HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-9, Page 6'htoan*T, NotzMIBER 91 Mll MR. BRODIE AGAIN. ANOTHER PROPOSITION FOR THF FURNISHING OF POWER. Deputation Appointed to Push Military Camp Matter at Ottawa Local Op. tion Bylaw Delayed- Mayor Refers to Capt. MacDonald of the Aro.. The regular meetiug of the town council was held in the council cham- ber on Friday evening. The Mayor presided and Reese Reid, Ilepitty 'tette! Mnnoinice and (Jouncillore (`t t(it, Wallace and v anetter were t when the meeting oLwoed. first matter brought up in dis- co 0u wag with reference to the se- cug of the Western Ontario mili- tary camp for liod'rich. The Mayor read cotseg of 'mets which he had written in reference to the mutter and an Gnawer which be had received from the one directed to Col. Bodging, D. 0. C.. London. The following are the oonirounicatioue : 11 CodII4Ch. Oat.. not. it. Mil. Col Hodttiu(I '0Dhont. trate Conoirxt. HOWIN6. Would you be t ye,. enough made ade W the Militia Department upontope must. held here in June' lam going to make an attempt to induce the new Covernment to do as we desire and it is neoeomry that I ..hound k nog the net ere of phi- rrpott. N Oh kind regwrdr and be -t a L.hee. Your. faithfully. Mord.) M. G. t•arsaoN. ('ol. Hodgiul+ reply was as follows: London. Ont.. 14th October. 1911. 111.1.1, Ma. l'aUEKO*/. -1 airs la reoeapt 01 >our leiter of the e!tinstant. asking me to let you have a copy of the report I made to the Militia ('ouocil upon the camp held at Gode- rieb in Julie W+t.. In rept), 1 would say that my report upon !be lioier,ch camp dealt al most entirely with the rWtary side. It was .... ttent.ial, and, in consequence, 1 ant Lorry 1 cannot give too a copy wile...by t.erm4.4w1 of the Department. It would not be of much use to you anyway for the purport. of Indexing the (Department to as thecamp ground. at !rude. rich. did not gal into the queelion of the damp Wound-. for the reason that the ()coattme.t have not yet asked me W make the report. When they do so. 1 will. 1 hope. give the grounds a toed report, as they were excellent and ample .o tar an the mamma and drilling wt•t concerned, but the land in the vicinity of lbc eau{+ which as hoped W nes for tactical work did not gull.• oome up to our expecta- tion., 1 fate the tots n credit for all they did for tis in the matter of water. light, etc., nodmem y wbtch largely contributed W the success of the i tee and the engineer , that the Oat►-laaaa)ari western, No _ 41, to Your. .inostel?: water and light commission be re- ti140.oar Iona, ez-rttora; antra No. t teams N. H. HODGINS. 8taested to have the electric light poles t/711ko to 4tc; No. i C.W., 47c to 4 tkr, Nn- A letter to the Deputy Minister of oa Saltfotd hill moved so that they 3 loeal watt/. 4Nic to etc, No. 1 boat will be in line with the fence on the whits, Mc lo NO 4 tocol wont. 41140 Militia was as follows: to 4b. (:oderich. tett.. Oct.Y;th, edge of the road. The report was P'Iour-nttobe spring wheat patent; adopted. ?trots. M.0 Seconds, 16. hi; winter wheat The tinaoce committee reported that patens' K7b 1° M: apnea bakers', 04.M; the Goderich Wheel RigsCo. had art:wl t rollers N.B6 to 4 b the sum of i'L,fa81.•LC> in paid a t w ob, adri Pah int of polled oats -Per Darrel, is.36; bag of their annual inetalmeet with interest pass M.1•. to date ; that the statement from the Pad barley-c+r Iota, es -store, etc. Bank of Montreal showing the stand- aOorn-Aaierltwta. No. 3 yellow, 30,03 to ing of the several town accounts on (Kltlfeed-_B ,.,, Ontarlo, 123 to 134; Mani- Septembet 80th had been examined tone. $22; middlings, Ont■Ho, O27 to int: and it was recommended that the state- shoura, MWtolra 1St; module w to- ners[ be filed. A number of accounts '8e1rete4 26iic to 2tO' rrcah, iso also were recommended :o be paid, , No. 1 stock, W,4c to i4e Adopted. Ink to 1316c. ertu, lIc to 141Lc; eastern; Thep •' pecul committee PPCOm- mutter-{ pICeR, aft to ?No; aMOed, mended in its report that a local op- IPA° to 244(40- Lion 6110. Lion bylaw be submitted to the elec- tors at the next municipal elections. ! CATTLE MARKETS. The report passed. A letter from the Hydro -Electric t Union Stock Yards. Power Commission of Ontario, a - ' TORONTO, Nov. 6. -Receipts of dressed to Reeve Reid, was read by live stock at the Union Yarde were the clerk. It stated that a careful in- 96 carload/, consisting of 3714 cattle, castigation of the commercial possi• 471 hogs, 1478 sheep and 4B calves. bilities of power development on the Exporters. Maitland River wt the Black Hole was K. L Wo°dleat•d fought for Swift a being made and that the final report of Contpaan, 72i cattle, nil told, as follows the e•ugineers on this matter should be Foe London, 1s6 steers, 14_6 Cha each M prepared in aleyyle time to allow the ia„ to apps; 136 steer., for Liverpool, lips town of t)oderich to take what action Ib.' 1.011 at M W Mips' it bee. Ht at the municipal elections in' Butchers. January. The letter was filed. E. L Woodward bought for tiwlte Canadian prenpany, IP rteer, for blucher Councillor Kelly came, in at this purpo.eq. 1250 10 1L/ lbs.. at WS to M -i0; juncture. Ip steers, 116• to 12*, lbs.. at M.10 to Mt A letter from the Taralitbic Paving 1M cow. and he(f rs• loop to 1160 lea., at d Construction l%o., which has the k76 to M'1t• 100 common cows 12.60 to contriict for the .new sewer 'system. , 8 • Halligan boug4rt 2 loads Meer. and was read. A request was made for an hulls, steers at 14.60 to KM. bulb at MO ezteneion of time and easier terms in 10 ft Otte furniebing of guarantee bonds. Milkers and Sprng.ra, The Deputy Reeve wan about to hake Fred Itnw:atree [clue:,[ a't the milker. a p.IyusiUOu. but the Mayor toter- and aprtngere, n an told. at 160 to 0'R tuyt.0 h ru by bey ing be would hot cash' and shipped the whole outfit to one sign :. cox, k for a tidier until the con- , Tan In Quebec. tra.,kor gave h.a hood. The leiter was ' Vaal Calvi. The Swift ('. each.. .. Company taught 21 retell to W the pub,it: vitals commit- calve., 307 the. each„ avoage pate/ M_M. tee. I Calf prices ranged from 13.10 to M per The Deputy Reeve reported that ewt. atrangemenut had been made with I Sheep and Lambs. Mr. Bissett to secure gravel at ten ithe7r PwP,, 60 to it.6i: ram., at 11; ceata per load for use 013 the Saltfoid ' lamM 6n- to M.6o. hill. 1he work of im ievetnent will ! Sipa p W. J. Johnson. Ondns, teed. a quoted be commenced shortly. 1 frogs at M.3I, tea and watered. and M G Councillor X'anatter suggested that I o.b., care, country points. the clerk writs the Toronto General , Montreal Live Stock. Trusts Cotp.nation and inquire how 1g ONTREAL, Nov, 0. -At the M°atreat matter -8 stood [expecting the Ontario • Steck Yards west end market the receipts West Shote Railway. The clerk re-! of Ilve stock for the week ending Nov. 4 ported he had writtt'l but had re- I were 2700 cattle, 3300 sheep and Iambs, 43" ceivld Do reply as yet. bete and fib calve.. The offerings qa the market this morning for sale amounted The local option bylaw, to he burr, to W00 cattle, Bros sheep sod larhba 3200 mitred to the ratepayers at the ritual- , bOp and boo calvts. ctpai elections in January, was given An eaaler feeling prevailed In the mar- ina first and second reading/ and the ! 1100• for NbOtipound• late, andn &Pricedwee ruled couttcel went lout Cowwtttee of the I which was due 10 lower the increased supplies whole to discus it. They had not 't•tch ,.erne forward from Ontario points. proceeded fel' when sombUl the cowl- 1 Th. ptnering of buysra on the market cilium thought they discovered a Haw wag fairly largo they al ng moms tram Quebec. and, u they all wanted some in the welding 01 the bylaw. When I beet the demand waa tale, and a mode - the supposed error Aas pointed out to rarely active trade was dune. the Mayor he, too, believed a mistake Choice steers told at MAO to M.70, good haul lxr•n matin and wtth little home- I at lug W 07.It; [airy good at M.00 to M M; torr at M to M.26, and tor tower t declared that the thing was "all grade, a 04 to 04.71 per 100 pounds wrong." R.1 McGaw, who wag tires_ eel me other hand, the market for ran_ ta.. nitis. Iwkfar a uoteltelt of WI . " ""aM fir • torsi of thirty sten at WO per a It the council would he willing to guarantee )otntly with the ether ooeaclb the rent (? f the /ewe regaired by the we. tt3cotr/oal ttWway Dom is construction) 1 would be Quite willing te•apply the Lieotnoal Rall..y wltb sleetrw 11/61 •od pee.* at *16 pK b. p. tor thirty years. and n could be inolegad in the oraaeal rHE SIGN AL : GODERICH, ONTARIO E MARKETS. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Clave lower -Live Steck- Latest Quotations. aeteetuct. t. Should you, hove. K, think It is CHICAGO, Nov. 6. -In another wild swt adrieable to bother with it at velment,' Burry wheat to -day sold Iowa than please loot a this out. at any time since the government be - If you .,ocept ray prupe.ai please mend m Iran suit agalnat the U. 8. Stasi Corr account full the .u.t of the eleotiou, ewd 1 win potation. The Chief calm* of tae before the mad you y cbeque. 1f the agreemowt u vet break in price was a false report that peupic, and the vote Laken thh. a federal indictment had been return - ear. 1 wW oommeu -e er eec ag a pleat on or return- rear. the 165 esy w way, tlMt and complete ed against the Armour Grain Co.. as the result of an alleged corner Is wheat. At the close the market was oOttlparatfvely steady, but at • net decline of 1c to 1 1-2c and 1 1-•e. Corn shows/ a loss of 3 -ac to 1-20 from Bar tuiday night. Oates finished unchanged he 1 -Sc and 1-4.• off and bog pnoduop at au advance of a nickel to a dime. Nita all bate W +apply the hsps I await to hoar hem you. Yours faithfully. J. Laos-w.r, Damas- k'. 8.- Plea.•e address me. No The Balt Yale Co. or envoy Motet London. At this juncture the Mayor took occasion to ezpr'ees the feeling of ad- miration which he entertained for the The Uverpnol market closed today MAI heroic work of (apt. John MacDonald, to ( lower than Saturday oa w1 -da utsd whose wonderful seamanship and ma h aeler on corn. Antwerp wheat c heroic conduct were the means of unchange./. Berlin `Or lower, and BINS• saving so [cavy lives when the pest plc lOwe,. schooner Azov was wrecked. Every- Winnipeg Options. 0130 would atdmit, he said, that the liven Close. Opera. High Low. (loan 0f the crew would have been lost but Wheat - for the captain'/ efforts, and it was Nov, asta a pleasure to know that such a Ivan say ase R'K feel was a citizen of Goderich. AA the Oates -- wreck of the vessel was a great Haan- lyes. :''t. w cial lass to the captain, the Mayor Mal . . - e1', . • .. • .. 40% suggested that all should "chip in" Toronto Grain Market and assist in putting him on a good Wheat, rail. /wear* Ole to M Ill footing, again. He suggested that the Wheat• gV*•e• 60 8st - - town wake a grant of $1W. The o. bu . mattes; (yar. Du ash was referred to the special Barts, bushel eemtnittee. Buck wheat, baakef • r OS The Goderich Curling A Skating' Peaa, bushel .. •f ell Association asked for a relate. on its .R 0 • 1• •u 10 OM Terente Dairy [Fenn[ taxes for 1911. The rink 'uildiog stutter, 'gore tate was not in use the past year and the Nutter. separator, det'p ib1A 0 M dwelling house had been removed Rutter, creamery, is. nada-• el ' •• el from the property. but the Butter, creamery, I0M.•ig 1. assets- )toneycombe. d :tilt went had not ixen reduced. The mat- Honey, extracted• I►r.,..,._-• II ' e 11 ter was referred to the court of revi- FFgp. cox fel ,,, • M t• ' bion Rp, new -laid -«•• .. Eli Armitage applied for the rebate Ch1m°. new, i11...........,« ill • 1/M of one-half of the business tax on his Montreal train ell- Produce. carriage repair shops on Newgate' MONTREAL. Nov. 1.-aimpbsos. a Maes. street. This also was referred t0 the tote. /Pring wueat over tb• cable was court of revision. gulet Lamarld was carr gad p 2. Ind The public works committee recon- Ware Wlehaaaop to lied per quarter hada- er, which eayortere claimed were stilt oat Inended that the ilell Telephone Co. of Ilne tor regular grades pate wort be permitted W erect a line of proles quiet, with sellers aeklag wa advanre at upon the northeast side of the Huron '4r per eusi,el fur /sera No t 1ted liar road, the work to be done under the 'idptnent frvni Fbet Wfivan, America• supervision of the street inspectorcorn 1s a[rohetar, at an gavage/ of ''Ir t• : lies Buckwheat at 111 ttrnte, at ic, e. ,nesm (.bat the matter of constructing Hush )•g barley a 01 to tLK es -store- le[at tanks in connection with the local im- triode in flour is pair, but export demaad provement sewers be left in the bands V q°tet. Mtllfaad talrly acTlvp of the chairman of the public works Cbse and butter tle i. tgga 1• goad I demand. ud rovblons gulet. comm t OoL 1p i Dey Alinwsrof Militia, Ottawa, Ont. 11talt CA:wor m , F11.ST,-Woa10 YOU be kind enough W ask Colonel Hodgins, D. O. C., at London, W make a report W the Departoteat upon the question of the tamp ground. here,*. not municipality intend. to proceed in its en- deavor to Induce the Go,ernment W snake the purchase of the A [trill property under the terms Of It pb{sOI.ed arrangement trade be- tween you and we. Witt, best regards. Yours faithfully, (tigd.l M. G. CAMERON Aller the ahovr communications s had been read tb- dayor divnlged for , the $rat time Ur result of the civic deputation's ft to Ottawa last epilog. He stat[, that in a private conference with the Deputy Miniatet of Militia an agreement was reached which afterward'. was sanctioned by the other niemb•- of the deputation. The alrangercet wag to the effect that in the event of the Government'a purchasing the Attrill property for a permanent mrlitauy camp site the town of Goderirb would he asked to contribute 1915010 towards the total purchase price of $40,000. In return for this the town would be Rrantt-d A ninety -nine-year legis/ of [bat part of the property known as Ridgewood Pak, and could use it as it might see fit. Thus, in addition to the benefits accruing to the town from having the camp permanently located here, the town would have control of, the tine bark property across the river, which might is, used in a variety of ways. In view of the fart that colonels of Nat -iota rt0.menta had extn.ared themselves as in favor t f the tioderith site. His Worship felt tl at the (hatter ehould be brought to the munition of the new Government at an early date. Reeve Reid Stated that in his opin- ion there waa danger in carrying the matter too far without hating the consent of the people to put that much money into I lie proper ty.. He, however. expressed h m.•etf as in favor of the prep sai• n. (iouncillor V anatter raid he also was in favor of making another rata t and Councillor ('lark suggested that another delega- tiop he named for the put poem .*f lay- ing the matter befote the new Gov- ernment. He thought if an arrange- tnentfor n permanent camp could be made.now no time should he Iota. Councillor Wallace declared the ratepayers would never ci.rry a bylaw to grant •I5,011IU towards the purchase price of the property, because the park could not be utilized by the town in summer. es that was the time the militia would want it. He ridiculed the ehowin1K made et the camp teat summer. The -Gown had spent 9110100 in preparation for the event sod he didn't think it wag worth $l,4AM. (buneilkot, Clark made n motion I hat Mavor Contemn. peeve R, la nt.d '. ik•ptit vIt.eve Manningaeons, it' 1 /the rlelartetinn 1,1 go to ()Unita. The ent as the ep,ke«naan of the temper- ( at" eto•k was .troager, owing to tn, ta- i eputy Reeve wished to widish sw in f goer people, also thought the .wording "easedeo Aemand from packers for Na roues favor of othet • who bad not rattle the J w. a faulty. aid insisted 1 bat Ike h •- of sudv.. end ,na1we of bolts were made at trip and the Mayor was A little back- 1 y i an a $3.I0, of Ib to pwr 100 pougda at law should M• 'urinated nt exact me N to 1360, 40 owe were 3r to Mc Mgt, stark in accepting. Reeve Reid amid curirtace with the statute. All the I K. at h.n to it 60 per tee pounds be wag willing to go, but on amount minions already p•eswd havingrefer Since this day week a .troagar. Ir ting of the feeling Of IIIkPM aI'lllrtPON w'Mh has Mv$opttd In the market ter h entx W the bylaw wale teNrinded and ante prieps has. p:leo •.4 Inc to eon tW eziatrd w g lbs akleinlen by Nog- iWt,ucttuu, were isatleyl to the town fro pounds. laupptlrs were large fife ge.lerl that the matter le' left I'I n tut solicitor for the preparation of a by- morning. but this was offset by the good w pima' I law m propel torte demand front Parkers and an active trade Thr• motion naming the Mayor.Tfye awned torn adjourned. pv.-as Ann. In **teeter! lota at MLR to No !reeve end iMoty Ru 'Rees Okpe e to[-' per leo pommels. weighed off earn. Heavy tatic.n finally raft lads Ou `tat.urday mottling it was found hop ■nA sow. sold at SI per Cls pounds A letter front he Salt King ('ora- [hal the local option h}Iww it as quote less than th. above quotations. i1. eorldlUnn of the market for small paiy, Limited, r f Loden, England, ' correct in the torus w which it Wag meat. Visa Una Imaged. The offerings wee, written by J 1.. Ilr..d,e, was referred Presented to the council. The draft largo. but prtrel were tufty mate.afrlad to *be eperial rnrmJltee if the whole totm was handed to the t awn clerk by in a «001 demaad from botcher.' and ctrencil. The Iot4e•r was as follows : menatx•n of the local opt. commit pSok.re, r.""°°gaenty as Rett.. 1;‘,7,40.11. tale, dein the regular toren prepared eon.. wren the t .tf Is per 4 M 'th Tt1rt.. t Kingplirrert Limiter'. g RI+ I IIIc dsioew there, Itis to tsps per Win pnunA. T1s wawiel(b,-e,rn.eM.trrrt, at the headquarter. of t1let uIsperagre saw rind for calm. was e<*.A at oriole laea s. oete(ter mo. eel t t at Toronto. The onlyr ffect of rearm from et to 611 each, u to q•Nat M b. t amen, .,. IUD.. E. 1 •._. y g Its. naps. .1 (laderti,, twr.rr, ' the little difficulty will he that the . Mirage Live Stork flow wart 1 b... r.es(vPi yc..n tette, W law will be delayed two weeks in its Cuff-S.lry, Noy 0-Hegn--Rec.tpt,. - , he tub last. and base great plewrwre In .eb first and second tendon N m WO as re. MI new p.prwml for Use mon- g y, rotted sad oast, sere, Old to at; eK r.tr.&d Mrs, Food heavy Os to glee, Opposites. resew Haley. It s6 in M. tight. 06 ea a M M Mee. 04 rn M AT TN( Olt Cottle Reeelp4s, item. market .reedy; nliirT'tk bo..'.., 11.1111 to M K. mws end n. ,fen, to Workers aria terriers. V to t* M M la 5. MM, calves, M M M flNe met tawahs-ftw.Ntpt.. Kew .nee. ammai, gator Asp to to wester% a 05 W.Y M t. M• wrw*Pn of IWe crumbed •0 wroth. rr Is 1 understand. that the I+ny,rnment ^M•trerai •spm haw seed yen that yes rto.)d obtain peat wed pe.. r M is per h p.. that 1 .a 6011e wil1NDa fa r. .a m ch.rer to yaer •w.Ml .e (1! Per b. I Mr I ural pwwr air "Neat gentleman. plewe. .. be town of Cio*eIrb, prey Ing the w rneil On R 'e•sUwr head wilt Nva oe • neeesseas for "1 lbink it's your torT, WA, /++r► with. et • Weak or tar ream [rertaK aloe to forewep r t he amnoal roar Ar *nn- RARw=tt .Mee anther fa a p M the t b, p repaired tae remaerl le .op,dy the oaeit she ill Heft ( aeaef M emir • a. p, wkfe t. I ere nn- •6'a nest ROSS' Limited, EDMONTON Maaufacturijig Fors -hers In the manufacture of our Fur Garments the utmost care is ex- ercised in the selection of all material, and strict attention to every detail in workmanship and finish is attended to by expert furriers. The workmanship in all Ross garments is the acme of perfection and confers upon the wearer the greatest degree of comfort, smartness and individ- uality, Satisfaction goes with every order placed with us. ROSS' Limited Furs and Cloaks 11P3 Dewey estreat London Ontario New York Tailoring at Canadian Prices fkea2tart ut flak Degree. AST year wesold a 2-4 great many New Yorkers and other Amer- ican tourists Semi -ready' Suits in the latest New York style at from $i 5.00 to $zo.00 less than they could buy them at home. The pricc-savin.g is obvious. The American tariff on fine woollens is too per cent; and yet thcy must have the best English woollens, for their domestic worsteds are inferior. A Semi -ready Suit such as we sell for $zo.00 costs $35.00 in the United Sta--- And no tailor in Net- 'fork can produce bct-_er „work than Semi -ready. entti-nalni 1 t i[nriisg McLEAN BROS. GODERICH SATURDAY SPECIALS We're setting ollt to make November the banner month of veer. We have* large dependable stuck to select from and price•, are right. Here are three strong leaden fur Saturday, $15 Suits the Own Blue and 'deck, •well worsted, in three button, single-breasted style, good imported cloth, indigo dye. This makes • very dies,* Nutt and will give extra gotta wear. Extra good .at value $15 $15 Overcoats Raw edge, black worsted Overcoats, single-breasted, Ify front, 47 inches long, These Coate are alwwys in style and anyman will feel well dressed in one of them. The price for Satay Indy..... .. ... ur 5 $18 Overcoats Tu gentlemen who are looking for something out of the (edit, .try, we call attention to our dttb Century f3rawd, raw ed tnelton Overcoat. The fact that for hest dresser. Mak Century Brand clothing is suMcunt at wear a are I, Centuiy clothing is the t,eet. This 'pl ,d our claim that 1R1, 18 black uuelten Overcoat, on Saturday. special M raw edge C Sale of Pants for Saturday $1.511 Pant. for A1.15 Et SO Prot. for :bs2mo Pants for.... - -I d6 sae• Peat* for Boys' Suits 12.93 About twenty Simi/-hreestacl tbreeta ere amt. sizes 27 to ;l•:, regular rt: to -4311. Cense-tag at . . glia IL 1 $2.95 WALTER Ci PRIDHAM 2nth Century Cloths(, P -apody Owrwiss Sase_eif a Uaderspa, iii ii1 rtilr4.1!6E776 Littb Imo t jt, !w 5 r 1 No Special "Firing Up" No Wasteful Mug oe of Feel 11 yea have a rtes that Wats tee t et a[eCo ANNADA )♦ &Dpri aia heel/ et.141H. ready lo ■ ma MielW ret teeter* ass s utas , nue rear.. conaot me e• to complete Mtn mf.eaeea thy to test - lateMr steep made .rice scow, to ~` Inst tor watch Mentants K isle ttmetitry waned l ' w,& woe BUY A MOFFAT CANADA B RANGES tor 'lie Mitt eeet to eta 13.1 Poet, tor resesear Irmo. ewe beme'tt a tt to tae only 1Mrfe1 inept teteewf mare* tot yew to Ire tear bade It a set. That N sa1 ti n ee.g of Me wa athat oak' is CANADA H tear deye ' o.N he }►N to ooee e%rM Yea It to c clod. AA net am tags twee ee • - 11a. awe Ira e./n *me ye. 1.05., tWersou'a eNNowwy 1t4 -st c.tpA L W IMf, u« .7tett taw, pre wtll * t• et belt 3Nr'-regelrotemeta armies to pot ere Woe fief h os Tie NOM Stye* Cimpatty wants's:q Alae, giong•g. awe. Sole Agent in doderich FRED HUNT Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing and General Hardware HAI'IILTON STREET, MOO • GODERICH McCORMICI(S JERSEY . Quelitx incomparable Wbole•ons• Feed • ion Ilveri d•ei tessesk.1 F•od Rind for Economy At Y. Caeecees (a1! Pippin Wm s este Cante tl pinus •f } I F lits. as gds• O CREAM SODA BISCUITS