HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-9, Page 8p Tannase hYos7Nfar 1111 I' 8B SIGN L : GODERICH, ONTA ' IO THERE IS absolutely no word to express the efficacy of Scott' s £rnulsion tele treatment • • c 1 9 • ...yr -1m Ds ll e :1!*11s ';Gft.IPPE SIJ,_- �- (THIS MATTKR SUPPLIED E. W(i I. OPTION (tOMll ITHE.) 7 he Temperance Workers Out to Win The Campaign Begins Local Option for Goderich The ampeign is on. The tight has tweun. The event et issue is whether or not the residents of town want the open kir risiso. The cent p Bien is not din cttd against the bote•ls, but against the bar- rooms and liquot-sellil3 . Hotel -keep- ing is au honorable, legitimate but.i- ness, but we cannot belies,- that the 1puur business ie. To make end keep this distinction in wind £. the csmp- paign pi ncreds is important. The temperance workers are 0411. to win. ! Believing that the p•etnplt themselves should settle the question, they are satiettet1 duriug the coming weeks to put ter c ase Lenore theta mid let them' dee ids. The teineetaure people are by nod steams satisfied that "local option" is the teed piece- of legislation in the at- tempt to control the liquor hilliness. but :accept it as the best temperance legislation yet enacted. Nothing short of national prohibition will sat- iefy, sod it makes no difference which !settee! party gives it to the country. Big Book Sale I find we are greatly overstocked with hooks. tied in order to make room for Christmas lines 1 have decided to puton sale about Five. Hundred volumes, ranging in price from Tc to $1.15. These books will be divided into two prices, 25c and 50c ]eche specially there are no old books included in this sale. Among these books you will find many of the popular. and, most of the standard writers. A splendidopportunity of getting good books for Christmas Oifta Positively no books out on approval or exchanged during this sale. We are bound to clear them out, aa we have other lines to put mm sale during this month. Watrh our show windows. The Colonial Book Store GEO. PORTER. Prop. GEO. Prop. Telephone Nei. 100 derich a er��e l:o MILLINERY AT Miss Donogh's is still to be seen .t choice selection of this season's best productions in a variety of Trimmed and Untrimmed SHAPF,S Some particularly good ntunbers in large black velvet and satin pressed Shapes. As always, orders carefully filled at reasonable prices. Relieving that our town will be profited by prohibiting the sale of al- coholic liquor within its b/uneariea, we enter the fight and are confident that the voice of the people will be beard speaking in favor of "local op- tion." A Legitimate Business ? The greatest cr of society is the allowing of the open barrooms, con- etantly epreeding temptation in the way of those who :tie trying to con- quer the drink deuton in themselves. Today we are ac ustomed to the words that the liquor business i. a legitimate trade. and providing ,t kerpe within the limit, of tae law ought to be let seine. The writer doubts its legitimacy tie he sees the results of its prosecution' ell around hiss. How much of the crime of our land has to be charged to it, ercount? How many inuates of our resyluuws are there through alcoholic liquors, directly cr indirectly ? blow many homes are broken up because of its inroads into the family life? And yet it iaclaimed to be a legitimate business. 1 beg to ditrei. Without fear of contradiction by persons capable of j.idging. I pro- claim alcohol to be a poison and as such ought to be sold and cad under the same r etrictions as strychnine. arsenic. opium and other prisons. "Health is always in some way or other injured by it ; benefited by it— never." Upholders of the liquor husi- 111•1, tell us that liquor is a food and as such increases the working power of those who take it. Never wase greater faiw•hocd tcld. nor a more deceitful fake attempted. "It bas been proved ' by scientific experience that alcohol is, first a strong, protoplasm poison and causes degeneration of bodily tissue. and, secondly. that by a weakening effect upon the brain it diminishes the sum total of the available force of the body more than it adds to its energy." I, The 'epee of medicine has long since plac the ban upon liquor :ta a food cape- of increasing the working pow n the claim of legitimacy be mad, . it ? What other business produoes criminals to the extent the rink elide does? Tell us a•bueinees that breaks up as many bomes and ruins as many lives as the liquor ;ius- inees does. Governor manly, of in- diana. recently said, "Six per cent. of all accidents, twenty-five per cent.. of all suicides, seventy per cent. of all critnes involving physical violence. and fifty per cent. of all those in which lust is the dominant factor can be traced to the excessive use of intoxi- cants. The Lord Chief Justice of England recently declared that, 'if sifted, nine -tenths of tbe crime of England and Watts could be traced to drink."' The cost of law administra- To give away or to use in your own home the best silver is 1835 R. WALLACE Silver plate that resists weal' Cu.rnnte,d ab.olu,cly. Get it from tion. the upkeep of polios system,. jails. asylums. 6oof deteatloo, etc-, enormous, and of the total coat 1oarathe is laid upon the taxpayer becomes of the ravages of the liquor business. Theodore Roosevelt, ex- Preeideat of the United States, writ - ,tag to the Atlanta Monthly. said : The ovum business does not stahtl on the souse footing wit!► other occu- pations. It always tends to produce criminals in the population at large, and law-breakieg among the saloon- keepers themselves." If this is true, and let kin, who disputes it prove it false. where dors its claim of legitim- acy coma in ? Leave it alone ! Impassible ! How can it be done? (Doss it practice what it preaches and leave the people alone? Are the people to lie down weekly and allow it to ride roughshod over them? They who think so are sadly mistaken. The rising tide of temper- ance is iserraeing with the rapidity of a Bay of Fundy tide. Whereas a few year( ago temperance sentiment was confined to a few iw-ople restricted in power sad influence, today its sup- porters are found everywhere and among all classes. People are breaking church ties. leaving the political par- ties to join tbe temperance tanks. In the domain of organised labor strong temperance feeling prevails, and the inertia of half a century is yielding. lo its compact. Leave it alone 1" You can no more keep the people hack than you ran keep the wind from blowing or the watery of Lake Huron from moving. The writer' i, one of those "temper - once crank," who believes that drink is a heater destroying force than alt physeral evils combines, ; yes. the can- cer of modern se.ciety, and its rotten - tied use means individual inefflcienry, drink -cursed progeny, national detet io- ration end racial decadence. WALTER 8.8ARRISON Jeweller and Optician on the Square, tloderleh. rPANDORA Bald Statements To sa • that the Pan - Will Not Do a doraRange is a gond range is not enough bald statements will not do. To saythat the Pandora Range is a gond lenge or is the fief range is not enough. You want to know why we say so and why we believe so. Reliable it is made by the largest and most eirres}folstove 1.oncrrn under the Makes British flag, namely. the McClery- Meanufacluling Co.. afLondon, Ont. (nt. Wear its s•nmputent psrta are trade of a weight and wear resistance In make the Range last and look well long after other ranges are done. Fart -Box Bost of repairs is reduced to a minimum hetvuae she fire boa. Resletance upon which comes the greatest wear, is matte of a 'specially prepared cnlahin aU m M metala known only to the men. afeet•,rere of fenders Kang.. called meso ,twee. This metal is of an extremely hard. tough. close. fine grainit neither warns. rseks nor hien not nearly as otukkly se the RANGES Fire -box --Continued bricks on ordinary iron stove linings do. it takes three times the heat to melt semi - steel (Tempered with ordinary iron linings. More heat is taken from your fuel than by other ranges. We can save ecu a large amount of coal. You ran hake hieruite with a paper pipe on a Pandora. Oven The oven is thoroughly :urronnded by beat, making the oven a gent fo work with. No extra charge for thermometer for Pandora ovens. While baking you ran proceed in the usual way to use the tap of your range and can bail a kettle on any one of the eve top lids. Finish It would be a mimeke if we did not ae aomething of the finish. The finis Mons- has sold and is enough to sell the Pandora. The top in extremely aranoth anti - rust b,rniabed surface. Each lid has a piece of Marl inserted in place of the ordinary lips that get broken away by use. The niekle- plating is three coatings deep. while that on others to only one ; and, ell in all. the Pandora is the handsomest, longest - lived and heat work ino Menge on the market. Sold in Ooderich only by The Howell Hardware Co., Limited 1 ht (test Place to Buy hardware i Another Great Local Option Campaign. The temperance people of the Prov- ince are again rtarehalling their tercet for another attack upon the liquor traffic in the Province of On- tario, and present indications point te- a large number of local option con- tests, voting to take place on next New Tear's nay.' Of the ie., Municipalities in the Prov- ince, 442 are already "dry." Of the 380 still under license there are 138 where local option bylaws failed to carry in the voting of 1910 or 1911, and where, therefore, it will be impossible for contests to be brought on in Janke 'ar next. There are only 244 municipalities under license in which campaigns are possible. Voting will take place in about one-third of these. it will be seen, therefore, that, although the number of contests is not as large as in some previous years, the proportion of contests to the places open for at- tack is greater than ever. Itis only six or seven years since the Dominion Alliance began in real earnest its use of the local option method. 'n the municipalities where temperance sentiment is strongest, lo- cal option hylaws have already been carried. it is places where the liquor traffic is more deeply entrenched that are still ender license. As the tem- perance workers go further their task becomes increasingly difficult, but on the other hand it would seem that the movement is gatbering a momentum as it goe9, and places are certainly carrying local option bylaws now where success would not be considered a practical possibility a few years ago. The temperance workets are greatly encouraged by the way local option seems to stay where it is carried. and certainly the facts and figures pub- lished regarding the attempts to re - pal local option would seem to bear out their contention along this line. In 1909 there were ninety-seven On tario municipalities where local option bylaws had been in force three years and where repeal was possible. The liquor interests brought on voting in twenty-nine places and in twenty- seven of the twenty-nine local option was sustained. In 1910 tbere were 111 po Bible repeal contests. Voting was brought on in twelve places only. and local option was sustained in ten. In 1911 the success of local option was even more marked. Tbere were 134 munieipali ire where local option by - Isms had been in force three years. in 131 of th-se the liquor interests found it imp sail le to truster up strength ennutrh to bring on a repeal vote. Three municipalities voted and all three sustained local option, the ag- gregate vote in the three places being : For local option. 1043 ; against, 519— majority for, 514. And the liquor in- terest(' claim that local option is not wanted. What say the facts ? Elated by the 'meccas of the past few year, the temperance workers are going Into the new contests with, increased confidence. On the other hand. the liquor men will most eer Laioly offer a more determined resist- anee than ever befc•re. Th• liquor activity will show itself not only in opposition to the carrying of local option in the places where the tem- perance people are the attacking par - tie.. hut they apparently are adopting the strategy of a counter attack, and are endeavoring to [ming on repeal contests in every pns.ihle plsee. Ow- ing t•o the partial lifting of the lid by the liovrrotnent in regard to law en- forcement, this plan is msatiag with re or lees success, and the present perspect now is that out of about 1611 possible repeal contests voting will take piste. in perhaps eight per cene of the places. What seeress the liquor interests will have at the polls remains to he seen. li looks as though the temper- ance people) will bring on contests to carry kora, option in stout 3iper cent. of the places open to them There are Immo interesting features in Pinne1-Uon with this year's cam- paign. Three or four cities will likely he in line, Including the twin cities of Port Athur and Fort William. Here the eontest penises to hi a hot one and mute ati is that the Iignor traffic will not galas its grip neon those strategic gelato in New Ontario with- out a tsestttNdous fight A as of other places in New 06•1110 10 IOU rota. %tseladiagfoutor ttr. : r�riIS IIlti4atl taw toss of �' '""`w i the vamp of Obe rhos other eot�ek� ate are le IastMtlshoffir to ie+. Jomir wnto demand county has the largest num- ber of contests There eleven wunioi- palitiee will likely vote. lo Norfolk county five or six places, including the county seat of &voce, will be in line. Kent county will be the scene of a big struggle, wham six municipal- ities, including the city of Chatham, will test the ppuhlic opinion on the question. to Lintbton ounty the present likelihood is that every muni- cipality in which a cont cis possible, outside of Sarnia and Point Reward, will be in the fight. 1 u 1875 there were 11,186 licenses granted in the Province of Ontario. Today there are about 1,875. In- volved in tbe present local option con- tests are .59 liceusee. It certainly looks as though there would be some- thing doing Alun temperance lines in the Province of Along thte fall. IT GROWS HAIR But Not After the Hair Rant Is Dad. 1' R. Wigle will tell you that be cells a great inane boteles of Parisian Sane hecattss it gives satisfaotlon. He tee* it to eradicate dan- druff. stop ling and splitting hair and itching p, or mooey back. Parisian a will sake hair grow it the hair toot is not dead ; it puts life and lustre into dull and faded hair, and is the most delightful hair dregs - lug in the world. Only 50 cents a Targe bottle. Parisian Sage is the heat hair grow- er and beautifier, dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known. Try it on our mooey heel plan. Sold and guaran- teed in (lodericb by E. R. Wigle. NORTH HURON LIB RAL Coovsotioo to lie Hid trggbttte Ttwnduiy Nateart, A convention of the Liberals ,f North Huron will be held in the tone hall. Winghace, on Tuesday, No ,um bee 11th, coeocitlig at'2 o'clock pp. e. when a ceudidate for the I ego Lure will be nominated. Every ing subdivision is entitled to dim del. gates, but all Liberals in the aid, ing are cordially invited to attend the convention. The officers are antique to see this one of the best c.nveetioty ever held in Wingbam and it in hoped that every part of the riding eel be hilly represented. They are corning. Who'r The Three B's. Baptist church, November 23rd. The best yet. i Our Special Our Special Coat Fur -lined Coat with Fur Collar at $42.00 at $25.00 'chis Coat is really exceptional value. The outside is of high quality imported beaver cloth that will retain its appearance and give excellent wear. The lining is of good quality selected muskrat skins that are properly cured and dressed, well furred and evenly matched. The collar is of high- grade.Western Sable, a fur that is one of the most durable that can be had. The coat is cut in semi - fitting or loose style, and is a garment that will . prove satisfac- tory to the wearer in every way. We are willing to have it matched for value with anything you can get anywhere. Price, .00 each This Coat we are willing to match with any coat you can bu anywhere- There is no better coat sold for this price in Canada than the garment we can give you today. Made from a high. - grade, good quality cloth with heavy quilted lining throughout. The collar and revers are of best quality Western Sable. The coat `is cut in one of the seaflen's most approved styles, and, altogether, it is a garment that must appeal to the critical buyer. We show it in black, navy and brown, and can confidently rec- ommend it, to our customers. All sizes. Our special price, each $2b.00 The Quality of Our FURS Is Beyond Question We are ready to stand behind every piece of Fur that leaves the store. Only Furs of quality find a place here, and every piece we show has been selected with the utmost care from the leading makers of high-quality fur garments in Canada. You can buy your Furs here with absolute certainty that you are getting value for every dollar you spend. If at any time you want anything special in Furs, see us about it. We have made arrangements to submit to our customers at any time extra large assortments of any class of Fur you may desire to see, and we are prepared to quote the very closest prices, con- sistent with quality. Western Sable Muffs and Neck Pieces, $8.00 to $25.00 Alaska Sable Muffs and Neck Pieces, $10.00 to $35.00 Marmot fluftsand Neck Pieces, $5.00 to $20.00 Mink Marmot Muffs and Neck Pieces, $6.50 to $25.00 Persian Lamb Muffs and Neck Pieces, $10.00 to $40.00 Mink fluffs and Neck Pieces, $35.00 to $125.00 Belgian Hare fluffs and Neck Pieces, 53.50 to 59.00 A splendid assortment of high-class black a Furs in wolf, fox, lynx, etc. All guaranteed qual- ities. All at exceedingly low prices. Natty Coats for Little Folks Many little folks' Coats herr to pick from. Coats to suit all ages from six months to, Si' years, white bear cloth. white serge. red serge, navy serge, heaver and blanket clothe. The Coats ready to wear at little more than the emit of the material. Every garment well made. Prices from $2.50 to 55.00 Coats for Bigger Berle Real nubby Coats for girls. glade from tweeds, plain beaver or serrges, garments that have style as well es good wearing qualities. Moderate in pries. Blues, greys. Preens, reds and fancy mixtures. Prices $3, 54 to 510 each Satin Ribbons for Christmas A big shipment of Ribbon fon Christmas fancy work on our counters this week. Nearly tee hundred pieces—and we expect to sell them all before tbe boli day season is over. Every shade you will be likely to want in all the popelar and much used widths. Finn, heavy weave with bright neigh. 5c, 7c, 1Oc, 12',c and l5c per yard WINTER HOSE IN MANY WEIGHTS Perfect comfort a n d absolute warmth are guaranteed persons buying their winter Hosiery here. Our Hose are made from the best of yarns, perfectly woven and properly shaped. They fit and they wear. The values are exceptionally good. Wool Hose for Children, 25c to 60c Per Pair Our special at ''5c is a heavy all -wool wor- sted Hose for school wear• wide ribbed. seam- less feet. a eteckine gond enough to sell at 35c per pair. We buy them in England ditwrt nom the milia and sell them at, per 25c pair Cashmere Hose for Children, 25c to 50c Per Pair Our special ribbed Cashmere Hose at 30c to 5tlr a pair is one of the most satit•[actory bee -k- ings yon ran buy for veer boys or girls. it is the beat we have been able to find for geoeral wear. Ask at the Hosiery counter for line Rif. Cashmere Hose for Ladies, 25c to 75c Per Pair Our special ladies' Cashmere Hose at three pairs for $1.(5) is a quality that you would pay 50c for iu most stores. Ws oan give it to yo11 either plain or ribbed and we have just opened this week another large shipment direct from England. if we did not bey them in the was w W we du we would have to do the some as others. ask you :Air. a pair. Our el 5 special price, a pairs for. .. ...... Cotton Hose, fleece lined, others. nus.......a5c to 15t Mm's fine quality, seamless Cashmere Soda, r &' ar r. Per pair ........ _ S< hilpc. Men's heavy Woollen Socks, grey only. Splendid value for the mooey. Per ?amt .. • - ... 25c The Popular Sweater Coat Styles and colorings to suit nearly everyone. plain shades or pleasing combinations, made from good quality yarn in plaid and fancy went es. military collars, plain collars, roll collars it '4 • shaped neck. Almost any color you may ask for. Sweater Coats for bilin $1.556 to$te.00 Sweater Coats for girls..... ... 90e to $ soon Sweaters for boys pe to $ I. xS Sweaters far intimate, W sI .-.75C5C BOY WANTED Smart boy Wised t' antthe the,;r goods atom • 54 'ea;; good choose 'o de It bey. Ap Meet net he ahead el thee_ of age rhe stere ,stat tons t osser I211aw. .ON eswifir • sr• e Nasser. .. assn lir liwww•- .pw.•••-•