The Signal, 1911-11-30, Page 1Christmas Advertising in Tins Surto hila the stark. 1o eause Ties eitonLL IU) tbe paper that gotta into the homes of Huron County. Start New w tonal, Renew Your Subscription to THE ttIUNAL and get one of Use pretty 1912 Calendars. Do It Now 1 JTT-Ta111D TRAM- Na 1119 The foundation of a competeoce is laid in the first dollar you rave- -this bank offers you cum, - teems and careful sets ice and encourages theopen- ibg of savings aectwots-One holler's Deposit makes a start. GODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER Mgr. Calendars 1 For 1912 The Signal has secured a supply of pretty Calendars for 1912 and each subscriber who pays his subscription in advance for next year will receive one. If you want to send your friend at a dis- tance a gift that will be appreciated through- out the year, present him or her lith a year's subscription to The Signal. It will be like a weekly letter from home. A handsome pres- entation card with each subscription sent as a Christmas gift. THE SiGNAI. PRINTI,NG CO. LIMITED VOTE FOR A ('LEAN RESPECTABLE TOWN Why should the open bar continue to stand as a pitfall to the young men ? How many men can you count up in Gode- rich whose lives have been spoilt, whose wives have suffered bitterly and whose children have got no decent upbringing because of the de- grading influence of drink ? Why should the women and girls, not to mention self-respecting men, have to witness the disgusting, indecent sight of drunken staggering men, or drunken brawls, or to hear profane and filthy language on the public streets or about the . hotels ? W uld any system be tolerated that is absolutt, town to encourage crime, tbe social vice and other forms of immorality, when the termination of that system makes a place far more decent and respectable to live in, and in a business way does it more good than harm Look out for false arguments against local option. They have been used before in the towns that have adopted local (4)tion, but those towns would not even think of going back again to the old system. ELECTION NOTICE The Committee Rooms in the interest of Mr. PRnunFOOT have been opened in tbe OLD I'OSTOFFICE BUILDING ON W ERT MTRKRT Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Arrangements will be made for the delivery of short uidreases each Friday evening during the campaign J. C. Mair r . Town ('hairman GODERICH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1911 TSE SIGNAL Pi EWE° O0. IIM . Feteennettne SITVATIOS$ VACANT. GODERICH MARKETS. f ( country can afford to carry. It prn- FOR SCOTIA'S SONS. dozes a large proportion of tonne, in- 1O$IPtJSITOR WANTED.OR GIRLTauasaws. Nev. 30th. to tsars typsssft . THs NON AL, 2.&U angst. per MeshM l 0 Ki aisetoh yorina wharf. Dsr t►osi . ~ to au - Kye _per bask TSACIHR WANTED. --FOR U.a-s. No. 1. AWseu. ('oibonse and West We waoo.b. with .eoond cla.. prof, oional cert tI1 este. Duties to commence January 2rd. MIL Application. received up to December 10th. Apply to R. MctLWA1N Nile. 79R WE HAVE PERMANENT P081- TIoNi( for one or more lady res resent dyes 1u each city and tswn.h p in Canada. We eon offer very attractive terra to rho e who quality end are winner to devote four to six hours dally to our work. clot Rymer', ..rho• -1 teacher.. and theme having barge per - 'octal aognaiatance who can devote .pare time. will be amply rep -id for thetr service.. .,d - dose immediately. BOA ail. Winnipeg. f11EACHER WAN] ED. -S. S. NO. 5. 1 Colborne. duties to commence January 2nd. 1912. Apple, stating .clary aced q ualttlon- tles., to J. J. MOS R. Secretary. Uuderiob or). 77+f WANTED. -MAID FOROE:vEHAL 11 boureeork. Snail too lly. Good wastes to competent person. Apply to MKS. ALEX. SACNDEIte. ('ambHs,o..d. TEACHER WANTED. --FOR S. S. 1 No.f. A.kleld. Uutim w commeuor Jan- uary fOd. IMI. th ate salary and qualifier' iw.a. Protesedtteal Ieseb. rfeared Apply to RICHARD JUHAtlTUP. Mataklset 1'. u. 7Ht TEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8. N. No. X ClxMsreaat rienm&Uer. Duties to atiemensr Jaawary at. 1912. iit.te triers ami add.e.. t, A V' ANS e°NE, 1=1, Msaalller P. U. 75-tf WANTED. - OLD BOOKS. snipers. reap, peewee. or an) d• eenseatr relating w the early history of Canada or the LultedStats. •1.oold ' firearms. .sole... in. diem weapon.., tool.. pottery -almost .nything Matins to the early twitter.. Let uv loo • what you have totted eon the prices. YK °Lira CURI01411 Y RHOY. Hamilton street. Uode- rich, trot. tP. 0. box 71-I PNBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE. All accounts due the Estate of the late Wm. Lex must be paid on or before Saturday. De- cember IStb. or they will Ye handed in for collection. Mese. pay now and save cost.. MATILDA C. LEE. 794d Exe<:;Itrix. son TO CREDITORS NOTICE 'l'o CREDITOILS. N THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LEE, DEL LASED. NoUos is hereby given that all pensee hat- ing claimt &salad. the adage of William Lee. lateof the ti ran of Gudertrh. dealer in coal. etc-. who died on or about the "10th day of 11010 bar, 1911. are required to dem by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, executrix for add estate. on or before the 9th dayof Demo. ber. 1911, full part.relar. in writngzeofir o clalaa and of tie severity. it any, id by Mem; .rd that atter said last mentioned date the executrix of raid estue will premed to distribute the .mete of the deceased among the pareoo ea itled thereto. having regard oily to the alms of which .he shall then have had notice and that the sold executrix will not be liable for the sold .mote or any part thereof 1 any Dereon of whose clms abs shall not then have received notice. Dated 9th November, A. D. 1911. MATILDA C. LEE, fi4e Executrix, Ooderich.Ont ONTARIO ELECTIONS A public meeting in the in- terests of W. Proudfoot, the Liberal candidate for Centre Huron, will he held in WALTERS' HALL BENMILLER ON MONDAY EVENING DEt'EMBER 4TH at R o'clock The meeting will be arldreseed •by Mr. Proudfout and °thee.. NATURAL M 1 NERAL W A TER$ Why boil your drinking *neer when dyou Mn hlre a ..its Mineral w'otar elivered at our door 1.. one, two end three -gallon jeers, We a1 n Dairy a fell ' line of Min -al Waver in apps and pints. Ye (Md-fa.hMn. d mower Neer In lJ pints &nd quarts. Imported 4 y Ginger Ale In .plat. end plot.. ieltaer W rtrr, 1 Fab Soda. Col. 1 o(a. rte. All fend• t made from pure mineral weber. .4011ERiCIi MINERAI. WATER ('0. T'hrww !.I - ...- - A L1VBRYr CAB and 'BLS (IFF I E Open d iv and night •14,,... mtyt entrain. Psrtieular attention Riven to ea11s trove peivat o nosed ewer TeI.pterme 4 n litl THF RED kARN Mouth Street ()Meath Ore Oat.. per But I. kirk 0 xi to d w1 F'ea., par hark 0 W w 1 1*) Ration Iter bark 0 70 to 0 89 MOoto 1191 fes to 5 7.5 21 1) 10 x (1) Oren 18 to to Ili 09 Bina., per too 97 00 w n W) Hay, per loo, saw 1r b to IS en Slaw. aWw 1101 Wood. per lost 5 •n to s Y) Cheese. per 0 18 H • lie dee Aa Ante .n pier obi a tto 0 35 Potatoes, per busted. to u 711 CatUe, orgrn'y Logos& pus cwt 4 to to 5 00 (AttieHtesr, , export per cart 5 M) two n 7s limb................454)0 3 u, 0be•p. Car cwt 4 •N to 150 tallow, per D • to to to Hide., per awe 7 ne to 7 5(1 Sheepskins 23 to 30 Screenings, per tea.. Flour, family, per flour, patent. par per toe NEW ADVBRTIBEMENTI-Neo. SOOA SRA Reader -Family Herald and Weekly Star .. Cori -turas Fruit --Sturdy & Co p1 -Reader. Y. Mr C. A S Heislrm en Piano --Jar. F. Thomson 3 More t'hri.tm.J Nowa-J. S. Davi 2 Pb. Weakness of liquor Drinkers-0atao ' Institute Christmas prsesent-P. T. Dean • 4 Men's Oeereoeta-Walter C. Prodi as 7 Christina,' Buying -M Robles 3 Framed Piot ume-Mal5 8 6ttktalsr.. ..... - lust Twentjabree Days l -Metras Bros 7 Chri..Uuae Gifts --P. J. Butiand. 7 Through Train Service to Percaolee-_P. F - Lawrence i Headquarter for Chrb.Ouai Suggestions - Walter H. Harrison • s Induoemeote--Geo. Porter. . . . .. 8 Women's 8tyllab Coate-:- W. edema r Hon Bargain Days -J. H Coporne 4 Headquarter, for W Boys -Hewell Hard- ware Co. s Lady RepresentattvesWanted-Boa 919. Wte- nlpeg 1 Fifteen fay Bale of ran --w. Feldman h Co5 To the 1_lectonr et North Huren- W- B. Were 1 Deposit $1.00 The Sterling Nark . 1 W inter Term- Canteal Diatoms Collette. Toronto . Sample Handkeicbiefa-Hodasea sus. 8 Bueineas Change -LW Q SOO. 8 Teacher 35 -anted -B. Mel orate. a.. 1 Reader -Rebekah Lakes e, Auction Sale -8.E. Heady.. .... ............. 1 Reader -E. R. Wigle _ •s Ne •eat Styles- Mien Doaogb Winter Term-ElletYO.lnees C011.rp. 3 Foxes Wanted -B.xIBS. Puttee 1 Readers - Blaokitone a .... Reader -N. C. Cameron-,... ✓ 0 Ontario librettos. - W-')drosifeat, U WANTED. WANTED. -LIVE RED FOXES, 3 V esmals. Apply BOX 228. 7941t tlas, Out - PUBLIC NOTICE. I4RETiNG OF THE HURON 111 COUNTY COUNCIL. Tbe Council of the -corporation of the orients et Duran will meat 111 tie council chamber, in f.O the town ooderich, on Tuesday.the 5th day of December next. at 1 o' iis having amount. agafoat the county ld place same w.th the Clerk before this data W. LANE, Clerk Dated Nov. 90th. 1911. 7 .31 AUCTION 'Ali". CTION SALE t1CT0I• CARLOAD OF DAIRY CATTLE_ Mr. 8- E. Eredy.who veld a oerlo.d of opera in Ooderlch ors November Mb. will sell amen. at Owndry's stables. Routh street. (Ioderich, on FRIDAY. DECEMBER tern. commencing et 2 o'clock : A carload of good o&ttle consisting of a num- ber of good bye grade !realism cow. and heifer with -ire end quality. SOW* cowri that calved in September sod are goad winter.mllken*. and some well-bred Hol.teiu.; &leo some heifers not in calf. You will find this ix as good a lot of cattle as me be Nought. sad it will probably be the last this aeaeon. TERMS. 81x months' credit will be siren on furnishing approved joint cotes. A dia. unt &.1t forherc..rmile of 7 per cent. per annum dbw. R E. BRADY, TH03. (IUNDRY. 79.11 Proprietor. Auctioneer. FOR LAME OR TO RENT Two D611IRABLR HOUSES FOR sale or to rent. on Xel.ro and Newgate street.: will be iota at a biearrg aln and on ea., term.. Apply to F. J. PRIDIIAM, $26 ^ Il FARM, E(GHTY•SIGHT y U score lake Shore. Ooderleh toLarne Laird of at quality. PROt•D- FUUT,MAititt YILUIRAN: LAND FOR SALE -SIXTY-ON E acres of laud. part of let No. 1. concession s, Colborne : all seed. el dows. clot n, d."tined. and In a 9nI ca.. state of . 11111 tion. Meat. be '..Id; owner retiring from active work. Terms. part cash. and o good mortgage for h• lane. Apply t. AN TOON Y ALLEN. Dnn- kir 1' ft. 3-m WARMS FOR NAi.E.---UNE H1'N- C 1)RED acres on the 7th con e.sfon and tiny .ccs. opposite on the Orb eonceesion of Col- born,. Wilt be .old separately, or totem her On the hundred arra. fa • ruts and a half brie. hon-&. with brick kitchen attached, e Ru,d hank barn• near) new. and (erre shed The Tenpetenoe Hall was well filled rid farm .res ell Teweati and ere In flat ST. ANDREW THE THEME OF REV. GEO. E. ROSS' SERMON. Inverness Camp Attends Divine Ser- vice in Knox Church and Hears a Splendid Discourse on Scotland's Patron Saint The Great Qualities of Scottish Character Portrayed. St. Andres. Scot- land's palrou saint. war the theme of Rev. Geo. E. Ross' sermon in Knox church last Sunday evening. There was a very large congregation, including about tufty members of lo - sternest Camp, Boos of Scotland. who attended in a body and occupied the centre pewee. The service was carried out a toord- ing to the old traditions ut Scottish Presbyterianism. he psalm& and pore - phrases being sung to the old-ttule tuner, without organ accompaniment. Rev. Jas. Hamilton assisted the pastor in the devotional exercises. Rev. Mr. Reis., after appropriate words of welcome to the member r of Inverness Camp, spoke of the Biblical refereucea to 8t. Andrew and then of the traditions attached to his name. Brief as were hetreferences to Bt. Andrew in Scripture they were suffi- cient to show tbe quality of tbe mac. Especially marked were his menlioew, his brotberlineee, hie resourcefulness and his godliness. And these were qualities which characterized- every trite Scot -a meatiness which finds ex- pression in indomitable courage • a brotherliness towards all men, but especially towards the members of the clan ; a resourcefulness which enables him to cope with any situation and to snake the desert plate to blossom as the rose; and a odlinessdeeply seated and manifest in loyalty and reverence for all that is noted and true. No people in the world were so loyal to home and country as the sons of bonnie Scotland. Aud no land had produced more distinguished men. Like St. Andrew himself who travelled far and wide proclaiming the Gospel, the Scottish people were to be found to- day in every quarter of the globe, and whenreer they went they made their mark. In literature, pbilosophy and art Scotland held a pueition quite unique. "No songs can touch the beart like the sones of Robbie Burns ; as long es the heather blooms upon the Scottish hills and the bonnie Docn flows on its way will these songs delight the heart and their music be rated as the finest in the woe Id. In every worthy avocation of life, in the practical and commercial spheres no less than in the purely in- tellectual. Scotland has reason to be proud ct ber sour. Nowhere i. their nobility of purpose and heroic faith more evident tban in tbe missionary acti,ities made illustrious by their names. Such men as Livingstone, Moffat and Mackay will always live. As the Afraves of ocean lap the shores of martyr isles they chant the requiem of many a gallant Scot who gave his lite for the Kingdom of God." 1'be secret of ouch greatness un- doubtedly lay in the integrity of the Scottish character sod life. Rever- ence for God's house, for God's book and for God'r day were enthroned in the affections of every • wortby Scots- man. The Scottish character, too, had everywhere been telt in the develop- ment of the highest national life. In this fair Canaria, the land of our adop- tion or our birth. we should do well to estimate relative values correctly and live and toil for the ultimate good. "May wt. never fo'Iret that character is the true test end standard of value under all conditions : end that no tnatter how we differ in tutor, coat or creed 's man's a nosh, I or a' that.' "'What the ' on homely fare we dine. Wear hidden gray sled a' that; Ole tools thelt.blks and knave. their wine, Amas'.amen for a'that The honest man. tho ser sae poor, I. king of men for t; that - Then let ea pt•ay that Dome it may. A. come it will for a' that, That Renee sad worth thee' a• the earth May bear tbe gree end a' t hat - That mac w man the world o't r Shall brothers be I..1 a (bet. • Last Mondry marked the conelusiou of Rev. Mr. Rio.' fleet year i i the pastorate of Knox church and at the morning service his disdiutse watt suited to the anniversary occdsion. LOCAL OPTION AT OWEN SOUND Rev. G. A. Woodside Gives Fust Ad- dress of Local Campaign. 1 wla,t. Fr tday evening un the occasion of ala.. orders Hundred sores an seeded down g except len at•rvr. u.11 watered by spial( the first of the public meetings from Auburn. two Lrw ne Th. 'than. wan taken by K. and orwhalf entire from Hoxlaw ('. V. R et■ s lion. nyyee, r the finest term homes 1n tM J Meeker, who in his opening r-- (0wn.M ulster terve P. a AANMDRE &narks took Doe opprM-oily of ex- - ore+sin uMi. meet; good .tering will et ham Eight anile. srtangcd for by the Local Option free (led., lei . throve mils f Pt jr Proem! et rite russet K reemerge for adequate aoeolam clot inn tar trav- eal Rtteru orsrwlF baaoa ge th. A- ellen and far■ter if the bylaw IW1 .a p.opertl 4 fettle It rontalaa 1 patmrs a) dpsle 1'kore with .nNot+c t re hoes seek of two -tortesewe Non the will 1101 do. A temperance 100Wat =nod the ether to Ilstel.a moan. Ruth 7 Pr R Asws have tnoderw tnsevealese...nd alto was r•ndnrei by a rluartettr ooneiat- Mr lha prepert rag a(th. moo Ae*tr in of Knees (e•hrr I g p h the intention of the R RA LB, -THAT FINS REtil- trmperanee p et.pie to make provision esti[ town let ted wt h and the prevent. btxelkeepere decide to trait• et all chose their of rem. which it hoped 1 anis last =et s semi McClinton In (bdtirk•h 131ie S. n en "4".able and Messrs- Fowler and Natalie tertm Apply to P J RTA31, Goder.ch Mai Ire , roan, deliewe to, and the finest The 'peahen. of the remain' was I0.•-. Geo A Worwtmidr. of i iel.inn ebteet Preebvterian rhureh- Owen Sound. ..rtmeet nt horrottewrd. .aridv 91 He pwoved to he thoroughly 'onverw- arBl . rt, ..n . Phone SID ant with the onelletene rot Owen Mooed In regard to Intal (ntion. and hie aA ' A g.fr that .peeks for itself, r int dress was listened to with elnwr at- war.r hot tie. W. bay. them smarms- tantlnn and nater interest He sour) for two years. R. R. Wlgt., showed that the harronm is am penn- -itwlggi.t (}nrlMrh .wnie burden that no mons -41).M ty or sanity and pauperism. Mr. Woodside quoted figures to show how Owen Sound's revenue from light, gas and water rates had increased since local option was adopted and gave other in- stances of the progress of the town to show that the closing of the barrooms bad helped business. lir al.- condemned the liquor traffic as a moral wrong ani claimed from their expo. ience iu Owen S ,und that Inc•1 option i.. the beet r-rtrictive measure yet produced. The town, he said, was the trotter for the bylaw p church •'mentherehip had improved and contributions to mis- sions itsions bad increased. The inspector informed hint that the sale of i quor in Owen Sound under kcal option was less than the illegal rale ander Iteense. And to show who do the selling now he stated that the number of cases proved against the hotels was thirty- seven, while there were only tnr•ee against the "blind pigs." He said also that i.uing his five year.ttspastor in Owen Sound he had been called nn only three time:. to render assistance in oars of drinking, whereas in other .'wet" towus he had to re-pand fre- quently to such ladle. Mr. Woodside also made a strong plea for local op- tion as a means of prose^tion for boys and as an ep.00rtunity to free our - waves from responsibility for the con- tinuance of the liquor traffic and its evils. It was announced that Mr. Covers, of Galt, would address a public meet- ing on Thursday, „December 7t1, and that on Sunda*. December 3rd, a mama meeting would be held in the Temperance Hall to be addressed by Rev. T. A. Moore, secretary of tem- perance and moral reform of the Methodist church. QUESTIONS FOR MR. ELLIOTT. To the Editor orf The Signal. 8xa,-It used to be the custom at general elections for each candidate to ia•ue an address to the electors. setting forth his views and inten- tions in regard to questions likely to come before hila if elected. It seems a pity ttat it Las gone out of fashion, and especially in the case of those seeking Parliamentary honors for the first time. For instance, Home of us would very much like to know definitely just where the Rev. Joseph Elliott stands in regard t.0 cer- tain (Ines O fife day. We know of course that as a clergymen he is in favor of ternpet•anee and moral re- form. We know, too, that he has the ability, the inclination, and the leisure to devote hitaself to the public service, and further that he strongly approves of the general record and policy of the Whitney Government ; but that is hardly enough. Permit rine therefore to suggest that some of his temperance supporters should ask him to give a definite pub- lic answer to the following queries : t1) Will be vote for local option at the comipgt contest in town ? (2) W ill he, if elected vote for a, mo- tion to abolish the three-fifths require= ment, and. if nor, why not? (3) Will he vote for a motion to "abolish the bar" ? (4) Will he vote for a motion to provide for more efficient inspection and to take the question of inspection and of granting licenses out of the hands of the politicians of either party ? We all know where Mr. Prcudfoot stands on tbese questions. it might not be 11111404 also for some of Mr. Elliett's Orange supporters to ask him to state publicly him views in regard to bilingual schools. Yours, etc., ELs(TUR. TO THE ELECTORS OF NORTH HURON, G RNT LRM EN , - - At a large convention held s1 Wing - ham i was nominated as Liberal Stan_ dard-bearer for the Nov t h Riding of Hui on and hoped to beve entered upon a vigorous campaign at once in visit, ing the vol ious municipalities, greet- ing the electors and bolding pilWie meetings. This program 1 have been unable to carry out owing to ill bealtb and although somewhat better I can- not now cover the riding, especially at ouch an inclement season of the year. hence 1 speak th-ough th.• press. I cordially support the I.rogr•ani nut. Iine.1 by Mr. N. W. Rowell, believing it wou;tl tend to the betteruo nt of Agriculture.. education, rnuniripsl im- provement and the hest moral inter - eats of this fair:Province. If elected it wilt' he my ple•ante and purpose to setve you along these lines to the beet of my ability. I appeal to all who favor such legis- lation to get early lo the polle ..n de- cember 11111 end mark your ballots for me. Anything 'hat ran he honorably (.one to further my eatripe ign will he regarded am a special favor in my in- ability to be more active in it myself. POWER FOR HURON' GOVERNMENT NOW PROPOSES TO DEVELOP MAITLAND RIVER. County Deputation Waits Upon Hon Adam beck at Toronto -bylaws to Be Submitted to Municipalities at January Elections -Mr, Beck to Be in Goderich Next Week. The Huron county power deputa- tion waited upon Hon. Adam Beck at Toronto on Tuesday. Tbe deputation was composed of 11 arden Qeiger,• Reeve Leckie of Brussels, Reeve Reid of Goderich, Reeve Greig of Seaforth and County Treasurer Holme.. The power ptuject as it is )elated to Huron county has apparently taken on a n' -w phase, as the menibers of the deputation came away with the belief that the county would not be asked to become reponplhle for the development of the Maitland River power but that the Government heel! would undertake it. Mr. Beck gave in considerable detail an explanation of the plans for the mupplying of power to the counties of Huron, Bruce and Grey. It is esti- mated tbat from 12,000 to 15,000 home - power is availed)). at high water from the rivers in these three counties, and about 4,1100 in the dry seating. The cost of the development and the trans- mission lines would he from $1,500.000 to 112,000,000, The transmission line for the Huron district would be linked up at S.•atorth with the Niagara line; to ensure a constant supply of power during tbe when the Maitland River wrWlia beat a low level. The committee will report to the county council at its session next week, and the minor municipalities of the county may be asked to vote at the January elections on bylaws stat- ing whether or not they are prepared to enter into cootrecte with the Hydro -electric Commission. Itis understood that no arrange- ment has yet been made for the acquisition by the Commission of the "Black Hole" property, where the power works on the Maitland Rivet will like:v be located. Hoo. Adam Beck will be da town next Tuesday and will address the county council on the power 'question during the afternoon, In the eveniag he is to address a political meeting ill the intete-t of Rev. Joseph Elliott, the Conservative candidate in Ceutre Huror-. CHURCH NOTES. The W. M. 8. of North street M stk- odist chnrch will hold a special meet- ing on Monday, December 4th, at 3 , p.m., for the reception of new mem- ber At,. North street Methodist church next Sunday Rev. T. Albert Moore, D.D., general secretary of temperance, prohibition and moral reform, will preach*); both services. The pastor will conduct the adult Bible class. Monthly fellowship meeting at 10a. no. A cordial welcome to all. 1 ne sacrament of the Lord 3 Supper will be dispensed at the morning ser- vice in Knox church next Sunday. The pre -communion set mon will be preach- ed on Finlay evening at R o'clock by Rev. D. K. Grant, of Clinton. The evening .address on Sunday Cy Rev. Geo. E. Ross will be on "lbw Citizen- ship." The third great "Temptation" will be Rev. Mr. Pollock's subject for next Sunday morning in the Baptist rhut•mh. The evening eub'e-t will be "Great Purposes and Interruptive Vows." A cordial welcome awaits ail vi-itnrs. The Lori's Tat le will be 'plead at the clone of the morning ser- vice. Rev. 1)r. Medd will preach on local option next Sunday night in Victot•ie &treat chinch. His theme will he"is it right to prohibit the traffic in strong drink ?" The following are some of his themes for Sunday even•ngs during December : "Is Loral Option a Square Deal Y' •"The Barroom 's Rid for the R.I.." What Is There in It for Me?" "Obj•clines Utged Against Local Op- tlwe," also a refer puce to the revenue gne•tu.n. These subjects will he an- unuu, ed loon week to week The annual at home of the ladies' intermediate Bi14e clam of Boos church is an event front which Ibm guests always Jetive no small amount of pleasure. and the at horne of 1911. held fast Ftiday evening, was no ex- ception to the rale. The teachers, Misers Morris and Stirling. and their willing lady helpers tapered no pain. in eakiolt the @octal one of the most suc- cessful efforts at vote, ta•ning ever undertak•n by that hotly of young ladies. The smiling ►•evy of pretty girls nolo performed the duti.s of a reception committee did Ibeir work in a manner that made the moist reserved person feel quite at ease. in addition to 8 geography mat, h and a pntat Wlehiug North Hmm„lectro..pro.. I race which proved to he heap. of fa petits, i am, yours fraise for the audience am well ma for the pa tiripants, a musirsl and literary pr •, W. H. KRRR, ram was rendered. It included a- i.iberal C-tndidat. for North Huron. instrumental selection by Mies Kw- Breaselp, November Z). 1911. Somerville : unto by Bert ('nit : inn strurnental duet by Mr. and Mere The Riding Executive urges that no Hunter ; recitatine,a by Muss Gihhs Nome its left unturned to ,genre Mr. and Mies Morrie. and a violist solo by Ker. election. Mira Gran' Met.ean. Moore the omen H. H. ELt.nyri. parry separated. testy refreshments of 4eesiary Vn th !futon Lih. As=n. fruit and randy wtsff served to the «at beriag. The temperance worker* ere artang mg for a meeting in Temp.r•anee. Hail next Monday eftern000 at l i eel ck It is mxprct..d Key Alteert T Moore will bre prwa.nt to Rio• an address There will be a gond program 0f memoir Hair W. lave an onneu ally en. 1fn.. Seery i mnsh whatever the prier.. is well pct trtg.thee earl manly flniened R R Wig* drug gist, Goderich. Ont.