HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-28, Page 6• TeinneDAT. therlilleSsk 28, 1911
new of the f1itrict.
Y: ilhani Fdwatds. a fernier resident lab she was united in marriage to her
lived in
o.' Wi4tgham, died at Mri•riekvilk oa now �ttnsrn��•for�sevste years
Sundt 'Ober 3rd. Ile was in his see- ffilanadierd •rd theo moved into Ustevee. eev-
en6y fourth year. sateen lean afro they retired to Ex-
Tetshoe Se fort of the R. Willis eter, where they had since made their
}:class, of Seatortb, has been pw- ��,.
maned by J. E. Wilks end s will in car The death took place at Shipke on
sled on henceforth underohie none. SMurday, September pith. of Freder-
The marriage was solemnised ion ick Heintxmao, a pioneer of Stephen
,o,upo, oq,Septembet 11th, of (: n Wwnship, Tbedeoeasad wee "'eel). -
and (iriffit� o�ftJweo Sound, son of Mr. one year lase native ct
so was a
and Yrs. C. N. Griffin, of N'iogham, (;erma►ny. lie had bee n a rv+etdent of
to Miss- cea .• au, o the neighborh to which t
mar -
Sowed. since the year 1Kiff.
Institute who is making good A pretty wedding took place at the
14. Riddell. B. A., of Lucknow. He borne of Mr.and Mrs.John
left last week on his join ney to Eng- y. y'September
land, wbete he will commence has when their eldest deagbter,Mins Kruia,
•tvdioe• as Rbodes +.cbolar in Si. John's was married to John Gaucho, one of
College at Oxford.
1' M. McLean. who has been con-
nected tor several yeses with the church. 1'hi, young couple wall re -
!Minton Hosiery company, has accept. side in''/.ori e
ed the position of manager of the
Thompson Hosiery Company, of Lou- The death of Mn,. Thomas Amy re-
dox He already bite commenced his moved one of the most respected real -
nett duties. dents of Stephen. She had been ail -
A former bight) esteemed resident ing for several months lot' had been
of Ethel. in the person of John M. up and around until two weeks before
lieviee. bas passed to his reward. His her death. She wee born in England
`fa in 1843 and since the time of her mar -
i P f Owen nod hi 1 hedied
A graduate of Chilton CoUevciste
the suooeeefui business men ot uric .
The ceremony was conducted by Rev.
O. K Brown. pastor of the Evangelical
dtalb took place a .._ ..--
sou, Charles. at Obesley, on Saturday. riage when she was tweaty-two year. penses. A revolver and a box of car-
$ep'. ether 10th. He was in his rev- of age she had been a resident orf uidges were found on the Indian wbeo
enty sixth vet r. Stephen. Her husband and a family searched
R'e.lnesday of last week Dr. J. W. of bin survive.
Coy ne. of Ridgetowo, and Miss Mary The news of the death of Mrs. Jos.
L. Oliver. formerly of Brussek, and Eidt at thinwo od was received with
clunes cf lira. 3. Leckie, of that keen regret and surprise. She had
town, were united in marriage, in the been confined to her bed for only a
Methodist church at St. Marys. Rev. week, but the ravages of the disease
F. E. Mslott. B. A., officiated. from which she buffered performed
Ie the fact that Mr. McKtiy a little son
is very 19 with the rause dia•aar.
Restocking the Maitised.
Tuesday of last week sees re 1
thousand black bars fry were shipped
from the (ioverotuent hatchery at
Brantford to Brussels and deposited in
the Maitland River there above the
dam. With good luck this addition
should add much in time to the pleas-
ure of the angler.
Fatal Accident
While returning from Hensall to his
home on the 1st cuucession of 'Tucker -
smith oe Tuesday. lath inst. David
W. Cowper rearmed injuries from
which be died four days later. He
w•as 011 a load of loge and falling be
alighted on his bead, sustaining a
fracture of the skull. He was taata
to Clinton hospital for treatment. but
he did not regain cotesaiou$ner, pars-
ing away, as above stated. on Septem-
ber lett•.
Didn't Get Away with the Outfit.
Santee days ago do Williams hired a
horse at W. Byrne's Uvery. Seaforth.
and after they had left the barn the
proprietor became suspicious and be-
gan rnakiug enquiries concerning the
two men. Learning that they had
gone to Sebriogville be notified lbs
constable there, with the result that
one- of the men was captured. while
the other made good his escape. Mr.
13 yrne recoverea his outfit and also
ni Ade the red man meet all the ex -
Dr. Melvin Graham, of kill. Alta.,
wbo was visiting his father. Wm.
Graham. of Clinton, left last Satur-
day for Montreal, from which point
he rails for the Old Land. He will
tike s ail months' course in the hoepi-
tals of London and Edinburgh. On
returning to Canada he purposes prac-
tiainp, in Ontario.
James Snell, a resident of the 1st
coucossion of Stephen for thirty years,
is dead at the age of seventy-nine
years He bad been living in
teeter for the last two
teats. He is survived by bis widow
end a family of six docs and three
'les Kerr, eldest son of Rev. t; .
} n, of Tillsonburg. formerly of
l he, been appointed chairman's
t in Northern Ontario, in con-
t. ith the work of the Metho-
d ch in that territory. His
it .eters will 1* at Cohalt and be
w to travel from North Bay to Cab -
sane in blithering the interests of the
Af period of Ion suffering from
their deadly work and the passed
sway Thursday, September 14th. She
was sixty-three years of age and is
survived by her busband and a family
of three sons and five daughters.
The horse and rig stolen from i r.
Aikenbead, of Heoaall, has been re-
covered by its owner. it was found
by J. Dewar, near Nairn poatotftce.
wandering eloog the road. eating
gratis. Everything in the buggy was
in a state of disorder. 1t is thought
that Indians are responsible for the
John Charlton. of Exeter, met wither
serious accident a few days ago. which
will lay him up tor some time. He
had loaded some machinery on a dray
and was turning around when the
dray overbalanced. Mr. Charlton was
thrown to the ground and the machin-
ery tell on his leg, breaking a couple
of cords near the knee. His leg also
was bruised considerably.
The many friends of Robert McKay,
Reeve of Tuckersmith, will regret to
learn of the death of his daughter,
Ice a g Dorothy Agnea• which occurred on pied concern and advised him to j such a strange name?" "Why. to ,
paralysis Mre. Thos. Hazelwood Monday morning of bust' week, after consult the veterinaries about it. The !responded the wo,uari. "if you must
{{ors ed rosy at her home in Exeter on Zee a Thhe decea iligds i ram a ynright actions of the d .gh tlooked M. v eryamuch husband ti.ar idansebow ohs should aye
Manuf turtd rby MacLeodaMed cine
T.i d f I t k She was d her decided herbe Iters Shad because Shady (CC Goderich, Ont. -.
This was dom. but decomposition had I Changes to the Seed Control Mt.
mint. Important changer were made
in the Seed Control Act respecting the
sale of clover and timutby seed. Un-
der the old Act the inspector some-
times found it difficult to prove viola-
tions though misrepresentations were
A dealer Wight offer
red lover seed. couteioiug as many
au 811 noxious weed seeds per ounce
and an unlimited number of other
weed reeds inch as foetal!, represent
it as his best grade and charge nearly
as much as his competitor asked for
No. 1. He would not mark it No. 1
but he might state verbally that it was
No. 1 or just as good. Mbhas often
been done. with the result that farm-
ers as web as retail mereban's who
really wanted to buy pure seed have
got badly contaminated seed and paid
high prices for it Under the new Act
partner. Four years later tbey moved such misrepre.entAtioni will be iwpoe-
into Hullett, where they had since re- dble acid both farmers and retail mer -
sided. The deceased is survived by 'chants will be able to buy their seed
so tar advawolyd that it wall impossible During the recent seaioo of Perlis -
whether or not rabies had ex •
toted. All agreed, though, that ft was
not prudent W take any. w
Mr. Stevens went to the city ay
last and is now undergoing a course of
Pasteur treatment at the Western
A Pioneer headset of Mete.
Inthe death of Mn. Thos. Fear,
whlbb took place on Seturdey, Sep-
tember 16th. R pioneer resident of
Bullets has passed to her long home.
Mrs. Feats maiden name was Obarity
Blake rad she was born in Devon-
shire, Regiaad. eighty-eight years ago.
With her parents and the other mem-
bers of the family she cern. to Canada
in 1849 and one year later took up her
residence in Clinton. In 1868 she was
united io marriage to her now bereft
bee hwsbead, who has reached the age
of Ripely years, and one son, Wm.
Fear, who resides upon the home-
Miswonary to Formosa.
Seatorth Expositor : George Mac-
kay, son of the late Dr. G. L. Mackay,
the well known missionary of the Ca-
nadianpchurchin For -
more intelligently. Four grades are
fixed by the Act for red clover, alaike,
alfalfa and timothy seed. and all seed
sold for seeding purposes by seedsineo
must be plainly labelled with the
grade. An seed not grading No. 3.
which is a higher standard tban the
old prohibitive line of five noxious
ieebytrran weed seeds per thousand of good seed. II
mesa, w,e0 in seakrrth this week at is prohibited from wale. The following
om from
the home of his aunt, Mrs. Mackay. of are the standard. for freed
(ioderich street. Aber graduating I weed seeds :—
1� I };ad Clover. Alfrlfa. A1+.ike
from Toronto L nivrrrity r. Mac\ay Timothy.
COCA his theological (-ours. at Knox I g
College, soda post -graduate course at e, c w 1115 c
Princeton University, also pursuing k o S
his studies at Edinburgh, and thus is
A Tockersmitb Wedding. ■ `
A pretty wedding in Tuckers m ith missionary. Mr. M$' key was recently w
was solemnized on Wednraday of last puri led to Miss Margaret Ross, Z° d
week wbeo Miss Alberts Murray was daughter of the lata J Rose. a Extra
w ell equipped for his life work as a o a
united in marriage 10 Elliot Y'alter, Bruoxfieid, who will accompwy her No. 1, - 30 - 30
of the error township. The ceremony husband on an extended tour in No. 1, 5 100 10 100
was pettucmed by Rev. Neil Shaw, of Europe. after which, by wR}' of No. 2 20 20(1 40 200
lfgmondville, at the home of the • Siberia, they intend going to Formosa., No, Ik0I 160 400
bride'a parents Mr. and Mrs. John ; where Ice Mackay will take p the
I a�ltt to the standards for
MurraSpringfield , Farm. Miss • u
work co long carried on by his father. a ion
Lion's Bead, brother of the bride,
teen ac from weed seeds, dardards
bridesmaid, and Nial 'Murray, as for purity in other respects and gen-
Mary Walter, sister of the groom. was
hest man. Little Violet Tyndall was
r ing-hearer. The young couple are
away on a bridal trip to Buffalo. Niag-
ara Falls and Toronto and on their re-
turn they will reside in Tuckeremith.
A Rabies Sure.
Clinton News -Record : A fortnight
sga James Stevens' farm dog
acted in such a auspicious manner
that as a precautionary measure it was
decided to despatch it acid be took it
to ,the woods to administer poison.
Before the dope had time to act. how-
ever, the animal jumped at Mr. Stevens
and bit him on the Ice and as the
stick with which he tried to defend
himself had broken he grabbed the
brute and held it until it died. Noth-
ing more was thought of the matter
for some days or uutil Mr. Stevens
mentioned it to the doctor, wbo ex-
'Painstak ing.
A new assistant in a private library
had been told to look over the books
in a certain bookcase and report as to
their condition. In .this report the
head librarian read the following :-
"Kenilworth by Sir Walter Scott—
page forty-seven. a small hole in the
centre of the leaf: page forty-eight,
anothethote in the centre of the leaf."
eras apppearance are Heed for extra
No 1 No. 1 and Do bl the
No. ". u e
number of noxious weed seeds are al-
lowed in alsike on account of the
greeter difficulty in cleaning this seed.
Farmers and seed dealers should have
their seed tested and graded before
offering it for sale. Samples 'rill be
carried free through the snail,' and
tested without charge if addressed to
De tment
Sure to look
for the Signature
The success of Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes
las brought many imitations. But you can always
itll the genuine by the fac-simile signature
"W. K. Kellogg." which appears on the front of
die box. This signature is your guide in getting a
scientifically prepared
breakfast food.
the Seed Commissioner, par
Sands So Pretty. of Agriculture, Ottawa.
Some years ago, when a. cleigyutan All Sorts of Weakness and Debility.
was baptising a baby, and, as usual, People who are run down or weak
inquired its same, the mother, with a cannot get strong until the vital or.
profound curtsey, replied—"Shady, gans and the nervous system are re -
sir, if you please." "Shady " re- stored to proper activity. Our Mac-
peated the clergyman. "Then it's a Leod's System .enovator is a nerve.
bov, and you mean Sha4racb, eh r food and stimulant_ It builds up the
"No. please, your reverence, it's a nervous system and also promotes
girl." "And pray," asked the clergy- digestion and the formation of
than. '•wny do you call the child by healthy blood. It helps almost from
.r " the first and all grain is permanent, be-
cause the system is actually built up.
on ib o ae wee Dung girl of thirteen year.. ' What like rabies and it was eco to cut to ca y,
t oris third year. The deceased year y h litet For pleb E. R. Wgle, druggist. I
tarn near 1'orYoto and in the male t e case still more rngrettalo off the bead and send it to Toronto. Bower sounds so pretty . " y
"The Quick or the Dead"
created the biggest sensation ever caused by a novel
appearing in magazine form. To this day there is an
increditable demand for the story. Its author,
AmElie RivEs, now the Princess Troubetskoy, has
written a new novel which bids fair to overtop the
reputation of its famous predecessor. It is called
"Hidden House" and appears in the October Lippincott's.
Three good number--Oetober(tnotaining the
new AmElie Rifles' story) and the November
and December issues with each yearly sub-
scription to burn with the January. 1912
number. Send $e .so to -day and get fifteen
numbers for the price of twelve.
Lippincott's Magazine Philadelphia
as... After January tat the yearly subscription price to
L/ppiaoott'a Magazine win be advanced to !Woe a Year.
trine of freedom from the most enslaving
habit that ever demanded salvation.
Story of the
Catlin Treatment
A ...._.., Sanitarium Successfully Treating ALCOHOLISMI ALCOHOL is AN UNNATURAL,
Private Sanitarium Successfully Treating I ALC®H ®L IS UNNATURAL,
_ ,..'Y. t �.' - _ ._ •.i .....tom _.:7r"'S. .. "�,. r
n -
)Dr TI•rfteg.A IMO •esoanoed, Mr tall In* tents tinct dtletlisn-
sus 111111111 lir • disease; that • hamale•e, simple meshed ed Mat -
mans bet been ebeofsred taut would ears the man sealer/ Wpm
ken fess of dnmk...s Ia TIMMY DAYS; that the hests eeda-
•ea► eweertni • period of tam 121 to ds stela, with venni
bppedemede eaj.stioss, wen • thing of the past a. tar •a neenly for nth d`
Iii edi Art ese rkru. dash* an physical d.msrl for and Meltea fo. be drink bi-
e.dmliy Imam waw bet I PMIKII8 of shred -rep Mhehrnae paten r the
opetaa rat nib the imeno•ai of twat peboe, tin th111111 4 ear
Siarsd tinkles W drunkenness w• dss away 114114 ash fad Otamrg
ml/ denim at are dinige•ss . insets( the drinker is eha same neon/ and
Mann essdltlw as S. they he sus Mew se regard& liquor, sad with ss mere
Inmilnetne to drink 11 theta DIM day be flesnahly took tits hart &Ink. Tb sal-
5.'—em/ hoar Ann that the (lards treatment was the way One is the
world wain .'roll a ss••'p1Y tide- -Mat all methods of iroolIag dr emi oemsse
Whir Ora the 4krlea wase hand co • mins ll1AQNOe1I e( d' •beech_. "
This rentanorm.wt ..et will ok.prire.m; bet daily. MtaseMer red stamps
die fen the Gatlin treatment were end.. L.pl en.tre to were offered that
my dsskesd r any stage of the frisk iarldt meld tate the Oaths treatment,
sed If Sham was • failure se cure -failure te feast • ewe room the sst4staesrry
es the dr4rber tdressW and to his family east 1f b. was diss.ttatad (a a•y imam
am with either the erre, the treatment, the Gates l'asitets, or with say pima
en angehhg .tee.eted wltl the Gatlin Institute, an that sus seminary sup •
dlspte eep.assLse d Me•td.isethn aa/ the ha fes paid wawa be Ahrded wham
he mai ne vhg lbs bestitaits. and treatsM .hold soot nothing.
That erne p.ngmnhs is .Ii11 mala, and bee bees esratssity sad ssr-
arrounly node aer TM TaA1•a
The NANA treatment QIRIIR end It rune la TI'IREI DAY& -three le arse
the .l,. sighema •'osdibilfty of Milan
Th. MAIM Inetttwtse begin to ,prow-i.tlmeta locket tii them by e.ses--
Men the earn effected ran into tap iurdre•1s then into till thanesds Thews
owns warm d 45. 1.ASTIN4. KIND ohne made uhf Urania ts..ts.ret desacs
!b Gains irstttstes colds `t possibly •oe•wtmrrta/e •4 three rAo /•fired the
rrslrnen5 maker Is.tfbiiens hernme ...cell• -y.. 1 .thee ase guides tawaar-
ail 0e sents.rt
(1affia kasatsww are w is speeds .l nil fie haul ••e- Wiwi est.
1r11im o lbe.4 Nis Trains esu . Mingo. ill ; M awmnth at (.. ISrreyeas
1111110114 iltL 7sdamen IL. • aster tom, M. 1414 anent at P•rbsrlmrs. w.
11ae 1111,310 el. De isebe& laws, V1 W.. O st . Trusser, W est - s ad Wme.
Iia apses. thellia rade, sail Ian/ea, Nog taw tidos spend, with N. MCI -
- j (MAIM SOW WOK IAD DOlI O Win I! as
The Gatlin Institute, 428 Jarvis Street, Oorner iNIaitland.
Telephone North- 4688
A OATIJM 11e5T1TUT! w•• needed camas- • treatises( that "'sold curs •Irk end rerfeetlr without the
Naairr.e•bl• fe•terce •f hypodermal* Isjeelle•r. arses d MIM1I1'l. t;LANT$. •ed • lo•. •(
frss IS to 41 ears of Mao- • topsoil ' with merit mooch to CAAVIass the pubis• 651 i10ITT Pelt
Clare of Its p.tlenta dei •.,t R6 AAl.rtIl —E•d b e•mo • subtle asq.r ttr.
A eserparr essspesed of r.prss•.t•51r• eftsstMs. tarok -Ian' mid brines nes •f Ontario- men of
-sena •f sad St al tla• 4aldam and e! "'starlets* lehreata here-- was feriae. •n1 the •seIaesrtve right to see the
• •elur*d The eget •f this right was sot at •11 smsn. her eras the opering
5115 Institute at Me t Howard street /•m at email colt. Inn* of •a• year team
Malls ttosaMa 1 Is
meetly fnrrfrlyy oeanae. and It Whlif
il aria*,
1 le seer • larder D d 5T
o tea )eine •lr.e• slime ani 1 axil •R'•e'ds 4e• be.t-patppel In..
gep.ega�Ili tt•stt•.nt M alcoholism w. X the Grath treatment left' d•--
wf eabat • -tie •f lrssams•0• on earth tat It fee to ewr —w. XW/w whet tM
' ,�._ �• totem w01 be wbo w• have sueeeeded In e.ttwt.elaf pee that ehsee Is now • RT.AI.
••sf .•te herotls• Mar.. whleh res .sa caw* In to f 1i quarters of our
elm p 4e.e .1 omr esu cot• �s.
M•IMM jea tM rag4trl • s of tat titan M f1a1r•N to ba ju.t
M haws bear t♦ a nra�(1ww p t��eeotQ�sea(R�/�raa �y t meat t e wvr•w t ns
treat lag summit , thiamin/In thiamin/In ed aoRan la th• 4110 Teat', ere ag patarM mre mita who
pre.ttleiel t pret�ss�.n saes r• few paltry
/e11aae twee �ke.w t.et gathher� _ pyQftiyh agues
ue?-10 11►. setlama tea t .Were fallsees; ere w4Y s we m hr+i tawns t a arasi latr'ee cal. um masa 9itsta rat bR
brain -wreaking, will -breaking drink, and all
powers of resistance fall under Its attack.
Liquor Drinking
Men of Business
USINSSS MIN—which prelude• lawyers, deserve? maessus el ess-
poration• sad higher e•l•rtd tea, aerebma//. bnebAt hemben--
who drink liquor TAIL sooner or Mbar. 11ai sem el ram till
charge hie failure to HARD LUCK. But that ees ge is take. i
lose of executive ability, WZA&.V4ED HZliTILIA1'Y. 11/141/14
judgment, grebe segiect- to WHISKEY DOING THE 111121K1110 --ase died
EFIIIIICTS of eharging the system with the evwslattve panes of ibtiri, eel
the CAUSE of their buainen. troubles.
The Gatlin treatment will, in TBR1LE DAYS, renew eve tames n
akobolk poison from your system, without any tnroarenisses westewr be Pte'
•elf; is TIIRSE DAYS it will take you right back to tete essdlWn pre woes b
taw tbst day you ever took a drink of Ugsor, 0415 no mare fraying (ht en &odea
to drink It than you had on that day. What Nom drinker, who baa • wilt. •f
his normal brain left, b there is thle world who would .at s+sssty salsas rdea
days What on., wink tete experience be tag bad is liquor Arlskl14, wadi tido
that FIRST DRINK N 5. meld but go bask to that FIRST DAY?
(brae to the Gatlin Institute—tab the Gatlin treatasat, er renal far r'
battle Bone treatment It will mune • sew man of yes; will ohmic te poli T•r
old-tks.• normal Reit-year old-time personality that was errryleg rat abs
the read to SUCCUMB rapidly *nil yos ran up again& drraes at wd• ',boa"
HARD UXZ from your bureaus by drlvfag the •eaaauLted pollen fon Yew
system rad thereby do sway with the (-AIt(tf, of year appetite and ensrg in'
Tel, or year employ& or your treed, will be samp'M far taggimr all v"
G•5I. Institute ander a plainly -worded, la'lly asemted snorer gait • ON"
shall be effected hi THRKK DAYS - a rum that will be .04104 y estistha sur le
youtwif rad to your fruity--Jh•t every Maks weds for the theilks teminil et
on what it will aeeesrplbl In ?MI DRAT, Miall be velaut to pow sum s
•t t►• oaf of the thirst day the fell hie yam peg tar sraatmant Y be daedii0
sad treatment shall cert NOTHING Lay ezpearbot a/ OmMldderrn v" a
dtiw the eon to your mss wish rs trthemeni with the Ndrs feslMess rA
WOW ite wsssa(ewt, when y .e leavimg w Isrsdtmia. ill sins that the no
gni shall at Mme to meanie/ aanuul4r the memey yon pow Os tiddn is
WWI. ter • MU Me aril imed womblp mill yw ase-stlreid lima Tin
ere aired and that the dean 1..d5.. has mrw lib fm
I5RItwM Iserl d as w Jarvis stoat. ems dam/. this CatOtfh r°
tri ark Ire 111d13ed dam* Aar iladilide esu dims Il rdd end OW at
with. the b.*" pw.Mwism, saris M en.ejr mu sr ualiw. tl ww. S