HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-23, Page 31
fat krmuav, Nos -geese Gi, 1911 S
The Sagacious, Observing Old Gentleman Tells All About the
Enterprise of Representative Business Men of
Goderich in Different Lines.
A visitor was praising the exquisite
tune tit the piano in Uncle Bill's home
when uncle Hill said: I bought that
of JAMe.S F. THOMSON, west side
Square, on his recommendation, and the
problem that confr•uuted me—Where
can 1 ubtaie the brat instrument for
the least amount tit money—waw
solved. To wy notion JAMES F.
THOMSON is the most reliable and
poserrs.e the highest technical knowl-
edge of musical instruments of any
tlealea in Huron county. ile carries
the celebrated Heintzwnn 1.i nos and
can captain the merits t•f each otos,
Take bis judgment in selecting your
pianoand you w all be perfectly satisfied.
The pianos he sells are the best manu-
factured today. They have stood the
severest tests. for Ione, touch, finish,
durability and wotkwanahip The
prices are in their favor. JAMES F.
THOMSON also carries in stock the
Heintzwan player piano and arils all
kinds of mutates' instrumenta-ioclud-
iog phonographs -and ranies the
largest line of Records to be tound in
Huron county. Tbete is no excuse for
any home being without a piano. as
tbry are soli on such easy ten's that
they are brought within the reach of
a11. Fat mesas should own pianos, for
they are the means of making young
people contented on the fares. The
best Investment a hornet. can make is to
buy his daugater a piano for Christmas."
Moving Picture Theatre.
"Did yo'i ever stop to consider what
a wonderful inventlnn was giveu to
the woad when Edison introduced his
motion picture machine
Y' nuked nett
Hilt. It brings to us beautiful scenes
of earth, sea and mountains, so ac-
curately portrayed that at aatietles
every lover of natural beauties. Ttag-
ediey,, romances and comedies are ex-
hibited so perfectly in actions, scenery
and cuatumes, that we understand the
stories, though not a word be spoken.
We have in Goderich a high-class Theatre
devoted to the display of =oboe pictures.
It is the LYRIC, on the southwest side
of the Square. It is equipped with the
latest improved apparatus, which is
practically flickerless. The subjects
selected are of the highest class and
none are displayed that would offend
the moat fastidious. in addition to
the pictures this theatre employs a
high -elate piano player and a good
vocalist. singe illustrated songs. By
his ,unfitting efforts the proprietor,
to the people of Goderich a model
place of entertainment. Go to 'THE
LYRIC' and enjoy a liplendid perform-
ance for five cents.'
"In no other department of our
commercirl life is there a business
th:.t calls for such a high order of
mel it as that of the druggist, for he
must be • master of an exacting pro-
fession," said Uncle Bill. "It calls for
yeats of riper -Mince and a pbarma-
ceutical educati„n. Possessing these
totalities in an eminent degree, F. J.
BUTLAND has gained an ezcell.ot rep-
utation, enjoyang the confidence of
the medical profession for his care and
accuracy in compounding prescrip-
tions, and the respect of the commun•
ity for bis reliability and pleating
waonrrh. The store of F. J. OUT-
LAND as a model Pbarmacy. •. It is et
all tutus thoroughly stocked with a
fine lute of drugs, chemicals, pharmateuti-
cal preparations, noted for their abso-
lute Aunty, patent medicines, toilet ar-
ticles. diuggists' sundries, a line of per
fumes that .zest an t lie natural odor o
the nowt re, post cards. kodaks, cameras
and supplies, cigars and all kinds of
stationery. etc."
Confectionery, Ice Cream, Lunches.
"Don't think candy injurious, said
i ncle Hill. "Pbynim&ns say, giye the
little ours pure taffy and butter-
wotch and there will he Tess use for
cod liver oil. We have in Goderich one
concern who guarantee all the . ante
they manufacture or sell to be absolutely
pure, as they use only the best mater-
ials, fieah cream, sweet creamery hat -
ho pule sugar, and make it in a kit-
ch.•b scrupulously clean. 1 refer to
the Bakaor i Cats, F. R.'BORDETTE,
Pfnetislor, Ilsdkr1 Mock. The front. of
this establishment is heant.lfnlly dec.
erlord and devoted to the display of
the sweetest and richest specimens of
the confeetiolkees art. while the rear
room ia fittml up as a oozy ice cream
kw, where its cn•=e
sad lest drinks are served.
E. BURDETTE makes a specialty of
Ike ciram, which he is prepared to fur -
1 nirh ter weddings, festivals. parties or
banquets in any quantity from a pint
to a barrel. Buy your Christmas candies
from F. E. BURDETTE."
Merchant Tailor.
"1f a man can write a better book,
preach a better sermon or wake a bet-
ter mouse -trap than his neigbbor,
though he build his house in the
Woods, the public will make a beaten
track to bis door.," quoted Uncle hill.
"We have in Goderich a man who is an
artist in his lone. 1 refer to F. J. PRID-
HAM, meerchant•taibr, located on the
north side et the Square luext door t.,
central telephone office and the Union
A t
('an ► t . ani or overcoat rade b
hurl will poser's an air of disiinction
.and elegance, preserve your individu-
ality, arpresent that elusive 'thing
called style which cannot bre made in
a factory. As a cutter and deaagna F.
J. PR1UHAM is a specialist Be
moulds clothes fur every human
shape. If jour chest is suck in he
know* Low to shape the coat to bide
it. If one *boulder is lower he knows
the way to hide the unevenness. 1f
your blades ate too prominent he
drapes the cloth to conceal the de-
s. This cannot be done by guess-
wcrk, only by careful study of your
fl,tur. , accentuated by work of a
highly .killed designerand cutter. F.
J. PRIDHAM is a capable man for the
purpose named. These are some of the
reasons why he can guarantee you per-
fectly fitting garments, satisfactory gar-
ments, or cheerfully ret and your money.
It ought to be enough inducement to let
nim wake yourclotbee. F. J. PRID-
HAM sanies in stock a large assort-
ment of the latest patterns in foreign and
domestic woollens and worsteds and cus-
tomers can make their own selections."
Agricultural Implements, Carriages,
Sleighs, Wagons, Etc.
"If a termer of a hundred yearn
ago." said the old mac, "could visit
this earthly sphere and view a modern
farm, with all the equipment of com-
plicated machinery and mechanical
appliances for doing all the work that
he was obliged to perform by the
power of muscle, he would call all
these wonderful inventions miracles.
The ptogrees and improvements that
have been made in the Manufacture of
farts machinery and the large vareaty
of patents have given opportunity for
practical and energetic men to deal in
these productions in every community.
The leading dealer in agricultural impae-
meataisHuron county is KOBERT W IL -
SON, Hasniltoe street. He bas been suc-
cesetul in building up a large business.
His knowledge of farm machinery is
pertect. He u..derstands the merits of
every invention and can give valuable
information AS to its utility and how
to use it. He sells everything in the
implement line from a hoe to a thresh-
ing machine. ROBERT WILSON is
the leading deakr in buggies, carriages,
sleighs and wagons in boderich. You
cau rind an hes eetabhshwent as fine a
line of well -made, up-to-date, stylish
buggies and rlrigbs as can be found in
the Province. The quality of iton,
steel and lumber used in their con-
.tructiou, and skilled workinanship,
make oris line superior for etreegth
and durability to any others mauu-
lectured. The farm wagon he sells
is the best on the market for the wear
and tear of earn. wet k. These vehicles
may wear out but they will *sever break
dowu. ROBiKT W*LSUN is the
agent fu. Goderich and vicinity tor the
Massey -Hares implements.''
"The monuutenta in our cemeteries,"
remarked the old acentletuan, "r,Hrct
the sent intents of r+,p, et and affection
the living entertain for their dead,
and the unodest headst..ne speaks as
eloquently as the most costly monu-
ment. Honoring the dead has been
the inspiretun of sculptors of ail ages
to -execute those wouuei ftil creat., s
that have tilled the world with 01.,u0 -
menta of beauty. We have in Goderich
artists in the monumental line, 1 HE
Robertson, Manager, Hamilton street.
The cutting aid soaping tit mamas
and granite is not a trade, but an as t,
and it furnishes a wide scope for nen
of artistic atuainments. The Goderich
Marble Works hears this in mind when
engaging workmen. This firm has
bad many years' experience in the
butinew, and a majority of the umenu-
makits and headstones In the eurrntnd-
ing remeteries have btell ;Awed by
Them. The Goderich Marble Works
employ no agents and ran cave their
cuMu,mets agent. COLDwimaione. Pat-
rons ran form a better idea of the
artistic designs by feeing the stone -
then hy any prints shown. Remember,
you can bay cheaper of The Goderich
Marble Works than elsewhere."
"The pr./germ wade in the art of
photography fur the past few years
has been a-tunishimt," rewarte••
Uncle Bill. "R. R. SALLOWS, on the
Square, is decidedly an artist i.. bis
line. His work is of the highest class,
there ie s true art Hnish about hi.
priductions that is not reached by
many in the Proiince. By constant
study he keeps in touch with ail the
advanoemeuts of his art and he strives
to give bis petruns perfect portra,ts.
His studio in equipped with all ahs
modern improved appliances. R. it.
Sallow* is now giving his personal at-
tention to all sittings. He [weepsees the
facuity ..f puetug people so as to oh-
(ain tueir notarial expression. He is
very successful in this regard with chil-
dren. The large awouut 01 work he
turns out attests bis standing and
popularity in the community. It will
be a rich treat for you to visit his
studio. view his work, e. et a gentle
mac of pleasing perso City and ob-
tain is portrait true to attire. Make
your sitting early for Chr .emas work."
Real Estate and Loans.
"If you were to ask my advice about
buying property au tioderach," said!
Uncle Bali, '•1 would say that you can-
not invest your money to tetter ad -1
vantage. In buying town p oper.y
you can make no mistake. as there are
many reasons why the town is bound 1
to grow in population and piopery •
will increase in value. JOHN W.!
CRAIGIE, west side of Square. is the
leading real estate dealer in our town. H.-
is conceded to be the best authority uu
the value of town and comity p.,-1
perty in Huron county. He under -
stance the adaptability of each tarn
and its exact value. He has now on
hand &large number of cult farms
in large and small tracta and tbey are
rare bargains. He het, also soros choice
town real estate to offer cheap. You
can buy this property by paying
$100.00 down and the balance you can
pay off the eaufe as rent. Pe.iple be-
gan to realise it is folly to pay rent
when the rent' money will pay for a
home in a trw years. Consult him on
all real estate investments, lar he give..
buyer and seller a square deal. JOHN
W. CRAIGIE furnishes advantages t..r
the man who ba- money to loan or the
mac who whines to furrow, givin{
satisfaction to both parties. N. trans-
action is donsummated until tbotough
search has beeu made, and the best in-
formation ,brained from able Ituan-
ciers, consequently all bans are made
0n perfect security.''
"It you want to keep your huabaud
good-natured and health fe-d ham
well," raid Un•,ie Bill. 'The most
pot taut thing to to arcate pule as ter-
ials tor your cooking from th ursry
stole. Pour food will de . ray the
best disposition in soy nus• -ho d.
$elect the grocer who .11 give you
the purest of everythi ..nu stack ur
him. After giving tuts matter a .:ate-
tul study 1 would advise aoa to trade'
with SIURUY & CO., wess side of
Square. Tney eatry oily ah- bightst
gta.hty g.s.ds. '1'hrir et' re i. a in. -.el
of uea seas and orde•. A successful
Christmas dinner does not depend on Inc
turkey, but on all the deli.ious a.cess pies
you are obliged to obtain from the groc-
ery store.
"Sturdy k l;owpaoy will gi.e you
the twat at everything sod yo
find them hoioraule, fair in paces and
act° ,•dating. The bu-ine•s t. et 11
•ystemauuel, stork nicely as -or rel,
and p,owpt attention p.1.1 to oc Tera.
They carry a counpb-t. nine • 1 staple
and fancy groceries, canned rad bottled
goods, p.ovisi,.ns, bradstuffs, cereals,
fruits, vegetables, fresh oysters, etc.
Tn y air xppert jodges tit iia- and
coffers and blain their sutotrlles direct
from the imports,' s. 'Phone et."
"A thing of beauty is s )ray forever,"
quoted Unol.• 8.11 "The. I••w. Mets' art
1- eh ante nt on.- and cauls for Ael c ale
workueanahip and attenlnte honesty.
There is no business where the ehenries
for deeept.on atm so great as the
jew.11er's trade. It is a case "f truat-
ang the ihP•gritI of fhb dealer.
Square, is a mac in whom you can place
implicit coofidence. I would advise you
to call ora him early for your (Miriade
in,s lien -bases sued he will show you
all the marvels of the j-weller's art.
He Its.. the finest assortment of dia-
mond sad"pearl rings to he found in
Huron county. He has as heauoiful
ne of, watches, solid gold brooches,
necklaces and pendants, bracelets, dainty
scarf pins, ebony toilet goods, fountain
pens, clocks of ezquisit.' deeigna, ster-
ling silverware from the most eele-
hr.. d manufacturers, silver- plated
woos, handsome and durable, and cot
el .sa of the finest. cr•y-.al. He is the
t,oderi, h agent for the Columbia grapho-
phone and carries a fall !toe or records.
s% ..lt. r H. Ha, rison execur es wouo-
gram designs and does artistic en-
eravi•tg. He .•ndeus,ands the deli -
doe mechaniein of a wa ch and, no
smatter how rouupl rated, c..n put it in
ordsr. Walter H. Harrison is a compe-
tent optician. He tests and fits ryes
p.rircaly. He is well qualified to give
peofert satisfaction in every caw.. It
Is just the piece to make Christmas pur-
chases, and you should make your selec-
tions early."
Union Bank of Canada.
"Stop fretting over your Christmas
presents," said Uncle B11. "The moat
deaitat,le, most suitable, the least ex-
pensive and the wisest of all correct
gifts to your loved ones, especially the
children, is to open a Bank account for
CANADA, W. L. Horton, Manager Gode-
nth branch. An account can be opened
wit o as deposit of 91.00 or upwards. It
will he the m«ane of teaching them
the value of iuoriey and will stimulate
the raving- habit- Ina short time as
they :aid their leavings to this nest -egg
they will remise that the wan behin
the bine hark doe- the world. The
b .elks of our coup. y have been power-
ful lisoto,. in crating the vast wealth
of Lees le. The development of our
agricultural lands. the movement of
our crops. and the extension of busi-
ness enterpriaew have been the result
of judicious loans by hanks, on the
best security. The Union Bank d Can-
ada is one of the strongest banks in Can-
ada. It has a capital and reserve of over
fire million dollars. Tnis bank does a
geue.al nuking business. It has at-
tained its present lending position by
con-ervetive methods, accurate state-
ments, and !jiving its patrons the best
banking farttiui-s that good business
pr inciplea will allow."
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers.
"After booking into the matter care-
fully,' a:aid (n.1• B•10 "I have decided
t h .t Wm. Sharman carries the finest as-
sortment of high-qnali:y ladies', gents'
and cuildren's shoes to be (ouod in Huron
"Among the many shoe dealers in
Cost, nett there sae none that have
buil, up a nester teputati•.n for hand
lung strictly reliable goods than Wm.
ah.rman. His more is large and thur-
,u:h y saocked with all.•e.scriptions of
1.a, wear for men, w .w n a .d children
flow the most is lila a'ed menufec-
turer,. He is .gent for O .•ierich and
vicinity for for lnvictus ebo ., which
are uuquestionat•.y the test sh we on
the tnarksta All sure,. are .•est ries in
lace, tentou, b•gh and low cuts, an. -
while the flues. attires fare carried Wm.
Shammas else carnes a le Reline of the
medium glades r tr these who desire
the less expensive kinds. He also car-
t. tete Inc'tit w..iking seine* f .r farm-
er- and mwrhanioe. Wm. Sharman
buy- .1 ' 'ct from the .uoet reliable
tu,n+rfact iror., exercises the beet of
jt tem. rat .al ael-•,n ung hie stock, and he
alt) does meet the cl est c, rnpe-
i •n. He also couduc.s a repair de-
;umi nt, euipl..ying three skilled
n•ca You will not. have to wait
Ion.; •,n your she . it y .0 have him do
tbt• repairing. 'Phone telt
E. h. E. E. wear alines u.,ught from
WM. SHARMAN Do not neglect to
examine boa elegant line of slippers for
Christmas presents."
"The apparel oft, proclaims the
m n," salt Uncle Hill "0 eel clothe.
are a person's ri a tetatial., for entrance
Into h,-inesa or sws ial life. NVhst is
true ..t she men kale) true of the b
ging to school. If n•crly dees'ed
they will he more respected, more a.n-
! hitinu., and it eze to a s ktndid infln-
1 encs in the dove opren' of character.
Tbere is oa Mare ie Goykh where the
quality of goods wile and *apnoea asked
m the it oto slew retest desirable pleas
io the osuselp M trade Ma to • he clotblog
establishment of WALTER C. PRID-
Ogg* cove Miming, is E:plaebon
of Some M.sisipal Dams.
In visa ef some reseal lMostsion
"wil: Ira
Wee 'the dyed_ _
h �i *tot a
way theto 1 cal sgreerlea a 1 Midge.
tie,M Jibs 11, lost 11
port by gravelling 'arnt trading the
one bendred feet of approach to the
bridge for which the county is respow-
sible end to relieve the railing on the
bridge. Mom work has been done on
ibr road, bot the job Is not yet finished.
Neither has the railing been renewed
so far.
ie the spring the town .•ounril 1st
the Joh of eotting away a portion of
the hill shave the bend in the read to
the bridge, end proposed to gravel the
whole roadway Th. row ng awayy
will widen the roadway sad swank
����M wrleslfwg up or down the NA
M sM iiJ-Nr Moog the fad $bad Is
i HAM, east side of the Square. 'l he
ettrry the largest assortment of ready-
to-wear garmente for men and boys I.
be found in the town. They carry all
grades and sell at different prices.
1 They sell the celebrated Goth Century
brand made by the Lowndes Com-
pony, Toronto. These suits and over -
1 coats are bench -tailored and are un•
1 questionably the highest grades of
clothing manufactured an Canada.
They possess all the attributes of dis
Unction, latest styles, high-grsde
1 metetial and superior workmanabip,
which are characteristic of good
clothes. Mr. Pridham has a large oum-
her of samples of these goods and if
you should not happen to he pleased
order from w
with the patterns in stock be will
youselect. Walter
C. Pridham cat ies a large and well -u-
! sorted line of into a fur and fur -lined
overcoats and everything to be found
in an up -to -late clothing store. The
1 snit and overcoat you should have for this
1 winter are here for you at the price you
' „should pay.'.
Flour, Feed, Seeds, Etc.
"There is one industry that hal
beeu very beneficial in building up
Goderich as a commercial centre and
at the same time given the farmers of
Huron county a home market for
their products," remarked Uncle Bi1L
'This is the flora, feed and seed beakless
of A. J. COOPER, Maranhao street
There is no industry in this locality
that has done so much for the farmer
in the development of the wheat, corn,
Ont and bay crops, as he buys direct
from the farmer. Farmers would
consult their own interest in giving
him an opportunity to buy these prod-
ucts, as they will receive top prices,
correct weights and courteous treat-
ment. In turn they can buy from
hi gr flour, feed for their horses, cattle
and hogs, and •11 kinds of field or gar-
den seeds. Stockmen and farmers
would do wall to consult A. J. COOPER
oe the food gtiestioa, as be has made it
a special study and knows just what
kind produces the best results. The
premises occupied by A. J. COOPER
are large and thoroughly stocked at
all tunes with the test grades of flour
from the most celebrated manufactur-
ers, grain, corn, oats, meal, shorts,
poultry and cattle foods, baled hey and
straw and salt by the bag or barrel.
1 his enterprise deserves the support and
co-operation of Produces and consumers,
for in patronizing A. J. COOPER you
are helping to build up one of the great-
est laminations of its kesd we have in
this locality and at the same time you
will receive as good prices as anyone
pays. A. J. COOPEe'S grain elevator
is located at the O. T. R. track. He is
the agent for Caldwell's Molasses Meal
for hbieexa, bogs and cattle and for the
Royal Purple Stock Specific. He deliv-
ers goods to all parts of the city.
'Phone ore.' tr
bakery Goods.
"Among the rattily trades that cater
to our gastronomic wants, there is
none more important than the baker."
said Uncle Ball. •'Gond bread is the
staff of life, while poor bread will
wake life a burden. There is no de-
parcwent of business where greater
care should he exercised than .in the
production of hreadstufs and bakery
eupp,les. A reliable bakery is of the
utmost importance io any community.
Such have we to Goderich, known as the
East Street Bakery, conducted by J.
W. SMiTH, and located on East street.
Thenread from this establisbment is
made clean, baked clean and sold
clean. The bakery is equipped with
sanitary ovens and the latest im-
proved appliances. The materials
used are tit the highest qualities. No
wedding feast is complete unless the
wedding cake is ordered from the
East street bakery. MH. J. W. SMITH
is as puactacal baker himself, is thor-
oughly experienced in all the trenches
of his bnsane*s and personally super-
vises its every detail. At this estsh-
hsnment can be obtained, fresh daily
all kinds of rolls, buns, cake, pies and
pastry, or if you prefer and will so
order one of their wagons will call
daily, and while good goods only are
offered the public. the most reasonable
prices are quoted. 'Phone 111."
"If con were to ask me whore to get
s shave or haircut," said the old
gentleman, "1 would say that. to my
notion, there's safe one real first-class
ksrbes shop so Gedersch, asd that is cos-
west silk of the Square. I have known
bent over sinus he began barbering in
t1i s city. He has been very ear^cess
ful, and he deserves his success, for h
e a thorough tonsorial artist, an
every man in his employ must be jus
&s good or his stay is short, se eny
time you or any of your friends want
nice, clean, easy shave or a first class
haircut in the latest style of the art go to
This gentleman controls a flne trail
tram amongst the best business and
professional leen in our city. The
sanitary conditions are most carefully ob-
served at this shop. 'Their rtz 'r-. etc.,
are kept thoroughly sterilized and you
always get a fresh. dean towel."
'The crucial teat of the solvency
and stability of the insurance conipan-
came at the time of the calamity
at San Francisco. involving the grea -
est property .loan recorded in history."
remarked Uncle Bill. "Over $200,000,-
000 war paid by the different compan-
ies and the people no* have confi-
dence in these important institutions of
our industrial lite. The leading insur-
ance agent in Goderich is OHN W.
CRAIGIE, west side of Square. He
represents the largest and strongest iu-
serenee companies in the wt -Id. He
understands insurance
laws and can give his pas tone valu-
able information. His statements are
/absolutely correct. He writes con-
tracts so plainly that anyone can
understand thew. He writes life
insurance, representing The Ca-
nada Life, the largest and best in
Canada. He insures plate glees and
writes policies insuring against
cyclones, tornadoee and gas explo-
sions. He also insures autism .boles
on acoount of fire from any cau-e•
He represen•s one of the largest sur-
ety and bonding companies in the
country and issues surety bonds of all
description.. On account of his thor-
ough knowledge of the insurance business
and reliability, JOHN W. CRAIGIE is
the man who should write your insurance."
"An enterprise that is a great ad-
vantage to the people of lloderich and
vicinity," said Uncle Bill, "is the fur
establishment of'W. FELDMAN & CO ,
West street, first store from the Square.
It affords then[ an opportunity to
select from a great variety of all qual-
ities of furs. They ran see for them-
selves that every piece of goods car-
ried hy this firm is made up from the
whole skin, not from small pieces ; or if
you prefer you can select the skins
you wish and they will be made up to
your order, as W. Feldman & Co. I
manufacture every article they offer for I
sale. They can sell cheaper, as you
save the middleman's profit. W. Feld- i
man & Co. invite you to call and they 1
will explain to you all the details of ;
the furrier's art. You will be inter -
opted in the barge and splendid asoort-
meat of ladies' and gents for -lined coats, I
with otter or Persian lamb collars, ladies''
and gents' fur coats made of Marmot, Bis- .
am seal, Russian pony and Labrador and
Canadian mink ; set r, 1111,0 s and muffs
made of Persian lamb, blue wolf, Isa-
bella foz, mink or bear. This is; branch
of W. Feldman & Co.'s Berlin fur store.
They have had years of experience in
the fur business, they pay the highest
prices for raw fursand do fur repairing
of all kinds. WeeFELDMAN & CO,
are not the largest fur dealers in Canada,'
but there are none who are more reliable." I
Hardware, Plumbing, Etc.
- does the job. CHAS. C. LEE is the
e most reliable hardware dealer in Heron
d county. He carries in stock a coni
t plebe line of heavy, shelf and builders'
hardware, mechanics' tools, pocket and
a table cutlery, stoves and ranges, tin, en-
ameled and copper ware and in fact
everything made of iron, steel, tin or cop-
per to be round in an up-to-date hardware
e store. MR, CHAS. C. LEE will continue
the coal business formerly conducted by
bus father, the late Wm. Lee. A t pre.-
ent he will handl? nothing but Scran-
ton coal and will conduct all business
from his °Mee at his hardware store.
Next spring he will establish a -•new
yard and storehouse at the wharf,
bi inging his coal in by boat, and will
be in a position to handle all orders
pr omptly."
Harness Etc.
"1 believe in patronizing home in-
dustriee," said Uncle Bill. "So 1
would "advise anyone wanting harness
Ito go to A. J. PALTRIDGE, Hamil-
ton street. He wantlfactut es his own
, goods and makes the finest light and
heavy harness that can be found in Huron
county. His lung experience makes
hien an excellent ` judge of material
and bei belie workman his
ha Ihed out is the best
that liner and will satisfy
the most particular, as to style, qual-
ity and finish., A. J. PALTRIDGE
carries also a full line of robes, blan-
kets, sleigh -bells, whips, all kinds of horse
furnishings, and trunks, suitcases, etc.
He does all kinds of harness and leather
repairing in an incomparable manser at
the right price."
"i11 regard tolivery," said Uncle
Bill, "there is no stable in Goderich more
worthy of patronage than the Red Barn,
South street, conducted by THOMAS
GUNDRY. I can offer no bet er ad-
vice to those desiring; to @scare a
team for any occaaiun than to giye
THOMAS GUNDRY the order. The
premises utilized are large, well ven-
tilated and kept perfectly clean, and
the accommodations are of the beat.
This stable 19 nicely equipped with ear
sieges. surreys, coaches, buggies, sleighs,
etc., with good driving horses. These
are kept for hire and let too reliable
parties at the most reasonable rates.
THOMAS GUNDRY is an excellent
judge of horseflesh and his horses are
stylish and good roadatere. He never
has a poor horse in his .table. Horses
taken to board will be well cared for
in every respect. Those who have
valuable animals or who for any res.
son are especially solicitous as to the
welfare of their horses stay safely en-
trust thein to the care of THOMAS
( 11NDRY. Experienced !loaders are
employed and his establishment will
be found to be complete in all its
arrangements. Conveyances are fur-
nished for weddings, parties, funerals and
other occasions at the most reasonable
rates, His 'bus meets all trains daily.
THOMAS GUNDRY is the principal
auctioneer of this section. No sale is too
large for h•ua to handle.- 'Phone 5o."
Furniture and Undertaking.
"One of the !must disturbing ele-
ments to domestic peace is the selec-
tion of furniture for a new house,"
said Uncle Bill. "A roan and his wife
well go the rounds of t he different fur -
enure etotes and become bewildered
with the m tltiplicity of styles and
they cannot agree upon a single
article. the best plan is to place
wants in the hands of BROPHEY
BROS. and rely on their judgment,
knowledge and taste. 'this eatablish-
nteut was formerly known as John
lirophey & Son, but was recently
taken over by Joseph and William
Brophey, who will continue the busi-
ness at the old stand, These brother*
not only understand the commercial
part of their businfss but its artistic
features as well. They cat toy a large
hue of medium-priced g.aals sod the
largest assortment of rich, artistic furni-
ture, represeuttug the greatest. variety
tit the specimens of the uruunfactu
ere' art, to be found in Huron county.
They also catty exquisite hortIties
tint will adorn a ,n y tit eulintry
1 The twill tie e you *cleft from
BKUPHEY BROS. will give Hour
home an air of tenni-went. It is better
to buy of BROPHEY BROS. time to
wish you had.
•'HKUPHEY BROS. are the principal
funeral duectors in Huroe county. Their
hong experience in attending to the
details of the business and their uni-
form kindness have won for them the
respect and the esteem of the com-
munity. They are subject to call any
hour of the day or night'
to carry the water from the tallowy
property along beside the track, dis-
charging over the river hank instead
of going down the Huron road add
overflowing the lands in tbst quarter
of the town
"An important men in the com-
munity is the plumber," &aid Uncle
Bill. His knowledge of sanitary
plumping, perfect apparatus for heat-
ing and proper ventilation of all
apartments makes his work effective,
and the modern home is an abate of
health, consequently good eheer pre-
vails. Anyone building a new home
should give the contract for the plumb-
ing to CHAS. C. LEE, w :o con-
ducts tee largest hardware establish
ment in our city. He has every
facility. the hest equipment, the larg-
est assortment of the latest improved
articles in his line. and employs o•.ly
skilled mechanics. He is an expert
steam end gnu. -fitter. In installing
water pressen•t• systems his work is
Hewlett.. He installs water prrseure
systems in c emu y h,usea. This
gives the reaidents of rowel districts
the want.. advantage that ei'y homes
enjoy. It is also the farmer'. protec-
tion against fire. as water can be car-
ried to ell eltheildines. He can
water his stock by turning a handle.
CHAS. C. LEE also does rooting, gut -
twin asd spouting of all kinds. (here
will be no leaky roof or getters if he
at presentpessible. This action was pelts sn diet • they will not obstruct
taken at the time of the military
ramp. and it wait dreaded not 10 do
the work jun then when 1t would in-
terfere an much with t.raMlc, het to
hive it done some time this year.
Metered was on the g• nand for the
work, hat later on the nontraeuor
notified the Crowell that h . e..uld not
tar, yy nut the work. The eereinoi then
derkl.d to leave the matter over until
next year. It le now propnsad to
erect s element retaining wall where
the Oat lg Is $o be mode.
TN water and apt ssmmissioa bee
bass shod to toe the Mesa* light
the toed. The commiusios, we nadsr-
etand, has now tinder aonsid.rstipt
the plan of placing a rimier lnesades-
cent lights •Mang the road, doing
away with 'heave- light..
None of these matters had anything
to io with either of the resent fatal
anek:enta nn the bridge ; Met Mr.
Meanings ouggwee that it would be
0Avisab1 io bi l.I • ele-foot fsseu at
the foot of the road to tura bores on
to the Midge. A horse that osis cot
under eaitrnl would be 61sWs to ills*
tight *batik and rig the rnsd. maws
soesetMng It mead not help .pedae&
like a high ten -r, were placed in Its
Regeniing the new +e•.vPrs• Me.
]funninge thought a good many
people did not yet understand that the
council bee abaandoned for the
mussel at least the Beyfield
road settees* and intends to tarry the
now sswse from Huron read by Eliza-
beth street to Babdwin street, along
the rear of the Kerney end Victoria
school properties, along Rieke end
Thomas stt'eets, sari thence to thereat. -
..est lbs fiats. Then will be a bareseb
la 10 W t oelfa�g War�er-
ext to the junc'inn of Elgin avenue
and Montreal street, oo0R.ectiug there
with the present syetcm. it is estim-
ated that this will relieve the present
system of one-quarter of its load, and
of enure.. there will be further relief
from the now ayetem of drainage for
the northeastsection of the town. The
eddita.rnel outlet will he of 12 -in. and
olein. pipe.
Probably next year • main will he
laid along BstfiPld road to connect
with the new sewer.
Mr Meanings painted mit slao that
the O. T. R. has done a good thing In
potting in tine (soder tbs Hams marl
Arthur Hlateley, le. 0. O. O., organ
let and choirmaster of Shorboorwo
street. Methodist church, Tomato, inc
twenty years, has been sppdated 10
the RpiecnpaI Methodist at
Pasadena, California, a
tent °Mee. Mr. BIeholoy is
the .scoot ooergglla o IN Mar*
/*reef Ns=
a telt. -