The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 5LOCAL T
oicarwee Ale Work.
umi Children's Aid
, 767r;d Toepplyeiolast
e@sle„e. with a. l
R as to Rhe work whish
'; healn in Heron
sorron y.
H. u visiting SuatfooNedoe I
metrethis week la to PM is
kaueledtte of the 67440.6 tens
two rout roe ha aase l.g ea this
r,.dt&te OARS
to b$ Notice and
in 'ire
dee ankh them
A change in the bmsiness eoatrul cf
No an-
° Wades Barer has b
W. bid on The
Amnon Expositor. mm
Mere in rod es.eseid sosll:ot of
jog journal. The *WarOnager ere
tbe i video
w "ser r We
it is gas only
detsoty a ur satire* err& the lay
d Hamilton. The ave reprises* has
beenwr since bectediThe s(. bi o
pest four years be bs w pelalpal
editorial and besieges resieet of
pot paper. He is •$ elem. newspaper
me er,.gbout this has
wb i
virblsy hits the beat d moms 1a his
esw venture.
A sew journalistic venture which is
wag planned is that of F. J. Wick-
wire, reeeotly eo.mseted with Ta.
Suter limes, bat now of The Oredi-
toe Bear. He purposes ga.datleg &
chain of newspapers( having his phot
anted at Dashwood. and (twahh!l.egg
The Crediton Star, The Dashwood
Pioneer and a Bayfield paper. The
Zurich Herald also ie to be printed
for Editor Zeller.
To the Highlands o1 Ontario.
Friday afternoon of this week, R.
B. !tallows, portrait lied landscape
photogr.pher, leaves os a trip into
c H ands of Ontario. where be
will spend the next two weeks taking
views for the advertising and public-
ity dspertinent of the G. T. R. He
has • threefold object in view in mak-
iag ie. trip. In the Arse instance be
gess in response to an Invitation ex-
uded by the tmenager of Highland
lea, Alrtouquio Park. tu aeeosepany f
party on it deer-bmdst trip. His
mod object in is es emu. •
amber of good on to
anbt the G. T. 11 pu y depart -
mem in edvertbiieg the bunting
geosode of Northern Ontario. A
guide will mere him at Canoe Isle
station and from there they will go la
to the rbantive by moos. portage
and cadge road. A amibee of ramp
may be visited if the material M not
available at the fleet one. Finally, it
winter weather prevails and there is a
seowfall io Algonquin Pari, Mr. 8al-
tnre purposes
.pforth g tb••••ejw•se onderf pic-
beauties of the park In the winter @Na-
sus. This is Mr. S.lIows' edgbth
into the New Ontario wilds and arch
time he accumulates & wealth of
koowlsdge regarding the wonderful
resources 01 Mat 1.rtbern •onrstry.
He eapecta to be back &bout Novem-
ber 16th.
Tee Annual Success.
Although the wet weather inter-
fered somewhat with the stteadanee
et the bot supper and entertainment
provided by the .ladies of Victoria
.trvet church on the evening of
Thentegiving Day, it nevertheless
was a vary successful eveot. The
seiner who sat down to partake
of the go.xd things provided was a
lugs one. an indication that this
annual event is as with the
public as eves. The t Inner pro-
gram that was provided proved to be
an excellent entert.ainrnest, Rev. Dr.
Medd, pastor of the church, made a
capable chairman. Mr. Lymnburner
pre an address of welcome and abort,
nen ioterestieg. speeches were de-
livered by Hev. J. Pollock, Rev. A.
Brown and Hey. Deo. S. Roes. A
cornet solo by Mr. Kerslake, readings
by Miss Bekker and Miss Uibb. solos
by E. C, Belcher and Miss Belcher all
went toward furnisbins an entertain -
went that was tboroughly m)oyed by
a1L A goodly mum was reals from
the eerier and suflleieet provision.
remained "rwr to allow the serving a
ten -cent dinner oo Use following
by. The ladies of the church are to
beeoegratidsted on the SUCCORS which
Weeded their efforts.
Oath of Mrs. Junes Tutt
Tbe Parry 'found North Star of
October el contains a redmeace to the
death of Mrs. James lett, formerly a
tkh county, as follows :
Thera died in the township of Me -
1• ,u Friday, October IOtb,
o°s king resident in the Parry
Swed district, Mrs. Jamas
Ban in the township of Hay. Huron
e0s°4• in 1>tbt, she was married
Oodericb. in '1171. eked rosovd
ber (171 he towso
/ about the yew Monteith,
"iff1 Sound distriet, where
resided for six }ossa They thenm-
the tows they have d noddedsaw *Doc She was • true wits.
sol mother. and • ked sad
net bbor. Mb. asks ..say
a twds w ohs lived by bee
tensa f die
Ww esidomB
tO .si, w.. Wi be ve yal.aaay
LJoh. gogh‘
Ni one Mss are 7Y.
lits. Ado Mc-
troalring int-
Mr. will
lailmem, Tr.
leatme Mr.
r pt,, .e, is her
oa ithisAre . 'itiia ie the
`.a feletive TIDbee O fwesal
_ °s rtY•y Ostoter lath,
sed was oats d the MOM PirrYaa..
bow tributes wee
NOM and of the
M- fe e.+o,gy A
w asg r' owwass
freer et wars and
awee ` .sten
Oehler Trento.
• dm.prob from Beast -
feed awe a tomer Ooderlch
=Hoes A. Haskell win not be •
hese for the usual snood
Maes as mayor $s aaeoouoed today
tb•l he will M•ve,Heenatard In Jauu-
m7 nest to mums eosirol a the
ronto. McKee
pueebalaeadf. His
bee bow
Mickie. Dram (lot sny hes. f •
member of years. da fitg which dm be
ditto e • very el r.usteipal
At Oast% Grillo.
Oas d kb. later arrivals at the jail
is sly k sC s as 'Slim W<o)bck. eoHe
wee 1 arrested a tinorthers rt' towwlin a
et outass algin his
wife midi the family. On
et sesmaldng his wife ane
W. appearance before tbe police magis-
trate he wsa deed 16.50 and costs or
twenty -ow da in jail. Tbe same
da bt wife had a aerie of assault
over0gf4S4 le and be was bound
n $l1 keep the pesos or In
default to speed six months le jaiL
The money sot beteg fostbcoming he
was brought to h
cial Ooostable Pbippen.
First of the Y. M. C. A. Course.
The first entertainment of the Y. M.
C. A. coupe for thin season will be
on Thursday nest, November Ob. in
Victoria Opera House. Tbe talent
for all these entertainments bas been
procured from lbs Oaaadian Redpath
Bureau mod is guaranteed to make
good. Messrs. Roger. and Orill1ee y,
who appear on the VVth, come highlf
recommended by the Y. M. O. A.
They have base on the
Y. M. O. A. course in London for erre
era years sad always draw a crowd
and give complete aatietmetioo. Mr.
is an expert harpist and Mr.
is a fleet -clan entertainer. Be
sure to hear them. Mee ad. on page 1.
Huron Old Boys of Toronto.
The annual meeting of the Huron
Old Boys Association of Tomato will
be held in the committee room of the
Prins George Hotel, Toronto, on Fri-
dayevening.November 17th, at 8
o'clock. for election of °filcen and
the transecticn of business. Special
*direness will be diliveted by the fol.
lowbig • Rev. Z. pastor se
Shapero avenue IL_
(foraserly of Goderekbl, on '•Remin-
tt.aoc»eooeeeea of the Old poonty" ; W. E.
Groves, principal of Ryerson school
(formerly of Wingheaue oo 'The (Hd
Schooldays in Huron"; R R. Oasnmy,
M. P. P. for Manitoulin. on The
Resources of New Ontario." Major
Joe. Beek is president of the Associa-
tion and E. Floody is secretary.
The Wrecked Azov.
Dan McDonald returned on Tues-
day from Southampton, near which
place he bad been for several days
•zaminiog the abandoned schooner
Azov, wbicb lies on a bank at Nine
Mile Point. So far the efforts made
to float the vessel have been mune-
careful. He grade an exernin•t en of
the bare and toured that the damage
was greater than was supposed after
tbe derelict was first located. The
hull was In a very bad condition and
the rigging is ruined. The cabin also
was completely destroyed. In a
search for articles that were left be-
hio•l wben the crew's hurried depart-
ure was made from the vessel. one
oboe of six difereot pairs was found,
while, strange to relate, an old pair
which had been thrown aside, hiving
**eon better days," was found close by.
The cargo of lumber in the hold wan
still intact end as it is ♦aleeed at 12,11[10
further efforts will be made to recover
Mr. Kilpack Leaving London.
The following from Saturday's iun-
don Advertiser will be of interest to
liodericb readers : The choir of Fit.
Matthew's church the other night
showed their appreciation of the ser-
vice inn their organist and oboirmaster,
Martin B. Kilpack. by presenting him
with a watch fob and beautifully en-
graved locket upon bis leap ug the
city to assume the sane position in
Christ church, Chattanooga, which bas
a choir of fife members and is con-
sidered one a tbe best in the State of
Tegoeaee. He received his musical
education et Guild Hall Collate of
Music, London, IChg., and was resistant
organist at the noted Anglican cbureb
of St Andrews Croydon. Surrey. Be-
fore owning to London he was organist
and choirmaster in St. Luke's. Peter-
horo. and St, George's. Goderich. Mr.
Kilpack left by the 8 o'clock C. P. R.
train last night and the choir wish
him every suave in his new field of
Wath of Father McEvoy.
The death is announced at Jersey
City, New Jersey. of Res. Felber
James P. J. McEvoy, who died at the
residence of his nephew, John A.
Brsan, in that city. He will be re-
membered as a former pastor of Rt.
Peter's 'hurch, Gnderich, and for
years he was connected with St Basi?.
obeech and 8t Miohaol'.Oollege, Tor-
onto. Father McEvoy was bons in
County M 1rda.d, alit --eves
years and eightywhom ears ad came
to New York, whew Ms fatmmr became
a.moewtul asset R After stud
at St. PeteetCisrap., in New Port.
St, Chrism Osa+e. BlM1tt City,
■., where niesi westhe
atowl the b 5I -
rmt In NIL SM
Wee wee was ordered
sett Meer he went w Aa.eesy Corers
es a pmelemeor. Aral seeded aro
yore there he was to g1. >lsl
end erred therm and
at g• et. ,Mlehwrs s Team -
Atm at Addeslrh sad Sand -
IPA Mvpwms mstlg.ed te ye r& work
est S. 0., whom his brIth
=b. g hi foil. Trent •ewes rare ago
at Charyid don be eV on •
arab j was ma
here paid acs w tisagent
with I,M r yule bear. t he d
his end a list time later ore to
regest bis whew he bad
tielw steels :alt be seseell a
vett! M while be VPWA
Mr. cad Hr< A 1Ldldaughter of
eamiok, w.a
married at HaasUiose on Monday,
O.tebm Ord. to Rev. tenon Howitt.
The beide sent bar girlhood days in
6 and safterwards lived in
Or. Carman in Ood.ricjs.
Neat Seada 0odericb is to be boi-
iosmd with • t .. {a
flel De Oarnie.. of rZto. mi l
empmhtteedent of the Methodist
churchof Maeda. He Is to weepy
the streetM tat beds services ethoditt church, in Victoria
Huron County Rifle League,
The Heron County Rage L
shot bold i WMteelstusb heat F idr air
ease ked r Wbiteeinueb. MI;
4 ,,i,b344 : eft
Helene. JILL Wbiiseburch team
therefore wigs 'beam. Win. Walnut',
of Nils. woe the medal for individual
shooting. bis noon being 441.
Death of Hervey Horton.
Henry Horton, one of the oldest
residents of the town or district. died
en Fridafight at bila hems on East
street He was about eighty -Ave years
of age. He came to Ootlu.l.k in the
earl '30'a, and be survived nearly all
of the anooietes of his yoo.msOj eeee days.
He was • miler i. ovule and
wads sad later tar .y yaw's
w he The bete
H.eti.. was his brother. . A further
referrwW be made
in smother Masl to hise f1b Signal. The
tussal was held privately on Monday
morning, the interment being made in
Maitland cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. Geo. E. Roes,
and the pallbearers were Judge Holt,
Sheriff vnolda, W. lane, W. Proud -
foot, M. le. P. Alex. Saunders and
M. O. Cameron.
Fighting the White Plague.
A fair-sized audience turned out on
Wednesday evening for the illustrated
lecture in Temparaoc. Hall by J. B.
Watson, field secretary of the National
Sanitarium Association. Tbe address
was highly educative in that it showed
what may be done to prevent the
spread of the dreaded "white plague,"
bow tubercular disease may be cured
In its early stages and arrested in more
severe cases. • work and methods
of treatment followed at the Cottage
Sanitarium, the Muskoka free hospital
and the Toronto free institution were
touched upon and short stories were
related having reference to the
rens of the patients after they o
treatment. The Amaucial aid which
these institutions require also was re-
ferred to and at the conclusion of the
address a collection amounting to over
17.00 was taken in aid of the work.
Votes of theatre were' tendered the
speaker, the chairman, Dr. Macklin:,
amd Mr. /Riven., the operator of the
stereopticon machine. The meeting
aloud with the singing of the National
room one of the most
Bright -Thomson.
"•Olengow•n," Biggworel, Ont., the
summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Thomson, was the scene of one of the
prettiest of autumn weddings, on
October :10, when their daughter,
Bessie McL•y, was upit d in marriage
to Robt J. R. Bright, M. D.. second
son of Mr. and Mr.. Bright, \Viarton.
Hey. A. E. M. Thomson, Amherst -
burg. Ont, uncle of the bride, read
the service. Only immediate rel&tiyee
were present. The house was dec-
orated in the autumn colors of pale
yellow and gold. The bridal gown
was of ivory silk entrsine and the
panels beautifully embroidered with
seed pearls. The filmy chile veil was
prettily arranged with a pearl ban-
deau. An exquisite pearl necklace.
the gilt of the groom, abw was woro.
The couple were unattended. After
a dainty breakfast Dr. and Mrs. Bright
left on the 10.90 flyer for the East.
Tbe travelling suit was of navy cloth
with velvet hat to match. The bride
s a granddaughter of Mr. and Mr..
Geo. Thomson. North street. Goderich,
and her friends in Goderich wish her
much happiness.
rhe Late William Watson.
On Sunday, October 'llnd, the sad
intelligeooe was received by his per -
riots that William Watson, second son
of ,Mr. and Mrs. William Watson,
o avenue. had met death by
drowning at Buffalo. Mr. Wataoa
was mate on the steamer Polynesia,
Captain McGregor, and when theacei-
dent happened he was making his
formal inspection before tbe boost left
port. As he was about to board her
be tripped on a line and fell into the
water. One of the wheelsmen saw
bis fall and at once informed tbe cap -
talo, who was in the fleet instant not
inclioed to believe the statement, as be
had been in conversation with his
mate just a few minutes before. im-
mediate efforts were made, however,
to render him assistance. but it is
thought he must have been stunned
by the fall. When they saw him fleet
he wart lying motionless and on his
back In the water and am his long rub-
ber boots filled with water he gradn-
ellll tank from viev, never to rise
again. His body was recovered by
the lifesaving crew about an hour
later. The remains were t ek en to
Port Huron, at which place he bad
made his borne for tbe pest tan years,
and Um funeral was held then on
Thursday, October 9111. The deceased
was a member of the Masonic Order
and the funeral was under the direc-
tion of that order. He also wan a
essmher of the K. O. T. M. His par -
sets and thhre brothers from town -
Oserge, Henry sed Feed -wen pree-
n* .t the teseraL The bite Mr.
Walesa was is his thirty-fifth year
set/ Y survived by
bl owned wife oto
whom he lie swat bis sooty woo GOoderie6
sed will len rem.este ed by assay
as tremsrty with Rees
Prise. gnome, ie sere now Dista
br the d. P. cerin tries. He
Ls r • seller wm isterMt/ taro he
met Ye wMhfrg tap le the !d-
ose of made d tt meet. He wee a
w held le fibs hi nt serer by .11
wish wtim be same in emotes& sed
the bemired Mediae bars to=
p d tis eoasesoiI le lbs nn.iasm
1.' wtisb thew boom srtstelead.
Oasnty Judge's Creation
1uo.oeav, Nommen 2t' Mill s
The cane against the utas aauI
((Moss. of (Ferrer, was tired os T-
01 this week. He was Cheeped
the mabts.Uoae.i of os s•is
rs7s ba{nog sg to tiff Some of Ex -
Ho was fos.ri gala! of ; of-
teesogiven Wm swstas to •
rptitss Hs was undefeated.
On y of nazi week,
bit gih. David Wilson. of (Mod
Bend, will appear in the O.mmtie
Oosert to answer a chow of miOiaJ
assault, alleged to baits been
ted & few months ago.
Temperance Hag Reopened.
The ropenirtgsmeeetheld intbeTes
paranoia Hall lest landau evening drew
agoont g audience
.•~.h fttprechtt•• retain
W. vi.ktts Mesherged the delis. of
chairman .ad the prewar e000lat d
orf' the following t Piano
sole. Mi. Lama Elliott' read lases
Beleber ; violin solo. Mims ti o
ai b -.winging remises. O. 0. I.
)sang ladies selection. Peerless Mala
solo. Mea Zing ;
6r111.1141111/1; duet. Mrs. Hing and I[fii.
Bekker ; regitatloe. Mho Ma SHOWN
reading. Mf. Maxims Btedstte;
solo, J. Fowler ; reading. Missableher
violin solo, Mi. M
HSISr• sale.EOM
Beleber. The sing1.g of the
Anthem concluded .a entertainment
that was voted first eam and a credit
to the elforta of Mi.. Bdcber, who ar-
waged the program. The Temper -
wee Hall We beim ss lergoi.[ a
thorough renovation during the last
few weeks, and its improved ap-
pearasoe was very pleasing to tisane
who attended the reopening enter-
hrgt to r pow toU s
Suemaw with ring. ono t ynorth sonar., wen-SUMS.
Laths who sea l. g ler nimosat em
mit for tie tall ani wl ae ., s
ea0 at 8aaffi's AR Stone cad sol The 11 p
variety .1 fancywork and art materials "UM'
`[or terser choice. A p4erare to show
Boil the drinking water.
The town council meets Friday
evening of this week.
The new bugle band is planning for
an early public •ppsarance.
Onlyseven weeks to Christmas.
Now ithe time to bay them.
There will be a tweeting of the Y. M.
C. A. auxiliary at the home of Mrs.
Carrie on Saturday meat at 4 o'clock
p. m
After some slight flurries of .now
through the week, there was a fall
during lest night which covered the
ground. It looks like winter today.
A county Preen Association was
formed at Clinton laat•week, with H.
B. Elliott, of The Wingham Times. as
president, and J. M. Southcott, of The
Exeter Times, as secretary.
J. H. McClinton, of the Maple Leat
etrocery. has some No. 1 winter apples
for sale. Anyone wbo wsots a barrel
of flet-clase trait should give him a
call at once, as the supply is limited.
Thanksgiving Day peened veryga Y
in town. There were many come gath-
erings arid there was also • large
amount of travel to;quts(de point.,
the railways doing a r000rd business.
Hodgens Bros. had • unique win-
dow display for the Rallowe'en season
which attracted a great deal of atten-
tion. The traditions of theseaaon were
symbolised in elaborate detail and
with artistic skill.
The annual public meeting in con-
nection with the hospital will be held
in the court house next Wednesday
evening, November 8th, at 8 o'clock.
It is hoped that there will be a large
attendance. Don't forget the date. as
A good program wan rendered at the
meeting of the Collegiate institute
Literary Society on Thursday night
last. An interesting feature was the
presentation of the prizes won in the
field day contests.
Michael Dalton. Kintail, had a sale
of horses yesterday and good prices
were realized. A four -months colt
was sold at 1150, • pair of young
mares for 11485, another mare at 1240
artd a yearling at 1155. Thos. Gundry
conducted the sale.
Saturday's Globe had a picture of a
floe big turkey photographed by R. R.
Mallows, and The Christian Guardian
of last week had one of Mr. Rallnwe'
pictures AS its tront4pleee. This
showed "Uncle Harry" Morris and P.
A. Robertson in the midst of Mr. Rob-
ertson's big pumpkin crop of last year.
Runde'', November 12th, will be
county field day for the temperance
workers of Huron county. Special
services will be held in all the
churches in Goderich and it le ex-
pected that a soloist will accompany
the speakers to town. to addition to
a onion Sunday school gathering, a
MASS meeting is being arranged for
the afternoon of that day.
Amor PIMA*
The re t• win hsM
abalsa ties=
lfw eemb e Mh. M f p. m.. et
Nab mar stem
A Beautiful Story.
A beautiful it story o e min in the
picture. entitled "Home "ggl vis
this season with The PasstOy Iirraid
and Weekly Star. of Montreal. it
is beyond doubt the best pie/ore ever
offsets with that great paper, Tbm
picture i. 9>h99 inches. reedy for fram-
ing. Tbe Falai ly Herald and Weekly
Star is growing faster sad fester eros
year. it is the marv.0 el ibm sem-
paper world today and witb est •
pieture es ',Home Again," all for one
dollar a year, it is no weeder the eir-
oul.tion grows. Every home i. Oce.
.da .bould's/mad a dollar this .were
on this great bargain
Van Veachson Rogers
made his debut in enneerrtty wimps ••
to his ung.chlm
YNks etato. iter- be
MOW ,broad eager the renowned
mantees et Imps. liehllealete harp -
• Mb. Mems Pbmme ..elm (t -
chests• end me later role bseplet to
the ,Hesto,n. pestiva! Ho
tgtlkbile 1. tri Slat a mm11.
Zweissiated NtllydMn, V bIeterh •r'mse
Ohm. 7?n bear Om le a OM Or
Y K. C. A. ed. an pegs 1.
_What r 0a
ase •sptetM • C>re
ls ist -
V V • phew of
_ i
n aee_k hsce 1t '!1 wt
Scott's Emulsion
are the
Two Great Creators
of Energy
power to work. to think.
to throw aE and keep
off disease.
Get an the sunshine
you cant,, and take
Scsll h8i
rosin . It wit1 give
you sfreagth, and
•o ave ft «, scar S-
1.. ale at..ird eve/ edgerrs
she hese
anis 10111101111111111
_ 'NLI ' 4 -- Tr-rrrr'-
St 1horn hlS.Ont 100•
AJtZsorts of Weakness and Debility.
People who are run down or weak
caunot get strong until the vital or-
gans and the nervous system are re-
stored to proper activity. Our Mac-
Leod's System Renovator is a nerve
food and stimulant. It builds up the
nervous system and also promote@
digestion and the tot minion of
healthy blood. It helps almost from
the first and all gain is perma.sbl, be-
come the system is actuel(z built s i.
We guarantee it. One dollar honkie(..
Manufactured by MacLeod Medicine
Co., Ooderieb, Ont.
For sale by E. H. Wigle., druggist.
Have you looked to eee if your name
is on the voters' It.t for 1911 ? Any
person whose name is not on the list,
and who is qualified to vote, is &eked
to ramify Mr. Darrow, Mr. Killoran or
Mr. Roiertson of The eignal, so that
the necessary steps may be taken to
have the name added to the list.
Cameron's Specials.
Now is the time to protect yourself
against the cold unsettled weather.
We have been preparing for it all
along and here it comes. Now we are
waiting for you.
We have a nice stock of soft. cosy,
warm Underwear that deflate the cold,
and we can fit anyone from babies up to
men and women. Our prices are •1 -
ways low. Quality is our first thought
-it should be yours.
Fresh new Millinery for Saturday
again. Another lot Of big values for
Saturday as a low price. Twenty
Trimmed Hata, good style, to go on
sale at 1298.
Ladies' and misses' Hand Rags, nine
inches wide. with small puree inside.
Saturday and Monday bargains at
each 39c.
Our men's department will be open
for one hour every night -from 7.30 to
8.30 o'clock. Everything for men.
7.m C. A.
Registered lest mesas upwards of 300
stadeats and pieced every Meditate. Seven
specigraded regehn teedisms. One
and fifty Leedom hundred employ
our trained kelp. College in session from
Sept. 5 to Jane 30. Enter any time.
Case l
laalsoas college
i isetusa
J. W. W ESTERvrt.T. n. J. W. Wmrsvn-r,
Char end
Vies Prid
anat psi!
reDllm[ 5T 'l 1
Met $TMM1 w'
11100. me
If yea
sir welts
matt ase y, -
PQ .
, m
Union Bank of Canada
Peid.ess Caen& - s 4.7116 .000
Rene Mod u•dhrid.e Preens. 1611011.000
Tonal finers, (Over) - Mreesre_o
Lsadoa. Ragland Wiles,
• Irma of this Beak hes teem estelrisd i. T,esdem, Mash sd,
w lea 3t', 'lgl...a...dts (Miert, Lem 1014118 Idellese ed Carat sod Drafts
piped& e i hepelent pores lrShiba midis veined else* nue be
porsba J and Seamy Truism s ---L
A rlellseri lies= is prwtded tet the eaeremi.sce d dimes d tate
Omsk when in Lends, to which their mil woes be adhered.
corm pendese..olicited.
L. .. ea.aamle:J' W. ASMI.
Oat. M. C. HART -SM . Asa1nsst.Mms. su.
Havinsgg nurved to Onderieb
enol eetablisbed • business bens,
i will boy aA kinds et just anf
megtpood prises. Any perenn
say &tuff toe sell- le re.
glmestri to drop • postcard to toy
address and 1 will cell ten is.
1 will ohm boy all kind& M
Uve Poultry
Prepare for Sleighing
Snore coming
t the
ter, sail and inspect
the carload of Port-
land and Piaao Box
wbi.b have just ar
rived and are nor
on view in my shoe
rooms. For
the cutters msnu-
lectured by Messrs.
Wm. Gray, Sons,
Ltd., of
cannot be
Chose AIM select /rare while
you wive the full range to
cbo me from.
Robert Wilson
` 1
It pays to buy the best
watch you can afford.
At our prices any-
body can afford a pretty
good one.
For instance :
15 -jewel Davey's Spec-
ie!, nickel case. sl.75.
17 -jewel Davey'c 8psc
ial, filled caae..514.7S-
ladies' Watches, best
movement, choice of
beet filled case.$ 1 2.50
Guafeanteed perfect
J. S. Davey
Watch Expert
South side of Square Goderic h
Waterproof Coats
at $1000
November is the month you need a waterproof coat more than
any other of the year. Having made • large purchase of one line of
English Paronila Waterproof Coats -we bought so many on ac- r
count of the unusual value -we now purpose putting them on rale,
selling them at a very email margin of profit. Come on Saturday
expecting to get the beet value ever offered in a good Paronila
waterproof. Every man should hake a waterproof coat; it not only
keeps oot the wet and cold, but it's a great saver on your clothes.
Make up your mind to buy one this Saturday. Take our word for
it, you can save (good monej:"by buying one of these / (
English Paronila Raincoats at our special price $1 U.
Black Melton Overcoats
That 20th.Century Brand Bleck Melton Overcoat at elb.INJ for
dressy mea is excellent value. You can't get a better fit from any
tail -n ; the style is different from ordinary clothing, • style prod-
uced only in 20th Century Clothing. The Coat is made with raw
edges, velvet collar, fly front. Tf it's a good stylish Overcoat you
want, one that sot only lookel good but feels good, $1 QeM
don't fail to see this Coat. S rectal at t] w
moth Century Clothing, Peabody Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear
New Fall Shoes
The manufacturers this season have
excelled themselves in the number of
popular styles they have brought out.
Every anticipation of the person who
appreciates natty footwear seems to have
been realized, and we are quite certain we
can please you in style and price.
RUBBERS are now in stock. Let us
supply you with a pair of Life -Buoy or
Rubber -leaf Brand, at the lowest possible
price. They will give satisfaction.
Downing Ec MacVicar1
North Side of Square, OodeMoA
of Square, Goderloh