HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-23, Page 1The Fall Trade should be good Ibis year. m. business lien who wants his *bared it should bet the people know what he i. doing by having his aantwncecessit in the adver- tisier column* of The Signal SIXTY-TKIRD YEA -No, >!1$ ual. ISTERLIM BANN OF 4CANAoA WIIEII,.E IS YOUR MONEY a� This Bank affords money -.*vales a sate and pruacable plan for their savings. Safe because of ample capital and conies v- ials,* management, and profitable because we alio. three per cent. interest - All a:eounta are welcome, and we can assure yeti of courteous and careful atten- tion, ho !natter what the amount of your deposit may be. Aranee, DtNo BNrox B RLD eon VARNA GODER1CH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER Mgr. !ORM ■OTICL 11.4 BATING OF TRU HURON CoUIryy COUNCIL. el Tie is wlJinsst Iii •szestae. the tows er tlM et Deaemer seat at insist, spew' . the �� ewes sts with os. tnssi before t Wealdawns 't'O' IDoted Mem P b. lw3L W. LYNg Clark 2 t ON'I ARIO ELUTIONS Meetlnas in the Interests Of W.Pi.td not,CesaH Liberal car held as fotiowe: °ion' will be LEEBUBN MONDAY, NOV. 27 CARLOW TURODAY, NOV. IM AUBURN WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27 HARLOCK THUKOsDAY, NOV. 30 LONDESBORO' SATURDAY, DEC. 2. The Friday night meeting will be at Clinton. to be added -reed by Hon. W. L Mackenzie King. NATURAL MINERAL WATERS vows' b WO your drinking yoeetwa have • to Blew _rhea friu et ! t We �t�' two t ergs line . al ll oar le a sae dots, • Old• bsabsed Gleam Beer ba PAle inta a d quarts. plata. dry (11��r Club Nolo. and Coda, etc. A wafer, Colo de. r. atones Mad* ear pew "blares! water. JODYRICH MINERAL WATER CO Plea* lel LIVERY, CAB and 'BUS OFFICE Open day and night. 'Street meet all train,. Particular attention given to calls from pp'tvate residence, Telephone THE RED BARN South Street Ooderich. Gni 1 *ITVA IORS VACANT. TEACHER WANT'BO.-S, S. NO. 6, Or . J, I. MOBIL& Beeretary ter° eerise reit t�t % efiengm sDpp.�a-t��taMAID FORoENEIiAL A BrtOlaI►i81,1.1rns' ripply 114 Mona ta.hre• ts•d. TRACHBB WANTED, -FOR S. 8Na Waal. Duties toermoeoaeJan- wars and ywircati� IC teaser Matektae Apply O, w TEACHER WANTED. -FOR ! 14 ''°ear' tytg Alma �+Y tle..,ti. P. GODERICH, TH URS OODERiCH MARKETS. a„� cones!, Der bush T*VmDar. Nov. Med. ,.,�f 0 6a to 9 086 ls7R D�W1A Iter boob 011 to W Oa. Ewa , t,eeittsr. o ass, w Paw. pssrr bee 696 W Basbv pr bei 070 sou w per tea 30 00 to Itwr 961 to ger 3 0 to 96 00 to 37 to 40 m0 to 6 00 to CMwsm per 600 to .tet n+oa alas • o 26 w d1+Dk_ per bsabbawstts.��.. n 6d two Came. reline te Oates. roreire esrwri.�ewL 636 w Lambe 6 10 to /Sheep, Cerett� 1 6o to Teilow, per lb 1 td to Hide., 00 to Sheepskin* 7 ro to 23 to a........._per tae H�wpee wtaisw �, oar !sail Batter. par lb lab! Y, NOVEMBER 23, 1911 1THE TOWN OOUNCIL. 0 60f 036 JW 1 00 0 A) 90 00 2 73 95 Ott 00 2700 Ib MacDonald -Brodie Pro 6 os positron to the beach, it was recommended that a6 su Stand Over, the solicitor he instructed to proceed 1s with the inters.vitchinq proposition in o a the manner as suggest...1 by the en- ss ei The regular "beeline of the town eineer of the Railway Commission, 05 council was held in the council sham- Deputy Reeve Munniags took objeo- 6 7S Der last Friday evening. All the tion to the second clause of the re- s w mcint*rs were present except Coup- port, as he did not think that the rale I 1 ciitors Wallace and Elliott. Mayor of the summer hotel had been suit as Cameron presided, ciently advertised. He suggested 760 The first communication read .by that• referendum should be secured HOSPITAL BOARD PRESEN JECT FOR MEW BUILDI to percbaes enotber boat and it was recommended that the sum of $la! he donated to him on condition tbat the "amount he applied on the purchase TS PRO- price of another schooner. In the matter of interswitching at the bar - NG. bor it was reported that a letter had been re�iveti from Summer Hotel Sale Not Yet Report on Sewers -Grant t ing that the engineer of the licitorDonde- Sett onntrie- rt- I Settled-- ion Railway Board of Co untiasiooere o Gpt. was in favor of adopting the C. P. R. proposal, which would cut off part of bo the clerk was one ft the hospital treat in which were set tions. He made a motion that the forth the k Pee an rest encs of the mitten in order that the sale by tender late Hon. M. C. Ouneron for use r a might be advertised more extensively hospital- The lest portion of the leu Reeve Reid seconded the motion end ter testi w folio the additions and alters- Payers be asked at th will require about SIR. as to whether the summer hotel txx] over he hands of the ureters. Be- no objection to thin The re the town and one that The finance t flee {� psctfully asks accounts and that the account of to ani the officers of from the people at the municipal elec- p ns w het-eny the board clause be referred back to the com- bo to obtain e d "To make flow made anotber motion that the rate e municipal elec- tions planned al,d equip the building tion* In January to voice their opinion as 1t should be v and &bete the money at pies. should be sold for $4,000: There was ant in t • n it motion. having that the project is in the gen. port as amended was adopted. eta! interests of ►mmi will meet with a approval of the mended the recom- people, the hoard res payment of a account FOR lots HENS FOR HALR.-A NUMBER eek ►t 3 thoroughbred white 1egym. hew for emit. GEORGE NiwZL1. ter- mWer. ant. 77-91 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NoTlcls TO CREDITORS. N THE ESTATE of WILLIAM LEY. DEt EABEIt. Notice 1r hereby given that al per , hav- ing latiol�tbe 111 against ofthe Goderf e, deavl_para., ., us' ooai. rte.. wbo died eD or about the 10th day of Octo- ber, 1911. are requited w wino b7 poet prpald or deliver to the endenlgwed, executrix for geld estate, os or before the 9th day of teem - bre 1911. full portion/am b wrttlag of tadt claims aid of the recant, It any. bele b7 j them ; ..d stmt akar said Met mentioned date the scoter: et laid estate wW pro0eed to d e the emote of the deeeaeed - the persons mowed th.r.to, having regard to the a6aise of *blah rhe ■hail then have i notice, and tact las sad .xeoat rix will Dot be ad liable Ise the s mesa or any pert thereof to ray preens of whom name she shall not then have received notion Dated Kb November. A. D. 1911. MATILDA C. LEI. 76.30 Yiecwtriz, Godman. On tt1.4t -1 and Me. s, l tnar. Dotieb PUBLIC NOTICE. camembert e Address L. A VAN STONE, O 17�NY, AiUTICE. 1e E A C H E B W pROp_ # All Lee mum be paid °othe nn rte before 7 Win ugRLLaTkOateaelliled tor 8.8 oember beta, or thin will be A.odad re tot p)i, otirfr tt •sad collection. Pte• re pay now and save costs. BRANT, essstarr MATILDA C. LEE. n' -m lixeatrix- r of yousubmit to the ratepayers at the Thos. 'Johustoq for 1$1.84 for meals nett municipal •elections a bylaw and, bedding for a patient in isolation granting the furs' of $16,000 to the hospital lie submitted to the medical trustees of A res Mat foe and Gen. health officer and paid when certified eral Hospital to used for the par- to. The report was adopted. chase of the Oai erou property and converting the Qeatte into a mod- ern hospital ands uipping the same." Judge Holt, president of the hoepi- W board. later is the meeting ad- dressed tbe coma oil in support of the request• Hiss or spoke of the need of a larger pod bet ui pped hoepita!, and statist that an architect had already made an examination and report upon the 'Cameron property tad its suitability fur the purpose of • as up-te-date hospital. Tbe member. of the medical association of Godericb had exprtwad tbsnseives as heartily in favor of the propnsitiou. Tine pro - party bad been offered as a hospitel site ata price greatly below its rind value. 11 was the intention, it the *chem. were adopter to tear out the interior of the be !ding and leave the outside walls standing. The site was a desirable one sal it had been stated that the four walls could not be built for ler that $+,all, which wee not much ler than the price asked tar the property. The reit barer'* plane were submitted to the council rind after the members bad examined theta the mat- ter was referred to Wei special com- mittee. It is boped that a bylaw will be prepared and submitted in time for a vote at the January elections. Two communications received from the Doty Engine Works (Jo. were re - (erred to the finance oommittea and the nler•k wee instructed to notify Mr. Dotythat tbe floance committee woud meet bim on Wednesday even- ing, November 22nd, for a conlereace. One letter referred to the removing of the crape from the boiler shop to which the company's attention had been tailed by the council a few weeks ago. A portion of the letter written by Fred W. Doty, nwaaager, leaser fol- lows • !n order that there may be no mis- understanding abort the egnipment Oxford street The DOW being made to utilise this building north and west on owing as a grain door factory, we now advise H both sides of the ANTED. -OLD BOOKS, *steers, .aloe ykt eve or W docenseat• to tae same aletory. of Canada er the Looks ala swords. . has. Lot usyknow 1 '0' •muted street. and snow YE O da trek. Ont IP. O- lox 71.1 POR *ALR OR TO BENT ,TWO DENIRABLB HUUBES FOR 1 eW a to root, oo N.3.00 .s4 Nebgato streets; will be sold at a bargain and on eery terms. Apply to F, J. P01DBAM. �ht�](�(� FARM, EIGHTY -RIGHT 7 / V VLake Shore, wwsoup. Lead of wet GQamey. PROUD. ROOT, &Ala et EILLultAN- LAND FOR SALE.-BIYTY-ONR arae of lead. part of tot ho. L ooneseeMo r, isotherms • all 1.26.4 dow., ease, drmlead. bye sin alba -mar sues of enhemen. Mast Team,, par{ rasa. • good mane vial, P.O.baleen. Apply to AN Y =Non - has Lop FOR SALE. -ONE ;BUN- '• 1 Dame acres o• the 713 aacee oa • I Nom the lith ooseateLva oI O�ol- f+ Us w hundred acres e Will be sold y ytgrreoce- hatf 4bk inns•, with bride kitchen attached, • limed beak San, e..rl new, and largo Sufi forme ass well �oed' and are in agar ear mrder, Ma.dr.d acres all seeded dews eranp� tem sone, Well watered by ore•k' Rood gree wen at tern. Eight mites 1. amine diem • thrie Mlle* from Auburn • two 1 hemmiler tram Monaco C. P. 8. sta- tism. LIDO of the noon dim home to the tewn,hap For tar..a appty to ANDREW f JOHNierTON. Legion M. 4. !FOR SALE. -THAT FINE REli- detJal Dr'taeR •t and Ratan y the OOrwr of Cameron MM Alan •tte.te, toren rte kuow& ee the A. commencing st 9 o crook : A carload of good W opert). i. fa sale. it contains Durham. Grade and Holstein cattle, all young '.Ight town lots. pplated with the choicest; and In good oondltion, some newt calved. fruits of .11 a1. dm. There are two brick some spnngen and balance due to rd toils*, one built ]7 1•.t. � hen in VOTERS' LIST COUNT OF RBVI- mION. TOWN or OODRRICH !chins M hereby given that a Coart will be held. peeto.t to The Ootarie Voters' Lima Ant. by His Mani the Judge of the County of the county of Huron, at the Ceara tl*deefek, a the 97th day eat Novembr. Plot 19 otters a.m., to bear mod determine eomplotete of errors and om4eltt votse, let of the Municipality of the town .0 Oodatdob for 1911. Dated at lioderiob this 13th day of Novena bor. BBL L L KNOX, 77-9t Clerk of Town of Ooderieb. AUCTION SAL.E&. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Or IMPORTED CLYDESDALE MARES, I will offer for cele by medico le the TOWN or WINGHAM, Huron meaty. o• MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9r, 1911, tweatyt+e very ebeia. Clydesdale aasws. 4..wot from eo3�aod• sects, with good unlit* .ad choice Credit Ind be gives oe bankable paper. ,bale to cart 1m- 81atety on the arrival .t Use a Yd 21srOnie tt.[as- eak tor J- PURVIS. WM. MtRAREY. A.ea.wer. Propnetar. Musson, Oet. a( UCTION SALE 0P A CARLOAD OF SPECIALLY 8xerterYD DAIRY CATTLE. tar, ti L Hr dy, who her shipped aereral loads Owned dairy cattle to Oewieh during tte yaw two sesame, will sell by public aocUoo at Oundle'* Sables, South street, Goderich, w FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 91in, a, ear of two . os =and the caber in tlrst-da,w repair. Both s hove modern ou%veUlenoe., end alto grs ase aha property la ow of the moat dadr- aHs to Ged.rtah. Will be sold on reassemble terms Apply to P, J. RYAN, Goderseeb. WARNING. 1 Any panne or peeves Maio, poems .ion of lumber or other wreckage on the shore or corning ov the shore he - 1 ween Grand Nerd and The bounder, line d A.h6eM and falling to report J)7 the same to the Mlnietu of Marine or the Receiver *111 M praoecuted u the ( law direct,. ,'APT. WM. RABA 10 Roost vet. ELECTION NOTICE The Committee Koome in the interest of Mr. PRouDpooT have been opened in the OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING ON WNW' RTRRKT Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Arrangements will be made for the delivery of short addresses each Friday evening during the campaign. J. ('. MARTIN. Town (,'bagman pring. They *IR all be sold without reserve. TERMS: -Six months- credit will be if yen on furnishing approved Joint notes, A dis- count at the rate of 6 per cent per annum al lowed fee ossa. 8. E. BRADY, THoe. 01: NDRY. Proprietor. Ittgetoeh, Ont Amttleeeer, AUCTION !ALR Or FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. Mr. Geo Horne wt0 will by plebe auction at went half of hot 7. commotion 6, Ashfletd (2 intim west of Dungannon!, on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 37rw, e0mmeneh,s at 1 caloric sharp - I One span of brood mare.. ten and eleven Foam old ; , 'prlria colt ; 1 registered Daphnes sow, aupllord to be In calf ; 9 grade coast The publio works committee ported that in the matter of tbe p exit sewer ,contract and the constru hog of a sewer connecting the Bay° road with McDonald street, after co ferring with the solicitor, engines and contractor it was recommend that h the present coo ractor. resteredpene in tbe`new work connecting Maio aid street with the Bayfield road, work to include 1.006 feet of 22-i sewer. 1,061 feet of 2D -in. sewer, to manholes, two catahbasinw, and o lam bole : everything oonzplete, eluding the connections from catch basin., the lump sum for this ne work to be $4,481.15 The corneae agrees to complete the new work &s far as Keays street by December 1 1911, and to eomelets the whole co tract hy March 1st, 190.2. Suites arrangements also had been made ger'ddg the contractor's guarant bond. In order to meet the necessary expense to pay for the above sewer, the following sewers have been taken- otr: McDonald street, from Blake street to iia street; stmt, from Me nald street to Keayys street, Tills sewer originally was de- signed to relieve Raglan street from surface water at its intersection with Ksays street. The local improvement sewer on Keay. street will flow south, emptying Into the main drain on Biotite street, and will give the inter- section at, Raglan and Heave street the necessary relief, rendering the other sewer unnecessary. Then the cutting out of 247 feet of 211 -in pipe on the Bayfield road was rendered uu- necessary on account of the construc- tion of the Brake street sewer, also the cutting out of eB feet of 15 -in. sewer on the Huron road at the jog between Elizabeth street and Oxford Street., and the cutting out of 12 -in. sewer on o water fl Special Offer TO NEW SUBSCKIBERS The Sugaal will be sent to any address in Canada or rent Britain from nate of receipt of order to January 1st. 1918, for the price of one year's suleorip on -- ONE DOLLAR THE eIONAL PRI16T'NO 00.. Ltd., Puatays SEZ UNCLE BILL, SEZ HE., Wise old Uncle Bill has some things to say to Signal readers this week about some of the en- terprising business teen of (}ode - rich. His remarks cover pretty nearly every line of trade in the town. and those who wish to amplify their acquaintance with the burins.* 111e of Gode- rich will find a good deal to in- terest them on page 3 of this ieeue of The Signal. Read lt. etructing the clerk to (forward it to Mr. Lewis. Bylaw No. 15, prohibiting the sale of spirituous l quote by retail in Gode- rich, was given its first and second readings and the clerk was instructed to have the bylaw published as re- quired by Statute. Bylaw No. 16, to amend the sewer bylaw as a result of the cutting off ot the part of the system from Bayfield road to McDonald street, was given its three readings and finally passed. The discussion of the new hospital bylaw with the hospital authorities was then taken up, after which the motion of adjournment was made. THE CAMPAIGN. MI'. Proudfoot, the Liberal candi- date In Centre Huron, ie holding a ire- series of meetings in the township of McKillop thte week. He spoke at 9t. eld Columban and Beecbwood yesterday l today he is at Manley ; tomorrow (Friday) he will speak at Walton and r on Saturday at Winthrop. eid Rev. Joseph Elliott, the Conserve, to tire candidate. had a meeting last n night at Beomilier. He is bolding t>ia meetings at Hullett during the re- s mainder of the week. The Liberal ter rooms on West street are open every evening end all as interested in in the rection of Mr. Proudfoot are in- •ited to attend. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King 11 to Fri - tor address a meeting et Clinton on Fri- day evening, December 1st. It is ex- st. petted that a large number will go down tram Gaderich to Hear the brilli- a• b1e re- ee uron en.A you that the property has been leased to the Doty Engine Works 00. of Winnipeg, Limited, under a lease dsted August 1st, 1911, a copy of which can be ses*at um office. "The tools and equipment installed for the manufacture of grain doors are owned by the Doty login, Works Co. 01 Winni• *111 be intercepted by catcbbssins and turned into the 15 -in. sewer 013 reliev- ing the whole section tion north and west of this. A local Improvement sewer is t0 be put in on Oxford street, which will connect with the sewer on Caln- bi idge street. This sewer will not Limited, enter into the present sanitary system peg, and the town but will be turned into the new ,y. 01*. no claim upon them in any way. tem at the intersection of Elgin and 'The business is being carried on hy Waterloo upon the completion of the the Doty Engine Works Co. of Win- i contract so that no further load u Wipe and baa no connection Lii g. mted whatever with the Doty Engine Works Co., Limited, of Goderich. The other tetter had reference to the existing mortgage on the plant on Brock And Newgate streets, and was an follows: on the existing system. In the future no sewer:., when the Local improve- ments are continued to the Huron road, will empty into the old system but all will he connected direct with the new work uow under wayTh s Mayor celled attention to the "As welled our business is hampered report a great extent by the existing "bort- last tbe fto roBomaa which rhes meeting gage to the town on the plant no gar he that the meteor of harbor improve - ask you to appoint & comulittee to con - Brock and Newgate streets, we world menta eau about to be re r'peord He far with tee as to the advisabilityof stated that he had understood the having the nut agate paid off and re- matter was Mooed, as they had the eased Pio thea the business may be re thattnise th fct mmelal rciadockowould ebe orgaulzed with increased capita!- We straightened and 1.000 fee; added to would ask you to kindly have ibis the present breakwater, involving an d t the matter map ex 1 penditure of about $300,000. Tbe M1yor's opinion was that the town abould not now ask for anything more. lie laid a letter on the table which he had received from H. J. torah, the Government engineer, on July mth last. The letter that work wen to 01.. Neve notice started immedi- wpposed tr ire 1e calf; 1 heifer, two years OM anppoted to be in telt ; 3 ptrtopar cow.; I heifer. them years old : u steer, t coo yeas old; d 9 ete*r.,00e year old ;5 spring Calve.: 1 Mase,. Hanle binder, nearly new: 1 ewe dr11t, no* 1len(t •p'Ing : 1 ewlt•a macre new : 1 mower, 1 borne i rake, plows, 9 seiw of harrow.. 1 t,frin plow. 1 l eDa r, 1 wagon, I wet of sleighs, I fanning .W. 1 boggy, 1 cutter, 1 .rook rack. 1 creat P e ssianuor, 1 Bless ohorn. 3 rood water trough., theta of double harems. 1 -et of smile hams., t 101 of plow hareems, • number of cedar poets, , N • ge.MIV of h..7. about 70 hen. whitlletre•g l too nueserobw to mention. TERMS: -A11 awns of1170mand Over that srownt, in months. e given en funkhing approved } Maroon! at 5 per nem. straight coati on credit sawn. Its thing moat be sold, ass has sold tae Tum. GEORGE HORN IL T70*. Proprietor one at once ao the 10 put in some tangible shape without clay." The Appel al coruniitee reported that n the matter of the offer of J. L. Brodie o supply electric power at $et per h. the committee was endeavoring to recur,• report Ir em the Hydro RI....rie : Wee nha n forks .hovel. and ot1Nr eV (,omm,aruln rvganrllag the sup- • etely on the eying of *Pr to littler the citsee or write .- tor e town. it Was and specification. in connection pia recommended thea Mr. Brodie's ro- ori 1 under. reel; un will to Jot notes. A of „ata ver the eau to 0 nm nt he prof s►MrtsMr the summer hotel It R eats of bxe thea Governor. d, ne 0 with the work w rwpid)y moa poF • the 00ty cif" r•,•r•ejved was t preparation of n• position he laid over anti! the Co oh • the streightemng of the comnie dal mieition report ig received until and that dock, in addition M the extension of the nisi ar. hent standing a treadle mating a(aporntho 11 wehwtt that, breakwater. '� prop.nition. It«�,nrlf the power -ltmstanee., all that the property had been advertised t fort c i AN DRY. sats by taoder in tbs local efhie usuomser Palmy and Reeve Reid stated that he thought from* C. U. that the ego that tiro and kis tr Go et,t to comment* the • AUCTION SALES- runa•d .Nprovveetmber 9s - A action vale of • earned 011ogry'. wrakt.s,t Meath atierteedales a my.. at adorer : tea street, oemt e at 007*..♦. song r N m. Muni, corn*. blown. c !,'ns T A.tetion tale Of farm stook ant implementsthe prepwrfr of eiurstaoa woes*. way, bait et IM 7. (.wdnw A Ans. i id Own miles west ►%maaure•t, cenomessa wu 1' 'lcrk Aar' 'tow Ormeay. amftlrm- l.ee, who otterwd the sum of $x.0110 fr purpose of the Ii]oard the beat.! and tat. IFI, ttii4, 1tIM and >l5 Thais nst7vasaant moa. merely to u it WAR rocs ommcnded vwrnnl accepted cos condition that a *0001 at once. may he inserted in thea agreement a Mayo Regarding the military ramp tear least Ave years. In the wetter nt er. the mayor of 1 Ceasing In same taalttMe flerees • h. �titmsrnries ase In No t military hoe mid mal yelling that the premiasa will be roll t� a H `r'n t he t hat the t member view as a sottstttsee hotel the a period of at � W Hornet hw Rwksd to interview 'artfamwnt where reeogiitioo ts1 the lvrolc ton and have I0. apt. MacDonald 1. tall a u w1M the mill nlll •+extd m communicate ewer and imenes s assess* Iw[a Hirers cher bN hrx near sis ezp+"esairm o opinion from them as IM areata -filen tJ►e olanw Black. elateor Aso, � thee Me eanotttee was besaaas wateeknp ed. it was arty er a military of the At•LriH pprnop Moves. ?base Nu. iiat apt. MaeD is dace! may,.o1 fee louse d O000e111ffeek I voe{wg moved a neolotien to abler IMer•t, fn• 11111111111111111111111111111111 ant��ng eg-Minister of Weir. He ie doitlg good work for the Liberal came, d his address will be oDe of the dl fttl6idente ot the cam- paten Tbe official nomination meeting for Centra Reran wilt be bell at Seaaurtb, where tie returning officer, M. Brod- erick. resides. There wase some Wk of tete with- drawal of W. H. Kerr from the field in North Huron, owing to 11l -health , but Mr. Kerr will be in the fight until the votes are counted. For a few days be wart confined to his house, but he is now much improved and is Pre- to do bis part in redeeming ortb Huron, Tbe Mends of the riding should give Mr. Kerr every as- d eistance in their power in condreti.g the campaign in the short time now left before polling day. AN ELECTION BLUFF. WHERE IS THE REPORT ON MMT LAND RiVER POWER 1 Whitney Government Trying to Rush Things Before the People Have Necessary Information -Attempt to Make Political Capital May Wreck the Whole Project. The very latest thing in vote -catch- ing devices is the announcement is- sued from Toronto of the proposed ex- tension of the operations of the On- tario Hydro electric Commission to cover Heine, Bruce and Grey coun- ties. Power proposed to be developed on the Maitland and Saugeen Rivers is a prominent tactor in this proposi- tion ere outlined in the announcement from Government headquarters. As readers of The Signal kuow, the idea of utilizing Maitland !fiver power for industrial purposes is no new thing. Five years ago the Hydro -elec- tric Commiseion issued a report show- ing that power could be developed prufitwhly on the Maitland River. We bave also had the reports o1 other engineers, and a company is is exis- tence for the purpose of developing and selling this power. This com- pany, however, has done little or nothing, claiming that tbe Hydro- electric Commission stood in the way of the financing of the project. Then some months ago the project was pieced before the Huron county coun- cil, with the suggestion that the county ahould develop the power and the Ontario Hydro -electric Commis- sion should Al tend to toe distribution in laotsj wNiagara �''�►e� tb/d6tm Engieteersiththe of the ric n examining &the MaitlandtRiver vdurion have ng tbe season, preparatory to makigg, estimates and issuing a report allow- ing the cost of tbe project anti the prices at wbich the power could be sold. This report has not yet been is- sued, and, it is ui,derstood, will not be ready for presentation to the county council at the December meeting, The Province, or the Hydro -electric Commission, dales not develop the power. 1'hir is to be undertaken by the county --at lust, that is the pro- posal; but it is not by any means cer- tain that the county will agree to the proposition. This is really as far a the Maitland River project ham goner and unite, The Signal is mistaken the baugeen River project hes made even less ?rogrers; yet the announcement from Tamest(' states that "twenty- eight d an opporta communities ty to vote aatlNew Yebe ar's on the question of making a contract ter a supply of power from the Hydro- electric Communion," Either the an- nouncement is premature or the pro- posed vole will :ie a farce. There will not he sufficient time in the Inst few aye of December, even if the teport be ready by that time, to place the project properly before the electors of the muuicip&lities. Indeed. to rush the vote on hef„re the electors are preset in ponsrssioe of the requited information might damn the whole pro mai What the people of Huron county ant is some reliable information rem the Hydm electric Commission. is not in need of any pre-election fire- orka, 1f the county goes into the project it will bete to foot the bill r the power development. and the t eumere will have to pay for the war they use. If the people of the unty and its minor municilnilitiee PERSONAL MENTION. I . Ho l0 and Mir Reit are visiting in Leo. Chisholm 1e away on • trip to Kala - so mao. MirthW The Mims Snyder have returned from • t rhea to the Wert Ie G. A. Buckley, of Simons, 1s the anent of w Mies Mende In town this week, Sotto.* v� bone over of Stratford Normal fo R 8. Wflllann has returned from Toronto co and will be In town for • while. po Mr. and Mir W. Di.trloh lett on Tuesday to co rends for the future In Toronto. Mrs. Neale 8011th. M Wt Ger parents, Mr. and era, Dan Leri is **Wolf good Mr.. (Oe) Whitely and Mr... Iismlltoo want he no to 8t Tbemae eo a nett thin W.O.ehe ern, P. Macaw an and Miss Margaret Moo - Ewan have returned froto an extended aleit to lh Woodstock. Bias Ida Va.to•e has returnedno and *ill be at her hom fr.m ee Buffalo th the moment.. 0. 6/ Anemias street. f.rr Mm. C. A. Nairn has returned from • vi -it. N1 with relative* at Galt MIAs Adelaide i« er. Pr tending her stay. •h ale persuaded that the jai ojert is one, tn. y will support it. if it Is t a good one, t hey do not want it to fottxd up n thein. it wool.! ph rv. ne,.n much better for e enecees or the project it this an- ancen.e r hid not been made at is juncture 4m a piece of Whitney ,ye, nen•-o t ele.•ti on literature-. 'thing ..ill -o seriously retard tbe rlgdeg.. of . he policy of public owuer- rp a.+at'•-m.•ta to employ it for elec- n''er•nst +rimers, and any such at- wpt /Mould ie visited with the un - hest ,a, ing ron.Ientnation of advocates f public ownership. The power re - nom. of : b.- Prt,vinces belong to the Rriesse Pont : Mrs, Edward Spee -an. of do Rru ala Godettohand locality. woo renewing old hieud.hlps In te Mr. and Mrs. EI�geoa H1nso,, ,it Beet Taws., Mich_., arse vtwtung ea the home of Win. n Omt.iott. race street.. .04 Mrs. D. A. Ashton aMred home 1-o1-ons8trass p burg. Sask.. toe attend the /urger%) ..t father, the late W t111am q -alt r.. her A Joe D•.yle returned last we c from hts boll - day trim lie dld50me banti,g while in the Nye north see brought home a ane big buck. Mrs John Austin and family, Smith street, Bee lett it who rid• for Whiffle g .. join air. Ms position M the Pratt 1u of opts, not t., the p•'iitical party. meeting of the power cornraittee the come conned was held last Ding. when It wee decided to make te.singd. nano upon Hon. Adam k for De long-promisetf report on R, J. Dean lett this week for Port olburne CI where he takes. pry.iUon with the M .pie Leaf Mol Milling Co. Hie work w111 he In the ehotrkt.d and department g A. Wilkon. of • .leery, who eau' oiled moonily nenily owing to the nodal,.,, rhea h M bis mother at t Hutton. ,.. was In town over Sea t‘ day. He returned to the West nn Tnerlgy, tawMn. Thos. Lawson .nal Mico i.Illian are lesvlre town ars week for the wince, months. •fru Mrs. Lawson 1ws to t`Ieaetand, writhe Mist le jrr Dawson w111 visit In !tenor A tti-e di go to Toronto next present their desnend. The Chateau Laurier. 'orb on Ili.. l'o,.teou Laurier, 00- a. Liu- w 112,000,000 hotel. con- etitly all the plastering of the us new enpleted end there re - ns to bdroione only the lobby. bar gra/ ',tofu veiling. Motet tit Use ridor are bed and after the plaster tared on tire met • work of Omit • Heatated light have eeen in the ing for the let two tenni he, awl n the plaster is sufitricntly dried • •Arruu04 punier room. t ha defter - will he eels, to nommenee the hi- rice.trit tonic Some of the wood - for the hig rooms is in the betel itrOrrisi appearance ef the eerier/no to in hey,m4 expeetatiorm anti et bee peed will he of tile rich.", CON* .ie denim and 'roadie -fully Everything in rings, pine, hoodoo -hes *4, and other jewellery that a fir., -tate 1.e, atelier) store •buuld have. ee have. 'kw), Beth quality and prime fee ly emit egad r. Onderich. Remember not to forget thee 'Reek- f,t,t, in th ones sell the apemen with the Rayne terior "Paroy Breed" Virginia sealed work Wetted stock. 'Phone 240. and t nee. C. Lee hoe taken nvpr the tn. ',anomie former bosmiled hi• rote, thee. the late Wre. Lee, and an- (veep' tonnes* that he purpretes handling artist seines but fk ItAirroie Coal_ Al/ Neal beam II he wei fie hu fa Ithrel oft the onarhat scale* grade aerial he baa de- died et sell for enackstonteio eat it NI end owing to the anon rilta at) Lbfw orth while lil:inntaiesszky, fr hotmie made 'tangly