The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 7+,
TIVnaDAY, riOVCYnali 2, 1911 7
... is °tee40°44.4°404."+„ ..„....
The News of the District 1
Tbssoae. Oat ilei.
How Ts axasivnte Dae Was
Se7rrr. Tlaskegivisg Usy was=
very qtcaws
y is . as weal.itis.•
was • gra& bat of trisellieg. last►
wens.& aid wing. tilers who
earn te vied T here were as Dodi.
J. 8. McOamtm and wife. A. Ore mho,
of T weeto, 11. Mensal . Mise Cumin,
Kim Malloy. teems Mrs. Mc-
aDonald and ilatii, et Actors, Kr.
Hrithesek d , Mr. and lies.
Lite: ate1/4 ��a� �of lllsewater. lies ad !lies.
West Lietowel. Mkt
R. asetatrg*sy, tuns Meta. Theaka-
etaantieg a miss semi& was
bald 6 t . .aPeeiytseis ekssi ad
wen well eatesdeL fay.1. A. Peer
said the
service was s-s•d gees estineof the best
thee trays bug held. The .classics
was in beide et the Sisk Ohildren's
Hospital and was well wibsaribed to
aid •oontulttes was appointed to in-
crease the ssbeeriptions. In the eves -
Muskoka da W� Hospitin beide of als
es the
smerofthem hospitals
it behalf
et res emptives. His views were
vary else showing bow the patients
are Wasted. and in his !satins he ex-
° � w great expense consected
w trestasent. There was a
good io�t aoa all .seed inter-
e sted. w
d eoRledoe was taken up and
the mast day Mr. Wataoe interviewed
• weber et the business esus, wbo
uninitiated gaits freely to tae fund.
Onto • member of the aeons in
the bosh ds bagging game and
some of them bad very good leek.
PliaearaL arm Gartintat.--J. Ly.
bell., who left here a short time ago,
acid bas been Heise in Ooisieb, is re-
naming with his lastly asf✓ is going
to live in the tense be vomited
Yr. and lbs. W. Leith. d illaratford,
Anted web the femme, pasts We
week gobs • onmhse from hese
b odd Ow omnis A
bad et abbe ware bare os
to the smelt et Bfytb on a
Motpedidon Yr. and Mrs.
Alpe asisr visited at
file tenants hiss la Mewls* this
week The Month laevo bees in
darknses the pest .bilk oo account of
time new seem bibs installed in the
powder boas' and it is expected it will
be .urian time yet before the lights are
turned is. It le- very disegreesbie
them dark nights without the lights.
but we 'ball appreciate them all the
more whets we gut them Fred
Toil visited in Pintos last week on a
bus�ess trip A. W. Owrter ris-�
:ted to Wingbau the pout weak
Mn. C. Black and ms, ort Godericb,
spent a few days with bee parents
hen the week Kr. Campbell.
township .dark of Hallett. visited in
town tat Teseday, combining beefsese
with pleasure Mr. and Mn. E.
Haggitt were in Wingbam on Friday.
E. Watson & Sons shipped a
ear of bogs to To. onto on Wednesday
and a car of cattle to Toronto on Sat-
urday.... Jae. B• atty shipped a car of
potatoes to Lasesogton last week.
Jar. ()timing shipped a car of
bogs to Toronto on Thursday Wet. ....
Those alio atteoded the Liberal con-
vexities at Wiagham last Thursday
from here weer A. Carr, A. McKellar,
A. W. Robison.. J. Heffron and
not®.:. OM. ages
Mir Mels i Adm is violates with
ft...oda la
Mr. ad Mao flans Webster have
oot the Weet.
F►ssk t
j�Y whir e-
aced on for
h,,apital hast ween. is lmalprevhig
!dim Edith Frwodm` dangeiner
Mr. and lbs. r hr lat
resan, oil
now, has taken at Y
soloist in the , Tomlin Mt hind. rale
`ggreat witi. the dtlaaNss
itiw W mos se •'neaps..
Fossae. Oen WU'.
it :las
reportot 8 e. Na 11 Atlases
are fa order ei merit
V. -Jessie
RU..IIIY-M1vo rM
Jr. IV.--Lalien AJWi& firs IIL yl
Johnston. Zrdsllse. a III.-
Oleo's. Jr. I.- evey
Katmai Poem~we
pensee tilers. Be eadiseteLe tgblis.
Cecil Jobostoa, Lanita Hackett.
Jr. Pt. 11, -Tillie Maskett. Berne
T„ . tis. L -•Frank Mews. Law
non O t11ir. Jr. L '- .:.:
Johnston Wader. ••A"
IOl*&b TslimidgMetwi. Myrtle
Olaniev, k'i
SbackIrtos. Atelier& Devout
Year Mosey Bedell it Ten As art Senn
fled wide the Melia Ae Iliesow sed.
Wear. so peollb&Ifbst one ~way
will perwaieslli idNs constipation.
tic matter haer elbsonbc it may low
that we stir to bent& We at
our Meow sMnid b tail to wales •PteRotheess
It i worsetime wsh s to
rare w estlpaiiom with
dna Leedom' tocethert a cls
muutharm. They catty •�t,
irritatend tto ameba eamate, sad weaken the lanketsti weft
chronic. belies. the& ow locomen
a habit thetietho roes.
p peen Y camel by a weak-
ness o[ the inrime and =sleeks et the
large i•tesdas or denendirg colon.
To ezpact psrimment sell.. ydsa oust
therefore tool speed steeslttken these
organs and Nebo* then to healthier
We want you to try Re=al! Orderlies
on our ressemendtdion. They wow-
cordicely thesset w Vie,
like a Meld toe
delicate peresso. mrd old folks. as well
as for the rims.. They act directly
on the &Irv& and muscles of the
bowels lave • ern -
teal actions" osrur associate org.ns
and gland►. -They do not purge, cause
excessive .or creme any in-
convenieneeb. Thy ma be
taken at an time. day or n t.
They will pr/ttivel relieve chroaor
habitual eotipwtiob; o it not of wrgidatl
sod the myriads of asso-
ciate deptdest chromic ailments.
if taken with regularity for a reason-
able brgth of dace. 18' tablets, 10
cent : III tablets, M• orate ; 80 labiate.
50 cents. Sold in Ooderich only at
our store The Reiall Store. H. 0.
Dunlop, south aide of Square. diode•
1_ alive, for a� eras� tram. !lutes.. Drierrud. W. T. RIDDmd. auburn. .bit
Wznergeove. Nov. 1.t.
Wm. Patters& was in Detroit over
the holiday.
Quite a number took io the tea -
meeting at Donnybrook Thanketiv-
ion nicht.
Mr. .d Yr. O. Bell and Made-
line, of Myth. visited .t Wm. Matte's
on suede,.
Don't forget the Methodist •sliver
Bary service. here next lienday, at
2:30 and 7 p. w.
Mies Washington of Goderieb.
visited bet friend )Fern Symington
°seer Tbenkegiviog Day.
A. A. sad Mrs. Naylor and Carman
visited the former's paean at Donny-
brook from Friday tin Yamday.
Oath ig b tie disagreeable weather
Friday sondes las local ries deb
did not. Marl 0s.& Oounty League
shunt at Inilembareh.
Nom. We [x�pPereitoor►r
Field ordeset a w &died for =Pete -
lion at by reesnt vide. As no nes
cn oppose this or tFYroall llwwkto
.wilding en the a\ good
There have boss sassy NW 1Ass. i.
.shod-builiierm�m eggl! w
s .shoaall
built sed Ashore keep abreast
of the Times.
I. s Waring dist Ile IDloos we nick.
A had bock tunas
armed dwoo ay and
hours into roe ��
ascend .y1 dior n ase le the swelling.
mce. sit I• the swab, er
deep st
• It �h.rts
le bead deter.
ote•v i dw Mgt ft b
naAiss cels..>t
Wee or awt-
a5e et twlpsis
*MUNI1Pille meethe week
: an
Ana. McMillan ...... A Dumberm
bete tank 1n the •
races at Elmira on
llomday, the special attraction for the
Myth sports being the two hones
front ben that were racing in differ-
ent classes. T. Oolter's horse won first
in his class but E. Livingstone's hos se
did not land the money in his rsoe.
Mrs. L A. Charlesworth visited
friends in Hensel! and Pett-olia this
week Mr. and Mrs. Olenoie vis-
ited friends in Clinton this week
Mies Maggie and Henry Johnstone
visited relatives in °besley over the
holiday The public school closed
down on Friday for the holiday and
the teachers visited at their nipeet-
lye homes lbs. Robt. YcXay
visited friends le Loudon this week
Mrs. R e tlauffer and daughters
visited s few da in Handl this
week lire. Harry James and
i�dddaughter visited friends in St.
bolunthwn over the holiday Myles
j(o who had been spending some
holidays hers. tett this week for Bay
Oily to visit friends then Mrs.
Jas. McNro.his visited relatives in
�sq� this week Mae. Jas. Sias
tubi lags friend !flat Annie Ramil-
tos in Bios this wok Mrs. D.
Taylor and ata Merl spest Tldmkagiv-
iag with relatives et Wblteer...J ..
Mr Sfaebaemes t�lwidewb#Itns-
baat this week 1Ate.
vWted her ineghler is weer
`he bonds. werieg 1ri..d.tlpaa is Le i tetlow te this
week Mint Jennie akin
the with fermi in St. 4soils.
bas s e e s wad sufiy
visited wilt man ala Leads
fewwy. with MIL sero lit this
week W. )seaway .nd
visited with the Isone 's to
Swatted this week 1.
Gomm_ **Sod wish his aware in Dew
Ase Olifireek T. W. Scott sweet
a Ihrms=le belidays with his cos -la
thewho Mn_____-skt
MsaW. 1t. Witham is Malta*
Meth orns. 1s Pmtls week
Mr..5d We. A. ire is Streit -
lett lin week ted Mrs. 1I.
visaed le Landes over the
ra4r . Bamiram� �i rola-
Jahn sod se visaed We
formai hams le abaft this week.
Mr. sod lies »Atmos spot
• law days is Meths past
work Ant Jelin i t►
with Eher hews ft.. D.
as 7 y dlhis
Mw. D. fast
watt... Mint y sisal
ptttloss weee is
M �.1s.t1...
pri We wok at
.whet �sn�wbr
A Boy Scone cegaaia•4oe has been
fosated is ppBtaweia �y�y�
h asW.psreabasd •pp • et�rg ptaat and
establish ' Rhe-Jossa.7" at Mirror.
The et Wro:.ter M oma of
the arglities it Harem enmity
ties will vote oo local 'option bylaws
sat January.
Delmer! Heir, • former Wighdm
bey. has been private ewe -
tory to Hos. H. Hsesst. t be sew
1itl b .r.1slasd•. Foresee ad Mow
t late B�� died Dash-
1 .
wood early es Tlswda swelling se
last week. She was eighty-two yeses
d age -
Mr. and Yrs. Jobs Monona.. 01
ITinostos, toesael at Win_bam,
celebrated their gam models.. un
nh srsa on October 1&b. Abort two
buindred old friends attended the re -
Os Wednesday. October Mth. Lao
was married is �. a prosperous tanner d
ataroh. ileatoeth. to Mime Josepbise
Ilse, of Tsckereeitb. Rev. P. Ooh
eors. officiated.
F a long illness Thomas
Upsiteb of Dunton, passed away
ets Friday, 20th ult., at the age of
tilt -Ave years. The deceased was a
native of Homo 'aunty and had spent
moat of his life in Ciliiaton. B.yleid
and Stanley township.
John Weide baa purchased William
PoetesiMH's tarm on the Parr line,
Hay township. far 58.900. This a tae
farm f owned by A. O. Bones
and it i ewe".ssd one of the very
beet in that township.
Mr. and Mata Robt. Armstrong. of
tenuity -8M fIb s ,sed masarry.1 tam wetd-
diet on October Milk, and were at
fiends ots she &seise thathuge orapeny ddatheir
The Reinhart Anssmsnt Co. bee
p revised the "Wedded" picture
show at Clinton and will re -open it on
November let under the name or the
Princess theatre. This company ime-
trois theatres in Guelph, Welland.
Preston and other points in Ontario.
Word has been received from Re-
gin. Soak., of the death in that city
of Rev. S. F. Brown. Typhoid fever
wan the e•use of death. Yr. Brown
was well known to • number at
Crediton, where a brotber of his re-
The death of Mrs. George Winn, of
Mullett, occurred suddenly at her
home on Wednesday of last week.
She bad not been in good health since
September and as attack of apoplexy
carried her away suddenly. Her bow
band and nine children survive.
Rev. Dr. O. A. t*ltTorrt, a former
pastor of Ontario street Methodist
church, Clinton, died at his home in
Stratford on Friday, October 20th,
after s short illness. Dr. Gifford wee
s pioneer preacher and a man held in
high esteem by all who knew him.
A pretty wedding took place at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cowitt,
Hillegreeo, on Wednesday of last
week, when their oily daugnter. Mbse
Emma A., was united in marriage to
Chas. T. Farquhar, sco of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Farquhar. Rev. Mr. Rich-
ardson. of Kippurs, performed ibe
ash etbaq thp meldience ed the Otsytoa. t ereloowg •
, dessed_h For. 1.11 -sestet the �eo-
. of about thirty A ekereks g •eta. The
bride wase a travelling a Navy
Moe and sneered =Wine
a .�Ymra
praOil the 4100. TSE. teal WineOO11 w
abd other points. T1sy will reside at
Pigpen, Meagem at 1xeter.
Fed Witwer. d ZaWeh, has per -
classed tie Luker property in gamer
North twat Janes Anthems and ex-
amen to mo.e his faoslly to that town
Wooly. air. Adse.os hes pereha.ed
•.tors en MAW et esut, Loma
W. Dtsyfa Ws. J is lime
bill faster sod�♦aaaspa.��i to a Moe Pmrk-
from Xr. Jaamhi•
Piaui Mae Ara Fespesiben
Sloes the pawls( d the motor ear
bylaw the lows smash! d Clinton has
been Abed another ,copse -
We to firs d
isnewfb A _tueeee
motes! imstrowae1 sh to pro-
pose to bssieses and are
eoeaaaakisg thdG ra sheold loss the
of whish $900 pee
ys•t wi hM l bask with five per
east. Meanst for ten years. The fine
gmat•stw be employ twenty hands
tlss year round.
QV r ---t oaf Raster Dest
A veteran bdsloset mss of Exeter
bee named b hie reward. in the perms
d Samuel DmmarlI 4r&m. who dOctober dlied casfistrudiayt
theof -one .. 1
ll wee born is
ate arr.m _ lothe year ed Os trade ot t!_
and 1. 1866 he emigrated to America
with bis wife. l at 8t. Thomas
and ether" pieces in Oratorio se well
a s is the United States. For a suss-
bsr of yams he 000ducted a back-
=Wiese. at Wiacbalses.
Dbwb yeas ago be peassd a
badmen in ducted yBaere. waist be con--
kedta. esM.•i. Heid.. his widow.
be i survived by two seas and ems
Parmiias is Serb lalhsta.
Peter Stewart, d Dreesda ie bene
from bis trip to Horth Dakota dost
an absence of about sC iseath. Be
owns farms there and was dist toleak
after his share of the mess They had
between 12.000 and 13.000 herb& .
grain, .11 of which wee threshed be-
fore Yr. Stewart esata east agait.
with the exception of the oat. The
market for wheat s was
98e.: 90c. to ad este.
40e. Mr. Stewart brought a eaaeple of
his wheat to Snowitake. Xaa.. and
was erected only Tae. few it. He as
the American fanner le mated in
netossa i be thinks reciprocity. wand f the
tome if residing in Dakota instead d
Canada Owing to the! ngooratiasmd
wet weather greet difiwlib was ex-
perienced in getting the grafi&
threshed. The what was
in the stooks and where it
sta :kd much of it wasibewlsg iP
g�rreeeeno from the same oartsn - This ess-
dision of affairs. Mr. Seewart Ufa,
will mean a serious lqp to mats /Yl
plowing also ham been greatly d mbiy.d
om account of the rain and as • dtemse-,
queoce barley and oats probably will
be sown extensively next year instead
of wheat. Mr. Stewart lives is Broo-
d s, where- his children are.semsing
the advantages of good .cboeliiS en-
der favorable ce ditiass than
could l expected on the farm in the
orreno i7.
The death of Adam Rion, a former
Huronite, and a brother of William
Rinne of Hunett township. occurred
at his home at Manitou, Manitoba, ora
October 191b. His death occurred
stddasl a, a result of an internal
hemorrhage. lir. Rinn was fifty-ei1
yews of age. H. went west about
thirty year. ago.
Mrs. Bartholomew Flynn. for many
hyee•wnrs a highly respected resident of
Wingbam died at the home of bee
niece at Winchester, Hampshire. Eng-
land, on October 7th. Slow was ty-
four years of age and was the widow
of the first town dirk of Wingb.nt
after its incorporation ss a town.
Mr.. Flynn returned to Englapd last
R. A. Dindey met with a painted
accident a few days ago while mnit-
bag� the we l.ieMsr at the test well le
driven into
Aldose w Mosley_ driven into .claps.
who was GU the Weald shwa. edbiPld
awl ubedid soamset his Owen was
brought on to the rim d the dadsg
just as the weiebt felt. The Diger wee
so badly smashed that it bad to be
A pioneer M Morris township, in the
peesoo of Joseph McKinney,b.s peered -
to hi bag bosses Mr. McKinney was
barn is Ireland In 1901 and same to
this eomntry is the year 1866, settling
in th1 township of Morris. He bed
been in falling health for over a year,
os amount of advanciag age, leaving
almost reached the foursome
a. vsd by two eons and two
Tbks thirty-fourth aanivptwry of
flsdseth *01101st thew* waw ah.
edged era ffog5ny and 1l.slto, Osla
bur fila and filth. Nev. R. I WWrser.
D. Lo ion p�e�/�.sse~ M
et the
. ervlaw as Erati y. Ori y ores -
tin Liss' All et the dear!!
s us* s�pto��
beenw . attlr wliwb a hbtiFi
tweet t was glow le the
A stent at the home of Ifo.
Jew* �°elmr�O�ros, term.
lows•. �'i[iyi maiNtlMlosd. Yev.
D. heist► eat !nonose•
the sn.msa on lbsahorK a�WO.11. ion Gn
sentreolipreemie eg partite. The hapy py s pt+e
left the arose ateretlowt bit a tisk to
lieseadgeswith tea bride•s meths+ fa
oke 11ur. Meal•. ss
10m. W. rr 1s-- _ - !!
was married b � ..
hem week
ether cause,
ithe i.nercr unfit
bet week W erten remake in per-
manent dinlgty.
••l ..Jere% i.r yawn with my
bmcb, er M40.7 ts.enble. and haw
tries a anishen d remedies from
diI.est physicians. More than a
Tear he, ewe of out local druggists
asthmas r to try
Drs Wks' Ala -Park Ala-Parkiris
and Jeer ..ring them sense three
swathe 1 head a decided improve -
malt is fog Wows, and I am glad
es wily dam I hope soon ee be fully
restored to beak." I. P. Aunt
11z,1stlio City Court, Glasgow, Ky.
As long se pais is a nay
ppart eer ta
gf the rot i impossible
L tie sysom�,harm disease to
w weakesed
the ...l er may be inclined.
Dr. Was'- Anti -Plats Pits
by steadying the irritated neve
tooter,, make refreshing sleep pos-
sible, thereby enabling the body to
recover lost strength. As a remedy
Mr peri. et any descriptioo Dr.
MIs.' Asti -Paha Pills are uesur-
raissa at~worwMl
Our Seyss Colleges bene been
set.biibed during the 30
The largest masers in
Canner► Owing to o&r manse -
tion "gall over Ontario, we de
Jotbrfor our o dn.tee than
sa11aat @shahshorYpait� WIZ
basoe and Stith at the
AMMAN' with The
Biluest re Am.daties ed Oat.
ad.. It wadi he well lair }ata
B.idmmve eight ko LAabi of
the w.dd-f ran-. Hies Beek-
�kgad�ai�a��gd: System. which -33. we --
is easel
fram Start to Helices •ei-tee
..serest keeps same bWok. as
Ohert red Hank. and Wholesale
Hooses. Rate any time.
Individual instruction.
Write, call ea 'phone for
ae d> ePOTTOS, President
MISS B. F. wA11O. vrtecipai
Semi -ready Tailored Suits
Made to Measure for $18.00
We uu afsow you 400 samples of the choicest wpm's&
blush Woollies petiorss-
Wevere.ta. Toed., srvm CM.iors, Vergers
luso 114 rep us =3i, l21, 123. up .o $35
Pods can osism tea aerie rem wast from 10 habeas pl.esr-
showrg dm *isthmian men's laebsrn' or Montreal, Leedom
said New York.
Nimes sou would bre bet t• ase &.amples of the superb
and iioonpwble Wiens, ear erre Sent. -reedy meson -we
lea shoes yon ths-
Yoh, may be noshed with .nada presnts* hse of tailorieg
►. o-, well n..4 be whoa )..o see clss opportunity this
woes :o yvr.
T7em we floe wee .iM ..v 'The Semi ties%. can Yom
ft; me Kiwi:. l.• es gay- i.• seae i e wui nuc saes
PO, oma cant 1. y.rda glia sat s+:..n.d.
This is the season of the year when the fancy of
both the young and the old turns to thoughts of
warm winter clothing.
Our Sweaters and Sweater Coats are made of
the best material and will give the best of satisfaction.
We have a splendid line of Overcoats -with the
convertible collar, the college and the dress collar.
We also invite your inspection of our line of Ulster
Coats. Our Leather Coats and Sheep -lined Coats
are just the thing for the working man who is out
in all sorts of weather.
AJ1 hinds of goods at all prices.
McLeri Bros.
Men's Outfitters Goderlch
Cold in theHead
can be relieved very .quickly by
using INTOLOZOxE, the dry air
method. Relieves immediately
and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at
F. J. Outland's Drug Store
wKedak Supplle. and Ow neral always in stock
=I 11:=111
The, Happy Thought Range
still leads the market. As we repeatedly
state the H APPY THOUGHT RANGE of two
years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT
RANGE of today. Every year sees improve-
ments. The Wm. BUCK STOVE Co. do not
change the name of their Range every time
they make any change. To the housewife
and the cook, the word "Happy Thought"
means satisfaction and the best that money
can buy. Call at our store and examine
the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied
that what we state is correct; and to back it
up we are willing that you take a Range
on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at
the end of the two weeks, you are not
perfectly satisfied you are under no obli-
gation to keep the Range. The old saying:
The proof of the pudding is On rating of it.
The Radiant Home Heater
is like the Happy Thought Range. It is
in a class by itself. it has no equal. It is
a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver.
Plumbing. Heating, Eavestroughing, etc.,
we give special and prompt attention, and
all work fully guaranteed.
National Portland Cement always carried
in stock.
Special Offer in Fencing
We have just received another car of
Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence;
and for a 7 -wire, all No. 9 Fence, 47 inches
high, we will sell it to you for 261c per rod.
while it lasts.
CHA'PhoebesS Couse �LF.�E 112