HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-9, Page 1,H wtrday M Of the Oss wr Mr.. It 40.gbly rn Mtlwlring service. Wan for 19 glace It and Watch- �II► IINgold 11oAf sew 4 talnf a special O 010pen- Bkequet t reg- Inished is this bus: If ► batevei It with V I, ONT flpend- winter !ready price ies comes Every can be wear. oral L5c uu, ��..,, 1 1115c sice, 35c Lure fort- hle, levy 50c t▪ he 100 pool soft G.00 0 alar for are ince t.50 1 125c 1.00 Dor un We. re. ,s- oft at red ✓ n, i The, FallTrade should 4e good this ear. The business man who to his share of it should let a people know what he V doing by haying kis annatneeoeot in the adver- iisine columns of The Signal dlXTY•TH1SD YEAH -No. 3E6 GODERICH. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1911 STERLIN& sari Of CANAOA. WHERE 18 YUUIi. MONEY? This Bank affords money -savers a safe and profitable place for their savings. Mete because of ample capital and conserv- ative management, and profitable because we allow three per cent. interest All .:nouns are welwwr, and we can assure you of courteous and careful atten- ttou, no matter what the autumn of your deposit wry bs. BRANCHES : AUBURN. 'Di NGANNUN, 8AYP1ELD AND VARNA GODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER Mgr. lifTVATION$ VACANT__-� �e GODERICH MARKETS, WANTEQ-MAID FORoE rBRAL i Twtmep*Y, Nov. is h. besss.wt Small Io.Ui. 0 n n d , Y1 t. b.. SO 80 10 1 085 BAQIMDR7ttt. Kruse. A DDiI I° M Ila 7� OU /6r wheat. Per bark... ra t to U W tambeta ro.d. aiatr sawis.t, r[ ba.► o ss TEACHER WANTED. -FOR & 8. Na 1 A.b6eM. Duties to cesres-. Jan- Ilett Stat• friary aaddf qua c*t lana. D�JOHNSTON. SSTpreowned.. Mafekla, Apply RICH-. O. 7641 TEACHER WANTED. -FOR S. 4. No. Caleres, at /somIUer. Duch o emssonee Jaweary let. lilt &ate and ��e.aml�taSostisaa Addrsm C. A. VA.NSTONL f3esetrl, Bsam"Mr P. 0. 741 TEACHER WANTED. -PROP- LRLT qualified leather wasted for 8. B No. 15, AMiteld. Duties, to commence after New Year's. A ppMy. statingua116ertio.s and salary required. o R. A. GRANT, secretary loohaleit. 74-41 DEPRE$BNTATIVE WANTED AT lib epee for work in your locality. Win W ...co rayidI . Per Y ask spare Woe. Maris net E not sired. 1111111. A u5AL -BIBLE' PRMISS. Toronto. Ont. WANTED -OLD BOOK ewe-,=M w1'-,any (foment na.ly titer or of Canada or the dime wsppeps, 1 o dd awMd.. 10- ka• Ass too Mr , � mitiu.� to k o -r CUE S1TT redo,. m mIBw street. Go tOLI rich, (rt. (P. O. Hoz 71) NOTICE TO CRRDItORS NOTICK TO CREDITOR& IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM LEE. 1►14,•,LASED. eeeis ieebl gives an peewee rev- s .eN.n the same of William Lee. the It era of Gederah. dealer ' o coal. flta, orbs died ea er abet the 10th day of Oct o- b*r 1111. am =lewd la Nae by port Drew id melba to esu sNia t.10I d executrts for �I! caste. a er baste the 6th day of Decent beg,w14 inn pNi�arw in wilt of their elems and at the enmity. tt aim held )-y abses; Dad t bed east add Ian mentioned da' e t1 e0watria s[ said estate wW penned to aesfsaete the ammo of the deceased emote Lite pmeew� satkfed thereto. havl.r, regard only t 3 tM saa�m s watch he WWI ow have had seem and Met tie said szrs01 tz will sa be HMIs en the 4W smote or say part thecae to IM aka shell net theneve �v make - Darla Eta N.v*Niber, A. D. Mt MATiLDA C. LEE, oras r_s.1hi:, OsdeA6b. Oat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. 1Metier M gives pursuant to R. ft. 0 persons having claims. egabot the *.tete of Ira. id Stirling. late of tea township of Colborne. I. the county of Hums yeoman, deceased. who died by the 27th dies et October. ESL are required to .e.4 p1• p*W w Wilding to the under. re Valor toe W o.1*eterr, 00 or before t 10 Bret day of Dea�bmR elle',lairfall stem address w08 d rpstetNi u* a fall statement of perticclan cls cad the attire of the .ecotity i y) Wm duly oettleed, and that atter tM d y the executors will t.rtsned to distribute the assert. of the demaard among the porus+ entitled uwreto. hating rete.M only to tie dame of which they shall then have mike. Dated this let day of November. I161, LOFTt'S K f,ANCEY. 73-31 Solicitor for Execetnra NATURAL "LI1INERAL WATERS 1me • Ah h • tsar jy pub see. All mals (Ise pw'lak.ral wares. t JOT/ UCH MINERAL RATER ('o. 'Plea. IN o600 0 su to 0 35 to 0a5o 0,0t. mono Y al 0 Y60te 23 00 to 27 00 to 11 M to 6 00 0 5 Oto to Onto o Is t0 6 25 to Per per hash maimrBarts frac ton t owt pair cwt nese par te B urets, per too BBay perks, new Waod, par load Suttee, per Ib p• p10. per bbl des A ...... L ...... 430 o Potatoes, per bushel. ..... ..... 0 43 to Cauls. 00030. 7 to good. per cwt4 00 0 41e, export, per cwt 5 311 to 6 00 0 10...............43010 Tallow, per Ib 4 in to floe, per cwt 7 to to alseejsklae 43 to ow 0 00 0 60 1000 2 73 300 45 00 27 00 12 w 660 3 50 0 15 016 0 27 3 30 0 dl 5 al 5 78 6 M i.1 4 10 OS 7 m as LOST OR FOUND. Loe!!■�aLLIE DOG. LIGHT Yale and clack, bagt&U • easww8 to the name Ammar.' Reward oal`red he hie re- camery. MN BEATRICE MILLIGAN. Dea- reanOn. LOliT.-IN GODERICH , FORTY dollars Soar 819 b0.). Flutter will re- ceive reward oo Mating money at THE 810 - NAL OFFICE. FOR SAL& L'OR SALL-CHOICR POULTRY, ✓ S. C. elate_and barred rad white Plymoatk Merffes. Oar stook le ...mod 0 Deet., They are eindpli winters. Write at *Doe and place 7000 yeareider milj for goad breed- � tbirde for 1912. J. C. - DURST, BsaUlar, LLOR SALE. -AN UPRIGHT NORD- 32 HELM RR piano; extra sae tope, as geed ✓ newAp to MR& TURNBULL, 311 eas- lish street, Landon. mit 7641 PUBLIC NOTICE, FOR SALE BY T.4NDER. Tasten.ddremed to the undersigned will be misdeed eip r 3 p.m. W edoeeday. November lith. 1111, ter the purchase of the Summar i lea SC, 788 and 396 of the town er Geder The Meted gr any tender not necessarily .emoted. L. L KNOX. W. 1:. KELLY. town ( lerk. Chairman of Special Com. (/ote0., Wim, 1111.Town anem ch FOR SALE OB TO BERT TWO DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR wale or 0 rent, em Nelson a.d Newgate streets; will be add at a nuncio .rad a easy tray Apply to r. J. PR1DMAM. ter tic Ina FARM, EIGHTY -SIGHT • e I kfv eerie, lake Shote, Ooaarieh township. Land et beet mate. PBOUD- rU.yr, HAYS It KI WARM TO RENT. - ONE HUN- DaMD sm's. edas1v-three eiears& lot ti. ooaseeeba 1. Colborne township : 7i nee. from (iy0lltb 1$ mer heMe0.w atones; good Mad. - war, task barn. good oteheard of Meas eines wart, If required. A good iWfder the kind of tenant. lamed( aM =mew Ashy 0 J. H. MILLI AN, Oat. 7St1 LAND FOR SALE.-SIXTY.ONR el pert d let No. 1. R waled dawn, el.sa kt! wale of centralise. ort rstirLeg t aaprrcoctrri�lvgge�.,,w.g fir to sod s good ANTHONY ALLEN, Dee- ARY8 FUR BALL -ONE BUN- IONS sores se the 7th eta -.-A.. acid s, "41111111121'..4%.1Z••,_.."1.:::r1a lie bbaadetd aerie M .ee ►nose with helot MeintIoni s Sahara. esar17 Dow. sed Wooire ere well stated ani ere 7e Bret gg��� Buedre4 tow nil sordid dews .oss& sp la, Ww 0 tat ka 1041= =4.0b gti�mirhw�NiOtm i AC•rturs : awe rasa. Gas d the OatttMher bare Rio the zwelposFw ter1007 ATOMICet ATOMIC W , Outlaw P. 11 . Ott BALIL-'CHAT FiNE RigtR1- K 0Ls strser of Oratec Weer% as tar A. Owe tilt the ottea eit10*0 allwine: te rks. wt�bulk gab lett reiss, cad 00e la alwtAtm wptl . 1 k,etetr sea:14,14t Ike s se o 0. Dere MOPS LIVERY, CAB and 'BLS OFFICE Open flay sea .itbt. Hoses mart all trans Parfisisr attention glens to nails Nem Nh is oeideome. rl-pi. NNee f10. ' THE SSI) BARN Mob /arms tiodierieb, Ota[ Special Offer TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Tbe Signal will be sent to any address ie Canada or tireat Britain from Gate of receipt of order to January let, 1013, for tbe price of one year's subs-ription ONg DOLLAR THE SIGNAL PRINT 'NG CO., Ltd., Pearamoors NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Nov. Stn- tarto tl atform. Page Wb0opiog Cough -rape Crerol.oe (:o.. Mon - s Mea! Can Cure You -Dr. T. Freak 140ott 7 Erect November (Manner -J. H. Colborne4 New Cutter* Alfred Tebhutt 5 & . ... . ? sop .. -. .. ..... Mr. N. W. Rowell, the Leader, Issues His Address to OPEN VERDICT RETURNED New Sbowiosa in Moor Rags WAcheron THE SMALE INQUEST the Electors-o4ttitude of the Liberal Party Clearly eo� fur.-RaseLimited, London 6 Defined on Matters of Vital Interest to the People. Piano for Sale -- Mr.. Turnbull.... 1 Rfa Book Sale -Geo. Porter.. y Bold Statement. Will Not De -Koren Hard ware ('u The Family • Underwear -DMillar k ten 3 Important Aoct Wo Sale- Wm. 1abary 1 e.' loc1.-J. 8. Davey .. 5 Teacher 'Wanted -Richard Jihad*. .... 1 AunMa Bale-Wua Rata Local 000.4.0 C+mpaiR0 -Lal Orth 1p� 8 (.!tees Reader- Maple Lea Chapter. ..... ............. .... a Neatios 10 Crediton -Matilda C. 1 w ... .... 1 Reduced auto -F. 7. Lawrence i Saturday *peoiels -i►. C. Pridhaui .. .... s A Part We Neglee4-Martin Bros ... 2 M W inery-MM. Dosrgb.. ... . . .. .. .. 8 Cameresia dpedals - Camerons Depart- mental Ston ......... .... ........... 6 Farm for Salt P.Mdb6t. MST* a KlUonn 1 Jubilee,Si ogees -Moth Weed Methodist choir - ... 5 Headerv--Haptiet Church... .... 5 Reader- Blaok.toue's .. . ... ............. 5 Moser Lori -The Signal UMoe 1 1633 R. Wallace' Silver -Walter H. Merriam 8 Reader C. P. R. . 4 Two Weeks- Ptseda1--P. T. Dee& Poultry for, Sale J. C. Durst 1 Readers- E, H. Wigle S Per Special Fut-tined Coat -naives Bees 8 Guy Brother. MWtaele -VMssr. Opera Rouse 5 Wh)11Boil Your Drinkf.g Water1--Yedaefe0 1netul Nater Co...., .... 1 Maid Wanted - Mn. Alex. Saunders .. . . 1 Houses for Sate or to Reot-F. J. Prldham 1 leg Lort-Mh+ Beatrice Milligan. Dpagaaa.1 I 4 MUSIC IIPH, S WAPITED. - A FEW Op�e�� on the rsleseo u : Violn. and otseissst. Ser tares and particulars apply to A. COOPER. sane Signal o00ce, pupil of N. 13 M., L 48.ad. 7$-U AUCTION SAIA. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE 1 or IMPORTED CLYDESDALE MARES. I wW offer for sate by auction in the TOWN OP WINGRAM. Huron county. on MONDAY, NOVEMBER r 1611. tweets -two very choice young Clydewdate mare.. direct from Scotland. Large, smooth, wlt0 go.d quality and choke breeding. Cndchokewhi be given so bankable paper. Selo to dent Immedlatrly on the arrival of Um Loaders and te trans. Ask catalogue. J. PURVI8, WEI. ERHARY. 7sat Asethe..r. Proprietor, Russell. out AUCTION SALT Or VARY STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. There will be offered for sale oa the greeter, lot 1, oonceesion 4. West Division eel Colborne tone mile south of Nile and one rails north a Calow., on W ED N 418DA Y. NOVEMBER Men, emmeociog at 1 o dank (We beery draft Meese. rides Ove years old; 1 beat, draft hoes. Haag roar years old' 1 beery draft ally. eking two ye•to ofd 4 Ninth cows; 10 claws, ride, three rears old. avereging UM Ms.; 1 Miter, timing three 7885 fold ; 4 lisafere. radar two years old ; 6 steers, silos two years old :, 4 calves ;lsew. two yearseld, be in PM :1 few, three years old, v need 0 0 be in g,t�,g .� 1p� 1Lew month. old hew ; la weit- beud 8.040 .0 abeepp • 1 nsifasred Leicester mm ;1 M -BarrM binder'I Massey -Harris mower; 1 M* o7-Hsrre eulUvMor (oewl: 1 Massey- Harris seed drUl (combined); 1 Sharps hay rake; 1 set Maxwell dise barrows;) .et drat harrows ; 1 1 bay reek ; i plow (mewl :1 murder ; 1 nal fork, ear, rope and pulleys Mewl; 1 cutter :1 baggy ; 1 reset palest; 1 gravel box : 1 at Angle harass.; 1 set doable harass. ;1 nook store Moat and wood. ; forks. 0ow4nhain., axes. shovels and many cher r TERMS, --Sum. of 810 and ander. cath ; over that amount, eleven month.' credit will be ( Yea on furnimMog approved joint 00101 - Your per mot discount straight allowed for cash or. credit amount.. Everything will be sed without referee. WILLIAM RUTILE THOS. OUNDRY, 7•at Previewer. Auctioneer. CLEARING_ ACMOS SALE or FARM, FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. ETC. MOIL O.Ddry let received instructions hoe Mea R. A. Milligan 0..11 b1) public auction at the a emite& lot 13. oonomie° 4. We., Wawa_ posh (halt • mile tooth d Dungannon). on MONDAY. NOV 1M0E1 13rn., commencing .t 1 o'd.*. the fo10wiog Yam Stec, -I beery draught mare. ten 'eld .append to be with foal; 1 beavy mare, seta years old. supposed to be wRh t enrposs saes, *as ea Tera. old, to be with foal : 3 spring mita fres above massa; t man, twelve years old, w,ae..d 0 be with foal 1 general per- pene n both k end feteg 4ssIle; Iheavy do bm yeses old. t hone. t three yearn yeaofd • solidi row', lapp.wad to be with calf : s beam, rising three wean abs : 3 heifers. [Wet two years old ; 2 -tem, rledng two years old ; 4 aprin, raver.; 7 ptgw. two moot0s old ; K. bees ; 1 good farm dog. IrructrzfYrt-1 18 -foot Maa.ey-Hearai. feed te dr(1 (sew); 1 Money -Hama wed drill mewl; 4 w.ltwtie6g plows : I good McCormick binder ; I set a doer harrows (Frost& R-ood.; 1 .et dm barrow.: I ba rake : 1 My fork. r and tepee; 1 Free* & Wer ood mower; 1 act aeon Swabia beeneas : 1 set plow hareem : 2 good 1 fork and bay rack ;l gravel hox ; 1 got 1 haling 6411 ;1 shim boat : I m erarw - 1 ouster : 1 propromisessb; I Isms g�� trough :1 bs. trosgb; absat S Ile. bq' • q of weed : a ��ssss.�� et etas., �; N�eat lie mew pests ifasri,eiw11 th sae- a IeA.. P te Ni eellea �w .1615. fns sada ease -wett..° mimeo; ! r*sNi . 1 lista ;r kftsbea Wass: r f dos basses s eeekles ssotessles helve; 1' Rha�� (('f' �saesed tern ens maidae sores et • chaos 4s W54 mesh half ef bet inlly . Kate of d4*WeR6aa.tttdr gr II �stt v� 180 MAIM SIB MiLOS al3le et eMtllP.wty vinee..esideesies.,, te eh pes. Oe die shwa le n asM obis of dee 'este bur avera,ad a soar : dos de teres of seed 104 Or 041.A All seen enf metal and aIk .-_ t ia MOM ow nab. 1lNia..�.a, re odae�B�aw .ui.rd sa of oda lab ep car e.1 ta111., - R. A. iQI.til4ll, TRUK NUiID11. Rembiro t avatis.tse. When A teem droll aid hlkelry. pe lade lbo dMa@'s mad bare a tabes eep of ant 01m, @e.OBsi t� tsf INBSI l moors ally, toss1 asdl Mr. N. W R ,well, K..C.. recently Messrs. Morrison and Sanders in an - chosen as the leader of the Liberal party in Ontario. has put forth the following platform. after consultation with the committee appointed et the recent meeting of the Ontario Reform Association : To the Electors of Ontario : By the action of the Ooveinment the Legislative Assembly of this Prov- ince nae been di, -solved before the ex- piry of the Legislative tern., and the electors are called upon to hear the trouble and expense of ,at1 unnecessary general election during an inclement ✓ eason of the year. Nominations take place December 4, the elections on De- cemher-44. The Government of Sir James Whit- ney has disappointed the progressive forces in our Province by its failure to grasp the urgency and importance of the settlement and development of New Ontario, by its failure to devise an adequate policy to promote the great agricultural interests of the province, and by its failute to mani- fest practical sympathy with prow tee sive measures tf social and moral re- form. The Liberal natty- considers the de- veloptuent of New Ontario one of the supreme opportunities and most urgeot obligations of the Government, requiring the whole time and thought of a responsible Minister of the Crown ; and it believes that its MC - easeful development means increased rosperity to every citizen of Ontario, `Ve recognize that agriculture is the basic industry of this Province. and that an intelligent and ser sighted pol- icy demands a great advance oo all progressive lines. Even more important than tbe suc- cessful material development of the Province is the promotion of the so- cial, moral and industrial welfare of the people, and the development onions us of the highest type of city tsenahip. The rapid growth of indus- trial centres has created new and im- portant problems with which our Pro- vincial Government should deal. It is the duty of the Government by wise measures to contribute to social, edu- cational and moral reform. Holding this Liberal faith, as leader of :be Liberal -party of this Province I beg to submit the following statement of policy, and to appeal to all electors. irrespective of party, to rally to its support : New Ontario Development In order that the Government may enter seriously upon the problem of the settlement and development of New Ontario. we propose the creation of a Department of Immigration and Colonization. to be presided over by a Minister of the Crown, who shall de- vote his whole time and energies to this important work. among other matters; to the promotion of settle- ment : building of roads; insuring other necessary transportation facili- ties.; providing drainage requirements: assisting pioneer settlers to secure loans tl a limited extent on the .ec'arity of the lands occupied by them, repayable over a term of years ; giving special assistance to pioneer ecbools. Our further policy is the mainten- ance of the colonization character of the Tewisiaming & Northern Ontario Railway ; the protection of shippers and settlers from inequitable rates by reinject/Mg the railway to regulation by the Dominion Railway Commis- sion and the general railway law ; re- moving just grounds of complaint by permitting actions at law against the railway without the necessity of first obtaining permission from the Attor- ney -General ; placing the railway in the same position as other railways iu the matter of payment of municipal taxes ; the extension of the railway with all practicable epee d to a suitable outlet to Hudson Bay, and branches as required tor the development of the country. The encouragement of mining by a reduction of the fres for proepe.ttng and recording, by insuring reaaonahle transportation facilities, and by giv- ing increased stability to mining titles. The securing for underground miners en eight -boar day. The boundai y between Ontario and Manitoba should be M delimited a0 to give Ont;trio * suitable port on Hud- son Bay for .se*an-going vessels. e('nntmood on page 1. HARBOR ANO MARINE NOTES. Usually at thio reason of the year per; h are (-might in great number., but for the pert two or three week. very few, if a..y% of these thick-skinned den- izen, of the deep have been captured. The second steel scow is nearing com- pletion and will probably he launched within t be nest week or ten day.. The one which was lahnched some Uwe ago was treated In a finishing touch oo Sat urday in the form of a e oeers1. deck about one and a half babes Mich. The tog Hasan, towing a lumber bergs, lett eta Orieday 5*orning for Owen Sound attar a portion oil the bargel� p«t ommarraieldont bes piss' and haulm& lasber and cache rail• way ties weart at Dhotis) Ow..i'e or went4m the Nord► Cbaaael and timbal- es= of lbs ammo rem laaiai he the vlehelty et Little ()usl..t- E7•ptar Willassioro Into fished this fr•ea S>f.tlr arvf..d bows weak aid lett et 'Wetl.e" herri day fee 'film ry w mime le the wrsoswr about , co wlsfilo ptmrnel...a other eailbttat had a similar record. Captain Peter Wylie. with the tug Mea King. brought in about 7:1,lest 1M,und-. The steamer Paliki was bete on Wednesday with , a cargo of 13,000 bushels of wheat and 110,0110 bushels of oats for the Goderich elevator. The steamer Wexford unloaded a cargo ot 105,000 bushels of wheat and oats and the steamer Scottish Hen, 150010 bushels of wheat and oats at the Goderich elevator this week. The steamer J. A. McKee with 112,- (110 bushels of wheat and the steamer Neebing with 100,000 bushels of wheat unloaded .at the Big Mill this week. Reports have reached here that at Brute Beach, just below Kincardine, a large quantity of good lumber ham come ashore. also a quantity of shingles, some of which are iu buoebes and a great many loose and broken. This material is understo-sd to be tbe deck - load of the wrecked schooner Azov, which no* lies ou • back at Nine Mile Point, The lumber is strewn along the shore for miles and is being guarded by the wreckage master, James Blue, of -Stnherley. The Scottish Hero and the Wexford, two of the most awkward boats on the Great Lakes to unload, have been fre- quent visitors here this season and were in again with grain last week. Each of these boats has four more trips to make to Goderich this season, and as the insurance season for navi- gation uo the lake, expires on Decem- ber Wit these two boats will have to keep on the jump from now on to fill their contracts. The new tug which Captain Dan Graham and his brother, John, of Gode- rich, purchased recently in Clolling- wood was in port oe Saturday last On her way from Georgian Bey to Lake Erie. where rhe will be employed in the herring fisheries. She is a hanao.ome craft and considerably larger than the average fish tug, being two feet longer and two feet wider than the Horton. She is equipped with a 75 h. p. boiler and engine, furnished by the Doty En- gine Works, to whose order the tug was built DUNGANNON, DR. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF Luckoow, has owned ri0*Ung ocrdde points and will henceforth give hit entire attention to the home o0oe, Lonmow. where he will be found every day. All modern meth- ods. NOTICE -THE LOCAL AGENCY ta penga0om for The Sigma feat the Post- age, Band Stationery ewhere orders will to renelfobscgipdoid metaled sod job work, nod receipts will be elves her amount& 0.ld for the same. VOR TETE FALL RENOVATING 1 yon will want mew new wall papers. Call at the Dungannon Pentanes Store and see the elegant new goods to stook them. Latest pat- terns and rsssooable prices. Picture postcards in great variety. M. RYAN. Duntannwa YICKENS AND HENS WANyT-ED. visour milk every v°dsday; R. (NAB, teciaon. Wittiest -was*, Nov. Sth. Vo'rwas' Liter CoIRT.-Judge Doyle presided ata court of revision in con- nection with the Wert Waweno,h voters' lists held in the Agricultural Hall today. CREWE ANNIVERSARY SER\'1('Ma.- Anniversary services of the Crewe ap- pointment will be .held next Sunday. when Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Brussels, will preach in the afternoon and even- ing. On Tuesday evening the Annual supper and entertainment will be held. The special feature will be an address by Rev, Dr. Medd, of Goderich, on **Wooing and Wedding," CHURCH Nares --Owing to the quar- terly services on the Crewe appoint- ment last Sunday, the morning ser- vice in the Methodist church hers was withdrawn. Rev. Mr. Vtzughan, of California, preached in the evening. Rev. Thos. Davidson, of Mount Forest., preached in Erskine church lest Sunday. It is expected that Rev. R. J. Sinclair, of Teeswster, will o;•- cnpy the pulpit on November 12th and Bath. and on November 20th Rev. E. H. 4•wers, of Rrno.field. BR t ELT M mellow. -Mies para Sproul is visiting in tioderich, the guest of her sister, Mrs. RobertWi loon .. Mrs. Stoth- ers. of Woodstock, has returned home after a visit with relatives here. She was accompanied by her niece, Miss Ruby Stot here. of Goderich, who will spend a month in Woodstock . The farm, ferns Omsk pnd implements belonging to Mre. R. A. Milligan, ad- joining the southern eoig' of the vil- lage, will be offered for este by aoetion on Monday next „T G. Allen evaporator bass c4,ted tor the sea«m. Notwitttst.uding the nasty weather, Mow. Hugh Glenn's aeration sale was well attended and prices were fair A nd row Kirk had a successful ale of his ferns stock on Tuesday of last week Mrs. M. thieves hes returned friss London.... .i1 is K ted that the anomery will close thin weak attar a sea - The rebool will bold its �, aeons tday �bsgg, SROsryltts mw - Mho M.ggb DMiar bee wMrssd hems after a vWt with Moeda io inial*, paiYom o get sti et yMf�rMom (taallf. eagle Coes f)Rre ito44 "y F Wim. EntagM. Yed.ieh, Ont. The Massa and Miss ■a@b@to.e will aee@K • anise nimble of pupils foe a slam. Fall tars sem mwrtio Wedh day. November 1b. Ike cat West elt'eSt apply at die restase- • the same time the Preshyterial Wo- . roan's Missionary Society will convene in the same church. The ladies will continue their meeting on Wednesday and it is expected that a full repre- sentation from all the congregations in the Presbytery will be present. A specie! feature of the weetiog 012 7 ueaaday evening will be an address delivered by Nev. A. McFarlane, the new minister at Bayfield. An illus- trated travel talk oo a missionary trip around the world also will be given by R -.v. Mr. McLaren, of Toronto. Arrangement.) are being made to serve a luncheon in the church on the arrival of the delegates on tbe noon trains on Tuesday and tea will be served also in the evening. BY Some Attention Paid to the Condition of the Road Leading to the Bridge -Mrs. Smale and Daughter Have Recovered trom Their Injuries. "That Alfred Smile eanie to bin death on the night of October 31st, 1 about 0:15 p.m., at the end ot Maltford bridge. by recklessly driving down the hill and being unable to make the turn on to the bridge WAD thrown eta of the buggy against the bridge. caus- ing fracture of the skull and instant death.' « The alwuve was the verdict returned by the jury appointed to inquire into the death of Alfred Swale. of Port Albert, who was instantly killed on Tuesday evening of la -t week under the circumstances stated in tht ver- dict. Coron •r Router presided and Crown Attorney Sragerexamined the seven- teen witnesses (including Mrs. Susie, and also her daughter, who apparently have recovered from the accident) .uhpoeoaed to appear to give evidence wbicb might assist in Determining the cause of the tatalit y. Several witnesses testified as to the condition of the rotidway on the hill. cad evidence was given which weut to show that Smale passed otber rigs on his way down the hill that night driving at a speed which the witnesses considered dangerous. One witness who pteceded Smale down the hill stated that his horse had been fright- ened by a G. T. R train when he crossed the overhead bridge. Mrs. Bma)e said that, she thought their horse was frightened at the e+tinoke from the same train. It wee pointed 0111 by one witness that the leaning pots on the south side of the roadway and the electric light poles on the opposite side nar- rowed the road so that at was barely twenty-one feet in width. The same witneee meted that several accidents had happened at the fool of the hill and in the majority of caws the cense had -been attributed to the sharpness of the turn. ertnyys� whether the man was in "ben the accident hap- pened, veral witnesses with whom he did business and with whom be associated while he was in town that day were examined. The men in whose company be had been swore that altogether he had taken only three drinks that day -one at noon and two drinks and a cigar between 5 and 6 o'clock in the evening. It had been rumored that. Smale re- quired assistance to get into the rig in front of the hotel, but this was denied by the hostler, who assisted him to hitch the horse, and also. by Mrs. Seal.. Coroner Hunter in his summing up of the case informed the jury that it was quite within their province, if they saw fit, to draw attention to the fact that the hill was dangerous. He pointed out that the man was per- fectly capable of looking after his horse, according to his wife's evidence, and stated further that he felt the verdict should ce.ntain a recommenda- tion drawing attention to the ap- proach to the bridge. After forty-five minutes- delibera- tion, the jury returned the verdict es given shove. CHURCH NOTES. At the Baptist c- hurch next Sunday morning Controller F. 8. Spence, of Toronto, will deliver an address in the interests of the temperance movement Douglas Stanbury, the po pular bny singer. will be present, and will sing. At North street Methodist church next Sunday the service, will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. A. Brown. in the evening Rev. Dr. Ahrahwm will represent the Dominion Alliance and Douglas Stanbury will sing. The Sunday ssbool will atwewhle et 2:40 p. m. and adjourn for the mass meet- ing in Knox church. Services in Victoria otreet Metho- dist church will be held nr xt Sunday at the usual time K --v. Dr, Medd will preach in the noon at i1 o'clock and Coulee -et ts. 8 Spence, of Toronto, in tb' Tor., >.t 7. ilrntg- 1as Stanbury e W gl , . The evening meeting will 1 a tt ,.ler the au-l,isee of the Dominion Ailience. A full at- tendance is destined. I'be Young Men's ('lub will have a debate in the lecture room of North terere Methodist church next Tue+dny evening, on the .object, "Reeolveedd the:, trust* are in the beet interests of the public." W. C. Pridham and A. Mtarrie will be the speaker, for the affirmative. and Hugh Polley and A. Ko Adam• for the negative. A ape invitation et extended to young then to attend this meeting, Next Runday being. t.tnlrerance field day in Goderich, the pulpit of Knox chime will he occupied in the morn- ing by Rev. Dr. Abraham. of Toronto. i. the afternoon at O o'clock t ere will be a onion Noonday school rally i. the andliaorinne. when addressee will be thin. sod byRev. De. Alhaha.n and Onst!Vlier . S. Mp..ew. of Trnonto, At 4 O'clock a IMMO meeting for roan WIN be bald, to be addreneed by the I mo opmkdeea Douglas tltaalrory. all ie to sites in aM 001111111111 Rev. Mr. Ross, the panto, of the &.erb. we deliver the sr.nuod Weise 1n bis series of sarmoe. for flag., s.tide 'Jacob, bovine ins wrest cad o.alft right. The l4Mytsry of Berea masts in Lanz abbaereettli 00 Tuaati y sett and at ° LOCAL OPTION. At the meeting of the town council held Iasi Friday evening the special committee reported that the petition asking for the submission of the local option bylaw *assigned by more than the required number of persons and it was decided that a bylaw should be prepared and a vote taken on it at the muuicipal elections in January. Tbe queetinn is now before the citi- zens of Goderich as it was three years ago it has been the general expecta- tion that, as the vote wee so close on the 'last local ,option bylaw, another effort would be made as 0000 as the law permitted. The council did the right thing in granting the request of the petitiunera: in fact, it could rot legally do otherwise. The prospects for the success of the hyla* seem brighter than in 1905. Pu bl ic opin ion throughout tbeProvinoa is more f vorable to local option than at that time. It has been ,tested in severed large towns and apparently has produced good results. Few places that have once tried it have even attempted to repeal the bylaw and onlyi ipry few small places has L10wFiF1� cat with 001.0.1 ; and the have tried local option seem to thrive under it and become more prosperous than ever. But though the prejudice against it is not so strong as it was a few years ago end though it is generally con- ceded that there is now a much better chance of the bylaw's passing in Gode- rich than when it. was Hist submitted in 19116, yet the battle is not won and it will require the best effort of the temperance people to secure the necessary three - fifths of the votes polled. Every citizen should inform himself es thoroughly as pvssible in this matter, in order that he may vote int ellig. n.ly and not be influenced by prejudice, either for or against the bylaw. It is to be hoped that the campaign will be conducted fairly and in good spirit and that whatever is for the beat interests of the town, financially and morally, will be supported by the citizens. A.M.R. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAT. November 1(a -Clearing auction sale of farm stock, the property of E1.1w1RD V. LAwsox, lot 4, Lake soon road 1i mils Dott0 of Dunlop.. commencing at 130 o'clock sharp. TA.a GUNDO Y, auotlooeer. MCOI DAY, November 13.-•:Iearing auction sale of fat in. farm sock( �implements, etc., Use property of MRa R. A. ralLuGAN, lot 13, 00 - cession 4. Wert Wawaneoh than a mile south of Dungannon', commencing at 1 o'clock. Tuna GON DRY, sb01ioneer. TRU RADA Y. NOVembar 16. --Auction sale of a carload of cattle, the of Joss SAAaton. J8,, to he sold at iia hard at Walters. commencing at 1:70 o'clock. Iwo*. Gunroom. .Dotlooeer. THuruio*v, November II. - Auction sale of a herd of go d dairy oowe at Masos's hotel. 817th. (Meta the best Iota yet olbred ata sake A. J Fxem.t +ov, proprietor. Thomas GcrDRY. AUG( ioueer. Fittest-, November 24. - Auction sale of a oar of dairy oo w. bel .ngioet to Ma. S. E. 14 ,DT, of Ingsgrot► who ha. shipped some es tea good cattle do Isere in former years. Tki, lot will Ise sold at G un,, ry'. stables 1. Goderich. TRW. G.'xuRY. auclimeer. PERSONAL MENTION. (a,npion, of Weyburn. Seek., it here oe a viwit. Geo. John -ton left thyt week on a hunting trip to St. Julie. ycebee. Miss Laurie Carey has returned from • ri-., of several month.. in the West Mr. and Mr.. Kitchen, of Rrock rills, are ,.. Ming their relative., Mr. and Mrs. t,bw Tweeds.. P. W. Carrie and Nti+e Ida Currie attended the funeral of the late Jou. Hunter. at Bru.u,ei., last week. Rev. A. Carman. la b., of Toronto, was the guest of Rev. Dr. .,nd Mr-.. Medd during May In town. Mr-. 1), Ander-.on. of ForoW, and Mrs. R. Rowe end daughter. of Straw.bu•-', "leak•, were nue-t• of Rev. Dr. and Mot Medd last week- end. John ()onaM,rw.. a former realness man of Gorier eh. who M- been ranching Is Montana for-,•,rrel ream it back 1. Gown mad M visit- ing at t hr old home in Sanford. Mrs. Datum- , non wh.. 1. hoUre. nUrio. They may oosUo ne 0 make their h t Business Announcement. Chas. C. Lee her taken over the coal husines4 formerly handled by his (ether, the late Wm. Ler, and an- flounces' that he pttrpo.en handling nothing but Si KA:STON Greats A1) coal 1.011 he weighed on the market melee and awing to the .,nall profits on this grade of coal he has decided to sell for dash with order. The Tree R'e. Wbo are they f Attend the Haptiat church au Thom day. lllr'd het.. They'll be thaw { S rough ugh`r.1 Moines. shin this biases 's Iron Pills the Mott Vale a bottle for Por ell ascaeio.r age Bi.-lastoo.y dild.r u ha cram la bili der Mieba 'Aa hoar et the 'Pbdy. !re spasm a q@te.Iky onelivery aa..ls J @boar earring as ,r personator wish rd the p Geo n R. eaGoy b o4 PI ens is America Aarory ib/sAerll milk is lir gorges►+o eegtom.1 r .s. of the ha - tures dl1M allow w1Mb 0111 'mem in the aaRtlra ..k.: soot ?h(a�, *wooing. member Mb