HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-16, Page 4! Thaws,. 'ovesmai lea 1911 THE SIGNAL GODERICH , ONTARIO District News. AV$.URN. I DUCK*, GEESE,GEESE,TtjR- Ifs+ we [, d tee ewe. is tt+al& s b.st seise said. W. T. RIDDELL. *ablate. W ate, taw4Y, Nov. 16th. Mies Elva BWwb,m was visiting friends at $arooch last week. E. Phillip*, Ellen apd Rob. visited friends at Whitechurch on Sunday. Keep Frida • evening, December 22nd, clear. This is the data ot the Methodist Christmas tree entertain- ment in the Tonaperance HAIL Congratulations are being extended to Mr. aad Mrs. Wm. Str•uaser, of Sebeftt villey on tbe arrival of a eon sad bear. lies. 8trauseer• was form- erly Miss Pearl Denstedt, ot this village. SCHOOL REPORT. -The pupils of the Auburn public school obtained the following standing. based on results of examinations held during the month of October :-1 % . -Alma YuogWut Rt. NU Stoltz se, Faro Symington 79, Reggie Mann 78, Earl Raithby 73, Lana Plunkett N), Arthur Lemp es. Willie Carter 67. Sr. III. -Elwin Raltbby 68. OIh. Taman 57, Ethel Stalker 57, Berdie Ferguson 48. Jr. III. -lona Mo('linchev Iib. Georgina Beadle 79. Leonard Yungblut tri, LOTHIAN. TctwDat. Nov. 14th. Hai Kir s. -Mrs. Wm. Hogan is spend- ing some time visiting her daughter. Mrs. Brady, of 8tsathrty Will Henderson, of Detro.t, visaed at the bottle of his parent*, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Henderson, Iqr • tow da last week Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Oil, more spent the weekabd visiting the lattet's mother, Mts. Kelly, of Tess - water . Miss Dorothy /large. who had been in the West foe the pest two years, arrived st the hoax of her mother, Mrs. R. H. MecKeosis. last week Mr. and Mts. P. B. Mao - Nay and family % p1tosant Thanksgiving with friends in Reafosih lies. O Gilmore and daughter. Mims Jean, visited in London last week. SHEPP*ROTON. THURSDAY. Nov. 16th. WgDoiii .-A pleasant evening was spent va the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hawkins, Sheppardtoo, on Wednesday evening November Lith. when their second daughter. Agnes Victoria. was united in marriage. to Bert Foster, a prosperous farmer of &stifleld. Promptly at 5 o'clock the bride, atteoded by Mise Olive Foster, sister of the gloom, entered the parlor:' The groom was assisted by John Rome, Victor Yungblut (ly, Graeme Syming- of Toronto, cousin of the bride. The too 60. Lureatba McKnight 50. Harry wedding march was played by ?Cab Beadle 47, Lewis Ruddy :r. $r. II.- Alice Bogie. The ceremony- was per- Ethel erEbel 1(urdo -b KO Maggie Tauten 78. fnrued by Rev. T. Hicks.. of Du aiggaan- Jr. 1 L -Leslie scholia 9o. Haden Stoltz nun, in the presence of about fllty $O, Frank Raithby 80. Victoi Loom 52. gUe@ta- The parlor way prettily -decor - Gertrude Ladd 48. Audrey Dawson V. aced with ferns and flowers. The Etna Schultz 40. Glenn Raitbbv 38, bride looked very pretty in a dress of Haney Dawson b8. Pt, ll. -Harvey white embroidery and insertion and Artostroug, Edna Raitbhv, Sydney carried a bouquet of white chryeanthe- McClincbey. Pt. 1. - Emil Limp, mums and maidenhair terns. The Laura Murdoch, ClaytonLadd. bridesmaid Wore a dre as of Persian Arthur Yuogblut. •s, lawn, trimmed with embroidery inter - tion, and earl od a bouquet of pink chrysanthemums. The bride's travel- ling suit was of blue lady's cloth with Jorrisoa--In last week's Goderich hat to match. After congratulations 'Star. the Leeburn writer sprees of a to the bride and groom the gneeta sat certain "Father" wh, is out co the down to an excellent supper. A toast highways and byways trying to make was drunk to the bride and groom, converts of any steak -kneed Grits he with appropriate speeches by Rey. Mr• may cows across. We cannot help re- Hicks and H J. Morris, of Goderich. markiog that those Grits that have The remainder of the evening was not et.ough political backbone to @Pant in music and games. Mr. and stick to their party would not be much +Mrs. Foster will reside on the groom'a of a credit to the Rev. Joseph or anyone I farm in Ashfield, and ,u they are else.... Harry T. William'. who has :among the u.ost Popular of our young been in Manitoba for the tact three people they commence wedded life months, ie home again for tbe winter. !amidst a churns of good wishes. The The young tsmkety of l.be Lae•. !wedding Irian wale nslmerous and burn C. K. Poowty held a social on eostly, eiidetlAog the esteem in which Monday night at Leeburn Lodge and the young couple are held. report an enjoyable time F. V. --- - Lawson's sale last Friday- was quite a DUNG/ANON. success, a good many of the young)R. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF farmers here making large purchases. Lucknow, be mood vises outside Bob Crow. who has beeu in this patntat and win heeoafoefa girl hi, satire place for the last t wo months, has re- be us. be d every da All od wit turned to his horse in Listowel. ods. - Nor s. -E. V. Lawson's auction NOT[C& -THS LOCAL AGENCY sale last Friday was very successful. eget nit aid atthe ow, Calves sold from $ to 130 and two- orders weasel lar attw year-olds ranged in price from $43 to ;rat Jeb work sad be $50.One colt sold for $100 and a eO smeaa.s °asd to w saga yearling hsavy drauarht brought ;130. CHICKENS AND HENS WANTED. eve• for cash• sassy wtdnada) All the cattle sold were of the Aber- J, E. deep Angus breed. Thos. Gundry x` NAB. [,nr,aat-raxr, g was the auctioneer.... The concrete Wepxtteo. y. Nov. 15th. walls for the new sheds at Leeburn Fit SOLD. -George Horne bas church have hee n completed and noth- ing ``sold his ltN ..cre farm on the 6th con- ing remains now but to place on the'cession of Ashfield to John Shields, of roof. This likely will be done in abort . the 2nd ccnceseion, who will likely order Wilbur Stewart left this move to the farm on April Iso. The week for /Stratford, where he takes a 1 price paid was $4,000. Mr. Horne will position as fireman on the G. T. R..... i hold au auction sale of farm stock and Ed. Lawson lost a valuable black I implements un Monday. November Angus steer this week. He missed it 27tb• on Sunday and s search being made I CALLED TO WIYYJPtiO.—Key. W. B. the animal was found in a neighbor's Caswell. pastor of Parkdale Metho- well. It was about eighteen months Idiot church, Toronto. has accepted a old and the loss is a heavy one. call to Broadway Methodist chercb. Winnipeg, and will go there in July, ST. HELENS. 1913. This -hunch was established FO%VL OF ALL KINDS WANTED, only tive years ago. and already the aUve or dressed, and properly .tarred. on congregation worsbips in a $100.000wetaesdsy and to Thursda noon. 8tgltest edifice. Mr. Caswell spent his boy r,saeats pa: LeTATk R. it. Mii.I.ktt, St.'hood days in Duoganoon, his father at e Nov. nth. ,one time bein tor of the Dungan- , NcrrB1,-John and Arcdtie , on circuit, ben the new Metbo- Acheson ayea re home from the Nest, g dist church ere was opened, two looking bale and hearty... .. D. Jt • Year'sago, he .,fttciated at the opening Murray took in the LiberalConvn- services. His many friends here learn tion at W Ingham today •.. Miss e- l with pleasure and pride of his ed - tan Clark has been engaged to teach vancetnent to ,one of the best churches the Belfast school for the rem ei rder 'uta Canada and with him continued 1 success in his ministry. of the year. Mise Graham having to resign on account of ill -health...• Mrs. Metcalf. of Loodou, i, visiting • • HOLMESVILLL, ber sister. Mrs. Robinson Woods ., ' Nusnay. Nov. lath. Mrs. J. T. Salkeld, of Gndericb. 6IWUi DEATH „I MDR. WM. STANLEY. - a few days visiting friends here .. 1 After a long and tedious illness. borne Mee Mills. who has been spending a with much patience and cheerfulness. few months with Ler daughter. Mee. !Anne Elcoat, wife of Wi'liamStanley, Acheson, returned to her home at of Holmeav-ille, pawed to the better Durham but week ...• .1). Thurlow land on True«lav of last week. Mrs. and family will move to Wing- Stanley had been ill for several years ham this week.... Mr. and Mrs. W. and for nearby two pears had been Campbell. of the Mil cowmen:vis- confined to bed. Although suffering iced friends in the town on 1 ueeday. 1 intensely- at times she was very ebeer- fnI :and of such a pleasant disposition 0ODERICH TOWNSHIP- j that it always was a pleasure to eon- Mo\DAT. tom,. lath. !verse with her. The deceased was a T H > TgLzpuo,6 s v R r R is - ! daoghtrr of the late Appleton Elope(' At teat thirty miles „f wire hays of "ceketaroitb. and wa. s native of been added to the municipal telepboo,• Tut+onto. The family removed toot aystern during the past season There t Tuckersmitwhen she was quite are twelve circuits, nine centralling at young and thirty-eight years ago she Clinton and three at Goderich which was wedded to her now bereft hus- band. Since that time she bad been a constant resident of Goderich town- ship She was a lifelong Meth her family lbelne among the rhl supporters of Methodism since the early days in tbe county. . Beside@ her sorrowing husband a family of four children are left to mourn the loss of a loving mother: Fred, of lionises!: Mrs Jaynes Reid, of Hamiota, Man.; Mrs. Duncan Tudor, of Constance, and Miss Heaths. at home. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon from her late residence at Holmes -- rills. to Clinton cetttrstery. DUNLOP. VrwtssinA Y. Nov. 15th. ' will be connected very shortly. The system is managed capably and ap- pears to give entire antiefartion. Burdette, at the Balmoral Cafe, Bells tbe seal -shipped oysters. solid oysters, eight from their native beds. After a trial you will use no others. The Messrs. and Miss Blackstone will accept a limited number of pupils fors dancing class. Fall term com- mencing Wednesday, November 15. P',r particulars apply at tbe restaur- ant, West street. THIS WEEK'S MARKET TOP PRICES 1Frose taw Parnwes alas. Taranto. Nov. 1st. T dente Hogs OR duns rt.I. t'aeNs Ks I aesih, ttd.70 Toronto Butter ... !lr HlrAalt► Pal std waged IW 75 SRO New Yoe It 55e LOCAL OPTION. I'oatiood eon IM ventioo, given in The Malo Courter, soya : The feature that the torgeet crowds and excited the greatest, to - terve seemed to be the 'beer stubs,' and bete the visitors and had explained to them '7'hI Psblle Hoven of the Future,' as Dr. Max Hsuius, secretary of the Exposition, calls it, 'haring no bar, no tips, no solicita- tiou. no whiskey, gin, wine or etroog beverages of any kind,' and where only beer and soh drinks were send with refreshments." The trade recognises the objection- able fosters. of the institution it repro - seats, and is evidently trying to ward off iia total extinction, so far is it can by removing the !loot objectiesabie features. The president of the exposition him- self self prophesies the abolition of the bar. as follows : "One object of this exposition." ex- plains Rudolph brand, president, in his opening remarks, "is to teach the American people bow to drink beer properly. anndd how to abolish the saloon bar. bow to abolish the tippi evil nod how to solve the problem of the drink evil." The "beer stubs" is his solution of all these prob- lems. The brewers evidently see the end of their Mtainese staring them in the face. The half measures proposed, while possiblythey may do a little bo prolong the lte of the trade, will not solve the problem. The liquor traffic is doomed, and wiU sooner or later be cleared out rota and branch. What About Tide? A vast proportion of the crime, the insanity, the poyerty, the Meknes', the deaths that add to the burden of humors woe. L directly trsceaWs to the li,1 or traffic. Sir Oliver Mowat, when I' sexier of Ontario, stated that his e. i. -benne and ohservation had convir, -•I him that three-fifths of all the crime was the result of indulgence in strong drink. The report of tbe Inspector of Pris- on+ and Reformatories for the year ending October 31st, 1909, states that of 489 men sent to the Central Prison during the year only seventeen were abstainers, while 442 admitted the drink habit, 318 being classified as in- temperate. If three-fifths of the crinie of this Province is the result of the drink habit which the bar -room promotes. and of which. in many cases. the bar- / amp is the indirect taose, then what a fearful responsibility bar -room sup - potters must bear in relation to the following record taken from the re- port just quoted, giving the figures for commitments to )ail for various offences in tbe Province of Ontario during the past ten years : Men over 16 years of age - 90,900 Women over 18 )-ears of age • 12.450 Children under 18 years of age - 1.844 Total - - - 105,14 This is an average of 1b,519 per year A BLACK LIST. Fearful Record of Drink's Doings to the Last Holiday Season. The publishers of the Alliance News and Temperance Reformer recently made an attempt to secure a partial record of the visible results of the liquor traffic reported in the United Kingdom during the fifteen day. from Christmas Eve, 1910, to Saturday, January 7tb, 1911. he compilation included only cases recorded in the public press, and in whish the record showed drink to have played some important part. 111 the compilation are not included any of the cases width happened be- fore Christmas Eve, although pub- lished after, nor the cases which oc- curred during the fifteen days but were reported subsequent to January 9th. 11 was practically impossible, of concise. to exaruine all the papers of the United Kingdom, so that the re- cord is far from being complete in its terrible aggregate. it must also be remembered that these illustrative rases give to the casual reader no idea of the awful story of sorrow., suffering, sin and shame that lies behind every one of them. The naked figures are but the outline of a terrible extent of woe that no imagination ran compass. Here is the table in which the cases recorded :ire summarized and (-leasi- fled : I. I1. iv. v. Vi. DEATHS Came la) Murder and Manslaughter Charges 6 (b) Suicides.... s.6 tel) Misadvestare...... .. (d) Excessive Drinking37 lel Children.... ATTEMPTED SUICIDES... >i ASSAULTS AND WOUNDINGS(al Upse Wives. Ib) those Police . gg fel in Lsoassei Pelee/ma (l) Geeing • .aro CHILDREN: (a(b) China ime of a Childtit (c) Jeesw• Inbethostiea re DESERTION so OFFENCES AGAINST PROPERTY: (a) Theft : (t) In Licessed Hewes . t6 (b) CAiereCeses Ill le Lathered House IS is) Other Caw s3 ViI DRUNK[ IN CHARGE OP VEHICLES: (a) Meters so (b)'Carriages sal Cars 3s VIiI. DRUKJ(RNNESS: ,$) 0s Lionised Premises at (to GwsraL ... , 4575 Total mad Jnessd. Crime. Froud many hakes' directions Domes a note of alarm at the heesthee of jeveaile oriole. Judas 1ltwM. at one of the Ohio amnia, ase pert r meetly etly by si(tetrais per east..1 the prisasses who appeared there tar sestasus were eat mare time t•aetythree dad, and thata ty of task meatus were mneathWed while wader the h - asses eRt a.M A i jI t showed its RM..athm etas boa Uric And IaA is the based by aserdseed ki .y. ledges alma the serve width breathes from a. ayeseerthe Ihre ssd,sad agrees the dos* b the wide dela ass. The awes is ore same ss is all -iree-- iemiersl Mamma The an. law or s.- Dodd's Kidney Pills 1 that sizty<tgbt per cent. began the use of drink halon twenty one years of age. and fifty-three per cent. began to drink for the sake of sociability, Misery was given as a cause in but twelve per cent. of r cases. Dr. Albert Wilco in a paper read before the British -ocie a of luebri- ety, asserts that if ue were to report 700 cases of boy e), uirulity eo which he has made r ,1 studies, there would be found r .lit parentage in two-thirds, male i .tion in most, and had environsawr in a1L-Scientific Temperance Journal. What's the Use ? .1. H. has been arrested sixty-two times, he has been teen to the police oourt .izty-two times, be bas been sent to the city prison sixty-two timer, and be bas been relegated to the workhouse sixty-two times. J. H. has spent 132 days in the city prison and OM days in the workhouse, it has cost the citizens of his State SY,- 027.17 to arrest and convict J. IL and to have him go in and out of prison in tete fashion these last twenty years. No one has benefited by all this -least of all .1. H. He is DOW an old man, beaten and spent, waiting only an- other veother discharge to fill himself with the bad whiskey which will start him off once more on his familiar round. In the technical terms of penology, J. H. is* r edicivist ; in common speech. J. H. is a chronic drunkard, an alcoholic "repeater ; in still less elegant terms, J. H. is a "drunk.' The House of Correction of Cleveland. Ohio, has ad - witted one chronic drunkard ninety times : another repeater bas appeared before the polios court in Utica no Ices than 160 time'. Boston has been so repeatedly arresting, trying, imprison - in, one drunkard, that he has spent thirteen out of the last thirty-two .-years in Boston prisons, serving sen- tences ranging from ten days to sev- eral months. Six repeaters were treated at total of 244 days in five Htesta in the alcoholic ward of Bellevue ospital in New York. at a facet of $1.- 170.78. In one year this same ward received 104 peroons four or more times each. and 214 persons three or more timee. And what's the use of all tbis Drunk, with Dead Wife. After having carried no a drunken orgie for three days, with his wife ly. ing dead in the room beside him, Donet McCormick, a roofer, boarding/ at 72 Inspector street, was arrested, and the body of his dead wife. lleleioe McCormick, aged 42 years, was taken to the morgue. The landlady of the boarding house, Mrs. Marie Hardi, discovered the body of the dead woman at 8 o'clock this morning. and immediately informed the police of No. 6 station. Her ate teotioo was attracted by a peculiar odor coating from the room Enter- ing she found McCormick lying drunk on the floor and his wife lying dead on the bed, partly dressed, but with the quilt thrown over her. Her bands and face were black. Mrs. Hardi stated that the McCcr- micks bad been boarding in her house about two weeks, and that they were both hard drinkers. The last tame she saw Mrs. McCormick was on Saturday nigbt, when she paid her lodging. On Saturday night, however, she no- ticed that Mn. McCormick had been drinking, and on the same night Mc- Cormick was drunk, and on Monday morning she told McCormick that be sod his wife would have to go. as Rhe could not keep drunkards in her bouse. Yesterday McCormick came down stairs agaio, but was very drunk, and Mrs. Hardi said that it she had not gone up to the room this morning he would probably have drunk himself to death. as his wife had done. Mrs. Hardt said she did not believe McCor- mit4 knew his wife was dead, as be seemed in a dace all the time he was drinking.- Wits." Titania wsa ooiy Doe Woman who loved a donkey. 1 LOCAL OPTION IN LEAMINGTON. To tee Editor of The Signal. Goderich. Dear SiR.-I see by the papers tba.t you vote on local option in January. Being a Goderich boy and still inter- ested in and proud of the old town. I should like to offer some evidence in favor of local option. We have had it in force in Leamington for • year aad a -half, and from a business pdot of view or any other we consider it a great improvement on the old license system. We have no drunken/sem and very little profanity on the street., and a better and cleaner town in every respect. We have no -empty houses and no poor people needing help from the town. We are aware that some liquor is brought into the town and sold, but not in any great qu*ntity, and the treating system is done away with. 1 am not, as you know, a rabid, rant- ing temperance man, but I believe that local option (even if not a perfect Act) is a step in the right direction and will if parsed by you be of lasting benefit to Gedericb. Yours truly. W. D. Cox. Leamington. Nov. 8, 1911. (Mr. Cox, wbo is a son of Mrs. Cox of Britannia road, was formerly in busi- nese here with the late Geo. Acbeeon. He is now one of the leading business men in Leamington, Ont.) It is more or less diflirnit for a truthful person to be popular. GIFT TIME is coming nod you can make your friend bappy et little cost to yourself if you chane your re- membrances from our stock. We are carrying three times the stock we did last year in Watehes, Jewellery, Cut Giawg. Silverware, Ebony Goods, Siler Novelties, etc. SPECIAL PRICES on the following : Solid Gold Cuff Links, Ion to $175 Best Goad - filled Cuff Links, ir•90 to i2•50 Engraved FREE Sobel Gold Brooches. $1.50 to $sSve Best Gold-611ed Brooches, 7oc to Ikon J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician south side of Square Goderich Sippington Mediumvill• Tippletoa Toper/vilie Drunkards O.u.. Rowdyville Quenelles RbtailM Bagerstows wedged (hmblerev lie Pghtiagtoas GREAT CENTRAL FAST ROUTE u11 siI PPINOTON TO THE BLU[ VALLEY AM/Dine BY OOLLiSIONR ENTIRELY AVOiORD Ale NO UP TRAIN. ARE RUN OVER THE ROAD TICKETS NOLO AT ALL LIQUOR SHOPS Brotheaton Pitfall Robbers' Den Priem/ton Deliriumtne Deesonland Boreets' Nest Thicket Serreeb Owl Forrest Horroriaad Serponuand ManiarvUie Idle Mats Arrive BLACK VALLEY 5 .4 The New Fall Shoes ARE HERE The manufacturers this season have excelled themselves in the number of popular styles they have brought out. Every anticipation cf the person who appreciates natty footwear seems to have been realized, and we are quite certain we can please you in style and price. RUBBERS are now in stock. Let us supply you with a pair of Life -Buoy or Rubber -leaf Brand, at the lowest possible price. They will give satisfaction. REPAIRI NG Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderich 1 Fall Millinery Miss Cameron is prepared to ,show the latest models in due.. and street hate. moderately priced. and in the season's favored 'Mapes nod colorings. The Ladies of Goderich are cordially invited to visit het showrooms and inspect her handsome display. Miss Cameron Hamilton Street Goderich torr Mottoeveryone : "A saga,* deal to everyo' j3 11 Sew •- g Now is the thea a( theyearthat too ill Uyisfie. supplied witch a good up - to -date machine t Machines We Gave Ilsaehiussa from $2 1 . 5 0 340.0 0 Don't tail to iaepeet net NM Wore dseN- ing. AGIWC`' NORDHILIMER PIANO$ MUIR MU1R & HOHMEIER Or stN6a, "The bent waist .t,ie.lhn is teas wen') - An Ad. We Want The merchandise attractions price advantages never so large prices, but the vast bulk of i '111I, ' Full of lnterest You to Visit Orr Store were never so numerous and tempting. the and evident. We print a few descriptions and our offerings are not represented in this advertisement. Wait Oar Store HANDKERCHIEFS The new Christmas Hand- kerchiefs are here and we never HOSIERY SCHOOL HOBL-Tots ttMrt Weight a better Hae tor HOSIERY -,•=.Continued ., to' wear than cit and A dandy elbowed such a variety of wail- Ries and prices. Flom 1 for so up tpQ a hard -made BatUeoburg at $1.1 i.aad 5c initial borderer, 10o to 1110o. Embroidered and hemstitched at any pries from 5c, or 6 for is. I scolds tor l boys, So to toes. ached thew our heavy eras and a -flet, • rib --beet the thing that boys and girls Deed - eervioeabie, wads and not expensive. Price : Biose 5 to 74 at oaten. Sizes 8 to 10, falls- OUR 0 - This is s median, foe the cold weather, tliTr a pair and be eon to 10, pekes !gel to ".. 99 AND 41 You will know it the broad. hie the beat one sad a -half rib Cashmere Hoes In the trade. For One wear it is impoedbio LISSUE HANDKERCHIEFS weft Stocking and ora be used Our Sae or ivy wear onaoeosat to equal it. Mads from Sas Ate - n+tian : tae Hum with Lisette Haodktechiefs apo, very fine cloth, with indelible colored borders, to be bad only at this store -ask for them. DRESS GOODS On Saturday come and get your chance of tan pieces at just a little over half-price. of the softer' strewtha n d weight of the Tarn. It is a good gosa for bo big and sall wsarer. The weenie guaranmted by os. Sites 5 to 10 prices !ie to iOn 33 11 An extra be ry wretched Hen for boys and girls wits ave 11..'4 oo stocking. Mmrlyim;ossIli. faros the rputalino. Siam 4 to 10, prices =ee to 1110.- 3 FOR $1.00 1 lovely seamless two and a - half rib Nom at apopalsr pricy. This is s nice me oss weight m Hose for wear at e present th time. It is Impossible to beat at _____ _ the prliq.-11 for $1.00. L J. H. COLBORNE LOCAL OPTION IN LEAMINGTON. To tee Editor of The 81Raa1. Goderbe. Don SuR.-I see by the papers tba.t you vote on local option in January. Being a Goderich boy and still inter- ested in and proud of the old town. I should like to offer some evidence in favor of local option. We have had it in force in Leamington for • year aad a -half, and from a business pdot of view or any other we consider it a great improvement on the old license system. We have no drunken/sem and very little profanity on the street., and a better and cleaner town in every respect. We have no -empty houses and no poor people needing help from the town. We are aware that some liquor is brought into the town and sold, but not in any great qu*ntity, and the treating system is done away with. 1 am not, as you know, a rabid, rant- ing temperance man, but I believe that local option (even if not a perfect Act) is a step in the right direction and will if parsed by you be of lasting benefit to Gedericb. Yours truly. W. D. Cox. Leamington. Nov. 8, 1911. (Mr. Cox, wbo is a son of Mrs. Cox of Britannia road, was formerly in busi- nese here with the late Geo. Acbeeon. He is now one of the leading business men in Leamington, Ont.) It is more or less diflirnit for a truthful person to be popular. GIFT TIME is coming nod you can make your friend bappy et little cost to yourself if you chane your re- membrances from our stock. We are carrying three times the stock we did last year in Watehes, Jewellery, Cut Giawg. Silverware, Ebony Goods, Siler Novelties, etc. SPECIAL PRICES on the following : Solid Gold Cuff Links, Ion to $175 Best Goad - filled Cuff Links, ir•90 to i2•50 Engraved FREE Sobel Gold Brooches. $1.50 to $sSve Best Gold-611ed Brooches, 7oc to Ikon J. S. Davey Jeweller and Optician south side of Square Goderich Sippington Mediumvill• Tippletoa Toper/vilie Drunkards O.u.. Rowdyville Quenelles RbtailM Bagerstows wedged (hmblerev lie Pghtiagtoas GREAT CENTRAL FAST ROUTE u11 siI PPINOTON TO THE BLU[ VALLEY AM/Dine BY OOLLiSIONR ENTIRELY AVOiORD Ale NO UP TRAIN. ARE RUN OVER THE ROAD TICKETS NOLO AT ALL LIQUOR SHOPS Brotheaton Pitfall Robbers' Den Priem/ton Deliriumtne Deesonland Boreets' Nest Thicket Serreeb Owl Forrest Horroriaad Serponuand ManiarvUie Idle Mats Arrive BLACK VALLEY 5 .4 The New Fall Shoes ARE HERE The manufacturers this season have excelled themselves in the number of popular styles they have brought out. Every anticipation cf the person who appreciates natty footwear seems to have been realized, and we are quite certain we can please you in style and price. RUBBERS are now in stock. Let us supply you with a pair of Life -Buoy or Rubber -leaf Brand, at the lowest possible price. They will give satisfaction. REPAIRI NG Downing & MacVicar North Side of Square, Goderich 1 Fall Millinery Miss Cameron is prepared to ,show the latest models in due.. and street hate. moderately priced. and in the season's favored 'Mapes nod colorings. The Ladies of Goderich are cordially invited to visit het showrooms and inspect her handsome display. Miss Cameron Hamilton Street Goderich torr Mottoeveryone : "A saga,* deal to everyo' j3 11 Sew •- g Now is the thea a( theyearthat too ill Uyisfie. supplied witch a good up - to -date machine t Machines We Gave Ilsaehiussa from $2 1 . 5 0 340.0 0 Don't tail to iaepeet net NM Wore dseN- ing. AGIWC`' NORDHILIMER PIANO$ MUIR MU1R & HOHMEIER Or stN6a, "The bent waist .t,ie.lhn is teas wen')