HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-10-12, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO
Itew� of the ,tiistriet.
J. pasemome has p endemttd theresi-
des=In NeimanNeimanof Ulla Hooper. The
pries pad was 31.150.
Y David Sallie. • pusses' aseld.nt
of U toseS towa•bip. is dead at the
ego d SSVeety-abee years.
Dr. MoOls*lw rat Seafuetb. has gate
,, New Torii. Whet* be wilt Want the
, ,,ming year taking up Pt g
1Ir. Arthur McAllister. `o He Dr.
the purchased e practs
his new acid at labor Last Elliott. of Gowfms. � left tor
.11r. and dim d)e lson Aside,in who
spent a their _
Iitb have reheated oGrey township. the
II, OsO, of Tuckeremith, hes
Id bb to J^ t sun
of RohrertOtil b,, of Oodot'lo roup•
hip. The mew proprietor takes presses.
,ion at once. •
Miss R �n'of the Dashwood
o bad been on
the teaching
public school for the past two year',
bus gate to Tomato. where she will
.t tend the Normal aebooL
Miss IC. C. 8. Rhea, S. A. a korner
.weber ie Wes Well=
„ tfineibsmatin•1
.xp tel the itlN
warner to Ike Yorkiue (Sask.)
Ile�iaW (..dote. Her salary (i
At Elm Civet. Manitoba, on Wed-
iay, September Mab. a quiet mu -
age toot pitta whoa Miss Agnes
A I hems Keened wee wedded to
ti vide Thomas Boole. star of Charles
`f..oIe. of Seefastb.
After a trying plasm from Bright's
,tcw►se. Solomon J. fiaannoa, it srell-
tnow•n figure 1n P<esforth ani Me -
ii illnp tuwnablP, weed away on
'aturday, Septeptber 30th. He was
i i f t'. -t h, re years of ittyp.
!Ideal W atsoa and family have r.-
; urued to Morris township after a Lwo
r ran' residence et Oocbra.e. New 0.-
4miu. Mr. Watson. woe among tie
uiawber who lost heavily in the Are
there several weeks ago.
Mn. Ransom Deaols, formerly of
I..adbury locality. died la Toronto no
iui bar forty roedd year .odSeptember Sib. 81. sur-
vived by a family of five children. oleo
bur mother and one sister.
A pretty wedding was solemnised al
residents. of Jobtlns�Beauuv.yy,�0..1�
es Archie op V. HcYowee, tttatsi
of Ilse. Sruvy. Mews the bride of
Rev. 0. Victor Collins, pastor of the
Baptist eburob at WI•gbam. The
ceremony wet performed by Rev. J.
R. ()Hinshaw, of Petrolia. in the pree-
ente of about thirty relatives and
Meads of the 000tra.rting parties.
An old •.d well-known resident of
Mo.ris township, in the per on of
John McArthur, answered the anal
aumtuons on Friday, 28th tot. He
was in his.seHmty.siutb year. being
tau. u In ♦rgyisabire. Scotland, 1 , 1882.
He settled in Morris in 1856, end lived
in that township until ten years ago.
when he moved to Brussels. He 1s
survived I y four brothers and two
sister. and a family of four daughters.
At the auction sale on the farm of
W. Taylor In Hullett, on Wednesday.
September 27th, splendid prices were
rtrealised. especially for the farm stock.
A p tir of Allies rising two years okl
were sold for $302, and • colt four
months old rat 4198. Cows sold et. from
336 to 360 carpo steers and heifers
at • from to {is. A pair of two-
year-old *teen sold at 3106 and spring
mires at 321 each. The proceeds of
the sale amounted to nearly $2.000.
An old resident of Clinton mooed
away suddenly on Friday. Septemb -r
911tb. in the person of Mrs. Jos Rider.
She bad attended to bar household
duties in the morning hut • severe
pain in her side forced her to Ile dnwi
about 0000. When her husband went
its speak to her some time later be
found tbat she had pissed away. The
deer wad was a native of Cornwall,
England, where she was born in 1843.
She carte with her family t.o this
country early in life and was married
to her now bereft husband In Novem-
ber. 1879. They had been residents of
Clinton ever since.
On Wednesday, September 271b.
the impala bow was tied at the bride's
blase between Mien Lottie Barnes, of
the 7th Hoe of Morris. and George
eselick. .•f Teeswatar. Rev. A. O
Wisher', perfaemed she earserway.
The farm of Soba;. Qarmoabai. oe
t he 3rd r samba of mt
Teek itb. has
been sold to Wet. Martin. iu neighbor,
fair a pri.:e in the neighborhood of
ureter). The farm contains 100 urea
and i. one of the best in the township.
t t )r. Campbell. of Z.urioh. was
,•perating oa a child's throat for to.-
ilitis he aocidea ally cut -his anger,
acid as the virus from this disease is
vi-ry deadly be went to Lindon im-
mediately toe trsft tent at the hn.-
A sudden and unexpeeted death
t. ok place in McKtUop tewnahip on
Friday, 90th ult., obeli Mes. Jae. Dor-
t anoe was called to bee reward. Heart
trouble was the mime. The deoe•sed
was iu the prime of life, being only
forty years of age.
A pleasant sweat at Seeforth last
week was the marriage of Kiss Baily
ItufA'a to Charles A. Walkey, of
Toronto. Rev. F. • H. Larkin per-
i, ,rtu,d the ceremony, which was
witnessed by only a few Immediate
relatives and Meade.
Applications have hero made for a
charter for the OIInton Motor Ou
company with • capital of *100.101.
The provisioosl directors will be John
enter. E. D. Oiegborn and John Mc-
Lauchlan. Toronto, aid W. ]•chum
and T. Jackson, jr.. Clinton.
A verypeetty wedding was saloon-
.7ed etBfuevaie. September WO,
at the bowie Of Mrs. Jas. Nicholson,
when bar eldest dtggl ter. Sosattna
Beatrice, was united in marriage- to
\Villiam Ward. of Brecebeidge.
.I. F. Cook performed the ceremony.
Arthur Ford, son of' Rey. J. E. Vord,
if Clinton, has been appointed perma-
\Vinnipeg Tsltgeam. Hewill enter by
upon hit new duties immediately. Caused
Mr. Ford has been engaged In news- Dandruff 1s a .;ootagsous disease
i itper work in the West for MM. time moved by a microbe which oleo pro -
and he will now take np h's widen, e doe** baldness. Never use • comb or
at the Capital. bn.sb belonging to someone e1... No
On Wedoeeday morning. October matter bow cleanly the owner may
eh, a quiet wedding Wok pled at 1.e. these articles may beinfeoted with
Ontario street Clinton, microbes, which will infect your scalp.
when Mira la Storehouse, of it u fat easier W catch hair microbes
cent correspondent at wa nr Th'
W.odlot inspection by Qotrerno►ent.
lnoreardag *MIA nay is being tour.d
• obtaining an adequate supply of
wood lumbar for tie Industries of
The hardwood tracts o[ the
limiters Provino.s for a loan time
have not hese able to meet the de-
mand, and in 1910 silty per cent. of
the hardwood ted in Canada was im-
poetd fro. the United States. The
ailed States, although with • much
larger supply . f hardwood on Lund
is alto ssengt that the annual con
sumptlon far exceeds the annual
growth and that the virgin supply 1.
being rapidly reduced. By practical
demuostratiou it bats been proved
that waste land, if planted in young
hardwoods, will prove a profitable in-
vestment at the end of twenty -flue years
or more, and will Improve the product-
iveness of the surrdundiig farm land.
In the Eastern Provinces of Canada
and 1n Ontario. particularly, am large
trees of such land, cove at present
with an unprofitable tree growth.
wbbob through being sandy, rocky or
low-lylog cauoot be treated as agri-
cultural Lands. The forestry branch
of the Department of the Interior Is
taking a practical interest in the fann-
ers' woodlots of Ontario, in an effort
to make otherwise useless land supply
hardwood lumber to an eager market,
with profitable returns to the wood -
lot owner. Persons interested in this
wetter should correspond with the
Department at Ottawa, which is al-
ready giving practical asdstance ou
important tracts. Foresters will he
supplied by the Dep.utment to look
over tracts of timbered bind. 'etiolate
the quantity of Umber, advise am to
what specter to .encourage or plant
according to the locality and general
conditions, and Biggest • general
working plan. Such scientific knowl-
edge, the result of former investiga-
tion., will he of great benefit to pri-
vate owners and should he sought
after at once.
A Weigh= Inventor.
Sufticieot capital has been subs :ribed
by residents of Wingbam to build and
demonstrate 'event! farm =pie Dents
which It. McCloy, a reset of that
town, recently had patented. One of
the impieni.oIm is a manure loader
and spreader. ano bee is a eons
cutter and loader, and the third a corn
totter and stooker.
Gifts to Seaford' C. I. library.
The Collegiate Instituto libraryat
Seaforth has receive' trim J. R. Prg-
nson presentation copies of a some-
what rare book. Musprett'e Chemiatry
in three volumes. Same fine rock and
mineral specimens collected in differ-
ent parts of Ontario and Q•e+bec in
connection with the Dominion Geolog
end Edward Whiting. is
Went Their Moony Back.
Dr. McLaughlin and Wm. Zimmer
were in Torooto last week as dele-
gates from Dashwood representing
the depositors of the defunct Farmers
Bank in that vicinity at a meeting
bad in the Queen City to organise a
Vmwmers' Bank relief committee. They
alas to secure one bundred cents on the
dollar for the depositors.
seal Surrey ars gifts of Charles SU
Te tie amuse et
Dame Sta,-1
valuable space to
oonotrymen for •
leave to we your
to my fellow -
minutes on the
questioo of *blab estmection. What
has it coat. Canada P
First. the war .1.1812, brought no
by Britain's mix-up in the wars witb
the great Napoleon. The Americana
reseeded the assertion of the right of
seareh by Bs stain awl to get at bee „in-
vaded Canada and made Canada the
battleground iu a war she had nothing
to do with.
Second, the rebellion of 1887,
brought on by the tyranny of Down-
ing street rule.
T61.d, the abrte*LIon of the reci-
procity treaty of MM. Through the
• uppoeed sympathy of Britain with
the South in the greet civil war the
farmers of Oanada lost the hest mar-
ket they ever bad. In their anxiety
to punish Britain the people of the
Uoitd States forgot the 20,000 Cana-
diana that fought In the Northern
armies to put down the South.
Fourth, the Fenlsm raids of MN.
Did Canada ever do !rebid any
wrong ? Althontb we never 1n the
remotest degree 4M an thinn to pre-
vent Ireland from 'having her grier-
anoes righted. yet Io consequence of
our British connoted= our country
was thrown Into a 'tato of terror and
panic end immense loss of money to
arm for the defence to our borders for
a thing we had nothing to do with.
Ooce on • time ons Alward Blake had
the temerity to move a resolution in
the House at Ottawa in favor of lrish
bonne rule, but the BriLl.bere ver
quickly told us to 'Mod our own bis •
1 nese
Fifth, the Riel rebellion, brought ou
by a sale of the Hudson Bay err 1-
torls for 31.600,000. The half-breeds
objected to being bought and sold like
so many sheep. What about those
territorlee-how were they Dome by?
A drunken old British king gave half
a continent awn to some favorites
two or three hundred years ago. They
kept it a howlingwildernesseoaa to get
furs and make immense profits, so before
Canada could be rounded out we had to
buy out this humbug of a concern
wbich had no mon right to it than
the man in the moon. But the com-
pany still kept a large amount of lend
scattered over the country. so that it
has become of fabulous value, and it
poor man that goes up there and buys
a quarter -section of -this lend has to
pay 13,000 for a thing that never cost
tbem a cent, not even to pay for the
=ring. If the Government of
a did right they would confis-
cate every acre of lend the company
Sixth/tad hist, but not least, was the
lois by this hollow mockery of a cry of
British connection of the beet, wit -
est and most progressive Government
any country ever hod. If you, air,
could see the ruffled gloom and uncer-
tainty that has come over the country
in place of tube buoyant hope that after
the 21st of September we could have a
free market for all we could grow.
Men foolishly voted against it because
they thought it world carry sore ; but,
we have had our dark Monday,
but the darkest day for the Oanadian
farmer was Thuraisy, the 21st of Sep-
Now, what have we to offset this
long list of loss and suffering? In the
torty-three years since Confederation
we. have paid to the British grandees
the snug little sum of 32,200,000 to
give acme balls to the upper ten and
attend horse races—a mighty privil-
ege surely. These men bars to do
what the Ottawa Ministers tall them
or they would kick them obit in a
burry. They are mere figureheads.
Do we reap any advantage in trade
through our BriU•h connection ? Tbe
man n Mtobtgan is just as welcome
and free to trade in Britain as we are ;
be bas a free market to 146 millions
while we have only a market of 48
Your space is too valuable for me to
but I would say in
closing that the mistake that John A.
and George Bown made in 1887 wan
that they did not start na as an inde-
pendent nation instead of a colony. A
nation of 8,000,000 only a colony yet.
Our Britlh connection is only a source
of danger.
A Statement of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee complete relief to all
sufferers from constipation, - or, in
every ccs when we fall. we will sup-
ply the medicine free.
Rsszall Orderlies are a gentle, effect-
tive, dependable, and safe bowel regu-
iator, atreagthener, and tonic. They
alio to re-eet•blisb nature's functions
in • quiet. may way., Tbey do not
cause iaeon venienr, gripie..g. or
nausea. They are so pleasant to
tale ani work eo easily that they
may be taken byanyone at any time.
They thoroughy toot up the whole
system to healthy activity.
Rezall Orderlies are nnsurpaasable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks, and delicate persons. We can-
not too highly recommend thew to all
sufferers frau any form of c nistipa-
tion and its attendant evils. Tbree
.izea,lOc., 23c.and 60 . Remember,
Frio can obtain Rezell Remedies in
this oommnnity only at our store—
The Rattail Store. H. C. Dunlop,
south side of Square.
A Long Life Ended.
To few people is life's span meamtred
out as it was to Harriett Fletober,
relict of the late George Cox, who de -
this life this life at the home of her son,
Richard. of Grey township, nn Thur. -
da 98th ult. elbe was in her ninety-
third year and her death took place
on the farm upon whieh she had re
sided for the past fifty -Aye yeas. The
deceased was born to Queens county,
irehtod. where she was married to bee
late husband sixty -Ave yew ago.
Coming to America they lived for a
time at Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, sod
before ni rc,ng to Grey they resided in
Hullett township, Mr. Ooc following
his trade ea carpenter in Clinton in
addition to workinli his farm. He
passed aw ay in 1883. Mrs. Oox was
the first school teacher in S. 8. No. 10,
Otey. A family of two sons and three
daughters survive.
Scalp and Hau Troubles Generally
that town, was united in marriage to
Hervey John., o[ Tuobremlth. The
eersmoay was performed by Rev. T.
We oley Cows and was witoeseed by
a few immediate friends..
A pretty meddles took place at
wincbeless as illepflousber 27th, when
\iias Vass May, mar rat Mr.
mud Mrs. Thos. Qeweld. was misted is
marriage to Nat oa Watios, a 70110S
farmer of near Mattes. Tbe nuptial
knot was tied by Sew. Mr. Steadman
and ne •ty Ona bsadrod guests as-
,embled to whims the eeramonw.
atA ptyttysore enwait shed
than it Is to get rid of them, and a
.Ingle stroke of an infected comb or
brush may well lead In baldness.
Never try on anybody else's bat.
Many a het -band is a resting piaoe for
11 you happen to be troubled with
dandruff. Itching scalp, falling hair or
baldness, we have a remedy which ws
believe will completely relieve these
troubles. We are so sure of this that
we offer it to you with the understand -
log that It will octet you nothing for
the trial if it dors not produce the re-
sults we claim. This remedy Is called
Recall "98" Hair Tonle We honestly
believe It to be the most eedenUSe
CAN.%OA MONTHLY.—A new aerial,
"With AiiatorNo. 6," begin. in this
Dumber of 0 trade Monthly (formerly
Canada -West). H. M. Egbert being the
author. and • red-haired Brittany girl
who goes to the coronation and makes
an ascent ;with an aviator being the
heroine. M. J. Patton tells about the
work of Mr. C. C. James in "Doubling
Yields io Ontario." and John Patrick
Mackenzie has another of the "Spinal
Kagtnnb" stork•' about Dr. Twie'e
reboot at Galt. There is • discussion
of the resemblance between Walt
Whitman and the Persian poets en-
titled "Wbat Whitman Learned from
the East." sod a defence of the modern
church by Dr. Sheller Mathews, who
says that the church Is too busy mak-
ing good cid-moos to split hairs on
doctrine today. Victor Lauriston and
Mae Harris Anson offer additional
Action. and H. N. Clark In an article
called "Fairweather Wrecks" ri-
latea quaint legends of the duchy of
Oa naval! and the wreckers and smug-
glers, wbose descendants are 'Ulf
picturesque and interesting. "KW,
continues ber "Pedlar's Pack," and
'The Scarlet Strand" is concluded in
this number. The cover is by Herta-
berg, and shows • scarlet -coated girl
holding in leash a setter with his nose
to the troll.
for Mb. woes Ruse A (remedy for scalp and Barr troubles,
was oohed in �to Obaries end we know rat nothing els that
Ituddell. Rev. J��at ppeerr- equals it for effectiveusas, heceu,t. of
formed the eereeso.y. Mr. and Mis. the results It has produced In thou-
itudderll are away o. • Terser booby'
",nos cut attar wbtub Obey will take
tern Load's .ea the groove's farm
The ratepayers of Clinton wilt vote
ren two bylaws cm Monday. October
tech. The waterworbe bylaw provides
for the pkdag el the mains sailer
the Newel d a aamrmSsiae. The
Passing of tie meter ear bylaw will
nahle the ens" ean the
Timelier and *at
end to memo as wWsh It le
leased win 4n tawgr1 *Aviles's. or male to know that we tbiek that
moral prisigsray e/ iks IIale 'bode le the beet hair
A death la cart Rik. look Pit's at mo mim
1 bare pat.
H intoe se anmtl y. Ostaber lx1. obeli •fi t i1 air test, vital t
wet etrav' helm , p't atom of Ile. oWttes t they My ss.o1b teen
Seth p...1}iwaway et att..U.gdi!is
hd beam lMP a iupitk !w awes lb*
toms wad batt =Led d bun t
• masa e* �wfatlr hat lbs aha
(Jae Parisian Sage in Time and
if your hair is growing thinner and
thinner and causing you anxietygo to
E. R. Wigle today and g -t a arge
bottleof Parisian Sage for only 6Ooents.
It is soh a delightful and refreshing
dressing that you will like to use it
regularlParidan Sage is guaranteed to stop
falling hair and Itching scalp, to eradi-
cate dandruff and make the hair lust-
rous and radiant, or money hack.
There ie nothing just •sgnodas Pari-
sian Sage. See you get t package
which oontains the elle with the en.
burn bar -r.
mods of oases.
Resell 'IV" Hair Tonle is devised to
baoisbdandruff. restore natural color
when Its loos has been brought about
by disease. and make the hair natur-
a11 silky. soft sad glossy. It date
his _below it stimulates the hair 1
follicles, destroys' the germ m.ttee, I
and brings about a free. 'wealthy eir
eieatioS of blond, whiels uonri.bes the
heir ramp, musing them to tighten
grow sew bale. We want every -
Who bas so y treadle with hair
tow•. pate reU V
et or Melt
IK White sot sass fan aoid
siatia3asaMn 4. every
. e innMistIII mats . MOM
sea&ii.a earDow
sido nf�
No instruttions Necessary.
Among the passengers booked for a
recent coastwise trip of a steamer run-
ning from New York to a Southern
port were a timid -looking little man
and his equally timid -looking little
One of the first of t be mac y questions
iiut to the eept•in of the veessi by the
ttle woman was this :
"Oonid you. sir, toll my husband
wbat to do in case of an attack of sea-
sickness? He le_particularly Hebb to
such attacks. What must he do r
"It Isn't necessary to tell biro what,
to do. ma'am," said the old metals.
grimly. "He'll do ii.
Oct. 2, 1911.
TM Oren Kind.
A naval °S err wile bee seas wind
er ides movies Ie S'sib Aseerie•n
watt= ones Winglit home two par-
rots, one of whist he gave to the
boomm*id. acrd the other to the cook.
lune these casual sal-
to abs mlto4b of
shale birds. P'Isa11y. the
' ar parses =ay be . better tense
004 meld e s oli pre sOlsg
Said •aaebIea air Mt eves
bawls.% yearn
b l 4kgt :leis baa lent
With Every Bag ' of Flour
There Goea A Guarantee
That guarantee means that I believe Cams of lbs West le be tats
best bread flour on bks market. If year breed doesn't beat say
yew sysr baked before, u it falls le rise ore deesa't tlw emote
mtisdaceos la every way, your fpaorr, will pet4 baa yen
mousy es return at the rased pore's of the 40
Cream West Fkiur
the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread
If people will fairly tad haoetly try Crease of the Wiest Obey
will have success with it. Tiara wily we g•aaentse b. We me
sure of It.
The Campbell Milling Campt>maym L3iilatil.Taras to
But Dodd's Kidney PISe Quickly Cured
W4 F. Black's Sciatica.
Newcastle, N. B., Oct. 9t1.—(Speo-
ial)—Relieved of the agonies of sci-
atica and lame hack, Wm. F. Black,
of this place. is telling his friends that
Dodd's Kidney Pills ars all that they
are reoommedded.
"I was in agony," Mr. Black states.
"not being able t., lace my shoes or
turn over in bed. A friend advised me
to take Dodd's Kidney Mlle and gave
me some a them. I didn't have much
faith in thein hitt started to take them
and found them to be all that was
claimed for them."
Other here who have used Dodd's
Kidney Pills for kidney diseases are of
the same opinion as Mr. Bleck. Thall
claim that no kidney duces eau stand
before Dodd's Kidney Pills.
For eel. by John Denholm, Blyth : Beacom A Smythe, Clinton.
Volume counts in the raking
01 coats.
The larger the volume the
UM the expense.
Bemi-ready Clothes are sold
In every town and city in
Canada. It is a great whole-
sale organization doing a tre-
mendous volume., of business.
It is backed by specialized
tailoring by expert tailors ;
and because of its scientit:c
system you do not pay any
premium on style and work-
manship, but can buy a Semi -
ready top coat of "finished"
style for $15 or $2o, the like
of which no retail tailor couLa
produce for $Io more.
Mar we slow you.
Enint-rtabg illatturiug
"The Quick or the Dead"
created the biggest sensation ever caused by a novel
appearing in magazine form. To this day there is an
increditable demand for the story. Its author,
Amdlie Rives, now the Princess Troubetskoy, has
written a new novel which bids fair to overtop the
reputation of its famous predecessor. It is called
"Hiddos Holts*" and appears in the October Lippincott's.
Three good numbers—October(containing the
new AmQie Rives' story) and the November
and December issues with each yearly sub-
ubscription toto with the January, lets
number. Send St to to -day and get fifteen
numbers for tee puke of twelve.
Lippincott's Magazine Philadelphia
Nees. After tenors, sea the yearly nsWertelkse price to
Lit>ws••it's Y W will be te s.•. •
Tntraeosv. (lo -roman 14 tett 1
Come in and
1f you are not already ae-
quainted with the merits of
try a sample order. You
can be certain of securing
seasonable goods here at all
times. Our 'phone number
is 91. Give us a trial. The
quality of our goods will con-
vince you.
Sturdy & Co.
Grocers On The Square
I-3 A C
Seoa.d raises Sept. UIh to Oct. WA
through Train V mate Vancouver
JOS. KIDD, Agent, Godericb.
Remember That All Corn
Makes are not "Lipa." There are many imitations. Only by our
method --a Mart 9111111M..NIS it Webb le N'ealisrm the tinder, sweet-
heart of the ems We • WA that eemblowi dm flavor, richness. nutrition
and digeed 0 ltersgeo Taste t Oars Timken.
You owe it a yet' aaM and IhmEr to insist upon KELLOGG'S
Teemed Cort Plskss. See that rim At
aide in Canaria,
at Leedom. Ott
ues.a rasa.. J
tsi...•.e 4 as ••.•.
Per. Pkg.
We have three of the bet
and most popular makes of
The Verity Plow
Made at Brantford.
The Fleury Plow
Made at Aurora.
The Perrin Plow
Made at Smith's Falls.
Right on the wereroom door
We carry a large stock of
all kinds of Points.
0a11 in and ersmine our
Plows before buying. We can
suit you with goods and prices
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