The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 8TMua.DAT, Norman R Oil
1J Luoknow. bar ceased .Linea wtaYe
pants sad will he000terth give hi, entire
attention to the home *Moe. Lecttaow, wae�}
be will be fosnd neer der. All mutter* eetM
in U*apmon her The Sigma at W Peet•
cam Dols and Bed for r7 �whad-
•rdmr will be receired err w ad -
'ordered sad Soh wart. sad re:Meta be
envois for emo.ab paid for the same.
1you will want mine sew wall papers Can
at the Dungannon Pneumas Stats and tee W
w good. la dock there. �rd�odreasosahar . Picteue postcards
in [rest variety. M. RYAN. Dnnsanoon.
`I 'Overfed aces, inert Wedneday. J. R.
l cl.AK, Ounerar.naa. 72
WREWIND A Y. Nov. let.
CHURCH Noma. - Owing to the
quarterly servicer at Crewe next Sun-
day. there will be no service in the
Methodist church here next Sunday
morning No announcement has
yet been made as to who will succeed
Rev. T. Hicks, rector of St. Paul's
church, who leaves in the near future
for his new parish near Stratford
Special services are being held at
Crewe Methodist cburcb even even-
ing..... Erskine church is still without
• regular motor.
HIFLK (:tarn. -(swing to bad roads
and disagreeable weather the local
CND did not send a team to the rifle
touroainent at Wbitecburcb on Fri-
day. The cup passes to the White-
church club, whose team scored
highest at the butts on Friday. Oo
the afternoon of the same day at the
regular weekly shoot here semen of
sixty and over were made. compared
with the bighest scone ef 48 at the
tout nament.
. A Deemer) SUec se. -The Thanks-
giving supper and entertainment held
iu bur Agricultural Hall on Monday
everting under the auspices of St.
Paula church wee a decided success,
the proceeds amounting to over 4151
As metal the repast provided with all
that could be desired. The content
portion of the program was furnished
by the M.'nehester Male tot artette, of
(ia1L %bole selections were much ap-
preciated by the audience.
tthIEF MI:rrloN.-Mrs. R. A. Milli.
gan. who bas been visiting ber daughter
is California. has decided to make her
home there and the farm, stock and
implements will be offered for sale by
auction on Monday, November 13th
J. Olen last week treated the tele-
phone exchange building to a finishing
coat of cement... . Hereafter St.
Paul's church will be lighted with gas
tram T. 0. Allen's plant. The fztures
are being installed this weak Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Moore have moved to
the village.. . . B. J. Crawford. Chas.
Elliott, John Campbell and Richard
Finlay- left this week for tbe hunting
I)EaTH or MRI[. COOK. -Word was
received on Monday of tbe death of
Annie Ryan, wife of David Cook, is.
of Clinton. Mrs. Cook was in Ler
evenly-flfth year and had been a real -
(debar Of Clinton sjpos ION. la widish
year the busily moved from Goderiob.
Of • family of eerro children. only
thecae Premise : David. of Clinton ; Dr.
.1. W.. in Oregon, and Mrs. Raid, 91
Owen Hound. Internment was read. in
Clinton cemetery tM Wednesday after-
noon. Among the relatives who at-
tended the funeral were litr. and Mrs.
W. Ryan. Mr. and Mra.'f�larr_y Ryan
and Miss Mary Ryaa, of )ungan000.
PsssoMAL-Misr Daisy Ryan. who
is teaching school at Port Credit, was
home for Thank iving Mies
Frank McLean. of�csnow. visited
her parents ever tbs holiday Mies
Stager spout the holidays et bee home
near Galt ....Mir. and Mrs. H. Turner
and Mies Gladys McLean, of Goderich,
visited at the nose of Mr. and Mrs.
James Whyard over Sunday. Miss
Pearl Bradford, of Toronto, was home
for the holidays . . Rev. Mr.
Vaughan, of California.. is visiting his
sister-in-law, Miss E. B. Milligan
Mrs. Daley, of Sestetch. mootnpanied by
her son. spent Thanksgiving with her
daughter. Mrs. N. F. Wbvard Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Thompson spent
Thanksgiving with their daughter at
Mount Forest Mies Donna Bice,
who has been seriously ill. is able to
be out again Harry Ryan and his
mother and Mrs Chas. Caesar were
called to Clinton a Saturda by the
serious illness of Mrs. D. Cook
Mr. and 11rr. Chas. Thompson have
returned from the West AU the
G. C. 1. students were home for the
vacation Mr. and Mrs. R. 0.
Hottenheiwer, of Belgrave, were the
guests of Miss F. B. Milligan over
TBLBPHONE N.oTRB.- Since the sel-
ection of Dungannon as the central
station tor the Goderich Rural Tele-
phone Op.'s system. work hes been
pushed on liner radiating front this
point. Headquarters have heeq,estab-
lished In Wui. Mole's cement bonding,
where the switchboard and local
service are in charge of James John-
stos, and his assistants. Mises Philips
and Glen. All the village 'phones
have been taken from the party line
and connected singly with the central
office, ohsiating much of the ,annoy-
nno -
ance and delay which formerly
existed. Forbes Bros., of Seaforth.
who have the contract for erecting the
poles and stnngiog the wires, have
made excellent progress. All the
poles are in position and the work of
stringing the wires is programing
rapidly. The poles now cover practi-
cally every road in Ashfield, and West
Wawanosh also is fairly well supplied.
Twenty wires run from the village
north, four toward Prosperity, four
toward Port Albert and the number
towards Nile is being increased to
twenty-six Is Ashfield the poles ars
is on every conoeseion from boundary
to boundary and extend east and west
from the Nile-Lucknow road to the
Lake Shore road. In Wawanosh the
lines extend from Nile to Win. Wat-
son's ; on the god, to Jos. Mallough's ;
on the 4th, to Prosperity; on the tits,
to St. Augustine. where connection
may be nude with the North Huron
telephone systam.
Tax Collector Campbell is one of the
busiest men in town these days,
Fall Millinery
Miss Cameron
is prepared to show the latest models in dress and street
hate, moderately priced. and iu the season's favored shapes
and colorings.
The ladies of Goderich are cordially invited to visit
her showrooms and inspect her handsome display.
Miss Cameron
Hamilton Street
Extra Values in
Having purchased a hunch of Mitts at our own prices we are in
a posit ion to offer our customers some extra good values.
As an Extra Special we offer 10 pairs of heavy
knit, lined leather Mitt, regular 50c value. for............ 311
We also have real rood values in Buck Mitts and Gloves.
We have Mitts and Gloves in t. large range of prices it will
pay you cometo11.
Window Glass
There are still many windows that need to he closed up before
the cold days come.
We have the hest quality English Mess. It is even in quality
.2nd of good thickness. Our price is right.
Some would tell yon there is no difference in Putty. We know
there is, and we realize that people know when they get good putty.
()Ur rustomer. tell is ours is extra good.
Good Stovepipe Enamel
Ile' the H. 11 Co. Mynd end you will have one that does not
rattily burn off nor emelt after being pot on. Price per 25c
hottls .. sass sass. ... Jl,
Pandora Ranges
will .a. a you at least onton .e/ ctrl In a winter *7 64 looks good
to most of e. we. any the Pandora .nil VI the het
Howell Hardware Co., Limited
The Beat Place to Buy Hardware
TusSDAT. OcL Stet.
Warne su.-A quiet wedding was eel-
•maised at high noon on Wedt►gede .
October 113th, by Rev. W. Conway, of
Nile. the rootraeUng parties beim=
Miss Flora Adobe. ReLsod and
Walter 1). KiogrweU, both of Shep-
pardton. The bride was becomingly
attired in a suit of Copenhagen bine
and hat W match. The grooms gift
to the pride was a handsome gold
watch and chain set with rubies. The
happy couple Ieft on the afternoon
train for Leedom. Brantford and
other points. The good wiabes of a
large circle of •friends accompany
them in their matrimonial venture.
Vi aDNlaeoAT, Nov. let.
Dvewe DOONM8,--lid, Lawson took
a trip to Sarnia last week .Mise
8baw, of Toronto, and Miss Ruth
8baw, of Stratford, spent their
Thanksgiving holidays at house
Miss Jean Clutton, who is teaching at
Listowel, was at home for tbe bob -
days So far a+ known there have
not been many Hallowe'en pranks
played in this neighborhood. Whether
the youngsters are becoming more
aeosittle, or, as is more likely to be the
case, the leading spirits of miechief
have gone farther afield is a matter of
coaj-cture The creamery wagons
of Dungannon have gone their last
round for this season, closing a very
successful summer .... Miss Mc-
Pherson, of Toronto. was the guest
of Mrs. Shaw last week Toe
clement work of ibe new shed at Lee.
burn church is going on apace. The
wen of the congregation htee turned
out with a will. and helped the good
wort- along. The wall is naw over
four feet higb and at the present rate
the building will be finished before the
real cold weather seta in.
and well-known resident of this town-
ship passed away on Ftidayltat, when
David Liwrence 'Stirling died at the
bome of his daughter, Mrs. Hilary
Horton, in his rigbty-eecond year.
Mr. Stirling was born Dacetnber }l,
18M. at Carnoustie, Forfarabire, Scot-
land. lie carte to Canada and to
Ooderich township in 1840 and thirty
years later moved to Colborne town-
sbip. Althougb quiet and unasum-
ing in his disposition, he was a man o1
splendid character and will higtav es-
teemed by all who had t be privilege of
his acquaintance. He leaves a family
of three sons and six daughters :
James, in California ; Mrs. T. Harri-
son, Goderich township ; Mn. H.
Campbell, Huron township; William,
Mm. Hilary Horton, Mn. laugh Thur -
low, Mn. Geo. Fulford and Alexan-
der, all of Colborne, the last-named on
the homestead, and Miss Louisa, of
Buffalo. Mrs. Stirling died two years
ago. Alex. Stirling, of Goderich, is a
brother and is the last surviving of
four brotber.-loon, David, Alexan-
der and William -who came out to
this c)untr•y in the early days of set-
tlement here. The funeral took place
from the house of Mrs. H. Hortoo on
Monday, and was Largely attended.
Rev. James Hamilton officiated, and
the pallbearers were Geo. Proctor.
Arthur Townsend. James and Albert
Harrison. Tim interment was made
in Maitland cemetery.
Mogen and Grille,- -Y. It C. A. Pees
Winter Stocks at Their Hest -Helga liras.. 8
Seek'n amt Odtarettee-M air k Ashmaier. t
Farm to Rest -J. H. Muttaa 1
Aunties Sale of Fara. Farm Stook. Ete.-
Mrf. R. A. Milligan, Denganao..... 1
Fall and Winter Offerings -J. S. Cdbsraa t
Teacher Wanted -C. A. Watson. IbamlllerI
For Bale -Wm. Potts Salttord 1
Reader -Fondly Herald and Weekly Star5
Drink Halt -The Oautn Instituto. Toronto,3
Bingle Fare for Hunters -C. P. R., 5
waterproof Oo.ta 115 -Waiter G Pr4bami
Heaters' Rates -F. F. Lawrosos 5
Where L Your Money 1 -The Btartla a Bask1
Ban dab rtaetlen-Fred Haat 4
Notice toC:edttas-Lofae 1L Debate
Sweaters. Sweater Coat. and Ovsrosata-
Mclean Brea
Our Special 1113) Watch- Walter H. Sae
risco a
Band Meeting -J. B. Haider 1
Readers -t R. *t igie 0
Annoueosmest-J. R. Meeltntor, sass-. ,.,, S
E EDY-WILSON.--At Geta, Oat.. on Octo-
ber 31. by Ren. J. Franklin R.ree
sisted by Rev. Joseph Pinta.Miss Mar-
garet Oraoe &rein Wilma. daughter et
the late Her. Jasper Wain n IL
Lexie Alden ltedy, of 84 Mauls tie.
HORTON.-Is Goderich. on Friday. October
Wks. Koury Sanies.
HTIRLiNO.-la Colborne. o* Friday. October
Tftk David I. SUrllno. In ha Und'rem.
'IRWIN.- 1.O,derloh. on Meoday, October
Ink Rliaabeta Louise Irwin, oldest
daughter d William Irwin. 1. her Maw
teonth rear.
Rebekah Lodge had a successful
social event on Thursday night of
last week.
in addition to the reduction in the
electric light rates referred to In The
Signal haat week. the water and light
commission has decided to cut the
rate on lavatories by one dollar.
The sixth annual convention of the
Ontario Hortleultarrl Association will
be held Thursday and Friday. Novem-
ber 1e and 17. io the oily ball. Tor-
onto. Delegates will he able to travel
at single fare by securint standard
eartificates when they purchase their
tick et t.
Genuine reline of an npinm dive on
the Parifle (oa•t hive been on exhib(-
Uoa In the window of Oraigie's bill-
iard room. They eons's, of • tray. an
opium pipe. • lute horn opium pox,
an extra bowl and a lame. With the
ezeeptimr of the lamp, which was
purchased from • (thine. merehant,
all the articles were procutred by
Walter C. Goode. of Vieto,i. R. C.,
formerly of Ood.rirh. ho.n a white
frequenter of these divot. The Were
rest here by Mr. Goode to Dr. Mabee.
The neetw.tin. of Hallowe'en fat
G.derieh this year seem. to have baps
�e the
in years Nomage IMet
reported, e ynnng.te wvl-
d•nUy Ibtmve
aels with as -
mining their tsars by tlre tiagin
of dnrrMlia the saving of ditspidate
pumpkins in the doorways gg0 ower
mieh Tanta One er tete "emit
watt• took plata• bot the metjos(ty 4
the younger est were etlgatvd iMdrwe,.p
at •'taffy -polls" and *thee anossememes
pseniiar to the ememoe, several partly*
of tale nature beteg hold is town sot
vieinity oa that ev'siat.
All has M bar Ms f r
Igoe rl,bM reheard w 1.
Iran. M leMr, of Clink•\ b vYNlllt ser►
urea la tows. s
Dn a wiedefica (sr101 :e riaf
Ulna Jaa rut wee tor bens Mblikkell ter a
brief visit last weak.
Meshes Mahon. eft Magi* flask„ M baa
oast et ata Natal (:aswa.
Mos. Ales- pnwtord west Thaehiskiwa
Day with Madre. la Terelite.
Ms C. A. Nairn and Kam Adelaide are away
e s a bit w its relatives at (flat.
Mr* IDs.) Desguin. dDetavidtd=tilig der
parent/. Lr. �saaed Kra Want
were at lkratted os Taaakeddrtuj 853'.
Mra weketsressst Tbaaksgt a hS her
daughter. Kt; Donley Jesatos,.1Prvataa.
Mrs. Oliver Odleld and obildrss. of Dundas,
were 1n town ter the Thaskagirisg k0Wa7a
Alex. 11eLmaan..1 Teeosio, was the guest
01 to r w
aa for a few dare the pa
Mrs. A. pp MacDonald lett this week en •
two mo•tlie riot to relative. and trieads u
LK- CT= Ores sepaiated imam to
Creliton of We Caandwn Boat of
Mn. Jae. D. long, e( ienders visited her
mother. Mrs. tree Skews, hunt steer(, over
Me holiday.
Mr. and Min. Walter IL Harrison meat tae
Theskrg,vlag cella re at Mrs. Halrtrmr, old
bonus in Loreto.
lwr Meta
Thmere .g sobMle sehaul,
LAgbthoam Me..
Mu• W oast street, sidled bar
bather, 8. F. W aingtaa, K. C.. at H•mftuu
during the weft.
lir. will*, GI Wort on, the guest d his
brutaer, a. et. Wigle. drJ i.1. or tows. over
the reals ..t stag 1i .x,day.
Mr. and Mrs D. Millar and family aro mov-
tor sats ween tame Rfrgdano. uY 5s&au. street
formerly 000ap.ed by Mr. end Kr.. W. ('o.1.
Mimes Liera*.th .red Louse McD.,w&1, of
Toronto, .p•'at fbaaartlrum with their
caimans, las Mame. Kdws 0.. u.bboor street.
Mts. Saipmaa. wife of Locomotive Foreman
Shtpm•s tot 1M C. P. K, has returned to To-
ronto. atter ttpeadu.t tbe rummer In dederion.
Mrs. Stewart and. Miss Helen Stamen. of, mated [reed. at Dtwutlutd during
the wool. Maas ;Stewart elm trade a volt to
Hamilton. -
kt r.. warm. and Miss Graham. Lair etre4,
wore called to Windsor lest Friday. owing o
the ileo.. of Ito.. (Cap(.) W uluaeaby, •
daughter of Mm l; merle.
The following lett tows Ibis week to attend
the central w...e» (;sage of 8(raUotd
Moe kept& Nrw.t. Mer dem youna.uu.
cheater (1oe11I. auto 1. L. rinse.
Mr.. tires.) Jame. Hamdte. returned hems
from lomat* last woos .sd b great, Un-
proved to sstlt . A here. of Diem. hope rho
will woo des •gemeetely recovered.
Mee Isabel Mohe•se, et Brand*., who it
au.nuns a. Marsae.t. lMtyoe. ToemW
*pent ter Montag.. ing .allay. of, the hemp el
Mr .act, Atm Mulawosa, Pietas .115.1.
15*.. ltdward Nausea sad daughter. Mal
Caccia returned cess wren to uou,at stet'
speoltag inosamine. bora lira ela.•oon w1n•
gut: o Meares tees.. le non fur a tome.
M Hama tan bled patient at AJexardra
h id ibr um per-, omape of yearn. was re- ;
mar 1 W Meru of refine at t;u.tuo tart '
Tea, tno crowoewid.15u51 of
Dart .sg w ded 1.
MI .sstrioe Prdkam returned to Toronto
m0 11.e .3 attar
Head, g be thanksgiving
panel" Mr, and Mot F. J. .
ereala daimii; trw coin yea's
Mrs. Geo. Cox lett on Wednesday tafealsg
for ..e.uiie.nou, woes* rhe wail float
Pedal... preemies to emcee. to ngtmg
winter. Hes aim may urea w Winaipoges`se
teturnurg to (tedor cis,
Jame naUowa who has been on a vigil le
the gra bums ar ioy.1, ret.rued lass weft M ..
Uelenrge.'Alta ne was soss.apraba kds
dwer. conn Malice hallows, eDo ens Mid am
extended rustic the n 0.5ers ot►eeea,•
hob Cess, r.a of uw.d4re W. F. ant.
h.. beat sautes feouble ea ague trunk s•
to ►1r lase 'rostrum to a MS.reddaeg •eri.aS$
left Inman. alar.weea be want wns a.. tuber
to Lneonto 1. saes an X-rays esaml.a.tM.
Yee nowt 1•a...4/ . same fears cud' Heti
ones. mope he old teen be "r sitars r ever "
her. J.a Lviapawm. it Aimed ass ea
mime sr far war troves lunar .. se be
abbe 1e be eptow. Bally. lit r ellen •d 10.t 11
w ill Ae anew samelint adore be wW des aid to
ta•e y tib nomad funt,hl..taw HL
ora .rarer i. (ewe wilt he sties to emu era
osmplres reeAer.uge.
H. Mears Geed. of Tasssto, was ems 4 the
merry rumens meows W. weer. lis MemI,
weirs en WeaaferTem ts.w.te No -et .Mat
senoras nemetas tam pant wormer le We Old
(:ouster. ta.ang • webearima He
o5uywt w ictl• Weedy. awl oho
p.m deal of Waneeta•n Mame aril be weld
to ham mar )o.reatrdie wont
Mm G.e. *caress lets eta Sawed*, to
t0 (:.nor•... where Ale mama w w50 ,.
On her neve arm edit take ukase i_ -'-nae
Tueww She a,. unemsnalee talar ewlabeg
ammaDu Uustene y. slash earn me by err
tet NOMA
~dlt�aw.. awla. wu w alie wee
areuf•tee in mut, smdrnaw
Thanksgiving Visitors,
Grant Boyd, Tersnto.
A. O. Gamble, 131 -onto.
Idgar BMWs. Hemaltoe.
Jack Whets, of Stratford.
Ke. Wisher. of Stratford.
A. J. Sutherland, Toronto.
Mies Mabel Doty. Toronto.
Cana Omsk est L•awy, Oe.
Mee )Ctrs Laub, est eters
lire. Jou. r. Batey. Toronto.
isoe•rd Lavelle, K Hiratf<d.
Mar. Gertrude Seises, Detroit
MM Rvaya Rambsi4 London,
Mt.r ..etN. Polley. Port Rowed.
Mir Nellie Oreh•m, Dank weed.
Mle Maud Tharbre..1 Jackson.
Mies Minnie McLennan. Toronto.
Kim May Marlow, of Br.nUorn.
H. A Omer, of TieTeroote Newt.
Moe Manalogs, Brantford.
Mts.Outride of Brantford.
Walter Natal, otThe S4 Thornes Time..
J. Air, MoLannsn, Toronto Uni r.ralty.
H. Mari =Db:. Stratford Normal School.
Freak Ayers. St. Jeresse'a ('dregs, Berlin.
Mine Rett.' Clerk. Stratford Normal 8ehool.
MM Mario. Fraser. Stratford Normal
Mr* Benson Cox and Mir Thclmt Co..
Lavohlln. Hoy r11r'ai Archie erbs mita�Ohetr. •ZMy's
.ad Miens Augusta McLeod. Jade easadnr
and Mona Walter.. all from Toronto
Bart7Dar, November I. Amami tare of �
• ordeal sf eaUJm. at Oendrye etabe., Swath
street. Owle eh.ter 1.x. sel•.k
W preplapreplan'of owtNMratnow. Js-, e%
1Thos•1e,d, Ont. (It -wrier. aeottenser,
Monne. November It A.oUon We of •
amid of eteoe, eroPerip of W. Hau.aruw.
Hirth. T. Dower. awstteemor.
Tumor. November T.---JsdiettJ me et tee
kings ie Oed.dob Weasel* belongint to the
mode •f the MO a M RNesr, le he aetd y
gesabe at We RaUesben Mow. Metes. Ont
T OvWDST, aseun*oer. f
spazear. N a -Charted bet W7+
et hest Msec y'em..te gpeeperty d
Boras rn. so f *•normals • IL 1)
0�.e,v.... Off If der me. se preps aro
le ls.vise w tar. T. tomme , se ntlenrer 1
f raleese M
at t
d ,
____ ty. Neo 11 -A
mss •ad�emeh
rtt(iav, *--gs
Matt.... w.....r 11-01..hrt
"Members of the Family," by
Owen Wistar, $1.2$.
••A Hinge. of Yooteaey,' by
Robert Knowles, f 1.211.
"The Common Law, Chambers,
•Measure of Man." by Nor-
man Duncan, $1.211.
"The Winning a Barbara
Werth," by Author of "Calling
of Dan Mathews," $1.00 net.
"Tire Silent Barrier, by Louis
Tracy, $1.25.
"Mother Carey's Chickens,,, by
Kate Douglim Wiggin, $1.25.
"Mary Mid orna." by Geo. mat
Mc4utcbeoo. S1.titi
"Miss Gibbis alt." author of
"Mary Carey." 81.25.
•'A Weaver of !reams, ' by
Myrtle Heid, 81.50.
Look lbrough our stock of 111.2S
sed $1.6(2 Copyright B -uks now
on sale for, each -50o.
The Colonial Bork Store
G1(0. t'tult'll•.lt, Prop.
'Pbone lir). Goderich
Mgeseral. every -day
ea1 the
fittest Wal ors we
have seer shwa. It
la plain, strong, thoroughly
reliable and has an modern
improvements - assuring
its owner of life service.
mi. watch has won for
itself a prominent
among all ape wabch It
u mads by the beat and
most reliable Swiss Watch-
mug iial watch
er•iesable gold-
filled *crew back and screw
bevel :ase which contains
a lbjewel Hsrrisoo special
movement with a compen-
sating balance, Brequet
hair -spring. patent r e g
Writer - carefully finished
tbrnuglieu I.
Our confidence in this
watch is shown thus: It
for any reason whatever
will gladly replace it whit
Exact case *r watch
it is unsatisfactory in any pat tieular we
a new one.
THERE is a whole store -and a big store at that -full of thoroughly depend-
able merchandise all ready for you to draw on for your fall and winter
Dry Goods needs. It is merchandise of quality ; merchandise we are ready
to back with our guarantee ; merchandise that is right in style and right in price
that fills this big store today.
We sell no others. Not a garment
we cannot back up with our positive
guarantee is ever allowed a place in
our Fur Department. You can buy
your Furs here in perfect safety, for
those we sell are good inside and out.
Western Sable Muffs and Neck
Pieces. .:. 58.00 to 525.00
Alaska Sable Muffs and • Neck
Pieces .......... $10.00 to 535.00
flarmot Muffs and Neck Pieces,
$6.50 to $20.00
Persian Lamb Muffs and Neck
Pieces..510.00 to 540.00
Mink Muffs and Neck Pieces,
535.00 to $125.00
Bel=ian Hare Muffs and Neck
p� 53.50 to 59.00
A splendid assortment of high-class
Furs in wolf, fox, lynx, etc. All
guaranteed qualities. All at exceed-
ingly close prices.
Fur -lined Coats 542.00
to 575.00
Nemo Corsets
We are sole agents in Goderich for this popular
and high -claw American Oorset. Full range of
site* in the beet style is carried in .tock all the
time. AnyMbee style made by the Nemo Corset
Co.. New ork, can be had from us on two or
three days' notice.
Underwear Values
The Underwear this store sells comes
from the best mills in Canada. Every
garment is perfectly shaped and can be
depended on to give satisfactory wear.
At 25c
Vests or Drawers in white or natural
abatis, elastic ribbed. carefully knit,
geodg�nt, only tall or winter. UC
At 3Sc
Vestaor Drawers, bigbergrade than the 26c
Line of course, worth the difference in price,
made from better yarns, .oft finish, ? C
full size. Special, eaeb only ... .... JJ
At 50c
Ladies' fine Winter Underwear, mixture
wool and cotton that is snit and oomfort-
able. perfect in at and very comfortable,
white or natural slydes. Also the heavy
plush knit garrnepts. All rises, really
extra value. Per karmsmt
At 51.00
Ladies' high - grade Wool Underwear,
very fine ribbed. soft finish -ons of the
finest garmeuta made today, .0A(�
sizes a
Special per garent $1.W
Bettor Grades
Very floe Underwear, silk and weal
mixtures, white and 'ream abeam. as soft
as velvet, guaranteed onsbrink- MAA
able. Per garment....;1.25 to $100
Combination Suits
combinations are growing more popular
each mermen and we And the demand for
them increasing all btu time. We are
Mowing some particularly good line.
of retro values. At per fu t �(�
$1.25, ;1.7$ and 2•��/
A lot of overmakes and seconds from a Swiss manufacturer.
Handsome embroidered Handkerchiefs with hemstitched edges,
I fine quality. if perfect, worth up to 40c. Your choice of the boo for
2 for 25c
Knitted Woollen Skirts 51.30
Ladies' Knitted Woollen t'oderskirts.
made from high-grade imported yarns.
properly knit and *bayed to fit perfectly.
n greys, blacks, reds and ascot ted stripes.
Hardly exceptionally good "doe. $1
At each, only
Children's Sizes Also
We can give you these waist, comfort
able, light weight Mkirta for chUdren and
girls in white orgrey shade». almost any
.fire yon whits They are eapital tinder
garments for nbildr•n's wenn
Men's Heavy Socks lac
Metes May, ell woof grey Sock., wais-
ts= teak will skald soy *sweets' of
hard wear, regale" ala Spada25c
Cashmere Hose, 3 pairs for 51.00
R'e tall your attention again to one
wonderful values in Cashmere Hose. Just
out of the oases from the Rngliah makers.
Three hundred pairs ladies' Cashmere Hose.
Ten dosen floe quality, plain with seam -
lees feet. fun -fashioned. made from soft
Ansterllan yarns ; a et •eking wortb at
least 46c a pair. Also fifteen dozen ribbed
Home made from the [more quality yarn.
two and one -ribbed. PerP!ir.5 .00
W 00
only $5a or pairs Inc ... .
Plush and Velvet Coats
We lava just received from the scan
ufaeturere soros very band•ome PI..b.
Omelette and Velvet Coats. 'Isere N an
Immense demand for theee garemente.
especially Io the larger pianos 7b•.. w•
above ars eselesive in 4esign, no two gar
m w from
to alike. W 00 th $45•00
A'�T Alk
Peion frw• +p•V1/
Penyette Coats $20.90 to 527.80
al Mentereell
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