HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-16, Page 611 , TilgOIROSIF FOR MEAS MAN'S CHRISTMAS WHEN JM DOUBT— ' A Pratt). Plasev elem la • very UeePai Chrletrna Peewee When In doubt mak* a pincushion vis b excellent advice for the (bristmas tuft Suuestions by Santa Claes For Sweethearts and Wires, oiee Th „tan as tft�_j,� ease b always of 1 Toottent Loa, pact toliet articles that pack easily sod tate up little ap•og; consegneady there same convenience' Geese fall bD noose i hit as Christmas gifts. t�•he tllustr.Uon shows the very latest thing to toilet accessories designed especially for the requirements of the snit case. In loth instances the cases ars made of pleekln, and the envelope -like look Inc Affair whleh fastens securely with a "snapper" bolds a very flat hair- brush mounted neaUy In ebony. The beetles of this brush are of the best pusuty and quite numerous enougb to smoothly pat into place the hirbute giver. t 1ncaabiotu are always useful. They wear pot or Ions Melt freshness so that a great many Or 'them may be used In even a year. ,,t Girl. Moreover, unlike mon elaborate pieces Most Any pill. Mee PHE SIGNAL : GULERICH, OX, UPTODRTf HOLIDAY HINTS i aeon Reticule wi NISI of fancy work, they are not beyond the skill .of tbe weeniest needlewomaa. Just at present round ahapes are 11 demand. so if you are sMecting a 4 h linea band bag to carry with the •omaaer gown may be made op at lit- tle Dtle cost and willQ1 i� ! tie steal who is fond of sty 6 for the washable band bag will be carried as much next season as it was last summer. The bag 1llnstrtated was stamped with an oriental pattern and worked with delft blue silk. Any style bend bag will be accept- able Some of the most expepaf oriental effects to silk may be dopU- i *HAZY TO UM Preesets Thal wl/ D.slidks tie Geer and Hessentlf. Dainty amemorias far the travM* are the tootbbrusb ease Sail wimp ease pbotosr.p•ed base. seta at team are toad* or coarse dray erma. tea 11 Let Us Remind You 1 you were one of the many, pexttape. who left 1 he selection of Christina," (iifta to the last day of the week in Ind, and you were tired and hurtled and diasetistlfied. Let ns remind you. Let tm invite you to teak. your selection now. Never hrf re. perhaps, was our rtock quite sn varied and Complete p and we would like you to see it labile it is still unbroken, • quietly and comfortable et your leisure. Y WALTER H. HARRISONt On tIs Square 1 OUWTarrrrgrT♦ 000 T•• atm C'u,a psseesloaa of the average man. This brueb is fitted into a little port, to - tether with a small comb. Tho other contrivance, wl. trembles in sbape a bill book, t tw. bruahei, one with gray Intended for brushing clothes • Other wftb white ones for rer _ g Oust from the bat. One or both of those care,, would make an Ideal gift. Oevs Him • String Bag. TLIa case for the useful bail of twine l nay be Women of raffle in the open- work pattern shown here, the ends et the strands being secured by rib- bon+. tied In pretty bows. Red rib- bon on natural colored raffia was used b tbla case and made • pleasing com- bination. The ball b tied inside the Ia111tOtDFRID P1atCtUJoN. gtgn you cannot do better than copy the Doe photograpbed here. The cen- ter consists of a circular piece of Unen worked In satin stitch with a spray of flowers and foliage. Double frills of valenclennes lace and a nar- row beading through which a ribbon te run and knotted at the top serve to Oatsb the outside. Still Time to Make IL If you are still trying to think of a gift that you can make for some one - and It will „have to be something -at this late day, that is soon put to- gether, perhaps you can get a valu- able saggesti ,n from the recent vogue for pretty things of tapestry or silk brocade. Bones and picture frames simply fashioned of brocaded sUk or poplin. tp ofd blue, old rose, gold or soft green. are finished with narrow gold braid or gimp. These are dainty and distinctive and i bark beck to the French empire period. To further ornament them an old medallion print may 1* cat and rated to the material, being framed with the braid. A picture frame of this sort would be especially easy to make and for either a man or a woman would be an acceptable gift. A Gift Easily Mads. Women wbo like to make dainty things for their friends may be Inter- ested in the little gilts that one we m- ao L makll ; wftb those small bo kis of etamps +bleb are lamed by the governmen end whkb are so useful to carry r " er when traveling or 1n damp wen . - A small caw Ls made just a t: de larger than the stamp book. This is stiffened with cardboard. and tea ho ride la flnlebed with an extra pocket- like piece to allow new books to be put in as tbe old ones •re used The material used L flowered ribbon, but the mme idea could be worked out in tan or blue embroidered linen. I Am Willing To Prove I Can Cure You To That End I Am Giving Away $10,000 Worth of Medicine roorasst'SR soiosa. edges of which are bound with plain blue silk The cases are lined with white rubberized silk. The Initial ear the recipient of the gift should tea embroidered on the outside of the daps of tbe cases. A case for the comb and brush. tbe wash rag and other toilet accessories may be added In order to shoo, be; oad a'1 that 1 am in possession of a m't.ctne that will cure kidney trouble, bladder trouble or rheumatism. I sill this year give away tea thousand dollars' worth of this medicine, and anyone guttering from these shamuses can pet a box of rt atroiutely free. All that u accessary ,a to and me your ad dress. I deal mean that y a are :s err a pint of it or all of n and pay me of .ured. f mean that I will send you a 1,,x of this m-d,e,oe absolutely free of'charge. a gift from me to the Uric Acid sufferers of the v odd. s, i can show them where and to. they 'nay be cured. I will not expect payment f, tl is free mid, eine, nor would 1 accept et now or tater it yon seat it. It is tree in tie reat"saeatmg of the word. - For twenty-Sve years -a quarter of a ten tory-t have been trying to coneynce the pub- lic that I have something tmmne, something better than others have for the cure..of stub- born, chronic rheumatism, for torturing kid- ney backache. for annoynde falls to urinate_ nut it is hard to coevine people -they try a few things unsuccessfully and give up all he pe and refuse to listen to Royale thereafter. Happily. I am in a position now to demon- strate to sufferers at my own expense that 1 have a medicine that cures these diseases. I don't ask them to spend any roomy to find ant; I don't ask them to believe ate, nor even to take the word of reliable people, bot an 1 ink b that they allow me to send them the medicine at my own cost. That is surely tai To this end I have pet aside ten thousand d.11ars. which *1111 be used to compound lay medicine. Yrich of it is ready now to he sem out, an of it fresh and Woodard. There MN be enough for all sufferers, theu,.'t Caere be diamonds of „!wm. And anyone who r.ceds it can get some of h free. Put in order that 1 shall now' that yo•.t have a dis- ease for •hkh tb s medicine a i-tcnJcd, I ash you to send ear some r.f your leading • orsiatoins. If you have any of the s7.roptores hi the bst primed here you need my medicine and if you will write me I will gladly tend you • box of it free with full directions for 7nnr asee, i.ock- the symptoms over. see which symptoms !en base. then write we about as follows- "Deter Dr., 1 notice !map - toms usern',rr"-bere_ pttt down the rusher; your age, fort sddv.m, aro send it teaat, liry adders. -s Dr. 'T. Frani Lynott„ i!r Fraatlia 1B:.i;d.ng• Tor nta. can. The ten •boasand dollars i am spending for the vmpnnnding of my medicine is rimy a partof the mover 1 am derating to this cause, for the package of medicine I sod you. wi11 be fully prepaid at my expense. From any standpona rou view it YOU incur no espenae .1 obligation. Just tell ethers who you know are suffering who sent you line medicine that cured you. I am promising to five avray ten thousand dollars' worth of maxim, and 1 will do that; 1 ata IKoding to send any sufferer who miss me a box of bis medicine and fall irmistisse free .t dame, and I will do tat ZYIHOIDSRZD LAW= RETICULE cated at home by the nee of old fashioned brocade Mika, tapestries and the addition of a little judicious em- broidery. Bllk bags ornamented with oriental embroideries aro also faith- lonable. Heart shaped, shield shaped. square and oval bags and variations of these shapes are stylish. Bags of striped silk or satin with the flap fastened down by a fancy button and a cord in two colon (made by twist- ing together two cords of the desired colors) are also modish souvenirs. Hand Embroidered Belt Rand embroidered belts alit so much to the store and are so easy to make (hat „bey are well worth taking op wben one approaches the question of what to glee one's friends for Homemade Chr•i•tm•a Cards. Why not make Christmas cards for your friend's Christmas gift? Take a 'sheet of any pretty writing paper and draw a square the situ of a small visiting card at the bead. mint - Ins a dainty slew inside, or, if de- sired. paste one in Then below print carefully Christmas greetings and your friend's name and address, delicately coloring the capital letters. It L nice to make the envelope match There are any number of different designs for these, conventional ,end otherwise, and the water color wort may be quite simple. BOUDOIR COMFORT. Just the Offering For Tired dusjmes• Girls. Comfort for tired feet la suggested by the dainty bedroom slippers .off mules photograpbed here. Jost late !marts rranso ■an. rales roger rare end of the twine taw ins .lowed to hong out of tbe cue. to t' a• a length tet string may be pull .d • R a Ithnnt tabgling the tall Tb. twine 'toil -.r,• tnakaa • good gltt for • thou, who rya ttaug ft trestle bi. desk .r on the wall of his room or oti.• Presents For Young Men. ♦a •cr•ept.hle prerer,t ter . fears f+abor'rlt,tloa for • magazine. beef of Boon* this ran be offered only when the man 1s • relatlr• or lotltnae Mood oboe* taste In literature b summer to the giver Round books. toe. are usually •p OM -Iliad. but swat/ book& curb s• dot.t..oks. diaries. •etre toots, etc, are ...Anal used Sometimes the note- book 1e • misfit ter tee pocket. and again not every man beepm • dlary- vl r••+wxe whf this kind M a risk to gle sent. A bestber framed e• tender wilt al. ways dad • place on a man's drat • to0seata Pen samrtd only be seven white the donor know. *tartly the "I" the mitigation ekes. The UMW flaSy is• said at • Amgen. as am me- Iselty of soap pater to sweet try alae act Sabot*. dim bass � a 04ZD Ralson/tam MILT. Cbrt turas. The belt illustrated hen ram of white grosgrain washable rib bon. adorned with apraya of foliage. Belts of stamped linen are also liked and may be embroidered in similar style. h. belts may be Onlabed with buckles as expenslre as one cboos.•. Wrapped in tissue paper and packed 1h • pretty box. tied with Christmas Ribbons, they are useful and attrac- tive ttracttive souvenirs Guest Room Towels The howiewife will always welcome with delight handsomely embroidered towels as a Christmas gift The filo•• tration shows something particularly new and smart In towel designs. These destgnr are carried out on a One quality of buck toweling The little guest towel is dashed with. • hemstitched hem. shore which Is • dainty dwdgn of pond lilies denied is Nee mert•ertted cotton ,i-fth the leaf and flower petals (tetltoed with whets thread The larger towel bas a bottertfy motif mingled w1U • design worked DailaDmt arra arvt= the name -melee" sionid be applied be eon forts of footwear k is baits be bonen* it H somerhtng of a alhmOmw for sum, artistic crwat/rwe Thome pictured Dere have tis sits covesetf with ottoman ROE soil the flip pers made of Breeden .Ilk astray eves *stir curds. Tb* Iamb's weal fists sold to the shore sereld be „mid as the foundations foe the male. lief may he eneere4 with severs! Melt nem* of apostle sod settble wltb star torn auk le the redd.d Wert as set ,apes M abs *Ilk may he pat ea daffy sen naw A,*n taIss•tazot.v asts.atewo vowel* • white rotten. Tonto.. mercerised !Miss is email to wort the beresrl pea • p0t5T nttttnnbnl. wits ' tier 1a NICE session *4or'aa the Gods .1 this as- ! eels** s - eilte tow.' 1 113'0305 CLEL to the outfit Instead of pelt Mho tin favorite color of the one who b to rue ceive the gift may be used for binding the set and for working tbe monogram, Crooks„ Tate* del Crochet table sets are now popular, and any woman wbo can crochet wil find that the housewives of air as gatllntanc. will be grafted to reedy* even the simplest handmade outfit The dolly illustrated ben b worked m coarse ttneo thread or • moderately fine crochet cotton. The pattern con• sista simply of a combination of wheels or rosettes. If a larger doily 1s wanted the row of single trebles around the Wilde wheel may be h creased until the border is wide enough to make tie doily of the de- sired width when tbe outer row of wheels is added. To make eacb wbeel crochet a chain of twelve stitches and join it to form a ring. Theo on the ring wort thirty -de trebles. For the second row make coos treble between each two trebles of tie preceding row with a chain of two between eaeb tre- ble. For the third ro>] turn. crochet four treble into eery third bole of the preceding row with four chain be- tween each of the four trebles. For tbe fourth row crochet four trebles to the center of the group of tour trebles of tbd previous row and connect by cbalna of four Por the fifth row crocbet twelve trebles In the center of the group of four trebles. make a chain of two and 171! PLATS MET dr'llw a stitch tip nnder the chafes f� four In the two pre'eding rows, cleft two more sod make • group of „wales treble., and so 0o b ties one of UM rev This wilt complete one of the *beets Tweer* of hese epees are logofr•ed for tee dally. for the ass• ter of the defly cotausrt Sorb of tIM sealinpi. test edge them whose wtta • !hats of twelve "or tee seri new ererhet eighteen tresses ea each of than• chains Per the neat row tura end m•k• ono treble and two chats between escb of the teen tr'e01M d tie prowling row Tho three steer cows aro done erectly 118. the Med. Neem b and fifth mem sr tae wheel The wheels may be Steed err tEe oO► stifle Mw tate positive sad Mor tate piers r►Hb s aeons see thread As tnert,Meeeed meshes wester well Gel this dolly a vary teary .1 es shako TM n WM, mesa wit. we .1 _ Seaga Ilia Da. T. FRAN E LTMOTT „eke is giving away 101 000 were et weietwa I ran say further that albs medicine bas hens rewired for according to law as every detail with all requirements taws stop rheamoonao. it will stop pain and back- ache, it will stop too frequent desire to urinate: it win heal, soothe and strengthen. Yon wig le better in eery way) for having Salm. IL mere is aot an ingredient that can injure; not one bat will benefit All that I oak is that you use it yourself ao that you may in t large nuad fume toet►eo numher of regne1ts. I fare bad tea thouiend more cosies of wit tardic^t book prte•-+ T►is book is pew and np t-, dace ni and e,4n, complete description; n-mptores. carve. resets t.nd cures .,f kidney. bladder and rheumatic disrsacs. All who r rite for the fire medicine Mil be sent a copy of t'. is pram/ i"userated medical hos:--Ise Urged ever written co them .:mass for free and gene -a! distribution. if ya, steed medkine Such as l hare. if you ate anxious to be cured and dent want to spend any moray LOOKING for toms, • write me. Read the symptoms over aid let ale hear from You today. These Are tie Symptoms: -rata to the hark. e -Too fr.•ewe.t .a..t.e to arl.nt.. s- bne.tog .r 0$atr.it.l.n of .rime. f{- mar s=ere fa Lbw *aaddsr. •-Otos lar /aaa eta w ttt..e.wo.c•8. Y-Wward./rag/r7. a rtlawa. dtsria.a .-Pala or arness anger theft rib. 0 -ho smog fa .n7 •ret of tbe body. tonnamoodsM near ager th ts rim �pgyml�a�mnder the hart., Ma tar isoM or air eat the mpos Is means.Affmao err memos ellosamisama. 1 See that Flexible, Adjustable GILLETTE Blade? Akio, the carve Out tries Or automatic ad That's one As you slip the razor together and tighten up the handle, the guard curves the flat blade. The tighter you screw the handle, the closer the blade edge fits against the guard, and the lighter the shave. Loosen 1t a quarter turn and the edge springs away from the guard'gtving a closer shave, reason why, among the millions et GILLETTE users, with every conceivable variety et beard and akin, each one finds the GILLETTE suits his face exactly That's one reason why Ti. Gillette mil suit Your Fan exactly. There's ran otter razor made that you can aditmt to suit your igurrvidoal ra.sd•. Buy a GILLETTE —_1 fly It. aaaedtad asst saes-ft.iss Ildkasse ISM r Ogee. Cambium. nee Onset WOO as At Paver basalwsw d'sinea bowie. *wear. . so tiotrais. taste the tis Ca1XYTdt Dann See The Cie Ssield Raw Ca. el Gaya, Unlimi ao i•* mead PoAgyt S$ 1e. Atesssm/er Serest. 11is•reel. a.mtc,. `!tae sza te! ..4.4r rtZ=Rsas torn ..rarm 0 THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have bee. established during the past :fey years. The breast tewiners it, Canada. Owing to our comae tion all over Ontario, we dr, tetter fur our graduates than any other school. You matt study all at borne or I;tartl at home and finish at the po) e. Affiliated with The Cotruoeveial ads. ItIklucainAreoelatioo of Can - id be well for you to investigate before choosing. Exclusive right fur Ontario of the world-famous Blies Book. keeping System. which is ut,- equalled. It Is actual Meioses teem Start to Finish, and the student keeps tame books a, ('bartered Banks and Wholesale Huu.eu. EDtar any time. Individual instruction. Write. Dail or 'phone fur poi Uc aloes CLINTON - BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. 8 OTTON, Prosidsnt MIES O. F. WARD. Pr,nc,pal" Brophey Bros. 60DERICH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers (drdere carefully at tended t, at all hours. night or IVO TIME TO GET TEAT NEW WINTER SUIT a:d OVERCOAT and you'll make no mistake e hen you leave your order with t11101-1 DUNLOP Worst OIL TM Up -to data Tailor 83 Calls were received last month for office help- 37 were left unfilled. Dernanda for trained help tire so greet that we esn afford to g winin tee a position to every odurue or refund tuition money." If you are anxious to succeed elite for our heentiftil BUSINESS COLLEA3 K. Torun tu. WANTED Man Or firm to devote mut or enthe titoe to representing our eminmession paid pmmptly. We aro just placing on the market close -in lots in BOW ISLAND "The Gas City" a new Alberta Iowa, located on the Comedies Nettle Railway. Tbe Bow Wand natural gas held Ile the Nemo» in the world - p. esent daily production GLIM.- 010 cubic feet, which i• litre times greater than the daily produc (ion of the no..ed hledinne Hat ioin field, Bow Island la -etined to become one of the ipaport•nt tern Canada.. We are also owners of the qoigionl toe/mete of NOKOMIS I..eated on the main line of the T. P. and on •n insPorteet hranch lino of ass a P. K. Tbe C. N. it. Is to rtztand its line thnough Plokutitis and it is gerierally heliwireAthei the C. N. Ft. wilt sunshine Nokomis a• • env peint. To tbe right Mall iw firm, OM propo.7ition is good for feint IWO id. WOO weekly hp retitle Maihmo. D•wi't say that them is imp...Dahl, We ha vs •lasost three hundred repreaentauree in verirms pens Ike amount it is pourable to earn Otily thugs wbo arv in a wee We to devils. mese thne to the sale or throe lobs need apply Onimplet•inferination as to our plan sad offer upon request. frau Pacific Lau Ca. awanwasta Mai asiniassias won. WI want a isAlreasessabv• every ems se Cassia le sea leoksese sod Atm Islas* hew 1