HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-16, Page 1The Fall Trade should be Rood this year. The bus/ulnas man who wants his shale of it should let the people know what be Is doing by having his announcement in the adver teeny columns of The Signal r1XTY.THIRD YEAH Na 33:7 jowl. Special O;'fe TO NEW SUBSCKIBERS The Signal will be seat tar any address in Cased. ..r Great B.itain from orae of receipt of otder to January 1st, 1013, fur the Pries of one year's suls-•riptton - ONE DOLLAR GODERICH, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1911 ST€RL1& BAflI( OF €ANAbA WHERE IS YOUR MONEY This Bank affords money -savers a safe - and profitable place for their savings. Safe because of ..mplecapital and comet s'- ative management, and profitable tecaure we allow Otter per cent. Hetetebt. All accounts iuo wel(wuie, and we can assure you of cuurtet ue and careful atten- tion, nu matter what the amount of your flepu.it wily be. BRANCHES: AUBURN, Dt-NGANNON, HAYFIELD ANI) V.ARNA GODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER Mgr. music r OPILS WANTED. -- A FEW on the follow log instrument..: viola end clari rest. For to ins and COOPER. to A. C,PER. et 1 he Signal papa of It. N. 8. M. is 7>FEla.rl•nd u NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THY EBCATE OF WILLIAM LEE, DECEASED. Notice is hereby gives that all parewr Me- ier aialme against the estate of William Ise. Wane tete tcwo i Goderieb. dealer in coal, no.. Needed ea or about the 90th day of Oct re :Aram repaired W sena by poet meek'11ter oe te Me and•ndinsed. executrix for est99� ea er before the 9th de of Decem- ber. Mem. pertice1•t. In writing of their [dater Gall s[ the seeorfly. It soy, held by Wm:4M that ser mid fast mentioned date thex et said mate will moored to dIsCrltae. of the deceased amoo W pee9g9Mea� haring ll then e w tbeilms • shell than have edissoad that .sad executrix will not b. I the swot.. or any part thereof to any posse K wham claims sew shall not then have reeslved ..Ue.. Dated 9th November, A. D. 191L MATU.DA C. LYE. 7631 Executrix, Ood.rla4 Ont. CE 10 CREDITORS. is hereby given pestmat [tooR.y& O. ISE. tp no. ,bat, all pea fps , lazeeet!e le • -at the estate a Davit tow Aablp of ( °thorn., le the swath tot g�rsa, PS .P. derlemed, who died es them rr13 a[ Ortocreh.r. tet ars requireder to tie.=Aerie_pte- thi ssouttto srn. es r beam the first day sortaof DMIL, their names, addresses and o a tesou as. 4 e fell -----t partbg1r. 01thrfrs�t�saad the erten r1 the 0.arlty tistReaarl ball ly them duly etntided. std that ; the Y day the ex.oatere will beyond � s• Sitz liem the 011• of the demised assess the pardon entitled thereto. having regard °W amSM deism d which they shall then haveDated this oat day of November. 1911. LOPTu'8 L DANCEY. 7531 Solicitor for Executors. LAST OR FOUND. LOOT. -ON SATURDAY, NOVEM- BER Ilth, somewhere in town or on the Huron rued, a black hanih•e containing a mall pur-e with a sum of mono in IL Finder will please leave at THE SIGNAL, PUBLIC NOTICE. VOTERS' LIST COURT OF REV'- BION. TOWN OF GODERICH. Norice is hereby given that a Court will be held. pursuant to The Ontario Meters' Late Ant by Hie Honor the Judge of the County Court of the wanly of Huron. at the Court Hoo.., Ooderich on the 27th day of November, 1WIna 10 o'clock a.m.. to hem and determine cunrlalnts of errors and onL0lons in the voter.' list of the Municipality of the town of ' Ooderich for 1911. Dated at Uoderloh this Lath day of Novem- ber. 1911. L L. KNOX, 77-2t Clerk at Town of Godertob. FOR SALE. 'port fli .4N UPRIGHT NORD- M new. 4M �jeTURNBULL, 606 good nsk sa.a4 La.ds4t Lot RENS FOR BALK. -A NUMBER of thoroughbred white 1 born bens for at 61e each GEORGE .NEWELL, Bw- miller, Ont. 7-31 FOR SALE DR TO RENT TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR sale Otto rent, on Nelson and Newgate streets; will b. odd at a bbaarrg�ain and on may terms Apply to F. J. PRIDBAM. eke 700 FARM; EIGHTY-EIGHT r / scree, Lek. Shore, Ooderieh lewnehip. Lead 01 hent quality. PRO17D- FOOT. HAY8& KILIA)RAN. LAND FOR SALE. -SIXTY-ONE acrne of land. part of lot No. 1. emeesstaa e, Colborne ; all seeded down, Olean. drained, and to a entclase .tate of cultivation. Mast be sold ; owner retiring from active work. Terms. part cash, and •good forbslaALLE noe. Apply 10 ANTHONY N Dun - i 11TATURAL lop P.O. FARMS FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- DRED acres on the 7th concession and lee fifty acme oppo.lte on the 8th oonoea:lan of Col- borne. Will be soli separately or together. On the hundred acres in a storyaod--half brick hoarse. with brick kitchen attached. • mod bank barn, nearlynew. and large shed Both farms are well enced and are in drat clan order. Hundred acres .11 needed down except ten acre.. Well watered by opting creek ; goods rlog well at barn. Eight miles from (Mderieh throe mike from Auburn ; two and Joe -halt mile. from RcOew C. P. R eta - Om. r'.e of the finest farm homes io the townshipp For terms apply to ANDREW JOHN$T1)N, Calow P.O. 1811 L"OR BALE. -THAT FINE RESi- dentl.l property .t the corner of Cameron and Raglan etreete. formerly known as the A. Molt. Allan p.opetty. is for tale. It contains eight town eta, planted with the choicest fruit. of .11 ken d.. There ere two brick boom. melt of two .tortes, ooe built only last year, sad the other In fr.ttJaes repair. Both hoose• have modern conveniences, and alto- gether t!. �r is 0 i wt of the nodeer- able In Ood.Ac W ill be add or reasonable tees- Apply to P, J. RYAN. Oedench. MINERAL WATERS Why boil your drioktng water when i oe o.a haven ppa�re ]Harrel Water v.ead at hoer door to see, two ad /j tbi..- alien oars 1 We at carry a tall nee of Mln.ral Water In splits and 1 pinta. Ye Old-hebtoned (lamer Beer In plata and marts. imported dry Ginger .&'e 1., ipIlt. .01 pinta, *sheer Water, Club Soda. Cola Cola, Na All goods made froth pare mineral water. 3ODCRiCH MINERAL. WATER CO. 'Phone 911 LIVERY, CAB and 'BEDS OFFICE Open day and night. 'Buses meet all train". Particular attention given to calls from Nprio. 60.vate residence.. Telephone THE RED BARN Routh Street Goderich, Ont. 66df. Business Announcement, Chas. C. Lee has taken over the coal busio..e formerly baodied by his father, the late Wm. Lee, and an- nounces that he purposes handling nothing but ScRA7rroe COAL. All coal will be weighed on the market scales and owing to the small profits on this grade of coal he has decided to sell for cash with order. You get the "Puroy 'Brand" Vir- ginia sealed oy.tent at Blackstone's, Phone 240, where yoe get Mat delici- ous ire rrram in bulk or Jitney bricks sod home-made candy. ELECTION NOTICE The Committee Rooms in the interest of Mr. PROUDFOOT have been opened in the OLD I'OSTOFFICE BUILDING ON WET STREET Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. Arrangements will be made for the delivery of short addresses each Friday evening during the campaign. J. C. MARTIN. Town Chairman. OODERICM MARKETS. Tatneui••. Nov. 160. i'an wheat, per bosh W 10 to i 085 Spring ye g bush Per best... 0 6e 10 0 e0 Butt. wheat per bush Oat.. per bush. Paas, per hush Harley per bush Screenings, per ton Flour, family. per ewe Flour. intent, per owt Bran per ton Shona. per ton Hay. per too. new &raw .. ... Wood. per load Butter. per Ib Cheese, per 1b rags. fresh. per dos Apples. per bbl Potatoes, per bo -lel. e• 50 to Cattle, ordiu'y to good, per cwt. 4 W to tattle, export, per cwt 5 50 to 8 110 LO She ps 450 to Bleep, ter cwt 4 W to Iallow, per Ib n;. to Hide., per cwt 7 00 to Sheepskins. 25 10 0deto 05rto 056 033to 040 0w to lou 0 70 to 0 80 2D le to 9001 2 63 to 1 7.1 220 to 801 2300to 1500 17 00 to 27 00 If 70 to 600 to 6 (0 to et 023 to U 15 to 0 10 to 2 311 to egu. THN SIGNAL PRINT'NG CO.. Lad.. boron latae Y, asA I Q A so onerous and exacting at times, are being fulfilled. HOSPITAL. , Appended hetet.) is the financial statement showing receipts and ex- penditures for the year. Dated the 6th day .�1 Nosewher. 11,11. ALEXANDRA ANNUAL REPORT PRESENTED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 13 r» Movement to Secure M. C. Cameron 5 su Property as New Hospital Site - u ter 16 Goderich Ratepayers Will Be o Asked to Vote 516,000. 351 e61 5(W 5 75 61rt '1'o the members of the Hospital un Trust, the Citizens of the Town of tri Gotlericb and of the County of 7 30 30 SITUATIONS VACANT. TEACHER WANTED. -14. S. NO. L 1 Colborne. duties to oosaseeee January Sid, 1912 Apply. stating eatery sad gdsUets- teen, to J. J. MOSEK, Secretary, Uodetluh P.O. 77, t WANTED. -MAID FORGENERAL housework. Small Madly. Ooud wages 10 competent person. Apply to 315(8. ALkX. 8.I U N! 11:1*'. l'ambria toad. Huron : the 'maid of t i nieces of the Alex- andra Marine and Graetal emptied presents its 0ttle annual report. em- bracing the poi to to between the 911th September, 1110, :(nil the 1st of Oct- ober, 1011. Toe total number of patients treated dui ing the year war ninety-six sod the total *lumber of hospital days duribg the year was2,2!)d, being an average days' stay of patients in the iaeaito- ti..n Ot 22.91. TEACHER WANTED. -FUR 8. 8. During the yearthere were twelve No. 9. Ashfield. Duthie; to commeoos Jan- births and ten drat hs. nary 2nd, 1912. State salary and qualifications. Protewuona! teacher preferred. Apply to RICHARD JOHNSTON. Retaking P. O. 7641 T13ACHER WANTED. -FOR 8.. 8. No. 2. Colborne,t Ben miner. Duties to nn at commence Jay et, 1912. Mete salary and qualh0astiaos- Address C. A. VANS -1401K Secretary, Seminar P. 0. 75-tt 111E A C H R R WANTED. - PROP - 1 ABLY gaallaad tamest wanted for S. 8 Ira 16, A.lneld. Ihhtise to commence attar New Year's. Apply, stating qualifications end L l ▪ Mlahuired. to R. A. GRANT, Secretary teary REPRESENTATIVE WANTED AT once for work in your twenty. Will guarantee Ij1t.t0 to 13.00 per day. Opportunity to advance rapWly.W Ill pay liberally for spare tla.e. Work not dilticnit kxperleooe not. required. INTERNATIuNAL BIBLE PREM. Toronto, Ont WANTED. -OLD BOOKS, papers, saps, pictured or any docamenta rolattinitto the early history of Canada or the United Mates. Ala° old frearms. swords, In. Mao weapons, tools. pottery almost anything rellaung to the early settlers- Let us know what you have to sen sod the pr(oe . YE OLDS CURIOSITY SHOP, Hamilton street, Gods - rich, Os1, !P.O. Box 7L1 A INTION SAI.EaI. _ IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE or IMPORTED CLTDESDAL.. MAR154. 1 will offer tarsale by auction In the TOWN OF WINOHAM, Huron county. on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1911. twenty-two very choice young Clydesdale mares. direct from Scotland. Large. smooth, with Good goality and choice tweedier. Credit old be given on bankable paper. Male to start lnunodlataly on the arrival of the London and Toronto trains Ask for catalogue. J. PCRVI8, -WAIL MEIIAREY, Wit 4uuUoneer. Proprietor. Rumen, (Mot. AUCTION BALE tl or • CA*LOAD OF SPECIALLY SELECTED DAIRY CATTLE. 11.. 1. A•ady. who baa .. hipped several tis• t 'a►o semens, will n br bl Gsderiob, oo is FRIDAY. NOVEMHER 247-n. commencing at 2 o'clock : A carloa.i of good Durham, Grade •nil Holstein cattle. all young sad in good condition, some newly calved. someepriogd ers abalance due to freshen in the ageing. They will all h e sold without dairy mule to ericb aring at Oeadry's Stable... Soot street. erten. TERMS :-Six months' credit will' be given on turnb.hing approved joint notes. A dW- 001101 at the rate of 6 per cent per annum el - lo wed for mob. 8. E. BRADY. THOS.OI:NDRY. Proprietor, Ingersoll, Ont. Auctioneer, AUCTION MALE Or FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. Mr. (leo. Horne will sell by public auction at we -t hall of lot 7, eonoeedon 5, Ashfield 12 mules west of Dungannon*. on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 27 -re, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp (1ne apart of brood mare., ten and eleven year. old • 1 amino colt: 1 registered Durham now, supposed to be In cell ; 2 grade now.., supposed to be in salt: 1 heifer. two pears old, snppa.ed to be in calf ; 3 ,tripper cow.; 1 belter, three years. old ; 13 steers. two year.. fid : 3 Reen,one year old ; 5 epilog calves : 1 Ramey 1 Harris bider, nearly new : l disc drill, 10w teat spring: 1 cultivator, new : I mower. 1 hone olo 1 ke Y wa, 2 0015 of h ra pis arrows. 1 twin w eco 1 wagon, 1 set of Nleighe• 1 fanning Mil. 1 bogey, 1 cutter, 1 stock tack. 1 cream monster, 1 Brim churn. 2 good water trough., 2 sets or double hones.•, 1 et of single hard.,., 1 est of plow barns.., t number of cedar posts, a goantlty of ha . about 50 ben•, whImeteesa, nea:kyyokew c its, forks, .hovel.." °thew . rattles trip n5thee0ais to m..tlon. TIMRMS:-An sums of $10.00encl under, cash; over that amount, 10 mouths' credit will be given on furnishing approved Joint note•. A dissonant of 6 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit sums • Everything mast be sold. as the proprieto• barn sold the farm. GEORO2 HORNE, Tlll'S. GUNDRY. Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUCTION MALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. There will be ollbnd for sale on the premiere. lot t, ooneemion 9, Wee dvteion of Colborne lone mile Tooth of NIls and one '.ale north of 0s$owl, on W EDN &IDA 1-, NOV ER nom Ston, s heavy drat hero , Islas five years ;; 1 heavy rrart hem, sem emir years NI; I h..evy droft day. dater two Peau 3 eYse we.; le ream three mom dd. atrwsglag 1,9a9 )9.,; 2 Faller. rising three mere two years all ; Somers, natal. • 1 sew. tw. year, • s,:•••�ewa4 i.�.ta. ase :1 � Rsyllsst�ir• I. tstower;lEl1strY M as.d dell- 4ak.: 1 ..t M•zwsg est herrooadew esrdler; I rat. a rahey reek j eel w�{ �1 el: be�gsa7 ;• I e..tt �g igrave : ienaest sad weogt ;dal zingaWea. anal see ma" snow s�s.is dOp adoder. mob doom sosesbr at Amllt6w;w91 willed MINS '1 he hoard again expresses the hope that the different churches in the tows will on some one Senday in . acs y have a special collection in aid of t hospital funds. This is a plan adopted in many places in Oblano and Io far hail Veen moist enemas tul. Every member of the board feels that they would be negligent in thei duty if they failed in t.es4,ifying to the good work done on behalf of the hospital by that ioteleetiog sod wortby orgauizetion the Daugutere of The Empire. As the years go by this institution seems to take a still greater interest in the hospital. During the year this report coven, these very willing workers have contributed $4a) towards paying for coal, and in addition to this have supplied goods to the value of $88.70 in all $0070. Without their valuable aesi.tance in so many ways the board would find it a very difficult mattes' to carry on the work. The board desires to extend to the president and to each individual member of this energetic and self-sacrificing Inst.ieution its very sincere tbaaka fur their valuable and generous aatslyt r The board drupes to express its ap- preciation.' and thanks to the town council for the grant of *500, and to the county coucil fortbe greet of 1112100, towards the maintenance of the ho•pi tal. To several of oar own ritiaens and others who have made gifts ani do- nations to the bospitel, the board de- sires to express ata very sincere thanks. During the year the hoard greeted Inc superintendeot. blies °rigida, three months' leave of ebeenee whir► she spent abroad, and during her ab- sence Miss Dutton, r.f London, a host capable graduate nurse (aa blown by the efficient work .he did whilst lease). filled the position of auperintesient. and the board desires to ackaowiedge with thanits and to testify to the sotto factory way it. which ber durie.., on- erous at times. were performed. Miss Griffiths returned in September bast and we are pleased to state was much benefitted by ber trip. Since the last report the operating room has been furnished with • steril- izer et a cost of about $1811. This was very much needed and hal proved itself of great le ry ice. A fracture. bed hos been provided at a cat of $µ7.:i0: two fire escapes have el.o been provided during the year at a cost of *I18. Thaw add very much 1,,t be safer y' of the patients. The board i a ata report of 19112 and also in lest year's report drew atten- tion to the necessity of hating a new hospital in G(dericb, the present one hieing total)' inadequate for the de- mands made upon it, both in construc- tion art] capacity. During the year the board has been a.mewhat moire ill the matter and eng Mr. Ling - ley, an architect frosts Tomato, to ex- amine per.oually •The Maples," the ✓ esidence of the late Honorable M. C. Cameron, with a view to having this pr,perty converted into a bospiIAU. Mr. Langley reported favorably and inve- ighed the hoard with a skete� plea Id the proposed new bsspitel. Th flys - having given the matter every auaeid• eration has canoe to the saran glagi th.t the hest thing to do. ender the circumstance's. would he to psrdhe r this f•roperty and to convert the build- ings into a modern hospital at • east .)f about one half of what it would oust to purrha.r some other site and erase • new hospital of antnew9at similar eine. In order to provide fund. ter thin pn1p.se it is suggested that the council of the town of (iai•rich he e sk.vl to submit a bylaw at the Meld municippaal eleetio♦ graatlu LM eat of $15.M.1 for t his very and de- serving object. itis hoped that IM. matter will fully disees rdstthead- journed annual meeting. The hoard trusts. sail with e3e 'p conIldenoe, that M this aseteer the eMF AMP will a and shedldar le simian, and awake a greed gad salted teem M ac-ose isg this 4lelded mad de a God- week der whish try. Lewe ess t .Ma�b�an• to at the teem cds(ioderli th dMd (earth T►a sae! of the hg�Nal asset. with tllgss favor rao.h y� notal the beard 8. full y that this N t1h 0, doe to the wart dome and the letere t takes la the hospital by the saaeeint�gp1 sad bar shells and ewresa The sbebete+ dtltrreever-willies hibultins, d� of k..V asd heleil er *eat aet�haN4ft them dee MI 11. E. HODURN8, i'HII.1,' 11,o:r. Set,elary . President. The following 1s 1 he rep n 1 present- ed •t the recent tweeU. 4.1 the hospi- tal trent Financial Statement for Twelve Months from the eon September, 191o, to tate 1st of October, 1911. Kt Itela..ce on hand a. Is `-ptetnt.. r. t91� 1 r11 11 I:reel ted trate Hurvr. 1�,d, .. 1.'' ).F i I10 •. Mu l.,.1 lodge .5 F' A A M In 00 ' F4.ut et Moon -eel 23 00 H wk of 1 u were* 95 (U 3f r- A. Pro- b..m 10 10 Huron Chapter IO 9) .. 'Wase Cir. -1.• 6 01 T owe of Guderteh 5W' 00 .. M.t.e.aant (-aresCla►. tar trashes bed 47 5,r Koos Claire* S. a .. 5 00 .. llawtflers of the Empire 4.1 fe .. Mr. Irwin 10 00 (*livid) tMvernnrent. 3'6 79 .. Military lamp collection 24 74 (eesty of Heron yr$ Ott •. Patfwb 21x1 72 Mr. D. Stewart. .. 10 w 3 1,007 86 Torsi. CIPC.r'DI1t1OJi. Tei.•sl.ase. 25 25 Caratske(r� . 76 (5 ('sal, 1cR. Hot.les and MrEwan^ 161 17 year Rest nr oettage 6u 00 R Tait..(se ek a:tan. 1 m. he. W. W. 8a lo-. tae 10 0) �F�erteo�oedisw..a1al, 1C 806, wi'ealnir.. baa - a ... 1 l3 0000 - G.-ase•a. as waNaMa 5 Oo 1 AlNertlrsts asL Far laser. Ne.. . gg.�t�� H. Jsse.. . rlJames loanslCe _ .,.... F.t 11[.rtliser. Fr trireme end .... ate .... 3 76 8 68 . 4 Tt . 10 91 18000 47 50 40 o enol 118 25 00 .etc 1433 Mn1. 6 s0 aeemente .. . . .. 12 M 24 96 9 36 102 46 11e 6.5 Batter and mega 45500 83 10 86 00 24 53 42 27 enema 111 35 1 J. O. se mese son maths ' and surgical appliance. flrtt1.brs' meat Actor. bread sad seal Tea and eels• Potatoes s1 Dreeerles sad addieevmeted lt1 Issas atldmMtdees. dresses,lose. mors. ate Salaries, maga•. err .... . .. ... 1363 36 61 211 06 organization work during these yeate for both Commons and Legislature contr. Mr. Kerr has an excellent ja reCo he candidate of whom the e i'iV ortb �tr ti MR. W. H. KERR. Liberal Candidate in North Huron for the Legislature. Mr. Kerr, who was nominated on Tuesday as candidate for the Legisla- ture, by the North Huron Lihelals, was burn in the Methodist parsonage at Flesbertoo, Grey county, bring the eldest son of the late Rev. J. L. Kerr. Tbe commoo schools in varione towns and the \Valdsville High School gave him the qualifies', iuu to enter the teaching profession, which he ful lowed for four years. to August, 1885, he putchased The Brussels Poet and has continued its publication to the present. Fora nuthber of years be occupied the Reeve's chair in the Brussels council ; be was for thirteen yeare a member of the county cuuocil and was Wsrden in 1903. In Sabbath school, church, temperance and frater- nal society work Mr. Kerr bas always taken an active part. As secretary - treasurer of the East Huron Fall Fair and in the capacity of a director of the Ea.t Huron Farmers' Institute he has rendered diligent service. For nearly thirty years he was secretary - treasurer of the East Huron Liberal Association and has had to do with 3,049 1s balance le banks, 1037.76• sad mak on Mad. 110.96 . 968 71 144107 8 Huron may the proud. THE TRUST QUESTION. TME CAMPAIGN. Inta•mtteg Debate by Young Meds Sun- day Clab-A Social Evening. The Men's Sunday ('lob, a nonde- nominational organization for the dis- cu+sion of subject.. of peculiar interest to men, were at home to their friends in the lecture iorsu of North street Methodist church nn Tuesday evening. The principal feature of the even- ing's entertainment was a debate on the subject,••Resolved, that trusts are in the bast interests of the public." The affirmative side of the debate was upbeld by W. C. Pridhem and A. Me- Qserrie. , while the speakers for the negative were H. H. Polley and A. Roy Adams. Etch side wan given twenty minutes' time, to be divided between the speakers ae they nhould see fit. and the leader of the affirma- tive bed five minutes to reply. Rev. A. Brown acted as chairman and the judges were A. M. Robertson, H. E. Hcdgennand L. E. Dancey. The • firmative endeavored to prove that trusts were not harmful, because they never could maintain abnormal prices: that they were of positive econ- omic advantage, because tbey de- mi/ratted the cost r.f production, and were in a position with the capital available to intrrduce improved meth- ods in maoufectnr•ing. It, also was argued that competition was wasteful and that when several pleats mann- facturiog the same article were put under orae management the cost of pro- duction wan lessened. The negative presented several very convincing argumenta to demonstrate the evil prevailing as the result of the rxi.l.nec of trusts. Because the motet important Mit, ti of the United Slate. were under the control of a half-dozen men this was contended to bedetriwental tat .the welfare of the pespitt ('ass were cited in each in- stsaee to show rhe baneful effecta of fosse mem hint ions. its judge. in their verdict ruled that as staiseeente could not be con - Mewed as argument/. the affirm- ative had feiler1 to prove that trusts Were a genal t ping. The other run/Fibers on the program Nat to make up an entertainment which went • thoroughly enjoyable one. The program rnn•iated of Rolm. by IBemre. Wilson. Rnwlet and Cook, a mieetion hy the Peerleee Male Quar- tile, and sd4,wsea hy i)r F..nn,erenn Mad J. W. Vane' ter. The speech of the eves'sg was by Dr. Rmmer.on, the presides' of the Meted Mundsy Glo►dseejt was organised. The oh- jeetaef Clnh were fully explained and theDoctor's address should re- el& le a Targe increase in its ,nemher- ship. The Men'. Sunday Club meets the of North street Methodist every Sunday morning at 10 k. A cordial welcome is ex- tended oe all °cessions to both young roll aid seen. - Raft stone. pimples, skin diseases, ren" Ma, indicate impure, thin Weed. Wlgle's Iron Pill. purify the Meed- 110 in a bottle for 36c. Whoever you are. Wherever you no. Wbe9vwr yoe do. Ton should try dJtere homemade mediae. a- theW$OThey a'' i9eUy houtned. OeMIRItte i iia altLiterary W. Rowell. the new Liberal leader for the Previte -es of Ontario, opened his campatg.. with a great meeting in Mowery Hall. Toronto. on Tuesday evening. fits address has been well received 'sod is baviog the effect of rallying Liberals throughout the Proviuc.' for 1 he advancement of tbeir esus. -dr. Rowell is to address a series of meetings throughout the Province. Bir . uses Whitney held his first meeting of the campaign at Cohourg OD Wednesday night. Hoo. W. L. Mackenzie King is givingt.he Liberal leader active assis- tance and will bold a series of meet- ings, including one at Wingbam on November 29 and one at Clinton on December 1. The local Liberal committee has opened rooms in West street (lately occupied as the office of the Goderich Organ Co.), where all pe.'.ons inter- ested in the election of Mr. Proudfoot will he welcome. it is the intention to have a special meeting on Friday evening of each week at which ad- dresses on the political questions of the day will be discussed. TEMPERANCE FiELD DAY. Addresses Given by Rev. Dr. Abraham, of Toronto, and Mayor Pearson of Newmarket. Last Sunday was temperance field day its Goder,ch and Huron county and at one of the services in the two Methodist churches, the Baptist church and Knox church the dis- course given was in the cause of tetn- pe4ance. Rev. R. H. Abraham, D Sc., of/Toronto, and Mayor Pearson, of Newmarket, were the speakers of the d.y, being debt here by the Dominion Alliance. In the aftern-ion, it being world'. temperance Sunday in the 81ab1)ath school, a union ems. meeting was held in tble audit.ri sol of Knox church. In spite of the inclement weather each of the four Sunday schools was well represented. Short addresses were delivered by Rev. Dr. Ahrabau) and Mr. Pearson, and J. E. Tom, superintendent of Knox church Huntley .chriel, geee a black honed talk, all of which were in keeping with 1 h subject ns.igned for the ,lay. Immediately after the Sunday 'ch...l was IiLOIIRVP(1 a ma.s meeting was hrld st the .ante piece and the two ' visiting advncate-. of the canoe gave short .ddt'es•.eri which should tend to enenarage and enthuse into greater activity the campagn workers for local option in (ioderich. Tee re- marks of Mayor Pearson were con- fined to the experiences of the tem- perance party in Newmarket, where the business men were at the beck of the movement for local option and stroogly.upported it. in 'mite of the fact that licensed hotels did business in a town only & few miles away, Mutineers had increased in almost every line of tn/le. A joint .track company waw forme, and a hotel was purchased and fitted np aro w Ant -clay., temper- s snow house. They paid 110,0100 for the impended pen ted ouneiderable on improvemente and at the end of the second year they paid • six per sent. dividend to the shareholders and bad • tidy hsiseee�la the trabil ery tis COW Pearesab sysaselms .et. . the day were well attended. A spe- eial Offering was taken in aid of the Dominion Alliance at each of the ser- vices addressed by a representative of that organization. Public Meeting. A public meeting will be held in the Temperance Hell on Friday, `om ve- her •.4th, to be addreseed by Rev. G. A. Woridside, of Owen Sound. (food music will be provided. A collection will be taken to defray expenses. Sad. Birds in their little nests agree. And 'tis a shameful sight When members of the 1i of 7. Fall out and quarrel and (alines t) fight. Y. 14. C. A. NOTES. This week (November 1L' 19) is ob- •ierved as a speci..l season of prayer by Y. M. C. Aaw.crattnns throughout the world. For forty -Haar years the second week in Novel/Jeer has been set apart for this purpose. Friends of the Also- ciation are requested to join in the ob- ses v.nce of this week. The haskethall le.11pte is cow run- ning off its series of match games, ,a.•hich :are proving to he interesting. The third in the serieri, to be played on Moneay, November Mb. is be- tween the teams. of Ibe Meeesetuog Canoe Club width*. Y. M. C. A. Next Tumidity the Juniors bold their annual electi..n of officers. A nomio- etiog committee bas heen appointed to "elect candidates. Only paid - up members are entitled he vote. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Do your ( 'hri..tmee shopping early. and don target to onler a new Nutt or°reread, tar your- self. Pri.lhan, the Tailor. north aide Square, has the right goods, and will please you with cut and 81. 3pela1 1a1 anon white china for decorating at e 's Art mom East wt r.•et. Reduced prices will be given while the tole laaba an order to reduce the stock In this lin.. Remember that picture -framing is a specialty at Smith's Art Store. The Peerless Male Quartette will sing at the public local option meeting on Friday, November 24th, in the Temperance Hall. M. Broderick, of Seafortb. is the returning officer for the Provincial election in Centre Huron. P. W. Stott, of East Wawan•ieh, is returning officer for North Huron. The non -jury sittings of the Li lige Court of Justice for Huron county opens in the court house. Goderich, nn Thursday next, November 21rd. The Honorable Mr. Justice Tet'tzel will be the presiding judge. Tbe Epworth League of Victoria street church had a venteon luncheon in the basement of the church on 'I'ue.tiay night. A good musical and literary p/lltiltaw was rendered and eve, yone reports a fine time. The L. O. L. will bold a public rueeting in tb3 Temperauce Hall on the evening of Ft iday, November with. The Local Option Lee roe invitee the publie 10 come and bear a man from Owen Sound speak of conditions there. The University of Toronto bar- riers team, of which G. It. Elliott. son of O. M. Elliott, of Goderich, was a member, won tbeannual intercolleg- iate cross-country run over an eight - mile route at Torcuto last Saturday morning. The Mct..11 team was sec- ond in the race. Great are the McGillicuddy's. There 18 Admiral Den elcOillicuddy, who clones that he upset the Laurier Gov- ernment through the medium of the Oliver charges; also Cornelius McGil- licuddy, -Connie Mack." of Philadel- phia. whose Athletica have twice wen �i the wo,•lu's cbawpiuuship.-Harriston Review. Remember Friday, November 21th. is the date of the that local option public we- It - n.ght meeting in the I etnperan.xe Hal*. Hwy. Mr. Wood- side, of Owen Sound. will speak - the praiseworthy efnrt.of. rhe Maple Leaf Chspier of usughters of the Mu- slim to teruire fonds for a hospital embelence received an i m p e l us on Saturday b•.t when a snh- stantiad sum was reamed ea a resne of the r ea served by the young ladies in the old S.)vereign Bank [wilding. A Mtge number of the citizens availed themselves of the bo.pi slily of the young ladies, and .p --n1 a pleasant half-hour in alditnu to helping a worthy rau.e. The snneuneement has been re- ceived in t awn of the merriaq,e of Frances Elirehetb, dau$nt••r of Mr. a•.d Mrs. H•ery Attn. roog. Snow- flake. Man.. to R.Ipn Robertson Ma- gee, which or .k pl.c- un Wednesday, November 0, 41 OW lege'.. b'ttoe. Mr. anti Mrs. M Agee. hero, will he at Parkview street ...nth, Kt. James, Manit,.hs. The bride's entree is re- me.nhered as the former 0. N. W. telegraph Kent here, anti friends of the emelt id (J'*lench will road the annnone'ement with n.uch pleasure. AUCTION SALES. Tigaper. November 1.-Atecteme e( farm tock and Imels�mseas W a c vtttast, lar 1A Lh Ove n�wy, m Tm IDymere sl.lrF re et Masser bawl. of J. r et UM sisal . the peeg.itg Tema 0 00v, asetiest. • =Tar, November to - AMAIN are m1 Myth. � of of th. tM ea eeitti 'ss • .ala OO. r Ry, a T11.mtY Femsr, N.vet� 1M. Asaism. W aehl. Fitt nb ~t . wos Owner. ear►" ai a�/ � �.g�.(�e1ty.•� e•4. of ae�� Gladrryy s •1ii11�sl�sae eseiresh yrsal, at Ov wnev'.mmlwsra Mottoes V. Nw. W. At4etten WOW knidannecir ter assn