The Signal, 1911-11-2, Page 1tl1ITT-T11.1RD Jfilteit No. 1375 HODERICH• THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1911 STCRLIN& BAAI( - OF €ANAOA WHERE Is YOUR MONEY ? This Bank affords money -savor, a safe Mid profitable place for their saving.. Bate becaure of ample capital sad conserv- ative ms)tagewent, and profitable because we allow three per cent. interest. All a:counta are welcome, and we can aaew•e you of courteous and careful'atten- tion, oo matter what the amount. of your deposit may be. BRANCHES: .fvernier, Dt'NOANNON, BaTIRHLD AND VAIf&&A GODERICH BRANCH ANDREW PORTER Mgr. ii_ 101118O PUBLIC NOTICE. I Deek sWL...D. - dppc)RD REGIMENT BAND. 1�� vssekar) Vt lobs. ,da tioe g�� AB MMus. past and t. are of asked osk dNto oases sept Ira TW r a/MI Mit Sea?. In ere bangs e .l egostant bushier J. B. HUNTER. HeadANNUAL HOSPITAL MEETTIINGG.- Tew amens W •eisott°° w t el of the diem ands *aim and Gla mesh ILO tar the L the yes ease k at he $OTICE TO TORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice W ewe* gime emo to �sttvttlaoa��lt temente si LtiliwMfri Iia AA= b".111:10 el Crmber:Iltd old aria mete sonallee tea em eniterti es or M6me dna des � doss 4 J$ . 0of dolma .y at 4 riysase�me`s Aitsessas . hsY krulisnwsetl es/fMo[� w i tisssii[%sa�spllasmd oats to w d w�t��e � her • ounce. Dated the WI dos et N•senee. ISL LOTTO. t UNLUCKY. 7b it asses. fee Respeter. GODERICH MARKETS. Tattaroe .e. nod. You wheat, per bush . .. ...... w u II 4 « t, per base-. 0 m 0 M r to 0 tush s a�0i te 0s,* • 023to •M •70 to 110 Floor. taro pyrper cwt l ami w 19 75 Flour. Aran � �c per sero t toe MOO b fi M 0 to 27 110 per wo new 11 01 to Il s1 e fa to 800 � load s la to 5 30 b 11010 0U Pet des 0 24 to 011 A bbl i 40 to 350 W1 b 00 b 73 5 70 500 450 06 730 Nits a IA and recta .... 0 15 to 0 10 Palatine kaseL ....... . b ie to Cattle, ester M sped. per cwt 4 u0 to S�awet pe•art s 3070 w 460 to IOLto 7Mto b to Sharp. pie e•R Rea, per lb est FOR SALE. f OR SALE. -HORSE, COW - AND A: Mrty c5 ass. WM. PUTT& Salt/ord. SITUATIONS VACANT. TEACHER WANTED. -FOR 8.8. JL Na 1.Oolbcese, at Bgmmtaee Dune. to *soosse JemmyInt 1911 State *Wary and sssYaetiea Address C. A. WATSON, kr .surer, lienaniZer P. 0. 7Stf HACKER WANTED. -- PROP- HRLY qualified ttrohsr wasted for & 8. PROP - To. 15, Aah11.Y stattag ro.nOe • a New Tear's. A t� a. required. to R. A. GRANT, 71 , u.EPRESENTATIVE WANTED AT 1b coos for work In your locality. W guarantee re to vance .00 perday. Opportunity span nae. Si ark not dit7tlealt Li�parylefar s P REng7.n'errmite.On SRNATIuNAL BIBLE WANTED. -OLD BOOKS, aro or as documents mama Pat umber jtaaar will be hi" ea edeeda . No- Vital early Csedoaedr the =trepan d tams sssri west in tai w pm, q jie� -a nol aoyt�LR pro m J L'DOE HOLT. Pres. It H. 1. HODGEHE. Secy. The puWk ere cordially invited to e Y. M. C. A. COURSE 1911-12 OPENING ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9TH -r- VICTORIA VICTORIA OPERA Hoven ROGER$ AND GRILLEY Enjoyable Music AMeiag 8tmrite Olres-High-class- -Entertaining P1.* at H. T. Edwards' NOp1s to subscribers Tuesday, o�''Jcb Opea to public Wed-- y, ed oesday, No tai►. Reserved Seats -50c NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. tin ,dsllrs 30 nut len. Let p what tram to sell and to pekes. YS i CURIA ITY SHOP, Hamilton street, rich. cast (P. O. Her 7L) AUi'1'IION SAL s. w CLEARINti AUCTION BALE lJ o► FARM IITOCY. bowed O. Lawson MU sell by sae tfca Ott hat h, Lake Sham road tl as. meth of �tql. et rHiDAY•NOVDa5R 1erw. os�wslat at 111 e'Wek sharp: m�mi�Set�pmsd In be is Cafs9t emvylir year v.tae ''at webereei Rime utero is = w cgst Beard iiiska witislvee el Ar lawn swatter re*Mred case. Ceder tees saki. aawrb sonars Flier=is"rals aera ssnsrl dbe � 1 WATER AND LIGHT COMMISSION PT" - 1 Assegais air •u water sad light amass eve hese DIMtlle SIM b an des wee resage.d.. � Wow eMid see 4 . payable i �3ya Jsthr trs*r res wM M Or ode A. IIIIMAlTON. Vremis... W. t L Ce.eleba Oetebar 134L, 7k,$, 50.24 le6�ea �sUrsb that appears to �mle e.p.t�'� h~ raa.�Me wse�s elves p•..t Per fm W esus ichors b = rt Merit tetai;t oem&themamb Vlhoe . et twin� are is tine show• samo seuw Of p01124y� ase L R. w1PLK A. Q HQ arms, Ciminero et bard et Health M. H. 0 o•de4sk. met 11. MIL 74 Mg 1s, eeswamM Aero to ClId BALE BY TENiDER. ��� oddr.sad to this auseriga, .an Pastest set. 1 Re. Wednesday Nevenb,r ��s1 MtL tar Sure. et tie 8eaaer Oedoeleh lata >Q.1w sed 1m .4 the town s4 T*Ahlgheet C. any minder net nsososarily L L KNOX. W. K. WILLL Tows Clerk. Chair v�aa et special Com. Ooderict. Ieswa et Oederica. October num. 1911. 71td1 FOR SALE 01 TO IBNT HON- FALL&TO Biinstpiasse eiseMs$rell. 10e.. oesuessimIsai. wWr�*�Ms spM wows of time sera.. Lang teem .qq si. A seed cd ler at: At gi•iet to J. H. it IILaUAN. Get , pMy 7344 R SALE. -100 ACRES. ONE OF Etas bo brew le Heron meaty pie Ryan . need oreha d sod �osspd°�MOdings. loam 8041 od dcee-hsit �.0.. south et Dyr�ssrenon. prq Mawr WALLiNCA'ON. Dasiasasaasaae�r 7><Jt LAND FOR SALE.-BIZTYONS. sawueol �s.ad. part s(deIoI Ns 11a�, 4 sib:Li a: *wore Jres esti%4.'..i i sant salve Apply 3. ANTHON T ALi.MNihit FARl18 FOR BALE. -ONE HUN- DRED cep es to 7M cameedes sad ees the Rh amemess at Csi- eslis er lefeh �ktfee leakcirrilora, sew. aM bac an ▪ wateredite= goad a well at bare. IiMeeb6 -ekes �.s gas Arkmrs ; owe Om 1helt ien M=w C. P. t to he - nee airt ear low Pws�he.t. RS w a rj OR 8AL8.-THAT FINS RNBi- =salthe i rti es, *gess d CLMe. en* f { >` to .e• k.ik s w fess. Apgly 1* P. FA" Gs•_ two raaa- 7 1m = 1400 yeses. ewer calved. choke Awns ed tirades. sods 'elle, awl 1 r� mach cows ; 15 Aced apmeimoo r credit will A d3oean° t at tie rate of 1 per oast. par annum !lowed for ash L V. LAWSON. T. GUMMY. Proprietor. Aretiweer AUCTION SALE or • CARLOAD OF CATTLS Mr. Joke Shames. yr., et Tha.efeee, 0.1., wee sell by waft eustlase South sem; esi erkii. Ori at YmadrYeJtahlms SATURDAY. NOv10/DZR Int oaeeimslms at 116 .Deese member sharp t good od smash e 10035. m3.5=kare • nems nes to theles 1tn siaelea;•Iee road and as OWLsem w•e a 1st A stoker a4 tis. Ms been leMdasse LM owe tarsh menthe* credit will be given eallE=asspneredi islet notes. A die messat KM t� se 0 per eget par annum • ThemJOHN SHANNON, JR., THOS. OUNDRY. 74.2 Proprietor. Aoctlooeer CLEARINGAUCTIONHALE or FARM, FARM STOCK. IMPLZISZNTY, Thos. chadatillea rewind imetreoliena tram to prns• was IL A I. wawa - ea oaf (MK g liame.11192110 at MONDAY. ▪ MOtHiong tsrn. eoemeelag M 1 Wile*. the bdowlng now afoot -1 Mary dnegit man, tem el, supposed te ea wit& teal; 1 Man mare, sight yews eidd. espes1M a be �etyewoh deoremi. beehive pelf; /ss1: s Wa � Maids ggir ( Om y ti sit sMgse#i Mem yeas oil 6 EONS m use S yisir 4. be .. with salt • 6 Miers rhe fare yeas di ;1 When lye. Ash two mem eld ;1 steers. es two yeah .44 . I ems :r ggrietg lalvas . 7 pine. two sNtn old ; 16 ess mem irrtxworia--1 I8 -foot Naarey-Harrfa seed drib Mewl; 1 Many -Harris seed drill mew); 1 walktag plows • 1 good YoOeeolet Moder : 1 eat wide deo `arrows Inset esdl; 1 sat area barrows ; 1 key who ;1 hay eek. ear sad clam ; 1 Frost It Weed mower: I sat rood amble hareem ; 1 harems ; 2 .mod ; 1 setesus nd mita:;1 •i wine 1 regit ;I gravel box a,gee elmeer1=6 .twsawt �hfWe.fsesy msictalues reetnabtschmes.01.e4. srUr50teredouRtg; num=weethem.oh ae. : A-1gwasa 1 ;1 badman ; 1rMar�t W�;I mei; 2Re.us hailer; 1 Main • saw gariseeL Sett TO RENT OK FOR RALE - -1N AMISS 811 MILES tlt•le AestiflpeR •e herr r .lr.�i l.- ea os the rr.• le • MIS hese= OF wSA� LLA :--u ecus at mAII rod MOMPSvi /s►fMLegrelw t ss 5 111111. S.A. MiliaNIA I. ?Mug gi711D111,. Plwidlrss► As,tae -. se tubber goods We at Id las Special Offer ro NSW SUB$CKIBERS The Niteroi will be sent to any address in Canada or Great Britain from mate of reseipt of order to January let, 1013, for the pries of one year's subs-riptlon - OINE DOLLAR TSS SIGNAL MINIMNO OM, Ltd.. PootAVSOM - at ANOTHER FATALITY. was fgrnaearatewanice": rwt hoiretie: ere pbpetigg NOTFS OFHIiEK. held over the late Edward Hopper, be- cause -the widow wanted the burial to be made 1n Forest Lawn, while the man's he -other, Lewis Hopper, wanted interment. made in Pius, Hill. Mn. Hopper finally agreed with the brother and burial was made in Pine Hill. The inquest into the mysterious circumstances surrounding Edward's death was set for the city court on Friday. November 3, at 2:30 o'clock In e meantime Lewis Hopper will be et liberty, but should circumatanoes then warrant Lewis again will be taken into custody, anti a charge, not het determined, will be placed against im. Tbe Peerless male quartette Mestere. Small, Fowler, Chapman and Cook - go to Blyth next Monday night to take part in a concert- in connection with St. Andrew'. Presbyterian church in that town. Relieved of All Blame. Buffalo, Oct. 17. -Lewis Hopper, of 47 Dole street, this city, was released from all blame In connection with the death of his brother, Edward Hopper THIRD ACCIDENTAL DEATH IN GODERICH IN THREE WEEKS. Alfred Smal& of Port Albert. Thrown Out of His Buggy on Maitland bridge 13111 and Instantly Killed - His Wife and Daughter Injured. Another tragedy, which again has brought into prominence the steep hill leading from town to Saitford, oc- curred on Tuesday evening of this week, resulting in the instant death of Alfred Senate. of Port Albert, and in- juries to bis wife and daagbter, who were with him in the buggy at the time. Mr. and Mrs. 5111.10 and his dsngh- ter had been in town, aid about 6:15 o'clock, just at dock, the drive borne to Port Albert was commenced. When the overhead bridge of the G. T. R. was reached Mr. Sinale's driver, SIR JAMES WHITNEY ANNOUNCES DATE OF ELE C)TIONb. Ontario Liberals Have New Leader -- lion. A. G. MacKay Resigns and Newton W. Rowell Takes His Piece -Federal Ministers Returned - Italians Having Trouble in Tripoli -Chinese Revolutionists Force Hand of Pekin Government. Sir James Whitney has announced the date of the Ontario Provincial elections.. Polling will be on Monday, December 11, with the nominations a Week earlier. Along with this anuounoement the Premier has issued a letter to the electors, in which he gives an account of his adrninihtration or the affairs of the Province and makes some pro - formerly of London, Ont., 'and liode-; Mals for the future. A new De- f four-year-old, bolted and ran down rich, by the decision of Judge Maul is , pertinent is to be created, with a the hill at a dangerous speed. Two the city court here 8vturdsy after- I Minister at its head, to take over the rigs going in the same direction were noon. Judge Maul held that Edward duties of the Hydro -Electric Coe nis- pasaed and when the turn on to the Hopper came to his death in no moa- Sion. It is altogether probable that bridge was about to be made it is nee other titan by natural causes. Hon. Adan Beck will be given this thought that the rig must have been Mrs. Laura Hooper, widow of deceased. portfolio. The Premier intimates that •o close to the .north-easterly side of has been appointed administrate: of plans are under consideration for the the road that the sharp turn upset the her late husbaod'e estate, which in- developmeut of Northern Ontario. and buggy. Mrs. Bmale says she can ooly eludes about $1,2011 in cash on deposit that the Federal Government will be remember feeling the rig sway but in a local bank, but Lewis Hopper will asked to assist in the construction nothing more until some dale after- contest the action, claiming that and prospective extension of the On- wards, when the was being cared for Edward left the money to him in a tario Government railway. SirJatnes at Walters store in Sslttord. Her will made up just before he died. The also holdro out the prospect of aid from husband was thrown out to the right will may be admitted to probate here the Federal Government towards the of the rig, up sinst the plank siding in a few days. construction of per nauent highways of the bridge, atrikiog wilt such force in the Province and the providing of that nearly every bone in the lower CHURCH NOTES. practical instruction in agriculture. part of bis Lace was fractured. Death • * was inseam MUMS. Wedrlesday of this week was All The Liberals of Ontario enter the Mn. Some* wits thrown a short die- Saints' 'Day and the ucusl holy -day Provincial election contest under a tame away, as glso wits the daYgbtee, services were held in St.. Peter's new leader. At a party convention Miss Victoria. ; .The little girl s u- church. held at Toronto this week Hon. A. G. tamed a alight 'crater on the fad and The choir of North street Methodist MacKay, who has led the Opposition suffered cooiderably from *bock. church were the greats of Mn. J. B. at Toronto since 19177, handed in his Mrs. onside had several ribs frsclured Whitely on Tuesday evening and resignation, owing to an attack upon and the shock to her nervous system were royally entertained. The mem- =rivet. character which is being was a serious O. Both see at Alex- berm of the choir took advantage of made in the court*. Mr. MacKay de- andra hospital, where they are doing the occasion to tender their leader, clared that it was a case of blackmail, nicely, and expect to be able to go to Mr. Kiog. and Mrs. King a Hal- but that he would not have an oppor- their home at Port, Albert in a few lowe'en surprise. trinity to vindicate himself before the days. Rev. Dr. Carman, of Toronto, the dote of ire elections, and he did not Assistance was soon on the scene of beloved and honored general superin- wteb the party to enter the campaign the accident. and doctors were sum. tendert of the Methodist church, will ender such a handicap. His follow - mooed, but the injured man was los- preach both forenoon and evening in eq in the House declared their ooe>ad- yoodall aid. (lorooer Hunter, atter victoriaptet►et church next Sunday. ems le,AlmApj naked him to remain Investigating, osdered an ingqred and The kering of. the day will be in aid p, but Mr. MacKay la- the body was *seaweed to Ehopbey's of the trustee board of the church. so upon the acceptance of his res - undertaking MMus. Everybody is invited. *nation. It then necessary On Wedowee, arming the follow- The Ministerial Association tor to selects new leader, and the oboi al ing jury was entpaoelled : A. J. Ooderich and vicinity will meet Mon- tell upon Newton W. Rowell, K. C., of Cooper (foreman), h. C. Cameron, J. day. November eth, at 10 a. m.. in the Toronto. Mr. Rowell is a native of S. Davey, John !tory, C. H. Humber pe•tor's vestry of Victoria street Middlesex county, forty-four years of W. L. Mclaso, W. J. Muir, J. J. Mc- Methodist church. Rev. Dr. Carman, ago- be is a prominent rtymtan t>t the Ewen and O. 0. Whitely. Atter superiotendeot of the Metbodiat Methodist church, leas a large and viewiog the remains an adjouromest church of Canada, is expected to he successful law practice. is an eloquent was made until Wednesday evening of pe.oeot and amdtess the meeting. apeesker, and has done good service on next week se 7:30 o'clock, in the town 1sr'terly .eruficee will et held at the platform for the Lihleral party for hall, when the evldeoce of witnesses North street Methodist church on msn� years. He bas never baso io which may throw light on the cause 8taoday next. The love feast will be Parltameot of the tragedy will be taken. 'mated- held at 10 a.m. and the sacrament of An anuouocement of the platform iately after the adjourbment the jury the Lord's Supper will be admini.- which the Liberal party will preemie went in a body to examine the scene tared morning and evening. The pas- to the electors of the Province is being of the accident. toe, Rev. Alfred Brown, will preach at prepar.4d and will be made public in a Tbe late Mr. filoak was fifty-five both see'vioe. and conduct the adult fess da s years of age and N survived by a fain- ems• Quarterly offerings will y • • s sly r f three sons sod three daughters : los taken. The members of the new Federal Mrs. Fleming sod Mrs. McDonald, of An attractive feature in Knox church 'Cabinet who have gone back to their Detroit; and Will, Victoria, Albert during the month of November will constituents for re-election have been and Harold, all at home. The son be a series of Sabbath evening din- returned without opposition. Hon. Will was a member of the crew of courses to by Rev. Geo. E. Rom. W. T. White is to sit for Leeds, where the ill-fated schooner Azov, who had The find of tbeis will be delivered on Geo. Taylor. one of the veteran Con - a narrow escape with their lives two Sunday evening next and the subject ,servatives of the House of Commons, weeks ago, when the vessel water- chosen is "Lot, the men who began retires to make a place for him. Hon. logged in Lake Huron.. tight and ended wrong." •This will be Frac k Cochrane seek* a seat in Nipis- The funeral will take place on Sun- followed by ••Jacob,' the man who be- sing, George Gordon, the member day afternoon. A service will be held gen wrong and ended right ;" "Gallic, elect for that riding, retiring. Muer.. in Christ church, Port Albert, at 3 the man who didn't care" and "An- White end Cochrane will probably be o'clock and the interment will be I drew, Scotland's patron saint." Spe• unopposed, unless the dissatisfied made in Port Albert dmeteey. eel selection. by a male quartette will be rendered at each of these services. THE BRIDGE HILL ROAD. The Presbytery of Huron meets in To the Labor of The Blgrt►L Knox cburch on Tuesday next and at Um same time Presby al Woman's Slit, -1 see by The Signal that th Missionary Society will convene in jury In the case of the accident on the the same church. The ladies will con - bridge hill, in which Mrs. Potts lost tinue their meetings on Wednesday her life. returned a verdict of aoci- and it is expected that a full repre- dental death. NSW, I suppose that is stentatinn from all the congregations all right, but I think the jury should in the Presbytery will be present. A have looked further add advised some feature of the meeting on improvement on the hill, in order to ey evening will be an address prevent such sad accidents. in the delivered by Key. A. McFarlane, the Bret place. w person driving down the new minister at Bayfield. An illus. hill will find it yety rough and uneven tested travel talk on a missionary trip and needing very badly a good coat of around the world also will be given *revel. Then, those electric light by Rev. Mr. McLaren. of Toronto. posts are set nut In the roadway eve Arrangements are being made to or six feet. end "n the opposite side Flt serve a luncheon in the church on the the roadway the cedar posts are lean- arrival of the delegates on the noon ing towards the road at an angle of trains on Tumidity. forty -lye degrees when tbey ought to Owing to indifferent health His Lordabip Bishn Wil latus was • set In the opposite direction Now, if you take five feet from one aide of the road and five from the other Bide, the road is narrowed up ten feet, or in other word.. the road that ought to be thirty feet at least in width i• only about twenty feet. 1 think that this is a deplorable eon - dittos of affair.. How can you 's- pecs peopis to rums to our town when of eeoeoosaditkeep. a death-trap on the main 1 do not know meet about )uriea, but i think that this Jury Ss�t]setei thele diet when they did -SDR dlwer b the pNi3. altas/ia* the es.elsmmitne of osuncil is to lost attar sew 10R•rests siidsty of the p milia. a'trreire 0oi•rieh. No i INQUEST NOr1MRIER 3RD latpiry tale Omni of Edwrd Napper at Oita ot this lair se Leedom 11.5.. N. Y.. $-11a Nagai Clot., and �w l , dna* me. «sed hen int asights =me, w MINN&N, war was Matt__ pr+ at IL L P I ugable to be present wt the harvest thanks- giving services in St. George's church Inst Sunday. The church was very spprnprialely decorated for the ooea- Siion with emblems of the harvest sea- hwtants. son. Rev. Canon Hill. of Regina, preached in the ramming and was as. ZELL1eR FOR SOUTH HURON. Conservatives make an attempt to defeat Mr. White: The rebellion in China has made such headway that the Luling powers at Pekin have taken alarm and have promised to yield the demand of the National Assembly for complete con- stitutional government. An edict has been issued in the name of the baby Emperor ezpreseing the most abject apologies for the past, and promising reform for the future. The Manchu officials who have controlled affair* at Pekin are to be dismissed, and the Chinese are to have a greater share in the government. Whether this sur- render to the people will atop the re- bellion remains to be seen. • • • The Italians are Sot having it all their own way in the 000fl et with the Turkish forces at Tripoli, and serious reverses have been suffered at the hands of the Turks and their Arab allies. The report. from the. seat of war arae very indefinite, sad it is diffi- cult to form any conrtusi m an to the exact state of affairs between the corn. Meted in the service by the new rector, Bev. J. B. Fotherim ham. In the Zurich Editor Nemtaated by Literals ter evening Rev. Nr. Fatberingbam Preached hie first Bergson as rector of Provincial Coldest. Bt. George's and maim an excellent Impression on the conpregstion. He Yh ptw4 of a very clear voice. w�6ehss.be uses to good effect, and be rismer and easter are sash as w Hereon. Nov. 1. -.-At the South Huron Liberal convention. which Unwed wwed Zeller, of Zurich, today, tbs foIlowis resolution was MVO •e41R1rsg' and retain 1M „�,d that this cote - OM Th. esdOnimebs d tit. O.w�.1 Saab of tis Rabb,ipeneat a aspen ion of hse. bsta.aM is saawetot as Issuwseeih Baron dashes he express Its =Bs Ms apresghor'Pleirtmsa iii a. Q, of Mr.11/ wg Prereineial Kstm'e a Thee 9 be athis tints its maii=31 and eNheti . ntit arse a �` tMefi west is. wiwkr halls , PM d the ` Ow - *. 3. MEM a 00.. roar. 0. w ! (ice it tl haw r J. . b rsmOlntleR wild Metlj ki. L n.1 Dd(- , K •r..01. • du.w e• mem set a.r els ..I11_• s siminia-.na of the Reim t>venes t Marva, tloo, the dei gat.. being g1wover the day's .tears from Thwasharins e es.vs.tl.R was attsms4t4 by splendid figld'k,g win 3511 set THE PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS. NOMINATIONS -MONDAY, DEC. 4. ELHCTIONs-MONDAY, DSc. 11. President Harry Smith, of Hay town- ship, war in the chair and was one of those nominated. Others similarly honored were Alex. Mustard, of Brucefield, and Dr. Sellery, of Hen - sell in brief but optimistic speeches all retired in favor of Mr. Zeller. whore unanimous choice delighted w11. Mr. Zeller is editor and proprietor of The Zurich Herald, and highly esteemed among a11. He made an ex- cellent speech accepting the nomina- tion. Others who delivered aidressee were M. Y. McLean, ex -M. P., Sea - forth ; Thos. Fraser, Brucefield, and J. G. Stanbury. Mr. Stanbury made a rousing speech, in which he urged the Liberals to fight the Whitney Government. He dealt effectively with the educa- tional muclailes of Dr. Pyne, and advo- cated dvo- cated advahced legislation in regard ito land tax. Tbe late Federal member for South Huron accepted his defeat in a good spirit, and confined his remarks ebief- ly to the Whitney :Government and Mr. Either. Mr. StcLean's criticisms ineluded an arraignment of the Ad- e ministration for permitting Dr. Best - tie Nesbitt to escape. Mr. Eilber, be pointed out, had supported the in- crease in the sessional Indemnity, but had done nothing of account while in the - �cJuded a most sun- ! y�Y• POLITICAL NOTES. W. ProudfookM. P. P., has been at Toronto this week taking anactive part in the annuar meeting of the Ontario Liberal Association. 8o tar as Goderich is concerned, the vote in the Provincial election on list of 191C. this year's list not having yet been certified to by the judge. I South Huron Conservatives met at Zurich on Thursday of last week. and again named H. Ember, M. P. P., as their candidate for the approa-•hing , election. No other name was pro- posed. John T. Currie, who was nominated as the Liberal Candidate in North Huron for the Legislature, and who asked for five days' to consider the matter, has since decided that for personal reasons he cannot accept the nomination. - Tbe following officers of the Centre Huron Conservative Association wore elected et the meetingat 8eaforth last week : President; M. roderick, Sea - forth ; first vice-president, 11. J. A. MacEwan, Goderich ; second vice- president, W. Jackson, Clinton ; third vice-president, Benjamin Churchill, Hullett; secretary, Wm. CampbeIl, Goderlch ; treasurer, Oliver Johnston, Clinton. December 11th will be on the voters' HARBOR AND MARINE NOTES. . Robs. Redfern has hauled his yacht out on Harbor island' for the winter. The Scottish Hero is expected with A carve of wheat and oats for the Goderich Elevator Co. The hull of the Tecumseh which was towed from the harbor last summer and stranded on the beach off At - trill's has disappeared. Tbe steamer Kaministiquia is to be lengthened seventy-six feet during the coming winter season. The work prob- ably will be done at Port Arthur. This vessel wintered at Goderich last season. in all probability half -a -dozen gas,.. lioe launches, including one swift hydro -plane. will be built for local parties during the coming winter. The Goderich pleasure fleet next sea- son should make a very creditable showing. Hon. J. D. Hann, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, has decided to defer from November 1st to November 10th the commencement of the close season for Rah on the Ona;. Lakes. Thiseection has been taken because of the eaception*lly poor catch that has been made this year. Owing to the deprws.ion in lake com- merce oil the American side, many American boats are loading wbeat at Fort William for delivery at Buf- falo. Theme heats carry 20000D and 2100,0110 bushels each trip and some daye as many as three or four d these big freighters leave Port Wil- liam end Port Arthus, bouneVor Buf- falo. The owners of the motor lannebes and other boating ctalt took advan- tage of t be holiday last Monday to have their honk, pissed in winter quar- ters. Four meter launches and sev- eral skis std rowboats user • stand a nest in the.... het piastualaining sisdm, Bo's erase rsdsifi;le.mwas tl st to Min the beats ma of the wages to the MMrlal dock. With bas hnlwarS. swan a.� SS40..Naai.stow, • i> . sr.6s. was abate her eitiBw roin Asrleytlasr ilk, aro illailer i :140. 111. sign done as Min 1 PLOW w* bsvplaey latenitsellegatat OTC" 111"Itoltadedliiiiiii! It *sty .he be rebuilt.