HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-23, Page 2B Telmaoaw, Novenae" 271, 1911
fvisphso• Can Nut M.
Tense .f arswr. SMS
per sawing in advance.
To W.�aacb. ate • tans mouths, fns.
itt Orates subsertwr+, ilio a year
strictly in idvai.oel.
antrserlbsn win tall to naive Tam Bwarr.
ari� by will center • favor by as
'Q uiet us el the fad at as early a dab as
W se. • or address se desired. both old
the .sd osw adanes should he gives.
Advertising Mese t
L.s %l and ether iaY.o adver4nmente. ice
eeacach1 ssubbssegssssnt 1 l( cured byfa•
nonpareil soaik twelve lines to an leak.
Buslaees cards at Ai lines end under, sn t»r
ed t. at Lest, Ironed, Busyed, Mt-
tacatloes oats t, attsatloas Wanted. Hones. tor
Bala er to sires. /ergs for Bale or to Root
eta. sot exceeding eightleoiltclorftrArTadvijirtite-
fifths handicap which was not in the
law es peered by the Liberal Govern-
ment. Yet Mr. Spence reserves his
scolding for the Liberal party-.
If Mr. Sparc* is really desirous that
the Liberal party. or any ; arty,
should wake • movement for
advanced temperance legislation.
he should direct his efforts to demon-
strating that the electors will support
any party hi such ft movement. A
great many people look upon the
"temperance vote." in Parliamentary
elections, .. a myth. Where does it
elect any candidates to Parliament?
Mr. Proudfoot during his term in the
Legislature has taken an advanced
position in regard to temperance re-
form; but we do not see the temper-
ance people tumbling over them-
selves to come to his support. Mr.
Spence says the temperance forces are
united ; but until they are sufficiently
united and sufficiently strong to be
able to elect candidau* to the
Legislature they cannot reason-
ably expect the leaders in the Legisla-
ture to rely upon their support.
� sales
teed: kyp• tag
stA pr lies. !t 1 less than sic.
Ant a d dlve. or ~sig Marsh�
mgy1s asnYned aa aivertlsmsat and
Rates for display sad esstsaot •averUe.-
msat. will be given on appateatisd
Address an oom.uuniostlers to
(loderkh Oat
GOD1l7i1GiH THUI WU.T. NOV. n. Ifl1•
„ Clue of the new planks in the Liberal
Provincial platform is local option in
1e zat.ion. I t proposes ten give each
municipality the right to decide tor
itself whether it will try the plan of
remitting, -in whole or in part, the
taxes oo improvements. This is in
accord with the principles of democ-
racy. It is not the ideal plan, but a
practical one. Lit any municipality
that so desire• try this method of tax-
ation. if it is suoceesful, others will
doubtless adopt it, and finally some
general plan may be inaugurated for
the whole Province, une that will be
suitable for all parte, making due al-
lowance for difference of conditions.
Similarly local option in regard to
the liquor traffic is thoroughly demo-
cratic. It is not the ideal plan ofdeal-
ing with the sale of liquor; it is not
what the temperance people faked for
nor what they cc nsider as a final solu-
tion. But, by means of it., any munici-
pality that wishes it has an opportun-
ity of doing away with the evils of the
open bar and the treating tryst/au, and
Provincial or national prohibition may
Local option does not deprive a mac
of the right of drinking alcoholic
liquors. It merely completes the
license law by prohibiting altogether
the retail sale of intoxicatiog liquors
in the municipality, which by the
license law is restricted, in Goderich,
to nine licensed persons. Any person
may go or send away and get liquor if
he wishes, but the open temptation of
the licensed bar is removed.
Many municipalities, including
towns, have tried the experiment and
have derived sufficient benefit from it
to induce them to retain the bylaw.
If the people of Goderich decide to
give it a fair trial, there is no doubt
that the town will be the better for
A. M. R.
tend. to keep land idle. It tbe tax
were taken off improvements there
would be more building and better
bulidioge. The Liberal party advo-
cates reform in tazatiou along tLIS
"Henry George is the inspiration of
the Liberal amusement policy. Aad
Henry (Merge was a visionary who
believed that an absolutely fur system
of taxa.iou was a possibility." So
says The Toronto News. There will
be a great awakening for The News
one of these days.
The Whitney Government se. ;1,
be badly scared. It is trying
ploit • half-baked scheme of • r
esteoslon in the counties of 11 .on.
Bruce and Grvy, in order to tater its
candidates io this district. In the
eastern part of the Province, too. it has
become feverishly Active with various
power *chewes which are expected to
do great things for the people and for
the Whitney candidates. NVhether
Lhese attempts to pervert the excellent
policy of public ownership into a
aeries of gigantic bribes to the electors
will do public ownership or the Whit-
ney party any good remaiu. to be
The bilingual ichoole question &Iso
appears to be contributing to the
anxiety of the Government. Only a
few days ago Sir James Whitney
stated that there were no bilingual
schools in Ontario and. in effect, that
the whole ,natter was of little import-
ance. He has probably heard from
somewhere since, and now the Attor-
ney -General is put up to quiet the
tumult that is being raised within his
own party over this question. Hon.
Mr. Foy states that "thele cannot
lawfully be any bilingual schools in
the Province of Ontario, and if any
tare found they roust cease to exist."
This statement, read to aConservative
-meeting in Toronto, was "received
with prolonged applause."
Another pleasant little trick that is
being played in the interest of the
Government bas its setting in North-
ern Ontario. A new county is beiug
organized, and the prospect of being
made the county seat is dangled before
four towns—Haileybury. istekeard,
Cobalt and F uglebart—wits! dm invi-
tation to vote for the Whitney Gov-
ernment and see what you'll get. It
is pretty small politics for a Govern•
ment with • five -to -one inejurity.
It is worth noting that in seven
years the Whitney Government has
utterly tailed to discless any act of
maladministration on the part of the
former Liberal Government. "Just
let us in," they said in 1905, "and we
will go through the records and show
up the wicked things the Grits have
been doing In the lad thirty years
They got in, they have the records. but
not a single scandal have they die-
oovered.. Sons. lit the old Liberal
Government s supporters cut things
loose at election times ; but the Gov-
ernment Reel( was straight.
Toronto to Vancouver Without Change
Canadian Pacific all-Oanadian route
entirely over its owe rails, operates its
own equipment of standard and tour-
ourint sleeping cars. dining cars and
coaches every day in the year betwses
Toronto and Vancouver without
change of cars. A train in very truth
that is the last word in luxury. The
route is via Fort William. Winn
Brendon, Regina. Moose Jaw sea
Calgary. Oonoccttoos for all polnl. in
Canadi,.n West and North Coast
Rev. Ben. Spence, secretary of the
Ontario branch of the Dominion Alli-
ance, bas been giving the Liberal
party and its new leader a scolding.
He is not /satisfied with the party's
poeitio1 in regard to temperance leg-
islation. Evidently what Mr. Spence
wants Mr. Rowell to do is to get him,
belt into the predicament that Hon. G.
W. Boss wee in—hampered by pledges
which he could not carry out. What
good this would do to Mr. Spence or
the temperance cause it is difficult to
For years prior to 1904 successive
Liberal leaders had given so-called
pledges to tbe temperance people,
These were given without any refer-
ence to a representative gathering of
tbe Liberal party, and it was not un-
til 1904, when a convention of Pro-
vincial Liberals was held at Toronto,
that the party took a definite stand on
the question of legislation respecting
the liquor traffic. Pince that conven-
tion, although the attitude of the Lib-
eral party hes not been satisfactory to
many advanced temperance men, the
party stands honestly before the
people without any affectation or
hypocrisy, with its policy plainly in.
scribed in black and white so that no
person can misunderstand its Until
the party shows itself ready to take a
more advanced stand. Mr. Rowell will
be well advised to give no pledgee out-
side of the clearly determined policy
of the party. Honesty is worth some-
thing. surely, even in the eyes of Rev.
Iden. Spence. I.et the Liberal party
remain booest with itself and with
the electors of the Province.
Since the defeat of the i.ibrrsl party
in 1905. the temperance people have
had reassume to the local option law
peeped yeses before by the Liberal
Government and have won many no -
tail. victories in municipalities
throughout the Prowler* sod this in
eats of the tact that the WWtasy
Goveameat has impanel the three
The Liberal party advocates the te.-
torstion of thgm.idelschools abolished
by the Whitney Government.
Ai building boom throughout the
Province woulti follow the adoption of
th^ Liberal pi-ograur of tax reform.
W. H. Keir would make a capital
representative for any constituency.
He should have the warm support of
the lihetais of North Huron.
HOW IID t►1r,
Are Being Cured `y V
New Haven. Cpea —"1 war. 1
with a moat persistent chtend
for a bag tints mat bad tried a
remedies and Prescriptions
beoset that I was d'.scourage&
rersuaded by my friends to 1
nut. Atter taking tho second 1
my Dough left me, and 1 m•t_t
tat better in my Pfe. I r
so recommend Vinol to any on.,
rundown condition as We beat tt
ble remedy."
It L the combated action of t'
medicinal elements of the cord' ii
en, aided by the blood-maks••¢ at
strengtbcreattng properties of 1• n'
iron which makes Vinol so efilclent
curing chronic coughs, colds at
bronchitis—at the same time bulldtn
up the weakened. rundown system.
Try a bottle of Vinol with the lit
derstanding that your money will 1
returned tt it does not help you.
H.C. Dunlop, Druggist, Goderich. Ont.
Conservatives Muer Dance
Kimura whfg.
Mr. Sourness demands & eferendum
on the navy question, and it will be
taken, though tin-British—the mors ssgg
the better it will please the N
Strange bow the Cooservative
press is gradually coming around to the
Bonrama attitude. They are at the
same time realising tbat he is the
master of the Administration though
not a member of it.
Every school teacher' in the Prov-
ince of Ontario should be properly
qualified to give instruction in the
English language. This is the policy
of the Liberal party.
sir James Whitney stands stub-
bornly in the way of the tax reform
movement. The strengthening of the
Opposition would make him a little
more amenable to reason.
Couldn't Phase Him.
The proofreader oo a small Middle -
Western daily was a woman of great
precision and extreme propriety. One
day a r•epOrter succeeded in getting in-
to type an item about "Willie Brown.
they who was burned in the West
End by a live wire."
On the following day the reporter
found on his desr a frigid note asking,
"Which is the west end of a boy T'
IL took only an instant to reply :
'The end the .on seta on. of course."
The Canadian Independent Tele-
phone Association at its annual con-
vention at Toronto last week went on
record as favoring Government own-
ership of long-distance telephone
All Sorts of Weakness and Debility.
Peoplewho are run down or weak
cannot get strong until the vital or-
gans and the nervous system are re-
stored to proper activity. Our Mac-
Leod'. System Renovator is a nerve
food and stimulant. It, builds up the
nervous system and also promotes
digestion and the formation of
healthy blood. It helps almost from
tbe first and all gain is permanent, be-
cause the system is actually built up.
We guarantee it. One dollar -bottle.
Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine
Oo„ Goderich. Oiit.
For sale by E. H. Wigle, druggist.
Waster Im.e%lietely
Smart. seeable man. owew a
.s segmental
a pay asseedine a Walks. ofd
deeln tae best seas pteesrable
1100 Acres -
ef trait were been which to all ..asoesan
ii, . etely
e�aen4 yaw/wary steak.
ever seam V.
/rMsmNursery Co..
Target°. Organo.
N�.sa —To cstes
em. If oar represent.
Uv ham net maga. . r or for censures
for Next
Two Weeks
Ladies Knitted Underskirts,
Uoderwear, worth Y,c, for 19c
Fancy Handkerchiefs, 8 for 25e3
Ladies Belts, wort -1135s, for bloc
Ladies Hand Bags from 30c to
50c, 75c, $1.00 and 11.15.
Velvet at 35c per yard.
Print, at 5c per yard
ladies and girl: long Woollen
Mite at 25c per pair.
Child's white Woollen Mitts.
Ladies' Skirts, well made,
$.5t1. V2.76, up to 50.00.
Black and colored Silk Waists
at 11.50, 11.75 and $z.50.
Ladies Suits, 110, I1* 115
Orders taken for Dressmaking
by Miss Pb•lea over the store.
I)ry (foods and Ladies' Wear
One at the things it is impossible for
• roan to understand is why a woman
cries when there is no reason for it
and doesn't cry when there is.
The Only Through Train to Western
is the Canadian Pacific "Vancouver
Express," leaving 'Toronto Union
Station daily at l0.20 p.m., for Van-
couver. The trip to Winnipeg is prac-
tically a day shorter than by any other
route. Through standard and tourist
sleepers for Winnippeegg and Vancouver
are carried—Canadian Pacific Stan-
dard—the service is the best, and all
oustorns or transfer troubles en route
are eliminated. 2t
Hon. Adam Beck is Making a great
mistake if be is trying to use hydro-
electric power ae an electioneering de-
vice. The success of the hydro -elec-
tric power policy rata upon the good-
will of the electors of all shades of pol-
What has Hon. J. R. Duff done tor
agriculture in the Province of (►n
tarso? When Hon. John Dryden was
at the bead of the Department of
Agriculture in this Province the
people did not need to be reminded of
his existence.
School teachers roust receive ade-
quate. salaries ; but when a good sal-
ary is offered a section has a right to
expert that the teacher obeli he prop-
erly qualified. lo bow many *Potions
is this not the rasp under the Whit-
ney Government!
tiod.neb ae&d5 more houses for its
works tto Bogie agagasThe prima system
dItastlw� dandle, sad
Monday, Dec. 4th. See ad. on page 111.
Gift Time
A. the gift -time season is drawiog neex
and the old question of "what shall I
give" arises. we wish to draw youratt.en-
tiea to the following
1st -- Do your shopping early.
2nd --Cuff Links, Tie Pins, Military Brushes, Clothes
Brushes, Watch Fobs, Rings or Watches are always
appreciated by men.
3rd For a lady nothing is nicer than a Ring, Watch, Necklet
or Bracelet ; but we hays numerous other articles
that make suitable gifts, such as Manicure Sets,
Jewel Boxes, Brooches, Gold Handy Pins, Clocks,
or something for table use.
Ist—Our stock is complete
2nd—Our Goods are as represented
3rd—Our prices are the lowest possible
Jeweller North Side of Square. Goderich.
Prepare for the Long Winter
by Buying a
Coons Wombats
Fur -lined, muskrat lining, otter collar, good
English beaver shell.
Beaver Cloth Coats with Persian lamb collars,
quilted linings. We cannot quote prices. That
would be of no use. You must inspect goods first
to appreciate their value. Call and get our prices.
It will pay you.
alth Century Clothing Stanfield's Underwear
Peabody Overalls and Gloves
Oood Values In Men's and Women's
Fur Coats and Fur -lined Coats
Men's Black Galloway Calc Coats with No. 1 Astraken Lamb
collar, special *25.00
Men's Bleck Chios Dog Coate, splendidly lined. wear guaranteed
11119.00 ; with Astrwkari Lamb Dollar.. ,_ ..... ..... 5210.00
Men's Brown ?Atka Beaver OuaN—a very heavily furred ooat,
wear warranted. Resembling very much the brown wombat cost
and fully as warm, only better appearance, at.. 529.00 and 525.00
Meals Brown Bear Goats (BulSsrian Goat). very warm sod great
wearer and good appearsssty Nash 511.00
Men's Fur -lined Goats—Otter cell- and cloth of Eoglish Beaver,
lining of fine light Russian dog, a very handsome garment at
each 540.00
Ladies' Reversible Cloth Coat
A large and very stylish showing—tbe handsomest range we
have had for many seasons, prices... 55.00 to 520.00
Ladle. Fur-trimnsed Beaver Coate, large fur collate and lined
with heavy quilted farmers' satin. Vary, very stylish and cosy and
guaranteed in every respect. 2.0o
Led!.Muskrat Coats—best quality. semi-tlttiog and with high
storm collar, lined with Skinner's warranted satin. Specially
priced.... ........... ... . ..... 580.00
We Are Offering Special Values
in Persian Lamb, Sable and China Mink and Opossum neckpieces.
We're all Ready for Christmas
Handrerchiefs from Ireland, Switzerland, B ...Is. Plain bem-
st.iteb. embroidered and initial. All direct from t ..nfacturerv, hun-
dreds of dozens taken through the customs hen v lie this last few
Inspection Jnvlted
Li t- 1
The Name On The Sole
The "INVICTUS" name and trade-
mark on the sole means a great deal to
any shoe -buyer.
it means footwear that Will stand up
under every test for fit, style and wear.
It therefore means more for your
money, as well as for your feet and for
your sense of pride as to appearance.
Behind that trade -mark is the assur-
ance of an honest -made shoe --the shoe
you should always buy.
Wm. Sharman
The Square Ooderich
With No hypodermic Injections, Absolutely
Destroys and Removes All Cray-
, - ing and Desire for Liquor
ALL PATIENTS admitted foe TREATMENT under contract
that it has to be satisfactory or fee paid is refunded. The (rat lin
Treatment for the Liquor Habit is being strongly recommended
by the medical profession. THE HOME TREATMENT is jn.t
as effective if simple directions are followed. Oall, write or
'phone for booklet and copies of oontract. Strictly confidential,
'PHONE NORTH 5675. - A. HARGRAVE, Meares,.
:1 . i..'
vJ.,! t• t
Wish for something so irresistably-
delicione -so ilistiac ivaly-debghtful, the try McCormick's Maple Leaf
Biscuit ---a delicacy revelation. A sok layer of enticingly -palatable. full -flavored. pure
Maple Cream, smothered with two temptingly -wholesome. rich Maple -flavored Biscuits
afile zeo
jl t
,� j.4 ,ice