HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-16, Page 51� MOO r of y 0 a r. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Taves:.sv, Novelette'. ids. Wil • LOCAL TOPICS e year of Thanks. et regrewewstisg of the R. T. to T. eel Moeda, wwlttg • reso tion was weed beartly• thanking an tie Waste s_r i who contributed. Sewth•did siteptiob ter maks the es I core behl Temomene=1114tereE progreie se tea repeat meet the great isooew that it was. Hockey Meeting Nett Wednesday. All istereUted in the twee of hockey are asked to argot at Rota Beds t nest Wed eaday weak* It is urgently requrtild that a large number be on hated, e0 that the pros- pects earpects for the coifs memo may b. fully Mecumo& steers elert.d and or- ganization effected ( A Narrow Soaps. Raymond Foley, a young man em- ployed on the sewer mammies con- struction work, bad a narrow escape from serious injury on Tuesday of this week. While walking in a treocb about tea feet below the surface a shovel fall on him and mode gash In his fotebead glad to .$V the injury is not M bad Mat first expected sad that be bas so far recov- ered that be will be able to referee work Attain in • day or so. Le Pan -Edge. The marriage of Mier Dorothy Edge, daughter of the late Rev. Jo.epb and Mrs. Edge, formerly of God to Arthur D Or Le Pan, B. A. 8c., of Toronto, took place on Wednesday .evening 8th last-, at 6 o'clock. at the r'etedelast-,e of the bride's mother. 24 Syd arc street. Toronto, lo tits presence of th • immediate relatives only. Rev. Jewell Ford. of Teetwater. performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Le Paa will he at bogie at 34 Trantry avenue, Taootn. atter December 1st. Tbe frieods of the bride in Goderich, where she besot part of her girlhood date. wish her much happiness le bet wed - .led life. Home from the West. Chas. A. bitten and lied. Davis returned last night front Alberta, where they had bees for three months and • half looking after the crop ou their big farm .t Irricana. The weather toodit ons bit them rather badly ; otherwise they would have bad a bonanza crop. The growing grain was toucbed with frost, and later oo tbeir narvestiog operations were interfered with by the cold weather. When they left Calgary about a week ago the temperature, Mr. Nairn says, was from '!i to 30 degrees below zero. Gies at Pittsburg. The death took Mete at Pittsburg on Wednesday, November 8(.h, of Mrs. Edwaed James. a former resident of Goderich. Deceased's fasideo name was Katherine Ourre I and sire vies A daughter of George Correll, of Gods - rich. She is survived by her husband and a family of two sons. Leslie Cur - i, -II. of town. and Edward Currelt, of ealtfotd, are brother's of d.uxari d and Me. W. McCreath. Mrs. Robb. Foley. Mrs. R. J. H. De Long and Mrs. A, Crawford. all of Go3eri.th, are eaters. Mrs. James bad visited in town for several months last summer. Her health at that time was not of the Seel. Regan and (Gilley. The Y. M. C. A. entertainment - .ur.e had a splendid in*ugnral on Thursday evening last. when Messrs. Rogers and Grillev gave their pre- grain ro-gram in Victoria Opera house. Mr. Rogers is a harpist, and his perform- ance stain hint as a thorougb »mist He limitation of the banjo, the playing of two different air; with right and left hands respectively at rh•- same thee. and bis aeoompani- Rent of Mr. Willey in the selection in which the latter impersonated the old Guardsman, were especially popu- lar. Mr. Grilley is a host in himself. Hi. impersonations were strong and Intr. and his abilities in mimicry and -t•.ry-telling were wonderful. The -tory of the Guar.l.man. above men- tioned. the tale of the old Italian and the red noses. and the impersonations :,f Dickens characters gripped the sndience strongly, and ease of the liltl.rer selections ales were cleverly riven. Altogether it was one of the beet programs that have been given in ('.•.d. -rich ter tome time, and the Y. M. ('. A. directorate is to he coograt- erresl upon so succeeatul an opening ..f their course. There was a full house The Buglers on the March. The bugle band appe ned in its ini- tial public performance on Saturday evening and carried out the program A s 'wtlined in The Signal last week. The parade started at the O. T. K. elation and made its wary down East street to the Square. The oourt house WW1 circled rod then the remainder of the journey to the Park House no West street was made. All along the line of march the band attracted much attention and was the .utject of many apprt vinR oomeeenta. Before dis- missing. ierurssing. the bulgier@ screed to tb. Square and see.esdee the ladies of Maple Leaf Chaphrd Daughtersof the Empire, wbo Were -sung tea in the old %vestige Desk premises. The harts consists deine bngferr, two ride drums and big drum. Tb. names of the bugRoylers: Riese. Colbornearo. Pla Y., Khmer .Ils, Roy Greig. W. W. Oreigie. Fred Sturdy, Bert Morpby and Jobe StOre. the musket director and in- structor. The elide drums are in chs of F. W. Dunker and Orates r' H. Thhbeeree is the big te4swisg an the ttees of Ube Bert MOrye `IrMee : President, �R._ �W. (,milt treasurer. Pr" Mecoedits • eeswttive e.tttts�letei and H. Tiebboeres The Merlbeeeseured e l reetor, Mr. Story, hes b. the"bre ie monitory Nevis rebid egg.¢• q~ligr his Per ths positive a fS11p suneur. When it le eonsidsred that the bye have p rebind for only two _weeks the Mewlstt by the bead es astings7 � wee a very drain - "is tone is at the C. r.bor aid le a slime gt 114 the ism► be abler .e �A 01 piey to the suld as desks bks he M,mim.ra bate elm housed to O Reilly -O burner. A wedding wale "dolly eoM ' nixed in St. Pelee chetah as Wednesday meso art 6 crook. when Mies Mar- hesens the bride of J. O'Reilly,0 ar6sld Rev. feather ceventooy was perforated Eby her mister. Mite Mazy O'Connor. and John O'Connor, broths[ of the beide. supported the junco. After the ouptial knot was tiled the wedding party repaired to the bride's home on Blum street and parLJok of • dainty wedding breakfast. They left on the 7:10 Maki for • short wed- ding trip to Detroit. On their rotes• they will take up their residence In ArkOeld. Mr. and Mrs. O'Reilly's many friends juin in extending hearty Herbo - and Marine Notes. The rough weather which has pre- vailed on the (,creat Lakes during the past week has prevented the arrival o[ several grain boats, some of which left Port William about seven days age The heavy mese have forced them to seek shelter along the route. Five steamers whore combined car- goes will total 465.000 bushel of grain aro expected at the Godericb elevator dui lag the neat few days. The steamer loots is reported at the way here with • cargo of 72,000 bushels of wheat and mita ; the steamer We: - turd, with ii0,tt 1 busbels of wbsat ; the steamer To t Cr awn, with 145,- 000 bushels of teat end oats ; the steamer Soot . He t, with 140,000 bushels of • we, and the steamer Rosedale, wit 1.000 bushels of wheat and barks e The odd * r has tied up work on the bete esr contract, but as effort will bleared' this seams to fin- ish the connote work on the pontoon at present tomer construction. Deputation to Ottawa. A well -attended meeting of the Board of Trade was held on Mooday evening. Correspondence in cwnnee- tioo with industrial propositions was dealt with, but Lhe greater part of the evening was taken up with the discus- sion of power, harbor sod military camp matters. la connection with the harbor it was stated by President Necktie that there was every prospect that the straightening of the wharf in [root of the new elevator would be proceeded with et •o early date ; but it would be advisable, he thought, to urge upon the Government the comple- tion of the outside behekwater, and to endeavor to have an appropriation made at the session of Parliament which was just about to opeo. For this purpose a deputation, consisting of President Macklin, Mitchell and H. J. A. MacEw , was appointed to act is conjunction with a deputation from the town council. The joint deputation will act also in connection with the military camp matter. The power question was again diseussel, with the same result as before : nothing could be done until the report of the Hydro - electric Commission on Maitland River power should be received* and it is not yet at hand. Death of Mrs. Witten. The anoouncemeot early on Monday Morning of la.'week of the death of Mrs. A. Wiwi'', an e:Veviliect rf4!$egt of Clinton, came as a greet. iiheii'k to her numeroud friends, as few were aware of her illness and none realised that it was of a serious nature. After being ill far• only two days she an- swered the final summons at the age of fifty-one years. Mrs. Wilken was a daughter 01 the late Robert Wilson, of Hullett township, being born in U.borne before the family removed' to Hullett. Twenty-seven years ago she was married at Sheldon. North Dakota, to her now bereft partner, Alfred Wil - ken. They resided in that State for settee! years and then returned to Ontario. They lived at Iaindesboro' for some time and twelve years ago they took up their residence in Clin- ton. Besides her husband a family of two .on. and four daughters are left to mourn her departure. They are : Mea. McCoy, ids., Irene and Lloyd, all of Clinton ; Laura. of Goderich, and Karl, of C•Ig•r . For over a year Karl was with the Jackson Mfg. Co. in town and went West from here seven mouths ago. Ile arrived home for the funeral last Friday. rbesorrow- iog family have the sincere sympathy of their Goderich friends iu their irrep- arable foss. An Old Resident Called Away. After many years of very severe suffering, Mrs. Munro, wife of James Munro, Cambria road. passed to her reward on Friday last, in ber seventy- sixth year. Mrs. Munro, whose Laiden name was Kllen Videan. was a native of Goderich. She vat born December 10th. 18135, in a log house on West street where the excavation is now being made for the new Masonic Temple, end Goderlch remained her home throughoue her life. On July tele 1854 -fifty-seven years ago-ebe was married to ber now bereft hus- band. esband. To them were born .even moos and two 3augbter. : Will, now of Watertown, th Dakota ; James. of Moasomio, Sask. ; Charles. recently deceased, of Fayetteville, N. C. ; of Stratford ; David, o[ Gode- rieh ;Bd.. of Clinton, and Fred, of To- ronto ; Mrs. John Story aid Miss Nel- lie Menet, of town. Mrs. Mimeo is survived ..lso by two brotbers and one sister : Tbos. V ideso, of town ; Alf. Velem, of Bay Mills, Oat-. and Mn. Jobe MoSween, of tower. Bre was for a great essay years a victim of rbee- maties In as intensely palatal form. h et bet sedieriergv ;were borne with g reat patience said fortitude. She was a esegiber of the Ptreby0�s e t her.SSA ?unieral ,lees cw ■.ndbf tRsrnnnn were 000ducsed by 1s►. neo. M. [toss, pastor of Koos ireh. The isterme.t was in limit - WWI gm.: David. MIL sea w mud Mrs. Geo. sere wed ebb boa, moi Mr. Yso.die, of Stretlwi, she Mea Md. Munro, of Olietos, aloe were hers for the teeerel. Ten sae ret rid of your neem. 'ra' by e. M drew** OetMeii, OeL Ahem est Mesta, tired and btaelgry en IN. MeliMde and have a oleo asp Mels or • good did elf MOM t 9r iy. Mob OM palab/W D efer* Se Judge. 18. young luso wbo was up beton Judge Doyle two weeks ago to answer W the charge of fu y ou three isdiete.eob before His Honor fast r y rod reported that be had settled kw this notes and paid the floe a woo ordered by t be judge to assist in defraying the oonsteblo's exposes. oo his trip to the WOK to take the accused lntocustody. He was glv.e • rousing McCue by the judge for Irks conduct and was then altuwed to go A young roan from Wingbam ap- peared before Judge Holt last Moo day to answer to • cherge of stealing an overcoat at en hot..l io that town es Thanksgiving Day. Tbe only wit - nen to give evidence for the ptosecu- tioo was John Moteish, the trayslliog nmbrelle. mender. Hie evidence not be- ing considered sufficient to convict, the yoeog mast was acquitted. The trosblle seems to have arisen from the melon of the seemed young man in taking the overcoat as a joke during a drunken brawl. The owner of the cost took a more serious view of the case and swore out the information which led to the young mar's arrest. When sent up for trial be was offered bail, butte refused 1t in order that he might spend a time is jail so that hla system would get a chance to recover from excessive indulgence in iotozi- cants. CHURCH NOTES. "Tbe Faultless Christ" will be Rev. Geo. E. Roes' subject in Knoz church next Sunday morning In the even- ing be will give the third in his 'series of addresses to men, entitled : ''Qallin, 'l orthe wan wbo didn't care." A male quartette will sing at the evening ser- vice. - Next Sunday morning Rev. J. Pol- i lock, of the Baptist church, will en- gage in a stud yy of 'Our Lord's Temp- tation in 16e Wiideeness," concentrat- ing all thought upon the "fleet" temp- tation. The ser -mon will be neither theological nor theoretical, but relig- ious and practical. At North street Methodist cburch neat Sunday the pastor, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach at both services and cooduct the adult Bible elms. The evening subiect will be. 'The Prodigal Soo, Considered from a Buenas Standpoint." Young men and boniness men are speclslly invited. Rev. Oolin Fletcher, pastor of the Thames Road and Kirkton Presbyter- ian resbyterian churches, was recently' presented with a haodsotoe cutter with robes by the members of his Kirkton congrega- tion. The same day theThsmes Road congregation presented Mr. Fletcher with an Astracban fur coat and Mrs. Fletcher with a puree of mo 'There see five vacancies in Maitland Presbytery et preeenL Teeswatee of which Rev. D. Perrie, of Winghsm, is moderator : Kincariine, of which Rev. C. M. Rutherford, of Reid's Corners. is moderator ; Dungannon, of which Rev. J. e. Duncan, of Luck - now, is moderator ; St. Helens, of which Rev. J. 9. Hardie, of Loebatsh, is moderator ; Belmore, of which Rev. W. J. West is moderator. Kincardine has extended a call to Rev. Malcolm McArthur, of Scarboro'. The Presbyterial Meeting. The twenty-tizth annual meeting of Use Huron Presbyterial of the W. F. M. S. met in Knoz cburch on Tuesday - and Wednesday of this week. A bout 135 delegates were present and the fent wda one cif the m2st sacci stgj in the history of the Presbyterial. Ari strangewent which drew many words of appreciation from the dele- gates was the manner in which they were cared for by the Ivies of Knox church during their stay in town. Oa the arrival of tibe delegates at noon on Tuesday, and on the same evening and on Wednesday at noon meals were served tic' the gathering in the basement of the church. This added greatly to the pleasures of the gathering, as it assisted in develop- ing Seidel intercourse among the dele- gates. '16e delegates were accommo- dated in homes throughout the con- gregation on 1'iresdsy night. Some splendid addresses were delivered at tbe various sessions and ri mere ez- tended reference to the proceedings will bemade in neat week's issue of The Signal. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: President. Mrs. Larkin, Seeforth ; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Fletcher, Thanes Lioad : 2nd vice-president. Mrs. Ham- ilton, Goderich : 3rd vice-president, Mee. Smith, Hensel' ; treasurer, Mrs. Ellen Scott, Seatorth , corresponding secretary, Mee. Curtis. Blyth ; record- ing secretary, Miss Graham, Se afortb; secretary of supplies, Miss Howse". Clinton ; secretary of literature, Miss Strang, Oodertch : secretary of Mis- sion irdon tends, Miss McLean. Seaforth. Mrs. Larkin was appointed to attend the annual general meeting of the Society to he held at Vancouver next April. if Mrs. Larkin be unable to gn, the first vice-president. Mrs. Fletcher. was appointed to go inetead. Presbytery .f Herne. The Presbytery of Huron held it. regular Noveeher meeting io the Knox church masse, Goderich, on Tuesday afternoon. The following were present : Messrs. Small, Fletcher, gmith, Iarkin, Dr. Mclean. Rows, ?e•rc, Cs/smell. Johnston. McFar- lane, Mann and the clerk, ministers. and Messrs. Manson. Brigham. Kydd, Young and Tom, eiders. Messrs. D. K. Grant and D. McLaren visited with the Presbytery. Dr. Stewart d Clinton. was appointed moderator for the ensuing term, A rate of fifteen emote per family was agreed to as • Oootribotion to the Presbytery food. A resdnaon was ad ted eon eots- latiog 16. ladies of 16.� re the W. 3. M. 8. os the e.ortee.tel year d weep nose by them to whisk the ateset4on of Preeb,tetMs le allied by the Aessmbly were 'amid - sired M the report of a es-giMse, of widish Mr. IWO wee esevenet. The report .t the A�'Iys es eesittes .. the .apply of Ottriwis nes le the osis approved. Mew. Dr. D. It nor say. of Ottawa. was aserimmeed ler • prelle gi- prelle .wiiP le AMISS Odin". 1 e.s•eflili u ed gill d= week done eslTtrunedttehin the Deurinies nese of Small. Mess. . Mase and their diem ewip seed .Mewee to esseMer e•r'efuty pert eb of (Mies end to es - e Aes desierd. A--Msss�ptWv. derive of tis wart at IU Iff11.6 Sawa% biellip sidebar tt.Ispfnd by the Presbytery. Maters. Larkin and Mine were appointed to visit Orbelhuret and report upon the dime tios these. A spaded meeting of Pres- bytery is to be bed at Clinton on the 6th d December, et Tax 11 ie roped ilei Sias repressess from t6e otsoge.Aat� of thebbg�tcesyy will be present to beer the moderator of tate Assembly, Dr. R. P. McKay, and Dr. A. 8. Greet, boas wipdon gen- eralsuper{nteodesL The nest regu- lar meeting at.Lbe Presbytery will be 6.d a the 1616 eft Januarj, 1612, !at Brucabeid, at 10JI0 a. ss. 11e moder- ator was oommiadoaed to convey the thanks of the Presbytery for the abundant hospitality provided by the poopleot GUdericb. Life Problems of Boys and Young Mus. Mr. W. F. ('lard. a successful bossi- ness man, hue gives much steady to t6e life problems of boys and young man, ie city, town and oouotey and •mooss all classes of society. A wide ezpealence In dealing with boys and young men during the past yea, has evade Mr. Clark an expert. More than most men, be !understands the life problems of young men. His ad- dresses are wisely planned and well delivered. His personal talks are of special value. ThemeDuring 1910 he travelled over 50.000 pe•rpsmwm miles, and add reseed over 100,000 boys rtkenle 'h- and young men. With unusual sue- mei,. --_-- Dees he wins the cooydence of brad bearers. Last year he had over 1,500I MARRIED. heart-to-heart talks with the young .tcHESON-N51TT.-At the rnsidcme of the bride's brother, W. Nesbitt, Meifiue Hat, Alts.. on oaeb r Nth. tiara Ne.blttto Rases. Mimeo. of Oodaieb town.Aip, ASTHMA CATARRH GC 00 COU0 GH. s...riense see A sYsj„sl'.nes..� eteMw.r.str •••re& *1.0 .~iia wn. lit ratemoised1111011110ewer /fry yet tasrrtrsuc. wees.a Web_" �awry b saw. w w ban=diadem awl a w warfare esd • sets( r. vetoes b..at.s. Ari, DRUGGIST. Try wets raw we TaW het rMame. VAMCIERSIECt "IgagWord" ate household egesta from the old homestead at Cosiest thin week and are now oomtomta MOW he their new home on Nelson T1s �p as the fare have been rented far •0we8.ksown honreean W. L. pseesdan thi. week. Mr. b W kis tare for grazier nonuser months We Miro Young to Roderick and win h.. e many happy years in mea Neatly all of them sought the opportunity for 16e personal talk. The infueoce of his visit lives, for fully 800 of his friends keep in touch with him by correspoodeoce. Mr. Clark speaks in Victoria street church next Sunday forenoon and eveniog, and will continue to hod meetings in that church for one week. As far as possible the following pro- gram will he presented : gummy 1100 am. -Tsate • 'Taday's tee . Ye.-;01%1ay Boy" -Far everybody. leo p.m. -Far lies Only- Tep,: iib9 Problems." To the Mitre d The Signal. 7 -On p.m. -Toole cer, m. -Toole : "Our Watt and its Suo' -For sverebedr. leui,-A letter from air, Brodie MONDAY which was read at the last fleeting of 1 13 p.m. -For Burse- the town eoe0cil states that be is will - Topic: "soy. N be (:et There.'ing to reduce his charge for electric current to f:M per h p. under certain condition Tbe eooditioos are, brief- ly. that the town guarantee to take 400 h. p. for thirty years witbout a break ata cost of 62e per h. p. Mr. Brodie then" concludes by say- ing that if this arrangement is satis- factory to the town he will seed • ehegne eovering the cost of the eke- don, le -tion, and providing a vote is taken this year he will rommedce erecting a pleat o0 or before May 1216. 1912. and complete with all haste to -supply the h p. Mr. Brodie does not say anything about what he is willing to guarantee to the town in return, except that be will send his cheque and begin build- ing operations nn Sunday, May 12, 1912, or before. Why he should choose a Sunday to begin nperations in a town like Goderich is rather a mys- tery, but from the way this matter is being taken up by him we cannot wonder at it. When a town is asked to consider tying itself up with a contract for a thirty year period it would be wise to nonsider the molter very carefully. in the ratter of electric power there are many things to be einsidered. We,sbould know what voltage were kind of currents and, if alternating, what frequency it is proposed to de- liver it at. in. fact, there are many vital points which cannot be decided There are only twenty-five more by laymen, and it would be the duty shopping days he''ore Christmas. The of the eauncil to obtain the services of winter season 18 advali 4pg very rap. the hest electrical engineering talent idly and we can expect pd'ng but 1 to decide for them before submitting cold weather. I should be inlaw cluded to the coverjustle hewhropetr it's a time for buying heavier and I , proper warmer goods. which means that all interests of the teen. that is necessary is to call at Cameron's Do we want to have any private cor- poration controlling the wiring for power and lighting in the town? Or should the town have vometlking to say about what safeguuds sh8uld be provided to protect us frcm having unaightty poles stuck up on our main thomugbfsree-the Huron road. for instance -and having our trees rut and maimed for the purpose of clearing their wires? it is not to suppoeed that Mr. Brodie wpuld guarantee to supply an increasing amount of power at the same price during the thirty veers to keep pace with the demands the town would be likely to [Hake unless be fig- ure on making the salt industry the by product to power -making. TSM point regarding tbe cost of power should not he loot sight nf, that the first noee proposed by the Hydroelec- tric would be the highest, that it would gradually decrease. and that., in the event of tbe Commission's building the data at the request of the town of Goderich, the town would have the dam as an asset in thirty years as well as a lower rste for power tben that proposed by Mr. Brodie. There is no doubt that the town can he Neter served by the Hydro -electric an y any private eor- I teration, three the en.ineering will be done with a tjoroughnees and des- patch. and that financial •rremge- meets will be more eatiefactetry and the town be mswe independent than would be possible under any other arrangement. Mr. Brodie is • merit rnanuferturer and ram. ber., i understand, without any thought of developing power. We are told that be reedit electric power in the proems he uses for mak- ing salt, and be thought he could get it from ore town. When be toned the town had ,Kase for sale be premiered to oippl power sad 101211012111•110ahis perste The Hydro electric ComasiOaitao 8As bees termed for the purpose of distet.. Ming power to musieipallties at the letM t pnsaibie rates, and it doe. sot proles New, if Mr. Brodie can teak* as arrangement to sell bis power to the Hydro -Mashie Coseoiasioe the tows 'roved he protected, and Mr. dirndls would Lar, a .reedy embower. Thee sbodl he only os Nysts.p of power s.4 lighting wires in tiros, aria they .be.M belong to the town. if Mr. Brodie is really serious about the meat- ier be wouM baste Leen per. taw - omit in his ntacifieatiesse, and wood not have wzpeeteed that an *Meters we'll he not up roe ewe erased. even tbeh be flimsy oe fear it himself. We note fist he says be will bogie bolding Lis plant H • role M taken this year. bet he dee-'t tee eK of W -eass1Othat G vote is to he is fewer Ma W Moa Aim t11111111t11111111newel try Ys Dmetolosarrmi CAMPBELL-BEATON.--At Fort WWiiim�.! Octoberteb, Dasald Alesaader CampeO� o see of A. G.oref Campbell. Kincardine. [[tt��ee Mir Mary A Lark. tfaa[oof Fort Wil llam, formerly of w.n DIED. MU'.(W. - In Goderiob. on Friday. November Nth, Ellen Videan beloved wife of James Munro, in her Nth year. ATKIMION.-1n Ouel.b, on Monday. Novem- ber nth. Mira lasso Atkirrd., widow of the late William Anthems. in her lend year. MR. BRODIE'S NEW PROPOSAL. 8:00 pin.-ReefYeem'WUII • Present Methods [t'xaDAT 1:15 p.m. For Dogs - Topic : "Whore Doi ng !' 8700 p.m. -- For Yount Mea and Mao Only Toole: -The Newer of Yonne Men wcsnwma r 100 p.m. -For Woman -- Topic : "T1s Mahar of [De Boy.' 8.00 p.m. -For Everybody - Topic : "The Future Home. ' 'FURMDA y 1:15 p.m. -Foe Boy. - Topic : 'Bow Boys Grow. - SAO p.m. -For Young Mew and Men Only - Topic: "Now and Ten Years Ahead : or • Liles Job,' ramal las p.m. --For Girls rad Ye.ng Womeo- Tepie : "Up or Down." 8.1 p.m. -The Rat, of the Week - Toole : " r be Problem Decided." To All Losers of Boston Baked Beans. A "Boston Baked Beans" social will be given in the Baptist church on Thursday evening, November Med. Beans served from 5:30 to S p. w. Beans hot, beans cold, Beane young. heals old. Home-made "Kandy" oleo will be on sale. The social is held tinder the auspices of the Young People's Union. Admission 15 rents. Time is Flying. store and the rest is easy. On Saturday morning we will open up apother large consignment of rule bete for reindeer,. men and women, all sizes, euchre are breaking all reoordsen low pricing. Anotber lot of those never wear Urn tenets for men. Some stores sell at S3 50. Our price for them is only V.- 75 per noir. Twc large rases of meni suite and overcome will be opened up on Satur- day, and the prices we brought them at will enable us to sell them so as to save you considerable. Now is the time we, start to cut prices in our millinery department. Don't fail to visit the store, whether you buy or not. CAM KRON'S. PERSONAL MENTION. • Jean Burka of Rio...!.. is visiting Mbar Nellie Bell. Hinek. street. Rev. 1. R. Wallwtn. of Tnrosto, we, In town for • few hoary on Monday. Harold MrOntten returned from the Weed. on Monday. He was away &best two months Mien Garrick, of the ('. P. R. telegraph o*oe. In off duty on !a wellsreed holiday of two weeks. ibliett Drannao returned 10 Pert Albert Met Cotnrniosinn th h MdNwsn. after spading several months la awe Ripley kstre..: Norman McLeod I. bean from Gederieh. where he ham -been worker during the.turaer. 51.1,15. WoNevfa, who ha. been en the sick tar Yoe Mut Mame enema the house again t., M able to be .� wad Ae of tie Mtahe of w'a.hingioe. Mrs Iran bees for Nome time. left ands week tart Mnrht Khoo Lam sal Riebordeen Q"'''itrrs.sei. et sa.a emir .w•d•r illi ftwobita....: eat Rarer. a(�.�y.� and at.eeem. ih. were vtdtms at the ps.antal bene. lert• strew. • Uly lanikee art/ vier . tits. Hata Bewatt, loft for Imran tined, Sank, after • three onti f abet hen ori Mie Jar- row. r.•.s seme n mLiesre ie:mel w('.ass a rensperiusw ase weabrsa. M. was bees bon fes a low res Mr. Fedwle 1.b.e ibi 1 "Ieasie.ar w.es obrs. mew Of r. eeasws etwd O.ewaie w was senses tether mi ecu calks, 0,w,.w ..tem. s. ta.dm�l. .4" m • a brews esw%Mies we easenes of esessen_, and • bees Is -- - _ -- sew atovesiont hiss west thew *when • *sawdl. at Rsew•r It ' is w~est t� assal OhbaQn sneeri� in lgiMItiiiims W a Urian Bank of Canada Pofd•en CsNW - - $ 4.766,000 /lest end UM...tssd Peewee . 3.300,000 Tenor A.ts ir, (0.64 - p.000r000 London. Easllaaa Office, 112,11Ireadocedie Street, E.C. A fir.ne• OI Ahs Rei las loess eefakiis6ea in Leaden, BagLa4, et )N. pi, Iffressineside these . A.C. when Lease el Gait asci Drafts Payable se el fopeste.t pilo in Cassia mad the United Metes, car be pe leech. mai Money Trendier erseegd. A Tlelb ed Re... is pewiisi lar the aeeveni see .f dams of tb. Seek whoa 10 Lashes, to whiter their sell stay be addressed. Correepeedesee senate& Ir W. ASS C. Museger. • Lendew BseeM:10. M. C. MART -SMITH. Aseistswt-Mnmmget BRAIN WORKERS who get Nile exercise, feel better all round for12116. an occasional dose of "NA - DRU - 00" Laxatives They tcse.ap the Ever, move the bowels gently but freely, demise flop mina and dear the brain. A new, pleasant and tamable laxative, prepped fig a sa ells firm, and vordty of the NA -DRU -CO Trade Mask. 1St. a Sex. if your druggist has not yet stocked them, send 25s. an/ we will mail thea NATIONAL DRUG • CH[RMIICAL COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITCD. MONTRLAL. 21 Semi -ready Topcoats for Cool Weather This is the ever -popular Chesterfield -with silk facing on Olin lapels -in fine soft Overasatings of many fine textures-- Some extures- Some at $15 Others $18 and $20 Many as good as $25 and $30 with silk facings and hnines • We show many other styles of Spring and Fall Overcoats ; if we cannot suit you we can. show you Overcoatings from which Coats can be made to your exact measure in four days at less than the price you pay a retail tailor. 0euci-rrttdyEttY[ur'cxg McLEAN BROS. GODERICH • You were never too young You wall never be too old --to enjoy the Eclison Phonograph The Liens Piam.ary► :e art render it es tree t. Hie s. I6. rap tf►. mee.ieias of all Arigtal. tMages-if bail the great gnaw may .f the peewee ee .fay - play tog all rf the picket coeds ryes merles. Yes .dad per poser s• sole ywr esdi.mr whoa yen .nes as ice. s hest, y to sing � .tag them best -yew .f meek. M est ea se oily Rimes eon 11e Eeflises tar io fie, oeeeeth. e.idnd end bees. 6.......f t w t,� .e- produriag-g i.dowertbe rigid ham Awl waw �ss.t y p- resist --Nests Swyer. N. c6 ajts� .aside, ss seaeebbag w essay N b.�itr s�� •clear fiery meg jai. are A angel[, lbw d Sims PimagesIrs.d towed• .w be a,r JAMES F. THOMSU,'S MUSIC STORE. ■armemistr.s W weMn.ad esar. she t.h.ri Aware* Ovemrs. R L. 11 & •