HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-23, Page 8Off T etraetea t, t ovttetlgat II 1911 THE SIGNAL GODRRICH , ONTARIO Clearing Sale Before Christmas 1'ou will And four display tables in the centre of our store bub- bling over it lib inducements to purchase your Christmas gifts now. Table No. 1. Choice of any article on the table 25o Table No.2. Choice of any article on the table Stip Table No. 3. Choice of any article on the table tape Table No. 4. Articles on this table 75o and 31.00 On these tables you will find a line of High-claas Crystal, Ohios and t4raas Goods. Books, Boxed Note Papel and. Envelopes. etc.. etc. These lines must all be cleared out at once in order to make room for our Christmas stock, which is almost ready to be di. played. Sale commences Friday. The Christmas Globe Lows yo'or"derio time this year for The Christmas Globe, price 50c. The Colonial Book Store ORO. PORTER, PROP. 'Phone 100. Godericb KINOSBRIDOE. WXLUNRADA Y. Nov. 22od. KHOPHNINO (k NcEwr.-The base- ment of the Catholic church, Kings- bridge, baa been remodelled for use as nparish hall and the managing coto- mittee of the church is arranging for a grand concert on the evening of Wednesday. December 13tb. A good program is befog prepared and an enjoyable time L expected. EAST WAWANO$M. N EEONWlmAT. Nor. ?kW. \ KowNO.-A quiet but pretty wed- ding took place at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Dobie, WVedireday evening. when their eldest daugbter. Helen, was united in marriage to John Dingwall, of East Wawanosh. Res. J. R. Mann wits the officiating elergyn an. Only the immediate friend. of the cottr*cting parties wit- nessed the interesting ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Dingwall will take up their residence on the groom's farm north of Blyth. DUNLOP. Wtu,Nit DAY Nor . 22nd. A small stranger has Dome to take up her abode at the home of Otiddon, Ilunlop0eote.. We wish t e Young lady long life and happiness. tit/RPRIHB PARTY. - A Otlfrprime party under the management of 0. toot and R. Quaid lescended on the home of Horace Horton last Friday night. The night was: very wet and stormy, but this did not deter the young folks who wished to trip the 'light fantastic." W. McPhee, of Loyal, was chief vio- linist and dancing was kept up till a late, or, rather, an early. hour. Muer Bit lamer -gm- The boys of No. 9 school have been cawing a good deal of annoyance lately, throwing stones at passing buggies, sometimes even hitting the occupants, and frigbt- eaiog hones, and now they have cap- ped the climax by throwing snowballs sat horse& nearly causing a runaway. We think in view of the very cessions and fatal accidents that have taken place so recently such doings should be ore searioousresults. beforeped at ouce are glad to hear that the teasher has taken the mat- ter in hand and has punished the ring- leaders. John ILRatto THR ItMINSNT impersonator w ill appear in Victoria Opera House on MONDAY, DEC. 4th in the Y. M. C. A. Course. Rett can move hie audience to laughter or tears, eeith mag- netic power. He fre.ssa wonderful variety of characters. The Blackstone Orchestra will furnish music. Reserved Seats 50e. Plan open to subscribers on Friday, December let, at 9 a. m. -no orders, by 'phone or other- wise, taken before 9o'clock. Plan open to public on Satur- day, Derettiber .iod. 100 GIRLS WANTED 00 per week to start with or girls eighteen and over. Apply at once. D. S. PRRRIN & 00., Limited London - - Ont. SK/LL in producing stylish, well -fitting garments is the factor which has given us an enviable reputa- tion as the leading tailors. MARTIN BROS. TAILORS MILLINERY FOR SATURDAY MISS DONOGH will have on display a number of TRIM l ED HATS from children's to matrons , of very hest quality and style, at season s -end prices i GI.EARING the DECKS for CHRISTMAS Chintz Prints 124c Ralf-adoeen pattern ex- tra heavy quality Turkey red Oblate Prlata Firm. strong, heavy quality, pat- terns suitable for quilts and comforters. ,lust la [rpm the Old County. Note the width - 90 inches. Special for Saturday and Monday, per yard . . 1 ,2k Aviation Caps 95c Aviationdape, made from the popular Aviation wool. A splendid assortment of colorings. Worth a whole lot more money. Special Saturday and Mon- 950 day. each only. Taffeta Silk 57c This Taffeta 8ilk is just in from England. A splendid wearies q uali ty, good weight and finish. A silk that will wear. Ordinary width, reg- ular 75c quality. Special for Saturday and Moo - (ley 57c ay.... ....... Peau -de -Sole Silk 98c Saturday 6' Monday, Nov. 25 8' 27 Regular Month-end Sale Days Veryheavy weight plain Frau-de-sobs Silk, suitable for waists, dresses or skirts. guaranteed not to cut. Stan- , dard $l.8ri quality. Saturday These goods will be sold in htt'ernent where we will have plecty of room to show them properly. and Monday special per yard 98c 1 ..��. Two days devoted to the cleaning up of the stock to make room for the Christmas arrivals. Price reductions from every department and special pur- chases at clearing prices that must appeal to thrifty shoppers. Bargains that have "genuine" stamped on each and every one. Read the list carefully -it is a money -saver. Ready when we open Saturday morning. 451 Sample Ends Curtain Muslins a•+ Madras This will be one of the biggest bargain events of the day -45o Sample Ends of Curtain Muslins, Curtain Netstand Curtain Madras. Lengths run from 18 inches to 54 inches, a few possibly a little longer. There are a dozen and one uses to which you can put these ends of Curtain Muslins and the prices we ask for them Saturday and Monday are bat a fraction of the actual worth. Divided into five lots and selling this way : 80 Sample Ends at 3 for 5c 160 Sample Ends at 3 for iOc 80 Sample Ends at each 5c 80 Sample Ends at each 10c 60 Sample Ends at each 17c A Great Sale of Coats at $10.00 Saturday and Monday we are going to make our annual sale of ladies' Coats at $10.00. There will be 93 or 90 garments for you to select from at this popular price - fancy tweeds, navy serge"; and beavers and a gond range of blacks. Not one garment but is worth a lot more money. Choice Saturday and Monday each. 00 $10 00 A Ponyette Coat $18.50 Ponyette Coats made from !Mira 'quality material. Rain or snow will not burt it. Well lined, perfectly tailored. e o Retfularnly JV50 Sso.00 to 586.00. Saturday special W18• White 'Duds 25c „ Largs rite Clouds, made from a - yarns. A ship - meet just receivedVery special for Saturday, 25c each Good Wrappers $1.50 'sixty onlyladies' new fall and winter rappers. These Wrappers are made from good quality heavy wrapper- ette. They come 1n dark coldorings and are cut full co perfect -fitting. Colors guaranteed fast. Ci �n Very special, each 3 Batts 25c Two hundred bunches fine Ainericite Oestoo Baste, large full sire, splendid for comforters. Two hundred to seta" Saturday and 25c Monday at 3 for Lace Curtains 95c Twenty-five pairs white or ecru L&ot Curtains, three yards long, ave designs, suitable for almost any room. Special, per 95c pair .. $1.00 Serge 73c One end only English Serge, dark shade of navy, soft finish. A splendid wear- ing quality, made in one of the beet mills in England. Regular $1.00. Satur- day and Monday, yd. White Flannelette 1 lc Five pieces only, 260 yards. heavy pare wh'te Flannel- ette, extra wide, soft finish. You have never bought as good before tor this little Mice. Saturday and Monday yon can have one yard 11 C or fifty at per yard Fancy Collars 39c Fifty ladies' fancy Cohan, white and colon, regular 60c to 75c. Clearing Saturday and Monday each J' X39, only 4 Sults at $5.00 Each Four only ladies' tailored Snits, a cleaning up of odd linea. Well made and tail- ored and good materials. Choice of the C5.00 four, only ........ 41 300 Pairs Cashmere Hose Away Under Value Three hundred pairs ladies' plain and ribbed Cashmere Hose, part of the overmake of a big English mill, imported direct from the maker. Nearly all black, but a few colors in the lot. Regular prices 35c and 4oc. We offer you your choice of the whole 300 pairs at, per pair, only 25C Real Down Comforters $4.15 Ten only fine Comforters, filled with real down Milos. Good patterns sateen$. A light and serviceable bed covering at a prior very much under value. Special for Saturday and �// lttonday, each.... .�'Te15 Blankets $3.35 :ex pairs only white wool Blanket's. A good strong, serviceable Blanket, double bed Ries, pink or blue bor- ders, one that will give satis- factory wear. Saturday and Monday special, $3.35 per pair.. .. . . All -Wool Plaid 39c One end only all - wool plaid firer. ponds, 42 inches wide, black and white oly, ranular flee quality. Special Saturday and Mon- 9c day. per yard tett Tweed Suitlings 39c Tweed Two aids only heavy tiuiting&� shadow stripe effect. 99ill make a vary nobby garment and give excellent wear. Very special Saturday aril rrcay,pevyardtett 39C 1 tl The Best Wool Mend- ing 3 Cards for IOc Very beet quality $uglish Wool. Ane and soft, but very everywhere.stroog. Sold ma Our fie ecial flaturdeoar* to sell at i nd may'� o for Pure White Bath Towels 17c Tweedy - Ave only plain whits Bath Towels, heavy weight, large else, re guier lBe. Saturday and Mon- day, only le they last, i I C Linen Crash 7c One hundred yards Linen Crash Towelling. A arm, strong weave and a splendid dryer. Special for Saturday and Monday, per yard ay 7c only ... Plain Crash IOc This Crash is worth 12fc per yard. It 1s pun linen, good weight, s splendid dryer,sott finish. plain rolor. Oae of the beet York -shilling °rushee made. We will sell one hundredyards of it, commencing Monday morning, at per yard I Dark Green Plaid 39c One end mitt: gtesn fancy plaid Dress (foods Splendid for waists and chit- , dren's dresses. Saturday and Monday special, 39th per yard . Very Fine Plaid 75c These Plaids are nude from pure worsted yarns and are of excellent quality, 64 Mo in hnday es wide, suitable for skirts or fall costumes. Reg- ular $1.25 per yard. Special for Saturday and 75c Black Serge 75c Coe end only Black Chevi- ot Serge, 64 inches wide, all wool, a splendid materia! for Setts,day and Monday, yd. 7 winter skirts. Setts, Colored Serge 65c Forty - four - (web fly Serge, guaranteed Are wool, in black, and red shades, standard quality. Saturday and Claw Monday, per yard . V�JJ��,, Fancy Jabot Pins 19c Fancy Jabot Pins, good designs Extra special Tidos for , each y and Mon- 49c day, each only ........... Fancy Combs 19c s dpec oninpotis,rchaeeextra gooof bacdk quality and new designs, all shades. Special Setae- 1 Q1om, day and Monday....... x7 Children's Bear,kin Gauntlets 50c Children's white bearskin Gauntlets, splendid for the little tots in sold weather. Watts, comfortable, ser viceeble. Special, per 50 pale...................... . Fancy Belts 19c Twenty - Ave only plain and fancy Belts, assorted buckles, good designs. Sat- urday and Monday. 19C each only Furs at $5.00 Twenty-five pieces of Fur -neck es and mune. A es, collars, t prepared for clean selling. Quality guaranteed in every case. Your choice $5 00 of the lot at only e den's Alaska Beaver Coats $23.50 We wanting a FuroCoat. They recommend sCoat to any man from an extra Rood quality Alaska Beaver. thick, clothe fur, strong bide, heavy quilted Italian lining, high storm collar -just the coat for driving in rough weather. Very special for $23.50Saturday and Monday each . Special Sale of Coon Coats For Saturday and Monday we are offering some extra strong inducements in there's Coon Coate. If you have any we MD thought► it all of worth y'oni• wh le t ba new uyftSatturday for Monday. A d zan or more coata to pick and choose from and ev. ry srsnrresit high-grade. Coast and see them. Baby Ribbon lc per Yard Five hundred yards Baby Ribbon, different widths and colorings. Choice of Use whole lot Sn'urday morning at per yard.. . 1 C Velvet Bags 50c Handsome black Velvet Batts, also colored suede, 'strong Eames, with cord and tassel, Choice Satur- day and Monday each 50c only • Colored Fur -lined Coats 565.00 These Coate are made from extra fine quality broadcloth, navy or green curly. Collar of high-grade Canadian mink. Lining of floe muskrat skins. Coats worth considerably more money. Very special Satur- day and Mon- day, each only %� White Waists 69c Twenty only white muslin Shirt Waists, assorted styles of oar sd tock, worth al good ean-udeal more money. Saterday and Monday, choice of the lot only tett. Fur Capes $1.00 Tern only ladies' bleak Fur Capes -- two odd asents we want to Choice for Bale Days only. $1 ./�W0 Astrachan Jackets $22.50 Four only ladies' black Astaachan Jackets, self or dyed coon collar and revere. Saturday and $22.50 11[oHday, each 3 Cards White hooks and Eyes for 5c Three hundred cords white spring Hooks and Eyes, very a n d serviceable, epletrria id make. Saturday and Monday special, 5c 3 cards for Linoleum Ends to Clear Flfteen or twenty insert lengths of printed or inlaid Ll'roleutr-e. Good weight for potting under stoves, in front of tables, or anywhere where you want tosses your carpet. Some large enough for small rooms or passages. Selling the whole lot Satur- day and Monday at very much reduced rates. Suit, Waist and Skirt Lengths Saturday and Monday we will have a special table of odd lengths of Dress Goods and Suiting. These are lengths that run from 1; to 5 and 8 yards. Thies embraces nearly all materials that have been need this season. Some are heavy enough for children's coats. There are over 100 pieces in the lot and we offer you your choice at very much below the regular price. A ESIG MILLINERY EVENT Ladies' Trimmed Hats $3.35 Children's Trimmed fiats $1.45 We have just secured a big lot of sample Hats from a wholesaler at the end of his season. These Hats have been used as samples less than two weeks and are practically perfect. This is the reason tor this really remarkable offering for Saturday and Monday. We have taken these Sample Hats and had them trimmed up in two Tots, priced very much below their actual worth. 25 Trimmed Hats $3..35 Each Twenty - are belies Trimmed Hata, trimmed in the very hest styles and only goal materials met Every elope new. Black and all colons represented. Really hensienene Hats. Not use of the lot bur is wo, tb «,p11 -sway worth a good lives neon&Saturday y amend lyeni tweelis Ave Rst+ssria y for '15 Children's Trimmed Hats at $1.45 Fifteen only children's Trimmed HAts, gotten up in our hest style and only good trimminp used. Part of the hag perches* made the other day. Worth up to $2.75. Choice of be lot .1.45 leotard*, morningonly .,P iJ !f we had not Nought these 'heirs as be did bwe� Id sot sell three Hata for any suc HODGENS BROS. 1 IFurs at $7.75 Twenty flee pietas. in this lot also. Neck pieces of all kinds and muff., Some suit/hie for children. Regu- lar values a good deal more. Special attraction for No- vember Month- $7.75 end Rale Dave... Opera Cloaks 525.00 Two only very fine Opera Cloak& 7'hs.e are samples of one of the largest menu - fosterers in Germany. We bought them at a groat re- duction. Worth more than this price le the f Special valve $ q C.UU - . Black Taffeta `J Skirts $3.48 Farr only black taffeta tlydmakirt., made from =Alk that will give tory wear. Carefully amide sad perfect m day n . d Monday, each ger2.45 White Aprons 19c Twelve oni Aprons witA white lawn daytraielL mas ascii nal, 1