HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-9, Page 57
TMoa•oAY, NOVIMIS se. Y. 11111 •.
dugs. hared t. Parade.
Tbe bugle band will make ata first
s on Saturday e�venm
sweating. Nove-
r lith, at 7110 o'clock. It will .tart
from the G. T. IL &tattoos sod march
throu1 town to the Park House on
West treet. II=
body should turn
use to bear the at its initial per
format et.
Sowmanville High School Celebration.
A notable event at Bowesenville f
few days ago was the e 'Dolman
walethe sixtieth anniversary o
vide Higb School. The ,-.Witch o`
tbe srbool, many ot them prosei.en
in various walks of life. gathered is
large numbers to take part in the cele-
bration, which proved to be a most in-
teresting function. The affair wasin-
itisted and tucoeesful y carried
t., the mit psi cipJoao
al of the school.
r the prof G.
brother o[ G. M. Ellbtt of Goderich
and well known here.
Good Leg Work.
the annual intertaculty cross-
Reg. Elliott. of the School of Prsctyi-
cul science (son of G. M. Elliott. town),
came io ..cood among twenty contest-
ants. Tbe coarse was between seven
and eight miles in length and the win-
ner's owe was 51.58. Elliott was a
close se000d. It was a team tape and
Trinity College got its team in arid..
winning the cup. Elliott will have a
place in tbe interuniversity rum next
Saturday, with contestants from Mc-
Gill, Queen's, 'Varsity and the Royal
Medical College.
Might Have Been a Blaze.
Stroke issuing from the roof of a
,bed near tbe carriage shop en New-
gate street bat Mondayattracted the
attention of civic emplyees gathered
et the town hall oo account of the
rain and on investigation being made
it was found that two small boys bed
accumulated a quantity of horsehair
which they bad ignited. When the
Owe were located at the top of the
building they were making a frantic
effort to extinguish tbe fire and if
assistance bad not arrived when it did
a sell )us Wase might have occurred.
('ieerette papers were very much in
evidence and nn inquiry into the tecta'
as to the home environments of the
boys has led the Children's Aid Soci-
ety to investigate further in au effort
to improve oonditioee.
Militia orders recently armed contain
the foUowine announcement:
The establishment of evening chimes
of instruction in signalling as here -
ender is authorized at London, Chat-
ham, Windsor, Woodstock, Galt.
(ioderich and Guelph oo dates to be
named later. The cheers will com-
mence on dates to be fixed by officers
commanding divisions and t4, be for a
period oot exceeding one month, at
centres where signalling sections are
organized anized io &mordance with G. 0. 31,
list. The assistant directorof signal-
ling will detail the necessary non-com-
missioned officers as ae&istant instruc-
tor, for each of the above classes. A
bonus of alb will he paid to each offi-
cer.N. C. 0. and man of this Canadian
militia or cadet corps who obtains a
-ertidcate,at the above classes.
Meetings for Men and buys.
On Sunday. November 19th. Mt. W.
1.. Clark. treaeurer of the It.terna.
tirti1 Purity Federation and special-
rin purity work among men and
t.n-F, will begin a series of meetings
lasting one week in Victoria street
ehureh, for men and hors. Mr. Clark
comes under the direction of the de-
partment of temperance and moral
reform of the Methodist church. never-
theless his work is largely undenomin-
ational. therefore all men and boys will
find a wekonte to bis meetings. to
the wort of leading men and boys to
abstain from intoxicants and tobsxo
in all its forms, to discontinue pro-
fanity and Lc determine to lead pure.
chute lives, Mr. Clark has had un-
paralleled success. Watch for the an-
nouncement of his meetings next
Court of Revision.
After the adjournment et the town
council meeting last Friday evening
the court of revision met to deal with
several matters referred to tbat body.
The construction of two branches of
sewers on Britannia toed—from Eldon
street to Wellington street, and item
Wellington street to Wellesley street—
and one on Oxford street, from Cam-
bridge street to Maitland road, were
considered. The only objection raised
was in reference to the sewer on Ox-
ford .text. the "kick" being made
that no water was available on that
part of the street. The chairman of
the public works committee, who was
Prevent. testified that the water and
light cummissiom had signified that it
would supply water on application.
so tbe objection was not sustained.
The request of WI Armitage for a
rebate of one-half of the business tax
on his Property on Newgate street
was granted, and the Goderich Curl-
ing a Skating Amesciation was
allowed a rebate of twenty-five per
cent. of the taxes on its property.
Goderich Horticultural Society.
The annual [meeting of the (lodericb
Horticultural Societewas held lost
Thursday evemio r in AV (Abell ofDoe
ie tine count bouts.. The following of -
firers were elected for tbe ensuing
Year : President, Dr. Gailow : vioe-
pnwident, H. D. Rad : directors—W.
Warnock, R. C. Hays. D. McEvoy, J.
laotkwait•. R. Morns Jas. Mit-
cheal, t. 19eii. J. H. a�j t, and W.
('.oats asmetarv.t er, W. Lao.:
auditors. R d and o.
toc v e eerrehoMOoeis alae
were sI s eommm
b, tof f mat
Dstreseereriazemollas=" 131..
cel meld
Sudden Death at Clinton.
Miss Laura Walken. of the millinery
department of Hodgen. Bros' store.
was [wiled home to (Anton last Mon-
day morning, owing to the sudden
death of her mother. atter an Moms
d only two days. The funeral. which
has been delayed to allow the son.
Karl A. Walken, to arrive home from
Calgary, will take place tomorrow.
Collegiate Institute Board.
At the regular tweeting of the (1. O.
I. trustee board last Thursday i.. was
decided that Miss Lauder be paid at
the rate of $1.100 year while act-
ing as suitetitute for Miss McVanoell
during the letter's absence thrwt�h
illness. It also was settled [bat Nos
Lander • salary be $1,000 per year un-
der bet eogagetuent as teacher of mod -
erne after the Christmas holidays.
General Meeting of Board of Trade.
The quarterly .general meeting of
the Goderich Board of Trade will be
held in the Board room, North street.
nett Mooday evening. A communi-
cation has been sent to Hoo. Adam
Beek, making aa urgent request that
the report of the engineers of the
Hydro -electric Commission on Mait-
land River power he forwarded in
time for discussion at this meeting.
All Interested in the power question
are urgently requested to attend.
The Axe Falls.
Alleging that the law was not being
strictly enforced by tbe Provincial
fishery inspectors, the Federal Govern-
ment last winter appointed thirty
additional overseer. for Ontario.
These have now all been dismissed by
the Borden Government and the work
will be carried on entirely under the
auspices of the Government at Tor-
onto. Among the moo effected is
Captain John Bruce. of Goderich,
whose district included that portion
of the lake which adjoins Huron
county. For many years Captola Seakatchewan where the youngman
Brune fished out of doflericb, and was
a man particularly adapted to dal was . ppo.ed to be it was found he
witb the work of which be had charge. had h for soother part of the West
Robert idemurrey. of Bayfield pro,- and the constable was unable to locate
Ohas. L, Shaw Not Dad.
The report of the death of Charles
E. Shaw in Ragland was Incorrect. It
was Mrs. Shaw who died. It is under-
stood that Mr. Shaw is now in Can-
Jubilee Singers Coming.
The North street Methodist choir
More been fortunate in securing the
famous Canadian Jubilee Singers for &
0000ert to be given in North street
Methodist church on Thursday even-
ing. December 14th.
County Judge s Criminal Court.
David Wilson, a young man from
Stephen township, was found guilty
today of committing iedeoent assault
upon & young girl fifteen yeah of age
at Grand Beod last August. Hs was
ssntenosd by Hu, Honor Judge Holt to
six months imprisonment in tbe
*auntyjail. J. O. atanbury, of Exeter.
defened the accused and Chown At-
torney Seeger prosecuted.
A charge of forgery on three separ-
ate indictments, errel against a
young man from McKillop townsbie,
was beard in the County Judges
Criminei Court on Wednesday at last
week. The story told before the judge
by the defendant's Iawyer,IW. M. Sin-
clair, of Brussels, was to the effect
that his client had undertaken to act
as agent for an implement Arm of
Barrie. Having no business training,
in his igooraaoe he used the name of
his father without his effluent, in
order to raise money on three notes
drawn in favor of the implement Orta,
amounting in all to $358.47. A short
time afterwards the accused went
West to Saskatchewan, hoping that
the change of air would benefit his
failing health. While he was away
the father was confronted with these
notes. He admitted that the name
signed was not his signature but
stated that he was willing to pay the
claim. Thinking that the yon had left
the country in order to escape the re-
sponsibility of his act the matter was
placed in tbe hands of the authorities
and High Constable Whitesides was
despatched to bring him tack for
trial. When he reached the place in
incial inspector, will now have sole bi" Re came back without him and
oversight over this district. a second trip was necessary. when the
Water Is Alt Right. accused was located at Brandon. The
expenses in co1leetietz with the cave
amounted to nearly M. A plea. for
leniency was made owing to the man's
failing health and the poor circum-
stances of his wife and family. and as
he had offered to make fulitestitution
the case was left open until Monday,
November 13th. the accused meantime
being out on bail. His Honor Judge
Doyle ruled that, in any event, he
should contribute $200 towards meet-
ing the expenses of the constable's
trip to the West.
Two weeks ago Andrew Cruick-
shank was charged in the police court
at Wingham with attempting to in-
jure a young lady oo the streets of
that town on the previous evening.
While she was looking into a window
it is alleged that Cruickshank threw
at her a file which measured about
eighteen inches in length. The file
struck the young lady on her hat and
went through the plate glass window.
breaking some pictures inside.
Cruickshank was arrested and sent up
for trial by Police Magistrate Morton.
His case will come up in the County
Judge's Criminal Court on Friday of
last week. Dudley Holmes. of Wing -
bane is defending him. Ten years ago
the accused was sentenced here to three
year; in the penitentiary on a charge
of shooting with intent to kill in
Wingham. Cruickshank is about
thirty-five years of age.
The latest report of analysis of the
town's drinking water made by the
Provincial Boatel of Health ie that
the water is "perfectly healthful in
all respects." The information was
received by Dr. Hunter, medical
health officer. on Wednesday. This
report will do away with the necessity
of boiling the drinking water for the
Hospital Trust.
The adjourned annual meeting of
the hospital trust was beld at the
court house last evening. The report
of the president, Judge Holt. was re-
ceived and adopted rind will be' pub-
lished next week. The project for the
converting of the old M. C. Cameron
property to hospital purposes was dis-
cussed at some length and was ap-
proved. The old board was re-elected
for another year.
Death of Mrs. Robert Orr.
At the ripe age of seventy•.ine years
Mrs. Robert Orr entered into rest at
the home of bet daughter, Mrs. Agnes
Herbeck. in Buffalo, on Saturday last.
Although she bad been in failing
health for several years, her last
ness was of short duration. Mee Orr
was a native of Gastry, county Down,
Ireland. her maiden name teing Mary
Ann Reid. About fifty-one years
ago she was married to the late Rob-
ert Orr and two years later they came
to Canada and to this section, set-
tling on a farm on the Bayfield road.
About thirty -live years ago they
moved to a farm on the 3rd ccnceseion
of Goderich township. where they
lived until fourteen years ago. when
they came CO t :wn and erected a resi-
dence on Hincks street. Here Mr.
Orr died about three Tears ago. Mrs.
Orr continued to make her home in
town until about three months ago,
when she went to Buffalo to the hom•
of her daughter. where she spent
the remainder of her dears. The re-
mains were brought to Goderich and
the funeral took place from the home
of another daughter, Mrs. John Wil-
son, Cambria road. to Maitland ceme-
tery. Rey. Geo. B. Ross conducted
the service and the pallbearers were
R J. and V. J. Dean. Leo and Francis
Chisholm. and Herbert and Richmond
Orr. The surviving members of the
family are : Mrs. Harry Thompson,
of Kalamazroo. Mich.: Mrs. John Wil-
son. of Goderich : Robert . Orr, of
M rno Mille : Mrs. P. T. Dean, of
Goderich ; Mrs. Agnes Herbeek. of
Buffalo, and Mrs. Smith, of Van-
couver, B. C. Several sons prede-
ceased their mother. Jamieson Reid,
of town, is a brother of the late Mrs.
1•100111Pe for MI i4 ansa
Orth d Mem fwsws. a IPSO
Rdtbe •ad mer
m wound tthe
le mweteryy a em m oe
�au =
111011.ey w111
h. ssihjo•c at ythe p int,
W Coale sod el Ned N R. M the et
tnt Mthe at" s s 1
'41"11 tet tin te be hell i•
Ne7rM alth and Mk
An early morning wedding was sol-
emnized in St. Peter's church on Wed=
nesday, when Miss lily Wilson.
daitgbier of John Wilson, Cambria
road, joined hand and hart with John
J. Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Dean. of Goderich. Rev. Father Mc-
Rae said the nuptial mach which made
then[ husband and wife. The groom
was supported by his brother, Eugene
J. Dean, and Miss Irene Wilsgn, sister
of the bride. was bridesmaid. Tbe
happy couple left on the 7:10 G. T. R.
train on a short honeymoon trip, after
which they will take up their resi-
dence in Wingbam. The groom holds
ri position in the railway rruail service
between Wingham and London. The
many friends of the young couple in
town join in wishing them a long and
happy life.
A Remarkable Operation.
Monday of this week a critical oper-
penation vas performed at Alexandra
hospital wbeo a piece of pine two
inches long and an inch wide wee re-
moved from the thigh of Rob Clark.
son of Councillor W. F. (lark. Al-
though be bas suffered intensely tins
the operation, Rob is n.w resting
easier and his speedy recovery is
looked for. Rleven months Rob
met with an aeeideat while toboggae-
hag oo tbe Maitland River bank with
a number of his boy friends. Several
of the lade were on a doable algid hound
together by a piise plank. When sear
Um bottom of the hill the riledbuck-
1 the plank broke and tbe
eM "dad* a nasty Rash in Robe t
The wound healed. but the
Mitered member always gave trouble.
ed whew the wesed broke out again
an Z as! examination of the leg _was
mei In Tomato. which revealed a
deeded spot in the emeeles high tap In
the ihlflb. The operation was pr
Mims/ end the Mem of wood
demiM the mmiles.
it fs a et weeder he them who
pbm d wool hew the
R elteeed wIM ilm so
le Me of the Arrbult.se iv d.
atiseetess west tea will
be..soli r finell Dash
iseuer the =ea Oil -
borne eelid
re to As►
the htar cd n . 1*
served fres 4t. 1 Ain& otee•
mbodde� Men eels. Ilrory
Preacbes :Anniversary Seruseas is Vic-
iatoria Street Chinch.
Last Sunday was Amnive nary Day
at Victoria street Metbdist church
and that congregation wag boomed by
a visit from the venerable Rey. Dr. Car-
man, general superinteodokk of the
Methodist church in O nada, Me
Preached to large coatr.gadens at both
eervioes. In the morning the principal
feature of his address was a character
study of the Apoetds Paul. The sneaker
sodeevured to mpreni upon kis bearers
the important part which education
plays in laying the foundation of a
strong character. He refereed to Paul
as a man of independent Judgment and
of strong convictions rerpecting his
national faith and religten, all of
which prepared him to receive the
doctrine of the new dispensation. He
stated further that Paul of all the
apostles estimated the atonement at
Jesus Christ at its value. He was pre-
entineotly a scholar and oo judge ever
wrpwed his argument. regarding
universal sin and the necessity of a
universal atonement. In concluding
the Doctor reviewed the prioeless value
of the Bible and showed 120er Back part
of the Bible worked with the others is
providing the true Gospel. "Rip one
out,' he said, "and you don't want the
others." There was nothing better
than the Bible for a guide, as there
bad been life and light enough in it for
all the &res.
. Dr. Carman's evening sermon was
from Ephesians 2 :8-10 and was en ex-
poeitioo of faith se tbe Means d
salvation through Christ In spite at
growing years the venerable superin-
tendent in robust of voice, vigorous in
intellect and body, strong and aggres-
sive in his mental attitude.
Dr. Carman attended a meeting of
the Ministerial Association on Monde
morning and gave an address which
was greatly appreciated by the minis-
ters present.
WALTERS.-lo _.olboros. on Thursday. No
.ember hod, Wtllifm Allen Walters, to bis
mrd year.
ORA -Ln Butllato. N. Y.. co S&tardar. blov Mt.
ber tib. Mary Ann Reid, relief of the late
Robert Orr, aged 79 rears.
ED WARD -L IPPATT. - At Laos 1caw+
her Last, bj l oama liedsdeh. i. LB sia4 Flower! i.
Steward Onberse to I►*nta vLda Lipper, hoe;
DEAN-WIIAON.-elfin LR`It. Peters cbure&.
Ooderleb. on Wednesday, November &Y
Jobe J. Dean, of W i one or Mr. anis
Mrs. Jobe Dean, of O W Miss LW
Wilmot, decaliter d John , o; sakefla
road, Ood,riab.
Another Children's Aid Case.
A care of pitiable interest was die -
posed of in Judge Doyle's chambers is
the court house on Tuesday, when
two children who. according to the
father's statement, had been neglected
and abused by their stepmother were
banded over by their father to the
Children's Aid Society to be cared for.
The older child is a bright boy of
twelve years and the other is an at-
tractive looking Kiri of five summers.
Their motber died about eighteen
months ago and since that time their
father had married again. Two
months ago the trouble began and
things went from tad to worse until
the stepmother left the home about a
week ago, declaring -gibe would not re-
turn until the children were disposed
of. The matter• was brought to the
attention of 0. M. Elliott, county
agent of the Children's Aid Society,
and he arranged to have the cases
dealt with at once by the county
judge. The result was that the chil-
dren were placed in Use care of that
Society and they are being oared for
in a home in town. temporarily, until
a permene.t home is secured for
them. Mr. Elliott, the county agent,
has an office in the court bowie and he
also may be oomtrunioated with try
telephone call No. iso. by any pavane
who have any Information to plates be-
fore him regarding bis work.
Christmas is only a few away. Those
+belatmdmaking their tear presents
wID lel sinkable materials .4 Smith'' Art
ikons. eet Dont pct off your put-
A wett4Nemd man starts with a good many
potato is his favor In Wainer, protesuonal er
social Ilia Bow to be well dressed 1. Dot a dif-
ficult problem. Consult Peidaam the tailor,
north side Square.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Robinson have
removed to the hotel at Smith's Hill,
having rented it from the owner, Mrs.
Jonathan Miller.
Alf. Saults is a patient at Alexandra
hospital and has been seriously ill for
several days. No change is reported
in his condition today.
Miss McVannell, who bas been off
duty owing to illness, has resumed
her duties as teacher at the Coll tate
Institute, During her absence Miss
Lauder acted as substitute.
Whoever you are. Wherever you
go. Whatever you do. You should
try Burdette's homemade candies, taf-
fies, caraniels and brittle.. They are
tide best and strictly homemade.
George Stewart received on Monday
a shipment of German -bred canaries.
If you want to get a beautiful gift for
the Christmas season, call and have
one of these songsters reserved for you.
The pupils of the Goderich Collegiate
Institute are arranging to hold a
grand contort in Victoria Opera House
on the evening of Friday, December
8th. A fuller announcement will be
made later.
Roland Webster. the bees soloist
with Guy Brothers Big Minstrels, who
play in the Opera House nezt Thurs-
day evening, is the man whom Mr.
Guy has been trying for years to en-
gage and has a really wonderful voice.
All Sects of Weakness ase Debility.
People who are rum dewu or week
cameo get straw °Mil the Niel or -
gem sad tbe sorrow. eyeless' ere re-
stored M roper activity. Oar res
Lend'. eye ui Renovator le a Berm
tood sad Mai op the
servos. systolest- •is ASSIMI
healthy blood. is helps Mem* hem
the fret god all gale le pm= be-
satlse the system Is
pas.. a , Ont. teeLeol t
11Fer telt by R R. Witte, 1.
es.ararsas less
ahsrf3a sa thireat=
Shad us Pratt su a see
saltie Crumbles
Ing ue. [■stet tater.
Britt dmrVa�cdac&
or sec r s��. S.= r
Cowan's seems to hit the
right spot. It is a great
food for husky young ath-
letes : satisfies the appetite :
easy to digest : and delicious
The grandstand at the east side of
the court house which had seen better
days and bad become almost historic
from its association with many events
of interest in Goderich during the past
decade was torn down this week.
Nett year flowers will blossom where
it once stood.
Have you seen Zell*? You can't
afford to miss seeing him with Guy
Brothers Big Minstrels in the Opera
House next Thursday. He is known
as the human frog and has no equal.
This one act will worth the price
of admission alone. Secure your sats
early at Edwards'.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Carey lett on
Thursday for Mount Carmel, where
tbey will assist in the celebrating of
the golden wedding anniversary of
Mr. Carey's parents, ur. and Mrs.
Moe. Carey. All the family --ten in
number—are expected to hesent.
The aged couple are in the enjoyment.
of a fair measure of health and
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Knox church manse, Goderich, on
Wednesday evening of last week,
whoa Rev. (leo. R. Ross tied the
matrimonial bow between Howard J.
Edward and Miss Nellie Viol& Lippett,
both of Colborne township. Mr. and
Mrs. Edward will reside in Colborne
and have the best wish.s of their
friends for a happy future.
Alfred Tebbutt, wbe has taken over
the agency for flee International Har-
arvester Co.. occupying .1. R. Orr's
former stand no Hamilton most. will
Mattis * complete line a oatrie.iteral
'machinery and will keep r.ps1. of all
kisds eo.etastly on band. 6s has
tsometbieg new ia cutters whieb be
would like to "bow to preemie who ate
interested. fine bis ansommaseest in
our a&Tsitising eoln nes ibis week.
The judicial Gabe of the farms in
Aedoriih township belo.g-� to the
Mete at the late iT IL Ree wee held
at the Rette.bery Hover.•. 111.te.. as
T.ai.y ref this week. Tbe dere ewe-
fi ones mow* �r to
mem maid S
The e•eerJ� d.
M�dneCI11p11w, flee
thollrp wet the s.sYseelr.
Victoria Opera House
NOV. 16th
Greater Minstrels
With GEORGE R. GUY, the
King of Minstrels, and
35 — PEOPLE — 35
The Greatest of Cancers
Tse Wonderful Acrobats
The El sant First Part
The Beautiful Costumes
The Orem! Scenery
12—BIO ACTS -12
Watch for Grand Street Parade
Prices 35c and 50c
Plan at Edwards' Restaurant
Tuesday, November 14th.
Stands W the front a- the bearechool of
it, kind 1n the Province. Our courses are
beyond thou; of the ordinary business col -
Mire. This school has a continental reputa-
tion for high-grade work. We have throe
depart menta, Commercial. Shorthand and
Telarrdph and the demand for trained
help greatly exceeds the supply. Students
are entering each week and the a000er yds
enter the better tor yourself. Get our tree
I o&tillagoe at once.
Wanted immediately
Amari, napkin. man, on sand salary or
commission. to sell our well-known
ties In fruit and ornamental tree. l special
county. We pay according to ability. aad
dothns the bort man procurable.
600 Acres
of fruit tram from which to fill roet.aren
rsoutrements. Our aalewoen len abenletsly
sore to supply rdhbM, ekWfsetory stook.
Established over 23 years. Writ
Baha M
Pelaam Har.sry ca,
Tomato. Ontario.
N. ii -To cootetasrs' 1J our represent&
tires have riot oiled. write for catals[a*
and priers
1100 GIRLS
$6.00 per week to start with
for girls eighteen and over.
Apply at once.
D. S. PERRiN Is 00., limited
London - - (Mt_
Union Bank of Canada
Paid-up C.e+tlel -• $ 4,766,000
ROMA Mid Uadt.w.d Pewees 3.300,009
Teta. Aore.te, (Over) - 635000.000
London. Ragland °epee,
111,11ureadacedlle Street. F.. C.
• Preech el this Desk lies bees established im Leedom, Engird,
at Ns. z, Threadneedle Street, B.C., visas Letters of Credit sad Drafts
P'-�+. and Mears points 'rte' `- Brad the Died Metes, can be
• Melted lien is provided per tis eeave.ieaee r ahem of the
Beak when is Laden, to which their mai any be Warsa...L
Correspondence solicited.
Leede& 's
&alt : { F W' ASHC'
4. M. C. HAIt'T-!fl . Asslemst-Measese.
Cameron's Specials.
This week and next we intend to
make thing. a little livelier by giving
some extraordinary good velure for
both men and women.
We have just received another ship-
ment of new winter hats which we
bought at a big sacrifice from the
wholesale manufacturers, who are
clearing their lines out regardless of
price. We are going to pass the good
things along toou, right in the
middle of the millinery season. Wo
consider it the best bargain we have
ever given. In these Iota there are
trimmed velvets, velours and felts,
trimmed with Mike, satins, wings.
plumes. cords and taseen, in all the
oewest and latest styles.
Lot 1, fifteen trimmed hats at only
98c. Lot 2, twenty trimmed bate at
only $1.98. Lot 3, thirty trimmed
hate et only $29S. Lot 4 Wades bite
in yolue tap to div at Only $4.116.
These hate will go on sale Saturday
Morning and these prices will hold
good for next week.
We are selling large flannelette
blankets at 11.39.
Ladies' cloth skirts. in striper and
plain worsteds, at $248 and R 3.75.
Ten groes cotton spool' thread,
black and white, 200 yards, all sines.
go on sale Saturday morning at three
spools for 10c.
Twenty ladies' suits to clear at per
suit, $8.96.
All our furs on sale now at almost
half of their former prices.
Mltls'B WEAR.
We have more of those all -wool sox
at two padre for 35c.
1•ifty pairs men's good working
pants at $1.35.
Men's flannelette shirts at 39c.
Black and white striped drill shirts
at 48c.
Another lot of the large black
pocket knives; while they last same
price for each 10c.
Bilk four-in-hand ties, now only 15c.
Men's all -wool sweaters, regular
$1.25, specie/ at 96c.
See our black and tan winter weight
boots at $2 75.
Men's department open from 7:30 to
8:30 every evening.
Burdette,: a the Balmoral Cafe, sella
the seal -shipped oysters, solid oysters,,
right from their native beds. After a
trial you will use no others.
IF YOU purpose hosing
ji the town water put in
this year or having your
waste pipe connected with
the sewer, leave your order
with us NOW so that the
work may bedone before the
ground freezes. The inside
work can be done later, if
you so desire. Satistactioo
guaranteed in every respect.
We also make a specialty of
Heating, Roofing and
Electric Wiring
W. R. Pinder
'Pbone 156 Hamilton 9th
PL c 1 r -f C
Oct 9th to Nov. lith
teal malars, Oman River to Sell
elusive. and to beet hunting
Quebec anti Ned Btuoewich.
Oct. 19th to Nov. 11
4 W agoras Sudbury to the do
4 Sharhot Lake. Coldwater •
and ea the Lindsay Branca.
Return Limit December
Liberal 'Weever WI rile'
Ask for tree copies of °Them( ata .,&oot-
tea." "S • p Sowe.
s Maand -Open
Steri for Game andFish," • Hint- to Hunt -
JOS. KIDD, Agent, Godel•icbt 1
1-RUNK h t .
n ,Y
Return ticket. a t reduced
rates now on sale at any Grand
Trunk Ticket office.
Full particular.; and tickets from F. 1'.
wrenoe, Town Agent. or address t.
Duff• D. P. A., Toronto.
T. a C. a st o•.
OWN= end *u0lrRANO fA.a•l.'R
MOON we=ejel sway groimia Seem
he.O.f M My VI tamw
ed help. 1 arts.
. $ 1e Jo a gnat am
F,estCs , i.l.e r» wimi
d, M. WvrOPItUt..=a. . . wmettitntss,
Prepare for Sleighing
Before purchasing
for the coming win-
ter, call and inspect
the carload of P(nt-
Ird and Piano Box
wbi• h have just ar-
rived and are now
nn view in my show-
rooms. For
the eutfera manu-
factured by Mesa's.
Wm. Gray, tinny
Gans phell, LW.. of
Chatham, cannot be
111481H iN QUALITY
Cease awe reelectours while
you have the fall root• to
rho tee hues
Raaf Wilson
i have received some fine
new Cutters and would like
any person who is interested
in Cutters to call and sew
them at my wareranns,
Hamilton • street. Be sure
to see the new
This is something entirely
new, and I have the agency
for the only company that
builds them.
All kinds of Farmers' Imp-
lements. Repairs, etc., on
band. Give me a call.
Alfred Tebbutt
Hamilton St. Goderich
(J. N. Uerb former stand)
Hamilton (,oderich
R. Orr's stand)
Over to the
Clock Side of
the Store,
Here you see a clock new-
ness noveltyand clock
usefulness — elocke for this,
that and the other ur .
s for small prices :
Marta Clocks, 75e, $).ors, $: os
Ketches Clocks. Uwe $i.se
Mantel Clocks. *5.7s, 50,
$7 5o
Clocks as costly as $6o
Best everyone will do row
work just as you ex I
just as we tell you It will
lure owe to 111 your
>►•� a ..•d.
Clocks all purpose.
y peel Ito
them saver. Thor. is
...� if have cloth
W bsaak sod
J. S. Davey
ae er Jewel.,
Sn.th side of agser. Osel.neh