HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-10-12, Page 1The
Fall Trade
should be Red this year. The
businHS mom who west* hie
shale of tt should lot the people
know what he iodising by bay log
his aatsouocesoeot in tis adver-
tisier columns of
The Signal
"The man without
a bank account
Tacks a good friend."
Your money on savings deposit in the
Bank is always within reach and
available, in full and with cuo4pouod
interest added, on demand any day
during blanking bourse
1TWIIIMP• T. Oct. tete.
U P I LS WANTED. - A FEW ran wheat, par hush PJ 00 t. si
• 0
rialto Mete
instromente : wheat, per beak.. ea
patlealuerr toA.COOPrie
Varna ess the S terms
BetL yt, bosh " •sso
ods. Hasa sex N. le 11- raceme 7141 05 per lewd ,i p
se te
0 50 to
e -0AI to
rear. P•trat, IN
e t tite u o_ per
Floor, 01 El to 'i iu
Ilse per tee 115 00 to lit M
tea r 00 to El 00
Hal per tea new 11 30 to to M
Weed,View ...... 0Mto 800
Sectr.pierIb •fwdw bet
lar M aw 0 u u. a 16
►Is Perble 1teto ll to 3550
Tw per basted. 30 to ,s
l, ti-} . Ordhy to pork Wit r A to 500
rL• ws► egert pork
a an to s 78
..... 600 to 600
A tt o, 4 ae
✓ 3 00
os dei 05
cwt 7 m to 7 a0
to 30
Blas. and Pam ..... , o u too 0 as
- - Baehr per boob
JIM ease
fwork isyour
r..toper . Opportunity
to Mirage 1liberally Wfor
awe tim.Was55*SKapotieses
eia6.OATIu*L B1BLY
/ys' tsto50 eras docesesu
MoltSS ~tb. Ai ref is .we i t -
UaBeWas w(awn aalomsa Aim .wordy. In-
rsMtlytr Zo Idhs ia.a Let e•ao.
CV tBiOM'/T JI11 * itaeis ON►
rich. Got W. abs 7LI
ANDS 10* TALE. IZTT Yea-0N/•Set .
s L ftfiiwa real• 1 tivtiea. ,last
rSelye %b'a qa Vila"at rte.
P BBiI•m Mees Ber eels hie firm of 100
mires.w. It seamaim 10, W. csetaa.Metn - sorsa This tarn is w dl e.JU
Tand. W • 16R'.las Mick boos. good bars
and atter ebdlnp. see r in an respsete •
very end Abe let a h. 0 Lake
Range. t • aialsp 107 scree. TOL
tars W bees s es et1y maw pastor* for many
yeses;them le hese le some of bomb w
Meth q.
ate tragical by a wvasfail4ng
creek. Teresina mrd ether part4cunn assay
to Knee/11M MURAL Down nit
L' homed ea Waimea. street. One As.
Moble pact. dieymre•e. kltshes end eau.
throe bsdr.eate, t Zee. and femme. The
ether hes peaty, dinimseeos. kttcbeo sad
eller earl eve bedteure wstabil on the
lot Appy to J tt
It 'withNiaBT. wetunriw
street. 71-11
DRED asses a the 710 essee.rioa ed
w p the Ota oeme 'wire of Cel-
kern►aaW07 mill meanest, sr ugetben
Os the Wi ashes le a storltiod-r Wt
hest kaare, web brisk aches .rtacJ.4. a
geed beet Meta, =s ne. sed Luse .M
Herb t sa ygarMs car bocciws(
cad ere in Ant
dem tueeor. asses se seeded doves
Mo Oona OI a0 wntaed be Wier
catf«ees she taee Ao►uro
*0ease Mem Meese C. P. It. ilta-
0 rssas ,er uteros yps4., homes is 10
JUUJ5U1t)N. (Ieslesr P. 0. IMM
Matial WV at the throw of Commaat=
f71emWet eliohnort
hal+all a4
two twist
bow. garb sic Owe.101.s. see Nflt Ball het
year. ..d tie ether he sense•.e reeW lusts
sees. hew mama •weveaiese.•, sad eke-
eetber d. s4epeestr h use of t1=.ertdsle
.5. Amer MP.
J. lis r eider eoneise
mdse wid to thewill be
received op be 1 p.si. W November
1, hthe e sarelime of M enrerer
and Isel mud i of W sem oi
TM higbeet or any tender not neee•asarly
Tows Clerk. CMtrr,•a of Special Cam.
Oode ieh. Town or Order eb.
October lite. 19a 1. ye.E,
Sealed tenders win be reoeivsd by the Town
of Ooderteb. addressed to rho Town Clerk, no
to 4 to. m. Tuesday. October 17th, 1911. for
furnbbtng nod L7 approximately 070 lineal
RR of eswere. b Id msabo(as. catch basins.
etc. Plans sod can be aeon and
an infatuation rat the Tows Clerk's
Tbe lowest or arm tender not neoes•sriIy ac-
Town •;lost. Mayor.
Ooder4eb. Oct 601. tell. It
1 Ott Oa•ersd awes of Rose Isokhethe
meth MK of let 11, .---ins 1. Wed Wawa -
oak warvaties
se t i.04.o.4oedew. etsd1ML Is -
lode brisk how.. Les( shed, MM.
firma 1 alibis meek Wf a i7.6the.VWiriest
i t u
thumb aleele06..t peete0tw. Oa the place
is • geed grave pit, .weWov0 el late yeah MA
stintedwl ba . year;
ta lswes et
tc I411M 1. 5. 1[I14Y: Dse*.a :s
!C OM• -1W AOREB 811 311LMES
l mfmssevveedeleOtalelmll t w gibeemMd
terralog i711iree.r w. tlr
Opts LF shed ndgbt
Howe meet all wales. Pawn -fruiter
VV.mUon given to oaats hem
private reekleseee llelesbape
Rooth Street rends.r'ieh 0,.'
VOTERS' Liss, 1911.
Nene• lebenter gives that 1 have trans
linederdelivered tothe pesos. mentioa•d
is caries 0 of The oetar4o vetoesIlett. Act
the smiles required by ad seethes to be se
tr..M4Ued or delivered et W ua- nude ma-
numit to said Act. dab poem.
the •p'• b
e lest revised sweat ee11 of the -.std
•neierpa!it, to be sodas& to vete in 10. mid
M ,.e a(. fes'raSty .t .Merida. ter .embers of the
sad A.e.by .M s' noa0p•1 .lee-
k.*.- •ad teat the said Met wee Ant p.M.d se
at my oboe at Geese* es the tlia day of
OW, Ml arelta
s. tem for .peetiem.
Aare I hereby San .p....5 ,were to talo. he-
.edLt. preeeediam M Mce say orrery er
estW.tr sensed asetreng to iso.
Dated se UMai h this 1!b day of October.
71.0 alert el Tows d OM.tieb.
FIUDAv, October 13th.- Auction ...N of trim
etOt sad Neuf., property at r. Maal.Y,
wits las said M to. menthe Aar 11W, north
of Claim. 1' Ocause, sadioorer.
Moonier October Mt -Clearing arction
sea at tarsi stook. implemoota, we.. belonging
to Taos. Menlo S0ntesoca 4. Oodut*J,
towosaip who bas aid bb fano. T. GC NMI.
TvroDar. October 171b.-ApcUoo .le o the
Pwrente herd of purebred Aberdeen A.goa
eagle. at L, -C(a- JOHN VaRoOi5 ►am.
farm. nos .411e west of Casio.. There will be
alums cons heed of caa ke to sell. T. Ot:rrusr.
Waurtreu.t.Oct/ it 18[h.-Aurtiea ale of
farm. tarsi .1.50. implements and hour sod
bet bdsgto to meats of the late wittienl
Andrews. Bele to lake Place at the tarsi on
I0.Martial road 1i mhos south of Gado ich.
at LID o'clock. Psoras Ot:aDOT. .petle.ier.
Few v. October 0th.-CMsr(og auction sale
ed hew and i.plemente the propeltl 01
ANDREW JOH'alrOM. lot 7. oonreiice. K
Colborne. Taus. (t:emu, •.sa.wnvar
OCTOBER 12. 1911
Special Offer
Ter Signal will he sent to
any address io Canada or
Great Britain from mate of
receipt of order to January
let. 1913, for the price of
one year's 0uheeription-
THE 8I0NAL PUIMT1Na 00., Ltd.. Pususwome
A BRIEF ONE i Warden Geyser Occupies a Seat of
Honor and Expresses the Hope
that He May Some Day Be a Citi-
zen of God.rich-Several Grants
Passed ---Sewer Matters.
An 4141,
Finn under s New Nass -Me@ La
H.er . - .. - . . - . l
Fad Cars -Fad Metor,Co.. Waterville it
Agents Wanted -Pel►,• Nursery Co.. Tor-
esto 10
Chickens and Mese Wanted -.1. R. McNab.
Dungannon 4
Veen' List Court-Town..kip of Colborne. 1
Readers -K. R. Wigle . 5
Tenders for Sewer Eaunalan-1 L. Kum. 1
Fall )I1f11nw1-Hodgen. Bras...... . 10
Naw Styles in Ladle.' Coate -D. Mbar h So . 3
Kid Waver -W. Atheism e; Bea. -
Mondes•rters fee NW Rope Flateas►-Ws►-
ter IL Marriage.. ..... ... 10
Vine -M. C. Unnlop ... _ : ........ .. 3
Made Podia Wasted -Arthur Cooper. 1
Specials ter seeusdsy--J. 8. 1Mvet 3
Copyright Book. Reduced -Goan Porter. .10
ran rad Water Overcest1- W. C. Pridhem 5
D.rabtLV-Fred Hunt 8
This Week's eipeci•1-Cameron's Deport,
.esw43ga ....... ...ti:.: 4
For Bale by Tender -L L. Kos:.
Itoseme Amenues.ae.i-thowee Art Wes. 3
Voter, LW, 19u. Town of Ouderieb-L L
w..v 1
Notion is hereby Rhes that • C,pert will be
held. pnreemit to The Ogitarki Vetere Likes
♦es. b 1. Haws Jaye Dam Jag, of the
0 ..ttryr Comm Md 10. C.s..l od Boren. at the
1 w.Ikip brit Carlow, w )Yost).t . 150 der
of October. u t0. hoer .f M o' a. m.. to
bear end determine do several eseealnia of
emir. and oesMdo•a is the vote,' Ifs of the
Municipality of the ttaeteele w O0Mrse tor
All persons having badness .l the (Curt .n
rp Med to 'weed at W said time sae phone.
D•tM October 1110. NIL
71-91 Clerk ed the Township sf Celberae.
Freak Doty returned to Winnipeg this week.
Kis Macftay. of Toronto. k. vatting frauds
in town.
Itis Cora (elven left on 8.tdrdey es • trip to
Wes Ben. of Toronto. is the guest of Mrs. F.
J. Butiasd.
RoyLloyd left An Tuesday on a bu+Ones. trip
lira John McMillan left on Thursday ori &
v5t to Bay City.
Mrs Passers wan up from 3e.Sbr10 for a few
days tab week.
MW rams Andrew W returned from bar
visit to the We.
W. Dietrich bae gena to Toronto. where be
W taken • pa.des.
Mrs Oen Stewart 1s Tilting Meads at
Brumfield sad tiew•u.
The regular eresiou of the town
neseei1 last Friday evening was an
unusually brief PPP. the motion for ad-
jwtrnwein being lnrYir. at 8.3) o'clock.
Yayor Cameron, Heave Reid. Deputy
Revs Munniap and Councillors
Wlafllace, Clark sad Kellyy were prompt.
Owen Geiger, ot Heuaali. Warden of
Use county. was parent sud occupied
a seat of honor beside the Mayor.
Ptior to the close of the tneetiug the
eVardeu expressed his pleseure at be-
ing present and 'poke a word of en-
couragement to the aldermen in their
work of looking after the welfare of
such a beautiful town. Before sitting
down he expressed the hope that 8 hone
day he would be a citizen or Goderich.
A petition against the construe -don
of the sewer on Albert and Park
valets .tri Britannia road. as ad-
vertised by the council, Was presented
and refer ed to the public works cuw-
Mre Jas. AJtkee ad roam, lett today for
Las Aag.bo. Calilanla.
r. S. Burdette is et Ravenna. Ohio. hie
former bosim, this wok.
Mal Boort, of Paris. 0 the gue't of Mn. Mr.
Farland. Britannia toad.
Mr. sad Mrs .1.D. Ainslie. of Leamington
Emma a Ur. ad Mrs. Maid during tau
Miss Margaret McFarlane, or Chicano. i. the
rent of her .Iatertn-law, Mr. Pater Mc
Mrs. Rom Knox mans. hereafter win be et
home on WeMaday sttorneos to+te.d et
Mr. end Mrs. John Lova at Lo. Angels",
CKl/tornls.ere vn.iting Yea 1.oye'. deter. Mrs
Jahn Young. Liget/ionic *urea.
Mrs. Kiteoo. of 8t. Thome., and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Cusp, of utsel. vera the gnat- of
Mrs Rokt. Winos over Sunday.
John Storms, who had made hi. home in
Oodaricb tor tthe peg year. returned kat week
to Ids home at Lraoeville, lndlaoa
A. Frsncls, of London. Knglead. is its. tared
at Hoodfledfori. Mr. Francis has est re-
turned from so all-srt end-the-wcrid
Mr. and Mr... W. II. Taylor, who "pent the
'rummer ben in • cottage on the lake bank, re-
posed leaf weak weber bun. in Toledo.
Mr. •cd Mrs -lee. C. Ortdtd bays returned
tram • *0640 to London. where 1051 attended
the Sao0ar054d (:o.rrre•s held tore on the 10th
A. McGuire.* Toronto, who had bee. villa-
ins old tweeds at Bt. Augustine for two or
three week. uselle s tine vkit In town last
Mrs. A. C. Fairbelre. of Winnipeg. arrived
Met Monday evening on en extended vials to
her pareaMr. sad MrsJoan . Jn A aheim.
J... Mercerof Zurich. M. N. for 41ostb
sodROew, sMrs. Manner are the gust.. of
Mrs. Edward Graham Set street Mr..
Verner b • daughter of Mr. Graham.
S. L Met ie awe, on • ween'" trip to Tor.
8eatore le la age d themes bis . .800 ids. of Central
who aorserly war In Mr. Mak'. empleyineat.
Ale:. Sesed.rs. msnagar ot the God,rieh
Organ Ca., and R. It. Maaeill, of he American
Nord Mammos Co., are le Toronto •ttoodine
the cooventloo a the (:ao.dien Maculae
tarot.' arimelattot.
xis Evelyn-M0Dca.ld leay.. this afternoon
for Montreal. trees which port she .ails for
Orem Britain ea a visit of several mootJe with
friend. 11. the old lend. tier friend. web her
M enioyabie vett and • sats return.
Mr. and Mrs A. M.Kianon and family. Tra-
&Naar area. who bad been residents of 0.de-
rieh ter severs/ yearn. have left far Sans.,
where they punct". snaking aunt' 00405.
have a lance circle of trends in town who join
L widens Uran .deb p4ea►ure 1n their sew
les of This:oat ews It « masa* Ar 50 epi5
Iesrinoetase tM /nr•Tl Hospitalter
er •
the thethest
Filson be ►sM or. Mwd.v. Often lath, be
tM lsomt 06... at **West s e 10. rmalg/e
es[[ User'. week win M w 21•
ere mediae is need to be preset.
M. S. HODORSM. Sery.
All Sort. of Weakness and Debility
People who are run down or weak
.ettinot gat strews until the vital or -
mime and the nervous system are r. -
I [[Rowed to proper wisest y Our Mae-
: Lewrd's system Renovator 15 a nerve
' Mud and .timnlaat it Meld• op the
nervous ry.t.m and alien presentee
digea(l.m end the formation of
healthy Mond it helps almond hos
the Rut and all gate is permanent, he -
cameo the system (s seinen [wilt twe d.
We guarantee 11 One dollar hottla
Mm+ufartneed by M.et.w el Mwdietltse
Co., God.Neh, Oce
Fa gale ti IL R. Wigle, druggist,
bought it surd claim Illelt10 damages. THE NEW ET.
The defendants allege they took it aeaiYt Gj
pert payuneut a home named '•Troy.
o-." wbich they. too, claim wee wis-
represet.rr.:. They have riot:re.i • MR. BORDEN ANNOUNCES HIS
oounterc'a m for WO. P. A. Mak ar-
son (Kiucmnline) for plaintiffs: J. F. SELECTION OF COLLEAGUES
Grierson (0.hawal for defend...ta
Cooper vs. Hewitt et al -'I'8. plain- 1 -_.-
tiff. Mr'. Arnie Corer, tires in Sea- Nationalist Party Has Strong Repre-
fur•. h and the defendants. Sarah How-
itt and James R. Snell, ere farmers
residing in the township of McKillop.
The plaintiff claims the poeeessioa of
certain lands which she alleges are
hers as the defendants did not tweet
the payment on a mortgage when it
fell due. J. M. Best (Seatortb) for
plaintiff ; Dudley Holmes t Winghaml
for defendants.
Rumple v... To enlo. Hamilton A
Bulfseu Railway Cu. -The plaintiff is
Mrs. Mildred Rumple, of Clinton.
whose husband wee killed in January,
1910, wbile engineer in charge of *
Iran ..0 the deferdatt's railway.
The plaintiff claims $5,(100 damages.
Proudfoor, Hays & Killoran for plain-
tiff; E. D. Cahill (Hamilton) for de-
Isherwood vs. Sanderson. -Two ac-
tions are entered : One is a breach of
promise case and tbe o'her is an so -
tion for eedue•ion. Both parties flue
in Hullett. Wm. Brydone (Clinton)
for plaintiff.
Metter vs. Canadian .tewert Co. -
An action entered by R. A. Metier, of
G.dericb, agriost the Canadian Stew-
mittee. art Co. for damages due to injuries
A let'er from the Canadian Munici- •iistsined while in the employment of
pal Journal soliciting subectiptions that eemPnele P.nudfoot, Hass &
was filed Killorsd for plaintiff.
The finance committee in Ire report DEFENDED 11457E eV THOtT JURY.
recommended that a three-year policy Lamtertus vs. D.iton.-The plain -
he placed on the Agricultural Hall in- tiff in this action is C6rietnpher Lam -
stead of the pie.ent yearly p liey.
Respecting the request of the wet -r
and light commission for a credit of
$4,000 it was recommended that it be
granted. It was recommended that a
bylaw he passed providing for .graote
to the public library of $500: Alex-
andra Marine and General Qospita'.
$500, the Ooderieb Musical Society, $300.
cad thetodie bob Industrial Exhsbition,
$100. The report M is adopted.
The public works committee recom-
mended thst tenders be asked for the
construction of aeswer un Blithe street
from McDonald •'beet to Britannia
read, tenders to be in by Tuesday,
October 1716. Adopted.
The lire comm•tt.ee recommended
the porch tee of 300 feet of "Magnet"
multiple woven Ere bo es from the
(4o el year Tireand Eta bbe. (:...,Toronto,
at $1 per foot coep'ed complete, 1. o. b.
Goderich. to be delivered in the month
of October and trMe paid for on
fore February 1st, 8812' Tne repot t
was adopted.
In the matter of interswitr:6ing the
s ial 'mwmittee rec,.wmended that
V. M. Roberto accompany the solicitor
to Toronto to appear neforeebe Board
of Kailnay Commissioner. of Thum Mise Mary R.ithtiy and Fein Sym -
day, Uctoiar 1:3t6, in conndxu.•n with ington were et. Wstfi-ld fot the even-
tbra matter ; ami that the tiolicitor in N-rvice on Sund .y.
have a petition prepared and signed g
Mr. and Mrs. Si Sanies visited
friends at St. August;ne on Sunday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Stoat' shon are moving
to the village trona their f .rm on the
3rd of Bast Wawano*-h.
Rev. R, A. Miller t.ik Rev. T. W.
Oosens' work in Ontario street Meth-
odist church, Clinton. on Sunday.
Last evening he gave an address at the
Sheppardton tee -meeting.
A. S. Cook. of Gndericb, railed nn
friends in the village ye-terdsy.
Next Sunday morning the post-
poned Sunday school rally will be held
In the Methodist cburch.
Miss EMe Knox woo borne from
Brucetleld last week.
Taking advantage of the fine weath-
er, the Rifle Club held a practice last
berths, ot Goderich, and the defend-
ant, Joseph P. Dalton, resides in Ash-
field township. It is an '.tion to re-
cover the price of live stock sold by
the plaiotiff to the defend int. A
claim for $759.00 is entered. Proud -
foot, Hays & Killoran for plaintiff ;
M. G. Cameron for defendant
A criminal case to he heard is that
of the charge of "unlawfully wound-
ing" against Albert Jardine. The
case was aired in the Police Court
some weeks ago, when Jardine was
committed for trial. D. Brown was
the complainant in the case.
altars for wenr trade. Highest price
r01. W. T. RIDD=11.. Auburn NW
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 11th.
Temple ('lark came home from the
West F. d.y night
Mr. and Mrs. Smiley have moved to
the place which they recently pur-
chased from Joe. Laws..n.
Mies Mary Robinson left obi Friday
to take a position in Detroit.
by the manufacturers and business
men of town setting forth the adren-
txges of interswitching. The commit-
tee reported that, om the advise of
the solicitor, it was found impossible
to carry out the resolution of the
council at its last meeting respecting
the aide of Hotel Sunset U, C. C. Lee.
Deputy Reeve Munnings reported
that the Saltbox' hill was In poor
shape and that gravel c'-uld be ob-
tained at ten cents per load to im-
prove its coedit ion. The matter was
eft with the public works committee
to act as it should bee tit,
Councillor Clark brought rap the
matter of amending; the police bylaw,
changing the hour for going on duty
of the chief ..f polioe frosts 8 a. tot. to 7
a. m. By this change he would com-
mence work at the same hour at the
other civic workmen. A notice a mo-
tion was given by Councillor (.ark
that at the next .regular meeting of
the eouocil be would move to have the
.T1.1r so amended.
The concluding business was the
parsing of a bylaw providing for
grants as recommended in lbs report
of the finance committee.
The estagem ent 06 announced of MI-. N.
Oes.M Wilma. daughter of the tat.:
r W04t.
wi so. s, M. A.. fur SosTeam Pastor or
141 i(0 etreet M•..oboreh. Uod.nrh. to
Issas A. body. M. A.. editor of Tbe Journal.
M. Margo, 0..t The marriage will take pie's
.t tae base* her Maw, Mrs J. F. R.) weft.,
amts, (tat. late in Leather.
Mr. ad Mrs. Math McPhee Mrs returned
la town after tare years rs40ene. la 06..-
050* sed ere caw seeepyl.g t0. Lu 111d.e
ry.nee ves M.st eke serest. whish Mr. Me-
Pg skeeemm hos ps8seed W. are Bled to welcome
ORM 11101111011141 rear4 Old resideets heck to
n., MEM
mere sad wid
min/ .f iaia area John Previews- i".•
kar kwea le the aloe of Treatise', ' tlap
• <lOwm Aer.carseat years. lett ter M.*M•wM.
pleorsswer.• armee sbea o ie ai•1., 1 •by
Jast'e sb JwlaMlnbethw tali .t be cal
UM caw the sasses *Web be Mswvae.
Mit. sad Ma Jas. cease were at Salt brat
week em tow
'Uritbe atsfriaga' d s
lana. !dn n Igoe
alike sasewn IOM cam. crag
Nine Cases to Be Heard Next Week Be-
-fere Mr. justice Riddell.
Nine Cosies u P on the docket to he
beard before Honor ahle Ms. Justice
Riddell at the fell sittinns of the High
Court for Huron county wbich open
in the court house blest Tuesday
Five defended easel'''. re to he'tried h
jury, three are undefended issues with
jury and one case is a defended ins se
without jury. The following is a som-
tsory of the niers :
Halstead vs. Goderich Organ Co.
An action entered by Realms Halstead,
of Onderich, who slimier that in eon -
sequence. of the Avfet/dente, negligence
in not providing • proper guard for a
jointer which the plaintiff wee operat-
ing be wet vertu/mewl, injured and
lost the greater part of the four Rog
en end tOutnh of his rytbt band. A
claim a entered for WOOD damage.
L R. Taney for plaintiff: Prondfunt,
Heys et Killoran tax defendant,
Geo. 1). Roses te Les vs. Robt. McKay
sod Angus McIS,,nald.-An action en-
tered by the pl.ainttfs, .sf Unsaved.
agaM•( two ,abet /nee at ()nderi. b t0
!rover on a note for the sum of MI. -
27 with interest at eve cool
et • "Sew ammo sews as tM annum. Claim O•rrow or plaintit
ware retort. Bt J5.M 1. R fancy for defendants
SNOW and the Ve. jail" Boyle et al v.. Niche:damo The
galas Moats Osebteae MA ea, I'e01Sr We 1 Ito. in (Artbi• ease ore W eel. y . od
0ssoia! 1. *Weft*s Wit esBbyl., farni•we sed hors.mM..if
Baer maaaane hr s vim la s.si.i t =IB1zss township. and the dd.odeinte
eared" s be • shat alai* eros I ys nraen rat and dealers in bores,
wv.esbep era her met Mn
.M. bee Mea ,let b Oed.l.teh and
=titt.0aa.ds i... are*
SbasMwt e apM how daMs tor
debar ea 1.r =emit". whim cam
• law *Says ah.. N..lp.."
iMt:t.:. 'wwi.:lid VNi
On Meioses et Colombo.= . name of Rmlth k Richard
0M The plain tads pureba.ed •
law.. 'Ruch rrte Laird. from the de
fondants for $2,21) They allege this
bre osis misrepresent** when they
sentation-Minister of Finance a
Newcomer in Politics-Crothers
the Only Man from Western On-
Premix and President of the Coun-
cil -R. L Borden, Nova Scotia.
Minister of Agri;ulture-Martin
Burrell, British Columbia.
Minister of Customs --Dr. J. D. Reid,
Minister of Finance -W. T. White,
Minister of Inland Revenue -W. B.
Nantel, Quebec.
Minister of the Interior -Robert
Rogers, Manitoba.
Minister of Justice -C. J. Doherty,
3Isnister of Labor -T. W. Crothers,
Minister of Marine and Fisheries -
J. D. Hazeo, New Brunswick.
Minister of Militia -Col. Sam
Hughes, Ontario.
Minister of Public Works -F. D.
Mont, Quebec.
Minister of Railways and Canals
Francis C'ocbrane, Ontario.
Postmaster General -L P. Pelletier,
Secretary of State -W. J. Roche.
M enitoho.
Minister of Trade and Commerce -
G. E. Foster, Ontario.
Minister, without portfolio -A. E.
Kemp, Ootario; George Perley,
Quebec ; J. A. Lotee, heed, Al-
Mr. Borden bas se- lected the Minis -
tete who will help him td' administer
the aff airs of Canada, and the list is
as above. Tbe new Ministers were
sworn iD on Tuo.day and are now in
Some of the notable features of the
new Administration are the promin-
ence of the Nationalist element in the
persoes of Messrs. Monk: Nantel and
Pelletier, and the choice of W. 1'.
W bite, of Toronto, as Minister of
Finance. Mr. White was known as •
Liberal until be signed the anti -reci-
procity manifest. of the "eigbteea
ni .4eitt winter. He has
never 15401041.216x1
iament, and many
of the old-time Tories resent bis pre-
ferment over mon who have fought
the battle, of the party for many
Such strong Conservative papers as
The Montreal Star and The Tor-
onto Telegram criticize the make-
up of the Cabinet very severely, while
Liberal papers remark pointedly upon
Mr. Borden s sur render to the Naeion-
&liet s
The transfer of Hon. F. Cochrane
from Toronto to Ottawa makes a va-
cancy in the Ontario Cabinet, which
will be filled by the appointment of
W. H. Hearst, K. C., member for
Sault Ste. Marie, as Minister of Linde
Forests and Mines. Mr. Hearst ie a
n-itive of Bruce county.
MONDAY. OCt 9th.
The song Burg by s party from
Lothian and Hemlock City as they
journeyed on t heir n rtherly course on
Tuesday evening of last week was
"We won't be home till morning."
How true 1
Btu Dns CouPL 'reD.-The bridge
over the Eighteen Mile River at Prit-
chard's Mill. which has been con-
demned since early spring, has been re-
paired and was le -opened on Tuesday.
We are all pleased to see ire comple-
tion, it being an inconvenience to
those living to tbe south as regards
their getting to the mill as well as to
the whole community generally. We
feel confident, however. in saying that
now tbat it is done it is yell done. A
substantial structure i• the result of
the workmanship of Dan Oampbell as
spite driver (having driven some
thirty-six spies) and Robert Drenosn
as finisher.
the old station. where it will prove an
*eject of interest wit Mot in the least
detracting front the surroundings as it
Wag claimed It would dc it it were
moved else% here.
"Mr. Geo Merman, who hos, fur
some month.; past i ern tree t suet g- tic
in endeavoring to have the first budd-
ing in Guelph preserved for future res-
idents. to we, has made an agreement
with Supt. ()borne. of the C. P. R.,
whereby the huildiog, now owned by
Mr. Sleeman, may be placed on the
new site, and that the parks commis_
sion ie to have full control of this Site
"Tbe parks board at their meeting
last evening authorized Chairman
bleentan to sign the agreement` with
Supt. Oborne, wbereby the commis-
sion will take over the building when
it is erect -d, and will ivaintain it and
keep the surroundings in order. The
building will be removed and a found-
ation erected by Mr. Sherman, Rites'
which he will torn it over to the parks
The suggestinn is also made that a
monument to John Galt he erected in
the city, a proposition which is thus
endorsed by The London Free Press
"Mayor Thorp. of Guelph. is propos-
ing that the Roval City should erect a
monument to John Cleft, its founder
The Guelph city council has recently
made provision for the preservation of
tbe old Priory, which was built by
Galt in the early part of last century.
and wbich until recently was used by
the C. P. R. fora station. But John
Galt deserves more then this, and the
proposal of Mayor Thorp. if taken up
by hie fellow-citieens, will do them
"John Galt was the aeeretary- of the
Canada Lend Company, wbich, early
last century, undertook the settlement
of a large tract of what is n- w West-
ern Ontario. in addition to his ad-
ministrative duties. Galt wet a volu-
minous writer, and be has left an ac-
count of the naming of the future city
of Guelph. He and Dr. Dunlop, in
April. 1811. walked through the rain
to the site chosen for Guelph, Irving
their way en route. They cut down a
large m iple tree, and the doctor pro-
ducing a flask of whiskey, they drank
prosperity to the city of Guelph.
" 'The name was chosen.' says Galt.
in compliment to the royal family,
both because I thought it auspicious in
itself, and h.cau-.e I could net recol-
lect that it had ever been used before
in all the King's derninions.'
"Galt was .iso the founder of Glade -
rich, and it is generally believed that
the plana for the two town*, draws: at
the offices of toe Canada Lend Com-
pany in England, were tnixed on the
way nut, and that Guelph's present
layout. plainly intended for a lake
port, should Lave gone to the shore
of Lake Huron, shite the well-
known wheel design of Goderieh was
intended for tbe inland town in-
Provincial Elections.
Sir James Whitney has ennoun,ed
that the Ontario Legislature will
sbo.tly be diesolved and a new elec-
tion will be held during the early part
of December. The exact date has not
been set.
What One Tory Paper Says,
Coder the heading "The First Great
Betrayal" The Toronto) Telegram (Con-
servative) says:
if Hon. R. L. Borden and the Bor-
den Government bave any real friends
in Ontario these friends will set W
work and defeat Hon. Frank Coch-
rane and Hon. W. T. White in any
constituency to which they nosy ap-
peal in this Proviace.
"The question for Ontario Conserva-
onservtives to decide is whether they will
ste angle the advisers who have sub-
ordinated the R. L Borden Premier-
ship to clericalism and corporationism
on the occasion of the first betrayal of
the people.
"Or will the true friends of the Bor-
den Premiership hesitate to strangle
the worst enemies of that Premiership
and give these enemies time to
strangle the whole Conservative party
ant deprive Canada of the fntits of as
n oble a victory as a free people ever
"Thr defect of Hon. Frank Cochrane
and Hon. W. T. White in Ontario eon-
stituene4ee would bring Hon. R. L
Borden fame to fame with the quality
of the folly which he has accepted at
wisdom, and teach Mr. Borden that
the voice of Ontario does not nee...
e erily speak in the aconite of Sir
Wi111am Mackenzie, J. W. Flavell.
t Uo."
Now ie the time t.' get your fall or
winter hat. Ow &.*w-tment ie ,hang.
,sig every day. We are receiVIM( two Ow
end three shipments a week. so you
should cone octan if you wont to see
Wby Should Goderich Not Make as
Effort to Land This ?
It was stated • few day. ago at
Montreal by Guy Toombe, general pas-
senger agent of the Coined:an North-
ern Steamsbip and Railway Company.
that by the spring of 1913 the Canadia •i
Northern would he operating its own
line of passenger. freight and ote
steamers from Duluth or Port Arthur
to w port on the Georgian Bay not yet
decided upon.
Mr. Toombs said that such a depar-
ture on the part of the Canadian
Northern WSW absolutely necewry,
since other stearuebip coinpanies
had their feeders from the grain
ports on tbe Great Lakes to
Montreal, where the grain so trans-
ported wise transferred to ocean-going •
steamer, for loaning to British and
other ports.
S'nre the present season of naviga-
tion oprneJ the Canadian Nortbern
has taken its grain from the vessels of
transportation concerns in wbich it is
interested. The arrangement is Went. -
eel with that operated by the Allan
Lin. boats and the Grand Trunk
Railway, the Canadian Pacific At-
lantic steamship service and Rich-
elieu end Ontario with the Furness -
Withy boats. an arrangement wbich
was consummated when the Ricbeked
and Ontario consolidated with the In-
land and Northetn Navigation com-
ps nice.
If Godericn is to be within a few
years the terminus of a C. N. R hraneh.
as is generally expected. this port
should be r ight in line f ,r toe liminess
of the C. N. R Maata Our husiae.a
people should I ..e no opportunity of
prewenents the advantages of Goderich
as •transshipping point to tbe Cana-
dian Northern people and it possible
haat ening the construction of the rail
w ay line from Niagara to Ooderiob f• r
which the ('. N. R. has already a
charter end having this port selected
for the company's lake shipping huge
Gait Hoose at Guelph Seine Early
blistery R.ecabee.
them as they some in direct from Tb. old 1.og hon.. built by John Galt
New York and Chiewe°. fu the early days of Onetpb. and IM-
O% Saturdayare going t.. rival. tarty used by e P. K. as • psnase-
ot11 (went) ws thee t' lee lathe* and mise.. ger station. ." to be peeserv.rf as a
trimmed hat. at the low Price et $1.4R. retie of the pioneer days. The build -
lenient' .1oa.ir belts at DS fns is called the Priory, awl the ques-
tion of how to dispose cf iL since tter
C P R nae erected • modern eI atiun
burntline, bee hewn mnrh dieruseed in
fittelpi during the lw..t year nr snor..
The (ittel Mercury gays :
"its. Pri.xy question has at hast
been mettlyd, and the raid relic will he
preserved on a site not far dietan,
from when it Wan first erected. and
which was Mr Geo Re.men s Ant
s ieg..t.on 11 will her re -erected too
OaMsaols's. the 1lttle Priory Park to the front of
Lodi►' hand bag.. gond stzm at only
Ladle.' director etyle pars. l.. black.
11 Rt.
Rev.nty-g.. meg'. !quite anive.t in
stook this week. elan fort -Ave writs
for hey.. Prime. frown RT i.' op. Th.w.
sr. •11 the newest *vies
Men's regp "nous clic. •lad. S:1.RS
Io 48.50
Seaforth Gel Found in Detroit.
fetroit, Oct. a. -After the police doe
pert i nents of Iwnrd(m arid Detroit
vent three days searchingfor Mie.
Hertha Rohh, a young girliving in
eerie melte w•6o myeteremely dieap.
trued frim Ann Arbor. Mich.. last
Monday morning, oho was found at
the home of a girl friend in this city,
Mies Robb bee been a retiree at the
Homeotastbir Hospital in Ann Arbor
and early Monday morning else lett
for her home in Seaforth. When she
faile.f to reach there nn Tuesday. het-
eri father notified the polite in London
and then name to Detroit and dots
Oyes of this e.ty .•arted to search for
They learned that .h. left Ann Arhrn
shad traced her 1.. Detroit., where .11
traye of her was lrr' till last night.
when die was l..ratwd at the home • l
Mies Olen Lartek. a gurf friend.