HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-23, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIGH ONTARIO
TI1VMSDAT, Nuvgxaaw a Wu •
• The News of the District
MoXDAT, Nov. 1&h. TUESDAY, Nov. lith.
A Btu leesir.-8petwktag about Mg No-rtttt —Mrs. fico. Vxnderburgh
Hutvn county grown big and Mrs. Walter Weston left for Ktn-
dtn ' b;g the stock, sod now lues 00 Saturday evening to see their
sister, who de very ill Mise Nell
McDougall. of Seefoeth, is visiting at
Wm Bllir.tt'e .Douglas McDougall
left foe Washington recently
Mrs. O. W. Putter is visiting at Our
rig's Crossing . .Mrs. Tichborne is
visitice in Jolie. Mich......Ben.
Lindsay returned borne oo Tuesday
last, having spent Iwo months in the
dies forward le prove that it can
grow big things for the live stock
to feed on. From the farm ot John
NICAIIIo , of West
pecker recently brought in • tastnlp
which uussuted
over 16 inches in dr-
oeutereuce, end weighed 18 pounds. 3
Whist the scientific name ot
mis • kind of turnip is we do not know;
hum (6 of the White turnip. variety Con.'s Rena will
usually known
M e rare feasting till Christmas
atter the people of Luck -
mow finish
▪ root the beere going
am to eat
it. —Luck now Sao tintl.
WEDNESDAY, Nov. Allred.
Nue** Narese.—Miss Annie Hay and
Mie, Pearl Wilsoo spigot dundey iu
eederich. ...Mrs. Wm. knacks spent
s few days the pad week visiting
mends in London Robert Thomp-
soo sad daughter+, Misses Ruth and
lfsud. spent last week visiting
friends in and around Paisley
Rev, A. Brown. of North street Meth-
odist church. Oodericb. will preecb a
missionary sermon at Zion next Sun-
day Afe e mberrfrom around here
followed the
remains of the late Win.
Willson to their last resting piece. on
rs. Willsootn and fa fasy tally in in thbly he a `sad
TtESDAT. Nov. 14th.
tate William A. Walters, who pessad
away suddenly at his home lnUotburne
on 'Thursday, November trod. was $
motive of Devonshire, EnOsini, where
he was born December, Iffi8. In the
year 1838 he came to Canada sold five
years later was married to Miss Mary
Ann Jewell, who survives bins. Be-
sides his widow he is survived by a
family of three sons and four
daughter=. They are Mrs. J. Allan.
Mrs. B. Curren. and Mrs. B. Msskell,
all of Colborne; Mrs. D. Ashton. of
&nssburg,Sask.: Charles, of Ooderich.
Ben. of Alberta, and William. at
home. The family have the sincere
sympathy of a host of friends in their
bereavement. The Normal services on
Tusday, 7th inst., were conducted by
Rev. Dr. Medd. The pallbearers were:
John Walters. Richard Jewell. J.
Buchanan, Wm. Robinson. Sutnanuel
Mitchell and Mr. Butt. The interment
was in Colborne cemetery.
Tug BEEF ?Usu.—The P'orter's Hill
beet ring held ite annual tweeting on
Friday evening last. The weetiog
was well attended. The past season's
operations have been very satisttc-
tory. The secretary's report showed
that nearly 12,000 pounds of sweat had
been consumed by the members of
tbe ring or an average weight per
beef of 470 lbs. After the winding up
of the business for the pant season,
arrangements were made for the
carrying on of the business for an-
other year. the first beef to be butch-
ered on the first Tuesday on or after
the middle of May. The officers for
1012 were elected as follows : Presi-
dent, John Cox. sr. ; secretary, J. H.
Stirling ; butcher. O. W. Potter. In-
spectors are Peter McDougall, Nelson
Yeo, James Cox and John 8chwantx.
The Association hi getting up a fowl
supper to be held on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 21st. which promises to be the
event of the season.
Mn. George Batter Says for Pain in the
Back Take D dd's Kidney Pills.
Pequetvife, N. B., Nov. 311th.—
(Special —In a message of cheer to -the
tired womeo of ('[nada. Mrs deo. But-
ler, wife of a wellkuown farmer living
near here, says :
"I was feeling very bad when 1 started
to use Dodds Kidney Pills, and I
can only say I found relief at once.
was always tired and nervous, my
bead ached, and I had dart circles
under my eyes. For four years 1 had
guttered from pain in the hack.
,. From my experience I recommend
Dodd s KidneyPills to all sufferers
from pain in te back."
Dodd's Kidney Pills nuke tbe kid-
neys well and strong. That means
good circulation and new life all over
the body
Asdrew Cruickshank, of Wingham, Sen-
tenced by Judge Ho It.
Andrew Cruickshanks was sentenced
CARLOW. by Judge Holt at noon last Saturday
TUESDAY, Nov. lith. to seven years in the penitentiary at
W. J. Powell Is continuing his sale Kingston on the charge or assaulting
of merchandise and when all is sold be with intent to do grievous bodily
may remove to the county town to harm[ The offense was committed in
r'sstde. He is a good b°doees mum Wingham about • month ago, when
sod we shall be sorry to loss him. Cruickstand threw a file at a lady
Yrs. Jonathan Miller has rented while she was looking in a photog-
her hotel to Alex. Robinson. of Gods- r•apher's window. In erasing sentence
rich, and left this week for Detroit. His Horror stated that tremble previous
where she will take up her residence record and his actions in Connection
with her brother, Mr. McCullough. I with the charge on which he was tried
The fall plowing was pretty well he cow -id •red that the prisoner was a
cnmpleted before the winter weather dangerous man to be at large. His
actin and farmers were fortunate in Honor expressed the hope that the
getting their root crop under cover men who had so disregarded the law
daring the last week of fine weather. as to supply Cruickshanks with
They are now busy preparing for the liquor while he was on the Indian list
housing of their farm stock for the should be bought to justice and pun -
winter fished to the fun extent of the law.
17AaEtyEt.L. — Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Andrew Cruickshank. of Wing ham,
Young hsve removed to Goderich to lea Ina° ahnat thirty five yearsot age.
re.idr Mr. Young having elected a From the evidence submitted. it was
hand,. vote new reside -ice on one of the I *bro*avown that on 'he , Alfred Posliff Thure-
iff wwof s
test resident'al streets in the enmity I
town. they will he greatly missed, escorting Miss Davis &long the streets
from Carlow, Mre. Young's generous' of Wiogbam. It was a wet night.
hospi'ality and Mr. Young's activityand they were using an umbrella to
in behalf of ell worthy movements ( prefectthein tr.xn the wet. They
having made theft for many years i stopped in front of a photographer's
vahted members of the commisnity. ` show window to look at some pictures,
Mr. Young has been one of our b. and while they were thus engaged a
and most enthusiastic farmers, and. + flle ab wt eighteen inches in length.
bring loth to give upall connection and an inch and a halt in width. was
with the Calling which he lover, be I thrown at the couple. It hit Miss
kgs not ,nisi his farm end in the sum-' Davis on the right side of the heed
mer time we shall see him again look- and went cru thing through the plate
ire after things at "Loch Melon. glass window. breaking • glass sign
%'e tender hest wishes to Mr. and i inside and tearing the window blind.
len. Young for long life and hapst-' On Pu+hff turning around he new
toss in their new home. Cruickshank standing about twelve
feet away. near the edge of the side-
walk. He took Miss Davis home, and
tis be moved away the accused dieap-
MOteDA'I, Nov. 30th. peered. The next night Cruickshank
Down' OAT$.—Last spring Charles gave himself rep to the authorities.
Cook received nine bushels of Siberian One of the Crown witnesses testified
nets from Mr. Moseley, of the Ontario to seeing Cruickshank raise bis right
snwest ltural th.•m and College,
ewhhen heGuelph.
l threshed ito
throw a weapon,
nediate ysfterwards thcrash . im-
this fall he had a yield of 328 Nisbels. The defence brought out the facts
Ar the past summer was' not a good that for two months the accused had
season for oat -growing, the result is been steadily under the Influence of
considered very satisfactory. liquor, sod when Cruickshank was in
the witness box himself he told that
he had been supplied with a fifty -cent
flask of rye whiskey every day for
two mouths, init.e of the fact thst
he was an "Indian lister." The ac-
cused's story of the affair was that
when passing the couple on the street
he recognised the lady se ooe with
whom he had become acquainted in a
business way at Jnhnston s restaurant.
and when they stopped before the
nasally Rood until shortlyibefore the window he derided he would give
Pni1• the deceased keened the trade them a scan. He took the 8le out of
f hlaeksmithingg with the Tate Mr. hie pocket, poised it above his head, Stull in politics.
McTavish. of Clinton, and for many and when be thought they were about Kincardine Reoorter-
Psrs followed that Inde in contuse- to turn to Nee him be lowered hie The Rome Herald complains that a
tion with the implement eel wait- art°, sod made a quick movement up- Walkerton heteltereper openly sun -
RP also had charge of the street web wards. As he did so the file left the ported the Liberal candidate in the
rrinR in Clinton long before the nest- handle. with the aforesaid results. late election, and adds :
P*s►oka syystem wed considered a pus- Hs admitted that his peculiar action "ooesegeently, when it onuses to the
sihiltty. He was pose seed of a very Was impelled by a sense of jealowy, tines whim it M to he derided what
eery dirpositlom and ',imagism woo wbieb overcame him for • moment. hotel Y to tial dirt me. ted Tories fit
*boar Dec and cares. of with lie explained his being in posessdon tedanewwswwrnn ism waste $ .... t dem of
sate in contasct of the dle be dating be was about to =vises*,
ises* man who loss. his
kis widow a family of sit emotion return It from where he had borrowed aro bd paw al-
amel two sous ssrvive. T aro : it. after thing it to repair bit' shoos at hot abs /eel adjustment ret the
M hoses Masses. SeagM. Wash. ; bone. This Jodie wooed offence proved r ' M N not erdy hew ha mb mala
KR y7 h► Victoria. H. C. ; n '.&sat abs prlsomer. H. heft' served s e to the Kamm eewanlesiwere
Ym of Owes tlemad t tet'. d aim" yoen Ip tl a persltestfary for !tooth Drew, twit 'n the depart-
; H. omen, of Lta - . ors ted dsbo Uagat W se. flea- mewl at Tlere ee w wele-
Mlerne Igloo sad Dolle, of Nolo_ aertlste ten ywsnno, with The Her.M eeidestly holievee the
toe a. Dt'Y. flee la the West, and J. WOK to do * i broil? harm.
R (11115, sole r hotolkeeper does mut possess the rights
'If 011meee. He also is nor. Bel sums CM 1111 t got is ase d of eitineneldp bermes be is comPellod
t neo .md civet' sig- t'arsr- (Vomit •tt y
to tabs eat a deem t. ceder to 'arry
s` et thin sed lira W. Pse- 4404011 to 11"eil i 1 es Mp , sod It tails to *Tidbit the
` w Itr flneeree pm-
t soba ni.e, of time d IBt Mtte Ms ho thn Ibmt m aged abstt'srvativs ub et
delddle' w o ream. t 1Mb$t r n- I 11iml+ni.trattoe of the ,
' rmiedonsn for a full 1mvssMltidon. stamen laws out of poetics.
death iv announced at Victoria, B. C..
o1.facoh Miller, a former well-known
re.ident of Clinton and a native of
(loderich township. Mr. Miller had
enjoyed good health for several
YPars. Before he and bis wife and
daughter went to Ilve in the Coast
l itc he had spent some time in Brit-
ish ('nlumbia. The climate agreed
well with him and hie health was un-
Oeed Feesu Delete.
Don't wear colored or fancy epos
work stockisp with your street roes.
Always choose plate stoeklap to meek
the shoes la color.
Don't pia your ruching and dreg
&Midi in place. Baste than instead
and see bow muck more comfort they
give you. It really dowel take meek
Mager to bests than to pin.
Don't think that because collarless
dresses and blouses are 1askioaabie
you can wear a low cot dreg oa the
street. Then la a vast difference be
Mesa "collarless- tad "low necked."
Don't buy any cheap jewelry and
imagine it looks Mks aaything bet just
what It M—a cheap Imitation of a geed
article Much jewelry Is la bad taste
at any time except with elaborate
evening dress
Don't wear sailed and mussed friths
and ruching'. You bad much better
wear perfectly Mala clothes without
trimmings if you cannot keep these
dainty accessorise fresh and without
Don't forget to ase tbat your blooms
L properly fastsaed before leaving
your mirror. The waist ppisg open
at the back net oily looks careless,
bet may cause ye% some embarrms.-
moat too.
Don't aDow your skirt te allp frees
u nder your belt. Is these days there
are so malty devised fee bldieg the
Meows. skirts aM Wilts in place that
there is se add who casuist tad ger he
answer her poem if sae easy Helen
Dealt woe shoos or gloves that bad
lost taste batter had sooso was
shabby shoes off gimes tt you ass pow
ably mid it Zasp tb foram his*
pollrs/ as* abs bards sotalgb' bs'R
the imams s awl tedtbo
tells >a.mdad fs
ReeMving Onset&
Saw may weans lata to abs pent.•
moms bar's wham they give tbeaaMvos
p to taformal ways of doing thtap.
A visitor not too well knows calla. tad
the lady of the boons comes dawn fa a
loose. blowsy wrapper, now too pretty
or neat, witheot a ward of excuse for
not being properly dressed.
This is carrying informality to the
point of ignorance, for 1f then Is any
reason whya loose garment is worm
at a visiting boar It should at least be
attractive and partially fitted to the
figure. Then. 1n the etent of 1101De
slight indisposition, 11 L possible to
invite a woman guest to go upstairs
into a bedroom. where the dowdy dress
of the hostess would not be so muck
out of place.
To receive a man friend to such at-
tire would be a grave indlscretfoa, for
men abominate the flowing. unattrac-
tive robe, and as 1t is always ant
gestive of the absence of corsets it
seems on such occasions vulgar in the
The easy house gown. then. most
look as if it 1e worn over corsets to
be within the pale of the proprieties,
and if masculine eyes are to look epos
it It must be attractive and belted in
to the figure to boot. But only an old
lady or a young matron who Is com-
pelled to dress in this manner should
maks a practice of receiving guests in
such informal attire, for the'digaity of
suitable dress adds greatly to one's
social importance—above all, pretty.
proper and becomlag dress in the
To tho Editor of The %anal.
HIR,—fn justice to nnr respected pre-
sident of Huron County R fle Aaancia-
t' , winner of the medal at the White-
church nese,. and in fairness to all
member,. who had assort enough abont
them to brave the weather and attend.
and Rise a little encouraremest to
those whn heel gone to quite an expense
too entertain thein. 1 must answer the
uncalled-for and unjust comparlann of
the score of that shoot and what the
Dungannon eorrespondent claims was
merle the same afternoon by some of
their bnye nit home.
in the float place, there way a
marked difference between the fore-
noon and afternonn of that day for
good shooting. And when we say
that almost every man whn shot there
did so, at one range et least, in a
thiek ennw storm, in the forenoon,
and among those so handiespped was
the medallist, whn did not wait for the
weather to clear, hut did his shooting
to make room for those who we
expected wnnld come laser—when we
consider this we think the soorce were
fully up to the average ; in fact, it wee
ton good for one of Dungsnnnn'e hest
shots to at all equal that day there.
in the penond plate, the medalist's
percentage of a possible was 82 per
cent.; Dnngennon's at home, sceord-
inc to your correspondent, who seem•
to he well posted, late per ns•nt.
:Dr. MiWilersine
Raised Me From
Mlle Grave" -61••• Tyhr
This is a strong statement to
stake, but it is exactly what Mn.
"I-hoe.as Taylor, of Blum, Texas,
said in expressing her opinion of
Oils remedy.
":)r. kiilu' Restoratne Nervine
.:sed rte from the gra, e and 1 have
r.uco co.,bdence in it. 1 van Dever
ray en ,ugh for your grand medicines.
It aayouthad offered me Sloaootor
tt.c ,ecund i.u;tie of Norville that 1
a -cd 1 wouid have said 'no indeed."'
lease Tee
Nervous exhaustion is a cons-
n:oa c.::.-rnce of modern life.
The t•: car end tc,-.r on the nervous
s; sten is greater now than at any
ti.rc r'r,ce the world began. For
slceples..ness, poor appetite and that
"ri:•t down" feeling, nothin;. is 50
good as
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Your nerves are '..our life and
lack of vital energy makesexistence
a misery. Dr. Miles' Nervine will
tone up your nervous system.
Ask any a meelst. If the flet belle MN
to benefit, your money is rslteswe/.
MILES MEDICAL 00.. Teresa% Gigs.
Boils, sores, p•imples, skin disease',
rough skin, indicate impure, thin
blood. Wigle's Iron Pills purify the
blood. 100 in a bottle for 35c.
plumbin g
F YOU purposes having
I Lb* town water put in
this year er having your
wade pipe connected with
the sewer. leave your order
with us NOW so that the
work may bedone before the
ground teepee,. The iuside
work can be done later, if
you so desire. Batista -tics
guaranteed in every respect.
We also make a specialty of
Heating, Roofing and
Electric Wiring
W. R. Pinder
'Phone 155 Hamilton St
Stand. tc
Ha kind i
are est e
enter the
ser` ONT.
.t . tae beg .ohesl of
viper. Our courses are
*ordinary business aor-
lou • cswtineetal tepetr
e work. We bare three
dammed wtrained
the sapply. Stedeots
.eek and the sooner you
.or yourself. Get our tree
Th i s
In Your Kitchen
Saves 20°0 on Coal
It is a wonderful patent device, the Oxford Economiser, and is licensed
for use only on
This rnarveious regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. No
beat is wasted—nothing goer up the flue but bad odors, steam and smoke.
The fire is held for hours without attention—ready for immediate 'asc—
end all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank.
With the Divided Oven Flue Strip you have even baking, because of
the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement.
The Reversible Grate
is provided with strong.
interlocking teeth that re-
duce coals to ashes by
a single turn In appear-
ance, in details of finish
and design the Chancellor
is an ornament as well as
a necessity in any k`.tchen
The Range here rep-
resented and other Gur-
ney -Oxfords of every sort
for every purpose, dis-
played on our floor.
This is the season of the year when the fancy ot
both the young and the old turns to thoughts of
warm winter clothing.
Our Sweaters and Sweater Coats are made of
the best material and will give the best of satisfaction.
We have a splendid line of Overcoats --with the
convertible collar, the college and the dress collar.
We also invite your inspection of our line of Ulstef
Coats. Our Leather Coats and Sheep -lined Coats
are just the thing for the working man who is out
in all sorts of weather.
All kinds of goods at all prices.
McLean Bros.
Men's Outfitters Ooderich
Cold in the Head
can be relieved very quickly by
using INTOLOZONE, the dry air
metho d. Relieves immediately
and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at
F. J. Butland's Drug Store
Mradak Supplies and Oams.aaalways is hock
X=I co1a
Order the Guaranteed Flour
Next Time You Bake Bread
If rightly used Cream of the West Flour
will make the lightest, flakiest, most nutri-
tious bread you have ever tasted. If you
haven't tested it order a bag next time you
go to the grocer's.
Cream West Flour
the hard Wheat flour guaranteed for bread
0 000 •00c•C7000I=I oc 0CI0n0c
UE beret., affirm and declare that Crams of the West
Flour is a superior bread flour. and as such is subject
to our obsolete guarantee mosey back U mot satisfactory
after a lair trial. Any dealer is hereby aetkorired to
refers price paid by customer ea refers of esseed
portloa of bag if floor is mot es represented.
The Casuploell MibYsy Cw L4.,Msd, Tweets.
A.ehasld c.mp1sa President
Por sale by John Daaboha, Blyth ; Beacom • Hen vtbe. Clinton
11 ` Plumbing. Heating, Eavestroughing, etc.,
we give special and prompt attention, and
/I all work fully guaranteed.
National Portland Cement always carried
in stock.
The Happy Thought Range
still leads the marl/let. As, we repeatedly
state -the HAPPY 1OlirtolkiiHT RANGE of two
years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT
RANGE of today. Every year sees improve-
ments. The Wet. Bi'C•K STOVE Co. do not
change the name of their Rafige every.time
they make any change. To the housewife
and the cook, the word "Happy Thought"
means satisfaction and the best that money
can buy. Call at our store and examine
the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied
that what we state is correct; and to back it
up we are willing that you take a Range
on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at
the end of the two weeks, you are not
perfectly satisfied you are under no obli-
gation to keep the Range. The old saying:
The proof of the pudding is the eating of if.
The Radiant Home Heater
is like the Happy Thought Range. it is
in a class by itself. It has no equal. it is
a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver.
We have just received another car of
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence;
and tor a 7 -wire, all No. 9 Fence, 47 inches
high, we will sell it to you for 26c per rod,
while it lasts.
Special Offer in Fencing
'Phones House 22 -Store 112
%1===iimilmr 1====11 C=2•1