The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 4T.oa/aT. Newsom 2, lull MB SIGNAL : GOD ell, ONTARIO District News. •LYTH. TOISOAT. Oot. 31st. tlr. AMORaw'e Arm Vet MAMY.- Nezt Suoday will be held the anni- versary services lo St. Andrew's chinch, when the Rev. Dr. Turnbull. of Tot onto, will occupy the pulpit. It L ezp.eted he will be greeted by Targe eynjregatiene. Moody even- itijt Si admoert is' lo be Riven whish 'Mould be �y attended. as the tial amt provided well worth Deering LEESURN. TUEDDAY, flet. 31st. Noris. -Mise Jean elution .pent Thanksgiving at home Harry Barker was bonze from Stratford last week on a visit to his parents Miss Gladys Stewart tear home from Goderich for Sunday Mies Wim - ole Shaw, of Toronto. and Mies Ruth Shaw, of Stratford, .pent Thanksgiv- ing at home Mr. sed Mr.. J. Oliddob and childof Hamilton. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliddon. Mr. and Mn. H. Horton and children, of Goderich, were the guest of the former'. mother. Mrs. John Horton, on 'Sunday. LOTHIAN. TOxsDAT. Oct. Mat. "MINTS. -Alex. Barnby, of Strat- ford Normal School, spent the holiday at his home here Miss Lena Hen- derson is spending a month with friends in Lucknow Donald Mac- Lean made a business" trip to Ooderich last Friday Mrs. Swan, of Clio - tole spent a couple of weeks here with her son, Georue Swan. WsoDtso.-A quiet marriage cere- mony was 'solemnized at the home of Use bride's pa -rots. M►•. and Mre. John Johnstone. on Wednesday, October 180, when their second daughter. Ellie, was united in marriage to John DeCou. of Detroit. Rev. J. S. Hardie officiated. Mr. and Mrs. DeCou left a few days later for their borne in De- troit. PORTER'S HILL. TOEsDAT. OCt. 31st. Noyes. -Mr. and Mn. Adair, of London. spent Sunday at8. McPheil's. Mrs. A. Newton and dao,1bter. of Toronto, are visiting at Clem, New- ton's....timniris�en t Tbaeke- Fitring 41at purrie's Crain - ung Mr. Mrs. Will Pickard, of Columbus, tbwa. are visiting in the neighborhood George Cox. of • Stratford. spent Thanksgiving at C. Newton's' Mowat McDougall was in Woodstock on Monday Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paench spent Sunday- in Seatorth Mn. H. Rutledge is spending a few days at Seems Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Detroit, are visiting at Wm. Elliott's Miss M. Reid, from Pittsburg, Pa., who bad been for some time visiting her sister. Mrs. John Torrance, returne3 to her home last week. Mn. Tor- rancccompanied her to spend a few weeks visiting her many friends in the Smoky City . Anniversary ser- LOt.'HAL3i1. TUISDAT, Oct. 31st. Ax ORMAN ui rue Ouwecm.---Sow weeks ago a vote was taken to Ash- field Preabytaeien ebureh in regard to the organ question. with the resit that • majority war obtained in favor of the introduction of an organ in that chnreh. Since that time steps woes taken to eolleot the necessary funds for the II of ea��tootrn-- the e efforts Doaaldmeat, anduaJ:eon, of Lothian. and others a esurient sum wise real- ized for that mutate. te. The orgae was Installed last SaWeday sad on Suedey for the first tit.. In the binary of Ashfield Ptesbyterien church • musi- .:alinstrument was used in the ser- vices of praise. Those present were apparently wail satisfied with the ex- cellent tone of the organ and also with the skilful performance of the organist, Miss Fanny McKenzie. The organ was manufactured by tbe Do- minion Organ Co.. Bowmanville, and was purchased from J. F. Thomson. Ooderich. Naris. -Mn. Frank McCharlea, of Nelson. 13. C., le widths at the borne of b.r parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mo - Mrs. McChariss was accom- panied by her sister, Mies Kat. Mc- Donald, o-Donald, who had been visiting in Brit- ish Columbia fur some time Jas. McICetldriek received a message last Friday evening from Detroit, statiog that his father was seriously ill, on ac- count of which he lett for that city Saturday morning. We learn with regret that the illness of Mr. McKen- drick terminated fatally this after- noon Mrs. McNish and Mn. Ben- net, of Glencoe. are visiting at tbe home of the former, sister, Mrs. W. Matheson. They intend leaving this afternoon on their return home Duncan Matheson is leaving today in order to resume his studies at the Goderich Collegiate Institute •iter spending the Thanksgiving holidays at his home bare Mies Rboda McKenzie is spending Tbankeeviog 11 the parental home Mise Lizzie McDiarmid. of Nile, tormerly re.ident on the 12th concession. is at present visiting friends in the vicinity.... Walker Hough, who is employed with Murdoch Matheson. is engaged at present in trapping, es • means -A diversion, and has several traps set out. This is a warning to 'step more- l/4(1a: re- lf Uy to those lads who are prone te, prowling about at nights. Ori •nkagiring" Day a nwsbr.ef oorrnn++ amateur hunters set out to bag a few dozen wild geese and ducks, with some foxes and coons for a change. The following is tbe result : Kenny. of Hen lock City, secured an innocent chipmunk : Elliot a little woodpecker Peter, Roy. Walter and, Henry me- cured each a large cipher, while Dun- can shot a large bird out on the lase, which had not the sense to swim ashore after it tell. Els. was over- joyed in capturing two mender - in a species which chiefly fre- quents the sea -shore, while Alex. of Lothian had the good luck of shoot- ing four rabbits. + We have not yet beard what Ralph and others .ectired. vices will be held in Bethel church on Sunday. November 12. ST. AUGUSTINE. Tr•eeDAY. Oct. 3i' t. PERaoaAL.-The Misses O'Connor are visiting at Donnybrook this week ....Mies Ataustrong, of Brussels, is the guest of the Misses Eliza and Ellen Thompson Robert Clark, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his father, who is all at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Thompson George Jefferson, of Stratford Normal School. and May Redmond, of the Ooderich Uollegiate Institute, spent the Thanksgiving holidays at their hones here Rey. John Richard- son, of Kippen, and his sister. Miss Etta. visited friends in this vicimity lest week Mr. Richardson preached the anniversary sermon" in the Donny- brook church last Sunday- afternoon and evening. Both services were largely attended. On Monday even- ing a supper and program were given. All present report having bad a good time Our rifle team went to Wbitechurcb last Friday to the Lea- gue shoot and sucreealed in coming out second lest. Whitechurch team was firat. On account of the snow it was not very good day for shooting. HOLYROOD. MoNDAT, Oct. 90th. NEW. 01- THE W EEE. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harrison, near Kincardine, epent Sunday with the latter', parent, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce Mr. end Mrs. J. Hugghs, of TeamsterMn. El- liott and daughter, of Bowmanville, ala Mr. and Mn. Wm. Daviecn, of Lneknow, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mn. Thos. Henry, of this place D. /tatters has sold his farm to Robert Elliott Mrs. Pink- neySad eon, of Seaforth, spent the hoidays with her mother, Mn. Brad- ford..... .Mice Nellie Haines and Mies Remolds Parker, of Oolro.s, ars spending the Thanksgiving holidays with the former'sfister. Mn. H. Mel - roans, of Baybeld Mr. and Mre John Haines, of Wingham. spent Sun- day with the formers rider. Mn. °Wien Heroes. of this plane .. J. Bradford and hie sister from Seatort b rt1hank1ias�gii l with their brother. Beedforfl, of Dungannon Mr. Sad Mn. H. Bradford and obildren aro ealls4ing the holidays with Mn. Be 's parent. Mr. and lbs. Jor- dan. of Porter's Hill. COLBORNE. - GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE owlao tofu-he.tth we oe Oatebsr al sad thereafter the wages of oar Meek of avowal store merobs•Ofoe. oonel ttax of Staple and Fancy Dry Goode, tiro Dories. Men'„ Ready-to-wear ()cora. Boota. Shoe. sod Rubbers. Iiard,wa. Dile. Paint.. Flour. Food sal 5Ssa.nS) Wall Paper. Plot tlsltelse.. and Statk.0ery. Table and floor O1lelocb.. Linoleumm..i,,taociMds floor Mpott(a p throsparties- Hoses lare sees hood bW.. Proosrty for sole e. or rent. Poston, and 'show revenue will par Sipet teat. as purchase price or ;5 per cent. of rent. W. .1. POWELL. Carlow P. 0. TUMID T. Oct. 31st. NOTES. -Miss Clara Pennington has returned to her borne on the Maitland after a sbort visit with friends in Dun- dee i)r. and Mrs. Freeman, of Goderich; spent their Thanksgiving holiday at the borne of 7. Penning- ton The Misses Edythe and Rosy Dunt spent Clair Thanksgiving vaca- tion under the parental roof.... . John Scbwanz, brother of M Nchwanz, of Colborne, it renewing old aaintances in this vicinity Albert Kurechinski, of Blyth. spent Thanksgiving at his boms......W. Mendel and family, of Saltford, were guesta at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. P. Mandel on MondayM. Flick, of Ooderica townsip. formerly of Colborne, visited with friends on the Maitland on Sunday last .... M. Schwaus has -returned atter a few day.' visit with lir daughter, Mrs. C. Heist, of ('rediton Willard Ise, of Colborne, spent Sunday with his brother in Ooderich Our popular teacher, Misr Welsh. who spent her Thankagivir g vacation at her home, bee returned to resume her duties. Bats Duret is slowly recoveriog after having been kicked by • hone. Mother Hubbard Baking Powder goes farther than other baking powders. it retains it full leevensrtg power until used. Sold by E. R. Wigle, GoOnt. Solemner ba. goo.. The benches were taken out of the Square and stored In the town ball Ude morning. THIS WEEK'S MARKET TOP PRICES (Pros the Farmer's tart, Tomato, Nov. 11 Toronto Moatesal AuRalu Hoge 01 osis 011.40 oe ear t6.M► F.d and war seed OR to OMU. 55.40 IMAM rrf.tb Limbs M.70 5.80 1111.811 Temente MosteeaJ Sew Tart Wait* as S'70 .r IMP 888 talar IIINYlk 1.11. TOWOAT, OCL. Slat. FAantsa Ngwa.-The farmers of this diiielet have finished harvesting the rime •w sad now wits► flea gran- aries and Seises e►osld be the same thaakibf thele e.a earth at tileMa.ks- glvksg [lata. The saes are bast' plow- ing and moo all will be In mess foe winter. Oavace Noir.-.Os eluaday last the quarterly meeting service o0 Ben - Miller circuit was held in Zion church in Ouderich township. Then was a gpod attendance at the meeting. Rev. W. Conway, from Nile, had charge of the meeker. On the preceding Thurs- day evening a bot supper was given in the sans church which was well attended. All the ,srviose oo the circuit sett Sunday will be taken by the pp.assstoror. Bev. A. W. Brown, except- ing Benaniller appointment, which will be taken by Mr. 0. D. Curry. from near Nile. Psa ONALA.-Mi.. W. Good end daughter, Pearl, of Goderieb,t Saturday in the village, visiting Kra. J. R. Long, daughter of Mrs. Good.... Fred. Mugford has returned toms from the NVest, where be had been visiting friends and helpio harvest the Targe crop of 1911.... Edgar Van - stone, of . Toronto, spent the holiday visiting his patent, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vaastone. He was recalled by tele- phone weseage oo Monday forenoon. .Mr. and Yrs. Wm. 8traughan, of this village, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Straugbao. of the Orb concession of Colborne. They were accompanied by Mrs. Jas. Long, who spent several hours visiting Mrs. Straughan's mother, Mrs. Olds, who has been very ill for some time. We hope soon to hear of her complete re- covery ....All our yoyu ng friends of the vill..ge attending Goderich Collegiate institute spent Thanksgiving et their homes.... Victor Newell and Elwyn A. Long cams from Ooderich on Tuesday even, g to visit "Pure Retreat" Tem- pera.., • Lodge, to take part in a pea- nut.. -h (ling and taffy -pulling contest, alp W share in the joys of Hallowe'en. They report a grand time ....Norman Newell. from Goderich, spent Sunday visiting his parents in the village. ST. HELENS. TOWBOAT. Oct. 31st. SHoarutu FOR A SOPPEa. - On Thanksgiving Day the members of the St. Helens Rifle Olab met at the range and beld a match to decide which side should furnish the annual Mw1 supper. The cytases were G. *ebb sed W. IreQsillaa. Mr. Webb's side won, and will be the guests at the supper to he held on No- vember' 17t.b. The following is the round -up and the snores. Seven rounds and a lighter were allowed : Wm. McQuillan, 21 ; W. 1. Miller, 33; Walter Webb. 25; Walter Wilson, 27; John McDonald, 23: T. Inglis, 24; Har- vey Webb, 23: Mid Humphry, 28; D.B. Murray, 24 ; Oeo. Stuart, 15; B. Har- per, 21 ; Ed. Haines, 25-; H. Macey. 8 ; R Aitche.om, 13; T. B. Taylor, 17 Elwell Webster, 9 ; W. E. Gordon, 17; Will Rutherford, 24 ; Jas. Hyde, 2 ; E. Miller, 19; A. Stuart, 2 ; John Mc- Quillat. (didn't shoot 1; L. Weather - bead, 13 ; J. Camellia, 21 : W. Mo- Crostie, 25. Total 4133. J. Webb, 27; John Webster, 21 ; James Purdon, 27 ; Robt. Taylor, 28; Jos. Anderson, 29 ; Jas. Baker, 30; R. Anderson, 27 ; W. Miller. 27 ; W. Mc- Pherson, 24 ; A. E. Durnin, 18 ; C. Aitche.on, 25; R. Murray, 29; D. Todd, 21 ; S. Purdon, 23; A. McDon- ald, 11 ; W. Humphrey, 28; John Cameron, 2) ; W, J. Todd, 17 ; John Patterson, 9; C. McDonald. 10; Frank Todd. 11 ; B, Rutherford (no count) ; Ben Naylor, 9; Ed. Thome •16; W. McDonald. 0. Total 485. A lead of 22 points for Mr. Webb's side. BRIEFS. -The Canadian Foresters and their wives were the gi eta of J. Joynt, of Lucknow, at an oyster sup- per, served at W. 1. Miller's. After a bountiful repast toast were re- rponded to by different guests Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Woods and Versa spent Thanksgiving in Wingham. John Clark, of Toronto, and Mies Colena and Donald, of (iodericb. were home over the vacation Misses Jean and °rretta Webb, CbrIs- tina Miller, Edna and Nina Woody, Emma Woods and Cam Durnia were home from Winghain from Friday till Tuesday Several from herr "took in" the tea -meeting at Donnybrook Monday evening and report good crowds and hip times. The concert a Lucknow also drew quite a number of plmaure-seeker, T. B. Somer- ville, of Cargill. railed on friend. In the burg Monday Mies Mima IButherfotd, of Southampton, spent the vacation at home Miss Kerr and Mies Homutb, of Wingbam, vis- ited at Mrs. Hugh Rutherford's for Thanksgiving.. Mr. and Mies Ole - vin, of Nile, visited at Mrs. Millers on Sunday Will Salkeld. of White- church, spent Sunday at D. R. Ruth- erfords. BRIGH°rS DISEASE is the de�aaliiyes,stands� _ssLliggs►jsmt. Dedd'a 10disia KIN awn Mr cure of Ilsighee Dimes% They hese •ren brad is are 44 eiaglar}ear'sd'1 are that e Yes o e/4 R and t� cam Tire iiver theenly nh Bartatiame ret boa sBedeod Kidney lir w Aatlg rsna Inn rows 7111.6t's bGaass is edema NMI DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 1 L Dedra Miry Ps ace & a be. d v LANE& MONDAY. Oct. 90th. LOCAL Naris,. -Miss Farffss spent the Than vias holidays at her borne . .. W. J. Lime, who has been quite i11, is recovering nicely„ Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reed are spending a few days in Toronto Wesley and James Sherwood are home from the West to spend the winter with their parent here Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lane spent Sunday at Port Albert.... Jas. Laos purabased two valuable Aberdeen Angus calves at the sale of John A. 8. Verooe. Carlow. BAYFIELD. MONDAY, Oct. 80th. OatrvanT.-Death removed an aged resident of this village on Wed- nesday of last week. when George Parke woe called away. He had reached the advanced age of eighty- four years and nine month.. Mr. Parke was born in County Cavan, Ireland. in February, 1827. Sixteen years later he came with his faintly to Canada, first settling in Barrie, wre they resided for ten years. Inter he came to Stanley township and settled on the Goshen line, wiser, the family continued to reside until a few years ago. when they telt a son on the homestead and moved into the vil- lage. ITI t yeah .go Mr. Parke was merMeil to ries Mary Aon l0giott, who probe sad his only a End�ha sight st wistuvlt Ilea.JJo follow,. Keys : Mn. Walter Paw Zorii t Kra A. W. •edmend, Midi,. ; Saha. at homsals d, Seed Mbers elstt and at hams. Tho ms daid at lila gra his death was M outlaw mat k his }MN, and wao ug stood about at 'Ltiesajs ,the day be fee. Ne dial►. sa was a Osnssr.a• Iiea M pilose, and although of a [tial and rs..reed dispeal$os M alwys toot a doe Wong M the loarMag [lits dog. B. owe ars be assal took se } sy `�oosIlls � from kis Mlle addwn to lyiltd celne- KIPPEN. TUESDAY, Oct. 3151. MR. HAave'a SALL-An interest- ing bit of Dewe In connection with W. Harvey's enation sale is that Mr. Brown, that .. noted knight of the hammer. ' sold the whole amount, nearly' 55800 worth, in lees than tour hoax% and if all had belie offered for sale he could have sold over 114.000 worth in the time. thus everagiag 81,009 an hour. This was done during lnmn.tant Bold rainfall. PEsaoNA.1,. - yrs. Campbell and Mn. Buller. of Howard. Oct., sod Mrs. Parson, of Hayfield, agent a few days this week in the home of Robert Parsons Geo. Penfound. general agent for the Cockshutt Manufactur- ing Co. of Brantford, visited the old home here last week Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dindale announcing their sate arrival is Santa Barbara, Cal., where they are gone hoping for the recovery of Mr. Dinedale's heal t h .. Among Thanksgiving visitors here were: Miss Esta Jarrett of Landon Normal, Mies Nellie MoOregoe. teacher near Strat- ford, Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Toronto .Robtr Dayman is visiting bis friends in Toebnto. RILE. Tclsoev. Oct. 31st. Mies Vera McNee. who has been atteodinzg Strut for d Business College, was home for the holidays. Mies Edna Pentland, student at Stratford Normal College. and Mies Laura. wbo is teaching at Taylor a Corners, were home for the holidays. UHOBCH Narsa.-Sunday's services were the last of the miseion}ry cam- paign which hn 1 been arrahged for the churches of Nile circuit. The campaign has resulted in greater missionary knowledge and a broaden- ing and deepening of that bond of brotherly love among all wbo attended the different meetings. Rev. A. J. Thomas, M. A.. B. D.. of Forest, gave an earnest missionary appeal on Sun- day evening .....The Epworth League purposes bolding its annual rally this evening. A good program is pre- pared . The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. sees held today at the home of Mre. Jas. 'McNee The quarterly [Sleeting of the Sunday school committee ori management was beld in the church on Monday even- ing. 'SCHOOL REPORT. -The- following is the standing of the puspilr of Nile school: Sr. V --Olive McNee. .Tr. V. -May MarDiarsid, FLeslie Pent- land. i V. -Voile McWhinney. Dinney, Ern- est Glen. Adeline Saab, Lucy Currey, Marion Ryan, Muriel Smith Lloyd Young, Vera Tiffin. Sr. II I. -Howard McNee, Dave Mepisrtoid. Lorne Pentland. Marguerite Glen. Jr. IIL- Alice Slsepperd, Violet Kerr, Edgar Sheppard, Isaac Sr. I.- Henry Mathews, Frank MoTlwain. !Manual Currey-. Jr. I L -novenae Mc Wbibney, Rbeta Youngg, Oliver Smith, Laura Kerr. I.eooard Christi - law. Sr. Pt. ii. -(Jose! Segues, Jean Jones. Sr. Pt. i. -Leslie Smith, Al- bert Olen. Pt. 1. -Mary Karr, Flor- ence enoe McWhinney. Y --Gladys Segue, Calvin ILntyra Maim A. BArus, YOUNG AT SEVENNTY-FiVE.. Grand Old Mae of the Prairie Ossa His Health to Dsdd'e iKidaey Pills. Swift Current, Saak.. Get. 311th.- lSpeeial1-1. P. Lagbay, of this pisco[ seventy-ilvs years aL age. ar.d,ksows as ons el lbs grand old nose of the prairies, has made a statement for l.Alication that be owes hie splendid alth to Dodd'. IKidsey Pills. For twenty-five year," Mr. Lookey states, "i strained from rheumatism which 1 inherited. I was arenas, tray limbs would swell and I lied seems pains arrow the beak. I am a war wen today. sad 1 st$i hwsfe. �bt all three boas of 1)0111 Waft Pias. My rheumat.m std kits, dhows haea..tl Dodd'. aaake healthy kidneys, and s the aria . Methelkthh.e M..4 yen ma% have eh.u/t.ti.. Rualraw Awwawoowtmwt. ['has. 0. Lee h.. Wes ever the ooal balloon formerly batsdisd by hla taller. the Ian WU. Lao and Sib, WOWS.IBINSIMAISrgNM* wiles ho putpuros will to "its1 1 amiss and owtspello mgroats es Os Me oadeawal heiA1Wadi Ise THIS WEEK'S AD SHOULD BE OF INTEREST TO EVERY BUYER OF UP-TO-DATE FALL GOODS COATS Direst from the makers, a�pp-tto-o- date is r ll partrculrar.. r Yiaek. brown, green. tan. and Ine.ada, full length, with the newPaistin OotA.Aa. You will find one prime right far up -to -data Coate. A lot of short Costa freer 53.00 to $5.00, mostly bleak beaver and a few greys. (haat value if you cam use a short coat. 4 to S6 sonars wide, 10c and 114c Other qualities at better pricer. Don't forget our ends, great • values, 34 to 86 inches wide, in light and dark stripes. H1111.11P We are here with the largest stock, of Fall and Winter offerings at the lowest possible prices that new and de- sirable Merchandise can be sold for, which we offer to our customers. UNDERWEAR for esaryar. sod lotstart it. at zetcue=setta farad. Igoe Sp to the beat an-tt tarwteat at 11.26. FANCY LINENS in embroidery, R-ttanbuyg acid drawn work, all HAND Woax, direct cross Japes, and every piece LtNE1It. Bad est, Quilt and Mani Ban- TTus Troytx cleok Dollies and !fats. is lot of fancy Linens at prices never before seas. Beautiful hand -work than common machine -made, wade in Japan. DRESS GOODS REMNANTS Thirty -raven ends of remnants all prices ue to $1.60, at Half - Prior. PILOT Y - A'We bur y '(►vrytywhrtg era Gell in 'Nana from lbs [staters. This 'enables us to make bed - reek =exceptional have a lot of Wool Hose. exceptional value, sizes 5 to Kt Shen 6. 54, 6, di. 7. 74, oak, y Sea Mass 8, Mi, 9, 04 and 10. only Mika Another lot, all floe imgoeted wool. rims 84. 9, 04. 10. at Sao. This Is a leader in value. Ask for them. DRESS TRIMMINGS l0 Silk Allovers. black. MAW navygold mix. silver mslz. Double width Silk Preis Meta. Mark and cream. Sita Bsadisgs. Silk Braid... Girdles, Taw[., Ernst,. Prigs. Mada°Nosss io silk and beaded. Beaded Ismer- Noise-just what is wanted for trimming. In larger , variety Onus ever before. J. H. COLBORNE CENTfAt STRATFORD. ON T. Stands to the treat ss tbe bast wheel .at tL la the Preirksimblas arrow see them et tastistry bsd.sss eel - teak n.b..i bee a aaotlaeatd r t.aihigh oz�-g, .aeri. Weh.'Ntfiva.sea sowelialgteramtwiserillelittlie hateertara.et yo.rre� l117, lt (eeestesr ser treeela ntatgrw st mer. D. A. McLaeai.aN, Principal_ plumbing F YOU purpose having the town water put in this year or having your waste pipe connected With the sewer, leave your order with us NOW so that the work may be done before the ground freeze.. The inside work can be done later, if you so' desire. Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect. We also make a specialty of Heating. Roofing and Electric Wiring W. R. Pinder 'Phone 155 Hamilton St SINGLE FARE FOR HUNTERS Oct 9th to Nev. Ilth tgsit statl.e.11ark River W Schreiber in vr. and t0 bast hunting point. In sad New Brunswick. Oct. 19th to Nov. 11th. is W stades' findh.try to the Soo. Havelock to SMrhet take. Ceilwarer to Sudbury. W m the Lindsey Bra. . Return Limit.Deoaenber lath, 1911 [/mdse pews pitvfaaea Tut fres . ..u "reldrina "and Shoot - 1"`..liteHoe ass." J08. KIDD. Agent. Goderich. Sole Agent in doderich FRED HUNT Plumbing, Heating, Eavestroughing and General Hardware HA/1ILTON STREET. GODERICII THE SIGNAL )fAN $I.00 Our silicon : "A pause Mal t. ewrpsrrs " lE 1 Smokers 1 .I and Cellarettes 1 f f, We have a few American E 4 samples of these articles which we E bought right and are offering at IF IIvery reasonable prices. They are , F 1 just the thing you will be looking IF 4 for a month from now. Come in E and mak, your selection and we 9 will reserve at for you.., . r IF F 'if - is complete and we are prepared to 11 answer all calls promptly day or night. i F It MUIR & HOHMEIER F . Are *thin 1 "As bmf soles /ew4t /sr saw moue '- Our Undertaking Department AGENCY IY0RDHEIMKR PIANOS