HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 4)NiTARJ4I
011I,N,L� 1ew of the E!tatrict.
1'81 E
bound or repaired.
All order. Woraptly atte,ided to on leaving
thorn st TH BIO. L. Oo4.rbh.
and Hydraulic Eadhalirr. Ontario fond
du doe a ee _Maet,b corner
Montreal star.M. 11sYebess
office sad residaecs. North Wirt, Oodericb.
use of Looms lialwry *Mew. 2slsaYsee IX
11 nom and throat only. Rosso ssmoss
Se.. York Ophthalmic and Aural I w
t ordenl .&is. &0d N i luerat
r:PnwA sirs ad lues
London. U Waterloo
:tnttoro. u mums Knox Church. Hoon 9
toll.. m. rWip. so. . 'toto.m. Telephone
1 barristers. solicitors. notaries public.
rentor. 1. the Maritime Coot. oto. Private
uncle to seed at lowest rats.. of Interest
llmoe. £s. *do Square. Oolerlck. W.
g}touotestrr K. C.. 8. C. HAYS, J. L.
I'iLU,RA V. d
TER. solicitor..otary pii Ic. OS.e-
toc Surat. (lodericis. third door floor
IdISTrub. Moon inland at Warners.
w est ea • Oohs
111. ,whiter, eomels�sser .01927 while
(lacy. Haaas.a wrest 9edor3rra Oat
ill O R a N C E CO. -Farm and IrolaM0
row., prop.a'tr'tassrsd.
O mere --J. B. ltd -aa. Pres.. 8sate tk P.O.;
Jar t oindly. ♦ts►Proa. Ooderbbh P. 0.;
Thomas a Mays. esu -T .aa. esa[.rtb P. 0.
Directors - W m Cbssssy. 8saiortta : John
(tOlisve, W1atkso; Witham a. Cas ionoo;
John Hsa.swds, 8redhsrea ; James Evans.
Bssek woos uau, Harbok ; Mabolm
Arent.: J. len, Hoim.svills; R Smith.
Jing. C�rpee
mla. - v�;fey
anw.oa.ati a. it l�tN�s1(eesieds est/c a at
A.J. Morris& s Cgs riser Utlatsa, R at R.
H Cuua O.eesry [lsiasssastreet. Godselsb.
vV lona. Apsty to M. 0. CAY-
\hu , b.rristsr. Haasittes street OodsAob.
Flax ANI LIGO 5150: British, Canadian and
C:1UR1. T, tt,Ceeltaa AND IlJae O/aa• Lisle L••
!Tr : IMP Worm AcsIBent and Osaesatss
n.ralisrk 1vdMLe
d, id Wades. a.
. El
Ilo•°un MIS PgQaaalrssat�M Tae U.8.
Fidelity art tittserslitss(�aNeay
Uate at red-sessss. Ilwetbsset ceras of vie
tart. ,ud IN.11►vta• Mr'esta Phone 176
and socidentln.vrsa,s, terIiadl�
num! and .tock osa�. le al
rem eds. ' IW Va 'we l4. and at kt rate,'
..a1 u canoe, corner West S��� cad sats
t addles. J. W. CH.A161L Wdata& Ost
rel. ,b•s,r sr
A 1; IL lioseme. GsdsAe` Gat
- TTI• won -known and popular Ran
Nes r• its prangs the bed airries 1a s&avtn
bal"antes. mss,, eta ,b
Indian' aapootwts
?Doan, skilled lands employed
Itot11sm Mkit P. ytes� appreciated. H. B
Tau. AN tit: ADuY, LdviswrucK
and general a res he wa�ill be halal et al se o
�M times
�•a on e.'rles .syn. Tomo reNeeable sad
MWiry eft r need to five 7w .W/a.Uoe.
to a Wows h
Itself when'tri�y fleet -class work
i. "onside. ed. Writ for can.ingue.
W. J. 1Melt. Moulds
Muir & Hohmeier
maAFFUNSR AL 0111ERO601-0
R'wsm ss4 P+.es9fw�aas,,,,,1 1mterusea�IM
• •
Mrs. William Gook fell on the icy os garssenta, but In vain. Mlle N »s
sidewalk io Clinton a few days ago 'skins is the house at for time and bar
and had two bones in her lett arm cries brought help from a neighbor
b token. but before belp arrived she was ro
Henry Brenner has purchased terribly buried as to be past human
Henry Zeple's fifty -acre farm on the aid. Her mother was telegraphed for
Town line. Stanley. The price paid and she arrived at the bedside of ber
was 113,000. daughter just about ten minutes be -
Misty resident,' of Toronto and fore ohs died. The deceased was mar -
former resldsnt. of W inghaln have ried in June last and het death took
organized a "Wingbans Club" in the place on November 1st.
Queen City. Usborne Man Severely injured.
The tonsorial pari.(• cf Job C. Samuel Cudmure, of Osborne, met
Elliott, of Brussels, has bees pur- with an unfurtuOOtt- accident a few
chased byCleve. J. Denbow, recently days ago. .Ile owns a cement rile
of Winnpeg. netoutacturing machine and in some
After a comparatively short illness manner he erre caught iu the wachin-
from heart trouble Miss Lida Quance, ery, with the re.ult that both bones of
of Exeter, died on Thursday, Itith the tight Leg were broken about the
init. She wee in her twenty-ninth ankle sad his right ileadder lain and
ohoulderteade vete frecta(ed. the
)rat. whole shoulder being mangled. The
Mts. Jefferson, of Wingham, is in a side of his bead an] bialy also were
serious condition as the maul.. of tall- badly bruised. and a t•h.oin. which was
ing and diatoceting her hip. As she is wound around his bx,y, intuited awn -
its her eighty-eighth year the injury is our iujurles. Mr. Cudwore will be
all the inure serious. confined to his house fo, a long tiwe.
Mn. Tamlyn, wife of Dr. Tarnlyn, Salt Banana at Brussels.
of 1Vingham, died at the family real. Brussels Poet : Alfred Barker, of
donee on Wednesday of last week Brussels, has purchased 1 ne Krnolord
after an extended illness. She was salt blocs, ,.1.0 the tourts,t•n or more
seventy-three years of age.
Mrs. John Nettie field, a former resi-
dent of Turnhert•y, died at Kishey,
Mask.. •,n Monday, November tkb.
She was in her forty-seventh year and
is survived by her husband and seven
A partnership of medical,, practition-
ers has been foinled in Wingham, Dr.
H. J. Adams, 01 Ewhro, having
joined Dr. Agnew in the practice of
their profession.
Evervthiag in rings, pins, brooches
and other jewellery that a fiat -tate
Jewellery stove should have. we have.
Both quality and pica fairly cbal-
lenge criticism. J. A. DAv e1•. jewel-
ler, Gcderich.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Methodist church personage, Exeter,
on Tuesday evening. November 'list.
when Mies Ada Tucker and George
Wright. both of Usborne, were unite,(
in the holy bonds of mammon).
Rev. K. G. Powell performed the cere-
The following are the officers and
directors of North Huron Telephone
Co.. recently elected President, W.
J. Greer; vice-president, Wo. Max-
well ; secretary -treasurer. H. B.
Elliott; directors -W. J. Greer. Win.
Maxwell, John Webster, H. T.
Thomson, ;Southampton, and George
Thomson. Ooderich
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the home of Robert Barnet, 8eaforth,
on November land, when his daughter,
Miss Susannah Mae, was united in mar-
riage to Hiram Charles Lombard, of
Buffalo. The ceremony was perforated
by Rev. Mr. Barker io the:presence of
the immediate friends and relatives of
the contracting parties. Mr. and Mics.
Lombard will reside in Buffalo.
A Stray Deer.
Crediton correspondence of Exeter
Advocate : "A good-sized deer was
seen passing along the Stb concession
on Monday. He carried a fine set of
borne and appeared almost worn out,
baying no doubt strayed from his
haunts op north."
Mr. D,ckenaoe's Record.
David Dickenson has resigned the
position of Division Court bailiff at
Clinton. He held the position for
forty-five years. Mr. Dickenson was
made a bailiff in the fall of 1808 by the
late Judge Tums. the county judges
at that tune having the power of ap-
pointing. Ptavious to that be had
acted for a time, so he had served i
under eight judges in the following
order: Judges Cooper. Davidson,'
Brough, Spain's, Tome, Masson,
Doyle and Holt. Mr. Dickenson is in
bis eighty-second year.
Death of George Fortune, Turnberr-.
George Fortune, one of the oldest
and beet -known residents of Turn -
berry township, died at bis home on
the 15th inst., as a result of injuries
he suetainrd two weeks before, when
he fell and dislocated his bip. l)ir.
Fortune was born in'l4cotland in 1827,
and came to Canada sixty years ago.
For a abort time he Iiyed in Bright
acres adj in n,( t.ud 1.elougiug to the
works. the purchaser is at present
making inquiries as to getting the
well clear ut the ub,LL uCtlnu and may
arrange to get the indus.ry going.
Thele was u.any a teousend barrel
rind sack ut priule salt rh pprd flour
tbie block s.uee its openiug by the lata
F. C. Rogers and we dare .ay as good
a product as 'liver rosy be secured for
many years to come. The uirtanoe
from the G. T. K. neeessi.ate. a lung
haul of both salt and co 1, but this
may be obviated to. putting ep a new
block alougside the railway and pip•
ing the balm to rt.
Aged laesioeua of a-raasrova Dead.
A Vcr) eau bol'.. w.. ..sono L,. JuWI
Rani, ut a l ounces a, 01.1 IUuuay
nue ue,g 01 Loa.. W.er WLacu nc touuu
Wal. [Loa Wo.4a• uau pmaeu pranemity
away uoltu. g Lu. tl.au L. Jor Lau
ettLeu be. ♦*. p,. :♦ Otlu..0J ebvulug MULL
4441 [bide.... tor .e(f,tu.t' 144e onrot.3
tt. Wo,l a. (Leilal. d....uL 1u.uua*uL ne•
bull Ikeda u ue..wna►.u„ auUU. nuc uo.uao
a11u LAO). 14yu.r.11e .1 11114.3 wines weir
aa•.oue, u. r..,,tVcu a w.wW.tua) re
ply. io,ss .tiuuguo .nab uaatll lUt-
Iuw•td !W.( uy .Ito.Ni...e. Mi..
ttruu r w.aweu ua.ae was :Vary mutt
ein.gut. Duk. . emit ..0 tun leis, ut
igut ....utJ- ..,, ye.,a ago.. ruse
Wile /Usalleu u . l.u.,Uaaal tXt-
fore cowa..g 1. . ,...... ALUM u1Lrr a flet.,
attIval .0 L..ic esu ..,. ihcy I. eu at
Moreau., vc1U.e -a. ....b u Luc 1Z,Jr euu-
tweSU 0 ul urs, ..,,, snip, NUare Wey
teawce.1 Iva u or iur.1 ).ars. Twu
9008 auu uue J.-..bu.er sur, eve.
sa. s. 1 . a.uaocr s Death.
Tbe run uuaoa .. u_ vl aa... TrueW-
nar'8 neILW /AL U..Li w 0..d . as a sur-
prl.e t.. ilia. vuu• a .uu wwwu4.t�.
%Viten 0ea uw..al .tt. til bL 4144utlob.ld
IL Was pereler4Lutry .rpeewee WILL sue
Bail Llt.eu 'uer veru 1a1e ►u 1.4a0 00.4.4.
141. report. was 1101. CAM RCL. alas.
liUeWile, LAM Ue.11 quail. .ur & lung
Cider auu Loci utalu ficin ,.ecu Leese.•
Lair at obey woe, a. .4e t1*U uceu un -
utile w leave nal: rouse cur ua) a. (JN
tSe uwrul..g or tick ve.W Ora LUMytn-
tek Mkt LA.•en up L.. bee, nae .Ilii n.e
Wtnuacs alterw.111. a 4Ulre era. Vinson
11'010 t4. ,u..10 .uu Upon •e rast.ba.len
It Na. IUUUU 1118. s...: ,.all le./eta 11..au
the Irak a.... ...- . 14c1e Nae e,e
dente, una t.1) s...2.11 e, Menet, Ural
she w..,4t 1.a. e tvu.W.1.10 bu.el..e,
wwru, uu u u•, L, o.a. Lau toe ruwo.,
lest via Uva.) 1v.4*... (0 tun late
'1tUtW114.4 Ikkke tort
air tau" thee euueely ll•uw u.tutaj
cause., and boys , ort .he tauoly pays-
tt:uu will ue 1 OIIm nut in 1448 elute
Zam-buk W i1kFure Them.
The parau:ula, uanger of chapped
heuds .110 C.,I0 5.r714.:.e ( .par t eLogether
from .h p.au) is Ida, we c. Id Is Ilerly
to petit trate atl., act up Intl..ww.tion,
' frsasru.g. tit hi, coo -poison. , Un<otly
the skin le ururtl, by a cu,, g.8Zr. it
eccwtcu, VI' churn ,.110 ciacae,l by the
detain I we cold w,u.le ami wasc r,
the on.: IleVersary p.rvaut.ou 1e W ap
and Dundee, and then came to Turn- i PlIb pure be.,.ui J*,ci-a 110
re,11 which
berry, where he bad sided ever Zaut Iiia, is prepw•au .re AU petite:try
since. Mr. Fortune was • lifelong I Canute .eu aid rauued that .be IWWruI-
Lihec•sl .►td a member of the Presby- ! ate effect of tue.e Zan -Sue %i comtegs
tei•tan church. Besides iia wife he Is is M)..tb1144..t..c.eplsO ane heahug.
survived by two sons and two daugh- Yaiu quid loH.w,ua.ivu tae al.ay.u,
lets. disease garws a xi.. 11. .1 ouur Ie*.- NUt*00
Usborne Loses an OW Resident. I or sure run ilia lattr.' re q.dtk.y heated.
One of the nldeer and- most est.eerned Zwu-tSuk i. nut poly u la-Pa./lot
residents of l'sMnne. in the person of healer acid skin pu..ti.-. ; IL is sttuu„Iy
Mrs. John Cameron, poised to her re-
affirm. sou ae1Wralost, aodsolosiu.
ward on Mondav ot lad week. She sue 1u. a, plus. t►0., Ax u,e Palo
had reached the adv,nced age of again.* d4rase fetus•
eightyeix years. Mrs. Cameron had It yoiar.y Lor .14 colt! crackschape
enjoyed her usual good health until a ebiibl.Ie.. ,.sled .urns, "c-
ohort time previods to her demise, I Mi.. O. M. Powe-, Nru.:hatel. Alta.,
when a general h•eaaking up of the whirs "1 WUBL tea lou bow paastd
system Pat in and the vital cord was 11 uau N1.1 Z4" -lick. l*.y ourbartd 4..44
au odd (snsu, e on hos I0.4. for nosey
years, auu had Lit d albio•t every
reme,la WILUUUL any Rel:,, but
the 111.t epp.,eatun ut L.m-13ua
seemed .i U..p 111,0 ao wuch the, he
pr res V e1 ed .11d . he so, e is now Cured.
We wvul l 110. toe without Glu, -four iu
the tiuse."
Zrw-iiia IP .I.0 a elite Lure for piles,
etc...ea u,eer.,•a,•.ctspra, ,'..asp serer..
h.o ter-p..,P.,o, bawl I. g, r, ftp. mus, etc.
Its pts.• ly l e, hal c..IU 0ll.,on maks ►t
the ,de.l nal... Ior 5.80.1• a,,d young
cuildaeu. Ali d.u4M,..0 mud mot e. .411
Gnu -line :ilk. .-'1 or post -lire Guru
"ANL Iter ('..., lotonti, tut price. 1ly
al_o % ,w-uui. p, 'JAL tablet.
Toronto to Va..cowsr Without Change
t,an.d.aa •I'ac Ac a114.aiwtan roue
enter esy over els oW11 rails, 0e -rate. .14
own eq',piielut of standard and tour-
ist sloop nM err., dintug con and i
aoachrs aver) day in the y. au betwe•. n
1'uruuw and Vesteem ver without
change of tate. A ,rain in very tem h
tuat ,s the ta.t word its luxury. •1l>te
route 1e via Mort W tlliaau. t'1' iunipeg,
Fksndo,., Regina, Moose Jaw and
Uat„ary. tenant ikons 1(.r all point. in
Cana.aran West and North Cutest
pusnte. :It
snapped She was a we've • of Scot-
land and on her art iv al in this country
she see led first in lialhousie. Be-
tween forty and fifty years ago she
came to the township of U -home and
since hid te-ided-continrrou.ly there.
Former Resident of Exeter.
Word was received at Exeter laat
Thursday of the death at Winnipeg
city hospital of M,.. George Biome t.
a former resident, of Exeter. Tb. de-
ceased had bees a resident of the
Prairie City fur the Ian seven gran.
She was a daughter .1 the late John
Randers and woe horn in Rzeler in
the year tt4 t. .1h..nt twenty-eight
years ago she was monied to her he-
reaved husband, . h.,, with . family of
three sons and one daughter. is left Io
mourp her deml-e. Rhe elan is sur-
vived by her mother, who resides in
Wienipep• and four sisters and two
brotberis. all living* in the West.
Fatally Burned.
Mrs. A. Forties, of Clinton, hap. re-
ceived a letter f,om her sister. Mss.
W. (7. Kyle. of Strome. Alberta. a
former resident of 1.iforth end of
Stanley township, relating the partic-
ulars pertaining to the sad death If
her daughter. Mtn Elmore Hattria.
The young lady, who was but tweety
Mia era was using real oil to
RRI►t a dee when the r•an of nil in her
bss/a reminded. .totting fire to her
.Mitaing. Mb. ran into the hall and
pest on Mr heavy coat, hoping in this
way to smother tis Are In bra hero.
Death of Jamin D. Garde• at Victoria,
a C.
The .Ad news b.. bees recr it 4,1 of
the death at Victoria, B. U.. ot Jame* 1
D. Gordon, son of Mrs. 0. Gordo acid
sister of Mrs. C. 0. fdewtosi. of (kwtt-
ricb. The Victoria Deify Colonist ot
November 11th quakes the following
refenoe :
Mr. Jamie 0. Gordon. a prominent
member of the Loral customs depart-
ment, and a te+idss.t of British Col-
umbia since 1883, peered away at the
Jubilee bospual yesterday afternoon
after an illness ex ending over three
weeks. Uutil bis 1 L. -s. Mr. Gordon
had been in 1 he Canadian cuiksma ser-
vice since 18117, when he joined the
forces of the borderland at 'bail, Brit-
ish Columbia.
Mr. Gorduu leaves a wide circle of
frIrnds and relatives to mourn his
deers, not only in Ibis city, but in
other parts of the Prtnioee, wbere he
had resided from time to time in the
customs semi, e, and 1e fore he entered
it- Though one ..t the most modest
and una-',mins of u,en. Mr. Gerdou
was widely r• ad, cud was grra 1y
esteemed for h,r uprightuesa of chat -
actrr and his p suint kindoees and
g .od-heartralue-s.
l0 18113 a it.b .. tors tb-., Mr. M. P
G.n to.,, of th . city, dee. wed ern wed
In Viet ri. 1 our b.s 1 ative home a•
God. r cb, Out • • ,o, whe. r he Was tore
t fi•ty one ye iag n ..
For one yer
.n Oordoc wee ..idol ., e I by %%.oiler
fir,. her., in Weir f..rnrt ure house
here. L. the .p ing , f . he n 11 year.
he N e t to H... 1 at+ ...d there en-
gaged in al • t•t, ort..,.- •urine.s for
hiwrl'f, with ilia bro h. r. Mr. M. P.
Gorton. as a ear a ,. lits, Annie
M• Q.uwn. of Pic no. N,,va ac•,, i+, be-
came Ili. w,f i 1ttlR +t St. rhomaa,
(In s. ••., who..- N 0 ••don next Re-
sided fora period (.1 four year.. Lahr
.,e et..r.•r..up
t +.as, fin
uti.b Col-
.l.ba, Aida. o lly after .rreovrd
Ka.ulvup, 0..ee •..o e. 1t was there
I het he r.cev.-,t h s rooto.ue appoint.
m. nt. +nJ lb. first ►e di he rens upied
w.R et Trull, f.d:ow,l t'y positions at
Gatew •y, 'I of ,'eco Plain. and then
Vitt• ria, ate r les had I. -en engaged
for I be part five yews.
M. Gureen . ar tie -• n of the late
Mr. Daniel Go d o• of (;odericb, una
leaves & Ile. are. Ur- re cu mourn hie
death. besides ,.is void ,w, who rapid. s
at Lha fau,i,y re•Wer.ce, 404 Oswegu
street, in t h . cul y ; one daughter,
Je-sir. and two s• -n-, Eric and Ear-
arshad, the luLter Dow at McGill Col-
lege ire Mont, rel ; at d bow brothers
and three sis•era Ti•e brother. fol -
1,w : Mr. M. P. Gunton, Victoria :
Mr. J. L Gotd.•n, of Kawloop. ; Mr,
Ww. Got dor., Sac Cot y, Iowa, and the
sisters are Me*. Newton, Goderich
Mrs. Salton, M,.ore Jaw, and Mrs. Me-
Lacblan, Toronto.
Suh'wr•ibets to Y. M . C. A. course
ore requested r of to 'seed 'pbone or-
ders lot o erre, vel seats before 9 a. m.
F, Way, December Lf.
By This Sign
you know
that you are
getting the
one prepa-
ration that
has stood
the test for
over thirty-
five years
and still re-
mains the Standard
tonic -food -medicine,
used and recommended
by the medical profes-
sion the world over.
is the embodiment of
elements that make for
good health and
have you ever heard of a case of
catarrh, bronchitis, inflammation of the
tang:, or pleurisy that did not start
wan a common col?
Every cold you catch has in,it the
twakiogs of one or other of these dis-
eases, if it can break down your defences.
And et -en it it does not develop into
something more dangerous, it will keep
you thoroughly miserable fora week or
two at least.
The wise course, as soon as you feel
the cold coming on, 1. to start taking
NaDrn-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice
and Chloeodyne, and keep it up till the
cold is knocked out completely. This
will do the trick
fly and
Yon can f°splesdide safe in taking
Na-Dro-Co Syrup 01 Linseed, Licorice
and CIl1oodyne, or in giving it to your
ch 1'rm. Weal gladly give hoar
1pbbya n a lista its iagresdiiepnpttsYour Druggist can if
or roc. bottles. Tbe Nsfioi 1 Dreg R
Oemdeal Co. of t'.lrsad. limited. >lt!
Monday December 4th -John B.
Ratto. ReA ad. on page 10
Those who t.hiuk they most Tither
go with ut or troy °heap jewellrvy
When tory haves lisriass amount a
fwou. y N, .pond ehou&1 see the merry
good end t.Ateful th.np we bow* that
are m..denuety pearled. 3. R. ()Avon.
T N! MESE 6000 SOC!
1'HL'R9U.%T, Nuve is sit 31.1. 1911 a
Cold Weather Needs
srsswal4. carr. anomer. NM.
News ot special intermit
from our Knitted Goods Sec-
tion. Almost everything for
the comfort of ladies and
childrnn is to be found in our
well assorted storks.
Ladies' Sweater Coate,
with or without rollers.
very serviceable and
comfortable, all��((��
color's. Each.... $2e�11,p
Other styles at $1.50,
11•a.:y), 1226, $''_70. 113.55 up to
iS t1) each.
Large assortment of all
the latest styles in misses'
and children's Sweaters and
Sweater Coat., from. 5n�.,
e,►ch �/l,
La lies' Knit' ed Skirts,
very much in demand just
now. i d all colors.
Special, each. $1 e75
Child's Skirt with waist
attached ; it very warm
gtrment, in all Mors.
At, each
Children's Rompers. A
very cosy garnl-n' tor little
ones, in whi•., grey and
cantina!, all .izee.
Per pair ... sP1 e50
Ladies Motor Hoods are one of tire newest novelties in $1
headwear, very practical, in sit colors. Each
?Akers' Motor Hoo ds, seine as above. At, each, 51.00
Ladies Aviation Caps -something entirely new and inreat
demand, in all color., at, each, Tao. 51.00. 51.50 and 151.75
Motor Scarfs -the newest in ueckweau. very to hlonable, at,
each SOc, 7110. 51.00 and $1. 0
Great variety of hogs' Hockey ('ape. in all the waned colors.
at, each .. -55.. Sao and 500
Clouds for children's school wear in three ,sines -small, medium
and large, all colors, at, each .. .. 2So, *0o and Cc
'Woollen Gloves and Mitts
Woollen Gloves and Mitts for women. girls and boys.
Extra warm Mitts for ladies in black and colon. Per e]5
pair ............. .... . .. L
Flannel -lined Mitts, very comfortable. Per pair 50s
,Ladies' and children's Wool Gauntlets, all colors. Pel pair,
(Ras and 35c
New Chriattna. Novelties arriving daily.
Lllar'sscotchstore "`
The Weakness of
Liquor Drinkers
The Nage on The Sole
The "INVICTUS" name and trade-
mark on the sole means a great deal to
any shoe -buyer.
It means footwear that will stand up
under every test for fit, style and wear.
It therefore means more for your
money, as well as for your feet and for
your sense of pride as to appearance.
Behind that trade -mark is the assur-
;. nee of an honest -made shoe- -the shoe
) ou should always buy.
Wm. Sharman
"f he St;tut re
Alcohol is a Cumulative Poison That
Unbalances the Mind and Wrecks
the Body --The Gatlin
Treatment Cures the
Liquor Habit
Liquor makes a man's whole
lite a lie. It poisons his brain
and be believes that be feels
Food when he feels had. Under
as influences he believes himself
strong when he is weak and
growing weaker every day; he
believes his business prosperous
when it is on the verge of bank-
ruptey; he believes he is talking
intelligently when he is tltlkiug
like an imbecile; be believes
that he has the eoofidence of his
friends when they wouldn't
trust him fora minute in an im-
Portant matter.
Why not wake up? THiNK
just a little if you can. What
has liquor ever done for your
What is it doing TO you ? Hae
it ever made you any money,
any friends? Come to the Gat-
lin Institute and be cured. But
THREE DAYS of your time
will be required. You will be
accepted for treatment under a
legally executed contract that
you are to be cured in
THREE DAYS -cured to your
entire satisfy^tion-or the fee
you pay shall be refunded at the
end of the third day and treat-
ment shall cost you NOTHING.
You judge the cure -not the
Gatlin Institute.
There are no hypodermic in-
jections, no strong drugs, fro
disagreeable featurew-nothing
to be afraid of. 4 child could
safely take theGatiin treatment.
There is not a poisonous ingredi-
ent in it.
If you cannot cnme to the In-
stitute for THREE DAYS, send
for the Gatlin Home treatment.
It carries practically the amine
contract to cure as Institute
treatment, the only change
being one to protett us against
unscrupulous persons.
A. HARGRAVE, Manager.
Keep You- Christmas Buying in Your Mini at
Men's Overcoats
M• u s heavy • w. ight 1-leten with convert rule ,.o i rnilitan
collar•, r, 1 esey fiery tweeds and chrsioot, in great $7..95
oar sty of patterns. sizes iii to 42. for
A fine s k tion of fs.hionalile tweets, seasonable Q(]
weignle. Hedduced price . .. s(h7
Two hn.d,.d a.r .8wrater (costa with Varsity shape cellars.
14, .e have aV-shape Dollar. d:.•r and b.gb at seek ; some
ace e• :,' le -knitted. elegise rat/stuffs. To be clelared9C Ip
nt l--a'ho. cost -frost Qz7
Rey.' Sec .ter (;casts to b. clewed at........ 4So
Boys Jet ey ti.t ee.ten to be dewed at . 37•
All size, • nd -tyles, inn from . . 52.25
Two for .. *So
Sale price .
Men's 111.ro..lifeud, ttnli i.seaga.....
..... 141es
Men. 11' ellen Underwear. ........... . _ Sista of
Sdtlllli Side el Square
y O.at's /snrisn
N M..sa pions
Don't let anyone go away with
the idea that the
& Co. Piano
is only for the wealthy. This is not
so. True, this is a superior patio -
the piano that has set the standard
in piano building --tbe piano of the
great musicians and people of cul
tura. But anyone may became the
owner of a Heintzman & Co. Piano
the price is within their read; and
reasonable teethe for purchase may
be made.
noel ►ee O.W.s...