The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 6B. Windward.
asm say. lasted 1L* to Seabut meet
reuai•ed met these were
lee to Mr � f cwt team Melee
' worth Ie.45.
East Bufate Cattle Market
55*41' BVPTA Oat. M. -Ca
04Dta Qr hems: active:
ea deet, leo to ',lower ea oosm.s•
prim seises.�smee is eta .ialpptng,
tit. to K36; cow i• to ; suns. be
to 41.s:.ea.a.r. cove t to , 41 1.
cuts [cedar., ti 5• to 4L>r;
Moak hnte0. D.s 1► .15.
feteaieR t. the
*cum urs
>Kds-'.tenant. WI* head: active
te to 11e Weer; rams sae miss!,
to 1141. r sus to lea pts.
W M: �suzls 11.111 is 41: .lata. M•4.1!
R -M; 41r1w. 4.10 este
mew and tents. -assents, cele beat;
soave; sheep sten lamb. me ldghet;
Iasahn M to Oto )'; ewes, tt71 to
weta.ln WO to 4i.i .we.. 43 W SEW
.heel, nesse. 11.15 a i5 41.
New eerie Uv. steep.
NNW TORIC, Oct. m-Bwves--li�tpl.,
555 bee; beet sterns 1me hlttrer• other!
siL•er to now: brow steady to lee kiw-
oow. steady, steers, 44 to rid, bulla
to 41.1x; cows 4236 to 34.M. fat helt.ra
(hives-Recolpts. 75N head; marker
Steady to a abode lower; v
M 1* hie: t'w chole. at f"*; cul
44:, 51.74 m. owl!"
4 calls.
.setbera and western calves, 44.50 to N.M.
resp tad Lambs-g.o.lpts. 14.140 head ;
snag steady; lambs slow to tee lower/
*MOO .ere aawld; streets, St to 55.D
hila 55.E to [ to K'1•: tsnba. 14.10 to 11.36;
:snits- RspWpla, t?l>M heed. marpe
.wee at 01.10 to 45.36: a few at ill;
Mea iiw45.s. ,
dskage Live
0HICA0O, tot K--( tt1.-Recetpte,'
suet market mostly tee higher: moms&
11.11 to 4136 Texas MMora. M to t..0; w
era steers. jt.$ to 57; stockers tad
lei. etre r sic teem and betters.
me 44.36; este,io 111.411111.11&:
to $ 4.
�1.ig11111t1(tt.5.--g.swlsb, 35;554: ntar#et alar►;
heave. wD to M.A, ram «*.11 to
seed to Beaten lhioaas�aa,,, UNE
«s to 41.36 alrnl
N36to36.55; 500*4 55.104.M
merht si
Canadian People Are Imperialists but
Not Jingoes -Recent Election Has
No Bearing err Tariff "Reform"
Agitation -British Colonial Secre-
tary Joins in Admiration of Can-
ada's Grand Otd Mar..
A banquet given by the Royal (ol-
(tnial Institute, Lond
honor of Eats Grey the Pfeilr
d of oMee as at
Th Governor -
Wats noteworthy occasion.
tlsh Colonial Secretary, the
Ri Wee Lewis Hateourt, presided,
Was solve .ed at the principal
by Rail Moto, Sir J. Bevan $d
wat�a, the Duke of Marlborough
tearrington, the Hight lion.
1•y'tt'lt�on, M. P., liars futodortald
Bert tsrsssey. The general bod
the guests included practically
leading men its British and Can
Str Wilfrid's Great Services.
After the usual loyal to.ats,
dee" met., proposing the healt
the guest of the evening, said
Gee) 'e -departure from Canada
tided with Sir Wilfrid L erier's
netiou. Mr. Harcourt said he
quite sure there was no aa•ewbl
lariu..h people who would not, moment to pay a tribute to that
distinguished Prime Minister. and to
expi eel tteir grateful sense of tee
greet services he had rendered so
Dian) years to the pepped.* and
peri[) of the Dominion to wbi
degvoted his great intellect and
eigo divergencies upon the la
policy of Canada could detract f
the warmth of gratitude felt for
great achievements of his pet ca
Esti Grey's Carter,
wen oowtelwttd ba fair Wilfred
ewe wards, "that the twentieth
tarry belee die Canada," aed in the
greenest amain as Ottawa lea'os4
on the arvi aI of the Duke of Oos
naught, " our country. OaaJ&
our e."
Leer -1 An (open Latter to the sof weds Men
cm- of Wetmore Ontario.
Are jou plana
- - November Otb,
Wagtails Ontario Mea. Miesiosary
Coeventiom, which sesta at that time,
will he um of the most iaapstast
teatime ever beta in this dMa4o. 1
win bare a unique putt and imamate
it the future awakening of tie church
to its world uppoetuatty. And 1t +4
sere to bale a most Impuetaot
on the future of Christian lite
service le Western Ontario.
/t la dlt salt to state the posrlbis io-
a teeoe s significance of this eel
7 special invitation, some
bemired& of repr esso tative sen front
the surrounding territory will attend.
Over five hundred seen are expected
Gant outside of Leaden. Wesley gall
will be crowded for three days with
tit► largest, the most representative.
sad the neat influential assessbty of
men who have ever gathered for se
sublime a purpose. To be' a delegate
in this part of the Province at this
convention will be to receive probably
the mightiest spieituai lame sties
wbich bra. ever come to your life.
Hundreds of mem will be revolution-
ized in their thinking and life -purposes
by the influence of this assesublaRe.
In mew of the infinite ,,possibilities
of this convention. we vectore to ap-
peal to you along three lines :
First : That you attend yourself if
you can possibly arrange to do se. •
Second: That you use your best
endeavors to induce suitable mem to
become delegates, as our of the surest
ways of influencing them to a domin-
ating missionary life -purpose, and
thereby- mu see this rrnpreegon in
your own locality.
Third : Thu you make the conven- '
ion an object of special preyer,for the
ullest blessings of God upon all its
Yours very truly,
On behalf of executive committee,
. K. 11. Porn, A. J. RoantaoN,
Oberman. tfooventien Secy.
Loodon, Ont., October 13th, 1911.
!tom to be at Lstodoo Liverpool an/ Chicago Wheat Fut
'ltJ! and gib tr
Tb. Ainnzetios
Continuing (lie, said : In
justice to Bir Wilt Laurier, my af-
teetion and athenaeum ter that die
ti■guasbed metes/eau require me to
sal that he aid kis Goma natant were
acetated by no annexation sentiment
in the policy they adopted, 81r Wil•
slid Leerier was fully persuaded that
hi. peaky it adopted would strengthen
both Caasda and the Crown.
t<enemic Advaategea of Reciprocity.
To secure the free entry for prod-
uce, of the fermi rad 4Lberies into a
protected market et mealy a hundred
mllliur S by the oe rrci al
admission to t geswM a tr'oui he
United States and •lit tithing duties
uo agricultural is which
have beet taut -sed b
• Earl .sr+cultural interests, appeared to Sir
Alfred Wilfrid Laurier 10 be an economic ad
and vaatege which be was bound to se-
eof rept for his country when the unm-
an the 'he reach.
opportunity placed it within
ad It was certainly in no
cense a policy of dislike to a closer
connection with the Mother Country.
the I The people of Canada, /weever. sniffed
a greet danger in them proposals.
hKm I
of , (Cheri 0. Molly or wrongly, it is
man -
not fur Inc w say, thousands of Libel
re.ig ale feared that their adoption might
w•ea J toad them into closer unioa with tbe
y of United States. 1'he recollections of
whim 1 past harsh treatment suffered from
the (suited States were present in
their minds end the great and abound-
ing pre verity of the Dominion all
combined to strengthen the ns.tional'1.
resolve to vote down the policy f
which, however advantageous to their e
material intricate, was one in which
they eeented a poesible danger to fis-
cal independence and national auton-
omy. Canadians have shown love for J
ch be
en -
t he their counts to be superior to every
other consideration, thereby just
Ing their belief in the Empire and its
coming greatness. To these who do
not know the Canadian people as 1
Ali. know them a revelation is afforded by
up- i the recent elections of the strength
bed and vigor of national sentiment in
old 'Canada. and which must have been
mo.t welcome. It did not, however;
require this new revelation of the tra•
dittenal spirit of Canada to convince
those already acquainted with the he -
tet), and character of her people.
Tbetr attachment to national institu-
tions in connection with the Rmpire
was fur too deeply rooted ever to be
Canadians Not Jingo Imperialists.
In an eloquent reference to their
"limited Empire" and the loyal sacri-
fices it entailed, Karl Grey continued :
-"Lit it tie dear) understood that
the Oesadian people are not in Gym -
pithy with any form of Imperialtam
whit involves the idea of the sub-
jection f a self-governing people to
any eutbority outside, or to any form
of government involving the idea of
o Lite:t'•esivenees or arrant in-
erenoe with the rigbta of others.
Canadians are e11 Imperialists and"all
Quebec and the Navy.
Thi Crew Nigher -Live Steck-
Latest Quetatieru.
tea ` Mhga lel
eprieRPOz Oct. atflo-e themeae in
Itai. t -tor the es -
la ,.. Meetre eAMA as welt
t sad vale b W Mame
mss '~`- was an stream ea Um Arse
tare int Y Ayres me Winnipeg ee.
red dsmaad ter
vises trees
ls anime eg, cements
1 d re W taws. 7s.t tae man
levereett. es • Aremituet the newt rw
sad the weather mousses .asstese.
At the tile' tae Marplit ws. dull. Xt
to ne . Metter than on ttst -
CHICA00,e0r . al-Millere buying
large seaatIllig1 ct cast wheat bar* se-
, dayeft. *.'pe4ftreas
mist s
}�- T>s• tKesd>• at!-fe a,' -se to S-Iadvance pore finlale
ed 1-4c to 1-28 higher than aysrd.ale
Turning to Barl Grey's returi ,
Harcourt said it was no reflection
on his honorable and distinguis
successor to say that Canada wo
gladly have seen Earl Grey's Gofer•
norship indefinitely prolonged. Mr.
Harcourt quoted many administrative
acts for the strengthening and solidi -
tying and even of extending the Do -
sateen during Earl grey's term of
Canada and United States.
Luring the last five years the Can-
adian Government had been in dose
touch with tbe Washington Ambassa-
dor, and through him negotiated a
settee eat treaties and arrangements
of the highest possible value to the
amicable relations between Canada
and the United States.
"1 sum not referring at this mo-
ment." added Mr. Harcourt, amidst
laughter, "to the recent reciprocity
proposals. 1 don't think in my oM-
cull ;position any advantage would be
gained by discussing those 'strcum-
stances. I bad in my mind other
agreements which in public estima-
tion have been overshadowed by those
proposals. Practically every out-
standing question between Canada
and the United States has either been
se'tled or plated in the way of settle-
Dominion's Advanced Policy.
The Colonial Secretary proceeded
to say that Karl Grey had witnessed
and assisted in the advanced naval
and military protective forces of Can-
ada, and during his Governorship
had also witnessed pernaps the great-
est and most rapid extension in ooen-
iiiereiel and agricultural prosperity
ever recorded In Canada's history.
Mr. Harcourt flintily referred to the
charm and ability displaed by Lady
Ore% , and cocluded : We welcome
Earl Grey back as a great Governor,
agreed fellow, and a true friend.
Earl Grey Replies.
kard Grey bad a rousingg reception
on rising to impend. Alluding to his
welcome, he said : "It is a great re-
ward for aware yearn' constant effort
to serve Canada and the Crown.
beefily think eucb a reward is
served when the conditions of my Goy
ernorship ere considered. i have
said more than once that I believe I
bad been privileged to occupy the
most pleasant billet in the whole Em-
pire. It is no ordinary privilege in
an atmosphere of undiluted optimism
and condi:mad new development."
Alluding to the humorous opening
remarks of Mr. Harcourt, Karl Grey
said : "it. is quite true that he and i
have differed cooly in opinion. i never
recollect, during the twenty -Ape year,
1 have been connected with him. a
spetieh with which iso beartily agree
as that which be has just concluded."
(Laughter.) Mori Grey proceeded to
acknowledge the references to lady
Grey wed his doughter., and referred
1.0 the willing and ungrudging co-
operation of bis cheerful and gym.
pathetic Matt i feel, with the shadow
of the Goverruor•ahip vein upon me,
that it would be out of place to hive
expression to any individual views
upon-ubjects 0f public controversy.
No Anaezatiists in Canada.
"It may be possibly objected by
tome people that Quebec, tad, per-
haps, other Proviocee, are opposed to th
any participethon in e naval defence
of the Empire. For the moment that
is true. But I honestly believe it is
for the moment only. ft is my con -
victim that the reluctance of the
Fremotl-deeomded citizens of Quebec
is due not to any lack of apprecla tion
for what lbs British Empire amens to
them, but solely to lack of appreci.._
tion of what are the requirements of
the Empire. To exaggerate the idea th
of its omnipotence 1 to tell Ibsen e
Empire requires resistamoe, to the them
habitants of Quebec seems to em
absurd. Once let them grasp the true
fads of the situation and 1 am confi-
dent they will prove tbeenselves es
ready todo duty to the fag se they
were in the days of Moott*Jm or cm
the field at Chateauguay.
From the point of se -if -interest
there are none more shad the
I the metal
Quebec who stand to gain
fronte claval supremacy of the gm-
- pine. There Is no part of the weld
where the Roman Catholic church
enjoys oquallygrest privileges as are
ggyaarranteed to Quebec bye British
Notkh An. tics Act. AlUm
tbeee g: eat
and free exceptional privileges are se-
cured to the Homan Catbolic. of Que-
bec hy the British navy"
Visit Canada.
Karl Grey concluded by an earnest
appeal to his t.istinguisbed audience
W make it a point of honor to visit
Canada. "Believe me. it is absolute-
ly impossible, however vivid your im-
agination, to understand Canada by
remaining on this side tit the Atlantic.
I am satisfied that just as in the case
of Canadians visiting the Itnited King.
dem .o in the case of Englishmen
visiting the Dominion, all wilt go beck
prouder than ever of British chosen•
ship, sod more confident of a bright
and glorious future."
1 lean say, however, with the great-
est confidence that with the exception
of on nrraudonsl crank here or tbere
it is impossible to find an annexation-
ist throughout the whole of Canada.
Cased* aid Tarte Referee
1 sa) with equal eunfidenoe that
notwithstanding tumuli desire to the
coin trot y a bete is no expectation in
('anads that the retina Canadian el-
ections should 1.' used for indudiss any
change in the taring of tee United
Kin/dons. it cannot be too dearly
understood that Canadians ale *.
averse to the Mea of interfseiog in
your Ins, affairs se they an. to any
irrtMesenee evoour part in theirs.The method Ivy which the self-govern-
ing 0oaisioss may collect tev.iea
twyul by these to felall net only idea by O asediame as sal i
emi mit-
ter withie the sote• jer{slMtioe d the
Derlateas esessend, They de sat
with to Int dare with the dash, of
Um pee* et the Ti.UM Kangas' to
rtaise rerse.. Is eseb a way .. may
•eat hePlisti snuthole
`salmon ti NM& said t4
cott's for November is decidedly en_
tertaining.The novelette is 'The
Island," try Augusta Rortaeeht, who
bite one hook -"A Dixie Rose"- aid
a number of clever short Retries to
her credit. "The Island" is a striking
story, with an original setting and
origins! oharactere, and a denouement
that is not ret the cut-and-dried vari-
Zam-Bak Wig Care Thea.
The particular danger of chapped
hands and cold cracks (apart auto -
$ether from the pain) is that the cote
as likely to penetrate and set up in
flaamation, festering, or blood -poison
Directly the skis is broken bya cut,
graze, or scratch, or chaed and
araoted by the action of the cold
winds acid water, the one necessary i
=Lion is to apply Zsrn-But
The pure barbel 'elms from which 1
-Bnk is peept,'ed are eo perfectly
combined and mewed that the immed-
iate effect of thaur sY•-Bok dressings
is soothing. andeepfic, and healing.
Pain and infamshation are allayed,
disease germs expelled front the
wound or sore, and the latter is qukk-
ly healed.
lessa-Buk is not only a powerful
boiler and skin purifier ; it is strongly
antimptic f ideal d germicidal, aid so
evilest disease ger•ms_tion for the skin
It quickly beats cold cracks. chaps.
chilblains, odd sores. etc.
Mrs. U. M. Phoen, Neuchatel, Alta.,
writes:- "1 must tell you bow pleased
I am with ism -But. My husband
bad an told frostbite on his toot for
many yi ass. and had tried almost
every ittiown without saiy
affect, but he first application of Zam--
Butt seemed to beatp tum eo much that
be persevered and the sore is now
cured. We would not be without
lam -Bok in the house."
Zam.Buk u also a sure cure for
piles, eczema, ulcers, sbeoepes. scalp
sore., blood -poison, bad leg, eruptions,
etc. Ito purely herbal composition
makes it the ideal beim for babies
Lod young cbt,dren. All druggists
and shotes sell Ism -flak 60c. box or
poet free from Zsm-Bak Co., Toronto,
for price. Try also ?.am-Iluk Soap.
96c. tablet.
Had 'Em Again.
Those who went to Toronto to hear
Maude Adams in "Ohantecler" wUi
emaciate the following story that
apyeats In Lippincott's:
on -picture actors
and companya uesemogaveua pertwm nce f
••Cttenteclet'' on the Remade adjoin-
ing the suburban stndiu of a blm-man-
utaetunng company. A latae tater
one mt the actors, out for a walk, came
upon a atsa55 seated by the roadside
and weeping bitterly.
"What's the metierr inquired the
sympathetic player.
l in roe of the patieoto at the mei-
tt,aatt•iuw for bugs over yonder," ex-
(rlsimed the deepening one. 'Yester-
day the dui RAM 1 was well -boo-boo
an teat I could leave in a day or
two. Aud what au you suppose I saw
this scorning t Roosters auu hens mix
feet high tied talkie' just like uuretane 1
it 1 get away frum that sanitarium in
ten years, I'll be doing mighty well."
Advice About Stomach Treeless and
How to Relieve Them.
IM not neglett lodige.ciun which
may lead to.l. nota of ills and con_'
nuc* feud teat ninety -flit, per teat of i
pboauuna An eriimeept physician
with. tue of the huueao Lady bee.
their utlgln in A dieuruer d .tornach.
(Mr experience with He tall Dy.p.p.,
sis Tslal"ts leads us to tielie.e them i
beam. .ug the moat depenuable remedies
sly. Among the short storim,...Tee knui*r sir Lb. rebel 01 '.,fifers Me reed
Amason." by Julian Hawthorne, "'runic dyspelr.w. The" Ingreeleats
et ands' out prominently. This is a SOOIhsi.g'Ad heeling leLheranamedare
unique, not to say fa/ emetic. tab of of lire aou.aede Thee
adventure la South America. J on' See its roe tit tLr grealeat I
K.ed %cat. whin wrote ••ft Her Own dl4U•uve rata knows to leedidele
Right," •The Oolsmel of the Red TON iul.vf they &CAW b ver, pr, apt. 1
qua•at+," etc., oosueibstee ••Ile use wits pwaiswocy mei nem -
Affair of the Preened," a tttrostg bare, lura meet tine tsarss to bring
of ilia garret firryie., Other wore(. abuse a ceeaaajst of ibe pane caused
abnreato hes are •iirieMhaw'• Ave., �er..
ogy by Rifts O. 10w 1 " i hate Rimed Dyspepsia Tablet* help to In -
Hest Friend," b�� Km mend rnsn Maltby appatit.•. u+ old digestion,
Patterson ; -Tis Pbsr-15sehss.." by and 'bar pe.nse• nannies. As evil
liable, Olmsted ; • Uesle�_. *oat- donee of oat aMrnQe faith 1s ROOM
twee," hy Marsh Peery slot "The Dyspepsia p� we eek you to sty
Token.* by Ileaith while
The them at our intik. If /My so tent View
for New- yea setae sltiseamiss, ire whit mama W
emberisM • The yaw the w.osey roe pear Ise fur thane.raki
there Is t ltwlMeiNBrnw "*athis tom' � destks or, be
iiaelrnr ohms tedda by the Obesemem te same es. 115 eyelet M ma.
Maga- aha IMAM Maaaatabar. yeti aim Meant
•: MOO tail am/7 at ger store- Ike R, ae'aq
' q Mare. M. la Duelist. a ns.& ewe of Moe
lead oats up 1 -tic to 1-llc. Latent trate
! fag showed het products varying threes
1 1 -Se decline fit a rain of a aiekaL
The WtaN/i•!t grain exchange wan pence
ed all day y for the bond.$•
Bt�sfa Grain Market.
BUFYALO, Oat-* -lt firing wheat easier;
No. 1 aortae/IL earloa store, 11.1T Hss
tat lower; No. $ red, NM, No, t eirf, iia;
No. 2 ewe. 41.
Oorn_U No. 3 yellow, 77m5t�
No. 4 70110*, c. au on track, thte,
Oats-!'trtner- Nu, 2 white, Sle; .•o- 6
Whitt Dille; Na, 4 whit*, II%e.
narley-ltaltfas, 11.17 to 51.27.
Minneapolis Grain Market,
YINNRAPOLr, Oct. f0. - Close._wpmO
ao�.ij1LIT% to sie77�; ear. Nil to j�lL.1t
11% neseinal; No 1 hard, Et
Ko. 1 northers �t .i to p .4554 to arrive:
*is t. 11.Mi4; Ifo. northern. *1.(�i toj
*AM to ante 11.04% to p oe s, No. 11
wheat. 'LAI to 1p.ta.
.t.-`ilo. ! while,. 74e to e.
o. t white. 15isc to sec.
re -No. f1 free.
. Erne -N2 to pt.10.
ileal .Theft ��testa 11.* to 41.0;
tef ���MA6 i1W to 16.10; ttrst clears, at
$111 ameed cicala, 1t.M to +t.
TaretM$ • Grein Marks.
Willes goo .manes tc D to M
:l aces, gone` bu# et .,e A i ft
irhel 0 n
teas, mishit
. 75
Taowb Dairy Market.
utter, eters .Isis • M
daffy, lb• f7
flatter, Ib rolls., • 10
R"' .. solids • Dt
coullIO damn 2 60
xtradetr ib
• cess ter • E
CHs, new. ID 0 16
a 1541
Union Stock Yards.
TORONTO, Oct. it -Receipt* of
live stock at the Union Stock Yards
were 151 carload-, consisting of 9'16!
cattle, 598 hogs, 9 sheep and Iamb/
I and 68 calves.
S. L. We•dwatiyeoouses. for Swift 4
Mx steers, >M 4 4, each, at mteo to Ma
I ! elm. 1[s�iaess* bought sight eartoeda l
Zr!u ss ! a«Mloands meg the �8.!
�wa7 char,.
iBest loads d bot hers' cattle sold hetsi
41.0 to s.36t;� loads. RA to tity
.inersoa b' Iyi bots �buittii M
Er: butcher 41 tori; canners, ��MM
per cwt.
1 St ' 5Nr..
8 111 to U N li . e•ek, void at Se
to 41 and ora tot at 41.36; steges, NO to
i µ at ha tom %; stockers, 4eis
Mikan awsera, i
t games �t.Hmktetkerso and eprieger. Bolt a�
thk tenni oke Dat cafy ono esti
_ tar Calvesalves _ 1 ,
K Y. V0$1 minas good tat o
rltaa� et 41 to SUS cwt.
sled Lamb..
Mw sat Iambs s.ld at shout stn
Meal. ewes. sold at ills til K
>e.i - v at sen te 43: 1,
at ti.0. esteet 4 owes
"mars the Razor
for Mer
thee, a Both,
bees ha
Mint c. +. MIN
Caeitustee ger . Wi m +-
A shave or tiro with
Itis new GILLETTE Safety Razor, and a man wonders
why he worried akmg without one for so bit$.
Maximum Coesfart-the GILLETTE, used
the Angie Stroke, slips lightly through the *Mea beam
with never a pull, never a gash. ].eaves the face mesa
0004 and refreshed.
M....... Trouble -no hoottlg, no strop/Msi se
pal manoeuvring rowed the awkward cornus of your
face. You simply pick tip the GILLETTE and SHAVE.
whether It's the thousandth tint you've used It or the first
Why deny yourself any loogetr ? Your druggist. your
jeweler, your hardware dealer of your haberdasher can
You -
The GEM Saktj !taws Cs. M Candi. liar/
OHM. gad Fester,: e3 St. A ereer .r seek 5itl.uenJ .
teak.. gam nommissuaemi.rissita•
litrriifg itis.
va B to Ks a 4LI;
wemerrn. 36 to .ti.
Urge DeatteDe ying Trip.
�ars Palls, fist., Oet. 31. -el. •
he deelarea after his rapids'
t�blip M� Misr beat $star.
agai attempt the
tram �A Larsen will
sum by a erennettes of
Wire tithe sa. wbe will ergs
athwwirerria alb win•
•t OP lar
The Hand
That Cooks
The Dinner
is the hand that rules the world.
In spite of what they say about
"cradles", the stone is the all -import -
sat factor in "home -rule" A
is the best patentee that the "hand" will keep your home tsovigg it tee
right dlnetioe of meow tad health.
nesse call Ind erne oar line of GURNEY-OxyORD STOVES and
KAMM theft are beat and mid on boner. The Cltaseeller madOxford an with tie Milled Come ta„r,_,
of show
eslavlaw aendliso device ism timeam�fs.l>M.Itaiktouc'
It and Erects odea ftp We gyj�aey
Ise bathesall s
haat equally ever ***ores.- .
Thaw w1 ethers anco. The _ ern snits Gee
p t die *NON thee wMel-wastr
the are deans
want w dtmmintllr le peer sake sitheserioe.
now 10
1, 1913
A161o �a
RO >.„V
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Come in and
1t yes see not already ae•
(initiated with the merits of
tri • eslapie order. You
tarn be metal's of seeoring
seasonable goods here at .11
lli a
Oar 'phew sereshar
itil. 0tw es w Orli. -'illi
gaallty of0105536554, win mei-
vista yea
Sturdy & Co.
Os The Square
Brophey Bros.
The Leading
Found Directors
sad Embalmers
Orden carefully attended to
et all hours, niget or day.
Tr'a mai To err TE.s esw
end you'll make no mistake when
you leave your order with
w..e et TM Up.5s.dels Tari.
Waited Iuedi*teIy
mtmion w.141 t.rtcambia sjeetsiM
lase to fret end'. tr year
the welt Utes Pee pss•iralts sled
400 Aerie
re treatmbeisteste
M egetsn'w.
• 14.1 -To etiersare 1 36 ear
1 00 ORM. write beand Prima
83 Calls
were rseaived last mos* for
Dasa belp-117 we eit swabs.
Dietmiaaaeooi forthat we ehr trulassret go
er retied tattles'
etoeey," if >►us1 ace eo
eellea4* write tar our
W. H. Shaw, Pties:OtL
• seesio 1nelopooOa+t : Ahad