HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-16, Page 9THE SIGNAL : GO
T .+4`li°+ .Qi494444airitnia+4+1` i++4 . ilia MARKETS. •
• L{tggl Wheat Futures GNse
t The News of the District(„,, Chicago Higher -live Steck
-Latest Quetati.n*.
%if* 45 *46 46* 4444P4S4 ►446+
CHICAOO. Nov. til. -Surprise at ILO
s.L�,L.L,L,L,L,L,L Apparent aoallsase et the increase is
i°TFY0°'P°0"! tT V"T Ibe vWb80 wppb' belied 'h., the wheat
lloNDAT, Nov. 18th.
Norse. - J. M. Beattie thanks
*bu e the
tbat the Wilke Rule is splendidly liv-
ing law. The Good Samaritan has a
number of his kith std kin in this
vicinity. Atter all. what's in a noose?
"A meals • man Mei that" The
bed ring paws held their annual
ung on Monday evening. and
there are good prognoses for another
summer in till -bits Mrs. Ruther-
ford has goo* to New York to be pree-
. Mime
Mt y Arhe mstrong rongngpd�hse at the or-
gan rt the church cervices in the ab.
eeooe of Mts. Rutherford Next
Sabbath is the deist day of the Do-
luinitw Alliaaoe in Broca. A repre-
eeotetive will occupy theSeveral cyte
an pulpit home
here fated their way back for
from hoar
Than vias : Mies Ina Welsh,
James Courtney, R. Rutherford, Cuth-
bert Fraser The echool
Leaacbers met is the maaee+Wedoee-
day evening to arrange
the good
e. '
tilt» expected about
first practice for tae entertainment
was bold Saturday afternoon. Miss
Nellie McMullen is training the chil-
dren in the choruses Copies u�
the heals of the proposed
auoioo are distributed prior to the
time og Its home d Mr. sad March A little
oaby giri l at .he
Thos. Welsh, jr., will please accept
out conghave
the promiise•that the railway
We bane some
prom Too storm
will run some fine day. Y
lust nOW.
Nova Scotia Mae Tells How Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills Cored His Son.
' Cape Negro Island, Shelburne Oo.,
N. 8., Nov. 13 .h. --(Special l-Evsseeyy
i;.y brings direct evidence that Dodd's
Kidney Pills continue doing a grand
wore in this part of Nova Scotia.
I'eople cured of their ills by Dodd's
idney Pills are shouting their praises
if the groat remedy, •od the opinion
f- becoming general that there is no
rase of kidney disease that Dodd'.
Kidney Pills will not eure.
Mr.Mtillman Peery, well kaown here.
'.dds his testitnony to the great Mss
of, proof that Dodd's Kidney Pilo are
good. -My son had trouble with his
Lidneye," Mr. Perry states. "I sent
for some of Dodd's Kidney Pills. and
,ince taking them be has had no return
hie trouble. 1 believe Dodd's Kidney
Pills are all that is claimed for them."
MONDAY, Nov. 13th.
St•SDAT MKwrome.-Mr. C. B. Oke.
't Knox College, Toronto, spoke in
•he Presbyterian church on Sabbath
ntorniut last and in the Methodist
laalr:h in the evening in the interests
,f the Dominion Alliance and local
option. Owing to tbe very stormy
weigher the attendance et both ser -
wee was small, but those present
e well pleased with t be addresses
d the clever young speaker and testi-
fied their sympathy with the work of
the Alliance by subscribing about 135
Inward the Lund for fighting the
Ibptor traffic.
BRIEFS. -Hiss Ida H. Mcleod. of
Godericb, spent Sunday with Miss
Luella Stirling Miss Clara Rich-
ards left last week to .pend a few
weeks in Wingham Mrs. Geo.
Park. of Collingwood, who ha, spent
tbe pelt few weeks the guest of ber
brother, rev. A Macfarlaneteturned
home on Saturday last Rev. H.
J. Condell and Rev. A. Macfarlane at-
tended the laymen's missionary cnn-
ventiou at London last week Mr.
and Mts. John Tough are spending a
few days with friends at Hyde Park
and London ..... Ed. hector is utov-
ing this week iuto the store which he
recently pure eased from Mrs. G. H.
Hewson. This building hes been va-
cant for tome time and we are pleased
to see it in use once more, as it is one
.,f the be.t business stands in the vil-
le4e.... The ladies of the Presbyter-
ian church intend bolding a concert
onSt. Andrew's night, November 30.
Good talent bas been engaged. namely.
Miss Rance. of Clinton. reader : Mrs.
McGuire. of Seaforth, aid Mr. Rate
tenhury, of Minton, soloists, and
these with the addition of the best
local talent should make a concert
well worth hearing.
TUmwAT, Nov. 14th.
Last Sunday the Methodist* h.ld
their anniversary tdrvioas, whoa the
Rev. Mr. Barker, a 8eatorth,
swinched earnest, thoughtful and help-
ful tortuous. Homeliest musk was
provided by the combined Presbvtor-
tan and MNhodiet choir.. The figs'
offerings were for the Deeds of the
PERSONAL lizoriox.-Mr. and Mrs.
Landon, of 8a0ilac county, lliean,
spent a pleasant week with thebisyti
mother, Mrs. Andeeeoa, and nueser-
om other friends bene Mime Trott.
of Grimsby, is visiting ber Moeda. the
Meese Dinedale Alfred Grigg of
Exeter. bas engaged with Robert Par-
son' for a term to help In the farm
wort Walter Cohort's. who held
hisauction Bele of taro stock, etc., Let
week left this week for Alberta. Mrs.
Osborne is to remain another mootb
while Mr. Cations. builds a new bash.
They w ill M missed berg
lernovsMftrern-Along the lime of
improvements the second eosee..ion
of Stanley has done something this
year, two Dew houses beviag been
built. one by Remand Morrison and
the other by W. H. Collins. Both are
large and commodious and both were
built by John Hoffman, of Dasbwood,
a careful and reliable contractor. Mr.
Morrisoo'e is built of Dement with a
fist roof, set innovation in tbis neigh-
borhood, but one that may gain in
popularity as Lbe years go by. Mr.
C.alins' is built of brick and occupies •
commanding position on the rise on
the front of his faun. Both bounce
are finished inside in Ooorkia pine,
stained and varnished, and are fitted
up with modern improvements. Botb
are beautiful and well fitted to give •
great deal of comfort to those wbo oc-
cupy them.
A Plorsas Govt -Last Wednes-
day, the Stb inst., another of tbe old-
est settlers in southern Huron pawed
over to the great majority, in the per-
ernen of the late Andrew Bell, who was
one of the Ant children born in the
township of Tuckersmith, in the year
1837. His father was the late Robert
Bell, for many years the owner of the
Kippen Mills. He was the youngest
in the family of twelve --.even sone
sod five daughters. Those still alive
are William, of Heniall, and Daniel,
Paul and John, of Hay. and MI's.
Hunt and Mina Margaret, of Hensall.
Of his own family there remain to
mourn his loss bis sone Daniel, off oo.-
ton. Mase. ; Robert, of New
Andrew, tad concession, Tuckersmith,
and John, on the homestead. end his
laughter., Mrs. Williams, of Saska-
toon ; Mrs. Wainer. of Mensal; Mrs.
Sioclair, Tuckersmith, and Miss Cam-
eron. at borne, besides bis bereave('
partner, Mrs. Bell. Mr. Bell was a
faithful member of St. Andrew's
church. Kippen, and he will be greatly
missed by a large circle of fries&g and
•cqusiot.anoes who learned to love
him for his kindly nature. He was a.
Conservative in polities. His funeral
on Saturday, the lltb inst., to Bengali
Union cemetery was largely attended.
The family have tbe sympathy of all
in their bereavement.
Three Months in Hospital and Caste Oet
Uneared- Zara- auk Coed Him in
Few Weeps.
Mi. Fred Mason, the well-known up-
holsterer and mattreea manufacturer
of St. Andrew., N. B., Mys "I
had eczema on my koee, which caused
me terrible pain and ineoneenienee.
The sore parte would itch and burn
and tingle, and then when rubbed or
'eratched would become very painful.
When the knee got warm. it burned
worm, and the itching and banning
and smarting were amort unbearable.
1 tried various remedies. bet got no bet-
ter. eo I decided to go to Mootred and
lake spacial treatment. I received
treatment at the Montreal General
Hospitel for thirteen weeks. but at
the end of that time 1 was not
cured. 'and alineet gave in. A friend
advises tx tc' give Inas-Bak s trial.
'. Almost as soon Y vplied Tram-Buk
steeped the itching and the irritation.
1 persevered with the balm. and it wale
soon evident that it would do me
good- Beck i.y the pain was reduced,
tbr sate Teta WOMB to heal, and y
Uwe f W tried a few boxes of
lone Bok i was milts cared
-*nee ties Bek hos aired
hlood-polar,e la ely Sager. and at a
- time whirs lay Gager was la sash a
>iµe rnnuitiere that I leered It
would bar. to be sempetsted."
okere. mess,_Meemeses, melena.POW Itessene, Wend palms.
ied lag. u(e.ew
sores, chapped
•rte. harm, heehaw sod all akin he
uries anti diewasea. Zags -Rot 1. with -
est bet an druggist. and acme eg
wit fres tem Zeas Bok Om, TUIt1111Mgi
'or Rte. Refuter Imltatieae,
If Parisian Sage, the hair grower
that E. R. Wigle guarantees, will not
cause hair to grow where the Bair is
thinning out, notbing on this earth
And we say to everybody. you can
have your money bark if Parisian
Sege isn't the best hair grower, hair
saver, hair beautifier and dandruff
cure on the market today.
11 stops itching scalp and falling
hair and makes hair grow thick and
abundantly. or money back, 50 cents
for • large bottle. Parisian Sege
snakes the liar soft and brilliant and
promotes growth.
LUCKNOW. market to -day as upward slant. TM
clew was 1-4 to 3-3 net advatsee. Latest
MorDAT, Nov. 13th. trading loft corn with a gala ea 1-s to
WW Shields, of Toronto, was a 1-4 to 1-4 and Lt; at up 1-4 and 3 t
visitor here last week. to et. and hog products varying fro
R. V. McKenzie has returned from a
Iwo saostbe' trip to the West,
Mrs. James Duncan, of Mount
Forest, was the guest of her son, Rev.
J. & Duosan, last week.
'maple Clark Ism opened a new
Calor shop in Lueksow. in the store
just west of William Connell's.
Frank Melatosh, wbo was operated
0o for appendicitis at Wingha). hos-
pital. has fully recovered and has
returned home.
Tbs .id news has been received of
the death of Edgar McLure, at Mile-
stone, flask. The deceased is a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McLure. The re-
mains aro being brought home for
Y. M. C. A. Oresr,o.-The date of
the formal ope.lsg of Luckpow Y. M.
C. A. is set for Tlaesday evening, in
the old town hall which will be the
Y. M. 0. A. beadquarters. The pro-
ceedings will be in the form of •
musical and literary program inter-
spersed with flue -minute addressee
by the leaders of s various deport-
ment, of the locr 'rk, setting forth
the purpose and t er'e program 01
each departtner
New Interest B leo in These Com
Frees ...median Fara.
There is evidently a new interest in
the plowing match this year. Reports
from the matches held so far in Ostario
.how a larger attendanoe, stronger
competition, and a desire on the part
of (arwwr., not only to learn bow is
pow well, hut bow soils should be cul-
tivated and best prepared for the seed.
A well-000dueted plowing match cer-
tainly furnishes opportunity in WO
direction. It ba. been proven beyond
question tbet a good plowman is al-
ways a good farmer. He knows Dow
to till hie land after it has been plowed
and bow to make a good seed bed.
Encourages', as it dose, good plowing,
the plowing match has a place in the
movement for better agriculture that
should not be lost sight of. Tf it were
pomible to have the matches held a
ittle earlier in the season, when the
weeder is n.ore suitable for outside
demonstration, more might be accomp-
lished in the way of riving informa-
tion on soil cultivation, etc. In the
west the annual plowing Matches are
beld between seeding and harvest. In
Ontario the air held in the fall, and
usually in the late fall at that. The
Wei fall las this advantage, however,
that farmers are over their busy sea-
son aid can attend a match witbout
neglecting their work very much.
8411. if the, could be got together at
an earlier season, the match might
profitably take on a wider scope and
thus accomplish more ore for agriculture.
Then, too, if match were held et a
time when oonditicns are not so favor-
able for good plowing. it would be a
further test of the skill of tbe plow-
man. to have him show how he would
handle the ,oil under adverse condi-
Extend Its Scope.
Whether it be held in the enamor or
fall, the plowing match is an institution
that should receive more encourage-
ment from governments than it does.
An association of the plowmen in On-
tario was organized a year :Igo. which
receives a small grant from the Gov-
ernment which is distributed by
the way of prizes among the local as-
sociations. This association has al-
ready secured a large membership and
is in a fair way to do mach to promote
better plowing. As it grows in
strength and can prove cost there is a
need for such an organization, which
it has already done. it will command still
more the support of governments, both
LAURIER. Provincial and Dominion. The pro-
TUsaDAY, Nov. 14th. motere of the association look for-
ux..u.s.-alis. use Boyd, of Bode- ward to its being an organization
rich. is visiting relatives in this
vicinity Miss Annie MacLennan
spent a few days in Lucknow last
week Miss Mae MacGregor re-
turned to Locknow on Wednesday
last, having rusticated in the vicinity
for a week...... Mimes Bessie sod
Lillian Owen, of (lederidse arrived at
John Walker's on Friday evening, the
Corer to say good-bve prior to ber
leaving for Sault Ste. Marie, the latter
to remain here for en indefinite time.
Hector MacLean and Rod Mac-
Lennan attended the Liberal conven-
tion held in Wingham on Tuesday....
John Walker purposes having a sale
of live stock and a few farm imple-
inent. on Mooday. November 213..
Robert Walker bad a very successful
sale on Friday last, disposing of most
of bis live stock.
All Sorts of Weakness and Debility.
People who are run down or weak
cwnot get strong until the vital or-
gans and the nervous system are re-
stored to proper activity. Our Mac -
Lead's System Renovator is a nerve
food and stimulant it builds up the
servo= .yetem and alien promotes
digestion and the formation of
healthy blood. it helps almost from
the Bret and a!1 gain is permanent, be-
come the system is actnall built up.
We guarantee it Oise dollar bottle.
Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine
Co., Ooderich, Ost.
Por ssi by IL R Wigis, druggist.
Fwrelsewdsa Justice.
Hash Bees of Tia Oen was arrnsed
of eccegag a mule. bet a Tin Can }tory
bresghe la se le 'not gruilt This
the spectators and ti. j
jatieet, voicing the
opinion, said : " Gentiemea of j/uor�yy
you have erred grievously. Ge
rwooselder the evidence, and an if you
Dominiso-wicde in its scope and in-
fluence. To make its work of the
greatest valuesto the fat mer, its some
should be en to cover the whole
field of soil cultivation and the proper
use of implements for tilling the land.
There is a need in this country not only
of better plowing, but of better culti-
vation of the soil. If it were practi-
cable, a competitioi among farmers. to
show which could plow and prepare a
piece of land in best condition for a
seed bed would be a distinct advan-
tage. This might be difficult of ac-
complishment at a one -day match,
though it might he worked oot b7
giving each competitor a small plot
of ground and have him put it in shape
for the seed. in fact, something might
be done by giving prizes for'the hest
tilled fields, similar to the plan now
working out so successfully in the
field crop competitions. At any rate.
the Plowman's Association has a big
future before it sod is deserving of ens
cou rag emen t.
i 1.3 decline to a like amount add
The Llverpoel market closed today 4sd
to I%d lower than Saturday on wheat.
and led lower on corn. Antwerp wheel
clawed unehaagsd. Berlin 1!µ to It low-
er, Buda Pest six lower.
Winnipeg Opti•ns.
Close. Opp. High. Low. Close.
Thu Remedy Will Restore it.
1f you have no appetite for
can't work. can't rest and are anon
with too frequent urination and a
horning. scalding pais in snaking
p if •atnight you retire. hoping for
sleep that either doss not come. or le
troubled and fit- w
ful, you have
kidney trouble
aid reed Boot) se
Kidney Pill e,
the to•rantead
needy for all
kidney and blad-
der bauble. A
few dose. of
Bootle'. Kidney
Pills will wake
u the
can not ��{{w r a verdict f0
with rat sad justice" Orectfalles, kido«ys and ra tubte she mina. Cow
•be jsry retbwd • eeenra timc 22 tin treatment will twee and Mal
were oat sheen ten 110wu40. On the weakened Weer, tied rester, the
reMetttimmito, your ara the jtsdge maid : 'And y i appetite in the natnrelgeerpesaggu go& hog. fa powayy.. Sold
lad the foreman �a .igk tt�si.fThe it &,oih Ora Ltd.. Poet *ie.w,),„. item t.M erowd,d vert ofd Out Pros trial crottle en=on.
tbe j»( iI resaarkad : 'O rrr.ct 1 Ws voertastesd and sold in lloiseleb by
Nov . 1171(s >a
May, new, V% sail
May, old. to a0%
Oa -
Nov. ..... 4511 ..
May 41%
Toronto Grain NAasilet.
Wheat. tau, bushel .0 Se Ile Nta
Wheat, goose, bushel .... on ....
Rye. bushel •w ....
Oats. bushel •
Barley, bushel 10 • M
Buckwheat, bushel • 43 a IS
Peas, bushel a 7i • M
Toronto Dairy Market.
Butler, store Iota • n • I
Butter, separator, dairy, Ib. • 2S ..
Butter, creamery, ie. roils• b e a
Butter, creamer), soifga • 8 • i
Cheese, new, 10 • 16 B L
I.eneycombe. doses 166 3 a
Honey, etnracted, 1. • 11 • 11
Eggs. case lots • I ....
E. new -tale • N
Liverpool Provisl.ns.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. U. -Beef, extra In-
dia meas, IIs 3d. Pork, prime mess west•
ern, Ns Id. Hams, sbort cut, 14 to 1•
lbs., Ms. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 23 to
10 lbs., tis: short ribs. 10 to M Ib.. ib:
(kar bellies. It to 14 lbs.. 64s; bong clear
middles. light, >Y to M Ib.., 67s; do.,
heavy, a to 40 Its. 67a: short clear backs.
7S to I lbs.. Ns. Shoulders. square. U
to 11 14.. 478 Id. Lard, prime western.
In tlerces, 47a. Amerioes refined, In pane.
Ns 3d. Butter. good U S., Ilia rOas.e,
Canadian finest white. esdo., colored.
Os Id. Tallow, prime city. No. Turps -
time spirit, Nos 8d -
two been age" 11. R Wtgla.
Union Steck Yards.
TORONTO, Nov. 13. -The receipts
of live stock at the Union etoek
Yards were 127 carloads, comprising
IMO cattle, 437 hogs, 1432 sheep and
lambs, and 52 calves.
Alexander McIntosh bought 1 bad ag
exporters at B.M.
Prime picked butchers, welshing up to
VI0 lbs. each. acid at Ra to 8: loads of
rood, 16.511 to RIs; medium. 16.11 to RN;
common. I4.e to 34111; cows. I to 31;
bulls, UN to 14.3: canners. IC to 03.
Stockers and Feeders.
FeedKs, 2150 to lea lbs. sold from S•
to 14.70. and one lot of 25 short -keeps. UIT
lbs., at 41.N. stockers, from Ski to *t-
hinkers and Springers.
'['here Mt • fair supply of milkers and
springers rust sold from •40 to SSD each.
and one ckof2► cow at 1190_ See sale. quot-
ed by the different commission mea.
Veal Calves.
About 50 calves seid DIM the to V.l5
Per cwt.
Sheep meg Lanai&
Lambs sold at 15.3 tee RMi'`•01 one lot
of L select ewes and wether, weighing
15 Ile. each. sold by Dims & Levack, at
p.a. Sheep sold at 13 to 33.71.
Selects fed and watered, of which there
were g1 weighlne 173 lbs., were bought
by E. ruddy at SSE,.
Montreal Live Stock.
MONTREAL, Nov. 13. -At the Montreal
Stock Yards, West iad Market, the re-
ceipts of live stock for the week iodine
Nov. i1• were 7100 cattle, 1471 sheep and
lambs, 4(50 hogs and•g-0 cal, es. The sup.
ply on the market this morning consistee.
of 1300 cattle. 1000 sheep anti Iambs, 3705
hogs and 400 calves.
A feature of the oil& was the stronger
undertone to the Ina et for cattle and
prices since this day week ago show an
advance of 315c per cwt.. which is attribut-
ed to the higher prices ruling, thruout
the country, the somewhat scarcity oil
choice stock and the colder weather.
There was a good attendance of local
buyers and as they all wanted some bast
the demand was good and a more active
trade was done, a lays. number Desna
bought by packers and several carload•
were also picked up for shipment to
A few full loads of steers and heifer,
were sold at from St 3 to 8 per cwt., and
some small bis of picked steers brought
as high is'Lek but the bulk of the trad-
ing In choice stock was done at KS;
good, •t 13.I0 to 8.10, fairly good, at N.7s
to 34.10; fair, at 16.3 to 8.60, and the com-
mon stock at 14.i to a per cwt.
There was • good demand for canning
stook, of which the ripply waa large and
prices for such ',how so change as com-
pared with • s ago, .ales of bulls be-
ing made at IN to P.3, and cow., at $L7$
ttoo'LN per cwt. Blood bulls bold at KIS
There was a good supply 07 hogs he
the market. but notwithstanding tole
fact, the tone of the market was much
stronger and prices dace this day week
.bow an advance of Is to Nc per cwt..
which was dee to the higher prices beteg
paid In the country and tho keener d♦
mand from packers here for ',unpile%
consequently an a, flue trace was don*
with soles of seleet'd bra at its to Rig
per cwt . welched off ears, and fa me or
two Instances as nigh se el was paid for
Mock, which had long rests Heavy hop
and sows sold Sir a per cwt. less thea
the above prices.
There mss 00 change in the condition
of the market for sheep or Iambs, prices
being firm Lader a good demand
butchers and .des of r.0 earb.det .G
tonne were weds Ram at RM te stet
sod sheep, at II JS to WM per set
Goad to choice calves wen seers.,
It Melt there was . 45L _ole
and .ales of much were ,sees et theft
to p1 tech, tad the ee.ssiussr Daae went
at from 8 to W seek.
East &Aisle Cattle Marls['
RANT 11 P'F414). lies fi-agq�y„
or.Priem dotes, 111.14a so;
grant KM to et 111. e.wa RS w •s,
Cal.oe-40so tw dM Moe, orne t, .e.
We, mstiee: ow to cheese. w MMM
sae Le
a.b.-neeserta OM=
Itmetra, Iambs. ata
lower, s1..p, steady. r4s. (le
Sia; evil t. fair. MS to IM;
RR to Ms. shore, M t. wet
Hoed -Roseau. AM; moritoc, cello fi
Ile blgww. 'ecce.., Its to
`O i t. Web. pigs. flue ...tool. ILS190
R8; heavy. al% rousse s 11 to M
Chicago Liv. Shock.
CHICAtci. Air U (Inas -Receipt,
Ikea. nssesM. 11 ,w 1011,4 .04 h„MMre.
31.3423 geed hes. 7-, 34 s3'n Is* light,
4 to SW Ago. MS 10 at
[4511. Re'.4p4.. ROM. Marke4, of r.aq�
beeves. XS to I.7 new. end better.
b F.I. ,enek.rs tad readers. el to pi.o,
Iqg el to 34.0, retook IOD to •La
I aeh:--ReesSYs, HOW market, ems*
WM to e• ; swOgie , as
y. as q0
11; eet* tlkf
T, Mthreasan Id. 1011
"Dr. NI=
Our Little Boy of
A family can suffer no greater
affliction than to have a child sub-
ject to fits or epilepsy. Many a
father or mother would give their
all to restore such a child to health.
am heartily glad to tell retool
our little boy who was completely
cured of ka He commenced My-
les thaw at 10 years of age and 1.d
them air da/
doctors anoneapecialisthist al/
Owes said be coald not be cured,
bat Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerviest
aid Dr. Miles' Nerve sad Liver PUIs
wade • complete care. He to now
kale, hearty and gay. 1t has bees
thse years slab 0. had the last apelL
I sisalg(aive Dr. Miles' medic -lees
pram cYcreoer 1 go. You .re st
liberty to me this Orta .a you see
fit sad anyone writing to we 1 will
gladly answer it they cricket stamp
for reply
Y. M. BOGIE, windfall, lad.
Dr. Miles' Nervine •
is just what 'it is represented to be,
a medicine compounded especially
for nervous diseases, such as fits,
spasms, St. Vitus' dance, convul-
sions and epilepsy. These diseases
frequently lead to insanity or cause
weak minds. Dr. Miles' Ncrvine
has proven most effective in reliev-
ing these dreaded maladies.
Sold by all druggists. If the first bottle
5 11s to benefit your money is returned.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, Can.
$1oo oo SAC& n'
to cents
If you have t amnia
sell write for our illustrated
quoting prices we pay
nail is any address for
led stalagmite
each kith/ by
(not free).
P.O. Box 179, QUEBEC, Canada.
s. L a tri le.s . ""
St T1iomits.Ont r
You probably know all too well
bow it goes. Just as yon dose off, the
tickling starts to your throat. Agentle
cough, still asleep. A hander cough, and
then another. First thing you know,
you're wide awake, coughing your head
A few nights of that and you're so
worn out and weakened that the cough
takes a tight grip on yon.
But why endure it i
Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed. Licor-
ice and Chlorodyne will soothe that
exasperating tickling, loosen the phlegm
and cure the inflammation of the mucous
membrane. It not only stops the cough
quickly, allowing you to get sound, re-
freshing sleep, but it goes to the root Of
the trouble and drives out the cold oom-
t. Children willingly. take Na-
-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and
Chlorodyne, because it tastes so good.
Your Druggist has it or can quickly/et
it for you in a5c. and roc. bottles. The
National Drug & Chemical Co. of
Canada, Limited. lis
To Winnipeg
Canad i a n
-.�_ Standard
ANAtIiA I Dining
PACIFIC e•iti.
'" • Jos.
Car Line
through train of
Tourist a n d
Sleepers and
Cars, Toronto to
10.20 P. m.
Kidd. Agent, or
0. monster. District
Ai.nt, Toronto
,.�• r .
fawn' 1 .
Ret tat n lockets
rates now nn sale at
Trunk Ticket office.
t,• Pell particularwl amino.
R naR O Tows 11
nail a's
. Track
Li •
a 1 reduced
any Grand
Qom P r
This is the season of the year when the fancy of
both the young and the old turns to thoughts of
warm winter clothing.
Our Sweaters and Sweater Coats are made of
the best material and will give the best of satisfaction.
We have a splendid line of Overcoats with the
convertible collar, the college and the dress collar.
We also invite your inspection of our line of Ulster
Coats. Out Leather Coats and Sheep -lined Coats
are just the thing for the working man who is out
in all sorts of weather.
All hinds of goods at all prices.
McLean Bros.
Men's Outfitters Goderich
Cold in the Head
can be relieved very quickly by
using INTOLOZONE, the dry air
method. Relieves immediately
and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at
F. J. Buttand's Drug Store
ei Kodak Supplies and Camerae always in stock
Pn o 0 0�0
The Happy Thought Range
still leads the market. As we reoeatedly
years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT
RANGE of today. Every year sees improve-
ments. The WM. BUCK STOVE Co. do not
change the name of their Range every time
they make any change. To the housewife
and the cook, the word "Happy Thought"
means satisfaction and the best that money
can buy. Call at our store and examine
the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied
that what we state is correct; and to back it
up we are willing that you take a Range
on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at
the end of the two weeks, you are not
perfectly satisfied you are under no obli-
gation to keep the Range. The old saying:
The proof of the pudding is the eating of d.
The Radiant Home Heater
is like the Happy Thought Range. it is
in a class by itself. It has no equal. It is
a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver.
Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing, etc.,
we give special and prompt attention, and
all work fully guaranteed.
National Portland Cement always
in stock.
Special Offer in Fenciiig
We have just received another car of
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence;
and for a 7 -wire, all No. 9 Fence, 47 inches
high, we will sell it to you for 261c per rod,
while it lasts.
'Phones : House 22 -Store 112