HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 3i
an OF I�w/ i V.
bound ser repaired.
Mot a H r el0 V `I. Godwlee as Isavtns
A. E. TAYLOR. 11TlIAT1oan
&et Hydraulic Iaetasar. Ontario lead
as Ksirsstn Tel�iph -s(K mean
DR. W. F. GALLOW s' M. B.
tike and resNroe", porta �sIt, O.4 sii.
web of t vont, aiMatry amp. TLlep�aa* u.
It. 1•'. J. I(. IMII li--EiiZll, EAR
owe sod
ere York Upl
Chiliad .l a.1N..
eeldsa squire. and
dada+. knslaad. (loss, •
8trauad. opposite Lasa Chaselt - s
tsii . n. :totµ,.. 7Ma►11L
A.te A
kerrtrtoltaelgre"aellielbmg �et"�l"
Yam side SAM e[ "tagwat
DPOOT K. G., M. , J. L, RA.. C. A
11 U. UAMSiiON. R. s0...ItBARN&
T er. saw
umuesse. def sl
lou await i w 1ss• este , Gee
Mteosttag Features of the Shopping
DM►ictsForeign Goods in Vari-
ous Lines Ars Being Ireported—
A Visit to the 'imperial City"--
Sewas ini of the Darter Side Of
Lite in Ohina.
Following is the conclusion of Mar
Olive Torus,'" latter descriptive of rbc
city of Cpenstu, in Wert Cbioa, writ-
ten Julyy''1lI :
8peaaing of seeing certain siabta in
certain districts rewinds me of the
propensity the Chinese storekeepers
have for grouping according t0 their
intot-eets. In Gonads • favorable loan
;ion for a business is thought to be st a
distance front cotmpetruon, but it it not
so with tbeCbinese. I had this brought
very forcibly to my attention one day
when nay chairmen suddenly bore me
into a street that I had not 'ren be-
fore. It war evidently a "bat" street,
for shop alter shop was filled with th.
000vsntional Chinese headgear—a cep
made ot black sateen, with a straight
round strip for the height of the hat
and • crown formed of ria or eight
equal sections, kutunrunted in the
centre by a blue or red knob, more
commonly red.
'tithe same way there are streets
given up to china, or to articles made
of brass, or to silk "hope. As one
nears the waterfront one notices
streets given up to 'Hope where coal
or wood or charcoal are kept, such
articles having been brought up the
river and stored convenleatly near it.
to Cbengtu the price of coal, wood
and flour. or lice, varies inversely
with the height of the river, being
cheaper in the rummer time when the
rivers are considerably higher and
hence transportation cheaper.
The greatest boon••• street in the
city is probably the great East street,
and a'hoppi,.g expedition down there
Is decidedly interesting. It is interest-
ing to now bow increasingly foreign
oDods are beim imported. Tho
f webs of foreign cotton are imported
into the Province each week and are
dyed here for use in Chinese gar-
ments. During` the last few years the
merchants in (.'hrogtu have begun to
import owe foreign mushier and
phots and gingham,. but of coulee
the range of chows is very limited.
They Import also some foreign hard-
ware, and foreign dishes, and clock".
Many of the latter .are of Japsores
Make, as indsel are many other
articles, such as umbrellaa made after
foreign style, etc. One can also buy
HuotJey sod Palmer's tea biscuit",
Cadbury's chocolates, French tinned
butter, turned -milk, jams, etc. All of
these are somewhat dearer than wbeu
bought to Shanghai, aa might be ex
petted from the cost of transporta-
I happened one day at a shop where
the proprietor was a particularly kind-
ly old gentleman, sod be took great
pride in "bowing me a music box that
be bad for sale. Hs wound it up and
when the music began to play two
the figures of dancing girls begin to
keep tame to the music. I a.ked him
it wee tet French make and be sold
pas. Then be told me [bat the
rise was $300--$xcbuanese of course.
!'hat was the asking price ; doubtless
• purchaser could >nducr him
+odea Out, para. it
ea i U i A. c x Vit.—Yana and basted
lima oenuts moored.
JAt brairo—1X. tryslfraYotsas:t�ea. Ms,P.O.;
tk saws—Ka (•hs=6 O0.
ii.N►is.A wAra wet �Y�i�m J�
Mama. brusellebil.
Ansae.: J. N. leo
Jas. Commie"
5mbooib. ana gat Asson Pall
MammMir a s a Lis
+U. U(lU vtta.8lis its: t e ciwi s
Ras AMU I.ltn MISS:
weemea AO and
°sumswamies Aur Ism,
m : las Ocean
•s'rsn anD('C U a
flighty and 0
tars d rs,-roe., Mtb"aK eerf/G ee Yb
Bros sad M. David's stem a Y11eas He
IOU W. CRAM.. ji lfl, FIRM
W ireaccstet lsasr*sls.
In ase erecterssaltisa
ices seseted on her aetl s
ell st maks, corner W
ell awn g emu. J. H, t HrIMA/i Ys0*elatt (hit
WDltltl('y, rosy.
ulUILR or MAItRIAOg 1JCilatmis.
• AOR hcma.ea, *sbrber. ORI.
-TM wonlb tams the
Mer , eta
p' w li
��trusyyy tvs r wb. rwwe__gr�6ne mass. �''e�e
rksig Mm lie is arse you
TOe may not be able to she hunter
Ass other. have down, bat yea aaa
M 1114Y .1" better than you have
,8 sleek man
ji as mood on
sweeteart thinks beie.ie. Or • sets•-
` k r, ar had as his wife •p•
pit to get
down a little nearer what he really ex-
pected to get. The Gime proprietor
with great pride lifted a cover laid
over s biz in a corner and reveeled a
foreign safe that be had recently re-
Another place of great interest is
what is called the Arcade, built some-
what after foreign style and dealing
largely with foreign goods. there,
too, are foreign cotton, foreign chins,
foesi#n lamps, etc., and among it alt
many tawdry articles that would not
find sale in the lands of their manu-
facture and about which one wonders
what will become of them here. For
iostaoor, the other day I chanced up-
on some pink and pale blue muslin
hats, trimmed with a strip of the
wore material and a tawdry bunch of
lowers, a11 as fiat am a pancake.
They are of French exportation and
one wonders where they will find sale
he • land where children do not wear
bats and where a womatt'a headdress
coadata of a cMee-fitting band.
When the Arcade was built Jo Das
Tal, who regulates such matters,
poised a law that any merchaot in
the Arcade departing from a fined
price for his merchandise should be
fined. We hope that the law will be
enforced, for the movable prices of
the Chinese are a great source of
profit to the seller and are apt to cost
the foreigner who purchases consider-
ablywore than his more sxperieoced
(Aen brother.
But it is, after a11, among the i ich
silks, the brass wrought articles, the
fur -lined garments and the richly em-
broidered robes that are of native
manufacture that the Chinese mer-
chant appears to best advantage.
There are many wealthy shops
throughout the city, with merchan-
dise that is of great value.
China is a land where pawnshops
abound, and the are patronised oy
ail rank*. from the coolie who in sum-
mer pawtss his pukai (or comforter -like
mattress bed). to obtain a tittle ready
mooq, b the man of wealth wbo
pewee hie valuable silk or fur gar-
getmb that they 'may be protected
free the mothand mould that are so
destreetive. Some ot the pawneh pa
tett* very wealthy places and are built
strongly and guarded very care -
A word about the two walled en
closures within the city. One is the
Monello city. cm the waste's side. ne-
ctep{d ily by the conquering
sad erg rase, and within which
the wDesserel still resides, and
the ether be tM 1acparlal OW, 50
Galled trees the time *bee (*1.0.
wee the espkal of enc Gt the thaw
great di issftssllsass of the Seelplew• If we
ere to speed our uses jis
le we wish to boosI tgshts
iAGtr et
� e . D nes
rIue. as a isaUass 'shoot. to wlei alt
11jus ose� le a 0.. gM.ww$yy
Wilt hi the . oris
he 'OpOM9o1.... i
Owelt sees o. 1•rty let
deep, and la the gateway through It Urban and Population.
the air war most rettwbingly cool.
On the Dater sods of the gateway w he
d gobossds anoouucingg the ditto:
schools held here, fur of late r the
space enclosed bas been dee to
ueatiooal inetitutbos. Thele. 1 el
• normal school, a tecbeical acbbot,
commercial school. a law *abort, rt
and are among the rip -tie of prog
in West China, As the reboots w
in erosion and our party was Irrge
were not allowed to visit the aane0
The runt bulldl4g we approa
was an unpainted wooden one, sup-
posed to be a sort of watch tower com-
uutndieg� the examination cells below.
Descending we discerned in the weed -
grown flooring of brick• the marks of
the 16,000 to 18,000 cells that until 1906
000upied tbir lags space. Here in
Dells about four feet square the candi-
dates for degrees which were the nec-
eeoary qualifications tor official posi-
tions ate, slept and wrote on their
thesis, for nine day* in group• of
three day. each, with a few hours be-
tween for exercise and relaxation.
No cell now remains to he seen. In-
stead are these (iovernrnent schools
with methods approximating those ot
other countries.
Anceoding a Hight of stone stain
guarded by a great stone monster, we
came to a law school and could pro-
ceed no farther. We lingered about
for a little time and tried to read some
of the sins. I asked a Chinese to
read a brief sign near him, but as it
turned cut to be "Loiterers not
allowed" I asked on further t uretious.
Before we left for 'merrierCiewe
turned *sirs- t„ .ee itie Edit lie 1
Exhibit, a il very intrrel ing w
found it. It .n as yet in iti earl
stages, but Nil, ,ievelop into quite
museum lat•-r on.
Just in 'row. of the Impel/is! city' is
the Mohan,u, ,tau qu-r er• of the toy.
ere Aeeordiug to
cot true -third of the
Here they b •,.- A u.,..yue and sct..ol.
Here too 15 the bre, w.rket.
Ws passed the residence of the
Brigadier-Oenei al who commands
the fortes of West China and of the
Matches. It tt quite an unpretentious
residence, but Dr. Kilborn rays that
area counts mote than architecture.
We wet nett to the exhibit of
work done by an industrial class or-
ganized under the commercial depart-
ment of the city and occupying the
one quarter of the Imppeerlal l'ity not
occupied by schools. Much of the in-
struction is given by Japanese teach-
ers and Rome of its products are em-
broidery suitable for framing, and
lacquer tables, boxes, rec.
Are you surprised to learn of all these
advantages in a city over two thou-
sand miles from the coast:? Have 1
printed the bright side There is en-
couragement in the fact that Western
methods of sanitation, of street p.rlice,
of education are heing so sought after.
But the poverty and the ignorance
and the superstition of the lower
classes re unchanged, and it
touches one's heart when one looks
into the hovels of the people and tries
to understand what the real condition
of the people ir, when one sees at the
t.emple", or in the pilgrimages toward
them, or in tbe heathen funerale of
Um people, the yearning there is after
• satisfaction for the spiritual nature
that is the endowment of every mem-
ber of the human race.
About three weeks ago I was walk-
ing over to our new hospital property,
and by • eatatuAy I noticed a little
girl four or the a e its „( age end s
little be ..,1 •..v., or three. They bed
set up 1 a • little carol es and the older
child war . c- debily prompting the
younger. 1.1 et they wade a bow to
the twirl r• p roeot .1 by the symbols
and the,. ti-lt before them n all the
religiou frit •r of their childish
hearts. A e th e.e children (1 grow
up still worshipping they know not
what; are they to grow up and ac-
cept the benefits of Western civiliza-
tion and education that progressive
China will. give -them, without at the
same time giving them a knowledge
of the Christianity that has produced
this civilization, or are they to be
brought into tbe fold of Him who
asiA : "Suffer the little children to
come unto Ke and forbid it nut, for of
such is the kingdom of Heaven," and!
wbo said, "Other sheep I have, ,t,•,b
Iambs that are not of this t• Id ; thee,
*leo I must bring, and tie r•" shall ,-
one fold and one shepherd" ?
The answer rests with c'•hrieti •n
countries, with the men coot ,v, men ,
wbo have means to give to th.- sup-
port of the work, with young wen and
yourg women who have years of ser-
vice to give as ambassadors of onr
great King, as under-ebepber•ds of the
great Shepherd, end with Ch rietian
everywhere who have a part in the
great ministry of Intercessory prayer.
OlancOlg at the map and this vari-
ous mise ,ns located to the city. dues
It seem that Chengtu, at least, is well
Gupplie d r It et be borne in miud
that Chengtu is the capital of the
Province aid as such the headquatt-
ers of our sem k. and a ,trategic centre
of other missions as well. You will
notice that the missions are distrib-
uted in different parts of the city,as
by the West China Conference of id
matters were so arranged that there
should be no overlapping. This prin-
ciple is arried out throughout West.
China. and, far from separating the
different denominations, there has
always existed much a fellowship be-
tween them that it Is said that prob-
ably nowhere else in the world is
church union no near) accomplished.
One evidence of this feeling of unity
is found in the West China Union
University fust outside the city,
where Baptists. Friende, American
Methodist Episcopal and Canadian
Methodist" are united in trying to
reach the young men of this Province,
in an endeavor to train them for
Christian service.
Get Rid of is a Pew Hofs.
There is nothing madrthat will in
quickly rid the scalp of diatrseing
itchiness as Parisian Rage. the hair
dresser and beautifier.
lila R Inge guarantees Parisian
:2;5 to ewe deadrefT, stop ifalliMk f
sad milile it for or ewes a
beth it pets windily tate the
gad stven it a radiant levee.
It Me the favorite hair dese � td
Histo w.eme ~ej w Amy
attd orygreasyrefreshes M I w we.
They are may MO Net tab res
kernw of for tk* ''bltw9 mid
lees mil —gle'eJrcio PEW MO
belle in
.r -to -
census returns, le of Canada live
to tools, or clues with population of
more tbao four tbou , of whirler l
there are 1(1S. I o P Edward DAuGHTER
Island tbs proplxtion
tenth and to BtiiWh Coleus
to more than one -ball __to one-
Quebec show about the &ewe proper -
ton, 8f1 and 80 per eco{ respectively.
of Saskatchewan, h Swan, with its it teen
of nearly ball. million, onlythirteen CURED
per Dant. of the people live i n cosmun
mho of 4,08) popsiatloo or over, while
in the sister Province of Alberta, with
378.001) inhabit/ate the peopoetioo
rises to 2s per qts., sod in Manitoba
to 35 per cent. le New Brunswick the
proportion is low, 17 per Dent., but it
rises in Nova Reeds to 28 per Bent.
There are be Canada today eleven
Cities of more teas 40,000 inhabitants,
whose combloed population is 1$*.
047, well over half of the total for the
one hundred sad three cities and
towns of 4,001) population and over.
These eleven clMe$eontaio nearly ~-
sixth of all tb. -people in Canada.
Montreal and Toronto together hold
an eighth.
Counting as "arisen the population
of towns with moire than 4,000 iohabi-
tAnta, the following table gives at a
glance rhe relatknmhip between city
and country dwellers in the different
Provinces :
Tncaeoev, Novzona t 4, 1811 a
1°ogwUrbanos Urban Percent._
ties she has rned her health, thanks
D lU.,h ebluinbla... • 155,75 191,015 5¢ t0 your medicine. I can recommend it
xcnewxo 44,608,Hauls 525z.e1.515. za for all female troubles."—Mrs. L. A.
Manitoba Weil 1et.s7i
Ontario Uttar MVOS
ew Bruo.wlck. Mrs7
Noce Scotia. 43.51' 110.755
By Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable CompouNednd
wit& et � - �
was restored to
health by Lydia
pale, dark
und. She
les an d e r her
weak sad Irl.
smiled 1t Dross
bet Ake
w worse all the
Cosolooltel Lyddatak-
a woo
Hydro -Electric Power for Huron.
Reasal Okrerver.
Mr. Shaw, oue of the engineers of
the Hydru-Electric Power Cowinurion,
met •a number of our ci i izene in the ball
in the Davis block on Monday night.
The object of his visit to Heusall war
to ascertain the %mount of power used
by the different manufacturers here,
111 Zurich, and the neighboring
village•a, also the number of farmers in
this district likely to use power. He
stated that the Government engineer's
report on the Maitland River would not
be out for wore times" yet, as monthly
testa ate being made, and that anoord-
tng to estimate so fat at least 3,000
horsepower could be developed there,
goad for Dine months in the year, and
14») and 500 for this rest of the time.
During two months in the summer
Niagara power would he switched on.
if Hensel! and this section could be
supplied 1rotn the Maitland it would
not cost more than half of what it
would from Niagara and might bees low
as 126 a horsepower. The installation
would cost Hensall about 65,0(111_lo be
paid for by a small addition per horse-
power to the consumers. The advant-
age would be cheap power for menu -
fracturing, an ail -night service for the
streets and resident' and motor power
for restaurants and other smaller in-
dustries. When the Government re-
port, is made the uratter will be sub-
mitted to bbe ratepayers of the county
in the form of a bylaw. The Govern-
ment installs the prem, selling the
power to t1SZe corporation, who in turn
dispose of it to the consumers.
is Cbn=wart, 11011 Rotland Street, Haiti -
more, Md.
Hundreds of such letters from moth-
ers expres their gratitude for what
Lydia R: 's Vegetable Com
p000d W accomplished for them have
beset 1D sashed by tie Lydia E. Plnkhaa
Meads, Company, Lynn, Masse
Yom Girls, Heed This Advtea.
Girls who are trembled with palatal
or irregular periods. backache. Mead -
oche, dr'aggin -dows faint.
log spells or take
immediate action sod behealth by Lydia Z. Milkiest's zNitorsd to
table Compound. Monteath leave been
restored to health by its use.
Write to Yrs. Pinkbsellie ogss,
Hasa. for Adele% free.
Our New (ioverispr General.
The olilciat title of the Duke of Cou-
.aughl as puMuhed to the Canada
Gaseous i un. t hue : Field Marshal,
Hu Royal Highue.s Prince Arthur
William Pause a Albert, Duke of Coo -
naught and of Stoat horn, and Earl of
Essex in the Pe. -rage of the United
Kingdom of (heat Britain and Ire-
land, Duke of Saxony, Prince of saze-
Cobourgend Ootba ; Knight of the
Most Noble Order of the Garter ;
Knight of e Most Ancient and Most
Noble Order of the Thistle: Knight
of the Most Illustrious Order of Saint
Patrick ; Doe of His Majesty's moat
honorable Privy Council ; First and
Principal Knight Grand Cross and
Great Master of the Most Honorable'
Order of the Bath ; Koigbt Grand
Commander of the Most Exalted Order
tel the !Par of India: Knight Grand
l earse of the Most Dieringu ,bed OrJer
of Sri t Michael and Saint George;
Knight Grand Commander of the
most Eminent Order of for Indian
Empitr; Knight Grand Crow of the
Royal Victorian Order ; person .1 Aide-
de-camp to Hir Majesty tie King ;
Governor-General and Oommander-in-
Chief of the Dominion of Canada.
Chas. T. Grifiey
is a graduate of the Emerson College
of Oratory in Boston ; he is also the
author of many popular songs and
recitations and his volutne of original
selections, "Jingles of a Jester, has
bad a large sale. To hear these com-
positions on the platform from Mi.
alley himself is indeed a treat.
Mr. Griliey has made more than two
hundred r neer in Boston and
bas appeared three times In nearly two
hundred towns. Measre. Rogers and
Galley have been associated together
for some fifteen years and have .p -
peered in recital. together in every
state in the Union as well as in Ontario.
This will be one of t h- finest enter -
tea rurenee of this srA-on in Goderich.
Don't tail to he nt it
A Overman Allegory.
On a recent trip to Orrewany, Doc-
tor Harvey Wiley. the Government's
purr ford expert. h. aid an allegory
wi h ,.fere, cr to tie subject of food
ulnit.retlon ehi-h, be contends,
ab ould carom Ameti.-sai Gs congratu-
late themselves t het things are so
well ordered in this respect In the
United States.
The German allegory wag substan-
tially as follows:
Four files which bad made their
wayinto* certain pantry, determined
to ays a feast.
Owe flew to theand ate
hearth a but woo died. tots sugar
was fell d whine lead.
The sssotd shoes the Sour as leu
Mit he farad no better, for the
inp was loaded with plantar of Paris.
7!M third wiepied the hist
li,ter th.. lop were r lywrsedaudd
. seeing all his Meade
to red ne Mlle m
sad !�s 1rrply _ or tae *roam
j�Rs is its Oh, teed in Steed l*.
tag wee adnksad.—No.em-
1110.00 per week to start with
for girls eighteen and over.
Apply at once.
D. 8. PERRIN es CO., Limited
London - - Ont.
pr. Andrew* praises Dr.
Mars.'• Indian 1t1st Plea.
Mr. George Andrews of Halifax, N.S.,
"Fa teeny years I have been troubled
wick chronic Cosntipation This ail-
ismt sever coosand I
have been a victim to many illnesses
that constipation brings in its trate.
Medicine alter mediae" I have taken in
sides to find redid, but one and all let
are is the [tame hopeless condition. It
snored that nothing would expel from
RIG fee see ailment that caused so much
yd a I read about these
That was indeed a lucky day for ms,
lir I wee so is,yeeesed with the stater
meets mode that I determined to
glee them a fair trial
Hey have regulated my stomach mad
roosts. 1 as cared d oo.a(ipatiea, tad
Iiadais they have as egadss a aaN-
Illee ever half a emtury Dr. Morse's
Indies Root Pills have been coring we -
edged= and clogged, inactive kidneys,
with all the ailments which result ham
them. They cleanse the whole system
Ind _puri y the blood. Sold everywhere
aL st. a boa. 2
Souse smart new styles have just
arrived in ladies' Fall Coats.
Handsome Tweed Coate, with all the newest style effects,
including deep collars, patch pockets rod the $f�0 w $20
new highwaist line. From
In our store will be found the beet aetected stock of chile-
dren's and misses' Coats, in .11 the newest •tyles, in $? 50
black and colors, to tit ages from four years. From
We make a specialty ot infanta smart Coats. Bearskin Coats
are the most serviceable and most comfortable, and their splendid
wearfit,ing and washing qualities give them the first place in baby's
Bearskin Coats, in white, cardinal, brown, castor and black,
extra well made and lined throughout. $,.95 to $7.75
We show a larger assortment of infante' and children's Bonnets
and Hata than any two other stores in Huron county.
Infanta' Bearskin Bonnets from apo
Children's Bearskin Hate from. $e.00
Children's Silk Bonnets from. •ao
Children's Velvet Hats. very stylish, from 1 , .1.00
llhIldren'a Felt Hats, in great variety. ' newest styles, at
moderate prices.
New atoce of Kayser FabriC Gloves now on band.
Perriu's Kid Gloves for ladies, men and children.
With No Hypodermic Injections, Absolutely
Destroys and Removes All Crav-
ing and Desire for Liquor
ALL PATIENTS admitted far TREATMENT ander contract
that it has to be satisfactory or fee paid is refunded. The hallin
Treatment for the Liquor Habit is being strongly recommended
by the medical profession. THE HOME TREATMENT is just
as effective if simple directions are followed. Call, write or
'phone for booklet and copies of contract. Strictly confidential.
ne f&TIBI aSTNrE
A. HARORAVE. Manager•
$3,600 in Cash Prizes for Farmers
W 148N you en•er the C Cement Prise
eon tee. your dealer will a5tat you.
Consult him In reference to condltlotea
of the contest Refer all questions of doubt to
hire to decide Confer with Min when bb ex.
Dertenee and advice and Ma knowledge et our
plan would seem h.ipful.
Don't hesitate about dolag [Ass We hays
requested him to waist to the beat of his AMMO
any farmer In his locant, oesepetMg In tkb cos-
tars—whether It's a matter ievelvtse the applica-
tion of t•.mort. or how to ee about wiiaisg one
et tae proses offered In this easiest Do you
•.alis. that you fare at good s obese* u thus
nest man to wilt one of these arts*? T1drs are
f.sre for each Peewee*, es tellews-
.petati,• 'A•' -001.N ts be r1,•.,iis 5.beam re •444
.4 a Aw11ia "�.:.a�' FIUI
'fir -41410 OS to is
A#.i so ors eons0 ei bola-�� 1. tett
►....r is .ar Preview ata. es
ak.w1K IM 1..l se any p., r o.r k..e al win,* don* es is
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Ooutset will close on No .meter 16th 1911. And
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Re fare and get a cap). of our Coate,[ Circular
telling all about the emotes Amb yew deals for
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pr.a.sby illuminati 116-pegi ma. vara ►.n.
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