HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1911-9-28, Page 5LOCAL TOPICS.
women's MOWS MSL•Tb. megeber et the (iodaricb
omnia the ms's Lsllkote will
he bold at Mee hese 1 Mrs. Swenson.
t�he oto iy�omptl sty 5th,
o clock.
The member's alai trials are
cordially invited to attest.
Coos. Jubilate et ellintow,
The 0o=tereshod er �-
(1nD at 8Mm!'�
three womMr -sleet filch- f elltie- W
mummy of tee werpe � �
parts of the totality. Joke
of Clinton. acted se mean ere tiof cora
monies, and apeshos and
Messed Kerner. David
the victors n r. _
ion, of ('Baton.•nl
Rev. Jos. of
um .
Geo.S��' of set
ebefrom were pre
and had a glorious
Another New Industry.
The Spanish River Lumber Co. is
the latest industry to esaamerime busi-
new in Goderioh tt4Md a lum-
ber card on the ninth de et the har-
bor last week, the wilataitse Katandin
bringing in a Mpie 1 110111000 feet of
white pine. lhia 7 operates
milia at Span1104 `• and cute
in the neighborhood of Eft million
feet of lumber per year. They have
,commenced to enlarge their territory
iu wbicb to do business and will open
Another yard at Sarnia. The man-
ager of these branches is Mr. H. Turn-
ertiebull, whose headquaters will beat Ber-
. The company purpose le trade flrt
there busioeeas to the wholesale
in car Iota. The amount of lumber con -
erased by the industries of Goderich
assures a steady increase in their busi-
Where Can Fertilizer de Got ?
The court house park is to receive
• is fall. This
announcement wasmaof fertiliser de f T
toThe Sig-
nal a few days ago by Councillor Kelly.
chairmen of thecommittee of
the town council. Sparks n far. however.
tbe effort• of the committee to pro-
cure the right article have not feet
with succeed. Any person wbo can
.uppe- tbe necessary information
N ould be doing the committee • favor
by notifying ['hid of Police Poetle-
thwaite or Sergeant Moore. The con-
crete curbing whieh has been erected
to encircle the gena plots around the
court house building will, it is hoped.
tend to improve the appearance of the
park when all the pleas for its im-
pr„ ement are worked out.
Tax Rats struck.
Tee tax rate for 1911 for the town of
Goderich bas been axed at 264 mills
This was the decision of the town
council at a special meeting bold on
Tuesday evening. called for this parr
Othis rate is one and a -half mule
ber than the rate which has been
levied for several years past.
fifty Yaw Wedded.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kamp, of
• parrots of H. E. Kemp, of
�aoei orated recently the
neiversityof their weddleg
Mr. and Mrs. Kemp were . cured in
the Anglican cburcb, Ttceburst, Kent,
Sagfand. on September let, 1861.
Terssty-three years ego last May they
par to Canada and until about six
�aaq ago, when the moved to Lon-
io•, obey were highly respected citi-
1MM d Clinton. Their tamrly consisted
of seven sons. six of whom are living
and who were premed at the golden
wadding aanivers. y They are:
Henry, of Goderich ; William. of Strat-
ford:Thomas, Alpert and George, of
London, and Samuel. of Clinton.
land Herbert Smith arid Albert. Alex. satisfactory. Thus terminated a very
and Harry Knesbew. eo$oyable evening.
The regular meet iinogg of !avenues smoky std pee se tbe eaurchea.
Carne, Bons of BooNaod, will bs held llsy" was fittingly oh
is Friday evening. A lull attstldanae served in Kos,' z cheh last Sund
is requested. served
the morning service Rev. (leo. E.
Ross delivered • discourse on 'Senning
ARatast the Mild." in which the par-
rots end guardians of the young were
treated to rose plain talk oontainiug
good. solid advice. In the afternoon
the Sunday school assembled in the
main auditorium. wbere a bright de-
votional service was held. J. P.
Hume. principal of the Collegiate In-
stitute. gave a *hors but interesting
eddems on the su t. •Come unto
Me--Cbrist's most ning Word."
A special gaily Day program was
carried out in North street Methodist
Sunday scbuol, commemorating the
100tbaninversary of the deeth of RObert
Raikes, the founder at Sunday schools.
Rev. A. Brown gave a short address
"Wby Robert Seiko* started "the
Sunday school" and ♦. M. Robertson
gave a synopsis td Ignites lite and
work. The sermon at the evening
service was an eulogy of the work of
the Sunday scbooL
At Victoria strut Methodist church
the Sunday school met in the body of
the church and heard an intensely in-
teresting address by Rev. Geo. Mc-
Kinley,B. D., of Lucknow, on "Praps
and Tir Lessons." To add to the in-
terest of the address the speaker had
different styles of traps as exhibits to
impress more vividly upon the young
peopie4present the numerous dangers to
be guarded against be their dailylife.
The children of tat. George's curch
Sunday school were treated to a
Splendid address by Rev. Mr. Ford.
The address was delivered in the
ch.trrch auditorium.
J. E. Bumbler has purchased lbs
Wilson residence, North street. and
inteods to occupy it about the 1st of
November, removing his family Mee
from Camlacbi•. Mr. Rambler has
secured a very fine property.
A demonstration of the um of
Moffatt ranges M being made at
Hunt's hardware store on HamUtoe
street Miss McIntosh 6 in charge
and will be hear for the remainder of
this weak. These stoves are made by
the Moffatt Stove Co. of Weston and
intending purchasers are advised to
take tbia opportunity of getting
ported in the use of these popular
With reference to the advertisement
in these columns of the auction sale of
household furniture, etc.. to be held
at SL George's rectory, North street.
on the afternoon of October loth, any-
one desirous of seeing the articles for
sale, with a view to purchase, either
privately or by auction, is requested
to rail at the rectory any afternoon
between the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock,
front October and to day of aide.
Pennant Presented.
The peeseutatioo ot the pennant to
the winning baseball team in the
church league series of games played
this summer was made in the Y. M. C.
A. rooms on Wednertay evening.
Over a score et those interested in the
different teams in the league were
preset After the boys had done
justice to very enticing refreshments
of hoe cream, cake and several kinds of
fruit the formal presentation was
made by A. M. Roberteoo to the Pres-
byterian team, champions of the
league. H. P. Strang received the
pennant in the name of the cham-
pions, replying in suitable terms
This was followed by remarks from A.
F. Sturdy, J. Griffin and V. J. Dean.
all of whom spoke in favor of continu-
ing the organization and eventually
forming an athletic aseociatiou. This
idea should meet with general ap-'
pr.ival and it is hoped that the plan
may be so fully developed during the
coming winter that next year acpuatic
sports, in addition to baseball, basket-
ball. football and other athletic events
may be the means of making Goderich
the centre of attraction in Huron
county for manly •porta.
Funeral of William Andrews.
The funeral of the late William An-
drews took place from his late resi-
dence. BayfeM road. to Maitland cer-
eter' . on Mooday of this week. A
large concourse of people gathered at
the home to pay their respects to the
memory of one who bad bald a high
{,lace in the affections of his friends.
Rev. Jae Hamilton conducted appro-
priate servicer at the house and grave-
side. The pallbearer's were Harry
Salkeld. John Salkeld, John Beattie,
Wm. McWhinney, Michael McEvoy
and George Andrews. One son.
Hugh, of Winnipeg was borne for the
funeral. Other relatives from a dis-
tence who were present were Chas
Johnston. of Essex. Sod D. Johnston.
of `.telt Ste. Marie, brothers of Mrs.
Andrewst Mrs. Carter, • sister of the
deeeased. and Mrs. McMath. a niece.
loth of Buffalo : Mob J. C. McMath, a
o,usin. of Clinton.
C. P. R. Notes.
General Superintendent Oborne ar-
rived in town on Monday night on
. an c ficial tour of inspection. He left
in his private car on Tuesday after -
Service will be held as usual in Vic
toric street church next Sunday
Everybodywelcome. Rev. Dr. Medd
will preac.
The regular meeting of the Goderich
Mioistertal Association will be held in
the vestry of Knox church on Monday.
October 2od, et 10 a. in. Rev. Dr.
Medd will address the meeting.
Climbing the Ladder.
By the desire for a higher education
at the seats of learning in Toronto and
other cities, Goderich loses this week.
at least temporarily, sonie of her
brightest young people. Mina Augusta
McCaw° R. A. Walter and Donald
Mclesethlio will enter upon a course
at the Faculty of Education. Toronto ;
Howard Walter will pursue his studies
at the University : J. Archie Tom
will take a course at the School of
Practical Science : Gordon McNevin
will attend the Dental College, and
Mise Ella Goldthorpe will take a
course at t he Normal School
in the Queen City. Miss Jean Tom
resttses her studies at the Uni-
versity, as does •iso Arthur Boyce.
who is taking • combined course in
arts and medicine. Reg. Tye has re-
turned to his studies at Trinity Col-
lege. Among the number who will
attend Normal School at Strattord are
Misses Retta Clark and Marion Fraser
and H. Earl Elliott. Miss Mary Polley
is registered at the London Normal
School. All of the ahove•named
students are graduates of Goderich
Collegiate Institute, Thatgond luck
may follow them is tbe wishh of their
numerous friends. J. F. McNaught,
another G. C. I. graduate, purposes
going to ledger y. Alta., where be will
take the teachers coulee at the Nor-
mal school in that city. His frienda
all join in wishing him success.
A representative d the Dominion
Itailway Commission was hire this
week procuring data in connection
with the request for interewit.ching
facilities, to be used when this matter
comes before the Commission, prob-
,blv in October.
Fourteen certificates have been is-
sued to members of the Ambulance
Corp. which was organised among
the C. P. R. employyees a few months
ago. Letter's received from Superin-
tendent (iidlow, of the Ambulance
Association. speak in words of warm
praise of the standing of the Goderich
contingent. For competitions trophy
has been donated, to be awarded to
the team doing the best work In the
die inion. Each team to compete will
consist of five members and it
is expected that at least a dozen
teams will enter. The date of
the meet has not been an-
nounced as yet. The; Goderich team
tikety will be A. Baldwin. W. Shipman,
J• McCormank, J. W. Steelton and
M. C. Moore. We hope to see the local
boys land the trOp►y.
Rev. Geo. McKinley, of Lucknow,
preached in Victoria street church last
Sunday. He is a splendid preacher,
and his efforts were thoroughly appr
dated by the people who heard him.
Rev. Geo. E. Ross will occupy the
pulpit of Knox chnreh at both services
next Sunday. His theme in the morn-
ing will be "The New Outlook," and
in the evening •'TheTree In the Street."
A call has been extended to Rev. W.
I. McLean, M. A., of Guthrie, Presby-
tery of Sarnia. son of Rev. Dr. Mc-
Lean, of Goderich, bythis congrega-
tions of Hanover anHampdeu. in
the Presbytery of Bruce.
Rev: Janes Livingstone, of Mitchell,
who had been seriously ill at tbe home
of Rev. S. J. Alain, at Windsor, has
recovered and returned borne. Mr.
Livingstone's illness was due to pto-
maine poisoning and eventually ty-
phoid fever.
The Lord's Table will he spread at.
the close of the service in the Baptist
church next Sunday morning. Rally
Day will be observed in the Sunday
Remember that Smithy Art Store. last
street. la headquarters for all kinds of fancy-
work material. art -npoles. etc. Attractive
lines of china. brie -a brat. Octet's. etc. :all
stet see ti -.0 targe stock.
The new suiting• and overooatint' for fall slid
winter are in stook at Pridhamfs and the man
who wants to be well dressed .hook' make a
point of seeing them. Remember that Pride
ham's. north side Severe. is the old -established.
reli,ible, tailoring emporium of the town.
The attendance at the Collegiate baa
reached 185 and a good spirit of work
seems to be possessing' most of the
The students enjoyed the afternoon
of Tuesday last week at the, fair,
where Form I. students were making
notes descriptive of the different
breeds of ducks, geese, pigeons, hens
and rabbits, while Form II. were doing
the same regarding horses, cattle,
Pigs and sheep. This is a part of their
science work.
The Literary Society of the school
has been re -organized with the follow-
ing officers : Hon. president, Dr. H.
1. Strang ; president, Miss Agnes
Hamilton : first vice-president, Mise
May McManus ; retold vice-president.
Roy Medd : secretary, Miss Edna Mc -
Ewan ; treasurer, John H. Lauder ;
editor. D. Nicholson; assistant editor,
James McClinton :.eounciltors, Miss
Janey Stotbeis. Elmer Robertson
William Bisset. Harvey Hallman ;
pianist. Miss Lace Elliott. The
school in the afternoon at 3 o clock. meetings of the year were begun on
All the parents and friends of scholars 1 Friday night as usual with asocial
are cordially invited to be present• evening in the nature of a promenade
The Lord Bishop of the diocese of • concert, so that the members might
Huron has cancelled the appointment I become acquainted with the new stu-
of Rev. C. Mills to the parish of Mid -dents. A very pieaaaut evening was
dleton, Holmesvilte and Summerhill i spent. The assembly room was sp-
end arranged that Rev. Wm. Dunbar propriately decorated with autumn
remain in the parish. His Lordship leaves and flowers. A light lunch was
has also appointed Rev. C. E. Jeakins, I served from the srymnasium. The
of Clinton, to supervise the work ofoors are busy prepaag a program
this parish in future.. Im u.
for the next regular meeting, W be
held the first week in October.
Arrangements are bring completed
for a vote of the membership of the
Presbyterian church on the question
ot church union. The Congregation-
alists have already voted. about
eighty per cent. .having declared in
favorof union out of the whole num-
ber voting, which was about half the
et.tire membership of the denomina-
tion. The Methodists ,have not yet
finally arranged for the taking ot the
vote of their membership. but it is ex-
pected that it will be taken in the
early part of next year.
A service of unusual interest will be
held in Knox church next Wedneedey
evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. A
memorial tablet for the late elev. Jas.
A. Anderson was donated recently by
the Young People's Society 'tin loving
remembrance." A similar tablet also
has been given in memory of Rev. Dr.
Ure. by the women of Knox church.
On Wednesday evening these tablets
will be unveiled and an appropiate ser-
vice will be held. An historical sketch
of the congregation will be read. Dr.
Strang will deliver an appreciation of
Dr. Ure and his work and Mr. Alex.
Saunders will present a tribute to the
memory and service of Mr. Anderson.
All who are interested are cordially
invited to he present.
Mise Jessie Foster has joined the
postoMce staff.
The work of putting in the piping
for the new sewer on Bruce street was
commented on Wednesday.
The West Huron Teacbets' Associa-
tion will meet at Exeter on October
12th eel 13th, and that of East Huron
at Seefortb r n October 19th and :3) h.
Rem ember the annual Thanketiring
dinner in Victoria street Methodist
church on the evening of Thanksgiving
Day. An excellent menu will be pro-
Toe. Baechkr has two foundations
in for houses on Park street and Kerry
Young. of Goderich for a township,
foundation ready
Trafalgar street.
No use hiding it. Since the election
the Conservatives are up in the air,
and the liberals -well, you can guess ;
and the place wbere both can meet
end be happy again is at the Baptist
church on Thursday, October 12th.
Be ready for the day.
G. R. Troyer. of Hensel), the owner
of Miss Alma Mater. the trotting filly
which participated in the bores races
at the Goderich gsbibitioo, retxndy
refused an offer of $2.0110 for her. The
offer was made by a borseman from
Melandaborte Illinois.
Harbor and Marine Notes.
The steamer Parks arrived on Mon -
da with 500 toes of coal for the Gode-
rirh elevator,
The steamer Doric unloaded 148,000
bushels of wheat .tad pats at the Gode-
rich elevator on Wednesday.
The Dosision dovoreses at light-
house tender was in port on Wednes-
day nn lei way up the lakes.
The utmost Ssattii Hero was here
last Friday with • cargo of 120.000
bushels of wheat toe the (3oisriob a4e-
The steamer foots was hose 'rum
AM bailee of
wheat alai oils 1 � Wdarhh elc-
Tire stammer Serail Hero is ex-
pectedy with a ergo oe 1JS,-
000 hs d w►sat set nabr for flog
7�Ths sesame DDesise art fed on
roir Pet
Mks three WI/am ter tookabode"
Meld Police Postlethwaite is off
duty this week on a brief holiday and
is deriving eoneiderahle pleasure from
asi hunting excursions to dif-
Arts d the county. Sergeant
Meas is chief In tris absence.
*We C McMMk is se duty $t
avand, was at
shove vd Ad
oWiHardware 0o.
the ass
f ortibi e
of Dens Miff Rr ass
biles. The bee ie imitated.
the outside credos and slap of tis
pills ars Imitated ad the merle -Dead e
Kidney Pills is imiturbd, loYaticns aro
dsagensea This eriginel is safe. Dodds
Kidney Pilo have a reputation. bolter
tore have ease an flay wadi'[ laitata.
Se they beds eo ria e.pstad.. d Ddd'e
ladssy Ma Da ref ie deceive• 'Hasa
is ally ens DODD'S• Dodd'. le Ila
airiest D.drs is the gams to he Nes.
fel ahem -
Mr. and Mrs. John Challen, East Street,
Celebrate a Happy Anniversary.
Half a century of wedded life is the
experience of a very limited number,
so that this week we take especial
pleasure in chronicling the fiftieth an-
niversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. John Challen. who for the past
two years have been highly esteemed
citizens of (.oderlch. After battling
with the world together for this long
period. at the age- of seventy and
sixty-eight respectively both are hale
and hearty and in the enjoyment of a
fair measure of health and strength.
At the home of the pride, at Boston.
Norfolk county. on September 260,
1861, the nuptial knot was tied which
made Miss Hannab Eliza Renner the
bride of John Challen. The ceremony
wee performed by Rev. 13. W. Rogers,
Baptist minister of the only church in
that place. Since that time Mr. and
Mrs. Challen have resided at several
different points in Western Ontario.
Mr. Cballen'e life has been and is a
very active one. He was horn at
Totebill, Sussex county, England, in
sight of the South 'town hills, on De-
cember 3rd. 1840. In the spring of
1859 bis father came to Canada and
purchased a farm in Norfolk county.
Returning to close up his affairs in the
old land he sent out his son, John,
and daughter, Mary. and two younger
children, to take o•harge of the farm
until the arrival of the other members
of the family. Two years later the
marriage referred to took place.
After farming for nioe years Mr.
Cballen removed to Brantford. where
he engaged in the sale of agricultural
implements and the grain business,
the first market at Waterford being
established by him. When Jas. Ooek-
In the vestry of Knox church may
be seen an interesting map of the con-
gregation, recently designed and ex-
ecuted by the pastor. Rev. Geo. E.
Raw, and showing the exact location
of every Presbyterian family in Gode-
rich. The map is 24x36 inches,
mounted on a plane wood surface and
neatly framed. The streets are dis-
tinctly marked and a brass tack in-
dicates the residence of each family.
As a family moves to mother part or
new Presbyterian families tome to
town, the Lecke are easily changed or
inserted. At a glance the mater and
location of PreebyTtenon homes can be
seen. The numiZer at present is %butt started manrrfactnringplows Mr.
counted at 416 These and the large Chien went with him as his Arlt
of individuals not connected ealesmao When the Cockshutt Plow
with f
with families total about 2,000 Bottle ('o. was organized Mr. Challen was its
under the cued Roo: church. For etwt secretary which position he oocu-
- storal work the congregation is di- pied for nine spare. Nineteen years
1be 11iMs Smlt11 same inleit week
fight eysm Motrin es Tay far the
halts =arW. .till air took in testi woodwork
As Mobs, Tamer/ promoted •
mit tabooed mes. The
'prow Domesa**asr 1
We Ism-
es 1!e �sw
3 Calls it
were received last month for
office beep -37 were left unfilled.
Dens/tads fur trained help are so
great that we can afford to
-guarantee a position to every
graduate or refund tuition
money." If you are anxious to
succeed write for our beautiful
catalogue today. CENTRAL
W. I3. Shaw, Principal
SUFI illi ER
made in the very latest style and
from the beat quality of goods.
You are assured of the hest of
satisfaction at
The up-tb-date Tailor
Low Rate Excursions
From stations in Ontario, Kingston,
Madawaska and West
To stations on T. and N. O. Railway,
Haileybury and North
Tickets will be issued at rate of
Return Limit Oct 10, Mt
"COBALT SPECIAL" leaves Toronto
8.3o p. m. daily carryiag through coaches
cid d into fifteen districts and an elder
is a,stigned tomcat. During the month
of October every hewn will be visited
be- the eider d the district.
An event of unusual interest to the
members of the different young
people w organizations in Godericb was
costbeld in Knox church on
Tuesday evening, when over 209
young people were the guests of abs
Y. P. 9. C. E. of that cburcb. mAlmus-
ical sod literary progra. in
talent from each society took part.
was one of the priories! features of
the evening's eesstto�eii�eii t. No
smell amount of sisoemant was
crested by the istrod.atioa of a draw-
ra-sing motes*, while w.. emitielpsesd Is
by $ eeore or more of ihe gatMeint.
!hsm was as Mows : Peso
4.s51 Misses fttsrdy sod Owevie
=.5. eels, iris. lata fli. f
feWdis. sod as
A Il. wlleborteae to which bet address -
teatd obese relabel& 1. Atied or
the lert . .of = i
handh o ee .leets. Tie welly
ides d the Paolino were
.ad sit dm Mama store bat
week hy w e. of the
lealltry M
The thn.r.l of the Isle
Smith was oewsesook pions Mtl
ei.sh Soy.
wore horse to their IttA
ago be removed to Hamilton to en-
gage in the manuf.,cture ofroad ma-
chinery. When this business was re-
moved to Goderich two years ago, Mr.
and Mrs. Challen left the Ambitious
Cit and since have been resident" of
ch. Mee. M. E. Hopkins. wbo,
will.er two ehildren.resides with her
parents. is the only surviving member
of thole family.
'Itis soehr Seery was quietly but t-
ti MYsmoratd nn Tuesday
• when a number d relatives
alai aaa.mbled as the hone os
Sri Mewl se parties of the pMen
=super. Lamas the einaber
dews wars a.. sod Moe, J.
ti+sSsi tad"Mr. Wolf, [ill
__ , Mr. as/ lira flew.
w •os Yawed. Mea A-
TI. (of St. Meese, sod Mrs.
C. .. id Chlaap Many
tdogr+ms a. and kitten of ewfNMsla-
Unn were received thrsaebse( the
day. true hag ev deeee of the bkiliw
toes+ in whisk the wortay ample ass
hsI4. N...n s.s ,r.s..also waw
Mr. sei filestie Moeda
le salsi.M.
Daily until October 15t1
Spokane, Wash. Nelson, s. C.
Vanewever, B. C. Westminster, B. Cj
Tacoma, Wash. Portland, Ore.
San Prancisco, Cal. Los Angeles. CAL
Sao Diego. Cal. Mexico City, Mex.
pas way second cuss Vers low rate*
Full particulars from F.F. Lawrence,
Town Agent, or address A. E. Duff.
D. P. A.. Toronto.
are busy all the while
getting out oew ideas for
us. To be sure, they
don't work for us alone;
but we. In common with
all the jeweller. of the
better clam, get a where
d their output.. Always
in our Meek you will find
the work of thea•
expert designers. You
will fid it in rings.
brooches, necklet ie
lockets. scarf poor. cuff
Bata ; h feet all through
one stook. This is one
renew why we claim to
be able to we've yets se
well as asy store in ibis
J. S. Davey
Jeweller red Optieien
South (tide of $gear+. lodsrieb.
tuuaosav, tll,,,ttlersssm *, let •
astrenueunn (M3
Capital, Rest and Undivided
Proata $$,062.flOO
Total Arleta over $12,000.000
las us, with your Pass -book,
cod we will return the book,
written up. When you wieb
to withdraw Money, mail us
the Pass -book, eay bow much
you want, mod we will good it to you at once
If you are far from a Booking Town you will Bed this
service of ours a great convenience. Call and see our tfaieTXr
about it.
Goderich Branch
- Manager
No Special "Firing Up"
No Wasteful Piling os of Feel
Zr vow bay* a Tier [tut Nate Use !M e. ����Ay
Iriempraaaer} M-letb et rase tall
geometer steel
Tee genet seeksMr• meteor ee0e4s1•
a _wee balm te tapre• et teler Week wheel
tea .set.a-pJew er..i_* yea rimer
suit A MOVFA T
"tot .1.401101 well Is tbe ab coat Prete isy y as a year
5... lame flee it le tae-M11i perr.M. +eewsewee• wale sett
'VC :TIC :.. t:e mM�a'a��earat Ile•
Ca.1e*Da 1 Tees Mahe•iiwM 1. ♦ }. eel:4
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