HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-9, Page 3TIE ML IND ONLY IEN�INE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS. 8OLD ON THE MERITS Of. 'mW'J UNMET BOOK BINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLDLETTERING ou LEATHKR GOODS AL wisesHEBIO��IIAmolly L, attended podertct to on leaving rm u T A. E. TAYLOR. Sruarco}u CIVIL ENGINEERING 1/AUGHAN M. ROBERTS, CIVIL 1 and Hydraulic Engineer. Ontario Land dirveyer. (lett•-lict e+sn Block, Ood.rlca. corner Mo•trerl street, Telephone Ir. MEDICAL DR. W. F. °ALLOW. M. B. fourth imams Itetptrrds. p► oe 11. Pe�R. F. J. R. rOltSTE R -EYE, EAR woe and threat why. Howe stuaeoe w Trek Oph/barri- sl Aunt institute, Clinical .tail„ Iraklion and 1 treat Hospital d °rase 8gease, at1Menii ld Ityee Hrseltat leaden. kaaLaL (lea SS& water r� DLrwt hustler.. opposite Baan sht un . Heise s 1011 a.m. 1tof0.on- MS so. TWpaooe LEGAL DROUDFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR- AN. barristers .oildtoes, notaries public pensions in Ur Maritime Lean. eta Private tams ta aced at lower( razes of interest Oise. zoos aide ttgware, oedeewa w. uIWT IL. C-. R. C. HA 1(8. .1. L. YILWKA \. hi0. CAM til ON. K. C.. 13ARRIS- TKk. 14141er. artery public. Moos - merinos Mmes. beserIch. Laud door from rwwar+ CHAltLICSOAR1tuW, L.L.B„BAK weskit. au.ora.ys..ohetter, etc. bode rook. flosses 10 baa at Mama rates. LI O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER • e.ticitar, mrrMrwer. votary public owes Marti ev suns HedorMa 1Jo4 INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. 1,1 c&iLLC P MUTUAL F1R$ IN .11 eUBANCk CO. -Prow lad ieot•ted Ileus property 10.area. Users -J. B. lrclaav, Pax. deatortk P.O.; Jr. Casually. Tim.Pr s. Ooderbb P. 0.: Themes L Hey.. 8w -Trema, Neafor•tb P. 0. Orsester.-te Cberasy. eeatorOt; Jobe b.W1ethte.!i wwd'allabaaemv [Iiia. C•estaace; lobs5sskielseel at ; Jobe Watt k eiarioca mes ; Malcolm Haa sat ;; .lagues : ,.n. l so HotrevLle : K. Smith. uq ktrmwdvttle ; n►aahl•7. rle.dorti. /N.J.:y-stiles can pay ereeeasrt..,..1 gut their muds moose* a1 Torr a Hr ..0-.cr. dr at R. H. IL ureases. Ennio. sliest. t>rtairrieb. $20.000 imPRIVATE FUNDS TO fin• *. aHamilton s tM.0..CAM. WR. ROBERTSON. • LN8L'RANCH AGENT. Vila AID 1.105 Mime . bnLLb. Centrism aid Aa•.icay. 001IIMrr, 8tcarrsas AND a.sQwveas' Watt. m : 1 be Ursa A•Msaa1 and Gwarweu. FrD->m am, t, o asses Tbs U.B. Fidelity rue GeasaMeethao lay (Mare u eel -sem eestbsstlt mews el Vie toric and 8t- Useful'• suer& Phone 176 1011N W. ORAIULE, L/FE, yFIIRt�E ll sad accident -mum& lad �tw Ara: la All one. ensms4 oat bss•_ as .04 at lowest, rates. sailet . terser ,1Ai w MARRIAGE LICENSES W Al.TEK K KELLY, J. P.. UODLRi( ll. ON 1. IspCKR Oi' MARRIAOK WCKN8138. W LANE, 1118UER Gln MARRi. • AGE assse, Od•rlea_ Out. J SEAVUIG PARLOR BDFORD BLOCK BARBER SHOP Aof pwouww art sep.1start odo�riat ' bait 411141.. sSEW dm mperaaa bee& esselryedr our estreasee wilt HOtltVineries,a appnalaW H. B AIICTIOSIIMIENO q HOI/ittAM tiUSDK lf, LIVE asemd MOUE sod rieslose an a r iiet.. 1•. resomal amid Fuse •4a red 5. ars yen -'---5 --.- hempsolelsa. , '•1 Am rbiaking of galas tf, ! oropre on a thrust nuts." "You arra l 1 diN t know you bad that leech mwey ' I baeea'te bel, yogi ace. it doesn t tit 5S7thisg to think of going." Muir & Hohmneier LMIIALMLRI AND 'NNIRAA. DI EOTOR1 THE SIGNAL : GU ERICH ONTARlu LIBERAL PLATFORM. Castle tied front ; swe t l Agriculture. Ws believe that the people of On tart s view with grave concern the serious decline in the rural population of this Province. as disclosed by the recent census, and we propose the im- mediate appointment of a Royal Com- mie/don lu inquire into the causer thereof, and to suggest measures which lu the opinion of the Commis- sino should be taken 1.0 prevent any further decline and promote the gen- eral atr•iculturel interests of the Prov- ince. `The Commission should be specially instructed to consider and re- port upon adequate technical instruc- tion in farming in our rural schools, and special technical education io fruit -growing Marlette In the meantime we mottoes) to adopt measures: To bring about the active immigra- tion into this Province of suitable people for settlement and employment upon our faxen land ; to induce land - seeking farmers to remain in the Prov- ince by locating in New Ontario in- stead of emigrating to Western Can- ada To secure the building of a good roads system throughout Ontario by an issue of Provincial bond, or by other as.iatance on an adequate scale, thereby facilitating traffic and insur- ing quick delivery of farm and garden products. To extend in every feasible way pub- lic light, plower and telephone services to the farms of the Province. To provide for the establishment of suitable demonstration farms through- out Ontario ; to promote Ontario', apple and general fruit growing indus- try- by establishing demonstration or- chard,, and to advertise widely tbe important and growing apple industry by holding an annual Prov igrin I Apple Show. T;, appoint a sufficient number of Provincial inspectors with authority u, statup out the evils arising (nut noxious weeds, insect pests and die - eases of orchard trees. To snake Guelph Agricultural Col- lege more useful by enlarging its sphere ot experimental work, especi- ally in stoct-breeding. Tautioa. Social justice demands the removal of existing inequalities in taxation, and we propose the amendment of the Assessment Act to permit municipali- ties to exempt improvements from taxation either in whole or io par:. To provide that the property ot rail- way and other public utility corpora. tions shall contribute to the revenues of municipalities and of tbe Province on a basis of arse.ement and taxation in every respect equal to the assess - moot and taxation of the property of private citizens. Social and Industrial Betterment The betterment of the social and in- dustrial condition of the masses of the people shall be one of our supreme concerns. The evils of intemperance constitute a grave social peril. During the ensu- ing Parliamentary term we will con- sider the best form of legislation to deal effectively with these evils, and the ele-Lon will have .an opportunity of passing upon our proposals .a the following general election. We will immediately abolish the three-fifths vote in local option con- tests and substitute a simple majority. During the continuance of the license system we will secure the re- moval of its administration from poli- tical influence. We promise the passage of a meas- ure to provide for compensation of workmen injured in our industries, and to their dependents where such injuries result in death, modelled alter the recent legislation in Great Britain. and to insure in all cases the payment of such compensation. Special investigation and supervi- sion by the Province of matters affect- ing the health and well-being of indus- trial workers and communities; en- couragement of town planning and the prevention of the growth of coo- gestedateat; the suppression oftub- erculosis and the avoidance of occupa- tional diseases. Education. 1f the youth of this Province are to receive an education to fit them for citizenship, a more progressive and adequate educational n p o I i c v is urgently needed. We propose : To promote • more co-operative rela- tion between the primary schools, the high schools and the universities ; more liberal grantm in aid of primary educa- tion; the promotion of industrial train- ing and technical instruction in urban and rural communities : (he restora- tion of model schools, with a view to Increase the supply and efficiency of teachers. To provide through adequate train- ing schools sufficient supply of competent teachprs, and thus insure under proper rIgulations that the pupils in every school in the Province shall receive a thorough English edu- cation. Public Ownership and Conservation. We believe in and will support the public ownership and operation of public utilities, and especially the util- ization of water•powers throughout the Province Inc the generation and dis- tribution of electricity; mho the ac- quisition and operation of telephone Imes. A scientific policy of forestry, in- cluding the necessary -reforestation of suitable Crown laorta: the conserve - tion of our timber resources by the revesting in the Crown of berths con- taining young pine timber : ali ade- gynete system of fire ranging to protect (Ireton timber ; the aide of Crown timber by pnblie a,tetion rater than by private sale or tender ; assistance finaeeiall upon the principle adopted in nig to drainage. to musielp ata• ties that desire to purchase and re- forest the thos.anis of acres of waste land now existing said which impress* yearly in many poetises ot the I'rosinee We mndemn the aliiegaties by the Whitney Government of millions of serer of the public domain by way of land grants u, railway corporations O1ilarro Railway .tsd M*sie,Pai Board There should he .n ealsrg.wteet of the powers sed reorgenhstane of the Ontario Railway and Meeis1ps1 ROOM' so as to reader it an lahastatW sad effective tr pupal iu the pubiio iti- tsr'sst, It will be du bon of combat at 4U times by legislative enactment and adlalsiatrative action such trusty, mergers and other combinations of capital as stile cowpetitioo, increa.e the cost of living and impair political lodependence. We will abolish the right of the Government to deny access to the courts to those who claim to have suffered wrong or damage through the lotion of the Government or any ('orumission appointed thereunder. Civil Service Reform. The spoils and patronage systems are inimical to the highe.t efficiency of the civil service and to the best in- terests of the country. We propose the creation of a Civil Service Com- mission, and that appointments and promotions in the service shall he by merit after competitive examination. Electoral Reform. We will pn,hibit t.uder adequate penalties all Cul potations over wbich the Province bar jurisdiction from making campaign rontrIMttion.: re- quire the publication of all e.mpaegn coatiibutions to 4 -., rid ul.t., and pulnt- cat orgaoizatiour ; and provide tor the appointment of a public prosecutor re in England, whose duty it shall be to intervene iu coute.ted elections to see that all who are guilty of electoral fraud or tun-uption are duly prose- cuted. 1 shall take an eat ly opportunity of discwsiog before the electors the policies herein outlined. and 1 appeal to all who believe in these policies' to give to the Liberal candidates through- out this Prov wee their cordial sup- port. Your. respectfully, Nr•.0TON W. ROIWELL No Money in Hods. With the hea.lir.g "The Price Paid" The Belleville Ontario of .scent date acyl : "A leading taru,er called at our office and showed us a roll of hills amounting to $515 which, he informed us. was the pay went be had received for a shipment of hogs. We ex- pressed the opinion that this must have been a vet y satisfacu,ry return tor his tuve,tment and bis reason's work. Oo the contrary he iojormed us tbat he had kept accouuc of every- thing and without making any aUow- ance for labor or Dost of pens and equipment the actual outlay bad been firS21, 01 $108 more than he had re- ceived from the sale. The present local price for live hogs is gam a hun- dred pounds. harmers who have kepi. careful account of the coat of feeding and production maintain that, at present prices for feel and labor, live pork cannot be profitably grown for leas than $8.00 per hundredweight. On Buffalo market yesterday the price for mixed hogs was given at $7.00, or $1.23 higher than the price at Belle- ville. The pork -raisers who rejected reciprocity will now have the eaiistac- Lion of knowing that they have not only saved Canada and the flag but they have ale saved Mayotte. We do not kuow that thus particular farmer felt that his attachment to Great Britain was streugthened by the tact that be was compelled to sell at a loss in order that Flavelle might continue ttohave the opportunity to add to his If • woman comes of very old fam- ily she way excuse her age on the grounds that it was inherited. A GREAT DISCOVERY. Certain Ingredients That Really Promote Hair Growth when Properly Combined Resorcin is one of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered by science and in cot_nection with Beta Napthol, which tr both germicidal and antiseptic, a coutbrnetiun in formed which destroys the germs whHh rob the hair of us natural nourishment. and also create ra than, healthy condi- tion of the scalp, which prevents the develepment of new germs.. Pilocarpin, although not a euloring- matteror dye, is a well.nown Mate clientfor restoring the hair t it, oat ural color when the lose 01 the hair has been caused by a disease of the scalp. Thee% i ngredieu u in proper cow bins- tioo, with alcohol added aeastimulsnt and for its well-defloed nourishing pro- perties, perfect perhaps the moat effec- tive remedy that rs known for scalp and hair troubles. We have a remedy which is chiefly composed of these iogtedientn in com- bination with other extremely invalu- able medicinal agents. Weuarant.e it to positively cure dandruffand to grow hair e: en though the scalp in spots is hare of Bair. if there is any vitality left io the roots at will pos- itively cure baldneeb or we will refund your money. if tbe scalp hag a glazed, rimy appearance it's an indication that baldness is permanent, but in other instances we believe baldness is curable. We want everyone troubled with scalp disease or low tit hair to ti Rex - all "it1" Hair Tonic. If it does not core dandruff and grow hair to the satisfaction of the user we will with- out question or quibble return every cent paid us for it. We print Lb.. guarantee on every bottle. It has effected a positive cure in 113 , of caves where put Ina practical test. Hezall •St1" Hair Tonic i, entirely unlike and we think in ev.•ry psriii- ular better than anything else ee know of for the purpose for which it is prescribed. We urge you to try this preparation at our entire tisk. Oertaioly we know of no better sloe„ ante. u, give yon. Remember you caa obtain ltezall Remedies In finds. rich owlat our store -The Metall Store. H. C. Dunlop, smith .id,. of Square. Goiter h. _ - - MARV YORK LOAN CHECKS STiLL OUT. Ad Themes& of mph Have Nevar Patio Their Chia. Toronto. Ont., IIov. 4.-14 ane had • eseck for arm. would you grey It ensued in your pocket Inc two years without ambles it 1 Of the dlvideed checks seat out by the York Onosty Loam and�1ys On IOWoboeko y no Noveseher 1. IOW 11111.0011 have never he. embed. They late lbs liquid ter 1)1. afaatiionalng Ove thirty tyat a rate , about twenty- 1 five or thirty a e rate aboutotalling 1QWOMJN but it is regarded as likely fiat 025,000 worth of the first dividend checks will never be cashed. . may This is one of the problems facing ther these unmeshed ceecks pWhat w ill become of the reunev rep - AVOID liquidator, •tong with the other mob- lem as to what shall Ire done with the $00,who have00 belonging put the 1claim people OPI3RATIONSwho never put iu a claim to the liquidator. These are shareholders who have not sect in their passbooks, nor sent their addresses to the liquid- ator. Send Them In. "Send io your new address and get your dividend," is (be advice of the York Loan liquidator. People are do - ire/ this right along. and a dozen or fifteen cheeks go out every week. The first dividend was paid on No- vember 1, 1916; the second dividend wUl, aeec.nling to present.calculatione, be dated January 1, 1912. There is at present 47110.000 in the bank for the purpose of dividend, and the liquid- ators count 00 getting the additional 1150,01.10 required Inc a 2.5 per cent. dividend by the end of the year. That will make a total payment since liquid- *ti.m of Sri errata yon the dollar. The r1,.••‘. w111 I.r ..Dt...:m u. 111}(,Otal ad- dr,.,as all over the world, and the postage hill'alone will he $l.*,0110. There will be a third and final div - Mend, Mut what this will be is uncer- tain. ''be 11185,000 of unclaimed bat - sec's and uncashed cbecks may be divided among the othersbareholders, though special !egtrlation will prole ably he necessary for that. Then there is a tract of land in the West Bloor rtt est dist' ict which in not sold yet, and whit. will increase in value if the Humber Valley scheme. in which Mr. Smith is interested, is car- ried through. Stopped. Vi.itor : "Last time i was here your Board 0f Trade was booming the town. Didn't they keep it up Y' Uncle Eben : "Nope' W.- called them off pretty quick First thing we knew, there was a lot of people coining into town that we d ilu't know at all. -Puck AVOID HARSH DRUGS. Many Cathartics Tend to Cause Injury to the Bowels. If you are subject to constipa- tion you should avoid strong drugs and cathartics. Tbey only give tewporar y relief and their reaction is barmlul and sometimes more u,n0ying than constipation. They 1 no way effect a cure and ,eir tendency is to weaken the t.lready weak organs with which they come in ccntact. We honestly believe that we have the best const rpotion t resat went ever devised. Our 'Rath in it is so strong that lee sell 11 on the positive guar- antee that it shall not cost the user a ceot if It does not give entire satisfac- tion and completely remedy constipa- tion. This pi eparation is.called Rez- sll Otderlies. "l bele are prompt, sooth- ing and most effective in action. They are made of a recent chemical discov- ery. Their priuctpal ingredient is oda lees, tart r less and colorless. Com- bined with ie her well-known ingre- dients, long established for their use- fulness in toe treatment of constipa- tion, it forms a tablet which is eaten just like candy. They may he taken at any time, either day or night, without tear of their reusing any in- conveuience whatever. Tbey do not gripe, purge, nor cause nausea. They act without causingµny pain or excel. sive looseness of the bowels. ' They are ideal for children, weak, delicate" per - sour. and aged people as well as for the most hearty person. They come iu three size packages, 12 tablets, 10 cents : 36 tablets, :M cents ; BU tablets, 50 cents. Remember you can obtain them only at our store - The Rezai Store. H. C. Dunlop, "south side of /equate, Goderich. ' A Very Inconvenient Scripture. This is orae of Toronto Saturday Night's stories: Some years ago the Synod of Huron was gravely con- sidering the report of a committee on temperance, the late Bishop Bald- win presiding. 'l'be report was non- committal, and after a few ardent pro- hibitionists had spoken the debate grew dull and weal 'some. Cleat ly the Synod eco quite prepared to agree that strong drink was raging end wine a mocker, in spite tit a certain minority inclined to follow 1 iwcthy. Scripture was quoted and misquoted, until even the B.shop grew weary,but ass prohi- bitionist he did not want to close the discussion too soon. Finally, there rose up a sturdy lay- man, noted Inc his deliberate speech and Scotch accent. "Me Lor -rd," he began, "we have heard many 'wrap - tures and many opinions, but so far no one has referred to the 104th Pwhn• wherein we are reminded of all tbe good things of the earth : The grass for the cattle, the wine to wake glad the heart of man. the springs of water -here the speaker paused, hitt continued with much gravity -"the springs of wa,er. wherein the wild as -e. quench ihri. thrret." Their wa• a shout of laughter, under cover of which the speaker sat down. The Bishop decided that it was a good opportunity to cline the de`•ate. A Surprise in Store. S.. ,..I -rah-rrtl,cr. 10 Alt.. Fa•noly Rema .4 anti tt eek !star • in this dta- tr' 11tvr te.-.-ivel heir copy of the ifol pi•-mium picture entitled '.Home AganA copy ha. •'s.. eeeche.I Idiot . dice. 1_ ce:twinly sur- ptee" site le' Lute ever given by t hat swat paper before. How .uch a beau - til nl work of art, all ready for fra.n. ing, can be Included with much a great family paper for the small sum of one dollar .ear is a mystery. 'The Famed Herald and Weekly Star' add thousands of sew subscribers this season. They well deserve it, torso escb vales hes aver before bass given. There M a sig surprise le eters for those who receive the picture "Home A. H. Mwsgro - . Rsoorwingesd. WhRbsm. Nov a. M a as= that war �riy wended and esd.d &hemp!". owing to the failure of the pe as to a' pear, Mr. A. 11. Mar mem I. P. II . of North Hltsloe, was WSW otB .sd today. '117. m-et1wp cry short time. By taking L.ydia.�.�E�. Pi■idun's ComThe followingpound from Mrs. Orville Rock ' prove how unwise it is for women to submit to the dangers of a surgical operation when it may be avoided by taking Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. She was four weeks in the hospital amid came home suffering worse ' than before.. Here la her own statement Paw Paw, Mich. -"Two years ago I sena severely with a dis- ment. I could t be on my feet for long time. My physician trested for seven months ! tbout much relief d at last sent me to Ann Arbor for au operation. I was therefoar weeksand came home suffering worse than before. n � My mother advised meB. Pinkham's Vegetable Coompo nd II and I did. Today I am well and strong and do all myown housework. I owe my health Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and advise my Mends who are afflicted with any female complaint to mi' vrLLE Roc=, B. Ii. No. 5.Paw Paw Michigan - If you are ill do not drag along until an operation is necessary, but at ones take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years it has been the stan- dard remedy for women's ills, and has poeftively restored the health of thou- sands of women. Why don't you try HP Pat's Inspection. The commanding officer of a corps was much troubled about the per- sistent untidiness of one of bis men. Reptimand and punishment were un- availing. The than was incorrigible. A brilliant idea struck tee colonel: "Why not march hien up and down the whole line of the regiment, and shame him into decency It was done. The untidy' warrior war ordered to exhibit himself. and march up and down the entire regiment, and the men told to have a good look at him. The unabashed Pat halted, saluted the colonel, and said in the hearing of the whole corps. with the utmost sang froid: "Dhirtiest regiment I iver in- spected. eorr !" SIMPLE REMEDY For Backache and'Kidney Trouble. The simplest and most effective rem- edy for sick kidneys is Booth's Kidney Pills. If their is weakness, conges- tion, inflammation or soreness, Booth's Kidney Pilo quickly relieve it. They gently stimu- late, tone and strengthen sick kidneys, drive away backache, rheumatic pain and dizziness, I clear up *no regulate t h e ,urine and re- store • perfect filtering of the blood. Best of all this relief is permanent. All druggists sell and guarantee Booth's Kidney Pills. 50c. box. Money back if they fall to relieve. Write to the R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., fora tree trial. Guaranteed and *old in Goderich by E. R. Wigle. Jiooth's Gi et ills TINIYMDAT. NovEnDss 2, 1611 S The Family's Underwear It will be • pleasure to select your Fall and Winter Underwear from our extensive stock. which includes only the best numbers from the leading Canadian and Old Country mills. WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR Turnbull's' Natural Wool Vests and Drawers. This is a ssplendid line and one of our best sellers Per $1 •/11(1 at meat . \lillll "Turnbull's Cee -Tee" Ladies' Vests and Drawers, made from selected Australian Iambs' wool, guaranteed f1 e5o unshrinkahle. Per garment. Jl/ Velvet Brand Ladies' Wool Vests and Drawer,., in white and natural w,a,I, with a little cotton. Per garment, 50c ladies' Combinations in white and natural, Peerless,. Turnbull and Wolsey Brands. Per garment, as low 00 as ... • CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR We make a special feature of Children's Underwear. Children's all -wool Vests and Drawers, white and natural, Turnbull.. wake, guaranteed unshriukable, to tit all 35e ogee. Per garuient, as low as . . ......... Tmnbull's cotton and wool mixed, splendid wearing -a sig seller. Vests and Drawers. Per garment, as low 5c as Extra flne quality infants' Vests, made from best "I5C cu•hutere wool. Per garment, as low as •'Baby Buntin" Sleepers. heavy fleece -lined. with Q(>,C feet t•. fit all ages. Per suit ............. V. Childu•eu's natural wool Sleepers. Per suit 41.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR !ten's natural wool Shirts and Drawers, Turnbull's Cee - Tee Shirt: and Drawer*, wade from selected Australian lam' wool, extra warm, guaranteed unshrinkahle. $7.75 Per garment Men's Tiger Brand Underwear, guaranteed unshrink- 5(��., able. Per garment ♦Jill Boys' Uaderwear. all -wool and fleece -lined, extra good qualitiee, at reasonable prices. Phone 56 L Millar's Scotch Store J DRINK HABIT REMEMBER THE ori.i N TREATMENT IN THREE DAYS With No Hypodermic Injections, Absolutely Destroys and Removes All Crav- ing and Desire for Liquor ALL PATIENTS admitted far. TREATMENT mode' contract that it bas to be satisfactory or fee paid is refunded. the Gatlin Treatment for the L•quor Habit is being strongly recommended by the medical profession. THE HOME TREATMENT is just as effective if simple directions are followed. Call, write or 'phone for booklet and copies of lontzact. Strictly confidential. TIE 64TUN INSTITUTE 428 JARy'iS ST., TORONTO A HARGRAVE. M.naa.r. 'PHONE NORTH seas. i THREE COOKS AND THREE REASONS Tn.,, a -e, ; »h.4.Eer wid.tr i• ability Sea but all 1r• ..r..d flat O• r. r.. e. •r M,fl 1 . / ..1 ee•k•s1 N fie ere. se .. Mk. sed all reser ,bM 010,7 Me, • se ce...t, a W-', .a • GURNEY -OXFORD RANGE Per •o raw bre marl er 1•w 1ist1. eirki i je iris setaster war..*.roe• /'rawer r.erticed,, eke. re WOWS firkin4.,..erre 1 t o• 1T Ayete. r.be 'ask 5. • ersbr ober Mel es Me. read bride wr edit -11dar pts Ile Moo moo 5..151 ta•ss .MaeOWs-MtMr•e..d ••owl d bast. w.o atalM isrsa 1•d • l ata r•e p p.1.b e M b• witk o •wi.g01501.d ll GU11.1a a•.�a ►}r IbsM 0150. pmNero -w w*wa ag ..ab M..erwtY-tM OUttl4sl' -OXFOI D R A V G! ate mese asswMs. tare• 6sd THIN OXBOWS aOONOMIZi* Is egoll w be Mo Mr.ey erieras• es.15..0 leered he sr ere es 005.4,, 1 • r...rbsel• owed le ler a .sN .. Wiser. N.rbis ate gawp i..akrep a. mobs wad ease. sere �. Perissememisse fare le lea Sr* beg reek. 1. oea Timm a w a...w ear el preeder NM ea* dile rate ors •.ser. Aft v deur. Iswyf T1s Ou,ss,- rad lee• .a,. Over rem An •d Merl •s••b.d( eroael dierib • a•. or. wW rM irwb.sbly tile• /1d r brie. •IWr. Thar. eco) sr .1 liar "•osskir �obi �.ab�essr*s Car Ie 14 oss �y lia." r...ed tops tiiarsrlrlee ss weft herr.o eve.. robe •r -s -suss CHAS. J. HARPER COOERICH Become Independent: Attend L IOTT TuKu. 10. ONT. Strident. of this year are in po IUoos worth from 510 to 510) a month. Write for catalogue. Enter now. Superior Instruction In all Department.,. Brophey Bros. f;ODEKiCH The Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully atlended to at all hours, night or day. 1T TIME l„ 1.F'"I 7H IT 'Ell .WINTER SUIT and OVERCOAT and pnu'II make no n,i-take Wiwi) you leave your order with HUGH DUNLOP vomit Si Ths up-to-date Ta•,e, 83 Calls weirs cognised last month for aim hs* -s* wee lett unfilled. Detua.ds for trained he4 are so groat that we saw s ei d to ",__. • a pushiest to every greilmate or mdt,.J tuition aso.sy." If yoga as0 sauces to sssQsd wills Ire our bas.tifel L w7p ar