the funeral his brother-in-law. Mr. and Mre. Gregory Oswald no two children, of Elmira, N. Y.. at visiting at Chas. Beadle's. Frank Raithhy underwent au opera- tion yesterday for the removal some growths in his throat. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Presby- terian church is week from Sunday. G. B. Denstedt left on listordsv to visit his daughter, Mee. Wm. Strauaser, at Rebringrille. Mrs. Den - strait, wbc has been visiting relatives there for the past few weeks, will re- turn with him tonight. Mr. W. Proatdfont, who has been the able renteseatative of Centre H urnn in the Legislature for the past three pare and is again tbe Liberal candidate in the approaching contest. w ill address a meeting of the electors herr tonight. 1 "RESIGN AL : GUDERICH1 4NTAltlu 011NOANNON. DR. NE L.c ow. lA.s oea..ad pdsta id etfl baooatorti att.tioo to Uwe hump odes. _. tr♦ wtll b. wand every day. All N, DKKNTIST, OP e ~aatlsa "herr math 10:101L -THE LOCAL AGENCY Dtr..araea tb dfsaal is •t t wiworest- even ler arasaan vela ter the malt. OKEN8 AND HENS WANTED. D. ter min. every Wedaaduy. J. R. IOA8, Desiet.uoa 7�t IIHRISTMA8 IS OOHING. -C ALI, V at the Pentoeos there sod .01. t your Caristaras aorta A Jatws t of aKlole. tor min" and okt. M. RYAN. Dungannon. Tet•itemsr, Nov. 30th. Mrs. B. J. Crawford is t isitiug friends In Goderich this week. Jos. Mallougb heal purchased Miss Millipo's fares on the 4th concession ot West Wawanosb. The political meeting held here last Thursday evening was addreeeed by A. H. Musgrove, the Conservative candidate, and Miyor Spotton, of Wingbatu. Forbes Bros. and their telephone construction [rang leave tomorrow for Seeforth, haying completed their con tract with the Goderich Rural Tele- phone Co. The Messrs. Forbes have done splendid work in this district and eve, ybudy is sort y to see theta go. RETIRING. -Chas. A. Wallington bas sold bis I00 -acre farm on the 'ltd concewion of Ashfield to G. Pittman. of Wiartou, who takes possession itu- wediatelyy. The porchese prior was 88.700. Mr. Wallington will hold a sale of his fatty stock and implements 011 Decewber 14th. We understand that Mr. and Mrs. Wallington intend to remove to Goderich. They are good citizens and their removal will be regretted. MET 1IODI8T ANNIVERSARY SERVICE. -Thu anniversary- services of the Meth• • •st church were attended with apiece .1 success. On Sunday Rev. S. Jeffer . •. of Lucknow, preached ex- cellent «. mons to large coogregat ions and the choir c f the church rendered special music. On Monday evening a hot supper was servedin the basement of the church and afterwards a con- cert was given in the auditorium by the Imperial Mak Quartette of Lon- don. These Fur singers gave a pro - grain that was heard with intense en- jaywent. Rev. R. A. Miller, of Auburn, assisted the pastor, Rev. L. Bartlett, in discharging tbe duties of chairman and contributed materially to the success of the evening's pro- ceeding+. The proceeds, including Sunday's collections. amounted to over t23tl. CARLOW. IVEUNe.DAT, Nov. a1th. The congregation of Zion church have erected new sheds which are fully tip to date in every'respcct and give ample accommodation. Miss Jean Malley, of Saskatoon, Sask., is the guest of Miss Ferguson. She speaks in such glowing terms of the great %Vestern country that she hardly would wish to become a resi- dent of Colborne township again. Communion service will be held in tbe Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. December 10th. The pre- paratory service on Friday- afternoon, ober Mth, will he conducted by the. pastor. Rev. J. R. Mann, as will also the service on Sunday. James Glen has sold his cattle to .f. F. Andrews. He got 7c. a pound. an indication that it pays to raise the right kind. He takes a number of his Aberdeen Angus breed to Toronto next week for exhibition at the fat stock show. No doubt he will make a good showing. The political meeting on Tuesday night, add -eased by the Liberil candi- date, %V. Proudtoot, was well attend. ed considering the inclement weather. Mr. Pr-oulfont made a lively flgbting speech. the temperance question re- ceiving a good deaf of attention. John Levy way the capable cheirosan. e On Wednesday evening, December Min t Rev. A. A. Scott, 13. A., of India, will address a public meeting in the Baptist chat -eh. Mr. Scott bas spent d some rears as it missionary in India and his address will be very interest- ing. All friends of the mission cause are onrdially invi ted to be present. CREWE. Tt-raoAY, Nov. 98th. A HAPPY Svtr. rr.-Tb* home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mai,,.. of the lth con- cession of Ashfield. was the scene of a veru pretty wedding on Weaieeeda� November 22rtd. when their 00 daughter, Irene N.. became the bride of Wm. Hasty. only sou of Mr. and Mrs. Rnbt. Hefty. of Dungsssos. ti Miss Prouswptiakir 41 e+eee�t. I the . ewedboshe of y Melia 3wsmarde 1tal; Iasi Mils. the ample took theirthe asbosier The is a areas et psIso kr d is silk otitis eft bro dared Millen r sidle. mamidem od Ws IllidrolllieWhinewurbeee of the seade a Geo*fllewet- [. Bartlett, keret wee tied by Ulm the ses.rews the geenes, �. begieg Minot 12b. eikod le the e1brm- • Mem, was s err d llig to the bride was a ring . etwithas-'•Is and t+Mss. to the yam,. gid a y( t �ne/ss adEMS. Wile deg and to eemsds were white bpi ll NSW Ms �:pa a :a�slMsdtn me thewishes rdaThey at re tiedhem ale them to their Mende ge with BACK- ACHE Ir a !1 ay. •ckache yew hens fO Mesas.. Irliackachew ids `Wesoniethiesc_ S Die - Y reidieg aed deans". is ealy me Idiom bet it cures lischnobe every time - Dodd's Sidney Pills BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECT& R l stead faspecially st dseems upwards of 300 Molests Ywodnd and My Smolar teethes. even we trained help. Odle. Sept. 5 to Jur 30. Enter any F Cs .lyse ,.r.: led S'""'t J. W. w or>nvO><.Je J. W. Wrsnrvnr, Caerreree WE PAY CASH FOR kit)KO CAHACA' POSTAGE r'' SOME art"r. • Ai A... ../00. IfycuItoe- • 1•ds_,maleto sell %.rtie , 1 :.ed ea:Alpena qu,Une P^•.•s , , .r cath kind by. mall t3 tens a"!cb:.... • I 0 cows (no! free). QUEBEC STA ffili tXCHANCE (HO) P.O. Box 17', QU _ SEC, Canada. ;OWAN 1 PERFECTION COCOA Is rich in food value -and easy to digest. It is just Cocoa, pure Cocoa, ground from the choicest Cocoa beans. Nurses and Doctors recommend its use in sickness a in health. I -I Do You WOO Cowan. Cocoa.7 Any Edison dealer will demonstrate to you how Thomas A.Edison doubled the entertaining capacity of The Edison Phonograph BARGAIN DA Saturday and Monday The 2nd and 4th of December WZs t. as 2 - MONSTER SALE DAYS - AT THIS STORE and our two last Bargain Days for 1911 AS formerly, on Bargain Days nearly everything will be on sale, and as this will wind up our Bargain Days fr • the year, we will bet- ter our best former bargain prices on these ti days. All the goods will be re -marked for this Great Sale and the - actions will be greater on many things than on former Bargain Days. It you want goods -and who does, not at this time of the year P -be sure and attend this Great Sale. Lots of money in it for the buyer who wants to get ,a big doUar's worth for a $. Just a few items that will be made specially low for this sale. Black Dress Goods Just 6 pieces in all in Cheviots. Melrose and beery settings. cheviot st.yo, Sale price. 11.20 Cheviot $'.35, Sale price... 911c Melrose $r.00, Sale price... Sit :Melrose 85c, Sale price.... ?Sc Melrose 6se, Sale price.... 50e Suitings *its, Sale price.. 90c Suiting, 51.so, Sale price 9Se Diagonal Shoo, for....... 79e Perfecto Underwear Never did we offer such values in Underwear as you can find herr this season. A new mill bas put within oar reach the most dependable Vests and Drawers we ever offered at the prices. children's. girls' boys' ladies' and oleo's, and all these will be offered on sale days at Bargain t;rices starting at Met I8c Saturday and Monday Coats Only a few now left. We think our two Bargain Days will clean them out. Big reductions will be wade Tweed Suiting. A few piece* at about cost and another )ot at less than cost price. 2 ends Shoo for ase. 2 ends 51.23 for 78c. t end 5t rs for 88c. end $1.00 for 6Sc. t end hoc for 40c. Hosiery Nobody disputes the far that we have held first place for Hos- iery for many years and still hold it. We go to the makers for nearly all the Stockings we Gell, hence our bed rock prices. We are going to make • great clear-up on Saturday and Mon- day of about 600 pairs ot heavy school Hose, s. 554, 6, 654, 7. 7%. for the small sum of 15e 8, 8%, 9. 9t1, to for.... 22c Another line not quite so heavy, a nice, smooth, hoe yarn, S to to for 22c Better grades all on sale and two Sole Days. chance is get supply at shout up to Soc but reduced on our This is your your 'winter's maker's prices. Prints 67 pieces Of our beat 125c Priuts, 32 inches wide and every o.e fast color, and your eboiee for only I 1 c - Ginghains 23 pieces. regular 123.2c and 15c, Sale price only..... I lc Flannelettes A big lot to choo.e frost and every one reduced, rs foe 12t,c, 14 for 124c. avec for Ill,, ioc for ... 9c Sweaters and Sweater Coats for boys, girls, and ladies in plain and combination colon. Den) cuts in prices on Saturday an•_' Monday. Bear Coats for children. white, red, brown and grey , a shade over maker's prices will take them on Satur- day and Monday. Gloves and Mits The very newest makes, di- rect front the makers, at Bargain prices on Saturday and 'londay Out of our store full / of goods that will be on sale on Saturday and Monday. we have named just a few things for you to look over to show you in part what is in store for you on Saturday and Monday next, 2nd and 4th of December. J. H. COLBORNE when he invented Edison Amberol Records -the record which Tide yea wit) mdevstand why m many Wed ,eagle.. much good music or every ekas.eter never appeared to meerd festa until the Ambers' Record wee perbetell. Theo yew will aadasstsd how, whoa yes aroma ifhasPbewggAPk. yoe can sears havlselleftbe very beet entertakameat M ovary kind. Theo yes 041 endssat �� . eneadmotagealessmakee the greatest mswd- higniment Medias the ergsaminalIM_ rsiseat--vm. s ether w Aar thesmplikethat der ent re ----w r--. wear the reeeedeadheibi rreee -sc ebneslos plays twice as long needles: exactly the sigh volume of .pend Set your home 1 base rr cording -the ability to make ani reproduce your nen records to year owe hose. Any Religion lover wall demote strata these groat Ursa advantages le flat. INTIM 1111001108 111111177CH RECORDS So maims mow Sta.danl aid .acrlame d . t'. • r• A --01-abre ~re Pb..a.J,it aid assn► APO Le a ed. JAMES F. THOMSON'S MUSiC STORE When selecting your Christ- mas gifts, call and seem stock of DOLLS, TOYSS.. GAMER and FANCY DRYfl00�. This week's Specials are Hair -nets. in all colors, six for 25c. Hair -retainers, at his IIIc. 15c, 20c and 25c. Jabots, at 10e. i5c and 26c. New side Jabot*, at ale and 26c Silk initial Handkerebiefs, 2 for tic. Ladies' Rmbroidery Collars, 2 for 26c. Silk Auto Veils, in all colors. Wo Mels. Good Veiling acre loo to Vie per yard. Ladies' hefts, worth tttr. for Sr. The New Mee Patteroe in stock-- ems, Orders hr 'Klee take fid faking Pities *Wee me eros'*. P.T DEAN 1 1 11 i 1 1 11t1111r11d1ir11►1if W11f Wlj1f IIf11f 11►1Ir11r1b11nir1ii11ilifdllMlb a a Our 6410tto : "A square deal to everyone Framed E Pictures = w e nave lust received it abiptnsat of 300 9 Pictures framed complete with Outs. back, picture. etc. These are part.ic'tlarly imitable for the Chi inane, trade, and are marked et eery popular price.. I Don't orb -look the fact that our stock of / d Fon ue* for the holiday trade is genet estmpie)e. We have some Writhe" D.*., Rockery, Clabieelo. 1 Chairs. Hall H'Ierore, ate.. that would slake most acceptable (Ammons gat*. i01:RCV VORDHi[IltiR PIANOS MUIR & UGHMEi i R E ,3 tale asMw r "Ike int valor ~fir for pro, maw-