HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-28, Page 7TRE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONTARIO kromblitat40+.44++.9i94e+ciesig919+91464.494eilista + +4,stestactit 1 The News of the District � +45444454)414445* PORTER't1 Ht TutsDAY. Sept- Mb. �u.T1ts.-Mr• and M..at O.Putol- sr, of New York, visitedr's last week Yr, ••d Mrs. ho PottrRutledge • id children returned o their horse in Toronto oo Saturday aa, having west a week with the ter"s persists Mrs. George m' ughter. and Mrs. Sam asst W. Pott ori and Ohvof . Mc- Phis- . Messrs. Legge' pkatl"s Out week -. have returned isles, Mies having spec sed `to Pt tl-burigh, t two ,reeks at John Torreught1 *yrtli re - tweed and de of paving ,tenet rnemo West. ,;Ret two mOnt=-_ BAYFIELO. TU ,AY. Sept. 26th. Jas. Cameron, of 'Taranto. was in teen last week for the election. Children's Dale were Mid in Se Andrew's ckevek on Sabbath but. Ilse F. M. 8taahery left lad week for T,srooto to rewire her duties there ss pischool Campbell, who has Mies Margaretski t the pest few wee Province. velling re the eastern part of lbs burned home Saturday low. Nibs Middleton, of Godericb town• ▪ pleased the audience In tat. An- drew's church last Sabbath evening ver' much by her reod•ring of the beautiful solo. "Ord Shall Wipe Away TbTrus. Liverpool and Chicago Wheat Futures Clete. Lower -live Steck- Lat est Quotations CHICAGO, Sept• fL.--Depression came largel BLYTH. as a reflection o1 weakness In Wan - 464134546** 464545+4541464545454644464545 )`Or the wheat mtfket to- .17 y LOCHALSH. MONDAY, Kept. 25th. Mrs. Daniels, of Ingersoll, is at pres- ent the guest of Mrs. John N. McKen- zie. Wm. Metheeoo, of Winnipeg, is vis- iting at the boute of his mother, Mrs. W. *atheism. Mrs. R. W. Matheson and dein ;iter, of Toronto, spent & few days hast week at Mrs. W. Matheson's. Tom Bandy is at present engaged in constructing a Dement bridge in the township of Colborne. Tbe latest sporting news is that tbioga are about even to that fast run between Tommy and Postal Jimmie. Donal] FInlaysoa is to o. congratu- lated that his a ready large frail was increased by another young lad lasti week. Among those who attended the Goderich show lad week were Hugh Ferguson, Miss Lizzie Brown and Sate Brown. Success is attending the drilliag op- erations of R. A. Grant between Gode- ricb and Hayfield. He ill now engaged in drilliog big sixth wen in that rd._ trict. John N. McKenzie, 13th cooeession, arrived home last week, after several week? absents. on "business in the county of Dundas and other eastern oounttes ut Ontario. He intends re- turning thither shortly. EAST WAWANOSH. B&1.o*AV=, Sept. 18th. Corsi today y M adjournment. council mettlxlayaspet' j MEM - bora all present but Mr. Burread chill. ](inters of Vitas was present adopted. Geo. F. C asking the council to furnish him with a eloper outlet on sideline 39 and ill. c, i o e rton . h. lotr h 39 draining of bi. plcpesty. }. 11. Left in the hands of the Reeve sad 1'osncillor Burchill to take ha a ever ,tops are deemed neosesary forse;tlelnent of this atter. Noinappeals being received against on the Blyth creek drain bylaw. said bylAw was then read and w6 Dally pissed after being amended, y the payments to Ss made will be col- lected along with the ordinary taxes this year. Court of revision on the toll drain was then opened. the fel- lowing appeals" being received : C. Rouse. R. Marshall. J. Caldwell and G. Caldwell. F. Tolls .ppesl by resol- ution of the council was aalL.on admitted. Mood by Mr. Scott. seconded by Mr. Stonehouse. that the report on said drain I.c retorted back to the engineer for amendment the -court of revision to he adjourned to meet again on Mon- day. October L. at 2 o clock p. m. Carried. On motion of Councillors Campbell and Scott the Reeve and treasurer were authorized to borrow a further .um of money to meet tbe or- dinary expenditures. The following accounts were parsed : A. Porterfield, telephone message. 2io cta. • The Muni- cipal World, supplies. 58.98: Wm. J. Geddes. repairing culvert on eastern boundary, 311.511; J. L. Coultes. draw- ing plank and repeating bridge, lot 38. conce•..ion t. $3: T. H. Taylor. drRw- ing the and potting in culvert. op- pose, lot :i14. concessions 6 and 7, $7 : A. Eider, ball rent, voters' lists courts, $2: W. Wightman. attend- ance at voters' lists courts. $3.50: street. The close was 1 -kc to 1 -Ate sad Tuiso♦Y, Sept. Goth. 1-!c and 1-4c under Saturday sight. The latest trading left Dorn 1-2k and I.:. down: oats oft 1-4c to 1-2c. •d Cuuacu Norma -Sunday befsg Children's Day at the Presbyterian chunk it was beautifully decorated with /ewers and maple leaves, which had a *wry pretty effect. At tbemoset- tng service the Sunday school scholars odd tbe centre seats and the tslW out well .. Trinity churl hslti Its "Harvest Home" service on ea=da� evening last, the vhurcb being pa ' Thera was • grand display at odor in the church. with the Aura demos tions. Rev. Mr. Jeakine. of __stere occupied the pulpit, and kit • good laopme here on this his first bMr Rev. Geo. E. Ross, of of i =iiis to give • lecture in the pq��n church Thursday even - on the mission tfeld• a(�etisgrara where he :mission for a length of time. There is to be • lunch in connection. A collection will be taken up mod it is hoped this will be liberal Next Sunday morning sacrament will be dispensed in St-" An- drew's church and on Friday after- noon Rev. Mr. Bract, Of Clinton, will preach the peetsar•tury service Mr. F'ingl•od, of Auburn, who has been in the home mission field this summer, addressed the Christian En- aeavor Society on Sunday evening. Ex -Capt. T. F. Henderson. the well- known military man, who, according do a distinguished writer now ree.idiog in Goderich. was present at least at the beginning of the battle of Bayfield in the Fenian raid, is now engaged in making repairs to his residence in Hemlock City. The death. of Km John R. McDon- ald. 4th concession, Huron, took place oo Monday, September 18, after an ill - new of two years. The funeral took place on the following Wednesday and was very largely attended- Among the friends left to mourn her demise is her sinter. Mrs. John N. McKenzie, 13th concession of kshfleld. to whom the ,empathy of this locality is ex- tended. Herb. Ensign and Elliott Sandy were down at the mouth of tbe Eighteen Mile River last Friday. in order Io have some sport. They cast a hook and line into the river and soon hauled out a hideous monster of Ash -like form[ with horny projections on the bead and around its wide mouth. The hair stood up on the heads of those brave lads and their eyes bulged out with bo•-ror. 1t was no doubt an innocent catfish. but the boys are firmly re- solved o-solved never to swim again in that part cf the -river. DEATH AFTER A SCRATCH. Tug Stet-rms.-Election day went off very quietly here. There was a good vote polled, however ; in fact. Dearly every available vote was cast. There was a considerable amount of swearing done. hut it stopped no per- son from voting. A number of voters arrived from outside points, as fol- lows: Roble Tunney, Robt. Somers, Geo. White, from Underwood, C. Willows, from Tilbury, A. Wilford, of Wingbam. Blyth just about reversed its vote of three years ago, ae then it went eight Liberal and this time it went seven Conservative. After sup- per the Conservatives met in Industry Hall. while the Liberals met in tbe club rooms, for the purpose of getting the returns. 1t is needless to say that the former were very jubilant, as they bad every reason to be, while at the Liberal meeting everything was very quiet. and the Grits were much dis- heartened by the reports, and it was not long before they knew that. the Government had been defeated. About eleven o'clock the Conserva- tives got in line and had a broom par - Ade. ending with a bonfire. at which they turned Sir Wilftid Laurier in effigy. This, to say the least. was a most contemptible affair. aa no tnan can ever lay the least scandal against hint, but possibly they are angry that he has kept than away from the treas- ury benches so long. They may feel more like burning his effigy at the next election, as we understand he is going to lead.tbe Opposition, and if he does he may yet lead them to victory. On Saturday afternoon two auto loads from here went to Clinton to the big Conservative celebration there and re- port a very successful time. It is no wonder the Tories feel jubilant, as this is the first time Huron county has had three Conservative members and at the same time the Government being Tory. Morris Quatzam, an eleven year-old Windsor boy, fell off his bicycle and scratched his wrist. He thought noth- ing of the injury. but bio d poison set io and he is dead. Such incidents as these -by no means infrequent --ought to make peo- ple realize the danger that may lie even in the stnallest flesh wound. Take a .inple illustration. When a knife. a rusty needle. a splinter of dirty wood. a barbed wire fence. or a thorn, scratches the hand, the fatter is inoculated with germs.. of which the air about us is full. The way to avoid serious results is to cleanse the wound and apply Zam- Canada Ingot iron Co.. culvert at Int Buk. %ameBuk is a powerful. yet 32 concession 2. $3&70 ; Joeepb Stone- painless germ -killer, and when applied house. part payment inspecting eon- to the broken skin is absorbed into the creta work on river bridges. i120 : A. tiswe. instantly destroying the genn• Hill l Co., part payment on 10th line bridge. * : for gravel -Jas. Mc('al- tua /sits, H. McKay $5.110, W. G. Salter $2.61, Jas. Martin 811,90. J. .1, Ken 12.70. W. Wightnlan $1.110. W. J. Perks $5.50. Wm. Walden *1, The council then adjourned meet &train on Monday, October 16th next. at 10 o'cloek R. m. ALBS. P' RTEarIELD. Clerk. TUESDAY, Sept. 201.b. TBC: Lary Mas. McCAt.Lc11.-A worthy citizen of this township has been called to her reward in the per - win of Mrs. James McCallum. wbo Eer.l away Thursday. September 14.she bad been in poor health for some time. several slight attacks of Paralysis weakening the physical frame, :tad the fatal stroke coming just a -bort time previous to her de- mise. The deceased's maiden name was S o ah McLean and she was born ih the township of Erin. Wellington county, no December 20th. 1856. In November, 1880, she was united in mai riage to the late James McCallum. who passed *wee about three years ago. Soon after their marriage they morel to East Wawanosb. where they enjoyed the confidence and esteem of the entire community. Mra. IMcDalluo is survived by a family of four sons, Duncan, James. John and Finlay.and two daughters. Mrs. Harvey atson and Miss Agnes Mc- Callum. THE DOCTOR'S QUESTION. peovideas at 7 1-2e W b 1-2c down. The Liverpool wheat iaarket clog d iW to %d lower thee Saturday: corn 1W low- er Parts wheat closed ttacbannged 10 {op moue Bertin 5l,o timber, Antwerp else lever, and Budapest tees higher. Winnipeg Options. Close. Open. !sigh. Low. Mee. Y* Oct. M felt V ',l ass Dec. � 1/710. that spread disease and stopping the pain and smarting. That is why Zam-Buk is no popular with children. The flesh thus soothed and purified. the wound is made perfectly healthy. and all poison and reuse of festering rewoved. Having done this. -Bak then . proceeds to heal the wound or sore. and new.healtby tissue is built up in a quick, painless and perfect manner. Zam-Buk must not be oonfueed with .'rdinary ointments. Za,n-Buk is a unique preparation. possessing antiseptic, soothing and healing qual- ities that are not to be found together in any other preparation. it is not only a unique healing balm. but it is also a skin food. For all skin diseases and iojuries-cuts. bruises, burns. ec- zema. chafing, uicet,e, ringworm, etc., it is without equal. ft is also used widely for piles. for which it may oe regarded as as specific. All drug- gists and stores sell at 50 cents a box, or post tree from Zam-Buk Co.Tor- onto, for price. Refuse harmful imita- tions. Mack Sickness Dos le Bowel amor'ders. A dortor's fine vitiation when con- sulted on- su ew jg by a patient is, "are your bor' regular He knows that nine'• eight per cent. of illness is at- tracted with inactive bowels and tor• pod live[, and that this condition moat be .m health toved an be restored. and thoroughly bed Regan Orderlies area positive. pteas- aat and soda remedy for eosetipatba .rid bowel disorders ie general. VI '• are so certain of their great curative vv1e that we premise to return the Purchaser's a.esey ha ewe wbss they failproduce satire saris ac - tine Recall Ogles are Moes Rio thy, they act quietly, and have • soothlng,es �+ 2(7 st�r..gtM.geyg, Mew eaaflilifiestieal . rbei de 001 ROM 47a. wanton weak pumas ee*.grgyesp.eg.b Mei itis lie. .red �, PEROONAL AND GENERAL.--('. Spaf- ford is still having a hard time with sickness, being confined to bis bed, but the last few days he has been somewhat better Mrs. t}. E. Mc- Taggart visited with her mother in Clinton this week Mr. Uttley, of tbe electric light plant, went to Waterloo last week to cant his vote He also took his family with him J. Carter was in Atwood oast week, being a judge of light hones Neat Tuesday and \Wednesdsy the great Blyth fair will take place and the prospects are it will be better than ever. as the program includes a base- ball tournament. horse races, foot- racee. and the Lucknow band is to fur- nish the music. Don't forget the date, October 4th, which is the big day. Dr. Hardy. of Toronto, was vis- iting his college chum, Dr. tient g•rt, herr, this week for a couple of ddaays. F Metcalf was judge of fruit at Lucknow last week Judge Holt, of Goderich, presided at the Division Court held here Monday morning. The only case tried was that of Holla- han vs. Whiteman. the decision being given to the defendant. Neither par- ty bad a lawyer, therefore the case was derided quickly ' Mrs. A. Bal- lantyne and children. Mona and Dor- othy, and Mrs. H. Willits and daugh- ter, of Prince Albert, spent a few days this week with their cousin, Miss M. Forsyth Mrs. Carrier and ehil- dreg, of KL Thordas. spent a few days Isere this week the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Burling. They intend leaving noon for Prince Albert, Sask., where her husband has • good position in a large drygoods store The millin- ery openings trot place on Saturday evening. Tbe weather was beautiful and in consequence there was a large crowd out. both places being fell alt the time. Some beautiful shapes are being shown and the ladies should have no trouble in choosing their headgear and by the number of hats sold they are picking their bate earl Miss McIntosh, milliner for O M. sChambers, has been on the sick list since the openings. - 40 WS n°°te rix rnh sex ributk Toronto Grain Market Wheat, tall. bushel 50 w to m 1i Wheat, goose, bushel 0 d .... Aye. bushel 01► Oats. bushel • N • M Barley. bushel 0 01 0 n.1 �e.whbusheat, DushN ..•••l OW OM Toronto Dairy Market Butter, Separator. dairy. Ib. 0 iii OM Butter, creamery, 1b. rolls. 0 fi 0 II Butter, creamery. Bolide .• 0Id •••• Honeycombe. dosen 150 Eggs. new -laid 0 n 010 Cheese. new, Ib a 13 0 M Montreal Grain and Produce. MONTREAL, Sept 21. -Business at Manitoba spring wheat and oats for port account continues very Quiet, to tact that prices bid are away out has with values here. The foreign de - mead for spring wheat flour wasLair. and sales of 10,000 sacks were made. Ther•• V also • fair enquiry for winter withal grades. The local and country trade la air. Bran and shorts ta big demand ed scarce Cheese fairly active and firm. Exports for the week. 'LAO boxes.agalnst. "',2d7 a year ago. Denial tor butter fair. Exports a for week• illllne51 a ea• •gains' PI a year ago. Eggs active. Trade m previsions good. hogs weak.' er and 5c per 100 Ib.. lower. Dressed hogs -Abattoir, 52.75 to 510 Pei 100 lbs. Beef -Plate, halt-barrels100 lbs.. $7.511;; barrels, 200 lbs., $14.20; tierces, $n.6e. Port -heavy Canada abort cut ' mese. barrels, >s to 46 pieces, 5A•r0; half -bar- rels, 513; Canada short cut and bac* Poch. I6 to 66 pieces. barrels, 520; Canada clear pork. barrels. 20 to 26 Pieces, *2.60; bean pork. small places, but fat, barrels, $10.80. Oats -Canadian. western, No. '247iic. car lots, ex -store; extra No, 1 feed, 47c; No: 3 C.W., Mtge; Ne. 2 local white, 46c, No. 3 local white, 4610c, No. 4 local white, 46c. Flour -Manitoba spring wheat patents. firsts, MN; seconds, $4.110; winter wheat patents, 54.75 to 56; strong bakers'. 54.70; .tralgbt rollers, 04.26 to 54.50; 10 bags. 5.50 to 32. Rolled oats -Per barrel, $5.25. corn -American, No. 3 yellow-, 74e to 74IE)g Eggs -Selected, :4c to 2re; No. 1 stook, 20c to 22e. cheese --Western. 1646o to W,4c; eastern. Wise to 155X. iter --Choicest, see to 25c; seconds. W,cto23%c. 'Does your wife worry about burg- lars i" "Not much," answered Mr. Ideekton. '-1 wonder what she'd say if she found one in the house 7' ' I don't know. But I've an idea that she'd ask him bow he dared lime in the house without wiping his shoes on the mat." NO APPETITii This Remedy win Restore It. If you Wave no appetite for meals, can't work, can't rest and are annoyed with too frequent urination a ebaurreniing. scalding pain in making pas - if •t night roe retire hoping for sleep that either 4 • does not come, or is troubled and fitful, you have looser trouble ed seed Booth's Kidney P111e. the gess- aeteed reedy for all kidney a a d bladder treakls. A tew dens. CtMI Seethe KYry Pitts will woke p dig gossith Maws awl nos - date do 0e- -1 will a weelmaisel .d to s tbe is Ile way. Sold everywhere �• 't. orI p.etpid from Tbe R T. Mege& Weird sold In IJMt Pitt. by % L ; � as at f411111:114.811164.811.- • CATTLE MARKETS. Ttreaso•s. &irr Mso11R * 11111 7 MADE WELL AND STRONG Union Stock Yards. TORONTO, Sept. 25. -Receipts of Lye stock at the 17nian Stock Yards were 118 cars, compl;;aing 2488 cattle 210 hogs, 480 sheep and lambs anci 46 calves. By Lydia E. Pinkhaa's Vegetable Tot gladly .radon ld testimonial in favor of oto des, Last October 1 wrote to rinfpr advise as I was completely rias bad bearing down sensation is the lower pert of bowels, backache, and pain in Case side. I also suf- fered terrt� frees gas. After receiving your direetiom, 1 followed them closer end am now entirely free from pain in back and bowels, and ant stronger in every way I alts took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before my baby was bore, and I recommend it to all prereggaa t women. -Mite WAMDIY, 92I,ogaa Ave. t Toronto, OnL AlaNier Woman Cured Maple Creek. Sank. -I have used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound and Blood Purifier. and I ass new it1 perfect health. I was trembled with pains every month. I know ether wgore i who suffer as I did and I will Crmmend your medicine to i�eoa You may publish this if yes think it will help others. -kiss, F. E COOK. Maple Creek, Sask. If you belong to that o. _Close army of women wbo suffer from sores form of female ills, don't hesitate tD try Lyda E. Pinkham Vegetable Cone poem), mads from roots and herbs. Exporters- E*LW to xport extra ateers alitSeloadld [brought 54.56.' and Ex- portebtra Wr Y port bulls sold at from 16.25 to $5.50. Butchers, Prime picked lots and loads of butcher* sold at 55.20 to 16.16. good at 56.65 to 50.16; medium at $5.20 to 0.66; common, 54.50 to 50.2;, cows, $3 to 16.26; to 1.•'.50; bulls, $3.50 to 14.60. - Mll,Fters and Springers. About a dozen milkers and springers sold at $n. to 156 each. Veal Calves. The market was steady for veal calves. at 54 to *8.60 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs. The market for sheep and lambs was fairly strong, at following prices : Sheep, ewes, $7.50 to $4: rams, 15.60 to 53: lambs. 56.;5 to 11.00, or an average of 16.60. Hogs. W. J. Johnston, for Gun., report■ .e- lects, fed and watered, at 27.10, and 16.70 f.o.b. cars at country Points. Montreal Live Stock. MONTREAL, Sept. 25 -At the Montreal Stock Yards west end market the re- cetpts of live stock for the week ending Sept. 23 were 1560 cattle, M00 sheep ants lambs, 2800 Dogs and 100 calves, while the offerings on the market this morning for sale amounted to 1100 cattle, 1400 sheep and Iambs, 1400 hogs and 160 calves. Altho the supply of cattle was fairly targe. and the weather was unfavorable. a stronger feeling prevailed in the mar- ket, and prices since Wednesday show an advance of 15c to 25c per 100 pounds. A feature of the trade was the demand frau exporters, and sales of Manitoba domestic cows. weighing life to 1350 lbs., were made at tic to 65ic per Ib. The in- crease In offerings is attributed to the suppnes coming forward from Manitoba. there being fully 400 heed on the market from that source. At the advance to prices butchers were not disposed to ope- rate freely, and 1n consqueoce the de - mend thruout was rather stow. /tales of full bads of Maaltoba domestic steers were made at elle per Ib., and choice In • yobbing way alt 6c too KO! 654c t0 6xc; fairly good fair at 45(10 to etc, and common at 4c to 5'to per Ib. Chola Manitoba cows brought 6c to 65tc. and the lower grades from that down to 4e per Ib. ♦ few very choles heavy bulls sold at 6e t as and p r- 'ers paid trio to $c per ' n truly feeling continues to prevail ,a the market for hogs, and prices to -day scored a furt)1er decline of lac to 250 per 105 lbs., which 1s due principally to tor, liberal supplies coming forward - At tale re..,uctio n Ar'e•ar'e stated teat they Wel mossy In .00e cases, and especially se on stock wtteh had tong runs, as the shrinkage was heavy. The demand [ran pps.. k•rs was fairly sad salsa of uts• lerool lots were eat to tor.* per 550 18... wished off rata. Osest to Isng deveollloped K imam, an •a5•r Carling developed `tM terNsal, and prions rated xa tower aim • weer aorto, sad eves at too reesmM0 the M mead erre net 10567 toss, doll somesee et 8 elle in It r1ty warm. Y • M c t• ce110e. was geed et pewee at tress M Ctrs sack, ss to rue quality East & ale Caatatale M.rket. Fpts. IS b'F♦�)• T_. 'Wok, Prase octets No) head; es,emss. .env, or noddy. Odom a e. slow �low- .", ,5 grog**, O t• W S esters. M et M. caters-heae50ta• 4 seed, worest s- tove. tee fewer: nett to cb lel 5111 iso Ola Moo sod I.nm4-Rees4We. Ode head. market al tf s.telve sad messy, reeks lete6S, Kr t• MM to fair,, s to K0 M: np ' d 8.54 mance* g,'"",tp,'..1.. Illig 2.5 kasvy, ors t. w M ANOTHER CONVERT To tbe G�Be1'rl That Dodd's Kid- ney PI Care say Form of Kase, Disease. glenBask.. Sept. 26th iSpe- Vieker, a well-known /tW t of this place,elis mother ot Dodd', con- vert to the growing Skimpy Pt will care any form of kidney disease. Here's tbe reason be gives : • I .rained for three yearn from Imwhich developed from a cold. «ye �slgt that led me to kw.k o7lrro wan the erase d wettualMi My Mart woad sobs. Always tired .rnervosa. 1 bard • Misr Clad. ID 'the ab.rnisg. toss dM d gad always thirsty. Mtaidel me but did sot • `rile alk. It woe nee bow of Moly . that fixed ate op.' flee as la the wetter a . d aNlasee pound OWAN.S PERFECTION COCOA Is good for Growing Girls and Boys -and they like 1t. It anis-nix* the hide bodies and snakes them healthy and strong. Cowan's Cocoa, m you get it from your greexr, is absolutely pure. Its delicious (aver . obtained by the use of the behest grade of Cocoa beam. skilfully bladed. Notbiag u added to impair the heskh- bgil.fmg properties of the Cocos. CO Do Yon Use Cowan's Cocoa? Come in and Get Acquainted If you are not already ac- quainted with the merits of STURDY'S GROCERIES try a sample order. You can be certain of securing seasonable goods here at all times. Our 'phone number is 91. Give us a trial. The quality of our goods will ron- vinoe you. Sturdy & Co. Grocers On The Square estaeraesesevesa J. BROPBEY & SON OODERIOH THE LEADING Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orden carefalty aseadad es at as hears. sight es day. 'I LION BRAND i THING CL � for Boys sad Children Parents who cunteusplate the purchase of Clothing for children should bear in mind that we carry a complete stock of goods from which they way suit their boy in up-to-date style. The quality of Lion Brand Clothing is seeoud to none. We make • specialty of boys' and children's Clothing anti c:tn supply Suits in all sheudee •eel sizes. Brownlee and double breasted Suite with bloomer trousers are very popular. Agents for Carbartt Overall, Semi -Ready Tailoring Fitwell Hats M°LEAN BROS. ON THE SQUARE Cold in the Head can be relieved very quickly by using INTOLOZONE, the dry air method. Relieves immediately and is a sure cure. Price 25c, at F. J. Butland's Drug Store GODERII'H ere -Kodak Supplies and Camerae sleetys in stuck =11 011==== 0 = II STOVES 0 11 The Happy Thought Range still leads the market. • As we repeatedly state the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE of two years ago is not the HAPPY THOUGHT RANGE of today. Every year sees improve- ments. The WM. BUCK STov»Co. do not change the name of their Range every time they make any change. To the housewife and the cook, the word "Happy Thought" means satisfaction and the best that money can buy. Call at our store and examine the Happy Thought Range and be satisfied that what we state is correct; and to back it up we are willing that you take a Range on a TWO WEEKS' TRIAL, and if, at the end of the two weeks, you are not perfectly satisfied you are under no obli- gation to keep the Range. The old saying: The proof of the padding is the eating of it • The Radiant Home Heater is like the Happy Thought Range. it is in a class by itself. It has no equal. it is a wonder as a heater and a fuel saver. Plumbing. Heating, Eavetstroughing, etc., we give special and prompt:attention, and all work fully guaranteed. National Portland Cement always carried in stock. Special Offer in Fencing UNTIL THE 15th OF OCTOBER, INCLUSIVE We have just received another car of Pittsburg Perfect Electric Coiled Fence; and tor a 7 -wire, all No. 9 Fence, 47 inches high, we will sell it to you for 26',!C per rod, while it lasts. CHAS. C. LEE M 'Phones House n -Store 112 %C:=== seat :