HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 2vInt cnocY Nur haulm al, 19i1 GOD e C : O A u. PUBLISHED EVERY HURBDAY n THE sltiN AL PRINTING CO.. halted Tunghai* Can Ne Ila Tame M arssarofew Wu per enema In advaaor„ Sts months, Sea ; thew months, rte To United States sub•ortben, $i.50 • rear e'.rtcUy In ad wool lrabcrlben woo All to reoalva Tari amXAt reglliuiy b rasa win costar a boyar by rias .pallndng us of the fad at es *arty a eats as poi., ble. When s draw at stns le denied. both cad tbe mad new whores abeald W gavaa. AMAl ng fates : •1 and other rrrellsr adv ratio enla, arc Pal tine ter suet !singes sad to per use for each .catwe twelve liar an boob. d by a emptied sudlosr cards of en Ilan and trader, es per year. �Arddvertiaameatis at Last. TireWasted.slat fiat or to trier tar Sale ea feel /M inn !s talar ate. het sapped Neemtitsnaeb taraatia.: a brat fa`.tt the tar emelt i assert smote. Larger ad swots to orepertlen. Annoae0eme•ts fa ordinary reeding type tea cents per Ulm No aetlos lase Una Any spacial sides the Blest at wide` is the picanel7 Want et way Wtvtttual or anon - aeon, !a essibilarei an advertisement and charred +coordlrl Rates for display sadappimllsa. eaa�w - advertise- aesta will be stew co r' •Add ries all oom.aunlranar to THY, SION!L PRINT 'NO 00,. Limited. Oedeetcb Oat OODKRICH. THUHrLAT. NOT. ea :it. ONTARIO'S SCHOOLS The school system of Onta •teed to be the pride of the Provin i (tv greatly has it fallen from th • • .edi- tion t' To the edministratioc of the .duestional affairs of the Province ender Dr. Pvem is directly chargeable in a great degree the present lament- able state of affairs, and until there is a radical shaking rap among the ad- ministrative head& of the Department of Education no real improvement may be expected. The new administration started with the declared intention "f "rais- ing the atatusof the teaching profes. 'ion." This was a laudable intention : but the rnetbods employed to bring it into effect were sot well chosen. After producing a little rebellion among its own followers by the at- tempt to eurta°I the powers of the rural school trustees, the Government retraced its steps and made another move by abolishing the county model schools. This step was taken against the advice of the Liberal members the Legislature and of many prom ent educationists. whose weenie ay to the inevitahie results have abundantly verified. Since the mod schools were chimed it has been fon impossible to secure properly qualifl teachers for all the 'chords : and great many schools. if they were n actually closed, were placed in chart . of teachers who were absolutely wit. out proper training for the work. 1 /910 no fewer than 1.148 teachers we teaching on "permits" or temperer ^_ertiflcates. This is a teal etil, •rad nne th, Might have hewn obviated by the e er•cise of a reasonable degree ..1 pro deuce. The Go. eminent. has beeu rou pelted by the preserve of conditions t restore a few of the model sci.o cls (in. ending one in this county, at Clin- ton) : but the model school system should be restored alit wai, with such changes an present conditions may render advisable. Leading educationists tell US that the model school was an excel lent training ground for the beginner GIVING AWAY A KINGDOM. The Ontario Go immune' has sated a subsidy of tiro million acres of Ind to Macksasie * Mann for one of thew Comedian Northern Railway project&, This territory is about equal in extent to a strip of !and six miles wide from %Vindstrr, Out., to Mootreal. It is not barren land whioh has been thus alien - Med. but the richest agricultural land in Northern Ontario. The grant is made on the "alternate block" system which has been such it curse to West- ern Canada in connection with the C. P. R. land granta made by the old Conservative Government at Ottawa. No settlement conditions were im- posed ; nor was is required that the pulpwood upon the lands must be manufactured in Ontario. This subsidy was passed by the Whitney majority in the Legislature in spite of the strenuous opposition of the little band of Liberal members. Mr Proudfoot voted against it, and if the Opposition :s materially etret°t$th- ened in the new House Sir James will not he so ready to ask his followers to endorse such vicious legislation. NO RESULTS FOR LARGE EXPENDITURES. In 1904 the Provincial expenditure was g5,2E17,000. For 1910 it was over $8,000,000. This great increase of ex- penditure has taken place within a period that has not been marked by any proportionate increase of popula- tion within the Province. The liabilities of the Province have more than doubled within the saute six yeare. Apologists for the Whitney Govern- ment claim that allowance should he made far increased sums spent upon agriculture, education• good roads, etc. No complaint is made against increased expenditures for such pur- poses; but with the increased expendi- tures the people have a right to expect improved service. Will anyone deny 1 a G overoment. For 1910 the amount mowing to the town of Oolerich lesm the railway taxes was $374.11 For asylum charges thorium of $1.50 was deducted, leaving SSR72 as the balance daotunlly received by the town. FHESIGN : GODERICI4 ONTARIO • Sir James Whitney promised to Bis_ continue the granting of railway sub- sidies, and then gave away to Macken zie and Memo two willies acres of ag- ri-ultural land in Northern Ontario. Trust not in Sir James' promises. Editor Zeller in South Huron and Editor Herr in North Huron are can dictates for Parliamentary honors. They ought to be elected as a mark of appreciation of the good services they have r'er.dered their respective com- munities. The Department of Education needs thorough shaking -up. The bilingual schools difficulty is simply one more Instance of the administrative bung- ling that has been 'going on since Dr Pyne was placed at the head of the Department. The Toronto News brings the terrible indictment against Mr. Rowell that "he can be dominated by his friends." If the bate thing could have been said of Sir James Whitney his Government would not now have so many awkward problems on its hand,. The Whitney Government claims credit for spending more money on ttcho e'• and agriculture. But where are th results - It is eery enough to spend he money of tbe people : it is a differ...t matter to show- an adequate return for the expenditure. Are agri- cultural or educational conditions in the Province any better than they were seven years ago ? The policy of the Liberal party is, not to reduce the grant., but so to administer the public services as to show some proportion. te benefits from the increased ex- • that educational affairs in this Prey.penditures, ince are in at, more backward state th an they were seven years ago What has the Whitney Government done for agriculture? Where are the gold roads? There has been a vast increase of expenditure without any results to show for it of "SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE IS SAUCE in- FOR THE GANDER." Fre ix en el nd ed et e n re After winning the election on such I cries as "The Uninn Jack is good' enough for me," "Canada for Cana- dians," and "Beep Canadian money at home," Mr. R. I.. Borden placed him- self on the payroll of (Canada s t $12,000 a year, plus $2.600 sessional indemnity, and tben immediately proceeded to take a holiday and spend his good Canadian money on the golf links at Atlantic Oity, U. S. A. Are there no golf links and holiday resorts in Can- ads zed? Premier could have pat- roni The above comment in The Grain h at Growers' Guidepublished at Winni- x- peg, was severely rebuked by a Win- t I- r within ireasen,that Mr. Borrden bad a perfect right to play, golf exactly where be pleased. The Guide retorts : "Of enure'. Mr. Borden has a perfect right to play golf exactly where he likes. and we hope he will always play golf wherever it will do him the most good. Ile earns his holidays, so should spend them wherever they will bring him the greatest benefit. We wish. however, that Me. Borden would allow the farmers and all other 'Una len citizens to spend thl* money The Onderich Star appealed to Fear Gary's speech at the Colonial Institu as evidence in support of its conte tion as to the significance of the el tions on September 21st. The Signa published the full cabled report Earl Grey's speech, showing that Th Star's quotation of a few lines w misleading. Old Country papers har since come to hand, and if The Ste wants to publish a full report of His Lordship's address The Signal will be glad to furnish a copy. But perhaps The Star does not think quite so much 0 Earl Gley and his opinions as i thought it did a few weeks ago. 1 te ORy Indian Root Pith 10W INLI.b _.e..... May Be Made Strong et Sona' Expense and No Risk There are hundreds of wutneu title .Iclaity, weak tale. ruadbwt Ured out and nervous. Sit•', s,,iur WOW Vinol just as much as (ltd Mr. Joe Pepper, of 2:07 Hower 1 strut San Fraaclaoo, Cal. who says: "I tars used Vint for some t!'ne with particularly gratifying results. ; was ruu down, weak and debilitated• and my appetite was gone. After tat lug several bottles of Vinol 1 found my condition greatly Improved, and do not hesitate to recommend Vinol to anyone sdnllarly affected." Vtnol is not a secret nostrum. t rat a delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, which will create an AP- petite, Apetite, tone up the digestive organs, make pure blood and create strength. Try a bottle of Vinol with the uu- derstanding that your money will be returned 1t it does not help you. H.C. Duulop, Druggist. Crudericb, Out. MORE SPI® - MOM COINFORT The char- Mat Mei is wean Memel i. •nhaeced by the hoose life comfort which has been hseght to a high standard oe the Royal hiaASteatasitiq ROYAL IDIOAAD and ROYAL Moms 1.1- private disiea .,T.... masts. ubirw•.wte, exist, 150.5, and meets meorns. 5 days direct from Hdita, r , Bristol. Far full Inferaattoc w re, loF. F. Lwaeroe• Gen. awl or 0.. C. ,G-roma. tt Agent, Tomes, tai. -e PVRIFIEI !BS BLOOD n' Mea1e11 itllleh Wilson's Sores ec- 1 Wben the sewers of the body—bowels, Of kidneys and skis ducts—get clogged up, e quickly becomes impure and as Ifrequently mom break out over the body. The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard e Wilson, wbo lives near found, is to purify the London, 0000d.°nHe Rev. Joe. Elliott says that Mr Proudfoot's law practice keeps him busy, without his duties in the Legis ature in addition to be attended to But Mr. Elliott fails to show that Mr Proudfoot bas in any respect neglected is duties as a member of the Legisla- ure : in fact, the member for C etre Huron bas in one short term taken a place as one of the most prominent men in the House. The fact that Mr. Proudfoot is "a busy man" is no dis- credit to hium. Possibly it would have been more to the credit of Rev. Jos. Elliott if he had been busier the last few years than he bas been. writes: War some time I had been in a low, depremed pion. My appetite left fns sad I Iota began to suffer from indi- f COMw a number of small sores W Mocha totar•aed all over my titin_ I t triad tlsedkise fee the blood and tied mates kiwis al ointments, but without m rtrwdts. What was wasted was a thasugh ekes:ming of the blend. • and I looked about in vain for some moth cine that would accomplish this. At last Dr: Morse's Indian Root Pilin were brought to my notice, and they are • ens elf the most wonderful medicines I have war known. My blood was petri- fied in a short dose, teres healed my n vanished. They always have a immy home and are looked upon as the family remedy" Dr. Morse's I I in the teaching profession. it pro- *ided a practical training which was easily available, and gave many a young loan or woman a start in a use- ful career which otherwise might bave been impossible: These schools issued a certificate good for three yetrs. end in these three years the young teacher could decide whether he would continue in the profession co riot. Now that a normal eet.noi course is uecessery, with the longer and more expensive term. three who take it must determine beforehand to spend at least a considerable number of years in the profession, in or -der to justify the invest meat of money in their training course. From this there is a danger of recruiting the ranks of the teachers with persons who, although they find themselves unsuited to the work or out of sympathy with it, feel impelled to continue in it. Another result is that the norma! school chewed ate made up almost entirely 01 young women. the young men finding it easier to entire occupation in other lines (if elopky meat. And the net re - stilt is that a great many of the reboot children are without competent in- sttuctors. The Liberal party is thoroughly in sympathy with the desire to reach and to maintain a high standard in the teaching profession. It is due to the growing generation that they should be equipped for life with a good education, and the serve:ex of bright and clever men and worsen must be seenred for our schools by the pay- ment of •dermato salarles. When • school section, however, pays • good salary it ehoeid ie able to secure a competent tescber and hews it M that die present system breaks down The Liberia pokey Is to restore the model W.A. sad to make sn advisees Imo.. moat along the Has M dasaditmal which they earn where it will do them the moat good. Wei fail to see any argument in favor of the prosection of the agricultural implement industry, the cement indnetry, the woollen industry or any other industry. which dors not apply equally well to the pro- tection of atommer hotels and holiday resorts- We are Gold that we should he willing t4. sacrifice sur individual interests and pay higher prices for im- plements. Bement and clothing in order to build up the country and keep the money in Canada. it would be just as ',amenable to say that we should help build up the eotlntry by spending our holidays at (Canadian health resorts. We are free to buy our holiday pleasures wherever we tbink we can get the hest value for our money, and we should also have the same freedom in buying every- thing else we need." EOfTORIAL NOTES. The model echncle should be re - lamed. The Borden -Monk tiovernment is rushing to the defence of tbe Empire with • plebiscite. Rev. Jos. Elliott has ei far failed to explain to the electors of Osntre Honor bow he intesia to improve up- on Mr Proudfoof'e record in the Leg- islature. Huron remold send three Liberal members to the Legielatture to oppose such legislation as the granting of two mililoo acres of agricultural land t.n Mackenzie & Map, The Whitney prep t,lis bow the Oorernmest pays over a portion of the railway taxes to the MMMpaI. itlee. but forgets to menthes deg the Whitney (iovsrsrsam M tis seas* time makes the maces'-°pa°ties pay for patients 1s the Prvefaelal syphtins - dames* that sea. sot IW apse the imaiei filth. ay Mho ptadoss The Ottawa Citizen (Conservative) is a strong ,champion of taxation re- fornm, and it, oaf. plainly to Sir James Whitney in reference to the Premier's refusal to receive new Ideas nn the subject. in a recent issue it remarked that Sir Jamie shows only too clearly- each time he talks on tar reform that his study of this question hes been very superficial and he bas allowed his prej- udices to warp his judgment, or else• like tbe ostrich, has had his head buried so long in the sande- of time that Ontario's insiatenee that it be given local option ill tazalioo has stunned his reasoning faculties so that be can find only flimsy excuses of this kind for sidestepping ber demands. "Seven years Ivtt out a scandal" is the record of the Whitney Govern trent. says The 'reroute News. let us see. Was it not The News that de- clared the Whitney Government's methods in connection with its pove, policy constituted a scandal worthy of a South American republic? Was it not a man at that time closely ons netted with The News who with the other members of the Toronto liquor licence board Jostled a statement de- claring in effect that the administra- tion of the license law in the city of Toronto was a scatndsl, and r•efusiog to be any longer associated with it ? Did The News ever hear of a liquor license scandal cooneeted with the nerve of Dr. Pyne. the Minister of Education - How abona tat, Beattie Nesbitt scandal, which be. barn keep- ing Col. Matheson. the Provincial Treasurer, under a doled* And if the granting of two million acres of land to the Canadian Northers Railway, in the tare of Premier Wbitsey's proca- ine that no more railway grants would be made, is sot a scandal, will The News tell is wbat it is'*, There are other& hot why nntrtisw the list Near Jobe B Ratti is bis eftneeee se stades from Ideal the Y. M O. •. rootortyin _The Assam wu momalla Holm am% lhoulaseSN Ole Root Pills cleanse the system thoroughly. dealers is a Sold by 1 ROSS' Limited London and Edmonton MANUffACM6 MIMS A satisfactory purchase - is not necessarily ssarily one that commends it- ` 'ham-. self through cheapness alone but rather upon theevalue you receive for your lilolley. It has always been and dways will be our principle t o offer our patrons the highest grade Of furs obtainable at the lowest poesibh prices. Quality, St y le Workmanship and Fit arr.the important features of our gartnentn, and each detail mem, our personal :Wendell A11 AMMO are manufactured i n s u r num Faetnry ROSS' Kited FURS AND u,uAas 196 Dundas Street '1r)ON, ONTARIO THIRTY YEARS tui Seven Colleges have been retablfahed during the past 3U years. The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our censec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may study all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Ctommeteial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate before chondng. Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famous Buss Book- keeping System. which is un - Business from Start to Finish, sod the student keep same hooks as Chartered Banks and Wholesale Houses. Enter any tune. individual instruction. -- write. old or 'phone for par tenets CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE OEO. SPOTTON, President Mage -e. F. WARD. Principal Waited Immediately �!ui.+eo. teiaY esanv ws`toaswrewtary or �p apese4 d�eeistee tbe best non proemslje Acres re unit eQt treat ley area • requirements Our eauae.mssaueabad sure to supply reliable. Eetabiished over 35 year.► µ t{re : Saler Manager. PethasToronto Ontario. N. H. -To customers! It oar reoressab tivee base not called, wrote for catayues aid prion. plumbing I F YOU purpoee having the town water put in this year or having your waste pipe cosneeted with the sewer, leave your order with us NOW so that the work may he done before the ground freezes. The inside work can be done later, if you so desire. Sf►tbfactim guaranteed in every respect. We also make a specialty of Ileat.ng, Roofing and Electric Wiring W. R. Pinder 'Phone 156 Hamilton St W. AoHfEaoN • 10N CLEARING SALE OF \Vonien's Stylish Coats 1 This anis of Goats eutbco,•es a special new shipment of ledies winter Ooats grouped with eat our regular sock. Fashionably cut and thoroughly well tailored. Materials chleey line coatings and diagonals. y reversible coatings also. Two large Iota greatly ursd r value. At, era►, 118.00 and $10.Utt Women's Fur-trimnned Cats Made of ezcellsat qualityof Austrian br.SAdotb. send fitting or loose li�oka, lined with ie quitted farmeed gotta, full sonar of best Western liable ; regular price $$-00. toe , t Stylish Fur Boas, Scarfs, Throw and Fluffs New styles and shapes, with head sod tail trimmings, in sable, Persian Lamb, Mist, with large bolster Muffs to match. Neeour window display of new stock this week, showing Pries con N.* stens io each case -15 to :t0 per cent. uoder regular value. • Blankets Forty pain of Cotton Blankets, 1 2-4 size, for Wgest double bed, In greyor white. with pink or blue borders; regular value $1.75, for Sturday and Monday, per pair 81.35 Twenty pairs white all pure wool Bloodless, with neat blue or pink borders, size 00 z 80; regular price $3.75. Saturday and Monday per pair ......Val Ruts English seamless Velvet Rug.. mix only ! clear Saturday and Monday. Size 3 x 3 yards, regular 418.00, • $12.00 Size 3 x 3{ yards, regular $20 3)0, f • $16.00 W. ACHESON a SON SKILL in producing stylish, well -fitting garments is the factor which has given us alt enviable reputa- tion as the leading tailors. MARTIN BROS. TAILORS Winter Term In the Central Business College of Toronto begins Jan. Sad. Com- mercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy et Civil Service Courses teachers -151 typewriting mach- ines—mvltigrapha, roller copiers and filing cabinets -everything to tborougbly equip our grad - tate.. Write today for catalogue. W. H. SHAW, President, Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. sTRATYORr ONT. Stands to the t a. tan bast sterol o 1 its Mode tba per cameo ere y tow el the teary beeasm col lase 71M esbool bas tavola ties legla ads went. W ey. titre. O�amrirr�s diet int tor ttrrair ed W4 �sewssislbe aspi(1. 8tsd.n" rare Ma emit and the sooner you same the tor ciatabeneat ones. seasaalt. Oat ear m• D. A. McLecar,Ay, P 1nrll,. OUR MOTTO IS: THE BEST YET, MORE CHRISTMAS NEWS Have ave been stocking up just about every day since we talked to you last. We are fast getting things to our liking. This week we have just added something classy in WNW 'Ebony goods, Sterling Silver Collet Sets and Tapanese fiovelfies and still there is more to follow --a lot more. These goods were purchased especially .for the holiday trade, and you will find them new in design and attractive and desirable in every particular. We can show you just WHERE our holiday offerings are different, and WHY, if you will let use It isn't a minute too soon to get acquainted with what is here. An early acquaintance is an advantage, because it assures shoppers that completeness of selection which is so essential to their satisfaction. Be an early caller. ;T• S. DAVEY JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN SOUTH SIDE OF SQUARE, OODtRICH 1